st. viator college newspaper, 1934-11-01

"Down Kalamazoo" ltiatnriatt Monogram Day VOL. Ln. BOURBONNAIS. ILLINOIS THURSDAY, NOVEll ffiER 1, 1934 CELEBRATE MONOGRAM DAY NOV. 10 STEPHEN GOULD NEWLY ELECTED CoUege Alumni And I. R. C. LEADER Miss Anthony Defeats Political Machine Many dignitaries of Church and State participat ed in the Inaugural ceremonies 01 th e Very R ever end E. V. Cardinal, C. S. V.. Ph. D., on October 19, and men high in the fiel d of education were presen t to HALLOWE'EN IS MERE PHANTOM OF YESTERDAY Co-Eds Abandon El aborate P lans For Part y SCIENCE CLASSES AT WORLD'S F'A IR Professo r Dooling Of Tour Condu cto r Profess or H enri Dooling and ten repr esen tatives of the Physi cs and Shemistry classes wen t to Chicago last Friday to study the uniqu e ex· hibits in the Hall of Scien ce at th e Century of Progl-ess Exposition. The s tud ents returned, enthusias- The powerful Ellis - Roche political pay their respects to the new Presi - The studen'- we re to have ce le- ma.cbine was able to elect its cand.i- date for the presi dency of the In- Gov- br ated Hallowe 'en las t Wednesday otverthth:ir S.:d grate- tematlonal Relations Club at that u 0 e tr 5 c or or 5 many organization's first meeting on Octo- e rnor of illinois, r eceived the degre e night in the College Refectory as interesting comments. Of speci al of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, guests of the So rorit y, but in r e- attraction to the Chemistry ber 24 but was unab le to secure and delivered th e principal address spec t for the illness of the Right was the heavy hydrog e n-water ex- both of the offices, contrary of the occasion. Superintendent of Reve r end G. M. Legris plan s for hibit , exp laining, as it did, the recent to campus pre Ic tlons. Public Instruction of Dlinois Fran- discove ry of hydrogen atoms of dif- The successf ul machine candidate cis G. Blair marc hed in t he aca- the affai r were abandoned late Tues- fere nt weights. The instrument s was Stephen Gould, a Juni or, of d e m.ic procession. day. used in the celebrate Professo r Pi- Bloomington, Illinois. He is also Presid ent of the St. J ohn Ber ch- The Most R eve rend Bernard J. From The Past c ard's st ratosphere asce nsi on and a man' s Society, and a strong bidder Sheil, D. D., Senio r Aux.ilJiary Bi shop The calm and unimpressed man- cos mic-ray dectector were thorough- for a position on this year's debating of Chicago, gave th e ben ed iction. ner in which our St. Viator s tudent s ly di sc ussed. squad. G<l uld came to St. Viator The Reverend John A. O'Brien, Ph . passed Hallowe 'en night is a far In the Phys ics Department of t he las t year as a Sophomore from St. cry from the campus peo,pled with Hall, special a tt enti on was given to Bed e's College, Peru, DUnois. pronounced the invocation. Both s heeted ''ghosts", armed w ith rat- light s ound and vacuum tubes. Her e, Mi ss Mary Anthony, a So phomo re, the class was forced to drag Pro- th e nomin ee of an independent fac- men are alumni of St. Viator Col- tHng chains. and the village swarm- fess or Dooling from th e ma themati c Uon, eeked out a victory fo r t he lege. ing with human d es troye rs whi ch counter where he persi sted in play- secretaryship over Ri chard Doyl e, Th e Honorable Arthur Cut ts Wil- could ha ve been seen a de cade ago. ing with the slide rules. th e Elli s -Roche candidate. Miss lard, Ph. D., Presid en t of the Uni- Fo r it is ind eed tru e that th e The final portion of the tour was Antho ny, who is Treas urer of th e 1 versity of Dlinois, b eaded a dele- s tu dents he re once took great de- in th e electricity buildin g Sorortt y Is from Beaverville, Illi- galion of the instruc tors in the where the class did eve r ything f rom nols. history department of his school li g ht in indulging in all the custo- taking e xrays of each other to li ght- Thr ee Persldentlal Candidates The Ho norabl e Go r den Ke ith Chalm- mary prank s of lifting gat es, tap- ing a bulb by touching it. NOONAN CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF MONOGRAM CLUB Organization Plans For Allnual Dance The College Monogram Club was re-orgBJlized Tuesday evening, and the new admi ni stration immediat ely began to formu lat e plans for th e ce leb r ation of a Monogram Day on Novembe r 10. The celebrati on will be held m connec tion with the Viator-Kalama- zoo foot ball game on the afternoon of the t enth, which promises to the most cont es t ed fray on th is se as on's sch edule. In the evening, the Clu b is spo n- so ring the annuru Danc e in th e Coll ege Gymnaisum. It w aa announced that th e Leo Re mill ard ten-piece orchestra of Kankak ee would probably be sec ured. Clu b Elections In the abs ence of John Me any, Preside nt of last year's Monogram Club, the meeting was call ed to order by Thomas Kell y, President of the Co ll ege Club . The fo ll owing officers were elec ted: Th e meeting was opened by Nor- be rt Ellis, the re tiring Presiden t ol the I. R. C. Nominations were at once in order, and three names fo r th e pr esid ency we re accepted by the chai r. t hose of St ephe n Gou ld , Wil - liam Sch umache r. and William Gran · nell . ers, President of Ro ckfo rd College , ping windows, over-turning lawn Pres ident- Clarence Noonan. '35. The Freshmen were prepared to r ailroad a candJdate from t heir class Into office. but EIIls, seeing the dan- (Con llnu ed on Page Three) SURVEY WIDE SHOWS INTEREST and the youngest coll ege pres ident in swings, etc. Time was wh en Roy INVITES VIATOR Vice-Pres ident- Ray Roche. "36. lhe United States, wa.s pr esent , as Hall was a bedlam of noise and Sec re tary- .{"{enneth Corcoran, '35. we re the Vice-Pr esident of Notre confusion on All Saints' Eve. Man y TO CONTEST Tr easure r, Emme r so n Dex ter, '35. Dame, the Reve rend J. Leonard Car- a s tuden t entered his r oom to find Fr. Harbauor rice, C. S. C. Ph . D., and th e his bed missing, his furniture in a The Department of Speech of St The Reve rend F. J. harba ucr, Fac, Vice- President of De Pa ul Univer; s tack in th e middle of the floor, or Viator has r eceived an invita tJ on ulty Advisor of A th letics, addr essed si ty, th e M. J. O'Conne ll, C. M ., his c lothing servi ng the purpose of from the University of Illlnoi s to the me e ting and s tr essed th e l iD- A. M., S. T. D. rugs. en ter two students in an Af t er-Din- portance of the Monogram Clu b in MSGR. LEGRIS IS ILL The Right Rev . G. M. Legris has been co nfined to his bed for th e past week with pneumonia. Mon- signor at tended a church dedJcation In Aberdeen. South Dakota Ia. t To The Co-Eds ner Speaking contest in Urbana on November 23. Each speake r w ill disc uss the subj ect, ''The Depr ession and Youth'", and wi ll be allowed from four to s ix minutes. The Sisters in charge of the R e- This co nt est is being held in fec tory wish to publi cly thank the co- w1 att e mpt to de mon - week, and wh en he r eturned to eds who helped in the serving of th e s trate and imp rove Aft er -Dinner An Inter es ting s ur vey was co nd uct- Bo urbonnais on Octobe r 26 he had Inaugural Banquet. The kindness and Speaking by contrasting th e many contrac ted a seve re cold. He was e fficiency of the girls we re more differen t methods used by successfu l it s relation to th e s choo l. He asked that the enti re st udent body co- ope rat e in making Monogram Day n s uccess , and assured the men pres en t that he had al r eady r ece ived Lh c promise of th e alumni me mbe rs .:>f th e club that th ey would g ive the ir utmost s upport. Conun.i ttces Named cd by th e stal! of the De Paul la than welcome to the Sisters. la.9 t month ln which an att empt given medical ald at once. teachers of s peech. was made to ascertain what par- li ons of lhe pape r were mos t wide- ly r ead. The r es ult s. whlle not unJver sall y lndica.U ve ln thems elves, ar e no doubt falr ly r epresentative of t he attitud e or all s tud ents towar<hl thct r co ll ege publll catl ons. International Relations Club Hears Lecture on Old Mexico Following Father spe ec h, K enneth Cor coran announ ce d the appointmenl of th e fo ll owi ng- co mmitt ees: Publi ci ty- G. Fleming, Chairman; J. Quin, A. Roh ins ky. G. Rogers. '!". Gus h. Dcco ratlon- J. O'Leary. Chainn an; J. Madigan. R. Radous. T. Fuhy. F Shea, R. Waldron. Th e s tati sti cs showed that 64 per cent of th e men and 76 per cent o! the coeds always r ead the trent page st ories. while 26 and 18 per cent gene rally only looked them Th e Internati onal Relations Club's I alone c an not be considered th r fourth year of activity was most Ln- se tting of American civilization and t eres tlng ly opened on Oc tober 24 culture. It .. s one of twenty-one with a lec ture by the R ev. J. V. r epublics, just one. belng th e Moth er of all o ur educa- Chaperons-John H aq;rove, Chair- over. The edi t orial page clalmed onty 27 per cen t of the males and 22 per o! lhe females a.s consistent readers. but the "sometimes" cla.s- strlcaUon jumped to 38 per cent and {5 fl\' r et>nl tiona! lnstitutions, - Harvard, found- man; Byron Burke. ed in 1636. Th at was the be!ctn- Orchestra- woma.. Ke ll y. Chair- Jacobsen, S. J ., Ph. D., of Loyola 1 "What has prevented a proper un- ing o! North American culture. But man ; J oseph Marik. Untverstty. Since Father Jacobs en derstandlng of these countries by the th ere were at least twenty coll eges pursued his studies for hls Ph . D., United stat es has been the "Iejenda in Mexico alone be!ore that date, under Professor Bolton of the Un1- negra' or 'black legend' Which has and there was likeWlSe a sys t('m ot versi ty of South ern Call!ornta. who I clouded o ur r elations with Latin· grammer schoo l education and som• FATHER CARDINAL ON COMMITTEE is the outate.ndlng authority in the America- the idea that Spain settled high schoo ls. This Is what "'" Announcement WaJ! made Monday world today on t he New Wo rld only as a co nqu eror, mean by Spanish culture. It was here of the appointment of th e Ve,-,.1 history. tt ts not surprts ing that and the r efusal to r ecognize the long before the English came and il Rev. E. v. cardinal to th e Gorn Father Jacobsen treated his sub- !act that she was also--and indeed atl'ected a !ar greater number ot mltte on Organization of the jcct. "Our RelatloWJ wi th Mex1co and 1 preeminently - a colonizer, who peop le." tional Catholic Educallono..J Assoel· the Latin-American Republics", In brought civilization and religion to Father J acobsen conclu ded hie alton. The committee will rnefJt ouch an interesting and enUghtenlng t.he pagan barbarism of the South lecture with an account o! th e poU- at the Hotel Roosevelt in New York :: ma.nner. American natives. Although she tical and economic habits ot our City on Novembe r 1. lli:-ma.n in . ports seemed to bo¢ the t"\"ason for 7-t per cen t or t he mon r eading the •port page a- 32 p.: r ent o! the Y..omen 1 t t:Lnl1 19 per cent u "'! Iht m tter deallng Uc -•u nty. F ther Ja.cobsen opened hts lee- did exploit them to a certaln ex- Latin neighbors in a manner whi ch The purpose o! the commi t te<> " '' ctunpus go. p columns 10 c nt o! lhe men t- ture with the stat emen t "The ques- tent .at the same time she civilized brought out their easentlaily lovable stated by the College Dcpartrn<· nt &nd Uon o! international relations in- them. character and showed us that a!- o! th e N. C. E. A. ia "tD •tudy tho nt ! c-Of"ds to rea.J. the-ir cbok'l?' t ... illrt•• Th . tt <>t!'m to ho at \\om o. " cun t) the men's by •-olves us very intimately with om slsteT ,.,pubUcs !lOUth o! the Rio Grande. Mexico, Central America. thO? latand republics o.nd all those in So th Amerlc&. The United States '"Another part the ' black le- gend" '-' the Idea that the Span1•h American naUons are ignorant and uncultured. Nothing could be more ! WQ talk about Harvard a. though In many instances the1r look on life seems In incornprf'-hP.nsi- ble to u•. It ts rounded upon. a philosophy Which in the wt analyeh I.! much eoULl.der t:ha..n our own. 8.15 to r,r not lh t• College Df'-partm,.nt M now or ganJ 7,- ed, hi fn a positJt.m to llh anrJ If nt.Jt, to IJIJhmlt ltJ1 pJa.n or reorga.nlza.tlt.Jn.''

