stm32mp1 software tools overview -

STM32MP1 Software Tools Overview Oct 19, 2020 Stefano Tabanelli - FPGA, MPU Software, ML & Embedded Vision Specialist South Europe

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Template overviewSTM32MP1
Software Tools Overview Oct 19, 2020 Stefano Tabanelli - FPGA, MPU Software, ML & Embedded Vision Specialist South Europe
Agenda • M4 Software Tools
• OpenAMP
Agenda • M4 Software tools
• OpenAMP
• OpenAMP
with peripheral configuration, code generation, code
compilation, and debug features for STM32 microcontrollers
and microprocessors.
STM32 microcontroller, microprocessor, development platform and example project selection
Pinout, clock, peripheral, and middleware configuration
Project creation and generation of the initialization code
Software and middleware completed with enhanced STM32Cube Expansion Packages
Based on Eclipse®/CDT, with support of Eclipse® add-ons, GNU C/C++ for Arm® toolchain and GDB
CPU core, peripheral register, and memory views
Live variable watch view
CPU fault analysis tool
Support of ST-LINK (STMicroelectronics) and J-Link (SEGGER) debug probes
Import project from Atollic® TrueSTUDIO® and AC6 System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32)
Multi-OS support: Windows®, Linux®, and macOS®, 64-bit versions only
M4 - STM32CubeIDE (C/C++ code)
M4 - STM32CubeIDE (C/C++ code)
M4 - STM32CubeIDE (C/C++ code)
M4 - STM32CubeIDE (C/C++ code)
M4 - STM32CubeIDE (C/C++ code)
• OpenAMP
microprocessor platforms supports three software Packages:
- The Starter Package to quickly and easily start with any
STM32MP microprocessor device.
replace the Starter Package pre-built binaries.
- The Distribution Package to create your own Linux®
distribution, your own Starter Package and your own Developer
-Linux script programming (bash, python)
-Download on board (through scp or usb stick) an application binary
Contents : “st-image-Weston” distribution image
Getting started
• OpenAMP
• Adapt OpenSTLinuxBSP to customer board
• modify Kernel
• modify boot chain, uboot, TF-A, Op-tee
• Develop application
• OpenAMP
• distribution Yocto interoperable
• Add/remove application framework components adjusted to customer application
• Develop end-user applications
Contents :
•STM32Cube MPU Package :M4 Cube-FW, CubeMx, M4 IDE
•Metadata layers of ST distribution hosted on Yocto servers
•Build system YoctoOpenEmbedded(bitbake& metadata)
A7 – OpenSTLinux - Distribution Package
Agenda • M4 Software tools
• OpenAMP
• OpenAMP
in computer programming.[6]
It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system
for customizing the environment.
Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for
developing Java applications, but it may also be used to
develop applications in other programming languages via plug-
ins, including C, C++
• OpenAMP
standardize the interactions between operating environments in
a heterogeneous embedded system through open source
solutions for Asymmetric MultiProcessing (AMP).
The remote processor (RPROC) framework allows the different platforms/architectures to
control (power on, load firmware, power off) remote processors while abstracting the hardware
differences. In addition it offers services to monitor and debug the remote coprocessor.
•Load of the firmware is done either :
•Automatically by Uboot(early boot)
•Firmware is stored in an ELF format file in
• OpenAMP