st. viator college newspaper, 1934-09-29

Hornecoming October 19 ltiatorian '7 Alumni R et urn / VOL. LII. BO URBONNAIS. ILLINOIS SATU RDA Y, SEPTEMBElt 29, 19' NO.1. REGISTER LARGE FRESHMAN CLASS Green Wave Loses zn Opener.ST. VIATOR OPENS67TH YEAR ST. VIATOR 0; SOUTHERN IlliNOIS STATE TEACHERS', 14 Three Quarters Playe d In Rain ; Gibbons Injured In First Play; Via tor Line Stars St. Viator su stained a 14-0 defeat F ri day ni ght at the hands of Illi- nois State Teachers' Co ll ege at Car- bondale. Facing a squad of hried veterans, the inexperienced !rich backfield fai led to click. Gibbons, a veteran , injured in the firs t p lay, was a severe loss to tbe t eam. Num- erous and severe penali ti es likewise c aused the Iri sh to lose g round , in both their defense and offen sive at- tacks. FOUR FRESHMEN WIN HONORS IN RHETORIC CLASS One Hundr ed Take P art Profi ciency Exams. An innovation was made GIVES WELCOME WITH MASS TO THE HOLY GHOST Pre sident Welcomes Student s At College Club Meeting; Thomas Kelly Assumes Offici al Dutie s ----- FATHER MAGUIRE ACTIVE IN MANY LABOR DISPUTES St. Viator Co ll ege opened its doors on September 17 to the largest Freshman Class to enro JJ in the 67 years of th e sc hool's hi sto ry as an institution of higher teari ng. On the following morning , th e office of th e R egistrat" was forced to secu re addi- tional help from the student body. in o rd er th at the registration of the upper cl a..<:>Smen might be complet ed in one day; an d at the tim e of thi s Arbitr ates Twenty Strikes Thr ee Month s In writing, new s tudents s till continu e to a rri ve. The e nrollment shows a 25 per cent in cr ease o ve r that of last year, and there is every r eason to beli eve th at the second se mes ter wi ll show an inc r ease o ve r the first. D uri ng th e p as t s ummer th e Rev. Although the T eachers' backfield rusplayed great finesse and polish, they made few and only short gains through th e V iator line, whi ch dis - English departme nt thi s year by th e Ve ry Rev . E . V. Cardinal. C. S . V. J. W. R. Maguir e, C. S. V., former Pre side nt of St. Viator Co ll ege and H ead of th e Depar tment of Soci - ology, h as been in c reasin g ly acti ve in la bor disput es as a me mber of th e Chicago R egi onal Labor Board. On Wed n esday, September 19, at 8 o'clock, a So lemn High Mass of the Holy Gh os t was celebrat ed i.n th e College Chapel by th e Very Rev. E. V. Cardinal, the R ev. A. J. Land > roc he ass isting as deacon, and Bro- th er Eugene H off man as s ub-deaco n. It has long b een the custom of the s tuden ts of St. Viator to ask at th e beginning of each scholastic year th e bl essing of God upon the ir work and in a special way to in voke the aid of the H oly Gbost, th e Spirit of Light , in the search for Knowle dge and Truth. played a spirit and strength se ldom introduction of profici ency exa min- seen in Littl e Nineteen football. Re- alions in Rhetoric. Th ese exa min - peat edly the Carbondal e t eam at - a tions are g radually being introd uc- t cmpted to break through the Iri sh ed into th e lead ing co ll eges and st one-wall defense, but fai led in univer sities for th e purpose of giving every instance to make and app r eci- s tud e nts an opport unit y of self- ad- able gains. vanceme nt . Th e mor e important It was during the ti me the ball ph ases of Rhetori c are covered in was in the air that the T eachers thE- examinatio n, and those st ud en ts made their advances t owards vic- who succeed in getting an ave r age tory, and it was during the same of C., i. e., 77% or above , are pe r- plays that the Green Wave disp lay- mitted to drop Rhetoric I and are ed i ts weakness. Four Viator pass- given three hours of credit. e::: were int er cepted and the rest Of the one hundred freshm en who were knocked down, with disastrous tooK the examination four su cceeded r esults. in making th e grade. Since the ex- The game opened on a damp field, amination was a long and hard one, with clouds overhead. th e VIA TORIAN takes pleasure in Viator received the kickoff and Gib - pub li s hing the nam es of th e winne r :;. bone, the only 1933 man in the Rober t Me rcer, register ed ·f r om St. ba ckfield, carried the ball for a p- I gnatius Hi gh School, Chicago, rank- pr oximate ly twenty-five yards, when ed fir s t; Dolph Guy, r egistered from he was downed and s uffer ed a s prain- Cathed ral Hi gh School, Sp rin gfie ld, ed ankle, which n ecessit at ed his re- rank ed second; Joseph Prokop p, al so moval from th e gam e. He was re- rtgis te red from Cath e dral Hi gh placed by Rohinsky, who, after three School, and htf...2 rs hall Lamor e of downs, punted the Bradley Hi gh Schoo l tied for t hird Teach ers' t erritory . place. minutes of see - saw playing to th e advantage of the so uth e rn team, Carbondale p assed to an end who carried the pi gs kin over th e go al. The place ki ck was good. Lat er in t ne same qu a rt er, this ae rial play was again put to good effect, and th e score stood 14-0 in the Te achers' favor. Th e ir third a ttempt to u se this devi ce fa iled to incr ease their margin. Late in the second quart er Be- tourne repl aced Master so n, and s hortly the r eaf ter Viator began it s on ly seri ous t hreat of sco rin g, th e line me anwhi le, holding th e ir posi- tions like iron men. With the opening of the third quarter Betourne plunged through center fo r a 22-yard gai n, only to have the ball rec alled and Viato r penalized for holding. After a few minut es of steady poundin g th e Irish reached th e ir opponents' fiftee n- yard but soon lost th ei r ad- vanta ke, and the game proceeded wi a constant ex ch ange of th e ball -::u downs and the refusal of both lines to allow their opponents to Two Pouplar Coeds Absent From Campus The Senior Class was deprived of oue of its most prominent m embers when ill ness made it impossible for Miss Margar et Clancy to co ntinue her sl udies al S L. Vialor thi s year. Miss Clancy, who was elec t ed Presi- dent of th e Social Sorority last year in convi ncin g testimo ny of her popu - larity among her immed iate associ - ates, has al ways be en a .. tal ented and industrious s tude nt . By close ap pli- ca tion she su cceeded in co mpl e tin g a se m es ter 's wo rk lost throu gh ill- n ess in her sophomo re year, and would have been g raduated in June, 1935. Th e best wishes of P eg's class- mat es are cordial ly ext e nded to her, a nd it is their since re hope that it w ill not be long until her health permits her to resume her s tudie s at St. Viator. Anothe r m ember of the So r ori t y. Miss Mary Anthony, of the Fresh- score. man cl ass of l ast year, has been pre- Although the Carbondal e team be- vented from registe ring on account (Continu ed on Page Five) of illness. In the course of littl e more than My Dear Studen ts: thr ee months, Fathe r Mag'cl ire has It gi ves me gre at pl eas ure indeed I se tt led over twenty s trik es. He bas trJ welcome to St. Viator Coll ege the b ee n sent as far wes t as Montana lar ges t group of coll ege students. to investigate conditi ons in the cop - that s he has eve r r; nroJled. per strike in that st ate, but has You will f ind at St. Via tor Col- spent mos t of his time in Il linoi s lege men who have s uccessfu ll y in - and W isco n sin. s tru ct ed T!lany such as you r sel ves in Fathe r Maguire has brought to a th e a rt of li ving. They h ave fa it h- successf ul conclus ion s uch important fu ll y protec ted th e traditions of si x- s trikes as those involvin g the Mil- ty- seven years of co ll egiat e e xperi- waukee Bridge Company, Corn Pro- ence. You wi ll a l so f ind new mem- dutcs Re fining Com pan y of Pekin , bers on th e fa c ulty. All of them Dlinois, the Caterpilla r Company of ha ve equipp ed th emse l ves academi- P eo ria, the Me nasha Woodenware ca ll y for th e important wo rk of Company . The Mil waukee Stree t Car s timulati ng you to educational ac- Company, The Northern R ef ri g erator comp lishmen t s. You have a righ t Company, and the Lui ck Milk and to exp ect that when c omin g to St. I ce C ream Comp any of MUwauk ee. Viator vou will find a library well stocked. with carefu ll y selec t ed book s; Laborator ies equopped to en- ab le y ou to work at th e experiments in th e various fie lds of sc ience; a cam pu s r edolent with gr eat tradi- tions and buildings which a r e ade- quately e quipped. But thes e a r e no t th e most assets of an e du- ca tional in s tituti on. A group of men, learned and ent hu siastic, fri e ndly and congenial can do mor e fo r yo ur mental enrichment than a ll these Now that Father Maguir e is no lon ger burden ed with the d uti es oi th e President's office, he will be fr ee to take an eve n more impo rtant part in fi nding answe rs to the num- erous questions that ar e bound to arise during th e coming year. Father Card inal Ina ug urate s Drive Immediatel y after Mass, a student meeting was held in the College Cl ub r oo m. Thom as Ke lly, Presid ent of th o College Club, called the meeting t0 o rd e r, and s poke bri efly to the asse mbly. He pl ed ged th e s upport of the st udent body to th e Admin - ist r ation and asked every man and woman of t he Co ll ege to back him in thi s. H aving r eceived assurance that his poli cy met with the ap- pr oval of th e meeting, Mr. Kelly in- troduced the Very Rev. Preside nt. Father Cardinal began hi s r emarks by wel coming th e s tud en ts to St. Viato r. He did not, as has been the cus tom heretofore, set forth the disciplinary rul es for t he year, but expl ained that the Dean of : Men. Fathe r Ryan , wo uld do so at a lat - periph e ri es of education. Ea rl y in S ep t em ber the Rev. E. V. ter da t e. Yo u have come to a s mall co ll ege. Card inal , C. S. V., made an urgent Th e remainder of the ta lk was Because it is small, we shal l be- appeal to friends of St. Viator in voted to the enumerating of the ad- come acquainted. We s hall have not b ehalf of th e co ll ege libr ary and vantages of a Coll ege education. merely an off icial r ecord of your la boratori es . By me ans of a le t- Fathe r Cardinal ve ry rnasterful\y exi ste n ce here but a knowled ge of t er, the pr es ident expl ained to the cont rasted th e educated and a that hi s fir st task as ca ted man of the world, that he dent was to o bta in for St. Viator might instill in his hearers a g reat - Co ll ege higher r ecognition by the er, keene r desire fo r learning. At Acc r ed iting agenc ies. To effec t the conclusi on of th ese remarks. this, Father Cardinal w ent on to the meeting adjou rned . your ;q,bilities and limit at ions, sympath etic unders tan ding of your diffic ulties and a j oyous smil e for your accomplishments. We shall be with you in the c las s- roo m, on th e campu s and in the It will be poss ibl e for you to become acquaint ed with yo ur fellow -st ude nts. From your cont acts with th em you (Continu ed On Page Two) FRE SHMEN ELECT CLASS OFFI CERS The Freshman Class call ed to me e ting by Thomas Ke lly, Pres id ent of the College Club , held their Class elec ti on last Mon day afternoon, with th e following r es ul ts: Pres ident- Basil Nichol son. Vice-President - A! Thra ll. Secretary--A! Palladino. Treasurer- Frank Shea. exp lain that new books had to be Thus has St . Viator entered a n ew purchased, a number of pe ri odicals er a, - an e ra of larger en rollments, bound and add itional labo rat ory greate r prosperity and m ore equipment ins tall ed. act ivity in al l co ll egi ate M eets Gene rous Respo ne Many of th e al umni and friends St. John B e rchman of th e Co ll ege r esponded promptly Off and gene rousl y to the president's ! Soctely Elec ts tcers appeal, and to date almost one thousand doll ars have come in ac- Saturday noon, after tbe greater companied by wo rds of congr atula- part of the VIATORIAN had al- tion and en cou r agemen t. In behalf r edy go ne to press, the St. J ohn Be r- of the faculty and the st uden ts, cbman Society held a meeting in Farth er Cardinal wishes, th e refore, Marsi le Hal l. The fo ll owing officers to thank these benefactors who by we re elected to or ganize the socie ty their kind coope ra tion are aidi ng in a ve ry defini te way the expans ion end betterment of St. Vi ato r Col- lege. for the year: St ephen Gould, Presi d ent. J ohn Bi nnm erle, Vice-P r esident_ Ri char d Doyle, Sec'y. -Treasu re r.