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The Viatorian - Vol. LII, No. 3


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-11-01

"Down Kalamazoo" mb~ ltiatnriatt Monogram



CELEBRATE MONOGRAM DAY NOV. 10 --------------~-----------------------------------------------~


I. R. C. LEADER Miss Anthony Defeats Political


Many dignitaries of Church and State participated in the Inaugural ceremonies 01 the Very R ever end E. V. Cardinal, C. S. V.. Ph. D., on October 19, and m en high in the field of education were presen t to


OF YESTERDAY Co-Eds Abandon Elaborate P lans

For Party


Professor Dooling ~

Of Tour Conductor

Professor H enri Dooling and t en repr esen tatives of the Physics and Shemistry classes went to Chicago last Friday to study the unique ex· hibits in the Hall of Science at the Century of Progl-ess Exposition.

The s tudents returned, enthusias-The powerful Ellis-Roche political pay their respects to the new Presi- The studen'- were to have cele-ma.cbine was able to elect its cand.i- ~

date for the presidency of the In- de~e o~o:~~~a::nryco~:~er, Gov- brated Hallowe'en las t Wednesday ~icl otverthth:ir ~b~;tio~, S.:d grate­tematlonal Relations Club at that u 0 etr 5 c or or 5 many organization's first meeting on Octo- ernor of illinois , r eceived the degree night in the College Refectory as interesting comments. Of special

of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, guests of the Sorority, but in re- attraction to the Chemistry clas~ ber

24• but was unable to secure and delivered the principal address spect for the illness of the Right was the heavy hydrogen-water ex­

both of the va~ent offices, contrary of the occasion. Superintendent of Rever end G. M. Legris plans for hibit, explaining, as it did, the recent to campus pre Ic tlons. Public Instruction of Dlinois Fran- discover y of hydrogen atoms of dif-

The successful machine candidate cis G. Blair marched in the aca- the affai r were abandoned late Tues- fere nt weights. The instruments was Stephen Gould, a Junior, of dem.ic procession. day. used in the celebrate Professor Pi-Bloomington, I llinois. He is also Pres ident of the St. J ohn Berch- The Most R everend Bernard J . From The Past card's stratosphere ascension and a man's Society, and a strong bidder Sheil, D. D., Senior Aux.ilJiary Bishop The calm and unimpressed man- cosmic-ray dectector were thorough-for a position on this year's debating of Chicago, gave the benediction. ner in which our St. Viator s tudents ly discussed. squad. G<l uld came to St. Viator The Reverend John A. O'Brien, Ph. passed Hallowe'en night is a far In the Physics Department of t he

las t year as a Sophomore from St. ~~·ti~ir:~to~eofU~~er~etwmy o~DFimounoi!?- cry from the campus peo,p led with Hall, special a ttention was given to Bede's College, Peru, DUnois. pronounced the invocation. Both sheet ed ''ghosts", armed with rat- light sound and vacuum tubes. Her e,

Miss Mary Anthony, a Sophomore, the class was forced to drag Pro-the nominee of an independent fac- men are alumni of St. Viator Col- tHng chains. and the village swarm- fessor Dooling from the m a thematic Uon, eeked out a victory fo r the lege. ing with human destroyers which counter where he persis ted in play-secretaryship over Richard Doyle, The Honorable Arthur Cutts Wil- could ha ve been seen a decade ago. ing with the slide rules. the Ellis-Roche candidate . Miss lard, Ph. D., President of the Uni- For it is indeed true that the The final portion of the tour was Anthony, who is Treasurer of the


versity of Dlinois, b eaded a dele- s tudents here once took great de- ~pent in the electricity building Sorortty Is from Beaverville, Illi- galion of the instruc tors in the where the class did everything f rom nols. history department of his school light in indulging in all the custo- taking exrays of each other to light-

Three Persldentlal Candidates The H onorable Gorden Keith Chalm- mar y pranks of lifting gat es, tap- ing a bulb by touching it.


Organization Plans For Allnual Dance

The College Monogram Club was re-orgBJlized Tuesday evening, and the new administration immediately began to formu late plans for the celebration of a Monogram Day on November 10.

The celebration will be held m connection with the Viator-Kalama­zoo football game on the afternoon of the t enth, which promises to b~

the most contest ed fray on th is sea son's sch edule.

In the evening, the Club is spo n­so ring the annuru }.~Ionogram Dance in th e College Gymnaisum. It w aa announced that the Leo R emillard ten-piece orchestra of Kankakee would probably be secured.

