stock assessment form for small pelagics ane22...area of 32599 km2 in aegean sea. in order to...

Stock Assessment Form Small Pelagics Reference Year: 2016 Reporting Year:2017 The results of the a4a stock assessment method for the anchovy stock in the Greek part of GSA 22 are presented.

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  • Stock Assessment Form

    Small Pelagics

    Reference Year: 2016

    Reporting Year:2017

    The results of the a4a stock assessment method for the anchovy stock in the Greek

    part of GSA 22 are presented.

  • 1

    Stock Assessment Form version 1.0 (January 2014)

    Uploader: Giannoulaki Marianna

    Stock assessment form

    Contents 1 Basic Identification Data ........................................................................................................ 3

    2 Stock identification and biological information .................................................................... 4

    2.1 Stock unit ........................................................................................................................ 4

    2.2 Growth and maturity ...................................................................................................... 4

    3 Fisheries information .......................................................................................................... 6

    3.1 Description of the fleet ................................................................................................... 6

    3.2 Historical trends .............................................................................................................. 7

    3.3 Management regulations ............................................................................................... 9

    3.4 Reference points ........................................................................................................... 10

    4 Fisheries independent information ..................................................................................... 11

    4.1 Direct method: Acoustics .............................................................................................. 11

    4.1.1 Brief description of the chosen method and assumptions used ............................ 11

    4.1.2 Spatial distribution of the resources ...................................................................... 13

    4.1.3 Historical trends ...................................................................................................... 13

    5 Ecological information ......................................................................................................... 14

    5.1 Protected species potentially affected by the fisheries ................................................ 14

    6 Stock Assessment................................................................................................................. 15

    6.1 Statistical catch-at-age: a4a .......................................................................................... 15

    6.1.1 Model assumptions ................................................................................................. 15

    6.1.2 Scripts ...................................................................................................................... 15

    6.1.3 Input data and Parameters ..................................................................................... 15

    6.1.4 Tuning data ............................................................................................................. 19

    6.1.5 Results ..................................................................................................................... 20

    6.1.6 Robustness analysis ................................................................................................ 22

    6.1.7 Retrospective analysis, comparison between model runs, sensitivity analysis, etc.

    .......................................................................................................................................... 22

    6.1.8 Assessment quality.................................................................................................. 23

    7 Stock predictions ................................................................................................................. 24

  • 2

    8 Draft scientific advice........................................................................................................... 25

    8.1 Explanation of codes ..................................................................................................... 26

  • 3

    1 Basic Identification Data

    Scientific name: Common name: ISCAAP Group:

    Engraulis encrasicolus European anchovy [Small gregarious pelagic - 35]

    1st Geographical sub-area: 2nd Geographical sub-area: 3rd Geographical sub-area:

    [GSA_22] Aegean Sea

    4th Geographical sub-area: 5th Geographical sub-area: 6th Geographical sub-area:

    1st Country 2nd Country 3rd Country

    [Greece] [Country_2] [Country_3]

    4th Country 5th Country 6th Country

    Stock assessment method: (direct, indirect, combined, none)

    Indirect: a4a


    Giannoulaki Marianna, Athanassios Machias

    Affiliation: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland


    The ISSCAAP code is assigned according to the FAO 'International Standard Statistical Classification

    for Aquatic Animals and Plants' (ISSCAAP) which divides commercial species into 50 groups on the

    basis of their taxonomic, ecological and economic characteristics. This can be provided by the GFCM

    secretariat if needed. A list of groups can be found here:

  • 4

    2 Stock identification and biological information

    The assessment covers the Greek part of GSA22, Aegean Sea. The Greek part of Aegean Sea

    does not correspond to a complete stock unit. Anchovy distribution extends also to the

    Turkish part of GSA 22. However, this analysis is based on data coming from the EU DCF as

    well as information derived from HCMR projects and surveys.

    2.1 Stock unit

    2.2 Growth and maturity

    Incorporate different tables if there are different maturity ogives (e.g. catch and survey). Also incorporate figures with the ogives if appropriate. Modify the table caption to identify the origin of the data (catches, survey). Incorporate names of spawning and nursery areas and maps if available.

    Table 2.2-1: Maximum size, size at first maturity and size at recruitment.

