michigan slate news -...

MäUarial 'i Ornala Arhar Michigan SlateNews on< .INHIBER I OI NT 5 of the collège have s»ar»- dtlve to finance thc finish - otf thc Union ballroom Ih«- studrnts enrollrd m thit* contribute ou** copper thc *i ainount Ut $28)10 A nickle ould taise it tn $140 00. .00. whlle n two hit piece i th«- ro-eds something llke real piece of change for ahead and do somethlng “^fth Perhai« when ap- _jch of us can part with that : and help the eau**- And I $t doesn t hav» t«» le Ih i>en- YRH? 'Mower classes ar«- scheduled to worn hatdirt neat Fri-- |#nd it is experted that the II go through without a idiug one or the other of la not anllhllated by the then Thl* true»* u sup- last until the beginning of tn, when the off season ends year men are again lawful scheming sophomores We heard of the ice being ~Pfeuring winter term to cool of! some aspiring v«*arling. so dlv the sophomore* will abide wt«-dlv by the truce and over- inexances until n«*xt spring m%L ALL HR THERE five thouiiand ducats have been : by state students and support- • Ic .« rh Harry Kipkex downtrod lets for the Michigan-Mlchl- 1game the State of Michigan t of the year tomorrow Suicr im will accommodate about -AtM r will be oiHeUmard ipower almut 16 to 1. but It art11 'in number Michigan u pre- Win tomorrow « game Mime- .as tu*» been conceded her ¿ames thl* year Hhe up- imeket against the Illinois f ile only time she ha- not run j| predict ion this year Ma> to- State - turn to upset the AN IDLA irwm' Memorial lower alias is rapidly ruung toward* ttie ttie construction of the mas - I on. The china*» to be in it are to peal out every the day the notes carrying .teat part of ttie campus aomr spec la • note could be JRt 10 o clock on week nights hi week -ends as a spr* lal ■tion to the doarn or no men _ pus who mav be thinking of aruund thoae hours* Also ra accommodation a three rning might be s*mi»ded to plete satisfaction for all eon- NEARLY OVER 7»re football game two t»asket- ir w«*ek-end* and a iving dinner are all that re- ore Christ m*« and ttie end of Chraima* and the end of i* not all dial is sign, flea nt i* all before they leave >Iy unless Humt few weeg- few riaaaes and that ThanAs- are not uaed t«> the best i in furthering the individual • A i I -A M F R I f AN<s scabbard and blade SWUNG OUT WEDNESDAY MET WEDNESDAY & !•>» tam «^ mu. AT STATE UNION 1 Hirry Kipke end Bennie Oeiter- b » n Speak for Retpective Team« it Benqeet. FRIENDSHIP STRESSED Harry Kipke Michigan ‘23 find Ben nie Orwterhaan Michigan ‘28 h*t»h all- American s«*l«*ction**in their undergrad- uate day*, and now rival c«»ache«i m< • Wednesday night, but not on u grid iron They both spoke at a gafherin,'] of alumni and friends "f the two Mich- igan siiinoi. a» .1 banquet in th« Mi< h- iga nSta»** Union which wax aimed to tory Fraternity; Banquet Tburidiy Night. Scabbard and Blade national honor- ary military fraternity swung out W**d- lit.sriay morning w,<h eight initiates, all senior* Informal lni»iatior was held f«»r one week prior . • »wingout and terminated I night with guard duty or • t<* . aitipus by the new members Formal iio'; i'.< -, ,md a banquet wer» held riiurvd«'. r.ight. T J Ramsdell - er at Hip banquet I l.o ' i are John VanPutten. FuiiJ S<liwab artillery, Ralph I’iviu artillery; Paul Hickey, cavalry. C (' Mullet, cavalry Tod Leavit» 1 avairy. Val Anderson infantry, and .iamrx Hutchinson mlanrrv foster ¡i keener spirit of friendship be- tween tli«* Univerxttv >*i Mi« litgan and Michigan Kt*»e college FRESHMAN CLASS Jimm ie Hasxelmiin presided as toast- mastet five s|leakers sharing honors for the evening (lien Stewart, alumni ELECTS OFFICERS secretary of »lie college, led by praising the rinse friendship between the two institution. He wiis followed by th«* Spartan n < ntor Harry Kipke who still remain- ne of the universt- ties most revered . i.ron heroes Ik tailing the 1.. ¡hips of a coh< h Lafayette, He«ter, Josephine De»n and 'Marion Hawley Will Lead Cluti. FRIDAY, NOV. 16, 1928 LOWEROASS¥~ TOBURYHATCHET AT ANNUALFEED Barbeque to M irk Crstatiofl of Hoitilitiei Between Under- done. KIPKE TO SPEAK not TSata AlpAa f t t at '■ IS* Stair TmnSmn Number 16 »TI DENTH MI1T TIKE T'OIHlNs Michigan Siale rtdlegr tu dents mwst take their ««»apon | b«M»ks to Ann Arbor for the Wtrh if.in game in a«tdétion In their re rved seat ti« kets. Thl* i- ali solately necessary ta ¿bin ad mission to Hie game. INTEREST ISHIGHONEVEOF ANNUALU. OFM. ANDKLS. C. GAME iifc, Kipke ii.v-v .; th«* audience : the chalice- art against my bo*.> s.r urday. but they will give a good a< < oui I*, of themselves, citing the < victory over Illinois two weeks an i by his own Alma Mat* i to show lam th* underdog can rise to th*- <m rasion Ur ItoM-rt H Shaw president of th* college told of the worthwhile side of hero worship and *ff how admiration of notable athletes curt 'inly reflect to ttie credit of younger student* Bennie ftosterbaan. expressing the other side of ttie question, threw cold water on Mparian holies by assuring die •rowd that if Htate wins Hatur- i:•rn«ti L,alayette of Detroit w.» Ir« »cd presirttnt of th*- freshman da I » .da-, evening lñ r«a»m U l. Olds ; hail The corn peti tio n tor office *a- j *r*at and «very vote was dourly eon- t a n t e d 1 Odicr fr*-hm*n off:c»-r- who arili I er\e during th** remainder of the i pt -ent v e a r nr*- J'Mf-phinc lean of Western Springs vu-e pr«* dent Dave , H kr nt F Ik hurt Ind treasurer and i Manon Hawley ul ludio/ton sec re - ' tarv Those pi,».m ¡ ui f he diminution bai lots from da* candida?-s were Ken neth La'f.tvede and Fred Wagen v«mrd I for president Margaret Larry and jo • D* a n for vice presiden' fa Hosier and Harold Randall ’ • * re» surer and Doiothy Kobbm an * . :,..n Ha wie y for s.-. retar*. !» i.eti a : ill any frestm.an t ia.s,s ill«*' ¡ n r 111 1!»*■ h is t o r y o f d a da**l Th* . • r. »a presided •*-.<r by tw" menu » r- ! ron da* ,:..-•* «-la** liar I Granu Rapids unrt- Frtday No •arly feast ep meeting .1 1 Carolina si a-. Harry '««• ;. and f give tlie pep iated with •n* s warty er., of the ; dtner ^terina presid* n* ne»h Lafa x>tt in repr ra-r-n .omore le tradi- ti baria oiiibin«-«! rtion for die foi- S par» a n k Horn* id wlec- CO-EDS BEGIN PENNY DRIVE Plan Campaign to Complete and Fumiih Porch of Union Ballroom 5 SPECIAL TRAINS TO CARE FuR CHRISTMAS CROWDS Special Accommodation« on Dec. 21 for Univer«il y and Siale Studenti. Two Rival Teams a Peak uf Sca- rna fa.- Aaaaal Claak; Clane Game Expected. Ways I. pnrcrt of taken up paign te ■ tit 111‘ d a held Tu«- duy it won t be bermine of overeohfl- dence on ttie part «if die university He pruiw-d the present Michigan team lor its greatness m defeat ranking It along side other Mu higati truns tha' liave ruled the football universe Ld .Shields Ionising attorney and prominent "U " alumtni*. oppnaed Gov- ernor Fred W (ir«*en » plans for a cloarr r«uaiK.iiship between th«- >w<. m Iaxils bv ^jilanng them under «me lauird and making eacti insimnai.i a part of cut h other Over two hundred people atu-rwled die baliq.ii t and vou-*-d their •onlal« i »«.«■ ¡11 Harry Kipae in tiis first year as a n,« n<*wiv elected president »f ttie! head roach cu-s wii! rnak« hit fir * pub-( BAND SELECTS CO-EDSPONSOR ~ . . , , FLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION Mi,.», s,,k... I, um .. 0F poiJLTRY FUKT BEGIN Mi J. an Hudiwa . u.t t :• Michigan #*• *1 piai« .p.* la p ..ted r>> w 8 Ci A and Sp ans i ». ¡ni KU-'u.x'th Connu! Ellen Fail« , 11lent 01 A H G A and Maruki % .