Club E lections In the absence of John Meany,

President of last year's Monogram Club, the meeting was called to order by Thomas K elly, Pres ident of the Coll ege Club. The fo llowing officers were elect ed:

The meeting was opened by Nor­bert Ellis, the re tiring President ol the I . R. C. Nominations were at once in order, and three names fo r the p residency were accepted by the chai r. those of S t ephen Gou ld, Wil­liam Schumacher . and William Gran · nell .

e r s, President of Rockford College, ping windows, over-turning lawn President- Clarence Noonan. '35.

The Freshmen were prepared to r ailroad a candJdate from their c lass Into office. but EIIls , seeing the dan-

(Conllnu ed on Page Three)



and the youngest college president in swings, etc. Time was when Roy INVITES VIATOR Vice-Pres ident- Ray Roche. "36. lhe United States, wa.s p resent, as Hall was a bedlam of noise and Secre tary- .{"{enneth Corcoran, '35. were the Vice-President of Notre confusion on All Saints' Eve. Many TO CONTEST Treasurer, Emmerson Dexter , '35. Dame, the Reverend J . Leonard Car- a s tudent entered his room to find Fr. Harbauor s1)C.~ rice, C. S. C . Ph. D., and the his bed missing, his furniture in a The Department of Speech of St The Reverend F. J. harba ucr, Fac, Vice-President of De P a ul Univer; s tack in the middle of the floor, or Viator has r eceived an invita tJon ulty Advisor of A th le tics, addressed si ty, th e M . J. O'Connell, C. M ., his clothing serving the purpose of from the University of Illlnois to the meeting and s tressed the l iD ­

A. M., S. T. D. rugs. en ter two students in an Aft er-Din- portance of the Monogram Clu b in


The Right Rev. G. M. Leg ris has been confined to his bed for the past week with pneumonia. Mon­signor attended a church dedJcation In Aberdeen . South Dakota Ia. t

To The Co-Eds

ner Speaking contest in Urbana on November 23. Each s peaker w ill discuss the subject, ''The Depression and Youth'", and wi ll be allowed from four to s ix minutes.

The Sisters in charge of the R e- This contest is being held in fec tory wish to publicly thank the co- w1 attempt to experime~t . demon­

week, and when he r eturned to eds who helped in the serving of the s trate and imp rove After -Dinner An Interesting s urvey was conduct- Bourbonnais on October 26 he had Inaugural Banquet. The kindness and Speaking by contrasting the many

contracted a severe cold. H e was efficiency of the girls were more different methods used by successful

its re lation to the school. He asked that the entire s tudent body co­operate in making Monogram Day n s uccess, and assured the men presen t that he had al r eady received Lhc promise of the alumni members .:>f the c lub that they would g ive the ir utmos t support.

Conun.i ttces Named cd by the stal! of the De Paulla than welcome to the Sisters. la.9 t month ln which an attempt given medical ald at once. teachers of speech. was made to ascertain what pa r ­lions of lhe paper were most wide­ly read.

T h e results . whlle no t unJversally lndica.U ve ln themselves, are no doubt falr ly r epresentative of the attitude or all s tudents towar<hl thct r college publllcatlons.


International Relations Club Hears Lecture on Old Mexico

Following Father Harbaucr' :-~

s peech, K enneth Corcoran announced the appointmenl of the fo llowi ng­co mmittees:

Publi city- G. Fleming, Chairman; J . Quin, A. Rohins ky. G. Rogers. '!". Gush.

Dcco ratlon- J . O'Leary. Chainnan; J . Madigan. R. Radous . T . Fuhy. F Shea, R. Wa ldron. The s tatis tics showed that 64 per

cent of the men and 76 per cent o! the coeds always read the trent page s tories. while 26 and 18 per cent generally only looked them

The International Relations Club's I alone can not be considered thr fourth year of activity was mos t Ln- setting of American civilization and terestlngly opened on Oc tober 24 culture. It .. s one of twenty-on e with a lecture by the R ev. J . V . r epublics, just one.

belng the Mother of all our educa- Chaperons-John H aq;rove, Chair-

over. The edi torial page clalmed onty 27

per cent of the males and 22 per c~nt o! lhe females a.s consistent readers. but the "sometimes" cla.s­strlcaUon jumped to 38 per cent and {5 fl\' r et>nl re-~pectlv("ly

tiona! lnstitutions,- Harvard, found- man; Byron Burke.

ed in 1636. Tha t was the be!ctn- Orchestra- woma.. Kell y. Chair-

Jacobsen, S. J ., Ph. D., of Loyola 1 "What has prevented a proper un­ing o! North American culture. But man ; J oseph Marik.

Untverstty. Since Father Jacobsen derstandlng of these countries by the there were at least twenty colleges pursued his studies for hls Ph. D., United states has been the "Iejenda in Mexico alone be!ore that date, under Professor Bolton of the Un1- negra' or 'black legend' Which has and there was likeWlSe a syst('m ot versi ty of Southern Call!ornta. who I clouded our relations with Latin· grammer school education and som•


is the outate.ndlng authority in the America- the idea that Spain settled high schools. This Is what "'" Announcement WaJ! made Monday world today on Spanish~Amerlcan the New World only as a conqueror, mean by Spanish culture. It was here of the appointment of the Ve,-,.1 history. tt ts no t surprtsing that and the refusal to recognize the long befor e the English came and il Rev. E. v . cardina l to the Gorn Father Jacobsen treated his sub- !act that she was also--and indeed atl'ected a !ar great er number ot mltte on Organization of the NF~-jcct. "Our RelatloWJ wi th Mex1co and 1 preeminently - a colonizer , who people." tional Catholic Educallono..J Assoel·

the Latin-American Republics", In brought civilization and religion to Father J acobsen concluded hie alton. The committee will rnefJt ouch an interesting and enUghtenlng t.he pagan barbarism of the South lecture with an account o! the poU- at the Hotel Roosevelt in New York

:: ma.nner. American natives. Although she tical and economic habits ot our City on Novembe r 1.

lli:-ma.n in . ports seemed to bo¢ the t"\"ason for 7-t per cent or the mon reading the •port page a­ 32 p.: r ent o! the Y..omen a~·n1;·rally, 1 t t:Lnl1 19 per cent u "'! Iht m tter deallng "~t.h

Uc -•u nty. F ther Ja.cobsen opened hts lee- did exploit them to a certaln ex- Latin neighbors in a manner which The purpose o! the commi t te<> " '' Tb~ ctunpus go. p columns

t ract~ 10 ~r c nt o! lhe men t- ture with the statement "The ques- tent .at the same time she civilized brought out their easentlaily lovable stated by the College Dcpartrn<·nt

&nd Uon o! international relations in- them. character and showed us that a!- o! the N. C. E. A. ia "tD •tudy tho ~~ ~r nt ! lh~ c-Of"ds to rea.J. the-ir cbok'l?' rno~l.: t ... illrt•• Th .

tt "'~ <>t!'m to ho at \\om o. " cun t) ~ the men's by

m<'~ ~ ~r ·~nt

•-olves us very intimately with om slsteT ,.,pubUcs !lOUth o! the Rio Grande. Mexico, Central America. thO?

latand republics o.nd all those in

So th Amerlc&. The United States

'"Another part c~ the 'black le­gend" '-' the Idea that the Span1•h American naUons a re ignorant and uncultured. Nothing could be more ! W Q talk about Harvard a.

though In many instances the1r out~ look on life seems In incornprf'-hP.nsi­ble to u•. It ts rounded upon. a philosophy Which in the wt analyeh I.! much eoULl.der t:ha..n our own.

qU~Atlon 8.15 to wh~thf'r r,r not lh t•

College Df'-partm,.nt M now o rganJ7,­ed, hi fn a positJt.m to I.V!htevf~ llh purpos~. anrJ If nt.Jt, to IJIJhmlt ltJ1 pJa.n o r reorga.nlza.tlt.Jn.''

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-11-01


<irq.e Niatorian Pub!iahed bi-week ly throughout the year by the Students of St.

Editor EdJtor Altsoclate Editor AJt31stan t Manager Buainesa M.a.nager

Sports Editor Sports Shorts Campus 8rtef• Day Hopping

Feature Faature Writer Feature Writer Feature Writer 'F'cature Writer Feature Writer Circulation Manager

VIator College.



- Kenneth Corcoran Edward Buttgen

Mary Cruise Stephen Gould

Martin McLaughlin

WllHam Schumacher Edward O'Brien Lorenz Dugine r John A r rington

Richard Kendrigan Richard Doyle

Joseph Prokopp J ohn Stockbar P atrick Hayes

John Morris Bernard Beniot


Inaugural Address The Reverend E. Y. Cardio.a.J. C. "". Y ., Ph. D .