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The Viatorian - Vol. LIL, No. 1


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-09-29

H ornecoming October 19 ltiatorian


Alumni R eturn/




Three Quarters Played In Rain ; Gibbons Injured In First Play; Viator Line Stars

St. Viator su stained a 14-0 defeat F riday night at the hands of Illi­nois State Teachers' College at Car­bondale. Facing a squad of hried veterans, the inexperienced !rich backfield fai led to click. Gibbons, a veteran, injured in the firs t play, was a severe loss to tbe team. Num­erous and severe penali ties likewise caused the Irish to lose g round , in both their defense and offensive a t ­


~ -------------------------------


One Hundred Take Part Proficiency E xams.

An innovation was made


President Welcomes Students At College Club Meeting; Thomas Kelly Assumes Official Duties

------------------------~-----Q -----


St. Viator College opened its door s on September 17 to the largest Freshman Class to enroJJ in the 67 years of the school's history as an institution of higher teari ng. On the following morning, th e office of the R egistrat" was forced to secur e addi­t ional help from the student body. in orde r tha t the registration of the upper cla..<:>Smen might be comple t ed in one day; and at the tim e of this

Arbitrates Twenty Strikes Three Months

In writing, new s tudents s till continue to a rri ve. The enrollment shows a 25 per cent incr ease over that of last year, and there is every reason to believe that the second semes ter wi ll show an increase over the first.

During the pas t s ummer the Rev.

Although the T eachers' backfield rusplayed great finesse and polish, they made few and only short gains through the Viator line, which dis­ English department this year by the Very Rev. E . V. Cardinal. C. S . V.

J . W. R . Maguire , C . S. V., former Pres ident of St. Viator College and H ead of the Depar tment of Soci ­ology, h as been inc reasing ly active in la bor disputes as a m ember of th e Chicago R egional Labor Board.