-i.i’ii president of the Lmon Hai . ’ /A t . who is «Tiairman o ;.« io..«;.- •.iuii./*»*»• '*t ttie Women l u a n ;i*- a' M .' tu* »!. -xplsiin«-d tta MANY STUDENTS TOGOTOU. OFM. Sale oi S.000 Ticketg Indicates .«lany Stile .Supporters at Ann Arbor tugan state and the -tugan foor bail teams id m the Michigan * afternoon at 2 30 *d:*tonal rivalry b»*- v-ading uuutu- «he eye* nt the h.can will watch .■ ..me of the an- ar.vn over rur the piar- 1 rmaiUon on that both ' form for * *wo team* won be- nape and •me bas ht* year larger .*• presti»» they > f « iv ■> '. -arly i wo ««vu nave Ta«S Wiernan f»aa . a developed in- •*n. in Ihr -ff« red de- the Ohio We*- w«*» g *he '* .e before •' .1 ,niv»*raty » -n* Two ■»ted Mid- o‘d Ham Jerry I m . WM . MONTGOMERY. ALICE ¡EEL HAVE LEAiiS INPUT call Announced far Thrta Alpk« Pki Plnjr, "He Who Get« SlapfeH COEDS ANNOUNCE PUNS FOR W . A. L CAB»« Hont u r y Petition m Bond Ihr 1tu *.ican State 1 M; irgare» Step situ to be : ;-v co-ed spn tion tor k p a-< Monda- S*»phet rareftier wr ed a» n hefil in »hrarmory on State Board Vote« Appropriation of ISO.000 for New Building BACTERIOLOGISTS WILL MEET HERE Ant- Dr F d Hpffllt. Formerly ot Pasteur Instílate. In Bt Speaker CHFMISiRY PROFEbbOR lb UNINJURED IN ACCIDENT ig Nov Ttie R I tire orps tmnsnr* I.u«ii*- Buna 111 an corp« sprmwir Vir Innung »rtiilerv Kaitiei berger Perry ».tir- Crandall Went Brandii Honorary commivuon- w « «ntt Po a Ka; ( iretu nnsors 1 Coot*-. M Ftaiph B»>v if batte but ho BULLDOGS USED IN TEXAS AGAINST CRIBBING UTAH FROSH ORGANIZE AGAINST SOPHOMORES PRINCETON TO BE BILLION DOLLAR INSTITUTION. SAID -r-r nt » men- te Mty > c. n ■ rfd Perta. •'wrv at Bv Interrollegiate Bui irlo«* at frati* prevent i according in She idem and A'-i*tralia who ch tia ON V ENIENT AMPUS A LE N D A R du an Waiter C Gran prewrata puoi people* church m Union party Union bail- CrciM country Michigan «ah Bute Ann Art»* as—Pootbaii Michigan r* an Bute Ann Arbor Campo» Otri* Aaæmhly ; church m —S C U . People» Auntin T»*xa* Pré» and Dativ T«-xai Svdnev univer*itv in cheating in exanuna i H G daudw!! W Norman C I. Nelaon debated with a t’nr team here rerrn»;v The«ir buiidogv *s Sydney university a: dent* who police the f examtnatior - and takr ve* to do a thing » American »«i.ieg«*- !<> i year fnreement of hor»»r AithtHtgh wif govemmen; exwt at Sydney to the deg n nvwt Americai *1 of the tact that only vie parti of lacuHf m*-mberH 1 g.«i»hed graduate* m»v ev^jei a ctudrnt the Htuden’-» Uihon *<t* **a governing board The Union 1» m»«lrird after ttie *»w er house of the Br.’ith parliament aiid all «tudrnU are compelled .. 'ake iixrt in tu activuiea Such a thing a* a debate u a d i or a pubiie >peaking profeaanr d<w* not e*ui at Bydnef ta.d Sheldon We receive >>ur practice in tt»e Union and are »elected to pe|we»ent the »rodent* by that orgamaation CO-ED FENCING COACH IS RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS Mi** Audrey Glenn roach of co-ed fencing 1* in the Lancing hoapiui re- covmig frun an operation for atmen “ ‘mn van opr— Or Randall At the la wpoftad AMERICANS TO DEBATE NEW CALENDAR SYSTEM r.ider Latrimitg Fa j . Troth Ja. lu And i , .• Unmrstj ..I nded tnrm.wr. V *-* together ♦-«1 Hie Arrow Club thl iu¿<eriont> o f 28 -1» V - • * rr snvitcd b> f h r ,«*V.eT N of national i Tomorrow's Battle to Be 23rd Grid Contest With U. of M. .rutighoùi Art». ««tion »re flenn Ford D lia*, r FT*r.« O Low den *nd kdolph H Orh* Un«Jer the plan mere would be i3 equai uf 2* davv each m tie year with one day left over which, would »»■ called New Year* IN*y Cm •rap veat» tiirre would be another «atra day prob**)? U> be ob»rr.«d as a holi- day HOME ECONOMICS CLUB TO HOLD MIETI NC w<»ial n«e-tin ' '«f the Home F/t«ig*n- t' rlub 1« tx.n«« plann-d for W#dne*- day evening Nov 21 afwrdint to Lu- cile Bunge preod'nt The meeting will take place in the xa* al oartor* of the Penptea church A abort program la ta Mr bald wane um* aura* th# evening Than affili- ated with the orgamaation are urged to two lrwntutKin* «it d e e 22 *irr»ev which 'tw iwu tram* ha.c met 11 »* spwrun.- na*e o>y twice ueei« at*.*- '•> n.ergr fr'x:. tie- ¿a«*»*- W a VH t o n How ever tht» duewn t da ant the Green aiul White team afuch g«ew to the urn- .erutv " .<> : re-S the.r Tad ' -ria. rival» AlthiMig h Ma lugao noicb many tnraw over State by very large M«jre* there are odvr r+»r%when the spar- Un team* have battled the larger «choul to a <and*uU cexiy to kae bv narr-TW n.a'v.n In 1 Wg State held the Maixe arid Blue to a acor.rlcu tie while m their next meeting taro year* laier in i?i‘i V oi M wa* able to nnaa out ti«e Green and White eleven A-3 BUM lor«.4 with pride at tha record made from I t t t U> IflA In 1913 the Rad Lamdng machine b n t the Yo*C- nen 12-7 The fattowtng war liich- •ran «a* aMe to arta bp the narrow •core ai 14. but the ravenead In IMA whan they acaved a .916 tu- Utrl) on u m V« n u i UM 1 repi «venu» .n t » * brvt How- of the Mu ..gai. 'mi- time 1 'led «lev« od *»ng fir Hpwri lilt by «•« Cap* the «na*rhm g » n the final iix»tta».; a.i' m; Itgnni uf bot h made puuut tv Vi< t o r V 7-0 T hi* *1ne 'h «pia ’wr*ni»mb«*rr«J ,ttuti«»n* Por the ja»t three yrar*. *1»r Youn ; «ai fiH teem ea* unabie '■>-««id thru heavier jpponent* but «weh vear put up * «tiff fight La»t year the Green an t »fute teaat fell by the margin of three touchdown*. 21-9 Thi* year added interval u added to the traditional meeting of the 'wo team* it ka becauae Harry O Kipke former ail-American bacfcfield «tar at Michigan, ta tha-bead r<aeh of (he Spartane All a a a a the State coach has been pdbtM i to thte game apd much it eapacMd gf the ftrat team that the (tali ggaknet to the Intereel •a. hern 'lepo*.**-*! in * 11 * 1*1 hank 'g H'»vu* i promote and improve ?a«nlities of Pniu-iSxm Granger vtipulatew me-half 'he !n*ere*t r,.-r*iin and the other i«* capital In r»»r the iter**«» «houid m time s .f Tie university ?hr iriveri to public <»bler*a y vre* fit j • * i * *-«i *hat in NO .ear* he $t <20 an m l* ) in ’**4 .ear* $B far bevond human ■ «eve*. Sion ENCUSH CRITIC CALLS AMERICAN SPRIT FRO arm Arbor %fi«-h fP ' -Demrm- «traUng mfieg** «ptrtt in «he manner ol '.he American college «'-.den' would be creuadated ver4 had form at Oxford acc*»r«ftng to tfiw Katherine ftipman an Oxford graduate* interviewed re- cently bv the Michigan Dally tfbw Ripman mid that tn Rngiand the *ptrt for one'« arhool l* taken for granted while here dm find* alm et a profee- toonal foetartng of nollege gEflt .. i .-«e iepar*menf nt »w*ervoi- M. .gar. irpar'-rier.* TiewHh « ' ouuung orar»- ri Aorie* -, of « H», tersotugf*** Ingham Co . ag-vetv «nd the M S C hep- iis* Xi Ph.. Kappa Phi and » a. m» 'he M s C branch ‘ -'«erran Chrmirai »orvety .*■ ' udm ■« are oTiilally mvded '• tó- rni *•«e Tieettng STUDENTS EARN Ml LU 0* N<-» Ha. en Conn *P Pur the -**. îîm ç n th#hietory ! the matttu- >n Y «’ idrnu au >ewr «am d in $| one one *^>e »«art wue »1 I I« ie \ î-i 4T.CUM* m W Hiaeklng of fnilt. »he ùarf aisge ■au«*-«| a L»« o f -ri»Whie fur »Ito- tirsi AT THE UNION >. * •;ncomx. and Jmn*r at . r- C ifH rr* v *nre',.ng with favor '- m Tie aludmU We hope '.! a f •.-■ .wopie a;.] flag IhMO that" Jung A ,-ut. iitmrr W.2 br e rm i n the ir.. %« »-m and aaietena oa Th«r.«.-g f>g Thta haa aheaja been « ixt »'ven tJto Cmor tm* traed v> s-' - nooks a Aimer en a par with Tune ThanAagivtag din* You will find good ChruLom* «Mie tó th* mam AeaA —a pipe for bim„ a txm for tor and oaady KA ahn Chrurma* boMi gf g p n h r R A Buy what you own a t WS M n Iff when you buy ’ *v fro ' wmtj