I hope that you wW bear with we?" Most people bearalded the ad­me whilst I am making my pro- vent of Democratic lnstitutlons, toe fes.sion of faith ln higher education ballot, written consti tutions, and especially higher education of the woman suffrage as panaceas fo r all type which is given at a small col evil. social, economic, and poli tical. lege and more particularly a small We ridiculed monarchies as being Cathollc College. My Profession unfair, unjust, and antiquated. Die­of faith in this kind of institution tatorships were cartooned and lam­does no t mean that I regard the pooned as the incarnation of the brand of education given in larger evil spirit. But to da.y we bear in­institutions, either public or private telligent men talking and writing

as being inferior or futile. They and questioning the validities of all may be and are in some respects these forms of government. The superio r . But I take it as som e sober man looks through the pages thing almost axiomatic that the na of his tory and after diagnosing th e lion is better rewarded by having various political systems in vogue a variety of institutions than by since the Nile River Epoch, comes to having ins titutions a.ll of the same the same conclusion that no political

Subscription Rate $2.00 per annum. kind. It is our one hope and anti system is a guarantee agains t the

Address all correspondence r eferring ei ther to adver tising or s ubscription to di te against over-standardization and evils which surround us. Is a The Vlatorian, Bour bonneJs, Illinois monotonous sameness. Even nature dem ocracy supenor to monarchy or

r evels in variety. One writer has is dictatorship superior to democracy Entered as second class matter at the Po3t Office of Bourbonnais, Illinois, expresed it face tiously by saying or monarchy superior to either or

under the Act of March 3rd, 1879· "Thank God we do not all look both? There would be no answer .ACME PRINTING CO. 121 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVE. aUke". which would be satisfactory to all

Editorial Comments W e take this opportunity to express our appreciation on be­

ha l[ of the s tuclcut body , to those who labored to mak e Homecoming lhe S II (TI'SS that it was. Vis it ors we n · \'l'l'Y favorably impressed with

th e beautiful ly d eco rated gymnasium. This work in vo lved the uu­sc lfis il cxp encl i tU J'C of va luable t ime aucl e ffort, a nd we r eg r et that our t hanks must tal< c th e shape of a mere acknowledgment in th e edito ri a l columns of this paper. It is g ratifying to refl ec t that th er e are students who stand r eady to make va luabl e sacrifices w order to mal< e our co llege affa irs successfu L

Much that ts bootless, fruitless - there could be no answer which and useless is written on the advan would win universal appropation. tages of a particular kind of in- Some would advocate and are ad vo­s titution over those of another. An eating a r eturn to the old order ; interes ted parent who is looking for others would, and a r e sponsorin g a light on the important question of political system which would have "Where shall I send my son to scme of the old ingredients with school" , wi ll r ead an article on the a w holesome infiltration of new advantages of a large univer sity and ideas: others again would and are Will probably come to t he conclusion rushing headlong into an entirely that ''this is the place for my son" new order of government . Which A few days later h e may chance one of these three g roups is travel­u.pon an a rticle written on the ad ing along the s traight and narrow vantages of a small college. Poss i path ? Only the rash would ven ture bly it has bad the effect of dyna to speak any degree of assurance on miting his forme r convictions . Th is s uch an elus ive subject. s tate of menta l confusion s hould And so it is in education. Every-

The highest award for public service in th e med ical profession not be a matter of surprise. It is where there is vigorous discontent - th e Nob le p ri ze, will be shared by three American medical pro- most natural and logical. with our modern educational set-up. fessors . A sum of $41,806 has been set aside for th eir develop- Who is there who is able with fortuna tely or unfortunately, educa­ment of a trea tment fo r pern icious anemia. The th r ee honored finality to measure the relative tion, unlike religion, has not its in-

merits of differ ent educational sys · d B"bl H pp'L o unhappil professo rs, Dr. Geo rge Minot and Dr. W ill iam Murphy of H a rvard, terns?. What yard-stick would he sp~re 1 e. a 1

Y r Y there is no Infallible pope to guide and Dr. George R. \Vhipple of the Un iversity of Rochester , prob- used and who bas the yard-stick ? our footste,ps. We have to rely a bl y are not l<uow n outside the medical profession and the publi- Education just happens to be one upon our own resuorces. Is it any city abo ut th em has been largely in med ical journals. 'l'o millions of those things which is unmeasur wonder that we become confused and of p eople their names were first r ead in con n ec tion with the an- able. For centuries educators have we are cons tantly changing and for-

f , been a ttempting to weigh the pros di t ' f' d?

nounccmcnt o th e Noble prize. This hono r fo r publi c service JS and cons of this and that in edu- ever ssa ts te · the ma rl< of a progressive nation. What is the solution? A . few

No matter how you consider or analyze it, grass i• a wonde>­ful thing. Much time was spent during the summer months to beautify t he campus by plantin g grass; th e othe 1· t hree seasons of th e year we students spend cutting pa ths across it. After a ll, th oug h, it is ni ce to walk on cool. soft grass and not wear out th e sidewalks-that's a concrete fact you 'II grant. Ther e a r e plans afoot to pave the whole campus except strips of grass which will be saved fo r us to walk on. What satisfaction that will give us ''shortcutters''.

The recent election of the offi cers of th e Internationa l R ela t ions Club certainl y was not conducted under the parli.mentary roles that usually govern such occasions. Instead of voting for th e nominat­ed candidates, ba llots wer e scored for va rious members of the fa culty . W e also found several ballots writt en in childish scrip! d es ignating ~Iickey ~louse as their candidate. \ Ve strongly sus­p ect tha i our dea r littl e Freshmen have been " playing " a gain. ' Vithout a doubt it is time to call anoth er "board" m eeting under th e auspices of the powerful and feared "Gangaroo Court".

Now to command a few of the F rosh - Hect>ntlv ou the bu~ as an elderly lady ente red, f i,·e Frosh rose and poli te!; offered thei; seat s. Not that this is unusua l for Viator students, but it shows that the Frosh are profiting by the example of the upperclassmen. It a lso proves that we have something to work on in our unceasing end eavor t o make the yea rlings r eal coll ege students and gentle­men. Oh, they do many things insulting to the dignity of the upperclassmen but whats the difference . . as long as they are healthy and happy.

We overheard a r emark after the Millikin game that bear s t•epl'ti!ion . . \n dderl~, :l[illikiu fan. his fa ce r edden ed from tbe \vind and cont inua l shouting said, " Those Viator men are not only good football players but they lose like gentlemen". Think those

cation and ror centuries they have suggest that we ought to re turn to met w ith the same fu tile r esults. the educational syst em which produc­

In las t July·s Forum (1934) there ed Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Sopb­uppeared an article enti tled, "Should ocles, Euripides and Aeschylus . Time

bas left its imprimatur on their immortal accomplishments. But were these men a product of a syst em or an atmosphere or were they geniuses w hich somehow or other appear in certain periods in history and defy explanations?

. Others again would have us be­come m edi evalis ts. Prof. Haskins of Harvard University says that the twelfth was the greatest of centur­ies. Dr. Walsh says that it was the thirteenth. We can conclude that both of these centuries were in some sense outstanding. The cul­tural contributions of this epoch are so potent that they are chast ening to a twentieth century scholar. Be­cause of this cultural wealth some become so enamoured of it that they advocate a complete turn-about­face to the educational system of that period. But was it an educa-

a College have a Purpose?" Most people would answer , "Yes, of Couse" . But what is the purpose? It is difficult to say. Even educa­tors are not agreed. Last summer a t the N. C. Ed. Ass'n. Convention .one hundred college president s and deans endeavored to formulate a statement which would adequately describe the purpose of Catholic Higher Education. The a ttempt was unsuccessful. Another day was spent in discussing the .problem of what requirements ought to be set up for an A. B. degree. No. agree­ment was r eached. · The question was solved in the cus tomary abor­tive f ashion o- appointing a com ­mittee to study the question. The firs t impression which a layman is apt to receive from this lack of agreement on such important and basic question is quite unfavorable 8ut on second thought, after diag­nosing the situation one is not sur- tiona! system which produced Bon­prised, and why? a ventu r e, Bacon, Bernard and Thom­

as · Aquinas? Or was it an educa­tional atmosphere in which they lived ? Or again, was it genius again defying everything and everybody?

Education is not an exact science and why therefore should all peo­ple have the same answer to the problem ? It is not like a propo­sition in mathematics. It is more The history of education leaves akin to most of our p roblems in one in utter bewilderment when one

is seeking an answer to the question, "Which kind of educational system life, the answer is more or less

nebUlous. It is more specifically like that other very important pro­blem, "Which Is the best form of government ?" We were quite con­fiden t before 1929 that we had the

is the best? · Those who lean to-

words over and a cert a in amount of satisfaction to compensat e for the loss of the game.

only kind of government which could should be yours suit the people best. 8ut now we

ward St. Augustine and advocate a return t o him ought not to forget that although he incorporated much of Plato he dared to go beyond Plato. He adopted him and adapt-

ask ourselves the question, "H ave (Continued on Page Four)

THURSDAY, :-.'0\"DIBER 1, lss.&

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A hearty welcome await, the students and friends of St.

