still image analysis 2 kesha

Still image analysis-Kesha, Die young This is a close up of Kesha. This is a typical shot at the beginning of a music video as the purpose of a music video is to promote the artist and the song. This shot shows the audience who the artist is so they can take credit for the music. The jewellery on her hand shows that the artist is fashionable which is a trait shared with the target audience which helps make the music video more appealing. The low key lighting creates a night time feel giving the impression that she is at a nightclub, this portrays that this type of music will be played at a nightclub and that her target audience are typically people that like to go to nightclubs. This is another close up of the artist in high key lighting. This gives that audience better recognistion of the artist as they are visable able to see her better, which gives the artist more credit. In this Kesha is wearing a lot of makeup and finger jewelary which shows that she is fashionable and likes to wear makeup which is appealing to the taget audience as they may look to her for make up and style ideas. The background is very bright and modern which signifies that this is appealed to the younger generation. This is a long shit to show the artists whole body. This is done to show

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Still image analysis 2 kesha

Still image analysis-Kesha, Die young

This is a close up of Kesha. This is a typical shot at the beginning of a music video as the purpose of a music video is to promote the artist and the song. This shot shows the audience who the artist is so they can take credit for the music. The jewellery on her hand shows that the artist is fashionable which is a trait shared with the target audience which helps make the music video more appealing. The low key lighting creates a night

time feel giving the impression that she is at a nightclub, this portrays that this type of music will be played at a nightclub and that her target audience are typically people that like to go to nightclubs.

This is another close up of the artist in high key lighting. This gives that audience better recognistion of the artist as they are visable able to see her better, which gives the artist more credit. In this Kesha is wearing a lot of makeup and finger jewelary which shows that she is fashionable and likes to wear makeup which is appealing to the taget audience as they may look to her for make up and style ideas. The background is very bright and modern which signifies that this is appealed to the younger generation.

This is a long shit to show the artists whole body. This is done to show that there will be a dance sequence coming up in the music video. There is low key lighting surrounding the image with high key lighting over the artist which signifies that she is the artist and they want to audience to focus on her in this shot. The composition in this shot puts Kesha in

the front and in the middle of a group of boys showing she is an attractive woman and gives the impression that boys wan her. Her being in the middle gives the impression that she is the leader.

Page 2: Still image analysis 2 kesha

This music video has continuous close ups of Kesha face to give her full credit for her music and recognition. The bleach blonde hair and the bright red lipstick gives a Barbie impression which can be appealing to the target audience which are young girls that like to go out and party. The makeup is presented in a way that many young females wear it when they go out to a party. The background is very bright giving the impression that she is in a night club partying showing that this is the occasions and scenarios that her music is usually played in.

This is a wide shot which shows the artist falling back being wild and having fun, which is the traits that are commonly recognised with the artist. She is portraying her personality into her music. This s significant to her target audience as she is appealing her music to young females who are wild and like to go out and party. The costume that she is wearing is black, this connotes that she is rebellious and like to be dangerous.

This is a wide shot showing the background that Kesha is always standing in front of when

a close up is happening. It a computerized background showing technology has been used showing she is an up to date artist creating modern music. It also signifies the strobe lights sometimes used in a night club which signifies where her type of music is played at.

Page 3: Still image analysis 2 kesha

This is a wide shot showing Kasha’s full body with in the surroundings. The surroundings look like she is in a d building that is rotting away. She laying in the middle dressed in white showing that she is the most important thing in this shot. The white signifies her innocence and her importance. The top of the picture looks like she is in a different universe giving the idea she is at a party.