state news 19460802 -...

WHOBSmm IK» "I th* AIM hall bulletin ta-anta aarvaH mw purine* Ibta «**» when m entetinMna alu- 1 « nu# ihnwiiMi lb* lb* dnrmllury rl •iravaUo*, hnv* Mm* Tk* War heil nil lb* «*m peth* IMkt In *n)f but the maa* ■Ihtelta mutant*, «ml tew nt Ihem h*v* been repnrt Ml ■■ eiullna up In lh* hole now •ml then. Th* map ptalutM th* hwanl* In a gulf mm taahUat, and of(«r*d m about wlt«re th* •l*r* would b*am dlaalaa n*at (hie *ua*all«n rmnhlnul a heal tunnel and cm* mute In th* ll*ldhoua* and (dda hall *t*a. •.. Too Mmy t'.mU llaamallataal ka***^ mat,a a— MWVi flHI Ml aa* Ha* at IM*. nT aa* taiiatlia. A land veteran at ahaal a tear araraaaa) dtmid lata Mia ldamaaM| AaeMaeA o iami awM V IfW IMI fat M MA SAWT l-AWIHWn. MH-WtOAW, ntltlAY, AlUillST J. lata MSC Limits Fall Quarter Enrollment Meeting Lays Groundwork Hamburg Jumire Michigan Vet* For Cooperative Food Store a* mm nmtArr Trailer ramp reaUlent'a dream* for a taui pnifil trirrry gluraln I heir gatteral v trinity t.a* lun« atrhlea luwanla artuallly Wadttaaday aipht, at a nperial mrrtuut -|*ii,*«rrd by the American l,rrt«n. hrlRta In the ramp rrrraatlna rmmt. Keynot in* th* aatteral *u|* port yivan the nan profit CO- ninrativf pton, ho. Jtiten Han¬ nah mM, "flu Mlllfll wilt to |M |lvf all Ito mttral »iip- |nirf ami im^fvallnn thai II ran." M great dral <tf enUiusia«m and interest waa shown hjr Ito 100 «ir iwwr students ami family namlier* present. to the M(«*r Hw. ... 0r/rrKtr .Story The Rati taming branch of Scotland yard began method! cal rhrrklug through III language film recently trying to find out what Mirt of rifth column waa operating in una of the vacant rtaMrooma of the Union anna a. About half a down flail Ami individual! gathered IMgam in the mum. usually une at a time, with earh suceedlng entrant giving a countersign "Diflime una freer" The mystery was finally cleared with the eaplanattun Hint a group from Mario Rudriguei' elemen¬ tary Spanish class was holding a bull-session review after earh day's lesson. A third-year Span¬ ish student was quickly located to translate the phrase but he lather weak from having waited In the miaed lounge three days for the grill to open, and can't be held responsible fur his mutter¬ ing, "Digram a sentence." ... Word to lie WUo The tentative general pattern for the nrw cooperative wa« pre senteil by Arthur ttowland, ev tension ernmtioist, with W years t»f. co-op esperlenre. The bene¬ fits «4 the proposed co-op will fen convenience and reduced costs of foods and other Item*, of the pnddems that will have hi be met include a good source of supply, sound financing, sat Isfactory service with a variety of new g-eyl rgnlppid wMh a tore-way Plato FuNae net redie. One of fee re- In Ma*I* WIS Feature l.imtaij Stawart "Made for Each Other" with Carole Lombard and Jimmy Sta¬ wart is the movie playing at fair, child theater tomorrow night at I. As has baon previously an¬ nounced. there will be no movie A committee wa- appointed with (hirdon Henna, Eaat I. sing sophomore, aa chairman. In formulate plena ami circulate: a preliminary questionnaire to determine the aemkri of pro*- five member! on romp this time. VA hint* Date* Ft* I'ctrran* To Fill Formn Veteian* AdmUtistf ation nffi- cmI* ye-teidav sltn><fi| fiir im- |M*ft«ra« <•( thr te«ptHrd forms ft-gardldg full trin, rtttollit it'iil Altai irt|i*r\l fof |e«\r -uhsptamr following summer (|o»tlet foi nil vrlritii* pirsrntly rnt< lit <1 olid* i Pubtlr law Mi %»Hisna wHh names to- giaalag wHb <1 and I wMI to token rare at today. AN those wNh tosi names from A tbrseah I who have na from J to I* sb report Aug. I; N O on Aug. I; P-N on Aug. 1; n-f an Ang. •; V I an Aug. t. an# dl rematotog straggler* The samnd meeting to crys- la(ije plans and commence e membership drive will he held nest Wednesday wming at 7 St in the trailer ramp recreation rtMMii The meeting will he open In all Interested students end faculty. It planmd that the cooper¬ ative will to open to all rottope students, faculty and staff The store will aell only to members. With the tentative membership fee of IN being returned to the member upon his leeving the or¬ ganisation There will to on cam¬ pus this fall potentially NM co-up members arcfeding to Robert Rtott. Legtun rimmsaiir. Commodities will to sj)f at prices on a general level with those of local merchants. Profit* of the entoipilse will to divided in quarterly dtvtdands The ad- van tape of the quarterly system is that it gtvea the organisation a slightly higher narking rap Hal. Emery Footer, suaaf v of dar- VA claim number* air needed he rsHoplelson of Form 7-1 and vetevana air advised to bring their nutoheis in rede. to iimph fy registration The form is oeces- .sory whether or not the veteran intends to rhiiin vutoidaore for the iiermd brUrrn tortus, it was rmpha»i/ed JIMMY WAUSWl iM I II 12. of Miami. Flu i liclirvmc lir wa* oven h.tig«*<l a Hhkcl on ham- huigeiN, uiude a tup ♦«» Hie flUA lie won hi* ca«e and i;a,1 a Hi irnl lefund on