VIator College.

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-11-01

THUBSDAY, 1-. 0 VEffffiER 1, 1931 THE VIATOll.L.ul PAGE THREE

DEATH TAKES !\ STEPHEN GOULD- And con-ed. His memorial ser- 1VIATORIAN HOME A HOLIDAY -- Intercollegiate- 'i':ru:Uth:~e~a~r's Annual a t noo;: HAS B~E MOVED ___ (Continued from Page One) on Wednesday

La:st week the member s of the ger to his own or-ganizaUon, and Dean Defends Us In the lecture room wnere lunch- The offices of the VIA TORIA1 Sophomore were confronted at knowing the rashness of placing a D C S 1 k of Dart- less he s tudied politics were moved last week from the first every turn with blood-stained note~ F reshman in so responsible a posi- mouethanstatraedvenin aaryeoccent talk that floor of Marsile Hall to R oom No. And where his spirit still roams at warning signed (and this is al- atition0~ "r.efused to accept their nomin- college stud"!'-ts of the present gen- moaning a last rebuttal". 114 in Roy Hall. The original most inconceivable) by the Frosh. ......_., eration are better than their fath - headquarters of this years' staff shall Letters of horror were slipped into The names of Schumacher and ers. He said: ' 'I taught the fath - Presi.stence of. Color be used as the office of the Dean rooms and notices of impending Crannell were both ,put forward by ers; now I am teaching the sons. It appears that the Freshmen of Studies. doom were tacked on doors . The independent factions , although it Are the kids any worse than they haven't quite lost thei r greenness. Plans are being formed to make Freshmen were in open r ebellion, was noticed that the Day Students used to be? No, they' r e better; I On one of the objective t ests of the paper's new borne convenient, and. (in their cbilclisb way) were were enthusiastically in fa vor of had more trouble with 500 in the 'W"beaton College one girl saw two modern and commodious. Desks demanding equal r ecognition by the Schumacher, the president of last old days than 2.300 today". blank spaces. So she filled in the have been installed. the files are Upperclassmen. year's F reshman Class. test thusly: "Date-Yes. Name- Doc being put into order. and new light-

The Sophomores are to be com- :&lacb..ine Upset Practical Course Fro hock". ing facilities are to be arranged. mended for the masterful manner The race for the Secretaryship A stamping machine bas been 1n which they subdued the antics suffered a· strange turn after the "Artistic Loafing" is the title of a Ambulance N b secured for addressing the papers of the newcomers. Not once did ballots were cast. Brother Clarence new course being offered at Steph- ear Y of the ofi-cruupus subscriptions.

Cain was elected by a large margin, en College, Missouri. There is no Outside the door or the dean's which will add much to the effici-the Class of '37 deign to r ecognize but declined the position after his home-work. office Rt Creighton university is ency and systematic organization of the notes, and so complet e was their s uccess had been announced. Miss a sign reading : "Get your grades the circulation department. a.bhorence of such juvenile acts per- Anthony was then declared Secre- Resolved That: and pass out quietly". formed by people claiming to be col ­

"Here lies a defeated Debater In Chicago Who died as a result of a. fracture He'sLearnlng Numerous calls and inquiries have In his depleted statistics, Add this to your lis t of defini- been made this fall as to the where­

lege men, that the Freshmen soon tary, having a slight majority over recognized their mistake and called her closest opponent, Richard Doyle. a halt on the "letter writing". The meeting was somewhat indi-

gnant when it was rumored that Suffered when he came in contact lions: A skelton, says a medical stu­dent at the University of Missouri , is a st ack of bones with all the

abouts of three of the brothers who attended college last year. Brother3 Domonic Bay and Edward Des Laur­ier s are stationed a t the C. Y. 0.

The College owes the Sophomore Class a vote of thank• for their handling o! the matter, and It is to be hoped that the Frosh will not agaln resort to carrying on so child­ish o. campaign.

there were more ballots cast than With the horn of a clllemna in a th ere were persons voting. This rash rebuttal. was soon suppressed, however , by the He is survived by the bereaved people scraped off.

Ellis-Roche machine, which was sat- Affirmative Hotel. 28th and Mi chigan. Brother isfied with its success in the elec- And Negative which he long and tion of Gould, falthfully pro-ed. K I "J J ohn Ferris is at the Working Boy's

a amaz00 Home. 1140 West J ackson Blvd. "Down


. . .•. .•.. > \ -' an~ ••••·-~a~ ~~~~····· ··$m~ke·~ ·······~hem -· ·.· and the girls.mraked in t4~ ~t~~J.cel§. and the , dirnes

-·· and they sang ~~a hot <~ij~~~ ;;the old tou;n" -

the cigarette that's MILDER

the cigarette that TASTES BETTER

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-11-01


I CAMPUS BRIEFS 1 1l ina(~~~~uedal ddre s- ::;:t.s ~e ~.n tooru::';n-~:d~~

""-'V...._u..u. from Page Two} I ness. To condemn a new plan. a new Idea, befo re it is anal)'"Se\1.. stud-

llalu ta.tlon' BJJ<l Fellclt:>tlOM! 'Patsy" . . P.ocbe and Clai r e dane-1

ed him. The admirers of Thomas •ed and lested. is to have a clo.."<!d

"'1'18 1 ..• . ... wb() ba& re- ed together al l evening . . Claire's Aqui.nas who are in !a"""or of re- ~~ns :d d:eo'::ldth~~~o;~

quate to take -his y . He did not l:lesllo.t• to ha•·e the Artlcl.,. of eonr. crati "' shelved and ne''' CoruUtuti n ~Tit­t en. A coUebC mll..'!l likewise klok back and look ahead.

tu~ HO<IfltJT tba.n I expected last pl~y or the evening w tU n.ever turning to his century know o r ought I these instituuons have been>(lal 18 lnoooo pleoUtul . . be forgotten .. .JoUy '"Doc'' ;)l eany howev~-r . . . I :rnu§t r etra.ln from drank nothing but Coco-cola n:J to know that he was inspired by I quately stud1ed is to be recreant to

A college must P"'P Its stu. dents to wrestle with modern pro­blem, Let it not 00 said o! us what Heny dams said ot the German schools. "Til t an eigh­teenth century G rmo.n school wn.s a peculiar place fo r a nint!leenth century boy to handle lWWlUeth cen­tury problems". It is a good thing for an cducattorial institution to ha\<>C a Museum of Antiquities ; but It ought likewise to have a .t...abora.· tory of Social Sciences. It ought to be both a store-house of past Ideas and a labo ratory of clll"rellt thought and problems. It must have a curator fo r i ts Museum, and also a "Brain Trust to cope w:ith Impor­tant modern problems. It ought to have incunabula but l t ough t a lso to have lhe mos t worth while of the new. A co llege shou ld look out not only for lost cities Ul<e Troy and dead rule rs like King Tut but also formulate plans for Utopias. W e

tclllng It a.J.1 •• , not ~>e<:a..- 1 lear n.:gbt and '"Po ll" !1.orn=y sure be- Aristotle and that he went beyond the high purpose of a coUeg>-te In­

the /Te8broen who.. have~. ta.c.ked moaned lbe fact that he didn't have him. H e adopted him and adapted s titution. 1

am not asking that th.:: League ot _-lations or the \Vorld tb:reat.8 upon my door (ever since a camera to take a pic tu r e of tbe him. Just as Augustine a.nd Thom­J oo otny rf'Vht. ll' d m y ickmt- ·miracle' . • TonY's production as adopted and a.da.pted so we must lty) . .. but . .. r a the r f)eCS.(IS.6 tt1e '"Thb f'oWltaln of Youtbn e< and tbe reverend moderator wbJ ie we didn't witness It, .eeeros to do likewise. Catapulting ourselves ,..a.y t.hat the V1AT0Rl AN, o! au have been a bowling success back to the Middle Ages is not what

pubUca.tJoTu., must stay oft t h ~ ln- Incldcnta JJy, will the f ellows who any of these men would have done.

dex ... 80 t1b.o.t.'11 Utat. ... It you cam e in on tmie please put their We must no t forget the past, we d<robt t'hat. 1 know your prlvat.e names on the bull etin board must uve ln the present and prepare &ea...ndaJ, oome a round somctlmc a.nd m edals a re to be c.warded to these for the future. ru teU you about lt. noble mec...

