steve aoki album cover

Steve aoki poster analysis Wonderland Very colourful to entice people to look at it and this relates to the music genre of electro and the use of the explosive effect in the background connoting it The text is very easy to see and stands out well against the background so it is easy to see and also has an animated look to it The title of the album “wonderland” and this is backed up by the use of the animated looking text The enigma code is the outline of a man’s head but has no face so you don’t know who he is and what he has to do with the The picture on the cover of the man looks like a hippy and the music on the album is usually associated with the hippies and the colours look trippy because of the explosive connotation and The context of the onventions

Upload: jackliddy96

Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Steve aoki album cover

Steve aoki poster analysis Wonderland

Very colourful to entice people to look at it and this relates to the music genre of electro and the use of the explosive effect in the background connoting it will blow your mind as the picture of the man’s head in the middle and the explosion in the background.

The text is very easy to see and stands out well against the background so it is easy to see and also has an animated look to it and 3D so it stands off the page. And gives a cartoon aspect to the cover as being fun and unrealistic.

The title of the album “wonderland” and this is backed up by the use of the animated looking text making it look like it is in another world or “wonderland”

The enigma code is the outline of a man’s head but has no face so you don’t know who he is and what he has to do with the music but we may think it is the artist.

The picture on the cover of the man looks like a hippy and the music on the album is usually associated with the hippies and the colours look trippy because of the explosive connotation and the fiery colours. This is trying to be used iconography as Steve aoki is easily distinguished by only his hair and his beard

The context of the onventions