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Page 1: Michigan Slate News - archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1928/state_news_19281116.pdf · MäUarial 'i Ornala TSata AlpAa ftt at ' Arhar Michigan Slate News on

M äUarial ' i Ornala

A rh a r Michigan Slate Newso n <

.INHIBER I OI NT5 of the collège have s»ar»- dtlve to finance thc finish -

otf thc Union ballroom Ih«- studrnts enrollrd m thit*

contribute ou** copper thc *i ainount Ut $28)10 A nickle

ould taise it tn $140 00. .00. whlle n two hit piece

i th«- ro-eds something llke real piece of change for

ahead and do somethlng “ fth P e rh a i« when ap-

_jch of us can part w ith that : and help the eau**- And

I $t doesn t hav» t«» le Ih i>en-

YRH?'Mower classes ar«- scheduled to

worn h a td irt n e a t Fri-- |# n d it is experted that the

I I go through without a idiug one or the other of

la not anllh llated by the then Th l* true»* u sup-

last until the beginning of tn, when the off season ends year men are again lawful scheming sophomores W eheard of the ice being

~Pfeuring winter term to cool of! some aspiring v«*arling. so

dlv the sophomore* will abide wt«-dlv by the truce and over- inexances until n«*xt spring

m%L ALL HR THERE five thouiiand ducats have been

: by state students and support- • I c . « rh Harry K ipkex downtrod

lets for the Michigan-Mlchl- 1 game the State of M ichigan t of the year tomorrow Su icr im will accommodate about

- A tM r will be oiHeUmard ipower almut 16 to 1. but It art 11 'in number Michigan u pre-

Win tomorrow « game Mime- .as tu*» been conceded her ¿ames thl* year Hhe up- imeket against the Illinois

f i l e only time she ha- not run j| predict ion this year Ma> to-

• State - turn to upset the

AN ID L A irwm' Memorial lower alias is rapidly ruung toward* ttie

ttie construction of the mas - I on. The china*» to be

in it are to peal out every the d a y th e n o te s c a r r y in g

.teat part of ttie campus aomr spec la • note could be

JR t 10 o clock on week nights hi week -ends as a spr* lal

■tion to the doarn or no men _ pus who mav be thinking of

aruund thoae hours* Also ra accommodation a three rning might be s*mi»ded to plete satis fact ion for a ll eon-

N E A R L Y O V E R 7»re football game two t»asket-

i r w«*ek-end* and a iving dinner are all that re- ore Christ m*« and ttie end of

C h ra im a* and the end of i* not all d ia l is sign, flea nt

i* all before they leave >Iy unless Humt few weeg-

few riaaaes and that ThanAs- are not uaed t«> the best

i in furthering the individual •

A i I - A M F R I f A N < s s c a b b a r d a n d b l a d e



Hirry Kipke end Bennie Oeiter- b » n Speak for Retpective

Team« it Benqeet.

F R IEN D S H IP STRESSEDH arry K ipke M ichigan ‘23 find Ben

nie Orwterhaan M ichigan ‘28 h*t»h all- American s«*l«*ction**in their undergrad­uate day*, and now rival c«»ache«i m< • Wednesday night, but not on u grid iron They both spoke at a gafherin,'] of alumni and friends "f the tw o M ich ­igan siiinoi. a» .1 banquet in th« Mi< h- iga nSta»** Union w h ic h wax aimed to

tory Fraternity; Banquet Tburidiy Night.

Scabbard and Blade national honor­ary m ilitary fraternity sw u n g out W**d- lit.sriay morning w,<h eight initiates, all senior* Informal lni»iatior was held f«»r one week prior ■. • »wingout and terminated I night with guard duty or • t<* . aitipus by the new members

Formal iio '; i'.< -, ,md a banquet wer» h e ld riiurvd«'. r.ight. T J Ramsdell

- er at H ip banquet I l.o ' i are Jo h n VanPutten.

FuiiJ S<liwab artillery, Ralph I ’iviu artillery; Pau l Hickey, cavalry. C ( ' Mullet, cavalry Tod Leavit»1 ava iry . Va l Anderson infantry, and .iamrx Hutchinson m lanrrv

foster ¡i keener spirit of friendship be­tween tli«* Univerxttv >*i Mi« litgan and M ichigan Kt*»e college FRESHMAN CLASS

Jim m ie Hasxelmiin presided as toast- mastet five s|leakers sharing honors for the evening (lien Stewart, alumni ELECTS OFFICERSsecretary of »lie college, led by praising the r in se friendship between the two institution. He wiis followed by th«* Spartan n < ntor Harry Kipke who still remain- ne of the universt- ties most revered . i.ron heroes

Ik tailing the 1.. ¡h ip s of a coh< h

Lafayette, He«ter, Josephine De»n a n d 'Marion Hawley Will

Lead Cluti.

