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C enter on Aging September 2012 Gerontology Update Meet the new Student Services Coordinator Laci Cornelison, LBSW, MS, ACHA Kansas State University 1 Note from the Director Hello Future Gerontologists! I have never been so excited about the K-State Great Plains IDEA gerontology program. Let me tell you why. We have a ter- rific class with approximately 45 students, many of you non-tradional, all of you exceponal. This week the faculty will review incoming applicants for the program. I’m proud to say that we’ve become compeve, turning away many students because we do not have enough open posions. The faculty is geng beer all the me. As a group we’ve added faculty while those of us who have been around awhile are trying to learn how to make online instruc- on interesng and interacve. Each year new elecves are created making the learning experience richer and more excing. Our graduaon rates look prey good for a distance program (we hope to report exact figures at a later date). But mostly I’m really excited about the improvements I believe we’ll be able to make in the coming year. We’ve made some personnel changes at the office so most of the Great Plains IDEA student acvity will go through Laci Cornelison. We believe that her singular focus on student services will help us improve. The absolute priority for me is to beer connect you with your academic adviser. Typically you don’t get to know them at all unl just prior to graduaon. We want that to change. The problem has been that most of us have not even known who our student advisees are unl we see our name on your program of study form. We’ll fix that. That’s what we plan to do to get beer but this newsleer carries some news about things that YOU can do to improve. Laci has wrien about student memberships to aging associaons. Please consider doing this. The benefits can be great especially in terms of resume building. You’ll also find something about the Conversaon project. I was nofied about this some me ago by a person affiliated with ABC news. I’m passionate about this issue and urge you to look into it further. I’m trying to figure out how to make this a major focus of the center for this year, urging our students, mentors, faculty and affiliates to have these conversaons and report back to us the results. So, I’ll bet you didn’t want to read about more “things” to do but there it is. We challenge you this year to go beyond being a student. Be the gerontologist you want to be! Gayle Advising Notes As a recent graduate of the GP-IDEA Master’s in Gerontology program, I’m excited to be your resource as you work towards your journey to a master’s. Gayle has charged me with being the “go to” person for you to use as a re- source in meeng your personal academic goals. I also hope to find ways to get you more involved with “campus life” at a distance. I would love to hear your suggesons to improve the program and your exerience as a Kansas State University student. Laci Laci has worked at the Center on Aging for five years while pursuing the online Mas- ters of Gerontology. She graduated from this program in August and will now serve as the student coordinator for GP-IDEA gerontology students. Prior to coming to the Center on Aging, Laci worked at Mead- owlark Hills Rerement Community lead- ing special care services for residents with demena. At the center, she has worked with undergraduate student services in- cluding advising the Ambassador program. She leads educaonal trainings on person- centered care for nursing home person- nel and conducts qualitave research on sexuality in residenal care sengs.

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Page 1: STOP-MOTION TUTORIAL - WordPress.comSTOP-MOTION TUTORIAL SETTING UP - Open Stop motion Pro - 1. Go to: File- new production (never mind the image onscreen at the moment this was from

Animation Class 16/01/2015


SETTING UP - Open Stop motion Pro -

1. Go to:

File- new production (never mind the image onscreen at the moment this was from a previous


2. (A pop up will appear with the new production :)

- Name your production, shot and click ok.

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Animation Class 16/01/2015

3. (The next pop up will set the dimensions of your video:)

Type in the dimensions of you want (screen size), 1024 x 768 is a good size (I pad screen resolution),

- And click ok

4. (you now have a new production, next you need to import your images)

Import your images taken, by going:

File – import individual files

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Animation Class 16/01/2015

5. (locate your images)

You then go into where you have your images saved (memory stick) chose your images and

click open.

6. (a new pop-up will appear)

This window will then pop up which shows all the image names that will be imported – click ok

(It will take a while for the images to import)

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Animation Class 16/01/2015

They will all then pop up on your timeline, with the last image taken shown onscreen)

You can click on the recycle arrow that is in a lighter blue tint in the image above to view how the

images play out

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Animation Class 16/01/2015

Changing the Speed w/ Frame rate

7. Changing the speed - Frame rate (will also change in editor – shown later)

If the speed of the motion is not the way you want (probably not) you can:

Click on the fps number ,

- A selection will pop up where you select the frame rate you want

(12 fps is usually the best but 24 fps is a good option when you have plenty of images to work with)


(fps stands for frames per second, it shows how many of your shots will play in 1sec. (eg. 24 for


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The Editor option

The real editing of your project is achieved from this point

8. (getting into the editor)

Click on the editor button

This will show you all the images that are imported and in use in your video like below

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REMEMBER: the shots that are highlighted in red (like the image above) are the only ones that will

be duplicated

To highlight multiple images:

One by one – hold down CTRL key and click on the image

From one image to another (everything in between) – hold down the shift key and click

Deleting – Hiding unwanted shots

To hide unwanted shots go to: (suggest using delete tool instead unless you plan on reusing the shots you


Actions -

With the unwanted shot/shots highlighted: (these are more of a marker than an eraser)

Click the hide button (this will put a yellow line through the image, showing its hidden.

NOTE: If there is more editing to do (like duplicating shots then deleting the unwanted one are better)

To Delete again have the unwanted shot/shots highlighted and click the delete key

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Animation Class 16/01/2015

ADDING / DUPLICATING SHOTS (makes video longer)


You can add or duplicate shots by going into actions, repeat selected frames and use the

count to add the amount of images you want duplicated , (2 counts of 1 image will give 2 copies

= 3 in total)


If you wanted the same shot for 2 seconds – highlight the shot – go to actions – repeat selected frames – and

set the count to 47 (with the 1 original gives you 48 – at 24fps gives 2 seconds.

You then click apply and it will take a little while for the images to duplicate


You then click the blue close button to exit the editor window and see how your movie plays out.

(It might take a few times to alter the shots to play the way you want)

When you’re happy with the video you can export it so it will play on any Computer

(export shown on next page)

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As shown below you export your finnished project by clicking:

File – make movie

12. (settings of the exported video)

Make sure the frame rate, screen size and export format (suggest either AVI or .264 MP4) are right

When you’re happy with the settings click ok

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13. (saving options pop-up)

Make sure to choose the video name and where to save the finished video (memory key)

And click save, it will save your video as an AVI or MP4 (which will play anywhere)