large pelagics survey workshop presentation

Large Pelagics Survey Workshop Large Pelagics Survey Team Fisheries Statistics Division (ST1) Office of Science & Technology NOAA - Fisheries May 28, 2021

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Large PelagicsSurvey Workshop

Large Pelagics Survey TeamFisheries Statistics Division (ST1)Office of Science & Technology

NOAA - Fisheries

May 28, 2021

Outline1. Introduction of LPS Team

2. Survey Design & Estimation Methods

3. Operations & Estimate Production

4. LPS Redesign Project

LPS TeamNOAA Fisheries

Office of Science and Technology (OST)

• Yong-Woo Lee, Ph.D.: LPS Task Manager/ Statistician

• Daemian Schreiber: LPS Operations Coordinator

• Tony Kaufman: Data Analyst & Programmer

• John Foster: Chief of Recreational Fisheries Statistics Branch

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NOAA Fisheries - Atlantic HMS

Office of Sustainable Fisheries

● Atlantic HMS Management Division

● Regulation and Management

● ICCAT reporting● Vessel Permitting● Tournament


Southeast Fisheries Science Center

● Highly Migratory Species Branch

● Stock assessments● Indices of Abundance● Population dynamics

and life history research

● Tournament Reporting

Office of Science and Technology

● Recreational Fisheries Statistics Branch

● LPS● Catch Card Census

programs● Quarterly Billfish

Accounting support

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Survey Design & Estimation Methods

John Foster

Large Pelagics Survey (LPS)

• Estimate catch and effort for Atlantic highly migratory species (HMS) and other large pelagic species from offshore recreational fisheries in the Mid- and North Atlantic regions from June through October

• Complex design using complemented surveys approach

• Specialized to cover Atlantic bluefin tuna and related uncommon or pulse fisheries

• Used for stocks assessments, regulations, quota monitoring

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LPS (cont.)• Atlantic Tunas Convention Act (1975)

• HMS vessel-based permit is required, and reporting is mandatory

• Fulfills U.S. obligations to International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)

• Link to detailed technical MRIP design and estimation document (see Section 7. LPS) (

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Species in LPSTunas

bluefin tuna (by size class), bigeye, albacore, yellowfin, skipjack, little tunny, Atlantic bonito, blackfin tuna


threshers, makos, hammerheads, blue, white, porbeagle, sandbar, bignose, dusky, silky, night, blacktip, spinner, bonnethead, bull, oceanic whitetip, tiger, sand tiger, Atl. sharpnose

Billfish & Swordfish

white marlin, blue marlin, sailfish, roundscalespearfish, longbill spearfish, swordfish

Other pelagics

dolphin, greater amberjack, wahoo

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LPS Coverage

• Private & Charter boats

• 10 States ME-VA

• June - October

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LPS Survey Components• LPTS: Telephone Survey

• Effort (vessel trips)• Separate surveys for private boat and charter boat modes

• LPIS: Intercept Survey• Catch rates• Detailed trip characteristics

• LPBS: Biological Sampling• Specimen collections for assessment, life history and population

dynamics studies• Opportunistic, data not used in catch and effort estimation

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LPTS - Private• Estimate effort (numbers of vessel trips) for private boat mode

• List frame telephone survey

• Sample frame: HMS vessel permit list (Angling & General permit categories)

• Reporting is mandatory

• Sample stratified by state, month, two-week reference period

• Maine-Virginia, June-October

• Advance notification letters

• Calling for selected vessels done in the week immediately following the two-week reference period

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LPTS - Private (cont.)• Interviewer administered questionnaire via CATI

• Trip profile questionnaire format

• Detail information collected for each trip (examples):

Fishing access site

Primary target species (or size class)


Limited catch data (bluefin and BAYS tunas; select billfish and shark species)

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LPTS - Charter• Estimate effort (numbers of vessel trips) for charter mode

• Conducted as add-on to For-Hire Survey (FHS); list frame telephone survey

• Sample frame: vessels with HMS Charter/Headboat permit in the FHS frame

• Sample stratified by state, month, one-week reference period Maine-Virginia June-October

• Advance notification letters

• Calling for selected vessels done in the week immediately following the one-week reference period

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Number of HMS Permits in 2020 by State

No. o

f Per


No. o

f Per


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LPTS Sample Sizes & Response Rates• 2019 Sample Sizes

• PR completed interviews: 5,063

• CH completed interviews: 3,356

• 2019 Response Rates• PR: 64%

• CH: 59%

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LPIS• Estimate catch rates by species and disposition (catch type)

• Dockside survey of captains returning from large pelagic fishing trip

• Complex design employing stratification, clustering, and unequal selection probabilities