Aa I all h e re typing, I k now no t Milo Ss bosser finally attended a where:. to begln . the past two dance the p e ti t e Marte Drolet weeks have furnis hed more than their was his date don' t let it be share ot gossip that ls worthy of ou r you r las t , Mllo . r emember attention . . . and ye t . because ' faint heart never won fair lady' I am Umlled to t wo columns I must The next of the bachelors to leave many juicy mo rs els to you r fall wlll be S teve Gould . . Only own snooping . . Buttgen informed the other day be agr eed to take a me that b e wou ld be the censor date if Doc Ellis \\'OUld bring hime this Ume and so you shall find ve ry one from Seneca This freshman UlUe about him in these Jines. Kohl holds some klnd of a r ecord

Since education is such a complex thing, what can an institution prom­ise to its constl tuents? Cert..ainly it can not guara.ntee that because of its ,peculiar syst em thos e coming unde r its influence will lead the pro­cession of stalwa.rts. A doctor of Education ca.n not guarantee mor e than a Docotr of Med1cine. He can only try and hope, and only hope. Hope that because of Its syst em a s tudent will ln some measure attain

Many a p e r son r aised a h orrified and scandalised eye-brow when tlley observed the gay Don Juan of Le­land attending the Homecomtng game with a new gi rl frtend . . H e r name is Peggy, also Then ~ere wa.a lhe Sophomor e who ap­pciU"ed tn his o ld role of Lotho.tio

las t Friday there were exactly the ideals embodi ed in th e require­tn enty-one phone calls for him . . ments set down to obtain a Rhodes and he wasn' t there to answer any Scholarship; namely, literary and of them Eddie O'Btien's date scholastic ability; qualities of man­Called to arrive perhaps it was hood, truth, courage, devotion to jus t as well s lnce sh e would have du ty, sympathy, kindliness, unse1f­been bored to death lis t ening to his ishness, and fellowship; exhibition of chatte r of the Rockford game. mor al force of character and of in-

ll.Ild brought th r ee chiU"ming ladles tin ts t lead d tak tnt to the game . . w h en iast seen Debating has become very pop· s c o an e an erest

ular of l&.te . Can it be because in his schoolma tes; physical vigor as lbal evening h e was esco rting not 50 many co-eds are m embers of the shown by interest in outdoor sports Uuee, but five .. and he didn't Bergin Societ y? . . The affirma- or in other ways. Participation and re turn t o til e H all Immedi a tely. live team meet s nig htly in the co-ed inter es t in open-air and a thlebc pur-

The Homecomin g wa.s cer- room Wonder why all the de- suits form an essential qualification tn.inly a s uccerse .. . wJlat with a. 21 balers want to make the DePaul !or a Rhodes Scholar but exce ptional to 0 vlctory over the Invading Uh- trip? Can it be that Rosary athletic distinction is n ot to be l!UUI, tho '""!dents of fu>y H&l.l didn't College is loostng its appeal . treat ed as of equal Importance w:ith deserve 80 D'lAil.Y demerits for oele · The Hrst practice debate between other requirements. b.rn.tlll,g and fnJllng to return to thelr U1e affirmative and negative squads This College and other sis t er ins ti-cell8 by eleve n thlr ty . . Yeah! I was a huge s uceess . . 'Tis rum-got mlno • · but. l t was worth it orcd that th e audience decision went of two evenings w hen they had to . . . S low t ri e d to avoid h~ by to the nevative team for two very 1H1oaldng UJ' to Harg-ro ve's room o study for a quiz . . My idea of no-. . . All ln vain, tho', iiS he was gOQd r easons . . . first, McGreevy thing to tlo . imagine two husky ~n by Ule pr-ef ect. is a freshman and second, the firs t be-men leaving these hallowed walls

Talktng about the ladies ( ! speaker was a Brother ... we must jus t to go to Kankakee and sit upon we 0 s tick ·with our pals. fu>y Ha.l.l !U"e good o.t that) I no- the Iron railing a t the corner of

Uce tllat at leas l one freshman The footbal l t eam left for De- Court and Schuyler They're in co-ed read the Bri efs las t issue catur Friday . Kruaklis took a- the wrong ins titution . they be-tJh c not only pald heed to the warn- long a very s mall handbag h e long in the one located south of 1ng given the frosh and bought

8 must have reformed Not so Kankakee . . Oh, well , you won't

channing green chapeau but sh e In the case of Newburg he see them u,p town this week as one also l anthomed m y lnde tity took his small t runk w:ith him . is in the infirmary and the other thanks !or k eeping lt a secre t , Mar- Remember the r esults of last years is campused. gie . in re turn I s h all squash a ll trip? . The boys always had plen- W e U, my children . another scandal you have been involved in t y of knick-knacks as souvenirs when Briefs i& written . . . I hope you during U1e past two w eeks they r eturned. like them . . also that I haven't not even a word abou t the evening Wednesday night shall be a glor· burt anyone's feelings: ... Be M ·-

sesstons in lbe library wi ll be print- ious evening the co-eds are go- sured that such is not my intention ed .. By the way, jus t who w as ing to hold another social Two . . . Just good, clean fun for all the young lady who insis ted upon to one odds that I can te ll whom . . . may you all enjoy It , , . I asking everyone she met after the Abe Rohlnsky w:ill take to the so- say naughty things, too ._ , . and If Homecoming game it they did not cial even money he takes her my copy isn't ln the wastebasket love Tony as much as she did ? to the Monogram Dance as well . . next time, I ' ll be back with the best Minnie, won't ).rou p leMe a ttend more That i s providing the jolly Doc tor of the worst .. . To you who were of our games? Cheste r plays a hasn' t already dat ed her for that so good as to signify a desire for much better gan1e when you are in affai r Barrett wants to bring my r eturn, I extend my thanks . .. the stands watching him . Miss Yates but I doubt whether or may I n ever have the 'duty' to men-

Ta the dance we \\~nt n.nd lllAlly not she will come with him as h e tlon your •golng-Qns• ln this column tidbits of gossip w er e g leaned . r efuses to trade dances Be Ln such a way M to make you wish T nko heed and neYer attend a dance nice Danny and give u s all a. chance that you had agreed with Stockbar. as a stag .. , else you may r ooe.ive Will Roche bring HER to the - Lorenz. the samo ~we.r that a stag did Monogram Dance after the 'las t who triod to cut ln on a certain play'? . Aiello is already dated Sophomore oouple that were deeply and so are Nicholson, McGreevy, 1\bsorbed in one anothe r .. . ;'Scram Madigan and Buttgen.

mug, you1re no bette r thn.n a !rcsh­mon wben you" , .. W e need more splrlt Llke t h.i.s ... Pm ln favor o l boycotting all stag's . , • Bting a co-ed!

The versatile Dan Barrett Is still gotng s trong tn local circles . . "'Puggie" Ya t es 15 his lates t con­quest . .. all credit belongs to K endr\gan as he arranged the date

, Too bad- Dick and Viv ( it is r umored) ha"-e at last s eparat ed rm sorry i! the Briefs are the cause that she no longer calls you her ''ttty bi tty mousey \YUUSey" . Merry Old England's native son was at the dance with the charming

Tom Gannon just couldn't wal t ! or this weekend t() arrive . . . H e comes from Valparalso1 you know .. ru bet the folks back home are

still hearing about the game from him . .. You reJI them Tommy .. do n1 t be too harsh tho' . . . Roche will be afraid to go home since llllliktn beat us , . sure is tough \Yhen the captain of your victors lives next door to you back in the home town..

Did you know that two ·upper­classmen of Roy H all were trying to see who could set the r ecord of most nlghts out? has been out every nigh t with the exception

Court be accepted but that before they are approved or con demned they be studied. A college must guard its constituents f rom making prinlo­priml conclusions.

A coUege should not be afraid to travel ln new directions or to lead its s tudents to travel in new di-rections. A college must adopt and adapL Because a system has been good in the past is no r eason why It ough t to be good today. Those who are in favo r of traveJJinc­in o ld direc tions like to use Georg~ W nshtngton as a model of everythtng that is good and co nservative. And yet when our first P r esident was elected Chainnan of the Consti tution­al Convention he dared to say these words: "This convention should adopt no tempotiztng expedients but prove the defects of the con.stitution to the bottom and provlde a radical cure". George Washington trave led in a new direction on this occasion and he did on the other occasio~ when we broke w:i th England. The Artic les of Confederation were inade-

(Continued on Page Six)

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Used lor DAMPPROOFING WALLS and FLOORS, PAINTING GALVANIZED ffiON, PROTECTING CLEAN IRON AND STEEL ROOF REPAIRING and as an ADHESIVE. It can be lll.ixed w:ith P ortland Cement and dties out a soft gray color for patchtng de­teriorating concr ete.