l.'t audwul I'lic ir-vlaoianl where lie made the purchases was fined 2% dol hilt. AlnmnuM ItruudrantM llatiy Wtnmer? Mi« hi|-.oi S'.dc alumnus and net wot k sport *e er, run now fir iieaid hi a new series ot s|iort< ants Mnod.iy tliiough Friday at g.5.1 pin. EST. ovri Hie AfW' network. Spoiism ••rl l»y If 5». Army Hermit my Srrviee, Wismer give* a fast fiv minute* of Hie latrM sport* do|a (•iii* opinions and oh*ei vatinn (ktn Still Apply For Fall Term Kiii ' llnieni nf i ivilmn or •Illf r»f it Mir- vet era it id il¬ licit! M til Mil Hiffiiil Stair col¬ lege for the fall il l in WM-T halted im of H a m yesb rday Hi lew of aldlt (paled hi a i .log. In stllieloi alal classroom •hoitaKeq doting the eominv •iIih.I p tr. i'lr-i John A Hannah aonr-uia I In date Hie •••tlrge toe ap- proved ovei tlNitl new 'hah id application*. t.*l7ft lion veteran* and 2112.1 vet-. It wa* bimu.M not by i'li-Rident Itaooati tliat M tmiiiiiK itodents. and n* w rtu- dentn alirudy adodttr-rf at# not. let ted I,y the ini ienrt -mil Girl Gonfetwett Participation In 10 Campus RoIiIh'Hcs Chief of INiIk* Arthur F. Ihand»t«tter said late yesterday that IP rumpus robberies ere about to be (onsidrred.rlnaed tol. towing a statement made by a IS-year-old teaming girl whose identity is being withheld. The statement was made dur¬ ing police investigation of Mrs. Key Steven-. SI, nf Lnming. who la tolwved in to the "brains" of the pair Mrs Strvens denies all rnnnoitiuM with the robberies and is being told until Septem¬ ber tor further action in court. The IS-year old girls' state¬ ment follows in part: "I do not recall the esnrt deles, hut Mrs. Kay hi una and myself have heen to various buildings am the late college Weekend To Include Three Parties Th*' party wOltataMial* d»mltat? MMaf room torn to It loctol *v*«u *4 Um »l*k- fta *1ao InciuAa mi A*in n»M tMII ptayuto >o»t WUUmb', -StorM Awtrl" will Th* party M*a ataar. card play. A hrl*M to *• avaaM^a tot Am «v*al and pa- M BMP, will P* Ira. S. K. *Ma.»il id Mr. 1. R. Btub- and tiav* Ukr,. mn,i*y. |*w.-l,y ami billfold from the riNiuis ii tli« »e building.*. "I reeull one lime last Decern- •r when we went intn the gills gym mimI Kay picked up billfold- I do wit know how much money was In It. toit she gave me lw«» dollars. I think it was in the latter part of May or «arly part of June that Kay and I went into girls' dormitory arru-R from the Unite building t Campbell hall) and from lite third floor Kay pirked up a hoa with lew- See (VMVtlNnN, Page I Fa| torn lag tto arttom tf the •late legislator*. *N ttm*-** will to dl*ml**rd and all «wl leg* afflres wlH to rtoted Aug It, rsmmemarsttog "WImj Hay." Fre*. John Mann.«h an wooneed yesterday. President Hannah •-mpha- «lred that Ito irrtslsn wa* tor tbta year anly. and to* not nereaaarily apply to fwloee years. thiit iippliestirtns from velcian* living tn Hie state of Mm higao will la* init|»tftl until Sept II Miilitgan State i* ot»c «.f very few large M'itl'a»|r. whlth I' iii i able to espand lapidly ugh tit at eumrwlati all wtv w»ie •pialilietl ft, attend to daft V*t- eraris have la-en generally given preference over wrttiien ii»hit¬ men. however, tin* ih tta liist time titat it ha* torinoe ta**4*- nary to e|rt*e enrollin*nt e,it»r»ly to nun-veterans full ge rdfitial* walti thai Mieingaii veterans m-ktnp impli¬ cation after yent*r«tay must »h« so with the urMter*taiHtio|f that Hie ttillr-gi tan toake no guaran¬ tee that housing will be available, although every effort will l«e made to assist in finding t Indent* accomodations. Itegistrar ftrdirrt S I niton utalol that at Hast Htcd'nt* will return to cla*ties th' tail, and that the total enroll -writ i* es|ie«'ted to he mote than 10.bob Student Complaint* On OriiTCJoning Bring Official Union Explanation rush and noise until the stfairi was beginning tn tell. Noi being able to coordinate their v.ra'.tou* and still provide satisfactory service, the Union marram m* nt darided to cloae the grill Nothing unuauel, the grui ha:, been closed during the teg nd of summer schools in ycai. past. However, never before has there been the number of summ* r students now present on tenpn. In view of the leek of t atmg establishments rnd piece- ft r to engage in social at - A mounting wave of protest, longing from the hungry whim¬ pers of the Icte riser to the howl of the social wolf, is sweeping arreas campus because of the Union grill's closing According to the Union men- Mrtage af help has -en outstanding problem in running the grill. Due to increa¬ sing numbers eating in the caie- teria, student help drsstrfnei its staff to run the grill impaired the effirieney of cafeteria. If this help writ not used to runjUviUas, the cleaing of tto t:rtll the grill, the grill in turn was.has left a gaping hole In '<**- hampered. {pus life. One student went -o far At the same time, the ragu.'srlaa to compere it with (kncr.l grill staff were being overwork- ] Sherman s famous word* cri¬ ed in an atmoahere of continual. cerning war.