On W ednesday, September 19, at 8 o'clock, a Solemn High Mass of the Holy Ghost was celebrated i.n

the College Chapel by th e Very Rev. E . V. Cardinal, the R ev. A. J. Land> roche assisting as deacon, and Bro­the r Eugene H offman as s ub-deacon. It has long been the custom of the s tuden ts of St. Viator to ask at th e beginning of each scholastic year the blessing of God upon their work and in a special way to invok e the aid of the H oly Gbost, the Spirit of Light, in the search for Knowledge and Truth.

played a spirit and strength seldom introduction of proficiency examin­

seen in Little Nineteen football. Re- alions in Rhetoric. These examin­

peatedl y the Carbondale team at- a tions are g radually being introdu c­tcmpted to break through the Irish ed into the leading colleges and s tone-wall defense, but fai led in unive rsities for the purpose of giving every instance to make and appr eci- s tudents an opportunity of self- ad­able gains. vancement. The more important

It was during the time the ball phases of Rhetoric are cover ed in was in the air that the T eachers thE- examination, and those studen ts made their advances towards vic- who succeed in gettin g an aver age tory, and it was during the sam e of C., i. e., 77 % or above, a re pe r­plays that the Green Wave display - mitted to drop Rhetoric I and are ed its weakness. Four Viator pass- given three hours of credit.

e::: were inter cepted and the rest Of the one hundred freshm en who were knocked down, with disastrous tooK the examination four su cceeded results. in making the grade. Since the ex-

The game opened on a damp field, amination was a long and hard one , with clouds threatenin~ overhead. the VIA TORIAN takes pleasure in Viator received the kickoff and Gib- publishing the n a m es of the winner :;.

bone, the only 1933 man in the Robert Me rcer, registered ·f rom St. backfield, carried the ball for ap- I gnatius High School, Chicago, rank­proximately twenty-five yards, when ed firs t; Dolph Guy, r egistered from he was downed and s uffered a sprain- Cathed ral High School, Springfield, ed ankle, which necessita ted his re- ranked second; Joseph Prokopp , also moval from the gam e. He was re- rtgis t e red from Cathedral High placed by Rohinsky, who, after three School, and htf...2 rs hall Lamore of

downs, punted the b~:te~nt~ f~: Bradley High School tied for t hird Teachers' territory. place. minutes of see-saw playing to the advantage of the southern team, Carbondale passed to an end who carried the pi gskin over the goal. The place kick was good.

Later in tne same qua rter, this aerial play was again put to good effect, and the score stood 14-0 in the Teachers' favor. Their third a ttempt to use this devi ce failed to increase their margin.

Late in the second quarter Be­tourne replaced Maste rson, and shortly thereafte r Viator began its on ly serious t hreat of scoring , the line meanwhi le, holding their posi­tions like iron m en.

With the opening of the third quarter Betourne plunged through center fo r a 22-yard gain, only to have the ball recalled and Viator penalized for holding. After a few minutes of steady pounding the Irish reached their opponents' fifteen­yard l ~ne, but soon los t thei r ad­vanta ke, and the game proceeded wi a constant ex change of the ball -::u downs and the r efusal of both lines to allow their opponents to

Two Pouplar Coeds Absent From Campus

The Senior Class was deprived of oue of its mos t prominent m embers when illness made it impossible for Miss Margare t Clancy to continue her s l udies a l S L. Vialor thi s year. Miss Clancy, who was elect ed Pres i­dent of the Social Sorority last year in convincing testimony of h e r popu ­larity among he r immed iate associ ­ates, has a lways been a .. talented and industrious s tudent. By c lose appli­cation sh e s ucceeded in comple ting a sem este r 's work los t through ill­

ness in he r sophomor e year, and would have been graduated in June, 1935.

The bes t w ishes of P eg's class­mates a re cordial ly extended to her, a nd it is their sincer e hope that it w ill not be long until her h ealth permits h e r to resume her s tudies at St. Viator.

Another member of the Sorori ty. Miss Mary Anthony, of the Fresh-

score. man class of last year, has been pre-Although the Carbondale team be- vented from registering on account

(Continued on Page Five) of illness.

In the course of little more than My Dear Students: three months, Father Mag'clire has

It g ives m e g r eat pleasu re indeed I sett led over twen ty s trikes. H e bas trJ we lcome to St. Viator Coll ege the been sent as far wes t as Montana largest group of college students. to investigat e conditions in the cop­that s he has ever r;nroJled. per strike in that s tate, but has

You will f ind at St. Via tor Col- spent most of his time in Il linois lege men who have successfu lly in- and W isconsin.

s truc ted T!lany s uch as you rselves in Father Maguire has brought to a the a rt of living. They have faith - successful conclusion such important full y protec ted the traditions of s ix- s trikes as those involving the Mil­ty-seven years of collegiate experi- waukee Bridge Company, Corn Pro­ence. You wi ll a lso find new mem- dutcs R efining Com pany of Pekin, bers on th e faculty. All of them Dlinois, the Caterpillar Company of have equipped themselves academi- P eoria, the M enasha Woodenware call y for the important work of Company. The Mi lwaukee Street Car s timulating you to educational ac- Company, The Northern R efrigerator complishmen ts. You have a righ t Company, and the Luick Milk and to expect that when coming to St. I ce C ream Company of MUwaukee. Viator vou will find a library well stocked. with carefu lly selec ted books; Laboratories equopped to en ­able you to work a t the experiments in the various f ields of science; a cam pus r edolent with g reat tradi­tions and buildings which a r e ade­quately equipped. But these a r e no t the most valuabl~ assets of an edu­cational ins titution. A group of men, learned and enthus iastic, fri endly and congenial can do more fo r your mental enrichment than a ll these

Now that Father Maguire is no longer burdened with the d uties oi

th e President's office, he will be f r ee to take an even more important part in fi nding answer s to the num­e ro us questions that are bound to arise during the coming year.

Father Cardinal Inaugurates Drive

Immediately after Mass, a student meeting was held in the College Club room. Thomas Kelly, President of th o College Club, called the meeting t0 orde r, and spoke briefly to the assembly. H e pledged the s upport of the student body to the Admin-istr ation and asked every man and woman of t he College to back him in this. H aving received assurance that his policy met with the ap­proval of the meeting, Mr. Kelly in­troduced the Ver y Rev. President.

Father Cardinal began his r emarks by wel coming the s tuden ts to St. Viator . H e did not, as has been the custom heretofore, set forth the disciplinary rules for the year, but explained that the Dean of :Men. Father Ryan , would do so at a lat-

peripheries of education. Early in S ept em ber the Rev. E. V. t e r da t e. Yo u have come to a s mall college. Card inal , C. S. V., made an urgent The remainder of the ta lk was de ~

Because it is small, we shall be- appeal to friends of St. Viator in voted to the enumerating of the ad­come acquainted. We shall have not behalf of the college library and vantages of a College education. m er e ly an official r ecord of your la boratories. By m eans of a le t- Father Cardinal very rnasterful\y exi stence he r e but a knowledge of ter, the president explained to the contrasted the educated and uned u~

a ~=tln mni that his firs t task as pres i.~ cated man of the world, that he dent was to o bta in for St. Viator m ight instill in his hearers a g reat­Coll ege higher recognition by the er, keener desire fo r learning. At Accrediting agencies. To effect the conclusion of these remarks. this, Father Cardinal w ent on to the meeting adjou rned.

your ;q,bilities a n d limitat ions, sympathe tic unders tanding of your d iff iculties and a joyou s smile for your accomplishments. W e shall be with you in the class- roo m, on the campus and in the ~hape l. It will be possibl e for you to become acquainted with your fellow -students . From your contacts with them you

(Continued On Page Two)


The Freshman Class called t o mee ting by Thomas K elly, President of the College Club, h e ld their Class e lection last Monday afternoon, with the following r esul ts:

President- Basil Nicholson. Vice-President- A! Thra ll. Secretary--A! Palladino. Treasurer- Frank Shea.

exp lain that n ew books had to be Thus has St. Viator entered a new purchased, a number of p e riodicals er a,- an e ra of larger en rollments, bound and additional laboratory greater prosperity and m ore intens~ equipment inst a lled. activi t y in al l collegiate endeavor~ .