For Sale at Local Dealers

J. W. Mortell Co. Kankakee, Ill.

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-11-01


Green Wave SuhiDerges Invading Uhlans VALPARAISO Millikin

IS UPSET, 21-0 Downs Irish, 6 to 0 Rohinsky Counts Twice; Dexter' a

Play Outstanding

Vaiparaiso University, unbeaten thiS season and rarely whipped in the past thr ee, felt the full wrath of the Fighting Irish October 19th, when Coach Murphy's Green Wave helped to make the H omecoming celebration a success by swamping the Invading Uhlans, 21 toO.

Linemen Responsible

In Little 19 Camps

Bradley's Homecoming festivities of October 20th were successful as the Bradley team nosed out the strong Mommouth eleven, 6 to 0---­

It was the first time that Bradley has won a Homecoming game since 1931.

Following a policy which Coach Evans inaugurated at DeKaib Teach­ers College several years ago, pass­es are i~sued to the parents of all the football players . Elzie Coop­er, DeKalb halfback, carried the ball three successive times against Wheaton, and on each play the t ackler was knocked out.


timated a t 2500, James Millikin Uni­versity defeated St. Via tor, 6-0, at Millikin field, Decatur, Dl.

The winning touchdown was scored in the first quarter on a pass J)lay. Weise threw a 18 yard ,pass to Burgener, left halfback, who ran 10 yards to score. Although cover ed by two Viator men Burgener leaped high in the air and caug ht the pass which m eant victory to his team. The try for the point after the touchdown was blocked.

Battle of Linem-en It was a batue of two grea t lines.

Each t eam m ade three f irs t downs . Millikin did not gain a first down

The credit for the victory belongs to these usually unsung heros of football-the linemen. In the first quarter lead by Captain Dexter the S t. Viator line swarmed all over the Uhlans and broke their spirit. Time after time it was the wonder­f ul blocking of Dexter, Schumacher, Roche, O'Leary and the other line­men that permitted Rohinsky and the other backs to get away for

Conference Standings as we go to through the line but made her firs t long gairul. JOE SAIA, HALFBACK press: LOYLE DAVIS, MILl,IKlN END downs by two passes and a penalty.

Not satisfied with p laying a good W L T Pet. In the three games preceeding the linemen's game, Captain Dexter in- I. M. PIN NEWS Carbondale 8 0 0 1.000 s Sh t Viator contest, opponents of Milll-t ercept ed a Valpo pass and returped Elmhurst 1 0 0 1.000 port- or S kin were able only to gather five Jt 55 yards being brought down from John .Hargrove informs us that Bradley 2 0 0 1.000 first downs.

the rear by a fl eet Ublan warrior. the Intra-mural bowling league is l\1lllikin 3 0 1 1.000 The last wree quarters of the Rohinsky Scores T\vice going along in great style with the !\'Iacomb Teachers 0 .750 Many and various have been the game were bitterly fought with

Abe Rohinsky, a midget halfback enlarged enrollment of boarders add- DeKalb Teachers 2 1 1 .667 comments upon the Vtator team th1s neJ.tber team haVIng the advantage from West Haven, Conn., proved to ing to the interest and skill of the Carthage 1 1 0 .500 year. K.nowmg that our readers Play centered mostly In nudfield and be the "big gun" of the Viator at- sport. N ever since the alleys North Central 2 2 0 .500 would hke to r ead them we have the ball changed bands cons tantly tack, scoring two touchdowns , one wer e built have there been so many McKendree 1 0 .500 I picked a couple of the bes t H er e I Palladmo, punting for Via tor, did a after a 45 yard run in the last qu ar- games rolled. The old dopster lookB Ill. State Normal 1 2 1 .333 they a r e very ruce job agamst the wwd, plac-ter. over the field and sees but two out- lll. Wesleyan 0 0 2 ·000 Howard Millard, sports editor of mg his k icks carefully out of the

Rohinsky's other touchdown was standing t eams, George F1eming's Mommouth 0 ° ·000 the Decatur Herald-RevH~w and a safety man's r each. scor ed in the opening minutes of the defenders and "Buck" Roger's chal- Lake Forest 0 ° ·000 Big 10 Conference official, rat"" St. Running Attack Stoppod second quarte:- after Joe Saia had lengers . The championship lies u n - C harleaton Teachers 0 1 0 .000 Viator a far strngcr team than the Coach Leo Johnson, "Little Na-raced from his own 35 yard line to doubtedly between these two out- St. Viator 0 2 0 ·000 I llinois Wesleyan, champions of the pol eon ", saw Viator trample over Valpo's 20. In two plays Rohinsky fits. Eureka 0 2 1 .Oj)O Little N ineteen. Be writes: "Mllli- the Va\paraiso squad and thus was took the ball over. The other Via- As we go to press these are the Knox 0 3 0 .000 kin will find St. Viator a m uch able to devise a uef ense which s top-tor score was made by Masterson leading scorer s in the league and Wheaton ° 4 0 .OOO harder nut to crack tha.n \-Vesleyan. ped the powerful running attack led who co-operated with Joe Saia to their averages: W ucbner, 205; Ed T h e Burbonnais boys have a much by Rohinsky, Saia and Noonan. take the ball over afte r Captain O'Brien and George Fleming, 174 ; In their Homecoming game, State better backfield than Elllott and Masterson, Viator fullback, played Dexter had made his s tartling run Joe Barzantny and Dexter. 162. Normal knocked Macomb Teachers their line was plenty good enough a nice game. H e is a powerful line ln the third quarter. Coach "Fido" Murphy would prob- from first place in the Conference to stop a powerful Valparaiso ele ven plunger and accounted for most of

Still Another Star ably put an end to the I-M league race with an 8 to 6 victory that ha.d boon beaten twice ID three the yardage gained through the line. There was another to whom Via- i£ he only knew why Abie Rohinsky's Elmhurst, ·in their first Conference seasons." Be tourne, wbo replaced Masterson,

torians are paying tribute these days pass ing bas fal len off. When Abie g ame of the season spoiled Wheat- Fred H. Young, anotlv~r B ig 10 with about two minutes to g o, made a.nd that lad is Tony Marik, the in- threw a ball down the alley for the on' s Homecoming celebration by official, writing in the Bloomington th e longest g a in of the afternoon, a jured lineman who possesses a regu- first time it looked like he threw winning 6 to 0 Bradley also Panatagraph, has th e following to twelve yard plunge throug h tackle. lar Manders toe. Everytime a Via- himself down with it. Any how, helped to spoil a Homecoming day say concerning this years' Green Few Vlator Subs Used

torian scored a touchdown Coach that's one way to keep the lanes for Carthage when they swamped the Wave : "The Fighting Irish bloek- Coach Leo Pohnson s ubs tituted Murphy would sen d Marik in to c lean, ~ette~luck :e~t time ~~~ Lutheran team, 20 to 7 Car- ing and tackling could not have boon f reely and wisely k eeping his at-kick the extra point, Not once did Captru:s the n_o h~e. t He bondale unde feated in league oom- improved upon. Those tooth-jarring tack s trong a t all ti mes. The s tart-he miss, and afte r ea ch attempt Gibbons as e ng sys em. [ petition banded the Northern Teach- ta ckles of Ray 1\-lurphy\s clan slm-Mn~hy would r emove Marik until doesn't bowl himself, but gets sub- ers of DeK a lb a 6 to 0 defeat. It ply k:noeked the life out of a strong ing Viator lineup, on the other hand, -r s titutes to fill h is place and if the I w as DeK.alb''s first loss of the cut- Va lpo team. with the exception of L U.'X and Rob -

another touchdown had been s cor ed. su b shoot s 165 Gib. pa ys for his r ent season ... Knox College los t <~Murphy has a n.U:'ty nmning back ins k y played all but a few minutes

Injured bowling. What are you going to its twenty-thlrd consecutive foo tJb a lJ in Rohlns ky, a He bre-w from Con- of the g ame. Danny Blazevitch, the newest star do with a guy like that? i ame when Beloit won their home- necticut, and Saia, from l\'fissi66ippi Marik, who was in jured in the

of the Green W a ve) w as r emo ved The follo \' men ha d 16 vo tes coming contest, 13 to 0 .. Aug - is another athlete who could play Carbond ale game, played a g reat from the game in the firs t qua rter each for captain.s. As ther e w er e ustana continued its march toward on anybody's football te am . Captain gnm e a t g uar d. Roche, cons ider ed after having been hurt in. a vicious not enough who desired to bowl a Conference Iitle by downing N orth Dexter played the greatest game of by m any sport writer s as on e of t ackle. Danny, it was learned, had thes e men united and formed the Central, 14 t o 13 Momm outh hls caroor agaln.~t Valpo''. the bes t guar ds in the Confer ence, s u ffered a broken hand and will be 19th team in the league: J. Omera, defeated Cornell, 7 toO, in a non - s ubs ti tuted for Marik in the closing los t to the Green Wave for a t least J . O'Leary, J. Hargrove, R . Scb u- confer ence tilt and thus added to A glance at the s ta t is tics com- m~ments o f the g ame, lived up l.O

two w eek s , macher, c. Newburg. (Incidentally, their homecoming f es tivi t ies plied after the Homecoming game h is r eputation and p layed impressive S ummary this is the largest league in the his - Other non-coruer ence tilts saw Lake will explain jus t why s uch praise bal l in the f ew moments he was in

St. Vlator- 21 Valpo-O tory of the s chool. Forest and Carroll tie at 6 a ll is deserved . the lineup.