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Page 1: state news 19460802 - IK»"Ith*AIMhallbulletin ta-antaaarvaH•mwpurine*Ibta «**»whenmentetinMnaalu-

WHOBSmmIK» "I th* AIM hall bulletin

ta-anta aarvaH • mw purine* Ibta«**» when m entetinMna alu-

1 « nu# ihnwiiMi lb*

lb* dnrmllury l« rl•iravaUo*, hnv* Mm*

Tk* War heil nil lb* «*m peth*IMkt In *n)f but the maa*

■Ihtelta mutant*, «ml• tew nt Ihem h*v* been repnrtMl ■■ eiullna up In lh* hole now•ml then. Th* map ptalutM th*hwanl* In a gulf mm taahUat,and of(«r*d mabout wlt«re th*•l*r* would b*am dlaalaa n*at(hie *ua*all«n rmnhlnul a healtunnel and cm* mute In th*ll*ldhoua* and (dda hall *t*a.

•.. Too Mmy t'.mUllaamallataal ka***^ mat,a a—MWVi flHI Ml

aa* Ha* at IM*.nT aa* taiiatlia. A

land veteran at ahaal atear araraaaa) dtmid lata MialdamaaM| AaeMaeA o iami awMV IfW IMI

fat M MA SAWT l-AWIHWn. MH-WtOAW, ntltlAY, AlUillST J. lata

MSC Limits Fall Quarter EnrollmentMeeting Lays Groundwork Hamburg Jumire Michigan Vet*For Cooperative Food Store

a* mm nmtArrTrailer ramp reaUlent'a dream* for a taui pnifil trirrrygluraln Iheir gatteral v trinity t.a* lun« atrhlea luwanla

artuallly Wadttaaday aipht, at a nperial mrrtuut -|*ii,*«rrdby the American l,rrt«n. hrlRtaIn the ramp rrrraatlna rmmt.Keynot in* th* aatteral *u|*

port yivan the nan profit CO-ninrativf pton, ho. Jtiten Han¬nah mM, "flu Mlllfll wilt to|M l» |lvf all Ito mttral »iip-|nirf ami im^fvallnn thai II ran."M great dral <tf enUiusia«m andinterest waa shown hjr Ito 100«ir iwwr students ami familynamlier* present.

to the M(«*rHw.

... 0r/rrKtr .StoryThe Rati taming branch of

Scotland yard began • method!cal rhrrklug through III languagefilm recently trying to find outwhat Mirt of rifth column waa

operating in una of the vacantrtaMrooma of the Union annaa.

About half a downflail Ami individual! gatheredIMgam in the mum. usually

une at a time, withearh suceedlng entrant giving acountersign "Diflime una freer"The mystery was finally clearedwith the eaplanattun Hint a groupfrom Mario Rudriguei' elemen¬tary Spanish class was holdinga bull-session review after earhday's lesson. A third-year Span¬ish student was quickly locatedto translate the phrase but helather weak from having waitedIn the miaed lounge three daysfor the grill to open, and can't beheld responsible fur his mutter¬ing, "Digram a sentence."

... Word to lie WUo

The tentative general patternfor the nrw cooperative wa« presenteil by Arthur ttowland, evtension ernmtioist, with W yearst»f. co-op esperlenre. The bene¬fits «4 the proposed co-op will fenconvenience and reduced costsof foods and other Item*,of the pnddems that will havehi be met include a good sourceof supply, sound financing, satIsfactory service with a varietyof

new g-eylrgnlppid wMh a tore-way PlatoFuNae net redie. One of fee re-

In N»

Ma*I* WIS Featurel.imtaij Stawart"Made for Each Other" with

Carole Lombard and Jimmy Sta¬wart is the movie playing at fair,child theater tomorrow night atI. As has baon previously an¬nounced. there will be no movie

A committee wa- appointedwith (hirdon Henna, Eaat I.sing sophomore, aa chairman. Informulate plena ami circulate:a preliminary questionnaire todetermine the aemkri of pro*-

five member! on rompthis time.

VA hint* Date*Ft* I'ctrran*To Fill FormnVeteian* AdmUtistfation nffi-

cmI* ye-teidav sltn><fi| fiir im-

|M*ft«ra« <•( thr te«ptHrd formsft-gardldg full trin, rtttollit it'iilAltai irt|i*r\l fof |e«\r -uhsptamrfollowing summer (|o»tlet foi nilvrlritii* pirsrntly rnt< lit <1 olid* iPubtlr law Mi

%»Hisna wHh names to-giaalag wHb <1 and I wMI totoken rare at today. AN thosewNh tosi names from A tbrseahI who have na

from J to I* sb report Aug. I;N O on Aug. I; P-N on Aug.1; n-f an Ang. •; V I an Aug.t. an# dl rematotog straggler*

The samnd meeting to crys-la(ije plans and commence emembership drive will he heldnest Wednesday wming at 7 Stin the trailer ramp recreationrtMMii The meeting will he openIn all Interested students endfaculty.It planmd that the cooper¬

ative will to open to all rottopestudents, faculty and staff Thestore will aell only to members.With the tentative membershipfee of IN being returned to themember upon his leeving the or¬ganisation There will to on cam¬

pus this fall potentially NMco-up members arcfeding toRobert Rtott. Legtun rimmsaiir.Commodities will to sj)f at

prices on a general level withthose of local merchants. Profit*of the entoipilse will to dividedin quarterly dtvtdands The ad-vantape of the quarterly systemis that it gtvea the organisation aslightly higher narking rapHal.Emery Footer, suaafv of dar-

VA claim number* air neededhe rsHoplelson of Form 7-1and vetevana air advised to bringtheir nutoheis in rede. to iimphfy registration The form is oeces-.sory whether or not the veteran■ intends to rhiiin vutoidaore forthe iiermd brUrrn tortus, it wasrmpha»i/ed


Miami. Flu i liclirvmc lir wa*oven h.tig«*<l a Hhkcl on ham-huigeiN, uiude a tup ♦«» Hie flUAlie won hi* ca«e and i;a,1 a Hiirnl lefund on l.'t audwulI'lic ir-vlaoianl where lie madethe purchases was fined 2% dolhilt.

