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40 Grow A Highly Engaged And Easily Profitable Facebook Page STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO

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Grow A Highly Engaged And Easily Profitable

Facebook Page


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How To Know If A Facebook Page Is The Next Best Move For You

Top 3 Mistakes Bloggers Make (aka How NOT To Use Facebook)

Your BIGGEST ROI On Facebook

Why You Should View Facebook As Your “2nd List.”

5 FREE Ways To Grow Your Facebook Page

How To Create Content That Gets Likes, Comments, & Shares (aka Beat The Algorithm & Win At Facebook)

3 Non-Salesy Ways To Monetize Your Facebook Page

How Use Facebook To Help You Position Yourself As An Influencer In Your Niche


FACEBOOK PAGEWhat You’ll Discover In This Guide

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You post to your Facebook Page religiously, 4-6 times a day, and it’s like you’re talking to a brick wall because nobody is liking, commenting, or sharing your posts.

So, you throw in the towel and say, “Facebook is Dead.”

Truth is; it’s not.

One of the BIGGEST gripes I hear from Bloggers about Facebook has to do no reach, very little engagement aka “nobody’s seeing my posts!”

And I get it! There’s nothing more disappointing than when you work hard to create content and all you hear is “crickets.”

But here’s the thing...this isn’t everybody’s story.

There are Facebook Page Owners who are getting TONS of organic engagement (and no, they didn’t pay for it with ads either. Hello!)

How sway? Simply and merely because they figured out what Facebook + their Audi-ence likes and they post that. They’ve also figured out how to engage with their peo-ple.

This is the #1 sure fire way to beat the Facebook Algorithm and get into the Face-book’s good graces.

Take a look at the following pages. I’m giving you my secrets for creating an engaged Facebook Page.

And when you’re ready, join me in my pop-up Facebook Group or over on my Face-book Page for more support from me and bloggers just like you!

Sound Familiar?


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I’m the type of girl that doesn’t like to have all of her eggs in one basket. I like the security of having my blogging income sources diversified AND easily accessible.

(UGH!! To those 30-60-90 payouts from affiliate commissions.)

I mean they are sweet and all, but what if you need to get your hands on cash for an emergency...or just to enjoy yourself a little bit more while on a mini-vacay with your Boo Thang?

There’s nothing like the feeling of seeing all the earnings from your hard work right in your hands and in your bank account immediately!

Growing an engaged Facebook Page will help you do this, especially if you want to launch your own products or services, as a part of your Blogging Business.

On the next page, you will find my Facebook Insurance Plan Mini-Quiz.

Take the quiz.

It’s just 2 short minutes.

Thank me later.

Is A Faceboook Page Right For You?

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Facebook Insurance Plan Mini-QuizIn this short mini-quiz, I’m helping you figure out if growing an engaged Facebook Page is the next best move for you. Because if I’m honest with you, Facebook may not be the thing you should be focusing on with your blogging business right now. Read each question and answer honestly.

1. Would your blog income be sustainable if a major Pinterest Algorithm change happened (or you were blocked completely) and your blog traffic dropped by 50% for the next 30 days? 60 days? 90 days?

2. Would your blog income be sustainable if a major Google Algorithm change happened and your blog traffic dropped by 50% for the next 30 days? 60 Days?90 days?

3. Do you have stable Ad Network income month to month? Season to season? Or are you hustling chasing pageviews to maintain this income?

4. Do you have stable Affiliate income month to month? Season to season? Or are you hustling chasing pageviews to maintain this income?

5. Are people knocking each other over to enroll in your products and ser-vices when you launch them? Or do you launch to crickets and you can’t figure out why?

** If you answered “No” to any of these questions above or you “felt some kinda way” about them because you KNOW you there are holes in your in-come, then growing an engaged Facebook page is something you definite-ly need to considering giving a second look. Return to Main Page

Is A Faceboook Page Right For You?

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So by now, you’re likely very open to the idea of growing an engaged Facebook Page for your Blog.

And you’ve probably seen other bloggers using Facebook, but they are complaining about their results. (It’s probably because they don’t have a strategy in place.)

So let’s talk about the Top 3 Mistakes Bloggers Make With Facebook.

Mistake #1 - See Facebook Solely As A Traffic Driver

This is VERY common. Most bloggers view nearly everything blogging-re-lated through the lens of traffics + pageviews.

And it’s quite short-sighted because traffic + pageviews is only one piece to the overall blogging puzzle.

You have to understand that Facebook was never created for you to grow your traffic. It was created for you to grow a community.