    Somatic magnitude measured

    (LT, LC, etc)


    Sex Fem Mal Combined Reproduction season

    Late spring-summer-

    early autumn







    Late autumn-winter

    Size at first

    maturity Spawning area Shelf and upper


    size to the


    9 cm

    Nursery area Shelf and upper

    *Maximum size observed corresponds to the maximum size ever observed in the MEDIAS acoustic


    *Size at first maturity was calculated based on samplings in July of the last few years.

  • 5

    Table 2-2.2: M vector and proportion of matures by size or age

    Size/Age Natural mortality (Unsexed) Proportion of matures (Females)

    0 1.55 0.5

    1 0.89 0.99

    2 0.72 1

    3 0.66 1

    4 0.5 1

    Table 2-3: Growth and length weight model parameters


    Units female male Combined Years

    Growth model

    L∞ cm 19.1

    K 0.385

    t0 -1.559

    Data source

    Length weight

    relationship a 2E-06 2016

    b 3.2068 2016



    sex ratio

    (% females/total)

  • 6

    3 Fisheries information

    3.1 Description of the fleet

    Description of the purse seine fleet targeting anchovy in the Greek part of GSA 22 is based on

    EU DCF data. Data concerning the Turkish part of GSA 22 were provided by Dr Ercan Erdem

    to the GFCM WKSASP.

    Table 3-1: Description of operational units exploiting the stock



    Fleet Segment

    Fishing Gear

    Class Group of Target Species


    Operational Unit

    1* [Greece] [GSA22] [Fleet

    Segment1] PS [Small gregarious

    pelagic - 35]


    Operational Unit

    1* [Turkey] [GSA22] [Fleet

    Segment1] P-11 [Small gregarious

    pelagic - 35] ANE

    Operational Unit

    2* [Turkey] [GSA22] [Fleet

    Segment2] S-3 [Small gregarious

    pelagic - 35] ANE

    Operational Unit

    3* [Turkey] [GSA22] [Fleet

    Segment1] S-4 [Small gregarious

    pelagic - 35] ANE

  • 7

    Table 3.1-2: Catch, bycatch, discards and effort by operational unit in the reference year

    Operational Units*

    Fleet (n°



    Catch (T or kg

    of the species


    Other species


    (names and

    weight )










    [Operational Unit

    1-Greek part of


    205 12480.18 PIL 0 6664417

    (Days at


    [Operational Unit

    1-Turkish part of


    35 1884.02 PIL

    [Operational Unit

    2-Turkish part of


    24 3768.04 PIL

    [Operational Unit

    3-Turkish part of

    GSA 22]

    45 3768.04 PIL

    Total 309 21900.28

    3.2 Historical trends

    The observed trends in landings and fishing effort concerning anchovy in the Greek part of

    GSA 22 are shown below.

    Reported discards are very low for the purse seine fleet regarding anchovy in GSA 22 and

    reported as zero for 2016 (reference year). Discards data were reported to STECF EWG 17-09

    through the DCF. Age structure of the discards is missing for all the years and gears. Discards

    although very low, they were taken into account for the assessment as a 2% percentage to

    reported landings. The fishery is multispecies and fishermen tend to avoid schools of

    undersized anchovies due to sorting difficulties (blocking of the mess) and low price,

    practically by using nets of bigger mesh size, targeting mostly mackerels or horse mackerels.

  • 8

    Figure 3.1. Anchovy DCF landings by the Greek fleet in GSA 22. Years 2007 and 2009-2012 are

    missing, while data from 2013 and 2015 come only from the fourth quarter.

    Fig 3.2. Anchovy landings as reported by GFCM for the entire part of GSA22.

  • 9

    Figure 3.2. Nominal effort (days at sea) of purse seines in the Greek part of GSA 22 as reported by DCF.

    Figure 3.3 Effort (gt * days at sea) of purse seines in the Greek part of GSA 22 as reported by DCF.

    3.3 Management regulations

    Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) is one of the most important target species for the purse seine

    fishery in GSA 22. Sardine is being exploited only by the purse seine fishery. Pelagic trawls are

    banned and benthic trawls are allowed to fish small pelagics in percentages less than 5% of

    their total catch. Commonly sardine is caught from shallow waters about 30 m to 100 m

    depth. Regarding the management regulations enforced in the Greek part of GSA 22 they

    concern a closed period from the mid December till the end of February and technical

    measures such as minimum distance from shore (300m), minimum bottom depth (30 m), gear

    and mesh size, engine, GRT restrictions etc. There is also a minimum landing size at 11 cm.