AlnmnuM ItruudrantM

llatiy Wtnmer? Mi« hi|-.oi S'.dcalumnus and netwot k sport *eer, run now fir iieaid hi a new

series ot s|iort< ants Mnod.iytliiough Friday at g.5.1 pin. EST.ovri Hie AfW' network. Spoiism••rl l»y If 5». Army HermitmySrrviee, Wismer give* a fast fivminute* of Hie latrM sport* do|a(•iii* opinions and oh*ei vatinn

(ktn Still ApplyFor Fall TermKiii ' llnieni nf i ivilmn or

•Illf r»f it Mir- vetera it id il¬

licit! M til Mil Hiffiiil Stair col¬lege for the fall il l in WM-T

halted im of H a m yesb rday Hilew of aldlt (paled hi a i .log. Instllieloi alal classroom •hoitaKeqdoting the eominv •iIih.I p tr.i'lr-i John A Hannah aonr-uia •


In date Hie •••tlrge toe ap-

proved ovei tlNitl new 'hah id

application*. t.*l7ft lion veteran*and 2112.1 vet-. It wa* bimu.M notby i'li-Rident Itaooati tliat M

tmiiiiiK itodents. and n* w rtu-dentn alirudy adodttr-rf at# not.let ted I,y the ini ienrt -mil

Girl Gonfetwett ParticipationIn 10 Campus RoIiIh'HcsChief of INiIk* Arthur F.

Ihand»t«tter said late yesterdaythat IP rumpus robberies ere

about to be (onsidrred.rlnaed tol.

towing a statement made by aIS-year-old teaming girl whoseidentity is being withheld.The statement was made dur¬

ing police investigation of Mrs.Key Steven-. SI, nf Lnming. whola tolwved in to the "brains" ofthe pair Mrs Strvens denies allrnnnoitiuM with the robberiesand is being told until Septem¬ber tor further action in court.The IS-year old girls' state¬

ment follows in part: "I do notrecall the esnrt deles, hut Mrs.Kay hi una and myself haveheen to various buildings am the

late college

Weekend To Include Three Parties

Th*' party wOltataMial*d»mltat? MMaf room torn •to It loctol *v*«u *4 Um »l*k-fta *1ao InciuAa mi A*in n»M

tMII ptayuto >o»t

WUUmb', -StorM Awtrl" will

Th* party M*a ataar. card play.

A hrl*M to *• avaaM^a

tot Am «v*al and pa-M BMP, will P*Ira. S. K. *Ma.»ilid Mr. 1. R. Btub-

and tiav* Ukr,. mn,i*y. |*w.-l,yami billfold from the riNiuis ii

tli« »e building.*."I reeull one lime last Decern-•r when we went intn the

gills gym mimI Kay picked upbillfold- I do wit know how muchmoney was In It. toit she gaveme lw«» dollars.

I think it was in the latterpart of May or «arly part ofJune that Kay and I went into

girls' dormitory arru-R fromthe Unite building tCampbellhall) and from lite third floorKay pirked up a hoa with lew-

See (VMVtlNnN, Page I

Fa| torn lag tto arttom tf the•late legislator*. *N ttm*-**will to dl*ml**rd and all «wlleg* afflres wlH to rtoted AugIt, rsmmemarsttog "WImjHay." Fre*. John Mann.«h an

wooneed yesterday.President Hannah •-mpha-

«lred that Ito irrtslsn wa* tortbta year anly. and to* notnereaaarily apply to fwloeeyears.

thiit iippliestirtns from velcian*living tn Hie state of Mm higaowill la* init|»tftl until Sept IIMiilitgan State i* ot»c «.f very

few large M'itl'a»|r. whlth I' • iii i

able to espand lapidly • n« ughtit ateumrwlati all wtv w»ie

•pialilietl ft, attend to daft V*t-eraris have la-en generally givenpreference over wrttiien ii»hit¬men. however, tin* ih tta liisttime titat it ha* torinoe ta**4*-

nary to e|rt*e enrollin*nt e,it»r»lyto nun-veterans

full ge rdfitial* walti thaiMieingaii veterans m-ktnp impli¬cation after yent*r«tay must »h«so with the urMter*taiHtio|f thatHie ttillr-gi tan toake no guaran¬tee that housing will be available,although every effort will l«emade to assist in finding t Indent*accomodations.

Itegistrar ftrdirrt S I nitonutalol that at Hast Htcd'nt*will return to cla*ties th' tail,and that the total enroll -writ i*es|ie«'ted to he mote than10.bob

Student Complaint* On OriiTCJoningBring Official Union Explanation

rush and noise until the stfairiwas beginning tn tell. Noi beingable to coordinate their v.ra'.tou*and still provide satisfactoryservice, the Union marram m* ntdarided to cloae the grillNothing unuauel, the grui ha:,

been closed during the teg • ndof summer schools in ycai. past.However, never before has therebeen the number of summ* rstudents now present on tenpn.In view of the leek of t atmg

establishments rnd piece- ft rto engage in social at -

A mounting wave of protest,longing from the hungry whim¬pers of the Icte riser to the howlof the social wolf, is sweepingarreas campus because of theUnion grill's closingAccording to the Union men-

Mrtage af help has-en outstanding problem in

running the grill. Due to increa¬sing numbers eating in the caie-teria, student help drsstrfneiits staff to run the grill impairedthe effirieney of cafeteria. Ifthis help writ not used to runjUviUas, the cleaing of tto t:rtllthe grill, the grill in turn was.has left a gaping hole In '<**-hampered. {pus life. One student went -o farAt the same time, the ragu.'srlaa to compere it with (kncr.l

grill staff were being overwork- ]Sherman s famous word* cri¬ed in an atmoahere of continual. cerning war.