F R I D A Y , N O V . 1 6 , 1 9 2 8


AT ANNUAL FEEDBarbeque to Mirk Crstatiofl of

Hoitilitiei Between Under­done.


n o tTS ata A lpA a f t t a t '■ IS* S ta ir TmnSmn

Number 16

» T I D EN TH M I1 T T I K E T 'O IH lN s

Michigan S ia le rtdlegr tu dents mwst take their ««»apon | b«M»ks to Ann Arbor for the Wtrh if.in game in a«tdétion In their re

rved seat ti« kets. Thl* i- ali solately necessary ta ¿bin ad mission to Hie game.


ii f c , K ip k e ii.v- v .; th«* a u d ie n c e : t h e c h a l ic e - a r t a g a in s t m y bo*.> s . r

u rd a y . b u t th e y w i l l g iv e a good a<< oui I*, of themselves, citing the < victory over Illinois two weeks an i by h is own Alma Mat* i to sh o w la m th* underdog can rise to th*- <m rasion

U r ItoM-rt H Shaw p re s id e n t o f th* college told of the worthwhile side of hero worship a n d *ff h ow admiration of notable athletes curt 'inly reflect to ttie credit o f younger student*

Bennie ftosterbaan. expressing the o th e r side of ttie question, threw cold water on Mparian holies by assuring die • rowd that if Htate wins Hatur-

i : • r n « t i L ,a la y e t t e o f D e t r o it w.» Ir« »cd p re s ir t tn t o f th*- f r e s h m a n d a

I » .da-, e v e n in g l ñ r«a»m U l . O ld s ; h a i l T h e co rn p e t i t io n to r o f f ic e *a- j * r* a t a n d « v e r y v o te w a s d o u r ly eon-

t an ted1 O d i c r f r * - h m *n off:c»-r- w h o arili I e r \ e d u r in g th** remainder of the

ipt -ent v e a r nr*- J 'M f- p h in c l e a n of W e s t e r n Springs vu-e pr«* d e n t D a v e , H k r nt F Ik h u r t I n d t r e a s u r e r a n d

i M a n o n H a w le y u l l u d i o / to n sec r e - ' t a r v

T h o s e p i,» .m ¡ u i f h e dim inution bai lo ts from da* candida?-s were K e n

• n e t h L a 'f . t v e d e a n d F r e d W a g e n v«m rd I fo r p r e s id e n t M a r g a r e t L a r r y a n d

j o • D* a n fo r vice p re s id e n 'f a H o s ie r a n d H a r o ld R a n d a l l ’ •* re » s u re r a n d D o io t h y K o b b m a n

* . :, . .n H a w ie y fo r s.-. retar* .

!» i.eti a : ill any frestm.an t ia.s,s ill«*' ¡n r 111 1 !»*■ h is to ry o f d a da**l T h *

. • r. »a p re s id e d •*-.< r by tw " m e n u » r- ! ro n d a * • ,:..-•* «-la** l i a r

I G r a n u R a p id s unrt-

F r t d a y No •arly fe a s t e p m e e t in g .1 1 C a r o l i n a s i a-. H a r r y '««• ;. and f g iv e t l i e pep ia t e d w i t h • n* s w a r ty

er., o f t h e ;

d t n e rterina

presid* n* ne»h La fa x>tt in repr

ra-r-n.o m o re

le t r a d i ­ti baria

oiiibin«-«! r t io n fo r

d i e fo i- S p a r» a n

k H o r n *

id w le c -


Plan Cam p aign to C om plete and

F u m iih Porch o f Union

Ballroom 5


21 for Uni ver «il y and Siale Studenti.

Two Rival Teams a Peak uf Sca­rna fa.- Aaaaal Claak; Clane

Game Expected.

W a y s I . p n rc rt o f t a k e n up paign te ■ t i t 111‘ d a

h e ld Tu«-

duy it won t be bermine of overeohfl- dence on ttie part «if die university He pruiw-d the present Michigan team lor its greatness m defeat ranking It along side other Mu higati tru n s tha ' liave ruled the football universe

Ld .Shields Ionising attorney and prominent "U " alumtni*. oppnaed G o v ­ernor Fred W (ir«*en » plans for a cloarr r«uaiK.iiship between th«- >w<. m Iaxils bv ^ jilan n g them under «me lauird and making eacti insim nai.i a part o f cu t h other

O ve r two hundred people atu-rw led die baliq.ii t and vou-*-d their • onlal« i»«.«■¡1 1 Harry K ipae in tiis first year as a n,« n<*wiv elected president »f ttie! head roach cu-s wii! rnak« hit fir * pub-(


M i J . a n H u d iw a . u .t t:• M ichigan #*• *1 .« piai« .p.*

la p ..ted r>> w 8 Ci A and S p ansi ». ¡n i KU-'u.x'th C o n n u ! E lle n Fa il«, • 11lent 01 A H G A a n d M a ru k i% . - i . i ’ ii p r e s id e n t o f th e Lmon

H a i .’ /A t . w h o is «Tiairman o ;.« io..«;.- •.iuii./*»*»• '*t ttie Women

l u a n ;i*- a ' M . ' tu * »!. -xplsiin«-d t ta


S a le o i S .0 0 0 Ticketg Indicates

.«lany S t i l e .Supporters at

Ann Arbor

tugan s ta te and the - tugan foor bail teams id m the M ichigan* afternoon at 2 30 *d:*tonal riva lry b»*-

v-ading uuutu-• «he eye* nt the

h.can will watch.■ ..me of the an-

a r .v n over rur the piar- 1 rmaiUon on

th a t both ' form for * *wo team* won be-

nape and •me bas ht* year


.*• presti»» they > f « i v ■>'. • -arly

i wo « « v u nave Ta«S W ie r n a n f»aa .a developed in-

• *n. in Ih r-ff« red de-

• th e O h io W e *-

w«*» g a « *he•'* .e before• ' .1 ,n iv » * r a ty

» -n* Two


o‘d Ham Jerry I m.

WM. MONTGOMERY. ALICE ¡EEL HAVE LEAiiS IN PUTcall Announced far Thrta Alpk«

Pki Plnjr, "He Who Get«



Hon t u r y Petition m Bond

I h r 1t u *.ican S tate 1M; irg a re » Step

situ to be :;-v co-ed spntion tor k p a-< Monda-S*»phet rareftier wr

ed a» n hefil in »hr■ armory on

State Board Vote« Appropriation of ISO.000 for New



Ant- Dr F d H p ffllt . Fo rm erly ot

Pasteur In stílate. In B t



ig Nov Ttie R I

tire o rp stm nsn r* I.u«ii*- B u n a

111 an corp« sprmwir V i r In n u n g »rtiilerv Ka itie i berger Perry ».tir- Crandall Went Brandii

Honorary commivuon- w

« «ntt Po a Ka; ( iretu

nnsors 1 Coot*-. M Ftaiph B»>v

i f b a tte but ho





-r-r nt » men­

te Mty > c. n ■ r f d Perta. •'wrv at

Bv Interrollegiate Bu i irlo«* at

frati* prevent i according in She idem and A'-i*tralia who

c h t ia



an W aiter C G ran prewrata puoi people* church m — Union party Union bail-

CrciM country M ichigan «ah B u te Ann Art»*

a s—Pootbaii M ichigan r* an B u te Ann Arbor

Campo» O tri* Aaæmhly ; churchm — S C U . People»

Auntin T»*xa*P r é » and Dativ T«-xai Svdnev univer*itv in cheating in exanuna i H G daudw!! W Norman C I. Nelaon debated with a t ’nr team here rerrn»;v

The«ir buiidogv *s Sydney university a: dent* who police the f examtnatior - and takr ve* to do a thing »American »«i.ieg«*- !<>i yearfnreement of hor»»r