  • 10

    3.4 Reference points

    For anchovy stock in the Greek part of GSA 22, the number of years of S-R data is very limited and it is not possible to carry out full evaluations of MSY, because the stock-recruit

    relationships cannot be established. For the same reason no Biomass related reference

    point can be proposed and evaluated. An alternative approach endorsed by STECF (STECF

    2017) explored the estimation of an alternative proxy for FMSY for small pelagics. An

    alternative approach is the choice of a target value at F=0.667M (where M is the natural

    mortality) as an empirical target for management of small pelagic fish. This target was

    calculated by Patterson (1992), who analysed the historical behaviour of 27 exploited small

    pelagic fish stocks. Patterson (1992) defined an exploitation rate (E=F/Z, the ratio between

    fishing mortality and total mortality) of 0.4 as an appropriate upper limit to the exploitation

    rate for small pelagic stocks. STECF (STECF 2017) evaluated the Stock-Recruit and

    Exploitation rate methods and concluded that E=0.4 (equivalent to F=0.667M) is the best

    method for estimating FMSY for small pelagic stocks such as those in the Mediterranean.

    This EWG has continued with this practice and has provided estimates of catch/landings F

    based on F=0.667M (equivalent to E-0.4) as target values for stocks with age based


    Table 3.3-1: List of reference points and empirical reference values previously agreed (if any)




















    F at E=0.4 or equivalent



    Fbar for ages 1 to 3



    Index of

    Biomass at


  • 11

    4 Fisheries independent information

    4.1 Direct method: Acoustics

    4.1.1 Brief description of the chosen method and assumptions used

    Acoustic echoes were registered continuously along 74 pre-defined transects in the Aegean Sea

    during June 2016 with a Simrad ES38-10, 38 kHz split-beam echo sounder transducer. The size of the

    Elementary Distance

    Sampling Unit (EDSU) was one nautical mile. The acoustic survey in GSA 22 is part of the

    Mediterranean Acoustic Survey (MEDIAS) since 2008 and follows the MEDIAS protocol. Echo trace

    classification was applied based on a) echogram visual scrutinisation and direct allocation of school

    marks that characterise anchovy as well as b) allocation on account of representative fishing stations

    that were held along transects (Simmonds and MacLennan, 2005). Acoustic survey covered a total

    area of 32599 Km2 in Aegean Sea. In order to estimate anchovy’s and sardine’s biomass, the weight-

    length relationship is required as well as species length frequency distribution per area. Therefore, 40

    pelagic trawls were held along transects in the positions of high fish concentrations. While all

    frequencies were visualized during sampling and helped deciding when to conduct a trawl, only the

    energies from the 38kHz channel were used to estimate fish biomass. Acoustic data were preliminary

    treated with Echoview software in order to perform bottom corrections and to attribute echotraces

    to different echotypes and estimate NASC values per EDSU.

  • 12

    Table 4.1-1: Acoustic cruise information.

    Date June 2016 to July 2016


    Target species ANCHOVY, SARDINE

    Sampling strategy Parallel transect spaced 10 nm, zig zag in gulfs

    Sampling season June-July

    Investigated depth range (m) 20-600 m

    Echo-sounder SIMRAD EK 80, 38 KHz for assessment

    120, 200 used as complementary frequency

    Fish sampler Pelagic trawl

    Cod –end mesh size as opening (mm) 8 mm

    ESDU (i.e. 1 nautical mile) 1 nautical mile

    TS (Target Strength)/species -71.2

    Software used in the post-processing Echoview

    Samples (gear used) Pelagic trawl

    Biological data obtained Length-Weight relationship, Age, Sex, Maturity, Fat content

    Age slicing method Otolith

    Maturity ogive used L50

    Table 4.1-2: Acoustic results by age class

    Biomass in metric tons

    fish numbers Nautical Area Scattering Coefficient


    … Indicator

    Age 0 9.79 4 602 312

    Age 1 75 876 14 839 527 721

    Age 2 1 644 163 711 022

    Age 3 0.64 30 440

    Age 4

  • 13

    4.1.2 Spatial distribution of the resources

    Figure The distribution of anchovy biomass (t) per EDSU in the Greek part of GSA 22 (Aegean

    Sea) during June 2016.

