analysis of still image

Analysis of still image: They have used a shot from a CCTV camera at the start of the trailer; the CCTV reveals a man assaulting another man which quickly unveils what’s going on and generates suspense for the trailer. The use of the CCTV signifies that no one’s around and connotes the horror of the location. The use of this text “ALL CRIME IS LEGAL” signifies there is no escape and there are no emergency services so it quickly identifies there is no help whatsoever which sends chills down spines as they release the characters are helpless and could potentially be killed. The use of the CCTV camera again connotes the horror surrounding the characters house. The various shot types used on the CCTV help connote more terror in the trailer. They have use a close up to show the man wearing the mask which is terrifying; they use a high angle to show the group of people coming towards the house which creates a horrific effect for the viewers as they feel the suspense the characters feel. The use of these shot types help identify the killers surrounding the house and signifies the ideas that there is no escape.

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of still image

Analysis of still image:

They have used a shot from a CCTV camera at the start of the trailer; the CCTV reveals a man assaulting another man which quickly unveils what’s going on and generates suspense for the trailer. The use of the CCTV signifies that no one’s around and connotes the horror of the location.

The use of this text “ALL CRIME IS LEGAL” signifies there is no escape and there are no emergency services so it quickly identifies there is no help whatsoever which sends chills down spines as they release the characters are helpless and could potentially be killed.

The use of the CCTV camera again connotes the horror surrounding the characters house. The various shot types used on the CCTV help connote more terror in the trailer. They have use a close up to show the man wearing the mask which is terrifying; they use a high angle to show the group of people coming towards the house which creates a horrific effect for the viewers as they feel the suspense the characters feel. The use of these shot types help identify the killers surrounding the house and signifies the ideas that there is no escape.

Page 2: Analysis of still image

The use of mise-en scene in the trailer creates a more terrifying effect; they have blood text written on the wall which says “don’t look for me”, this creates horror in the scene as they know realise someone is in their house and is going to inflict terror. This creates horror and is conventional for a horror film as they normally use writing in blood to create suspense and mystery.

The use of camerawork in this clip allows us to see a male wielding a weapon and keeping a woman hostage, they have used a 2 shot/wide shot which helps generate more of suspense as they can see the action unveiling and they want to know what happens after this which helps attract an audience. The composition involved is also conventional for a horror as the women is seen to be the victim and the man is more dominant/powerful which is conventional for a horror film as the males are seen to be more dangerous than the women as they are seen as less powerful.

The use of camerawork and mise-en scene in this clip creates a horrific effect. The use a close up so that the viewer can see their masks and weapons this generates fear and terror for the viewer. The use of the masks and weapons are conventional for the horror genre and they also create horror and tension for the characters as they realise they could be killed by the people outside who have very sharp knives and look very physcotic.

Page 3: Analysis of still image

The composition of this shot allows the viewer to identify that one of the murderers is inside the house and is using his intelligence to kill this lady as he stalks her from behind. The use of his masks creates even more suspense as he looks terrifying and psychotic which makes the viewer wonder what will happen next. The use of the women holding a weapon shows she is out to kill but the use of the man behind her shows his intelligence and dominance he has over her which is conventional for the horror genre.

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