stoking the coals: leveraging the power of nutrition, sleep and stress kristin r. wehner, msm...

Download Stoking the Coals: Leveraging the Power of Nutrition, Sleep and Stress Kristin R. Wehner, MSM Founder, Kinetic Enterprise

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Stoking the Coals: Leveraging the Power of Nutrition, Sleep and Stress Kristin R. Wehner, MSM Founder, Kinetic Enterprise Slide 2 Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. --Lou Holtz Slide 3 Restored Energy Slide 4 + Slide 5 Restored Energy + Rejuvenated Inspiration Slide 6 Restored Energy + Rejuvenated Inspiration = Slide 7 Restored Energy + Rejuvenated Inspiration = Increased Impact Slide 8 The Least Leveraged Asset Health is not a luxury or a fringe benefit It is an essential asset. Slide 9 We would rather be ruined than changed We would rather die in our dread Than climb the cross of the moment And let our illusions die. W.H. Auden Slide 10 What would have to change for you to feel completely ALIVE ? Slide 11 Our Agenda Food: your secret asset You snooze you lose? Stepping into stress Slide 12 Hardwired Survival Cues Slide 13 Slide 14 Dont be foolish enough to dig your own grave with a fork and a spoon. -Anonymous Slide 15 Food is material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes Slide 16 Food-like Substances Slide 17 Avoiding Brain Fog Eat real food ALWAYS eat breakfast Eat often Combine protein with carbohydrate Slide 18 And the woods are lovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. --Robert Frost Slide 19 Sleep Quiz Do You: 1.Fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow? 2.Need an alarm clock to wake in the morning? 3.Feel drowsy when driving? 4.Feel slow or frustrated when faced with thinking, problem solving, and creative tasks? Slide 20 Sleep Debt and Performance Increased weight gain Loss of coping skills Lack of interest in socializing Reduced immunity Reduced productivity Slide 21 REM and Brain Power 1.Memory storage and retention Slide 22 REM and Brain Power 1.Memory storage and retention 2.Memory organization and reorganization Slide 23 REM and Brain Power 1.Memory storage and retention 2.Memory organization and reorganization 3.New learning and retention through replenishment of neurotransmistters Slide 24 Sleep Experiment Step 1: Select a bedtime when you will be able to fall asleep easily. Try to make this bedtime at least 8 hours before you need to wake up. Maintain that bedtime for a week and note the time you wake up. If after a week you need an alarm clock to rise or if you find yourself at all tired during the day, you havent slept enough. Slide 25 Sleep Experiment Step 2: If youre not sleeping enough, keep your waking time constant and go to bed 15 to 30 minutes earlier for a week. Repeat with an even earlier bedtime if, after a week, you are still showing signs of sleep deprivation. Slide 26 Sleep Experiment Step 3: Once youve established a correct bedtime, try cutting back by 15 minutes and track whether that produces feelings of daytime drowsiness. Slide 27 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, an the wisdom to know the difference. --Reinhold Niebuhr Slide 28 The Physiology of Stress Muscles contract Metabolism speeds up Increased rate of breathing Digestive system shuts down Arteries in arms and legs constrict Blood clots more quickly Slide 29 Slide 30 Acute Stress Slide 31 Chronic Stress Slide 32 An INSPIRATION of Stress The 30 Second Experiment Slide 33 Deep Breathing Is the Fastest Way To Decrease heart rate Decrease blood pressure Increase oxygen to brain Decrease production of stress hormones Slide 34 Right Use of Stress The Oscillation Theory Slide 35 The Least Leveraged Asset Health is not a luxury or a fringe benefit It is an essential asset. Slide 36 We are always motivated for something, the goal is to figure out for what Not, Why arent you motivated? But rather, For what are you motivated? Slide 37 Kinetic Enterprise is on a Mission. to build a community of leaders who are increasing their impact and staying-power by leveraging their health as an essential asset. Slide 38 Resources Mass, J., Power Sleep. Harper Collins; New York, 1998. Weil, A., Eating Well for Optimum Health. Knopf; New York, 2000. Loehr, J. and Schwartz, T., The Power of Full Engagement. The Free Press; New York, 2003. Somer, E., Food and Mood. Henry Holt; New York, 1995. Slide 39 Kristin R. Wehner, MSM Kinetic Enterprise [email protected] 303.652.4981 Working with inspired entrepreneurs and business owners to harness health as a currency for increased stamina.