    4.1.3 Historical trends

    European Anchovy time series of abundance and biomass indices from acoustic surveys in

    GSA 22 are shown and described in the following figure.

    Figure Acoustic survey abundance index of anchovy in the Greek part of GSA 22 as reported by DCF and used for assessment. No survey was carried out in 2007, 2009-2011 and 2015. The survey

    was carried out in June/July except from 2012 when it was carried out in December and 2013 when it

    was carried out in September.

  • 14

    Figure Age frequency distribution of the acoustic survey abundance index of anchovy in the

    Greek part of GSA 22 as reported by DCF and used for assessment. No survey was carried out in 2007,

    2009-2011 and 2015. The survey was carried out in June/July except from 2012 when it was carried

    out in December and 2013 when it was carried out in September.

    5 Ecological information

    5.1 Protected species potentially affected by the fisheries

    No protected species should be affected by small pelagic fisheries.

  • 15

    6 Stock Assessment

    In this section there will be one subsection for each different model used, and also different

    model assumptions runs should be documented when all are presented as alternative

    assessment options.

    6.1 Statistical catch-at-age: a4a

    6.1.1 Model assumptions

    A statistical catch-at-age analysis method was used for this stock. Such methods utilize catch-

    at- age data to derive estimates of historical population size and fishing mortality. However,

    unlike VPA, model parameters estimated using catch-at-age analysis are done so by working

    forward in time and analyses do not require the assumption that removals from the fishery

    are known without error. Data typically used are: catch, abundance index, statistical sample

    of age composition of catch and abundance index. Specifically, for anchovy stock in GSA 22

    we used the Assessment for All Initiative (a4a) (Jardim et al., 2015). Assessment was

    performed with version 1.1.2 of FLa4a, together with version 2.6.4 of the FLR library (FLCore).

    A single tuning fleet was used in both methods based on the biomass at age estimates from

    summer acoustic surveys conducted in the Greek part of GSA 22 (2003 to 2016 with gaps in

    2007, 2009-2013 and 2015) as reported in the DCF.

    The analysis was carried out for the ages 0 to 4. Concerning the Fbar, the age range used was

    1-3 age groups.

    For the years 2007, 2009-2012 where no EU DCF was carried out in Greece catch numbers at

    age were NA.

    6.1.2 Scripts

    The assessment was carried out within the framework of the STECF EWG 1709. The R script

    used will be available through the respective depository.

    6.1.3 Input data and Parameters

    Input data for the assessment are presented below: Catch (in tons), Catch at age (in thousands) and weight at age in the catch. As discards are very low for the specific fishery and length structure information is missing, discards were added as 2% in the landings information to obtain catch.

    The time series of total PS landings for the Greek part of GSA 22 as estimated in the STECF EWG 16-14 (2016) was used for the period 2000-2014 (Figure For 2013 and 2015 the DCF reported landings referred only to the last trimester thus the HELSTAT officially reported landings to FAO GFCM were used. The DCF reported landings were used for 2016.

  • 16

    Catch (in tons)