M eets Generous Respone

Many of th e alumni and friends St. John B erchman of the College responded promptly • Off • and generously to the president's ! Soctely Elects tcers appeal, and to date almost one

thousand doll ars have come in ac- Saturday noon, after tbe greater companied by words of congratula- part of the VIATORIAN had al­tion and en cou r agement. In behalf r edy gone to press, the St. J ohn Ber­of the faculty and the studen ts, cbman Society held a meeting in Farther Cardinal wishes, th erefore, Marsi le Hal l. The fo llowing officers to thank these benefactors who by wer e e lected to organize the society their kind coopera tion are aidin g in a very d efini t e way the expans ion end betterment of St. Viator Col­lege.

for the year: S tephen Gould, Presid ent. J ohn Bi nnm erle, Vice-President_ Richard Doyle, Sec'y.-Treasu re r.

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-09-29

THE HA TO RIA:-.- ~ATI:RD.·\ Y . SEPT ' r6ER ~. l!lt.l.

ll1atorian Published bi-weekly throughout the year by the Students of St.




F.:dltor f-j(JJtor Assoc:ia.le f!:A'JJ tor Bu.sin~sa Manager

flpo r ts &Jitor flport• Shorts Cam puH Briefs F'ca ture Wrltcr lf~eature Write r VeaturP Write r F'cature Write r

Viator College.



It is Q."itb deep regrets that th~

\ 'tatorian chronicles the death of

- Kenneth Corcoran the saintly Mrs. Louis Drolet, m oth-

Edward Buttgen Many N ew Courses Are Given e r of the Rev. R . C. Drolet. C. S. - Mary Cruise I I n Curriculum V .. now s tationed m ~ancbukuo. Martin McLaughlin Chm a. and mother of Brother Joseph

I St. V1ator College opened Its s1xty- , Drolet. C. S V, of Ccthedral High

William Schumacher sev enth year v.,th an enlc.rged cur- School. Spnngfteld. nt. Mrs. Oro-Edward O' Bnen nculum and a host of new educat- let dJed on Thursday mornmg, Sept­

- Joe Dokes or s. The class schedule offers num- ember 20. and was buried from i)..Ia­Ri cha rd Kendrigc::.n I e rous new and diversified s ubjects, te~lly chu rch at 9 o'clock the fol­

Ri cbard Doyle and the professors come with repu- ~ lowmg Saturday. Joseph Prokopp j te. t ions of abili t y. At the Solemn R equiem Mass the

John Stockbar The curriculum hail s the corning R ev. W . J . Surprenant. C. S . V., was celebrant. the Rev. L. Lambert J''eature Wrlter James Madigan of a practical cour se in Journalism.

Ci rc ul ation Manager Bernard Benoit which offers unlimited opportunities was deacon. the Rev. F. E. Munsch. _______ ...:_ _______________________ for the student inter es t ed in rocking C. S . V., was sub-deacon and Brother

S ubscription Rate $2.00 per annum. writing his life profession. It is Rupe rt, C. S. C., was Maste r of I Address all co rres pondence re fe rring either to advertising o r subsc ription to applicable in almost every field of cer emonies. FR.thers Hutton and

The Viatorian , Bourbonnais, Illinois the "Arts o f the P en", inc luding Cracknell offered ~lass a t the side


Ber chma n's Society To Organize Again

The St. John Berchman's Society,

j ccts have been introduced, some of w hi ch are Modern Social Problems, Anthropology, History of Art, Cor­por ation Finance, Experimental Phychology and Statistics.

one of the active and worthy or- The largest enrollment is found ganizalions a t the College, looks in the commercial c lasses. the pur­

altars. Many members of the faculty

May her sweet soul rest in pease.

GIVES WELCOME-(Continued From Page One)

O forward to see the comjng year with s uance of which eventual ly leads will undoubtedly deri ve mu ch which I Consecration J~~:e~~ny H eld n :l:~:~;ban!:u~~~~:~~ l ;::m~";tj:,; ~o~!eer;;:1ei~~i!n~: ~eg~:~be lo'n~! :::: ~~r~f fe~~~:~;~alw~~:~e.willy~~

After lhe final Issue of the VIA- yet held any m eetings, it is ex- course is a lso a ver y practical one, your most precious h e ritage. They TORIAN went to press las t s pring, peeled that the initial one will be a~ it ofiers p ractice fo r <:!.ll walks wi ll las t as long as life lasts. one of St. Via tor's mos t eminent ca lled i.n the near future. of bus iness li fe. Added to these While you are under our guid-

The R ev. W. J . Cr ackne ll , C. S. are the r egular departments of ance, we sh al l consider ourselves a lumni was honored by his e leva- V., who fu lf ills the capacity of Libe ral Arts, Science, Pre-Den tal , well paid for our work if we succeec lion Lo l h e Bis hopric of th e diocese R eg is trar, w ill ac t as Moderator. and Pre-Legal. in arousi ng in you the c riti cal fac u l­

of Dcs M.olnes, Iowa. S t. Mary's Fathe r Craclm ell has he ld this posi- The R ev. L . T. Philli ps , c. S. v ., ty. To arouse in the s tud ent ~.h e

Ca th edral, Peor ia, I ll., was the scene lion before , and is well acquainted has r eturned to the College in the desire to analyse, to cliagnose, to of th e solemn and Impressive ce re- with the duties it entails. capaci t y of Dean of Studies. Mr. doubt honestly, to question, is the


1 Th e Society is composed of the Ncrbert Bausch, A. M ., a graduate ear -mark of a s uccessful educationa mony o n June 1 3. when the Bishop- s tudents of the Co ll ege who d esire of the Univers ity of Illino is, is in system. To have others think for e lec t, Bergen received his E piscopal to assis t as acolyt es at Mass in charge of th e Com m er cial Sciences. you, to accept every proposition s ub­consecraUon a t the hands of His the mornings. It gives opportuni ty Father J. J . Ryan, c. s. v. , A. M., mitted to you r scrutiny, to believe E minen ce Geo rge Cardi na l Mundel- to s tuden ts who are unfamiliar with and Father E. M . Wals h , c. s, v., ever y thing which is to be found with-

th e Ritual to learn som ething of A M e addTons to the d epart in the cover of a book, is to have e ln, Archbis hop of Chicago and Me- the Sacred Cerem onies. Informal m~n t ·ot~nglis~ ~guage and Liter~ missed the great purpose of edu­~ropoli tan of th e Province of Dli- c lasses will be held for new m em- c. ture. Both of th ese educators cation . Th e world may be s ur­nois. Ass is ting Cardina l Mundel- bers by an ex,perienced acolyte. received their degrees at the Cathol- fc ited with coll ege g raduates but the Rein a.s co-consecra tors were the When the organization has been ic Univer s ity of America. Fathe r world will never be s urfeited with Mos t Rev. J . H . Sch la r man, D. D ., effected, a week ly sch edu le of the B. G. Mulvaney, c. s. v., A . M., college g raduates who are thinke rs. Bishop of Peoria and the Most Rev. names of those serving Mass will a lso f rom t he Catholic Unjversity, W e s hall be very happy, if after H enry P. Rol1lma.n, Bishop of Daven- be publish ed a n d posted on the conducts c lasses in Sociology. Fath- years of intimate relations with th~ port. bulle tin board. In this way, every e r J. w. S t afford, c. s. v., A. M ., facutly, we shal l hear that you have