And if you do that, Facebook will pay you nicely! *wink wink*

Mistake #2 - Set-It-And-Forget-It Mindset

I see this with not just bloggers, but with many people who want to learn how to use Facebook for their blog or business. They want to have all of their Facebook efforts on autopilot and not have to ever engage.

Bad move.

In order to have a highly engaged page, you will have to lead those efforts by being the “Hostess With the Mostest.” It requires your voice. It requires your effort. Facebook works, but YOU have got to work it!

Top 3 Mistakes Bloggers Make

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Mistake #3 - Vanity Metrics

Here’s what I mean by that...I’ve seen a lot of Bloggers only want to have high numbers on their page, so their Facebook Page “looks” big. But the truth is their Facebook Page doesn’t feel big.

Their Fans are truly just numbers to them and they have no real connec-tion. (And brands can smell this a mile away.) As a result they don’t get the growth, engagement, list building, and income they are looking to leverage from Facebook. And definitely not any sponsored gigs from large brands.

Look, if you’re going to add Facebook as a part of the marketing aspect of your blog, then you’re going to have to go all in, understand how Facebook works, and be willing to stick-and-stay to see significant results.

(Then again, doesn’t this hold true for your blog?)

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Top 3 Mistakes Bloggers Make

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Bloggers and business owners oftentimes ask about ROI (return-on-invest-ment) when looking to grow an engaged Facebook Page.

My response is always, “You get out of it whatever you put into it.”

(And I’m totally not being snarky here.)

It’s true.

If you invest wholeheartedly with your time and resources into growing an engaged Facebook Page, it will pay you nicely. NICELY, I say!!

While I could give you hard fast numbers, I think you can look around at other Bloggers, Influencers, and Business Owners who are growing wild-ly successful pages and see there’s a lot of potential for Facebook in your blogging business.

So now the question isn’t what’s the ROI -- the question becomes how do I leverage Facebook to get in on the ROI...AND maximize it?

Two answers.

Community. Culture.

You have to build BOTH simultaneously. And yes, YOU have to build it. It won’t just build itself.

But when you do build it and build it right, you’ll intrinsically gain some-thing I like to call the “Loyalty Factor.” Loyal fans and a loyal audience is the foundation of your ROI.

Your Biggest ROI

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A community is a group of people with a common set of interests, beliefs, history, race, ethnicity, religion, and experiences.

So you want to think about those threads of commonality that you want woven throughout your Facebook Page. And then you want to create con-tent on your Facebook Page that talks about these things whether it’s di-rectly or indirectly.

For example:

If you’re a Christian and you want your religious beliefs as a part of your Facebook community, then you might post about a recent church event, something you’re studying, or even a life lesson you learned.

This doesn’t mean you have to be a Faith Blogger, either. You could be a Food Blogger and still talk about your beliefs by weaving them in Face-book.

This is how you build community.


Culture is the way of life of the community. It’s the food, customs, tradi-tions, language, vernacular, hairstyles, fashion. It even includes beliefs, religion, and experiences.

Culture thrives off of feeling. So when you’re looking to build your Face-book Page’s culture, you want to consider, “How do I want my audience to feel?”

And then go create that.

Your Biggest ROI

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For example:

If you’re a Foodie then take pics and mention the yummy places you eat. Your audience will resonate with this and find you and your page interest-ing.

And no, you don’t have to be a Food Blogger to do this, either. You could be a DIY Blogger and still talk about the things you like and love, then share it with your audience.

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Your Biggest ROI

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As Bloggers and Business Owners, we’ve all heard, “The money is on the list.”

Your email list is your Virtual Rolodex. (Did I just age myself there?)

When you do a good job of nurturing your list and making connections with them, when you’re ready to launch your newest product or service, the sales come in pretty easily and like clockwork.

And if you have a decent-sized, engaged email list then you know this to be true.

On the flip-side, if you don’t have a decent-sized list or you haven’t tak-en the time to nurture them, then you’re probably all too familiar with the feeling of launching to crickets. (Am I right?)

And that sucks royally.

But here’s the deal, you can only get so much mileage out of your email list.


Because of Mr. Spam Folder and Mrs. Promotions Folder and Miss Your-Email-Got-Lost-In-Cyber-Space-Never-To-Be-Seen-Again all plague us. *insert eyeball roll*

Facebook knows how to find people on Facebook better than your email service can find people in their inbox.

(Read that again thrice.)