AithtHtgh w if govemmen; exwt at Sydney to the deg • n nvwt Americai *1 of the tact that only vie p a r t i of lacuHf m*-mberH 1g.«i»hed graduate* m»v ev^jei a ctudrnt the Htuden’-» Uihon *< t* ** a governing board

The Union 1» m»«lrird after ttie *»w er house of the B r . ’ ith parliament aiid all «tudrnU are compelled .. 'ake iixrt in tu activuiea

Such a thing a* a debate u a d i or a pubiie >peaking profeaanr d<w* not e *u i at Bydnef ta.d Sheldon W e receive >>ur practice in tt»e Union and are »elected to pe|we»ent the »rodent* by that orgamaation


Mi** Audrey Glenn roach of co-ed fencing 1* in the Lancing hoapiui re- covm ig fru n an operation for atmen

— “ ‘m n van opr— “ Or Randall At the la wpoftad


r.ider Latrim itg Fa j . Troth

Ja . lu

And i

, .• U n m r s t j ..I nded tnrm.wr. V *-* together ♦-«1 Hie Arrow Club thl


o f 28 -1» V - • * rr snvitcd b>f h r ,«*V.eT N

of n a tio na l i

Tomorrow's Battle to Be 23rdGrid Contest With U. of M.

.rutighoùi A r t» .

««tion »re f len n Ford Dlia* , r FT*r.« O Low d e n *nd kdolph H O rh*

Un«Jer the plan mere would be i3 equai uf 2* davv each m t ieyear with one day left over which, would »»■ called New Year* IN*y Cm •rap veat» tiirre would be another «atra day prob**)? U> be ob»rr.«d as a h o li­day


w<»ial n«e-tin ' '«f the Home F/t«ig*n- t' rlub 1« tx.n«« plann-d for W#dne*- day evening Nov 21 a fw rd in t to L u ­cile Bunge preod 'n tThe meeting will take place in the xa* al oar tor* of the P enptea church A abort program la ta Mr bald wane um * a u r a * th# evening T h a n a ffili­ated with the orgamaation are urged to

two lrwntutKin* «it d e e 22 *irr»ev which 'tw iwu tram * ha.c met 1 1»* spwrun.- na*e o>y twice ueei« at*.*- '•>• n .e r g r f r 'x :. tie - ¿a«*»*- Wa VH t o n H o w ever tht» duewn t da ant the Green aiul W h ite team afuch g«ew to the urn- .erutv ".<> :re-S the.r T ad ' -ria. rival»

AlthiMig h M a lugao noicb many tnraw over S tate by very large M«jre* there are o d v r r+»r% when the spar- U n team* have battled the larger «choul to a <and*uU cexiy to kae bv• narr-TW n .a 'v .n In 1 Wg State held the Maixe arid Blue to a acor.rlcu tie while m their next meeting taro year* laier in i? i‘i V oi M wa* able to nnaa out ti«e Green and White eleven A-3BUM lor«.4 with pride at tha record made from I t t t U> If lA In 1913 the Rad Lamdng machine b n t the Yo*C- n e n 12-7 The fattowtng w ar liich -• ran «a* aMe to arta bp the narrow •core ai 1 4 . but the ravenead In IMA whan they acaved a

.9 16 ’ tu- U tr l) o n

u m V «n u i

UM 1 r e p i « v en u » .nt » * brvt How-of the Mu ..gai.

' mi - tim e 1'led «lev«o d *»ng ■fir Hpwril i lt by «•« C a p *the «na* r h m g

» n the f in a liix»tta ».; a . i ' m;

Itgnni uf bot h

made puuut tv V i< to r V 7-0 T hi* *1 ne 'h «p ia ’w r*ni»mb«*rr«J ,ttuti«»n*

Por the ja»t three yrar*. *1»r Youn ; «a i f iH teem ea* unabie '■> -««id thru

heavier jpponent* but «weh vear put up * «tiff fight La»t year the Green an t »fute teaat fell by the margin of three touchdown*. 21-9

Thi* year added interval u added to the traditional meeting of the 'wo team* i t ka becauae Harry O Kipke former ail-American bacfcfield «tar at Michigan, ta tha-bead r<aeh of (he Spartane All a a a a the State coach has been p d b tM i to thte game apd much it eapacMd gf the ftrat team that the (tali ggaknet to the Intereel

• a. h e rn 'lepo*.**-*! in* 11* 1* 1 hank 'g H'»vu*i promote and improve

?a«nlities of Pniu-iSxm Granger vtipulatew

me-half 'he !n*ere*t r,.-r*iin and the other i«* capital In r»»r the iter**«» «houid m time s .f Tie university ?hr iriveri to public <»bler*a y vre* fitj • * i * *-«i *hat in NO .ear* he $t <20 an m l *

) in ’**4 .e a r * $B

far bevond human ■ «eve*.Sion


arm Arbor %fi«-h fP ' -Demrm- «traUng mfieg** «ptrtt in «he manner ol '.he American college «'-.den' would be creuadated ver4 had form at Oxford acc*»r«ftng to tfiw Katherine ftipman an Oxford graduate* interviewed re­cently bv the Michigan Dally tfbw Ripm an mid that tn Rngiand the *ptrt for one'« arhool l* taken for granted while here dm find* a lm e t a profee- toonal foetartng of nollege gEflt

.. i .-«e iepar*menf nt »w*ervoi- M. .gar. irpar'-rier.* TiewHh

• « ' ouuung orar»- ri Aorie* -, of« H», tersotugf*** Ingham Co. ag-vetv «nd the M S C hep-

i is * X i Ph.. Kappa Ph i and • » a. m» 'he M s C branch

• ‘ -'«erran C h rm irai »orvety .*■ ' udm ■« are oTiilally mvded '• tó­rni *• «e Tieettng


N<-» Ha. en Conn *P Pur the -**. îîmç n th# hietory ! the matttu- >n Y «’ id rn u a u >ewr « a m d in

$| one one *^>e » « a r t w u e »1 I I « i e \ î-i 4T.CUM* m W

Hiaeklng of fn ilt. »he ùarf aisge ■ au«*-«| a L»« of -ri»Whie fur »Ito- tirsi

A T TH E UNION■> . * ✓ •;ncomx. and Jmn*r at . r - C ifH rr* v *nre',.ng with

favor '- m Tie a lu d m U We hope '.! a f ■•.-■r» .wopie a;.] flag IhMOthat" Jung

A , - u t . iitm rr W.2 br e rm i n th e ir.. %« »-m and aaietena oaTh«r.«.-g f>g Thta haa aheaja been « ixt »'ven tJto Cm or tm* traed v> s - ' - nooks a Aimer en apar with Tune ThanAagivtag din*

You will find good ChruLom* «Mie tó th* mam AeaA —a pipe for bim„ a txm for to r and oaady K A ah n Chrurm a* b oM i gf g p n h r R A Buy what you own a t WS M n I f f when you buy ’ *v fro

' wmtj

Page 2: Michigan Slate News - archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1928/state_news_19281116.pdf · MäUarial 'i Ornala TSata AlpAa ftt at ' Arhar Michigan Slate News on


14 i


1 \

■ f

K f


* ■ ■ a i e a t l i N » 1 I t i I I * »

T - t

S S S r S S S u Z

»State Newsi matter at the poatotFiee, Raat Lanaing. Miehiaan.

p s g g g Nil» Haw* tfitr la located on tha fourth boor oft hr Union building, •aitate earhange. caUnaion 10«. Ottica hour* ftunilay. Monday. Waanawlar. and Tliumday from t p. a . to II p. m.

tola Mpanrina In the MleMron litote New* are written by the edibir-in-rhlef Ma naalatonta, who arc student*. They ran no way he Interpreted a* rrpr»- aantlng the idtlrtal viewpoint of the roll«