Page 2: state news 19460802 - IK»"Ith*AIMhallbulletin ta-antaaarvaH•mwpurine*Ibta «**»whenmentetinMnaalu-

Page Two

MICMMN JTMI JWSt<jr the *fti

„ „„ tm.m nmnimnini*, during —


r«<«iir iMaMatetmum • •

sasnsstsI'iiniUdPN Miwnrr

RrpntlrM — Idiw AlltfK, |>tHiJS? MiViTi'V* . JNR jNaaafJ? l**RMittiv»«»Man Im MMgens. Mad Rente*

Rsv i-mk Mg Martin

'- —

rs, mwpRte i ■■■' ■■■•

churchesTin llr\ I- II M.ivfuM. u*-

MuMiitr mliihdiM in elwirgt* of rvhgiMU* 1'ilumti it ami youth tvcfkof till* |.;Ol*ltlg IVotl'iil M«'th»*d-♦M church, will spmtk at thr.siuwtio .vmutig vt^prr* at theII nit pMi'II on tin* t.»|»u- •Vhmu-j.(i ■■

Thr v '«-prr pregrani n. held••nr»' Sii«it.o evening at 7 11 nttdi*. i pen to student*. nml t«»wn*-peuj . Ha/rl A«*hi i* studentIf.utt'i t. i the . Sutulay,. t-.I tin pi ;om tin hide - iiHlo sol v s,huhm t'« "Prnyu."

i 'nerd to t^'itla Trarhd .11 r.iln-

p..tiled tv Ih'rill i*o'k!»• i .im' Of ialh <•' <ervhv will

!• tu'M m MiVuitr Hupi I ol

Wf: Pirn* Permt*r

p iUIVtl

At t tvgtiWir marling of theAmrrteett Vrtrran* HHhOilttrrWfNthemtey evening it wa* decid¬ed ipltltT Mi n|Wtl fontm no thrstudent hoiiitng pmMrnt Thisli'triiiiioti of thr campus nod off-i imptiv housing •HwMtiHl will in• hide general repnrU, sugge*-tudV*. nneidhms and answer* con¬cernnig many of thr veteran amitu»n-v eter <ii livitiK problem*In iiititi«•!* to thr open toium.

itirmltrf* of thr AVi' air t«»niakr pen mm I .-.intact w ith, lain.mii« nil* and religious organ-u.itioiis in in dm to urgr tlirln topnhlu-i/e fmthrr thr nrrd lotsatist.ii toi> tiling i|UiiMi»i> loithr in.imed utul uttni.iuled !u-dm' v rtrran

Amber Hiei Mm jab**


\ • « <!•', irs i t n noils |„diving thr v -nth of Augi.<t til prixo(>:»*• l.ullirvan hurvh t* MateSing i< •: I " *id( thr glMimal third't. . . Ih•*!-. of (it ,m MrThr 'i0 4"> sm vh « Kimdnv

comMer .fob. w titlr r« Minns «»nniufMiiu Sundae ('.nun • ihrn> mth wot l»r t»a>rd tin .l.oeph.I\.t. an • I .« lot .tooth ,

rated I.*'.? *s".tlh IV'osvl-vania aMtnir :• landing • '.irWin* > ,»s* Mirlot..«n

Mi* KaIiIH hiiin.r turn" i

• t W |V'1P>' stu.lrnts ,I» |N'.<p|i>«• hint}- \\ rr ;rrr iirr .tutirs |1 11' wrrg .t'tn aMrtvhng thr1N Mi \-VWt' \ s-.iM ii*hrld 1

• I st. P«t k Coi,. tr,»i . lulv i5'' • V, l.i-ir Mri'iiM.nigti.!W" lutirn'** do tvtos, is \ at i-

'. . .w >.»uth' ( as " ina (id - j

ik tin M'tninat and will if-j*.i v t • U.n>ing AUK 1^ I

onr yrnr «»\rt in.O0ti.OOOix vixitrtt Micliigan's 00Talk'-, appioxirnatrly two-n ivany a* vintrd all thr

National Parks


F-m nw (Mil frw iflUHllw ll«h>Audrey with he. lugh wh.«ddlidmw m bund h«. Iwru w»h hing th» Wrlewiw n.«lat dear M.'thfl'a '""'rr.and at Mll.lmis nwl t'.di-alt. Siw*., h*Mr. fttnrnh. I« li.Uri ihnn thr

i.d.-Hu»tr> win. |«>i.imI» thr|iavpitirnl hrtwrrn frm|urnt "no¬thing !»*♦•>•'a " Wlml t* going "♦hapfMii h» Iddr guts ndw ap-pioio htng i ollrgr ag» "With htmdwMs of nur \vtrf-

una parking rtnaal'onm■. Ainrrl-ran gtrla air finding it diffirtiltif lint iui|Missti*lr to trrad thrimth to highrr Irarnhig ManyiHiltngWi fnivr rloard thru doorsto ont-of-itatr wonirn ilhtt 0««hhnvr littlr room for nntivr wo¬nirn i'lir »ltuat|on P arri lisAil gflWIr lit thr rutrrnt IN'O

takrs up thr piohlrm Thr Ainrr-Iran itlnmllongl ay*t0in 14 "Inthr ntidilh of thr gin .ml Hiainin its hhrtory." thr tory tn*|h«tt»At thr rhwr of thr school vrai.

idnov t 400,000 vrts wrrr rorolh'din roltrgi's and ntuv -rMttrs arrosIhr roillltry. This fall. 1.000,000

! an riprrtrtl t«» sork ndniiimtonThr housing sti rtngr i^ a far-

! tor pnrtlridinly affrrtmg wo-i inrn studrntl l«rran«r "su|*rn ts-tl living i|uartoi> aiv n«*rrs-

; sary for thr falw r\. whrnas. ti frllow may lay his Iwad in1any foi in of nhrltrl

[ i'ollrgrs tin not iuiV't* fartlPit ..! faculty mrn.liris. HwMioonis. >t{housing to liiindlr thr va t nutn-tn»rs s"Thing rollrgr rdurattons at(Ins timr, and llttfr Audrrv rrr-

1 tatnly dors not ohm* an A-! pn-ority ti what Ihrrr is

All. hark in nalttrr and thr hr-IiivihI ru»*sr < f niowpiltors jtn r-fh-. ami othrr flying animalsIhrrr healthy. eager vets(student* at Minnesota

Wee ttmri litHIT. rate s

®y l.wiitv

• Wc will now otwn our dlleuaiinu tvrio.1 it i...

wtiat you're t Iking ntsiiil please l«r as hurt

IMATHKATlOk tAilMThese siaMrnts ska have Ml

picked «p their hh wllfliPkatrirtk «hnwM 4« *• n «mn a*

pe««lhle. They are JullaMr althe registrar's nlfh-e m«.IH MIITIMiIntri fratei iidy fouiitd will

hold a inert tog \ur *

(ration ro n. i i

p tni URIWTI \N si II M i HI 11Ihr mretinf of tin > .