Facebook As Your 2nd List

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I’ve never gotten an email from someone who can’t find a Facebook post. With an audience reach of over 200,000 people a month, we get TONS of emails from people who can’t find whatever we’ve sent them in their in-box.

Also, you have to keep in mind that just because someone is on your list that doesn’t mean they are “email people.” They could be “Facebook peo-ple.” And because you’ve not taken the time to grow your audience over there, you’re probably leaving money on the table.

With Facebook as your 2nd List, you now have greater leveraging power and positioning with your audience. Now imagine being able to launch your next product or service to both your email list and your Facebook Page.

You could easily 10x your efforts by simply and merely growing an en-gaged Facebook page. wouldn’t have to work so doggone hard, for so little results aka your ROI is multiplied when you have an engaged Facebook Page.

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Facebook As Your 2nd List

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Growing a highly engaged Facebook Page is FUN!!

But it’s also a lot of hard work. (And pay off can be HUGE!!)

You’re probably wondering how to start growing your Facebook Page right away. While there are paid strategies that I teach in my course Facebook Made Simple, there are free ways to grow your page, so you can get started ASAP!

Below are 5 FREE ways to grow your Facebook Page:

1. Invite Your List

Periodically invite your email list over to your page AND have them take some kind of action ( join your Facebook Live, give their thoughts on a post, let you know if they like the quote graphic you just made, etc.)

This is an inconspicuous way to let your email list know that you are on Facebook and they should join you!

2. Use A Button or Link

Have a button or link at the bottom of your emails or blog posts that invites your email list + blog visitors to become a fan of your page. (I’d put them at the near the top of my blog posts. Also, you can set up a template in most email service providers that will allow you to do this with ease.)

I’d position it something like...”Join our community of ________” or “join me and other _________ lovers”

5 FREE Ways To Grow Your

Facebook Page

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This allows you to take advantage of valuable real estate + traffic on your blog and in your emails.

3. Include In Your Welcome Sequence

Invite your new subscribers over to your Facebook Page and have them take some kind of action (leave a note, say “hello,” or even have a “New Fans” Facebook Post, where they come and introduce themselves. Be CREATIVE!)

This allows you to take advantage of the euphoria of new, excited sub-scribers who are ready to follow you everywhere!

4. Mention Your Page Frequently

It’s important to talk often, yet very casually about your Facebook Page in your blog posts, emails, and other places where you are promoting your blog. This will query the interests of people who may be interested in you and your community.

This is a passive way of keeping your Facebook Page right in your audi-ence’s face without being overbearing about it.

5. Leverage Other Social Media Platforms

If you have a following (big or small) on another social media platform, then casually mentioned your Facebook page and let those followers know they can also follow you on Facebook. (You can do something different on Facebook than you’re doing elsewhere to entice them to join you.) Return to Main Page

5 FREE Ways To Grow Your

Facebook Page

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Page 21: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO Grow A Highly Engaged And Easily ... Freemiums... · Culture. Culture is the way of life of the community. It’s the food, customs, tradi-tions, language, vernacular,

YEP! You’re gonna have to do those.

Here’s why...

...Live Video is the #1 thing Facebook is prioritizing in the news feed.

The Facebook algorithm loves, loves, loves Live video. The #1 way to get into Facebook’s good graces is to do more Live video on your page.

Going Live on Facebook 2-3 times a week will do WONDERS for your Facebook Page. #pinkypromise

I can personally tell you this is something I, along with my students, do regularly. And when implemented with an overall Facebook Strategy, it not only increases en-gagement on your page, but your audience gets to know you in a more authentic (and in some cases more intimate) way.

Facebook Live give you instantaneous “know-like-trust” factor!

This is KEY to building not just a big Facebook Page, but an engaged audience that can’t get enough of you and what you have to offer them!

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Facebook L ives

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Teach something

Encourage your people

Inspire your people

Random Chats about stuff on your mind

Behind-the-Scenes look at your blog + business

Announcements about products, services, life changes

Demonstrations or How-To’s

- Makeup - Hair - Crafting - Cooking - Baking - Art - Music - Singing - Dancing - Exercise - Tutorials

BIG TIP!! You want to ENGAGE with your Audience and ask them to share with their friends, while you are recording live. This is KEY! Return to Main Page

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Facebook L ives Ideas

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If you’re not up for doing Facebook Lives for whatever reason (camera shy, uncomfortable, clueless), then you can opt for doing pre-recorded videos.

This is your next best option if you’re looking to game the algorithm and get into the good graces of Face-book.