ROI* T HT A. MrtNNiy

HubncrtpOun. II r.o the Hchonl Yea

M O T O R IA ! H T A M Managing (Editor

Jaek Rtenherv Paul Troth Joe Porter

Aaaiatant Rdltora

It* i ru lle Hrovell Jame« Haakin« Majtl Horning Kuth.-rin» Ljmrh Ann Anderaon

A eThron flm Union Literary (fot Phi Kappa Tao Ilo* t*o.rd GdlUir Sport» Editor

¡keil'!» Editor Feature Kdltor

Itale M ta ff»ril Htanlev I»• et, . Claren re Ito tir er Thntnaa Kriapp John Tati ftlrn fjirke A lfrl u lion nel Henri W.l.ox


(•eorgi Merkel leiinani llakk. Jack (¡raen John Harhter Tom Krunta rg Kverett Kno. Wilton Colt Wilhur Hradei

•n y

Tii ■•thy Aokn

III HIN Ess staff Hoaénraa Manager

Katharine (irHt#>nlw-rgri Ray Jenninga Joa Rotter Margaret Treaton Beryl Ahhey

l»al. Vaughn (b rlrude Mor porothy Troth II.Ttha McCormick Ituth PiahtMTk fTariaaa Knglrhert Itorrrthy W|rk aironi Mildred Koyle

Advrrtiaing Advertfalng l 'olirei ion-

Ktenographi t

n red hi-fl'liul fremii- Khiii.t- tiiitvcmtty moia! load uf ad

>rk with high In Jin early l»r«tf#“— i»r lu 'ld »ai•

P i rtilli-ul** in- in • • *ii «limili ji» f" ask

n ^ m m o N c m n w v• (D u lly Karman j

A f e w y p a r * a g i lim i» o lii ' Nifi nt T i;il. « i i r v M i i g tin

j vie**. bu lk up h l» n i ml px|h*iT atiu ti«.

•imi «»f mi«* i Ih — i «|iia>rtftufi nt hi«

■"ting t im t im mu* i -FmiiiM attompt

dffjr.Aa n n-iilt of •

Wpa nddtul fu I• hi'i-ki'd out of Km i hi* reluit th Huit

Itnrl rp p rp a e n « «•• hliap." It#wiuii t till ttuu and f « IM f f ie ro It;« - m a orti.

re lie f from I he ttionofotiy o f n liegln CO-ED BETS SHE CAN SITtiing cottrue la prohnlily reuf»»tii*|l»le for the “hard-httflw!" mitburnt* in whteh uomip proftMunr*« «wm to de oberlin Ohio — ' I P ) —There are a light. number of forma of betting, but none

anv more spectacular than that en- inl- gaged in by Lillfhn Ramsey. Oberlin j,tiil rollegr ir-shman. and W illiam Robin­

son obrrlln college sophomore.Lillinn and W illiam were on their

wav ‘ * lhe women's dormitory after

• dmncc. and »topped »t a railroad L illian won, and n lto r therroanlna here to wait for an approach- her she wm» t«m n to A llen Mei

O N T R A C K L O N G E R T H A N M A N in# train. One of the two conceived hospital with a B ro w n collarUN IK A IA u m U M I IMIS M n ||]n ^ JM|nf wh0 cou|d on thr three fractured riba, acalp -track» the lonswt »rulne» aU over her.

Tfip p|i«ingp frmn hump '*gp I« h.» nu men«« uti i1 rofpuuor* - li i • « 11« I lu* p ii r •Id tu It.« d iflVuit«.



(£lje Variety attö Ojjtf ^ i]upMr«. K. M. Ila rfo ril fkppouilt* II. K. Itlilg.

■ ■ ■ mm* ■ ■ « • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • mSUNKIST FRUITS and VEGTABLES

SI \ l i lS T . Ihr name of Quality

M H H I G A N F R U I T C O .

Händlern in Carinad Loin .119-111 North Larch St.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

. . , R IJV IN MKN

Saturday utti-iuunn elevpti grpen- ‘•wcatered Hpiutatis will lint*-up opim- site eleven blue-clad grldders of the University of M ichigan and renew the annual rivalry of the two stntr insti­tutions

Both teams are neat the end of far from surreaaful football seasons All of the twenty-two men that will await the starting whistle on the level s|tncp at the bottom of the huge Perry Field howl have experienced defeats nave been rnt«*d the under-dogs ol a con­test The Wolverines met with disaster in their early season clashes, and then with the o«lil against thorn hut tied their way to unexiiccted victorv

M ichigan Htate bcginx (tie game with defeats registered against them and with apnft writers and loothall fans doping them to lose They are much In the same poaitlon of Michigan before the Hum game with the accompanying mental hazards of not only l>cing class - ed as the prns|iectlve losei but also with the disadvantage of thirteen years of football defeats ul the hands ol thc Am i A rim*- team and the ktmwlrdt«' that that team Is drawn from a school with approximately tom times the cn rollmrnt ol Htate

Howevei upset * in do|N* cn as M ichigan pro\e«t to the men I rum Urbana And more than that no mat ter how mum students ma\ la- sitting in the Michigan side of thc stand there ran be no more than eleven men plac­ed (Ml the field at one time to ddend the Michigan goal line Rvrtt though they represent a large school, thrv continue to be but eleven men And Michigan Htate will I»* prenrm will» a

• similar number, rqualh determined to score, equal!.» determine«i to throw hack th«* onslaught of the np|M«*ilion

Regardleas of past per l«>i mane wealtli ol tradition behind th«*

verlnes. and the present situation of the two team*, the struggles still remain eleven with eleven and one with one

P R O F. W A L D O 1 0 A D D R E S S


I ' r o f I . I* W a lr to i- ' i n k i n i b. the Campus Oirts Assembly rw*x* s da\ noon fr«im 12 to 12 45* in the * dent parlor!, of th«' f’«*op|e* ehm T ills has h e rn designated as l«u cent H u n d a y . a program to whi> l> eryone is urged t«> attend M r W t has chosen to review The Kingdon Oori Ft It»*I Barrymore's latest nano he «d l also give r»*n«lines from

STATE CAFEl? l K f#ran«l Riser Ice

T h e M o s t U p - t o - I ) a t e P l a c e i n '

E a s t L a n s i n g

T H A N K S G I V I N G ( A N D I E SFrenh Fnolisli Toffee — Candied fhttvn and S u l Meat*


HURTST h e S h o p p e o f F r i e n d l y S e r v i c e

I l f ? F I S T All« f i l i . t \ l Y K M 'F

C olum bia «R e c o r d s . J

c ‘Ire H IT R ec o rd s “H ere t te lo ir W e L ist a F e ir o f Ih e L a ten t Hite on

C olum bia R ecordn

J .R'i l) < 1 0 -inch 75e

I.AKN-B 10-Inch 75c

I MW - II It- inch

1503-1»to inch 75r

I Can't M ike Her Happy -Fox Trot llearthrokeo and l onely Fox Trot

-Ipana Trouba I pana Troub.n

When Sweet Susie fines

Dusky stevedtire Fox T

steppin' B y -Fox Trot Thelma Terry and Her Play

Thelma Terrv and Her P lav

W hat D 'Va Sav Vocal Fv'rvhndv lin e s Anu Vo

Aialon Town Fov I t ome (in Baby— Fo\

L ittle Jack L ittle Jack

{'liquo t C lub h ' Cliquot Club f*

H e H ave A ll the la i lesi H I In on K**cf»nls. IMayer-Piano* R i * I« anti Sheet MnsleBudd’s Music House

“ FA FRVTIIIM» l\ H l 'l i r \A IN w«mt|i Washinglon I ve. la iu in f . M irliipn

ST*» ItF ftPR N SA T ! IIM A V F .VKN INdM U N T IL 1» fi‘i

T h r Itrm rr fa r todayis on life insurance.It consists o f tw o w o rd s ■

John I fanrark( ' L u t LI h o m a r d 1

y * / / e ~ A a tu m fU r i iM SUnA N C l C o m m n v ^-

•» S#W«II Him «

Dr. R. I. SealbyIIKNTIMT

99» Ahbal NMg.Lsm ings b> AMMdmnmM

AttentionS t u d e n t «

Tie Lansing Calei ■—i t * , i m l a a w

i w l w l

M HmM i WmM k M A n v a r







M m k nb w m k r r

m mw m «ilù p r i i ì^HÉKuiK pW m tnm » : . 1

M Wi l l |||K| t« i h r m » 'm fh r n m ^m m ag win

MHMovirH B ha^H ek^ E fr if

w<■ vpf^■Iktn

"Radio Directs the Navy’s t r

W h e r e . oaoy college mm get m a large irJm in u. trgam talitof H ave they opperimiy to exercise creative talaalf

1> uUtvutual u/eri rtcogmztdf

r e tA I K PI A N E earner* are ■ re-

Z W «cm dcvclopmrm in naval history— ami they have a com- niuuication problem that call* tor the engineering resource* of an organization which ha* thown it can make radio hiuorv.