Bi shops and pri es ts from al l parts m ember w ill h a ve the oppor tuni ty holds c lasses in P sycholog y and P u b- acqui red the proper sense of th~

of the U nited States were in at- of assisting at U1e Holy Sacri fice. lie S peaking. Fathe r Stafford like- value of things. We do not want tendance to pay their respects to wise r eceived his d egr t:e from th e to h ear late r on th a t you visited the Bishop-elec t, and o join in the COLLEGIATE Catholic Univer s ity of America. Rome and asked how much it cos t r itual of his consecration. St. Via- Mr. Ray Murphy is head coach of to build St. P e t er's instead of com -tor College was fittingly r epresented A fe w years ago, any bu rl esque Foot ball , and Mr. John McNamara menting on the beauties contained in the per sons of the Very Rev. J. editorial voice which commented on will a c t as assistant F ootball coa ch therein ; or tha t you visited the un ­P . O'Mahoney, the Very R ev. E . V. college life was saluted by a mis- a nd coach of the Baske t ball t eam. impressive looking Church of St Ca rdinal , the R ev. J . W . R . Maguire , info rmed public as a legi timate mi r- Mr. McNamar a holds a Masters De- Pete r in chain s and failed to see and the Rev. C. A. Marzano. or of s tudent activity. P eople f~l~ I g r ee from the Univer s ity of Iowa, the magnificent s tate of Mosse.'S

At the ins tallation of lhe new ed to ask whe the r or no t these vo1c and conducts c lasses in Mathematics. in the Church. W e want your eye B ishop in Des.Moines. on June 21. es were qualified to reflect s tudent to be so well focussed that it can the Rev . w . J . Cracknell r epresent- thoug ht and a c tion. Father J. J. Ryan, C. S. V., M. distinguish bet ween the sordid and ed the Clerics of S t. Viator. Strangely, college m en and women A ., holds t_he position of Dean of beautiful, between what is endu ring

failed to protes t agains t being de- Men , and 15 very capable of fu l- and what is merely ephemeral. B is hop Be r gen g raduated from St. pi c ted as r accoon-coated "rah-r ahs"; f illing t he duties entailed, having W e shall be happy to acknowledge

Viator wiUl the Class of 1912. Dur- w eird c reatures whose i. q. was had pr evious expe rience in t his capa- you as a produ c t of ou r edu cational lng his year s of s tudy h e r e, he dis- leagues unde r the sea and w hose c ity. syst em if you are kind, polite, con ­tlnguished h.imsel( in a ll forms of scholastic endeavors and will be r e- iconcolas tic philosophy, seeking th e genial , studious, well-mannered and m embered for his brillant per fo r man- sensational and the new , never su r - CAND Y S BOPPE s incere. We shall number you as ces on the basketball court. The mounted the infanti le gestures of on e signed with the seal of Viator

"hail fellow well met.'' Emmerson Dex te r uf Champaign if you are loyal to your r eligious College is mor e than proud to add the name of B ishop Bergen to its a lready long lis t of outstanding sons.


Th e press and c inema, authors has taken charge of the CoUege convictions. and playwrights combined to create Candy Shoppe again this year, and I sincer e ly hope that you will a phantasmagoria of unde rg raduate has added numerous improvements number these days at St. Viator life. From their many-tongued and con veniences in the way of en- College as the happiest of your life voice emerged a myth- The Colleg- te r taining features, a more diver- May God bless you, you r parents ian. The public, victimized by sified supply of stock and longer and g uardians. Show them that

H e has achieved success who has propaganda and the antics of a service hours. you appreciate the sacrifices which lived well , laughed often, and loved childish few undergraduates, soon they have made for you by your un-much! who has gained tile respect considered college li fe a nig htmar e TORIAN shall adopt an editorial swerving fidelity to your work . of Intelligent men, and the love of of drinking bouts, cut-down flivers, policy this year i.n confor mity with With every best wish for a su e-little children; who has filled his eccentric professors a.nd happy-go- the trend of the times. Make use cessful year, I beg to r emain, niche and acomplished his task: who luck students who lived contr ary of the paper' s columns, as two stu- Sincerely in St. Viator has left lhe world better then he to all r ules of nature and man. ents have already done. It is Very Reverend Edawrd v. Card.i-found it, whether by an improved Fortunately this er a is hlstory. your paper. If you have something nal, c. s. v., P h. D., President poppy, a perfect poem, or a r ec- The shock ot the depression and to say, offer no e.xcuses, regardless ued soul: who has never lacked app- the advent of the New Deal h a ve of whether or no t your idea or To become successful and make reciation of earth's beauty, or failed ser ved to matu r e college men and thought bas a pr ecedent in VIA- ycur life worth while, i t is not nee­to express it : who bas ahvays looked \-vomen unW now we have a much TORIAN his tor y. The world ha.s essary to have extraordinary ab­for the best in others and given the more intelligent group. Their new begun to recognize that college men ility to begin with. It is only nee­best he has ; whose life was an in- philosophy is liberalism. progres- and women are no t "dupes," but essa.ry to develop full, positively and spiration ; whose memory a bene- siveness and fine Ih;ng. thinkers. Today we have a r epu - constructively what ability you al-dictlon. thi£. as we do. the VIA- tation to maintain. rady possess.


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A hearty welcome awaits the students and friends of St.

Viator College .

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-09-29


Critique-TO THr; J-;DITOR-

THL n A T ORL-\::-.-

Plan For Debating Society Are Formed

Tile opening of the cu rrent in ter­collegiate debate season v.;ll find the

Every ~tudent v.ho attended the rznks of the Bergin Debating Soc-

New Members Are Added To meeting of the College Club on the i<ty seriously depleted through the Council 22nd must h~ve derived a certain graduation and transfer of several

amount of !=!alisfaction from the at- veter&ns. The present enrollmen:. titude adopted by ~.[r. Kelly in hi :> indicates that of last year's fine

The Vf;ry H.f•Vf•r(:nrJ f~Jward V. role of President. and, for that m at- squad there are only four member3 c~.trdi na l , C. S. V ., Ph . D., Pre~iden~ ter, by the Club members as a whole. re turning to St. Viator this fall.

of St. Viator CollPgc, has (·hosen a~ we arl"' told that at ~ne tim e. Despite this fact, the R everend J ohn Vir:e-PreMidcnt lh ~> R,.verend Rich- though we m us t admit that period \V. Stafford, who s ucceed3 the Re\·. ard J. fi' re nch, C. S. V., Ph. D., who transcends ou r memory. the Colleg •"' J \V. R. Maguire as deba te coach, h aH br~en promoted from the office Club w~;i the most powerful o rgan- has hi g h hopes that he c&n find or DNtn, an o ffi ce he ha.~ he ld for ization on the campu s, ironing out enough good material in the Fresh­lh(· lu.a t two year~. Dr. French, r; 1any s tudent diffl cullies and tak- 1 man c lass to form a strong a pprega­who made his Hludlr~s at the Univer- ing a positive s t and on all co1- tion. Father Stafford is regarded Hlty of Chicago, at the Catholic Uni- lcgiate questions. At the sam :'" a!::· the fin est debater ever to have verHity of Ameri ca in W ashing ton , time, It fostered a better s tudent been en rolled at St. Viator College, and a t Loyola University in Chicago, .cuci al life and sponsored nume r (..US an institution which has always w ill ~o nllnu c to head th e Depart- collegiate activities throug hout the been regarded in collegiate c ircles as m enl of F...ducation . Reason. one of the strongest in this field.