    2000 9776

    2001 8581

    2002 8579

    2003 14013

    2004 16114

    2005 16376

    2006 22355

    2007 21558

    2008 24565

    2009 20746

    2010 15139

    2011 10451

    2012 10548

    2013 10437

    2014 14386

    2015 13058

    2016 12736

  • 17


    Year -age


    Age 0

    Age 1

    Age 2 Age 3 Age 4

    2000 16809 393648 269681 6314 159

    2001 49053 534410 274400 870 301

    2002 5838 364072 279518 14323 700

    2003 4676 348900 513289 41899 3881

    2004 16315 342761 521446 57843 8527

    2005 14523 498088 591543 43454 3003

    2006 21930 766824 863957 57795 6472

    2007 NA NA NA NA NA

    2008 75828 892863 866883 64421 2531

    2009 NA NA NA NA NA

    2010 NA NA NA NA NA

    2011 NA NA NA NA NA

    2012 NA NA NA NA NA

    2013 113852 452365 347589 129636 2778

    2014 56614 493287 367377 150936 2836

    2015 40146 379892 448035 229898 31589

    2016 33377 311680 422004 232698 39932

  • 18

    Weight-at-age (in kg) Year Age

    0 Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4

    2000 0.0060 0.0132 0.0161 0.0210 0.0270

    2001 0.0040 0.0100 0.0110 0.0170 0.0250

    2002 0.0060 0.0110 0.0150 0.0230 0.0250

    2003 0.0055 0.0140 0.0160 0.0180 0.0350

    2004 0.0029 0.0146 0.0184 0.0204 0.0338

    2005 0.0036 0.0135 0.0147 0.0185 0.0334

    2006 0.0095 0.0122 0.0136 0.0160 0.0180

    2007 0.0090 0.0125 0.0139 0.0170 0.0220

    2008 0.0095 0.0120 0.0138 0.0171 0.0258

    2009 0.0092 0.0121 0.0140 0.0152 0.0245

    2010 0.0092 0.0124 0.0141 0.0153 0.0245

    2011 0.0105 0.0115 0.0133 0.0144 0.0246

    2012 0.0080 0.0092 0.0106 0.0114 0.0193

    2013 0.0080 0.0095 0.0106 0.0115 0.0193

    2014 0.0097 0.0117 0.0150 0.0164 0.0280

    2015 0.0067 0.0096 0.0119 0.0135 0.0224

    2016 0.0064 0.0102 0.0123 0.0140 0.0224

  • 19

    6.1.4 Tuning data

    Numbers-at-age (thousands) based on acoustics were used for tuning

    Numbers of individuals (thousands)

    2003 1144350 1395617 636108

    2004 1953979 1323299 10920

    2005 2008764 1013061 20625

    2006 5583451 1335320 63922

    2007 NA NA NA

    2008 4469332 2495923 95920

    2009 NA NA NA

    2010 NA NA NA

    2011 NA NA NA

    2012 NA NA NA

    2013 NA NA NA

    2014 2688671 40491 7193

    2015 NA NA NA

    2016 14839527 163711 30440

  • 20

    6.1.5 Results

    Different a4a models were performed (combination of different f, q). The best model

    (according to a combination of AIC, BIC and residuals) included:

    f~s(replace(age, age>2,2), k=2)+s(year, k=4)+s(year, k = 4, by = as.numeric(age==0))



    Figure Stock summary from the a4a model for anchovy in GSA 22, recruits, SSB (Stock

    Spawning Biomass), catch (model output for catch and landings) and harvest (fishing mortality for

    ages 1 to 3).

  • 21

    Figure Stock summary from the SAM model for anchovy in GSA 22, recruits, SSB (Stock

    Spawning Biomass), catch (model output for catch and landings) and harvest (fishing mortality for

    ages 1 to 3).

    Based on the a4a results, the anchovy SSB fluctuated over the time period examined (2000-

    2016) from 23333 tons (in 2000) to 74802 tons in 2016. A drop in SSB was observed in the

    years 2009 to 2013. This is generally in accordance with the SAM results that estimate SSB at

    67546 tons in 2016. The assessment shows an increasing trend in the number of recruits

    between 2001 and 2007. The recruitment (age 0) reached a maximum of 26.5 million

    individuals in 2016 and a minimum value of 9.4 million individuals in 2000. Fbar (1-3) shows a

    decreasing trend since 2000, presenting an average around 1.092 for the period 2007 to 2013.

    Since 2013, F is decreasing with a value at 0.46 in 2016.

  • 22

    6.1.6 Robustness analysis

    6.1.7 Retrospective analysis, comparison between model runs, sensitivity

    analysis, etc.

    The retrospective analysis was applied up to 3 years back. Models results were quite stable (Figure

    Figure European anchovy in GSA 22. Restrospective analysis output for the a4a model.

  • 23

    Figure European anchovy in GSA 22. Stock summary of the simulated and fitted data for the

    a4a model.

    6.1.8 Assessment quality

    Τhe output of this model was suitable to provide an indication of the current status of the stock.

    However due to the lack of surveys and catch-at-age data for a big part of the time series since 2009

    the EWG 17-09 agreed not to provide forward projections and catch advice based on this assessment.