Complex maneuver* are di­rected, tcouting ex- pedu ion* controlled, and tar-Hying plana* recalled—:by radio.

On the U . S. Navy Airplane Carrier* “ Lexington" and "S.ira- toga" the fiiuation n met with crystal control transmitter» de­signed lo *end on dirferent wave length*. Each plane, receiving *et ha* its own wave length A turn ol the dial on the transmit­ter »elect* thc wave length cor­responding to that ot the plane to he reached with a message.

Radio equipment on the “ Lex­ington" and “ Saratoga was de-

fsigned, built, and installed b W esting house — the organize tion which in 1920 establishe. KD KA , the pioneer radio broad casting station ot the world, an. whuh also operates stations K FK X K Y W , VVBZ, and W H /A .

Opportunities to do the history making things in engineering hill naturally to an organization with a record tor making history in it* field. And Westinghoute, quite as naturally, otfers powerful attraction* to those

young college men whose initiative and enterprise fit them for history-making tasksWestinghouse


East Lansing State Bank CAPit»mSJ0?plus

Page 3: Michigan Slate News - archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1928/state_news_19281116.pdf · MäUarial 'i Ornala TSata AlpAa ftt at ' Arhar Michigan Slate News on

Party Tonight is Only PAW| extension confai ! Social Event of Weekend TO BE HELD m CH,CAfi01

J i m * !

St foftag to the lib rary rather then sotne to parties has been thin . O nly ft couple st teoa have broken the regular routine This likely to be ft Quiet one an campus due to the big game in Ann

the whole f t n t n t body la planning to go there for the week* i party has been planned for those unfortunate enough to

the game. Several feature dance's have been arranged and ‘“In w ill dispense its usu*______________________ _____“ T «»hi.™ hairi tha i a. wi? * , Pwlt 1,1 ricrtflce to the Kodrtnw • r Sphinx held the,of the boudoir

•erlee of te u which their oounttnx the time spent

The Annual Farm Extension Confer­ence will be held in Chicago. December 12. IS. and 14. This will enable the members who attend the conference to go to the meeting of the American Farm bureau Federation, which will be held in that city at this time.

Noted people who have promised to speak at the conference are: Dr. Paul

getting J Kruse ot Cornell university; Dr. O

count and—close the left to the right, do not transfer weight. That's all Repeat this step around the room as many times as you like.

Figure 2 Right turn. (As you say< it -Step, close, step, close, step, close, etc.». Count one—step to left on the left foot; count and -tap ..righ t heel against left:- count tw o-step to right on the right foot; count and—tap left heel against right That » all Repeat this step until complete turn has been made. Turn on the step only, the heel tap is taken in place.

Before joing further, practice the

duration of the m u rm u * practically w w ki Jan. 7 to March I ; market fa r - as to M: poultry, etahttne same as the courses offered last deners. one week, Feb. 11 to Feb. 17: Mar. 8; ^ —yetr' Farmers' week, Feb. 4 to 8; commercial to 18; ag.The courses to be given are as fol- florlcu,tun’ onr Jan. 14 to 18; 7 to Mar. I ; _lows: General agriculture. sixteen orna,nental horticulture, one wnek. Mar weeks. Jan. 7 to Mat. 8.

weeks, first year. Oct. 29 to March 8; general agriculture, sixteen weeks, sec- f < agriculture, eight weeks. Jan. 7 to Mar.8; dairy production, ten weeks. Jan.7 to March 28: dairy manufacture, eight weeks. Jan 7 to March 8; ice cream manufacture, two weeks. March 11 to March 22: horticulture, eight

«Mbl» Jan . T ta i w N k . A u Ight wants, Jtaà

New and Modern In Every Detail HUNT*« Excellent CoMne

the Federal Office of Extension Work

Dancing Teacher Tells of Step To Be Taught At Union Party

d ^ lrth ^ lWom»n'!, *tiuiw-' I " ,ormal; ana C Stine ot the Bureau of AgriculturalT h e ' yra**s of a womans life* are Fconomlcs; F. C Brooks, and others of« t t . were the tuesta r i t £ | — * 111 malan t herwlr ‘ k. Mrs. Robert 8. Shaw the tea table, assisted member of each sorority, was lovely, set with long

and a low blue bowl of gons During the tea.

ne Everett favored the playing "Londonderry

violin Miss Arlene Oal- nted her on the piano

was given by the girls house who were hostesses

rial gathering on Wednes- The tea was given for

workers and teacher the home economies de- Mlc Miss Jean Krueger tnnle Irons were present


: m 4-i, Kccpibf Gm I ~t4 Dariaf Entire Smmm.CM Omega hockey team

"n unscored upon this sea- defeated the Sesame we final game of the In- f Tournament.

«Society hockey games..'A. A., have been play-

thr first week in Novem - taams were well orga n -

evemy. matched that the w ss 'un certa in until a f-

gam e12. in the^sMnl-finals

| defeated the Thetas 3-0 day the Alpha\.Chi

the Sigma Kappas ahd |>er victory. 7-0 rrs of the team are Wini- her Jane Platt. Margaret

Werbeck. Irene Leaven- Wood. Elizabeth Smith

, fluth Ooshaus. Mildred I and 8hirley Mixer


^Sgraruse women unless 'lie I more than an hour get- ’ a date

I mi»*-"««— -1 .n onebrmitorv here 20 of them hour in preparation for a (spend an hour and a half I three quarters of an hour U f an hour and on * spends

Demonstration of the latest dance step, the "Campus Drag, is to be the leature of tonight's Union party, with Arthur Wesson and Viral line Sim ­mons of the Wesson and Simmons School of Dancing of Lansing as teuetiers. according to the plans of the Union party committee.