Th ~ R e verend Leo T . Phillips, c.; A few ye.::. r s ago, however, the Of the retu rning m embers of last S. V., ha.~ been appointed Dean of cl ub again began to decay, until season's teams, Mr. Norbert Ellis is Studt s Lo s uc·ceed Dr. French. Dr. las t year it had almos t passed out the oldest and mos t exp e rienced. Phillips , who for th e pas t thret:! of existance. It was merely at; With two full years of intercolleg­years ha.<J bee n head of the Viatorlan o rganization. ho lding j ealously to its iale contes ts to his credit he has Seminary in Washington , D. C., is o ld respec tability, a nd ye t , unwill- been appointed to the pos ition of w(• ll known b cause of hi s years of in g to Lake any p roporti onate a c - student manager of the Be r g in Soc­teach ing at St. Viators, and becau se tion in the College life. iety. The other students who re ­o f hi s pos ition as head of the High Do you wonde r then, that w e ported thi s year a re Miss Mary Schoo l Oepa.rlm ent for seve ra l years were both surpri sed a nd s incerely Cruise, Mr. Edward Buttgen, and Mr.

prior to its disconti nuan ce. enthusiastic over the s pirit of r e - William Schumache r. No doubt the Succeed ing th e Reverend E. M. solution man ifested at the Club' !j large fres hman class wi ll furnish

Ke lly, c. S. V ., who r esig ned as Di- firs t m eeting ? Mr. Kel ly c learly many rec ruits, although as yet no rec tor of AU1 letics, wil l be the R ev. s taled hi s objectives fo r the year tryouts have taken p lace. F' ranc ls J . Harbaue r, C. S. V. Fathe r and 1 ad eve ry s tudent to believe: On Friday night, September 29,

l-l u. rbuuer is not new to the coll ege that he intended t o C<:J.rry ou t thos·' Father Stafford a ttended th e m eeting u.dminislralion, having s erved for th e objecU ves. H e le t it be l<nown of the debate coaches of the Little past two years as Dean of Men. that the c lu b existed fo r the good N ine teen . Conferen ce, he ld in Chi­F'a lhe r Ha rbaue r, who s tudied at 0 ~ t h e school a nd that he intended cago. H er e he repr esented Viator Lhe U nive rs ity of Illinois , and at Ule to execute his work in a concise, in schedu ling the debates fo r the Catholi c Un ivers ity, and who holds mannerly orde r. com ing season. This schedu le w ill

t he degree of Mas ter of Arts, w ill A nd not a lone in Mr. l{e lly did we be augmented, of cou r se, by o the r co ntinu e to teach German. observe the \{eynote of th e school'~ contes t s with t eams outsid e t he Lit-

S ucceeding Fa th er H arbaucr a::; spiri t of co-operation and purpose, tie Ni ne t een. Dean of Men will be the Reverend but f t·om those who h ad bus iness The wa llowing is a tentative J oscpJ1 J . Ryan, C. S. V. A lthough to pl ace before the m eeting as well. sch edul e of de bates : Fath e r Ryan has been away f rom In s hort, i t appears that the Col- Aff. - D e Paul, away. t he coll ege fo r several years, fin- lege Club is once again to take it ~ Neg.- Bradley, away. inshing his s tudi es fo r th e priest- r ightful place in campus affairs. It Neg.- !11. S t a te Normal, here. hood. and earning his Master 's de- is our s incere hope that we will Neg.- Shurtleff, he r e. g ree al the Univers ity of Illinoi!'5 not be d is illus ioned, that M r. Kelly Aff.- De Kalb, here. and Lhe a U1olic Univers ity of Am- wi ll continue throughout hi s ad- Aff.- O li vett , away. e1·ica, he i s lolown to many r esidents mi nist ration to lead t h e s t udents Station WCFL has ex tended an of Kanltaltee and to many students t o a \{eener school spirit , a more invitation to t he L eague fo r a series of recen t years . unifi ed social life and a bette r un- of r adio debates. E le ven of these

The above men, toge th eh with th~ derstanding of campus proble ms. Re verend Ch1·istopher Ma t·zano. C. S. - A Sophomore. V., Ph. D., who h as been appointed

to re main as Treasure r of the Col- TO T H E EDITOR lege, a posi tion he has he ld for sev­era1 years, w ill comprise the Col­lege counc il of Admin is tration. This Counc il will assist the Preside n t, Dr. ardina l, in di recting al l ac­Uvitics a t the College du ring the co ming year, a year that promises to be noteworU1y because of an elaborate prog ran1 of improvem ent and ex pa n sion that is now being launched .

How to Judge Morality Of The Motion Pictures

The problem of morality in a

T h e re is u.sua1 ly some column in every pape r w hich be longs in the \'\ aste paper basl{et. The cam pus briefs belongs in th is catagory. It has no purpose except that of caus­ing t rou ble a n d making pe rson a l af­fa irs public.

It should likewise be r emembered by the writer s and editors that er­roneou s conce ptions of college life at St. Viato r will be fo rmed by the many readers who are unfamil ­iar witl1 t h e true fac t s. Perhaps if the writer would confine himself to generalities, it \"\'Ould be more to thP nrhievement of a common en­joymen t and good.

- John Stockbar.

are indica ted.

Viator's fi r s t Jebar:e w ill place som e t im e in Oc tober .


Sisters Improve Service of Infirmary, Cuisine

When the students a rrived on the campus this year, they wer e p leas­ant ly s urprised to learn that sisters had already taken charge of the cu isine and infirmary. The nine s is t e r s of Notre Dam e of Coving ton. Kentucky, came to the College in July and s ince tha t time they have been busy getting ever ything in good order for the opening of school.

Everything in and aboui. the re­fectory has an air of c leanliness and etiiciency. The meal s h ave a

I good, old-fashioned, K entucl{y flavor about them that is hard to beat,

film is exactly the same problem that one finds in literature or on U1e stage. The one added e le­m ent in the film is that the pres­entation is vivified by a ctual enact-

and the pancakes are be tte r than o r c rime in such a fashio n as to t he ones mother has fo rgotten how stimulate th e passions, or teach bow to bake. The siste rs, busy and

ment a nd a presentation which lS to commit similar crimes. seen by audiences hypotized through the darkness of a theatre and the s li ghlly numbing effect of intense li g-ht on the screen.