Just record a video on your phone and upload them into Facebook. Easy Peasy!

Pre-recorded videos still have a high priority in the feed, but just not as much as Live video.

And you don’t get to engage with your Audience in re-al-time either.

So if you’re going to make pre-recorded videos a part of your Facebook Strategy, then I highly suggest you check into Facebook regularly and be sure to engage + respond to the comments your people make on your videos.

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Pre-Recorded Videos

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Teach something

Encourage your people

Inspire your people

Random Chats about stuff on your mind

Behind-the-Scenes look at your blog + business

Announcements about products, services, life changes

Demonstrations or How-To’s

- Makeup - Hair - Crafting - Cooking - Baking - Art - Music - Singing - Dancing - Exercise - Tutorials

BIG TIP!! Demonstrations & How-To’s tend to work best!

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Pre-Recorded VideoIdeas

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Photos & Graphics are a great way to not only increase engagement on your page, but they can be used to so-lidify your branding, share your heart, and give a sneak-peek, behind-the-scenes look into your life, as a blog-ger and business owner.

Here’s why this work so well... and graphics allow your people to identify and connect with you IMMEDIATELY!

One glance at a photo or graphic will tell them whether or not they have something in common with you.

And if you do, they’ll likely stay around your page for a while.

This is important because “like attracts like” and your people will be attracted to the things that are most like them. This humanizes your page and makes you seem “real” and authentic with your audience.

Guess what? People engage with that!

This is KEY to creating an engaged audience!

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Photos + Graphics

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Inspirational sayings

Encouraging sayings






- You - Selfie - Kids - Hubby - Fiancé - Dog - Cat - Food (Just Say “No” To Struggle Plates) LOL - Adventures - Vacations

BIG TIP!! Candid photos get WAY MORE engagement than staged. Get real and be real with your people!

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Photos + Graphics Ideas

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Text Posts are wonderful for having a dialogue with your audience.

These kinds of posts give you, as the page owner a chance to “speak” directly to your people through words and impact their lives beyond video or photos.

It opens you up for a different level of vulnerability.

Here’s why this work so well...

...text posts are the written word...the written word impacts humans in a way other forms of commu-nication do not. People also treasure the written word in their hearts.

When people read something, it sticks to the brain and mind in a profound way - forever and a day!

Words are POWERFUL! They are even more powerful when they are written down and read by others.

Use your words powerfully and responsibly with your audience!

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Text Posts

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Share your heart

Mini-Blog post



Ask questions

Poll your audience

Be silly & have fun!

BIG TIP!! Consider the impact your written words will have on your people and how your vulnerability will warm them up to you. Use your words responsibly to influence their lives.

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Text Posts Ideas

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Posting your links are a great way to extend the reach of your blog, freemium, or product. However, please understand that anything that takes people away from Facebook will be reduced in reach.

On the flip side doesn’t mean you cannot share your blog post...DO!

People will find it, read it, and share it.

Here’s why this work so well...

...Links (especially blog posts) give you a certain level of authority, influence, and expert-status. It’s an opportunity for your audience to know where your expertise and interests lie, plus how you might be able to help them in some area of their lives.

Though you’ll want to use links sparingly, you can still gain a bit of traction with them if done properly with the right Facebook Strategy.

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L inks

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Offer your freemium, lead magnet, etc.

Blog posts

Freemium or Opt-in


BIG TIP!! Consider posting your links as a photo + graph-ic, this can increase the reach and make whatever you’re wanting to get eyeballs on seen quicker by your audience!

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L ink Ideas

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Call-To-Actions (CTAs) are exactly what it says - it’s calling your audience to take an action. These kinds of posts are perfect for getting your people to sign up for you freemium, purchase your product, answer a ques-tion or a host of other types of actions.

Here’s why this work so well...

...CTAs are letting your audience know you have a way to serve them, solve their problems and meet their needs on a higher level than in just casual so-cial media interactions.

If your audience responds by taking the action you want them to take (sign-up for your list, buy your prod-uct, etc.), then you know you’re in-tune with their de-sires and their needs.

If your audience doesn’t, then you know you have a bit more work to do in order to drill down into what they need + desire and how you can best serve them

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Offer your freemium, lead magnet, etc.

Promote your product + service + affiliate offer

Ask a question

Inquire about opinions

Ask for feedback

Give a survey

Invite to an event + meet-up

BIG TIP!! This your chance to “put it all out there!!” Don’t hesitate or second guess putting yourself out there in this way. One caveat...use CTAs sparingly and with grace.

