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STEM @ C-FG Science and Engineering Practices Put to Work

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Post on 13-Feb-2017




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Science and Engineering Practices Put to Work

5K Science and Engineering Practices

STEM in Mrs. Braswell’s Kindergarten Class

K.S.1.A.2Develop and use models to (1) understand or represent phenomena, processes, and relationships, (2) test devices or solutions, or (3) communicate ideas to others.

5K Science and Engineering

PracticeSTEM in Ms. McDowell’s Kindergarten Class

K.S.1.A.2Develop and use models to (1) understand or represent phenomena, processes, and relationships, (2) test devices or solutions, or (3) communicate ideas to others.

1st Grade Science and Engineering

PracticesSTEM in Mrs. McLean’s 1st Grade Class

1.S.1A.2 Develop and use models to (1) understand or represent phenomena, processes, and relationships, (2) test devices or solutions, or (3) communicate ideas to others.

Force and Motion STEM Activities1.S.1A.3 With teacher guidance, conduct structured investigations to answer scientific questions, test predictions and develop explanations: (1) predict possible outcomes, (2) identify materials and follow procedures, (3) use appropriate tools or instruments to collect qualitative and quantitative data, and (4) record and represent data in an appropriate form. Use appropriate safety procedures.

Station 1: Rolling Balls1. Use a balance and cubes to compare the weight of the balls2. Test different balls (glass, wood, plastic, and foam) on a bare ramp to see which one goes the furthest. How many tiled did each ball go? How was it different from the others?3. Did the difference in the weight of the balls change the results?4. Is there anything you could do to the ramp to change the results?

Station 2: Gears Station1. Line up several gears and apply force to the first gear. How does the energy transfer?2. Do all the gears in a row move in the same direction? Do you see a pattern?

Station 3: Rolling on a Ramp1. Release a toy car from the top of the ramp and mark where it stops. 2. Measure the distance it traveled on the floor.3. Repeat and record your best distance.4. Choose a new material to cover the ramp.5. Test and record your best distance for each surface. 6. Which material worked best? Is there anything else we could do to improve our results?

Station 4: Dominoes Station1. Line up dominoes and apply force to the first domino. Watch the energy transfer!2. Line up dominoes to form the letter S.3. Line up dominoes to form the letter Z.4. Can you knock them all down with just one push?

Station 5: Marble Run1. Combine several pieces to create a tower, then test marbles to complete the run.2. In what direction does the marble need to move?3. Is there anything else we could do to improve our results?

Blended Learning

Let’s look inside 4th grade classrooms using the station rotation model of

blended learning…

Station Rotatio

n Model

Station Rotation Model