Ntlenre nrgiuirathiM u ill ?:lk p.m. ,.i it., ipel nf Prnplrs t hio l.

<HKINTI%\ wn nr%T»ot *n.%Tm*

InirrrtnrowItAlltluil SlMtfPtlt

i ioi i r* t mi kmu miii \» lit vr « •

t %wei * \ t arms : is i\ tmcw\m» start t

!• .a««- o' in Ma'ini*. !i«prl

hr» i ii sibitipia sppakrrI -

I'mlU Ijrrnd. l»llt» s«»loI'ttfVfg «« IK>ulrri

Hud %«h». MBtdBt Ifttft

(usswa msgoitt

ROOMS roh two NANA aci«duslcs Rn-uit. i

TWO VTTR Rrslre nvntn near > wltt call Den catnpsu. Rst « AH-

n tt itau at noun ,1

R1DC h»r two »e InhprltHitrn orrrav-cra* Cttjr op Aug tilh Will►hair rtpfnm B*t PPT It

PAT MOAT, renter board, matwd m.I mnglMp. gB f»»en* t-flP

"oSCoKanvehung to

HSp^sSpicir> glate Newt attire- It


t ot.i.ror n twiian t wrm hSt". vi. r« m Ihr F IdtnOlir stair Thralt-r

W,ttHi.ip scrv ur t« ;Hinr\ ft.ith it t-.HoTii wit t pttF.Ai tt

- n«»\ Wiinsni Ytnuir1 'i'1*111* S.J731 "

M A It 0. I'.islnr510 Lindrn St

. chi ccb1nl rrdrnom Inst least


9 IS And II *»

Sshieti "minns —

m. Ii liAHil I'trnhlnt

•awday Masses — i, ta. Ithat* Days of Oktlgstma Msaaes

f. a ItWeekdsy Masses — I sad I am.

Confessteas — Aalurdar4 tn 1» am and I M to 9 amHalts gatary Naveas far Vtadeats

4:15 pan.

thf Hiuivlt a' the uUris fliou *itMctUrnn and »f«' Grand River

PR. 1 V MaeRAcaiN. rasterPR MICNAIL MI.RRO. Anl

Pkoae B-S7M

ntsY riVTiti or coinMTENimT

Past Lansing — Masanle Temphsl« MAC Avaaaa

christLI THUAM tail( H

t.Miswfui gynndllit R IVnn near ltlno t Mich.

»: L. MOLRT. raster

•aadsjr smtre — It aJR. amit ririt ct Att 1tet


MtirntngWorship. 10.41

ONRgay Irbset — S M am"Tr*: rr.-M or iob-

VdSNlsf ten Ice — • rr.

haading Room and LeadingLMtraty - XI* Abbott BMg

Tune in on the Lutheran NaurEvery Sunday 10 4ft

coramtrtfear BnM


KMT MRgf pa1, WirRg II a. ii.:«• Banghart M- laming

On Highway >7. four blocks (aside northern city limits


hostess accessfhhi s


18 Cuaster*. ltd CiH'ktuil tiMpkitiM ■>

■IS MuTrh |wrks park. il in A rlenr pln-i »■1..ix. Choice of paat.l colors.

Plain 2.7.1Mon«|(rainiii«'tl 2 71


5d Matt h bottka |wu'ked ill it clear plan-tic drum. Choice of color*.

dab. 1.21MoangrainnirH 2.00

jfif/itmamU107 South Wgshington Ave.

Luggage *. Leather Goods •• Trunks •• 0*

Page 3: state news 19460802 - IK»"Ith*AIMhallbulletin ta-antaaarvaH•mwpurine*Ibta «**»whenmentetinMnaalu-

PrMtey, A«rm*I 1, IMS


Abbot 13 StretchcH WinningTo Fhr« Straight


•. r— i


T# fit ttfHtr

ll Willi Prerlnrl III <ui.v mmln Atrulin* thr *|miIIIkM illthr AIiIniI hull Mirilwll k'miH' n* il hunir up H* fifthvirlitry »f I In* whmni Wmlmiitii* night In nn ninny •Inrtii.Thr linn hnvr •WftnltHy pmvrit fhry nrr ihr .-ho*

»f thr kmn liy Ihr rrny mnn ■nor In nnii'h Ihry rtrfrnliifPmrlnrtlZ, 7». Fmm Ihi'firit inning until Ihr finnl•ml Oh* milrome wm never in•kmtri mi Whilry Kltmrr keptthr 12-mrn in rlinh Willi plilymn hit*. IhiII» Texas loaiiiie slnn-

lt w.% Whilry'* fifth victory«*ff Ihr M-»w»n and if liny mandr<rt\r* s|HTiiil in'oKitilimi if InWhilry. My Uin mi|»ri lain*pin-hmit ability hi* ha* prmrnhr is Ihr aland mil af thr tnlraitliu nl soft ha 11 srasntt.Huh Wand Calrhea

I tun Wat/ was an thr mmimlfm Ihr laser* wilh Writ Ktitnlndinntt his i-HhtuiiK llrhittil thrplalr far Whilry was |tuh WoodI'irriiirt |«l wufi it* fu*t Kami'