But fundamental ly U1e rules are U1e same:

Even if in the end the immoral person is punished and the gangster goes to his doom, the picture (as well as the novel o r play ) may still be evil. For when the VICe is

smHing, who see to it that ever y strap speck of dlrt that gets into Roy Hall is promptly e jected, have added a note of cheerfulness that makes the housing building more like a home. Bottles of evil -last -

1. One must not confuse Utrough presented in a stimulating and at- ing medicines, the rmom eters , band­a no,·el, a play. or a film, the ques- tractive fashion, o r the gangst er L:; ages and aclliesive tape have lost lion of \vhat is right and what is shown as a hero (unselfish, charm- much of their disagreeableness be-

\·Vhen immorality is pre- ing, generous), the climax or pun- cause of the gentleness and care :::t~~- as a justified course of con- ishment will not be sufficient to one receives in the infirmary. duct, when virtue is presented as eradicate the stimulation and the All in all. things have improved ridiculous. when crime is approved appeal of the early sections. 100 per cent since the siste rs have (\Yhethcr that be murder. burglary. H ence, scenes that stimulate pas- been put in charge ; and the stu ­r r.ckt::tee ring. or suicide), or when s ion, arouse evil thoughts, or teach dents, through the columns of the u1e just law is attacked and mad~ c rime, \\ill vitiate and make im- school paper, \vish to let the sistero:; absurd. tile presentations are im- moral an othen\ise satisfacto ry know that they are mighty welcome moral and wrong.

2. One must not present vice picture.

-l The Southern Messenger ) . I and that they are for t hem 100 per· cent.

Campus Briefs-INane me ' ' . . \Ye take nothing upon ourselves. but merely n?'port that a little bird told ug Lhat St~ve Gould bloomed out in Bloomington

I wonder what"s become of alby. last summer Report. rumor, we Technocracy, '"They Cut Down the admi t iL but it seems that lh ~ 01<.1 Pme Tree··. last year·s s tra\v::;:. Moonglow on a not far distant mid­and the guy that said you couJd summe r oight caused a poplar, be­ne\·e r cl~ up smutty movies. How spec ticled Sophomore to ask The things do change Ke n \Ylse r Question, nnd \Ve wonder If it wns must be thinking of the old Fronti er the tar-Dus t that caused the young days, h(!"s doing conside rable pion- lady to tiDSWt!;r yes. May we ~ the ce.nng on Prairi e avenue 10 the first to offe r our congrnls At­Bradley "'ilds . . Perhaps the re is t en tion. ye of Kankakee. But Phalen one of our g r ea t host of readers has returned to the fold. and teruncd who has not heard this one. That up with George Fleming -a dnnger­alooe would be sufficient jus tification ous combmation It must have: for its being printed. It seems been a rare treat to a.ny one who that a certt:.m budding freshman was privileged to gaze upon Ute was filling ou t his registration ca rd. counten ce of Joe Barza.ntry this 3Urn­H e was making great progress until mer· H is chin was the proud pos­h£; came to the s pace marked "Plac..,. I sesse r of a van-dyke. yellow and of Birth. f Pos t Office)". After a faint. we admit, but nevertheless. it

s li g ht pause for delibe ration. th e 1 VI AS ~ van-dyke . . . Then too. young man grasped his pen anct the re IS the popuJar young ro-cd w rote, "No. St. Anne's H ospital". ! who was lately informed by paterna l

The Frosh have a theme song authority that there are to be no which they s ing to some of th e nights-out during c lass d ays. Tough,

more po pular upper-c lassm e n. It i:O> entitled "Brother, Can You Spare a Dame?" Professor, after be­ing inte rrupted by Madigan. "Sir, do you not know that the only on e who likes to be interrupted in the middle of a senten ce is a co nvic t ?"

The us ual place on the fourth corridor has been often dis turbed lately by the shouts of two promin­ent young Frosh. The cause, be­li eve it or not, is the habit one gen­tl eman has of plucking his eyebrows.

both for her and certain gen Ue rnen of distinc tion Among lhings to be thankful for, list the fart that. while God may g ive us our r·elalives, H e leaves us free to cbomJe ou r own friends So long!

H ave your C lothes Made-to-O rder by

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For Sale at LocaJ Dea.Je·rs

J. W. Mortell Co. Kankakee, Ill.

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-09-29


New Members Are Council

Added To

The Vf;ry f{.f'ver f:n rJ f~Jward V. C~.t rdln a. l , G. S. V., Ph. D., Pre~iden~ of St. Viator CoiU·gc, ha.~ r·ho~en a."!

Vir:e-Prcsddcnt thf• Rr!vcrcnd Rich­a rd J. ~· rench, C. S. V., Ph. D., who h::t.R br~en promolr!d from the office ot Dta.n, an office he ha.<J held for

thf~ la.s t two years. Dr. French,

who made his Hlud lcs a t the Univer­

Hily of Chi cago, al lhc Calholi c Uni­vcn~lty of America in W ashi ng ton , and a t L.oyola University in Chicago, will ronllnu c to head the Depart-menL of Etluca.lion .

Th e R everend Leo T. Phillips, C s. V., has been appointed Dean of Stud! H to s ucceed Dr. F r nch. Dr. Phillips, who for the paH t thrct! years ha.<J been head of th e Viator lan Seminary in W ashing ton, D. C .. is wrll Known because of hi s years of Lea chin g at St. Viators, and because of hi s pos ition as head of lh e H igh School Depart ment for several years

Cr itique-TO THI-; f<;DITOR-

Evc-ry ~tudent v. ho attended the mP-cting of the College Club on the 22nd must derived a certain amount of !=latisfaction from the at· titude adopted by ~.[r. Kelly in hi.,;

role of Presi dent. and. for that mat­ter, by the Club members as a whole.

We are told that at ~ne tim e, thouvh we must admit that period tran;cends our m t::: mory. the Colleg•• Club w~:i the most powerful o rgan· ization on the campu s, ironing out many s tudent difficulties and tak­ing a positive stand on all col­legiate ques tions. At the sam:" time, it fostered a better s tudent .social life and sponsored numervus co llegiat e act ivities throug hout the Reason.

A few ye< ago, however, th l! club again began to decay, until las t year it had almos t passed out of exis tance. It was m erely ar; organiza tion. holding j ealously to its old respect abi lity, a nd yet. unwill­in g to take any p roporti onate ac­tion in th e College li fe.

Do you wonder then, that we were bot h su r pri sed a nd sincer e ly

prio r to its disconti nu ance. en thusias tic over the s p irit of r e-Succcedl ng the Reverend E. M. solution man ifested at the C lub' s

l<e ll y, C. S. V., who resig ned as Di- firs t m eeting? M r. Kelly c learly rec to r· of AU1 le tics, wi ll be the Rev. s tated hi s objectives fo r the year l:<' ranc ls J . Harbaue r, C. S. V. Fathe r and lead ever y s tuden t to be liev.:! Hu.rbu ue r is not new to the college that h e int ended to ca r ry ou t thos·· ad m ini s tration, havin g served Cor t he o bjecti ves. H e le t it be known past two years as Dean of Men. that the club ted for the good Ji"a th e r H a rba uer , who stud ied a t 0 ~ th e schoo l a nd that he intended the U nive rs ity of IIHnois, and a t Lhe to execu te h is wo r k in a concise,

a lho lic U ni ve rs ity, and w ho hol ds t he d egree of Mas te r of Arts . wi ll co nti nu e to leach Ger man.

mannerly ord e r .