Guy L B: Schmidke The two leading teams as to aver - East ern Illinois Normal swam ped Statistics Viator Valpo Bill Ga r a itiB and Loyle Davis , Mlll-Lux Lr Bounaro age per game to date are: In diana State Norm al 19 toO. Yards f rom scrim mage 275 160 ik in en ds )wer e m ainly responsible Roche CLG Kramplen George Rogers-753. Yds. los t from scrimmage 4 20 fo r the Viator downiall, as they rc-De.x te r Brelauskas George F leming-746. In Nor!, cr ack halfback , DeK alb Punts 8 5 peatedly broke up the Green W ave's Schumacher R:J Gr emel It was on thls that we based our has one of the best backs in the A vg. yards on p unts 29 34 r unning attack. W ilber Gilber, o. 200 Krauklis Rr Chrur ustowski predktion as to who will be the conferen ce. Nori can pass, k ick, Punts blocked 1 0 pound one-arm tackle, was another Corcor an RE Die rker new champs. and run w ell. Many a r e saying Attempted passes 3 20 o u t.'3tanding Millikin s t a r. Palladino QB Anbold Additionai bowling news: Gorge that he will g ain All-Conference hon- Completed passes 0 3 Thls week the Viator team t:oes Blazevltch L H Karr Fleming , defen ding singles champ, ors !'galn this season . Yardage on passes 0 23 to Ypsilanti , .Alcblgan , where they Bflia RH Drzcwicki was waylaid by two terrib le Hoosiers Yards penalized 35 10 will meet the powerful Normal team. Mnterson F B Baron by the names of Gannon and Wuch- Reino Norl , DeKalk star, aJ- Fir s t downs 14 YpsilantJ defeated Viator in a ho tly

TouchdOM lS: Rohlnsky (2), Mas- n er in a "loser p ays". Wben the though he bas benn playb>g football Touchdowns 3 0 contested game la•t year. tor son (1). b.etic afternoon w as over i t w as fi ve years~ clalms that his paren ts Points after touchdowns 3 0

Poln ta after touchdowns: Marik George who payed and payed! ha,·e only w itnessed two grunes that ( 3) placements. he played . . futrl H eln, a team

O!flcia.Ia: Fred Young. llllnot.. Danny Blazevich, newest star mat<> of bls, claims that bls par-Abe Rohinsky, elusive halfback,

not only scored two or the Gr een wave's touchdo1NDS but performed the prodlglous fea t of advancing 159 yards with the ball ln the course

Wesleyan.. referee; G . A . Br O\VD, back, suffer ed a broken hand in the en ts ha,·e never soon blm play K ankakee umpire; E. J acquin, MJs- fl.rst quarter o! the Valpo game and I Berry , Bradley star back, b.a!l a ver­oourl , field judge; E. Garvey, Chl- wUl be out un til the game with John aged 45 y ards per kicl< this oea-cago, b&ad linesman. Carroll Universi t y of Cleveland, Ohio. son. of the Homecoming game.

The t r ack squad ls to be seen every afternoon work1ng out on the "cinder path" near the College gym. Coach Maloney was all smllc,a th~

other day as he was clocking Homer Johnson in a practice mile an<.! Dick Kendregan 1n a quarter .

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-11-01

K~o-,; siX

Inaugural Addres fConti.Dued from Page Four )

T HURSD..l. l" , 1100\~ l, l~

obtalned aucll a.n extraordinary per- , commeodln&" that which hill creaL CTeation. they baYe bee.n to L! \'!&tor College know their •tudent.s. m.i.uion.. A second llme. he predecessor b.&d done. A coU e Polen M.thout the Piela or \Ye are at the dulpo&al 01 our COD­Leo lor the permission a.nd a sec- ought to be the home of relenUess they bave bee.n to Parts ,.~thout tituent.s lor moral. physical and ln­ond Ume he granted and a second questioning and It ought to teach Its visiting the Louvn. We have """n tellectual guidance. lt l3 our con­

must travel on the mucb·trodden Ume the Custodian refused him a.c- s tudents to Q estlo.n eve..o basic a&- so wanting In the appreciation of \-'ic t.lon that thl.s raculty-student ~ but the aUII worth-while Appian way to the storehouse of anUqulty. sumption.s. the beautiful that some of our tel- laUon.shlp wUI be stimul Ung a.nd M well 8.8 the newer method of A third time be went to the Pope A college shoUld prepare. U.s stu- low-cit.Uens have been seen looking mutua.lly benef1cia.l . \Ye are \

traveiJng by al r . and thls Ume the Pope hlmseU arm dents for the Art of Leisure or as for Initials of their friends which the students on the campus. 1n the A college abould seek the truth In arm with the young layman came Professor OveTl!treet calls lt.. "Tbe have been carved In the walls at chapel and In the cl~~.SS·room. I t l3

lllld cherlah 1 t.. In thia we can down to the arch! ves and pronounc- Art of Loafing". Leisure has be- Chartres, lguona.g completely lts for preciscly this rea.son that we well be Inspired by the Immortal ed this memorable phrase to the come an integral part of our civU- gorgeous ~dows. exlsL It ls our disllngulshlng Cea ­VJO Xlll. On a cerWn occasion custodian, ··open up the truth, let ization. Our ancestors worked long The college should be the home ture, our "raison d'etre'. The cbapel a young layman who went by the It be publl3hed to the whole world . boUTl! and worked hard. They had o! the spirit o! lnternaUonaltsm. An ls an integral part of the lnaUtution. name or Ludwtg Von called we are not afrald". The r esul t of little if any leisure. Unfortunately educated man should look upon every It is not an extra-curri.cuJs.r activity . upon b.le Holiness tor permission to tWs permiss ion has been the magni- leisure time was looked upon by century of every nation as his In- The college holds up for admiration uae the Secret Arcblvea o! the fice otly written History of the Popes most Am.ericans as wasted time. To- heritance. W e belong first to and imitation such an out.sta.ndin.g Va.lican. ThJs prtviJ cge had been which has done us no harm bu t day leisure is part of our economy. humanity, then to a ps.rUcular coun- genius as Thomas Aquinas, "who '\\.'13.8

given only to Churchmen and only much gooo. Today scholars from Since it is with us we must train lry. To look upon war as the the mos t scholarly of the sain~ and to a rew Churchmen. Much to the all over the world can be found ln our s tudents to it inteUlgently. worst solution of difficuJUes and the the most salnUy of the scholars". aurprlse or a.ll, the Venerable Pon- these archives, even young co-ed.3 We can instil ln them the Jove of promotion of intem&tiona.l peace and ln the college chapel the students urr accor ded him the permi8Sion. H e f rom the UniveTl!ity of California. the fine arts, a pleasant familiarity understanding as a much saner pro- learn to love God and neighbor : It wo.a free to use all the mos t secr et The spirit of Leo XIll is found with books and libraries, conversa- cedure is Ln a very definite sense Is a secluded spot free from pre and Important le tter• which had been e mboclied In the gloriously r eigning tion.s with the learned and apprecia- the obligation of every ln.sUtution of judice and superstition: filled wi th a burled In the archive• for centurieg. Pontiff, P ope Plus XI. U you were lion for the true and the beautiful. higher learning, especially a Cath- spirit or peace which surpasseth all The young man proceeded to the li- to visi t the Vatican today you would We have been so lacking in this olic institution which by its ve ry re- underto.klng. Ou r work , in the words brnry to find his pathway blocked find a bust of Ludwig Von Pastor in that Americans have actually ligious natur e ls International. or Ruskin, is "To lead souls to w ha t by the Cua todlan 01 the Archives a place of honor, ,placed there by the visited t he Sistine Chapel without This college is a small college. The Is best and making what ls best who cou ld not believe that be had Pope and ther eby approving and seeing the Las t Judgmen t and the adminis t ration and faculty of St. out of them".

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