• if ttir season Wrdttesday tuuhlhy iiosiim «ml INrrinct li! I»%thr srmr uf H-Il Thr name sup-plird Jhr fans with pirns.V ofart it *n iiiul al*A a frw I.iukIih(hi awn m for u«nhI tnrasure.Jim NaihrtK Wiis oti llir inoiilid

for thr unions \Mth Jolin Khun*Itchmd ttir pi .tr. Mnrits Tohi iswrnt .til ttir way f"i ttir lo-ii •

While At I '.a Is'iii iti.l las i..|.!i-«tirHom«*r WIin fur IS.tor Sadowski was thr hern nf

I*m ran l It Wednmdlty PlRhlwhen lie tilt a limit home rttnitito i rati 1 Prlil >101 ink two of him In thr Mirth In-nau* and mnktnK po* ll>le it It-Itm« tor\ M'i Ihrrhtcl II.Mail Shields .tut titr hmtitiit

-fot Ihr H-mrtt, suff'rlMf hisih i l .h-feat of the* nmnnti wilhII t. Ihinkmiin Ijehfhrt thr plate.Jon Hariy ntld Jm1 Ihihhrrlemtn iir up the winning * mhina-

iiriu 11 HImIn tlm Wrlli Mull le*|m? thr

W.utI I) vhTnry avrr Ward II wip

itrviltr Mrthnthld was behindthr phitr lot Thornton withUrttr (kililfiulrr (IuIiik thr la kstopping far StaimsIn thr finnl *mhc nf »hr n'yhl

tn Ihr Wrlli hall loop. Waul Fwallopfil Waul I'. 17-1. rs IhrWard f mrn luillrrrd Mali John-sail fa| lit litis Mill Kellerkwalked an Ihr no and fat Ihrvtrlms wilh Mill CIii|i|mt l»«Hind Ihr plait*. Itoimt Ih" mlchtint fitr Jnhlisan wan Jack Clem¬ent*

Tl Tlir. FfHTONAn editorial

IMINfKSSION(Ctotlinoed from

rlry tn il and Irtt I*•«• I)ilan'l know

Journal fm .lulv *.> stateIhnf, "Mrrnunr af thr tnrrrnnr nfMat rantn. and Ihr hiring of fulllimr employee* ,, result aflltr sharlnnr af purl-iimr sin-dent hrlp, Ihr raM of hvimt inllm dnrtntlaiy is going hi inrrrnsr."Thr hose pay |» paw ltd irnt .

I an hanr in thr dm notary fm .taHurt hrlp Mid In offset thr fllprivrnf Inrrrasr in Wnifn rffrrf

hnvr In wmk 2 | ;| Inwr* rio'hdity hir Ihrh ntml-i m«trnd af*hr pfrvintM Iwa hntaK

Alan, wr shnhnli %v-1« w.ailrdlar.iin MKItr pnr man* y hy walk- *iltll in mrrr.H af |ft» in|inrr«ltimr mrl appnillmn A» n resultmany wtudrnt* who hnvr In pnythru ei|aiisri at lollrMr haveHUtie «hirwlimr la w dIhr students at Ihr I). af M.

havr hei a irrriviar .> I» pay

I af H.r. 1 rids .111 hniii »oi Ihr past

what ihr did wdh Ihr p wrlrv, ,Vf. |N,f .f„|v |, ,.,)(irK,. fo,frani this laol.lioi: Imrals has ln«rn mrrr<isrf( In *1 |'lla day in Ihr darihllmy. whichmeans that ttir sludenli now

IJTKAIMRKK(Continued from I'sgr 2)

Tritehrr'n taal|e|{r) have faindthe answer la Ih * IliKr ta nethack la nature and whatesamcIimuh. 111 a siliudian whhlt alsofin immry ui kintf paHsllaliiirl itis Spt lttK Ihr tiia baiiKhl 4d

,M ies of IntdHM III the lulrkwa- dlin iit Metiiidji. Main, laf MaulMimyan faun i la ker|t llirm husyfhis siuain 1 The white |fas .aid heiohaks ail the landhave gaail pa sdnhties of lirram-aiu telephone and He.tnr la-litpairs Minieday.Mitihimt a lent m tin deea

farrst pr \ "d Uie'.distal t"i \when nuNHpiihMM ami .skunk*found fM ipiliilrts unite at.sfnrtnry. So the Imjrs and 'h«atwo hnrars, whhh Ihry anpi iedhy srllinif a rrjir.mated i.dai v\vh«.» hliullnc tnoliei s 1 • ( a

strain on Ihrlr muscles, aie now

irnllnit utiil iffildm! m a havhunt wilh mn uuitoe nettlooHinif tn an aid ht t : itIff rtiiirsr 411 acre

is a (P» d slrrvl xmtuorr liar veilin any innn's lanisuaH . lad, ah,hmh In nature and th# Ia?«-.inilW nf

. m<MN|tiltaes, lei itliemid alher flymn annuals.