• Stratified by state, month, and fishing mode

• Maine-Virginia

• June-October

• PR, CH

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LPIS (cont.)Information collected:• Catch counts per vessel trip by species and disposition

• Vessel ID and HMS permit information

• Boat effort (number of lines, people, hours)

• Primary & secondary target species

• Fishing location (miles offshore, latitude/longitude, area)

• Fishing method

• Water temperature, depth

• Individual fish observations (length, sex)

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LPIS Sample Sizes & Response Rates

• 2019 Sample Sizes• Assignments completed: 2,344

• PR vessel intercepts: 2,417

• CH vessel intercepts: 1,606

• 2019 Response Rate• 98%

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LPBS• Biological Sampling

• Collects otoliths, dorsal spines, muscle tissue & gonad samples

• Opportunistic sampling

• 150 assignments per year

• Focused on bluefin tuna, but other species are collected as well

• Samples are sent to Panama City, FL lab (SEFSC) for processing

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LPTS Effort Estimation

LPTS Private Boat


LPTS-PRAverage number of

trips per boatx Total HMS-

PR permitted boats

LPTS-CHAverage number of

trips per boat

LPTS Charter boat

Tripsx Total HMS-CH

permitted boats

❖LPTS provides in-state fishing effort estimates for boats on the permit frame. In a separate step, the estimates are adjusted to account for off-frame effort using data from the LPIS.

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LPIS Estimation• Catch rates

• Average catch (numbers of fish) per vessel trip

• By state area, month, fishing mode (private, charter)

• By species (and by size class for bluefin tuna)

• By disposition (catch type: kept, released alive, discarded dead)

• LPTS coverage correction factors• Proportion of intercepted trips that are in-state and permitted

• Accounts for trips not covered by LPTS

• By state area, month, fishing mode (private, charter)

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LPS Estimation

Total LPSCatch Estimates

Catch Rates (Catch/Vessel Trip)

Total LPS Fishing Effort (Vessel Trips)


LPISLPTSOff-frame Coverage Correction Factor

• Link to detailed technical MRIP design and estimation document (see Section 7. LPS) (

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Operations &Estimate Production

Daemian Schreiber

Annual LPS Operations(April)

Site Register ReviewSurvey Materials ReviewKick-Off Meeting

(May)LPIS Interviewer training

(June - October)

Conduct of LPIS and LPTSMid-season Data Review Meeting

(November - April)

Final Data Review MeetingFinal Estimates

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LPIS Sites

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Interviews of Trips Targeting LPS Returning to Site Clusters












Hour of Interview by State

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LPIS in Action…

(Cape Ann Marina, Gloucester, MA. September 2018)

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LPIS in Action (Continued)(Rye Harbor State Marina, Rye, NH Sep. 2018)

Google Earth

NOAA Fisheries

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BFT Size Class Categories❖ Reporting requirement by ICCAT

R – RecreationalC – Commercial

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LPS Quality Assurance• Interviewer training

✔ Species identification✔ Survey objectives, design, interviewing procedures✔ Experienced/trained CATI interviewers

• Supervision✔ Silent Monitoring/Remote Screen Viewing (during LPTS interviews)✔ Dockside-unannounced visits to samplers on assignment by FS✔ Validation phone calls to interviewed captains/owners (LPIS)

• Optical Character Recognition-assisted entry of interview forms

• Data error checking computer programs

• Weekly calls and mid-season and final data review meetings

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LPS Estimates (Recap)Effort • By boat type: private, charter• By month: June-October• By area: VA, MD/DE, NJ-North, NJ-South, NY, CT/RI, MA,


Catch• By boat type: private, charter• By catch type: kept, released dead, released alive• By species (including specific bluefin tuna size classes)• By month: June-October• By area: VA, MD/DE, NJ-North, NJ-South, NY, CT/RI, MA,


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LPS Web Query Tool

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Annual Effort (2002-2020)(All months, All states, All Modes)

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Annual Effort (2002-2020)(All months, All states, By Modes)



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August Effort (2002-2020)Massachusetts



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Annual BFT All Sizes Landings 2010-2020All Modes, All States, Cumulative Jun-Oct


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BFT All by Size Class

Annual Landings 2010-2020All Modes, All States, Cumulative


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BFT All by Size Class

Annual Released

Alive 2010-2020

All Modes, All States, Cumulative


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YFT Annual Landings 2010-2020All Modes, All States, Cumulative Jun-Oct


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Dolphin Annual Landings 2010-2020All Modes, All States, Cumulative Jun-Oct


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Shortfin Mako Annual Landings 2010-2020All Modes, All States, Cumulative Jun-Oct