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Call-To-Action Ideas

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*In my Jerry McGuire voice*

If you’re going to spend time growing an engaged Facebook Page + com-munity + culture as your focus, then it’s only wise to find ways to monetize your efforts.

Cause ain’t nobody got time for working for free.

In all honesty, you should be looking at Facebook as your 2nd List; and since we use our lists to earn an income for our Blogs, we should do the same of our Facebook Page.

Below are 3 Non-Salesy Ways To Monetize Your Page:

1. Launch Your Products + Services

Announce your latest product or service to your Facebook Page. If you’ve spent the necessary time creating community + culture and your audience is engaging with you, then it only makes sense to tell them when you have something new or old (aka a sale) they can purchase.

And they’ll be glad you did because they’ll knock down the doors to get a taste of what you have to offer them.

3 Non-Salesy Ways To Monetize Your Facebook Page

Page 35: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO Grow A Highly Engaged And Easily ... Freemiums... · Culture. Culture is the way of life of the community. It’s the food, customs, tradi-tions, language, vernacular,

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2. Casually Mention Your Affiliate Offers

By casually, I mean showing your audience how you are using a particu-lar product (not just that it’s the next best thing since sliced bread)...but SHOW THEM with pictures or a Facebook Live. When people see you use something, it makes them want to use it too!

*Think QVC and HSN*

3. Freemiums + Tripwires

Never underestimate the power of a Tripwire!

You can offer one of your Freemiums to your audience, then on the back-end of them signing up, there’s a tripwire!

A tripwire is a low cost offer presented to new subscribers after they’ve opted in to your list.

You can gain so much traction with a simple $5 tripwire!

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3 Non-Salesy Ways To Monetize Your Facebook Page

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Page 37: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO Grow A Highly Engaged And Easily ... Freemiums... · Culture. Culture is the way of life of the community. It’s the food, customs, tradi-tions, language, vernacular,

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One big trend I see happening is more and more “bigger bloggers” actually blogging less and spending more of their focus + energy + resources with growing an audience outside of their traffic-based audience.

They are growing their fan bases on Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat AND many of them have turned to podcasting.

If you haven’t picked up on this, then I think you should really lean into the blogging-scape and take a look at what the powerful ones are doing.

It’s all about having a large audience.

Why? Because having a large audience positions you as an Influencer, Thought Leader, and Authority in your niche. It also opens up opportunities to work with brands for sponsored work.

But it’s not just about numbers. It’s also about connection.

Connection is created by building community + culture. (I mentioned this earlier in the guide, remember?)

So let’s take a deeper look into how you can create connection with your audience, so you can grow as an Influencer:


Be your truest self. Show more of your heart. Be vulnerable. Be Relatable.

People are so over Perfectly Polished Polly.

They want REAL. They want to you “get them.” Being relatable is way more valuable than being something you think you audience wants. Be you.

Position Yourself As An Influencer In Your Niche

Page 38: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO Grow A Highly Engaged And Easily ... Freemiums... · Culture. Culture is the way of life of the community. It’s the food, customs, tradi-tions, language, vernacular,

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Be the same person through-and-through. Show up regularly. Let people know they can count on you -- so much so people can’t help but watch you!

Showing up everyday says something to the hearts and minds of your au-dience. They know they can depend on you and they’ll be loyal to you. That matters in the long run when you get ready to offer your products or services for sale.


Be a “Hope Dealer.”

Give people something to believe in that’s bigger than themselves (and you)!

Better future. Better now. Better tomorrow. Better life.

Remember this...

...the one with the most hope has the most INFLUENCE!

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Position Yourself As An Influencer In Your Niche

Page 39: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO Grow A Highly Engaged And Easily ... Freemiums... · Culture. Culture is the way of life of the community. It’s the food, customs, tradi-tions, language, vernacular,

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Next ?!

Page 40: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO Grow A Highly Engaged And Easily ... Freemiums... · Culture. Culture is the way of life of the community. It’s the food, customs, tradi-tions, language, vernacular,

I hope you learned a lot in my Ultimate Guide To Grow-ing A Facebook Page!

My whole goal was to expose you to not just what it takes to grow an engaged Facebook Page, but also the possibilities for your Blogging Business and what that can mean for your future.

By now, you are ready to start growing your Facebook page and putting into practice all you’ve learned. The best place to do that is my pop-up Facebook Group and you can join me over at my Facebook Page.

You’ll find me in both places being your personal cheer-leader and helping you grow your page and your blog-ging business!

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Wrapping it up!