  • 24

    7 Stock predictions

    The Empirical Reference point corresponding at Exploitation rate 0.4 (Patterson 1992) as

    suggested by the STECF SG-MED 09-02 is used as a proxy for MSY and has been used to define

    stock status. The F equivalent to E=0.4 is estimated as 0.464 from the M and fishery selection

    at age in the a4a assessment.

    Given the uncertainty associated with the models fit no short term forecast and catch

    options were carried out for anchovy stock in GSA 22.

  • 25

    8 Draft scientific advice

    Based on Indicator Analytic al



    (name and


    Current value

    from the


    (name and



    reference value

    (name and







    mortality Fishing

    mortality 0.463 (a4a)

    0.345 (SAM)

    F at E=0.4,

    estimated as


    D SL

    Fishing effort

    Catch D


    abundance Biomass I OH

    SSB 74802 (a4a)




    Recruitment I

    Final Diagnosis Sustainably exploited

    Assessment is based on analytical stock assessment methods and the empirical reference

    point for F (Patterson 1992) to assess stock status. Results give an indication that the stock

    is sustainably exploited based on the empirical reference point for F (Patterson 1992,

    Exploitation rate=0.4), assessment is verified but considered as uncertain due to the GAPs in

    the DCF and both assessment models fit. We should note that total biomass estimates

    deviate more than twice to the acoustic estimates that make model output uncertain. No

    short term or medium term forecast was made based on this. In addition, the short length

    of time series and stock behavior does not allow to set a Blim reference point.

  • 26

    8.1 Explanation of codes

    Trend categories

    1) N - No trend

    2) I - Increasing

    3) D – Decreasing

    4) C - Cyclic

    Stock Status Based on Fishing mortality related indicators

    1) N - Not known or uncertain – Not much information is available to make a judgment;

    2) U - undeveloped or new fishery - Believed to have a significant potential for expansion in

    total production;

    3) S - Sustainable exploitation- fishing mortality or effort below an agreed fishing mortality or

    effort based Reference Point;

    4) IO –In Overfishing status– fishing mortality or effort above the value of the agreed fishing

    mortality or effort based Reference Point. An agreed range of overfishing levels is provided;

    Range of Overfishing levels based on fishery reference points

    In order to assess the level of overfishing status when F0.1 from a Y/R model is used as LRP,

    the following operational approach is proposed:

    • If Fc*/F0.1 is below or equal to 1.33 the stock is in (OL): Low overfishing

    • If the Fc/F0.1 is between 1.33 and 1.66 the stock is in (OI): Intermediate overfishing

    • If the Fc/F0.1 is equal or above to 1.66 the stock is in (OH): High overfishing

    *Fc is current level of F

    5) C- Collapsed- no or very few catches;

  • 27

    Based on Stock related indicators

    1) N - Not known or uncertain: Not much information is available to make a judgment

    2) S - Sustainably exploited: Standing stock above an agreed biomass based Reference Point;

    3) O - Overexploited: Standing stock below the value of the agreed biomass based Reference

    Point. An agreed range of overexploited status is provided;

    Empirical Reference framework for the relative level of stock biomass index

    • Relative low biomass: Values lower than or equal to 33rd percentile of biomass index in the time series


    • Relative intermediate biomass: Values falling within this limit and 66th percentile


    • Relative high biomass: Values higher than the 66th percentile (OH)

    4) D – Depleted: Standing stock is at lowest historical levels, irrespective of the amount of fishing

    effort exerted;

    5) R –Recovering: Biomass are increasing after having been depleted from a previous period;

    Agreed definitions as per SAC Glossary

    Overfished (or overexploited) - A stock is considered to be overfished when its abundance is

    below an agreed biomass based reference target point, like B0.1 or BMSY. To apply this

    denomination, it should be assumed that the current state of the stock (in biomass) arises

    from the application of excessive fishing pressure in previous years. This classification is

    independent of the current level of fishing mortality.

    Stock subjected to overfishing (or overexploitation) - A stock is subjected to overfishing if the

    fishing mortality applied to it exceeds the one it can sustainably stand, for a longer period. In

    other words, the current fishing mortality exceeds the fishing mortality that, if applied during

    a long period, under stable conditions, would lead the stock abundance to the reference point

    of the target abundance (either in terms of biomass or numbers)