LPS Redesign ProjectLPPS - LPS Pilot Survey

Yong-Woo Lee

Redesign Project Tasks

1. Baseline Assessments & New Survey Design Development

2. Pilot Test of New Survey Design in the Field (LPPS)

3. MRIP Certification & Calibration of Historical Estimates

4. Full Implementation of New Design

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Tasks & Timeline(presented in AP meeting, Sep-2018)


* Note the time overlaps between the phases

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Tasks & Timeline(current status, May-2021)


* Note the time overlaps between the phases

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Current Status of LPPS

• LPS States for Pilot Testing Surveys (LPPS)

1. YR 2020: MA, DE, MD (completed)

2. YR 2021: MA, RI, CT, VA

3. YR 2022: NH, NY, NJ

• Data from pilot surveys will provide benchmarks for calibrations

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Motivations for “LPS Redesign”1) MRIP Certification for Survey Designs, Estimation

Methods, & Data “Standards”*MRIP (Marine Recreational Information Program) is a data collection and analysis initiative by NOAA Fisheries to help implementing a national network of recreational fishing surveys, based on the state-regional-federal partnership. (

2) HMS Implementation Plan identified LPS Redesign as #1 Priority (

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Issues in Current LPIS

1. Departures from probability-based sampling

2. Mismatches between Design vs. Estimation

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Departures from probability-based sampling in LPIS (#1)

Coverage gaps

• Multi site-clusters Variable sampling choice of sites within site-clusters

• Variable sampling durations2 – 8 hours per assignment based on fishing activity

• Missing mornings & nights Survey tends to be afternoons for sampling efficiency

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Number of Site-Clusters in current LPIS(multi-site cluster sampling approach)

Avg. Num. of sites / clusterNu

m. of



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Departures from probability-based sampling in LPIS (#2)

Coverage gaps

• Multi site-clusters Variable sampling choice of sites within site-clusters

• Variable sampling durations2 – 8 hours per assignment based on fishing activity

• Missing mornings & nights Survey tends to be afternoons for sampling efficiency

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Variable Assignment Durations




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Departures from probability-based sampling in LPIS (#3)

Coverage gaps

• Multi site-clusters Variable sampling choice of sites within site-clusters

• Variable sampling durations2 – 8 hours per assignment based on fishing activity

• Missing mornings & nights Survey tends to be afternoons for sampling efficiency

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Time Distributions: LPTS vs. LPIS

24-Hour Time

Data: 2011-2020

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Mismatches between Design vs. Estimation

LPIS Design• Complex stratified multi-stage with site-clusters

• Unequal probability sampling without replacement (PPSWOR), based on fishing pressure of clusters and day-type (e.g., weekdays vs. weekends, tournaments vs. non-tournaments)

• Variable assignment duration (2 - 8 hours)

LPIS Estimation

• Ignores major design components

• Assumes equal probability sampling

• Unweighted estimation (may lead to optimistically higher precision than actual)

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LPIS Site Selection (PPSWOR design)

Relative fishing pressure per site-cluster

% drawn assignment

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Mismatches between Design vs. EstimationLPIS Design• Complex stratified multi-stage with site-clusters

• Unequal probability sampling without replacement (PPSWOR), based on fishing pressure of clusters and day-type (e.g., weekdays vs. weekends, tournaments vs. non-tournaments)

• Variable assignment duration (2 - 8 hours)

LPIS Estimation• Ignores major design components

• Assumes equal probability sampling

• Unweighted estimation (may lead to optimistically higher precision than actual)

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Improvements with Redesign

GoalImprove intercept survey design to be more statistically valid & robust,while maintaining sampling productivity

Improvements • Probability sampling with single-site approach and fixed time intervals

• (list continues in next slide…)

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Single-Site Sampling Approach (LPPS)

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Fixed Time Intervals

3 hours per assignment

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Improvements with Redesign (cont.)

• Combining fixed probability sampling with “adaptive” sampling

• Adaptive sampling allows for movement of a subset of assignments based on field conditions (e.g. weather, fishery conditions, regulations)

• Adaptive sampling should help maintaining sampling productivity

• Inclusion probabilities for adaptive samples are statistically estimated

• Computer simulations confirmed the unbiased estimates with relatively high precision

• Collaborated with MRIP statistics expert consultants from Colorado State University

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Tasks & Timeline(current status, May-2021)


* Note the time overlaps between the phases

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Factors for Potential Delays• Need for additional design work, based on pilot survey results?

• Need for additional benchmarking field surveys?

• Delays in MRIP certification process?

• Desires to extend new survey to more months (e.g., early appearance of BFT in LPS season off of NY/NJ)

• Desires to extend new survey to more states in the areas of SE, GoM, and Caribbean regions?

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Thank you!