"Kay nihI I went ado the Hills'di rmitary whn h is an (irandllivrr Iwfwmn Ihr anr that Isana * from thr Cinan huitdiilK.and Ihr last am* an lawatil I.anSinn M'tidenlly Mava hall) andtheir Kay hak a hdltotii fiain«'»>r of the roams I his Inllfaldhad atmut $.1« (II |!Tin child hi rutnplier k '»'*•

In itrscrila* Ihefls 111 Williamsdaimitoiv of •'unit' a Int ofJewelly" and a iiown hajH'dUittle nf pel fun *'

filtMnlip Male New*MverlMer«

yeaiThe old

• •n 1 ampin♦H Mill l|l|tin in whn

,oiy Ihr veinai'S•Inn'I wild In wiak

e Their air In In ofwould wail" lad why

Her l.rUKKM. I are 4

AtrtlMurtic ,.,KQI IfMKIST ma KMKV SIIIHTCentral MttMaan'a rrnlrr far sprrllmi

1 ami athlrltr mMlpmrnt,

VMMnonrs Sport eouhhwiSIS K. f»rand River Ave. i»ln«

. aaia vav aiva vaaaaair a


OnpaMtc (he 1'uioa

Page 4: state news 19460802 - IK»"Ith*AIMhallbulletin ta-antaaarvaH•mwpurine*Ibta «**»whenmentetinMnaalu-


Class Of '46 GraduatesAt Close Of Six-Week Term

72|P«f« MmyOn Smbtittunee

Seventy-two atudeuta *1 Mlchlfan Stale roilac* earn-pletcd their requirement, for ih|im with the rloee ofthe fimt half of rammer erhnol quarter laat Friday. Noi-rnnmenrrment rxrerriara were held. a* thia group tookpart in the June commence-11men! activilie*with the clamcf IMC.Al the clone of thin ram

f-rr qujrtrr 110 mow tlUiknUmil become eligible for *1Of 1190 students enrolled Milmill rmuiti to tvmplftf theirsummer work t*n An*. SO. S^ws'utHrntt enrolling for the Fec¬und »i«-w*eks fiimnwr »rwltithjxr brought the total numbercf rtudents on egmpus now upto J1MTho** from Mtchig.ui who re-

reived degree* at the end of 'he•ix-wcek **e»ion art*

„ Clara France* (Hidden. Alba;Clyde It Ray,Twlnitig« GertrudeM Holt. Colflwater. Anita O.Hittwrr. Homer. Jacwetr Hrn-l n and Ray C l*ry«er. HattlrCreek. Rita J Crrufer. ClareGaylord C Klavet. M'ltt;

Fatricia U HeeeHler. Charlotte.Stanley I* McRae. PelUb»nZach tV WHaley. Clio. F.vely n VSanfrrd. Flint. Faye Heryl Ogg.Gladwin. Auburna R AriwM.Traverse City.Maay Ave UralCatheryn Ann liar ret 1. lhmna

R.«e itothwcll ami Retire SheilaScott, all of Fast lonsmg; Fran¬ce s C Krnsherfer. I.yman V.Iluff. ami Mark in L Smith,Lansing. Mr* FJla Hement Fore-r un. W bberville

J« an M Wever. Ionia: HelenJ Vnever. Iron River; WilliamN. Arkoul. Yvonne M Hehler.Lluiur I- Johnaon, Vevlene Par¬ent. Ruth K. Runnell*. RichardN. Seouh. and Maurice VanLonkhuyten, all of Grand Rap¬idsMargaret S. Croaton, Lapeer;

Cract Oliette Nelson. North-port, lawettj K Ayling. Adrian;Norma F Hanson. Howell; Ma.-garet A Kamberg and Uttte JStmayer «>f Muskegon. HerylTurner Salisbury, Newaygo; Wal-Uaud Margaret Harths. IVmtiac;Barbara I) Quayle, Oxford.Shirley J Trump. Franklin.

Gerald R Smith, Roger* City;Barbara A iiek»w and MaiioiteL Juhnaovv Saginaw, lUigar SHughes, Huron. Mrs. Har-bara Hunter Wrndt. Capac; MrsPhyllis Bom lleukeman. C-ntre-

(omi GamesI aUgbatutWCnIXH

Fri • Sat. • Smb.



vlllc; DmuiM R ItabliMan. Own-w; Shirk. IS. Ryan, South Ht\'-tn; hwm. R Mmh'l, Chaliaa.Robert E. Ruckrahlar. Zollon

A. Tmocy. Jm MarOoupallJaynr K Meter, Shlftep J. Mari», E4m P. Navtn. AaaaPratt, and Bella Mr,. JlBallew, OnaiJ Eariajr, Trenton; Myra J. fltta•on. Northvllto; Lata L MeUtn.Dearbnm; Mantra A. WlUwtn.Hamtramek.

(Rim .indent ■ who«r«. at Uila lima awn: Jk

Ann Laaney, Iowa Clly. laws;Walter Bale. Campball, KaaaaaCity, Mil., and Altra June Ford,Fiwtoria, CMltn.Fnim the .tale id Ben- York

ware: Mary Mamecka Dm. But.falo. Jamre Edward Gardner.Srhenertady; Warren WilliamMrMinit. N laaara Ealla; andDavid Arthur SrhmMt. Buffato

live In the offlre nf Veterana Af¬fair,, Demon.trattnn halt,l.l:U pm Monday, II wimaaiid ywleiday.A apaMM repoi

ddayad payment will berated to the rettlonal nft lee toNdlte payment tor the

(■pact. The raqutramenU arc aa

tit Bwit»,J and ycMenled tothe Hkaai a certiorate id vttgt-klllty and rntlttamenl (O.I.BiUl or letter id authuriutlaa

(t) Trained at Michigan Statetallepe tar M day, alnra the an-

111 Pttad Poem UN prtor toJuly I, IMS, but have not re¬ceived . reel! (Irate of ellfUMHyand mtiltemenl

The nmrld'a huale.1 waterway,the Drimlt river, l« the gatewaybetween the upper and the lowarUreal lake,.


, wka la willing to

ad, "You ran i


lance waa (nthLargalere, iidvMg I

m-.ei'a amiler-caoperalivaMU

l»F *

the advanlaggg gtprofit enterprltp if


Caatrul Mtchlgaa'a Mart.

209 MAG AVg

man' wore a little cloche ...• ./>

if /ailaireii her to pcktral . . .

ami ... aw toea ami. . aa a1 a^ /art ... aaffjtafcfm

. , ft'a Aar ItoAAa

Aaaf frim4 mmy gtrf <arAaa aaAaaf ttmyu pall tIhtAAa aiaait to /If ArJpAfymmn$ Aamf, . . , la fine qualify/rif «.«.«.