Instructions in several figures of the step, furnished by Arthur Wesson, are as follows: "Put on the phonograph Just a Melody Out of the Sky.' Get Out and Get Under the Moon or 'Dusky 8tevedore Play it slowly and here goes in the first place learn

i to count the musir as follows—one. and. two and. three, and ' four, and The numeral count is the - tressed note after-beat in each measure. This is after-beat in each maesure This is very important as the knees are bent on all 'and' counts

"To get the stvlr Drag, practice the f

"Stand with the count 'and bend -be count one- step to foot, count and- tap left heel; count two the right foot; count an d ; tap left heel against nght heel Repeat this exercise for ten minutes before hr ginning th<* steps of the dance • The description given is for (he gen­tleman. the lady danring the counter­part

Figure 1 -As von sav it Step, close step, close, point close, step, close« Count "one’ step forward on the left loot, count and close the tSi{hi to the left, count twos tep for- waftt on the left foot * count and close the right to the left but do not transfer weight: count three point

the right to the weight; count at the left, do not • four step back

not transfer the right to

veight; count right foot:


C h a ir m e n of the s o c ia l committees o f the various fraternities were enter­tained at dinner b y D e a n Elizabeth Conrad at her home on F a c u l t y Row. Thursday evening

Discussion on r e g u la t io n ot parties, open houses, and f r a t e r n i t y -»ocial func­tions in general w u s h e ld

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»f the Campus »wing exercise | •*els together, knees slightly, on the left

:ht heel against 'tep to right on

first two figures Dance the first fig­ure twice and the right turn once and repeat all

COMPLETE LIST OF SHORT COURSES ARE ANNOUNCEDThe cnififiir're'dlsf of the snort courses

in be given during the coming year have been announced by R W Tenney, di­rector <>! the short course department The list of the courses offered and the

State TheatreA Whole Circus Full of


“He Who Gets Slapped”

C ollegiate jstarring


F low er f Tuesday, Nov. 20S hop j

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«p iip p e d to r e n d e r .......... a n d s a n i t a r y s e r v ic e in a l lin ch e s o f B e a u t y C u l t u r e . F a c ia l s , M a n ic u r in g a n d i ip T r e a t m e n t s b y e x p e r t o p e r a to r s . W e h a v e th e o n ly h o r i zed H a r p e r M e th o d S h o p in l .a n s in g .

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and Water Wavinga pe r ma n e n ta n d d o n e th e w a y ¡t s h o u ld be d o n e . H a y c

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Rhine dre*»sinv manicuring when she (!«•• an informal ©vie date have about five enga;’»*- “k. although noi every one Triend This averages about > week dolling up At leant week in spent at »he Imir- king a total of six hours

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< onte In and Look t 's OverOUR GIFT SHOP

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V e ry moderately priced at $5.00.A ll our Hat heel oxfords, regular $5.00 values this

week, $4.00.Special o r full fashioned hose, regular $1.50

value, this week $1.39. -

Tuttle and Scott Stores Inc.U N IB M

U L N w t l W aak tafiM Aten—

O l d G o l d7he Smoother and better Cigarette

— n o t a c o u g h in a ca r lo a d

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I lH t-

■ g i f ; S S l S S l


HAMm .

l U M M ( M i Wi r i t n Expect O s M C s H M is A s s Arbar


Michigan State's undefeated cross­country squad will attem pt to add one more victory to its already Impressive list by defeating U. of M.’s highly tout­ed team a t Ann Arbor. Saturday morn­ing a t 10 o'clock.

U rn MMurtam defeated the Wolverines last year for the lin t time In the his­tory of M ichigan State by a score of 20 to SB. Iq this meet Lauren Brown, captain of the State Harriers, set a rec­ord of 25:21, which is extremely fast time for the difficult five-mile U. of M course. In ’Order for Brown to keep intact his imposing string of victories, which he started by winning last year's meet, he will have to defeat Capt. Wuerful, of the Michigan squad, who recently stepped the two-mile Jn the fast time of 9:40.

Each team will enter ten men in the meet, but only the first five on each squad will figure in the scoring. Coach Mort Mason, who Is grooming his squad for tomorrow's meet, says that the meet will be close both individually and for the teams but he-hopes State to repeat • last year's victory.

OHIO WESLETAI9 COACH , the call a t quarter. If Dlckeson should 4 start against Michigan at Schau's il i t r e MOTION PICTURES hairback position, probably Danziger s iu iw iw n v i w a w ^ 8U n #t fuIlback ^ th gchbu held

'in reserve. Kurrle and Ruhl Irt also IDelaware. Ohlo-^(IP)—To save any possibilities who might get k starting f

argument with members of his football ca]] at halfbackteams as to whether or not they did the xhe line in all probability will be I right things in the football game Just |ntact unless Fogg replaces Anderson finished. Coach Gauthier of Ohio Wes- jPft pn<j foqu was used in prac- leyan university has moving pictures tice during the week as Anderson hastaken of each football game Then he b<v,n out ot scrimmage on account of !gathers hLs team to see themselves in mjuries sustained in the Detroit game action, and no alibis arc possible Four's shifting however at the end ]

.............— berth has given .him a chance for theDetroit machine at Detroit last Sat- starting call against the Wolverines. > urday The Titan* displaying an The other end will be taken care of Iequally stron? dcfrnnv and offensive bv Captain Hombeck Christensen |attack, crushed the State tHtm 39-0 and Ferrari will take care of the tac-



Sunday I and


Local Smoker Learns Bitter Lesson Abroad

New York, March 1.1, 192*Lams & Bro. Co.,

Richmond, Va.Gentlemen:

1 have used Edgeworth Smoking Tobacco for the past twenty-five years.

Two years ago 1 took my t rusty briar along on a trip abroad, intending to revel in the delighta of the famous mixtures in London. I confess that I did not carry along with me any of the little blue tins of Edgeworth. But the joke waa on me. f went back to Edge- worth. only this time I had to pay 4r»< fo ra lSe tin of Edgeworth!

Incidentally, on a trip through England and later Uirough Ireland, I waa surprise. I tofind the wide distribu­tion and ready sale of Edgeworth in Great Britain. A frequent and famil­iar sign in Dublin, Cork and other cities in Ireland was a while stn an • r announcing a new shipment of Edge worth. To make such a conquest in I he home of smoking tobacco must b< very gratifying to your house

Sincerely,J. H. Kelly

E d g e w o rthExtra lli/tlt fin a le

Smoking Tobacco


(Continued from page it •charges Colgate proved to be too much for the Spartans. and the east­erners won Ifl-0 after being outplayed during the entire final half Two weeks avo the Mississippi A and M team remembered especially because of Papprnheimer. the Dixie hark field star, cam- to East (.arising and hat tied the Kipke-men into a fi-k fie The '¡is! game in which the Green anti White team participated was against the strong undefeated University of

Thus it is tha fered rather a d ,rr1dirnn Howe shown impro\ r ames and Indie

an good Coach Hai+v

American bark? versify and now Spartans ha- I the game with several weeks F the State feat­

ure St both teams have suf-

sastrous season on the er both teams have ient in their recent itloos for a stiff game

kfes while Moeller and Hitching» will n.bably start at euards. with Dill helo , readiness for either guard post

Smead will be at the pivot nositlon state will have a lineup at the start

the came whi< f*<»aeh Kipke can -'•ond as a whol* physically

strong •r The entire rood conditine

An Airplane Battle — a Cabaret Hold-Cp—Thrill Follows Thrill In This Captivating Love Romance!

R O D L A. plan

TOMORROW* BATTLE TO RE WH GRID CONTENT WITH T. OF Moi.-tirvntv of the game *» week the battle cry •an' has been heardfield Tn nrrter »o he*- Spartans for their an- j- Michigan Coach Kip-

rdered secret practice s thoroughly coached

M ic h ig a nS t a t eB a n k

?|K \iitmi Komi Open Saturday Evening

11:10 to 7:10

fens- for which »he U of M * noted At the same time »lie Michigan star ha' not forgo* polish Up the 8»a»e offensiv New plav have been worked >< all is in readiness for »he ren« rivalrv wl»h Michigan tomorro’

Changes Mav Re Mad« Although Coach Kipke has ui

Q V E j

it nr Mine»1ihtf it i.s expected thrne** faces will h»- seen when »h- and Whi»e line un »vainst th­in» s Sn»urdav Vorn Dicke ...has no» been used much games. |S expected to star» a» »1 hack position opposite If<>•••■ ■ State’s punter Because -.1 I satilitv and speciali >. in carry ball Carl Nordherg diminutive

■|g illTotal points Record Gam«

b\ Michigan S»Michigan I*»

-d I


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i p t a m .S W A G G E R


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Ht: H t ll T H B t V II.\ - ( I l H tB HOM.R—

<»*• a iar-oif ■¿land of hating men would she lea rn to Love i.er dfUverer? u: keep • ■i. Haring her betrayer?