steps to innovation – the promethean board

Steps to Innovation – The Promethean Board Theresa Dismuke EDUC 8841

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Steps to Innovation – The Promethean Board. Theresa Dismuke EDUC 8841. From Hand Multiplication, Chalkboard to Promethean Board. http:// Click to link on each picture to view the videos. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Steps to Innovation – The Promethean Board

Theresa DismukeEDUC 8841

From Hand Multiplication, Chalkboard to Promethean Board

Click to link on each picture to view the videos

Everett Rogers Five Stages of Innovation Process

Knowledge - The Promethean Board is used in an ActivClassroom where the Promethean Board (interactive white board), Learner Response Systems, software, training, professional development and resources are used to improve educational results.


Featured Case Studies:› Round Rock ISD

› Round Rock ISD Bolsters ELL Program with Promethean Solutions

› Marzano Research Laboratory Final Report


Increase student achievement on reading and math TABE Tests

Increase attention span of students Address all learning styles Provide interactive lessons Incorporate technology into the lesson

plans, grading and lesson presentations and delivery


Teacher planning period Teacher training Teacher-to-teacher training Promethean Board CPS Clicker System Exam View Teacher-to-student training Student-to-student training


Learn and share with other users

Personalized tracking and assessment

Graduate credit available through SPU

Flexible learning, access at work or at home

Promethean expertise direct to your computer

The cost effective way of receiving quality professional development

As well as face to face training, Promethean now offers online courses and certification

The Need

What problem or need existed that gave rise to your innovation?› Finding a new way of presenting lessons› Increase student performance on TABE Test

Research What research organization or people

developed a solution to this problem or need?› Promethean Planet

More information @

The ActivClassroom is a 360-degree, classroom technology-enabled learning environment comprising interactive white boards, Learner Response Systems, software, training, professional development and resources all proven to improve educational results.

Research - What were their findings?

The Marzano’s Research concluded that the Promethean Board actively engaged all learners. The innovation built lessons that were aligned to the curriculum and the needs of the students.

It enhanced a collaborative teaching system that increased student participation.

The Smartboard was the first innovation that was followed by the Promethean Board. Tony Cann was the founder and chairman of the Promethean Group that was interested in addressing educators for this innovation.



The Innovators & Early Adopters

Academic Supervisor Lead Teachers New Teachers

Strategies› Trialability› Observability› Training

The Laggards

Faculty with five plus years Managers

Strategies to help move them toward adoption › Training› Observability› Trialability› Peer Buddy

Meeting the Critical Mass

Which combination of perceived attributes would be best for helping your innovation meet critical mass in your industry:› Complexability› Trialability

Centralized or Decentralized

Do you believe a centralized or decentralized approach would work best for the adoption of the innovation you are proposing to the Board of Directors? › A decentralized approach would work best

for the Board of Directors’ adoption of the Promethean Board. The stakeholders (teachers) would manage the foundational leg work and decision making then share with others.

Centralized or Decentralized

Who will you recommend as key change agents in your organization, and how can the seven roles of a change agent be used in your organization to effect positive social change?

› The key agents in our organization will be the lead teachers, the academic supervisor, the secretary and myself. The lead teachers, academic supervisor and myself will be key in providing information, training and finding funding to obtain the technology. The secretary will be key in maintaining notes, orders and in spreading the word to others.

Seven Roles of Change Agents

Develop a need for change Establish an information exchange

relationship Diagnose problem Create an intent to change in the client Translate an intent into action Stabilize adoption and prevent

discontinuance Achieve a terminal relationship

Centralized or Decentralized

Has the innovation you are proposing to the Board already met critical mass in society? If it has not met critical mass, which of the four strategies for achieving critical mass do you recommend to the Board for your innovation?

› Yes! The technology bug has hit our department like a stomach virus after drinking the water in Mexico. The Promethean Board has met critical mass. The lead teachers came to me asking for assistance in getting technology in our building, especially the Promethean Board. They have already went to the web site and studied the dynamics and benefits of the Promethean as well as all the resources that are available.

Need for Innovation

Defining the need for your innovation:› Finding a new way to present lessons that

would appeal to the different learning styles of the learners.

› Diagnostic date from the TABE test shows areas of deficiency in the following areas: Interpreting Graphic Information Recall Information Clues in Content Construct Meaning Evaluate/Extending Meanings

Need for innovation

Matching your innovation to that need.› The Promethean Board and the CPS

system (clicker system) will allow for immediate feedback as well as interaction between the students and instructors.

› The interactive feature of the Promethean Board will address the different learning styles of the students.

› Access to other resources will assist in enhancing the lessons and comprehension of the students

Organizational innovation adoption: “Collective Decision”

Data driven instruction to document and facilitate teaching strategies and methods

Ongoing assessment and training Champions: Teachers and Students –

Provide training and support

Reference Available training & CPU Credits


Rogers, E. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press.

on/prometheanboards.asp http://

Active Inspire – the latest interactive whiteboard softwarefrom prom

Additional Video Reference - Getting Started with a new Activ Board - The Next Generation: Interactive Whiteboard by Promethean(Multi-touch) - Interactive Lesson Plans and Teaching Resources on Promethean Planet