And not a lone in :Mr . Kel ly d id we obser ve the l<eynote of th e school' ~

S ucceed ing Fa th er Harbauer a:> s pi ri t of co-oper a tion a n d purpose, Dean of Men will be the Rever end bu t fm m those who had busin ess J oseph J . Ryan , C. S. V. A lthough tv pl ace before th e m eet in g as we ll. Fath e r Ryan ha s been away from In s hor t, i t a ppears th a t the Col­the coll ege fo r several years, fin - lege Club is once again to take its ins hi ng his s tudies fo r the priest- r ightfu l place in campu s affairs. It hood . and earning h is Master 's de~ is our s incere hope tha t we will g rec a t Lh c Univers ity of I llinoi !'> not be d isillus ioned, that Mr . I<elly and U1e aU1oli c Un iversity of A m- wi ll con t inue th roughout his ad ­c ,·ica, h e is lo 1own to many residen ts mi ni str a tion to lead th e s t udents of Ka.nltal<ee and to m any s tudents to a keener school s piri t , a mor e o f recen t yea r s . uni fied socia l li fe and a bette r un ·

T he a bove men, toge l heh with t h -= dc rstanding o f cam pus p roblems. Re ve rend Ch tistoph er M a r zano. C. S. - A Sophomore. V., P h . D., who has been appoin ted

to r emain as Treasurer of the Col- TO T H E EDI TOR lege, a posi Uon he has held for sev­e ral years, wi ll comprise the Col­lege co unci l of Adm ini s tration . Thi s Cou nc il wi ll assist lhe P r esiden t, Dr . arcl in a l, in directing a ll ac­tivities at the College du ring t he co ming year. a year tha t promises to be notewor U1y because of an elaborate p rogram of improvement and expans ion that is now be ing launched.

How to Judge Morality Of The Motion P ictures

T here is usual ly some colu mn in eve ry pape r w hich be longs in the \Yas te paper bask e t . The can1 pu s briefs be longs in t his catagory. It has no purpose except that of caus ­ing trou ble an d mak ing p e rson a l af­fairs public.

It should likewise be r emembered by th e write r s and edi tors that e r­t·oneous conceptions of college life a t St. Via to r will be fo r med by the rnany readers who are unfam il­iar v.ri tl1 the true fac t s . Perha ps if the writer would confine himself to generalities, it would be m ore t o

The problem of morality in a the achievement of a common en-film is exac tly the same problem joym cnt and good. that one finds in literatu r e or on - J olm Stock ba r .

THE YIA T O RL-\ ::-.- ' . .\Tl"RO.\Y, Sl:PTlS.\ lBER ~9. 19,H

P lan For Debating Society Are F ormed Campus Briefs-

Deane me ' ' . . \Ye t e nothing upon ourselv~s. but mt?rely re-port that a htUe bird told ~ lh t Skve Gould bloomed out to Bloomington

Tile op..;ning of the current inter- I wonder what's become of alby. last summe r • Report. rumor, "-e collegiate debate season will find the Technocracy. ''They Cut Down the admit it, but it seems that lh~

rznks of the Bergin Debating Soc- ('Id Pme Tree". last year's s tra\VS. Moonglo". on a not far distant mid~ idy seriously depleted through the and the guy that said you could summer night caused a poplo.r, ~ graduation and transfer of seve ral neve r cle~ up smutty mo\-ies. How specticled Sophomore to The veter~s. The present enrollmen~ things do change K en \Yiser Quesuon. and \ve wonder if it was indicates that of las t year's fine must be thinking of the old Frontier the Star-Dust that caused tht:' young squad there are only four member.3 days, ht:!'s doing conside rable pion- lady to u.nswcr yes. .i..\Iay W(' ~ Ul~

returning to St. Viator this fall. ce. nng on Prai ri e avenue m the first to offe r our congrnts . . At­

Despite this fact, the Reverend John Bradley wi lds . . Perhaps there is t cntion. ye o f Kankakee. BiJI Phalen \V. Stafford, who succeed~ the Re\·. one of our great host of readers has returned to the fold. and teruned J \V. R. Magui re as debate coach, \Yho has not heard this one. That up with George Fleming- -a tlnnger­has h1gh hopes that he cr.:. n find alone would be s uffi cient jus tification ous com bination . It must have enough good material in the Fresh- for its being printed. It seems been a rare treat to any one who man class to form a strong a pprega- that a certt:.m budding freshman was privileged to gaze upon the tion. Father Stafford is r egarded was filling out his regis tration card. countence of Joe Barza.ntry this sum~ a~ the finest debater eve r to have H £ was making great progr ess until mer. H is chin was the proud pas­been enrolled at St. Viator Coll ege, h£: came to the s pace marked "Piac ....

1 se~sor of a ~an-dyke, yellow an.d

an institution which has always J of Birth, {Pos t Office)". After a famt. we admit, but nevertheless, 1t been regarded in collegi_ate c~rcl e~ as s li g ht pause for de libe ration, the I VI AS ~ van-dyke . . . The.n. too. on e of the s trongest 10 th1s fteld. youn g man grcsped his pen anct the re tS the popular young ro-ed

Of th e re turning members of last w rote, "No. st. Ann e's Hospital". I who w as lately informed by paterna l season 's teams, Mr. Norbert Ellis is The Frosh have a them e song authority that the re arc to be no the oldest and most expe rienced. which they sing to some or the nights-out during c lass d a ys. Tough, With two full years of intercolleg- more popular upper-c lass m en. It is both for her and certain gentlemen iate contes ts to his credit he has entitled "Brother, Can You Spare or distinc tion Among lhings to been appointed to the posi tion of a Dame?" Professor, after be- be thankful for, list the fact that, student manager of the Bergin Soc- ing interrupted by Madigan , "Sir, while God may give us our re latives, ie ly. The other students who re - do you not know that t he on ly one H e leaves us free to choo»e ou r own ported th is y ea r are Miss Mar y who likes lo be interr upted in the friends So long! Cr uise, M r. Edward Buttgen, and ~Ir. midd le of a senten ce is a co nvict?"

W illi am Schumache r. No doub t t he T he usual place on the fou rth H ave your C lothes Made- to-O rder la rge fres hman c lass w ill f urnis h corr idor has been often dis turbed by many recr uits, although as yet no lalely by t he shouts of two prom in- M. BORN & COMPANY tryou t s have tak en place. ent young Frosh . T he cause, be- Chicago's G reat Merchant Tai lor

On Friday night, September 29, lieve it o r not , is t h e habi t one gen - F it and Satisfaction Guaranteed Fathe r S t affo r d a t tended the meeting tleman has of p lucking h is eyebrows. of t h e de bate coa ches of t he Little Ninet een . Con feren ce, he ld in Chi­cago. H ere he represented Vi a tor in scheduling the debates fo r the co ming season. This schedule w ill be augmented, of cou rse, by othe r contes ts wit h team s outside the Li t ­t le N ineteen .

The wallowing ls a sched ul e of d ebates :

Aff.- De Paul , a way . N eg.- B r a dley, away. Neg.- III. S t a t e Norma l, Neg.- Shu rtle ff , h er e. Aff.- De Ka lb, her e. Aff.- O ii vett , a way.


her e.

S ta tion WCFL has ex tended an invi tat ion to the L eague fo r a series of r a dio deba t es. E leven of thesP­a r e indica ted.

Via tor 's f irs t J e bar:e w ill pl ace som e t im e in Octobe r .


Sisters Improve Service of Infirmary, Cuisine

When the s tudents arrived on the campus this year, they wer e pleas­antly s u rprised to learn that sisters had already ta k en charge of the cu isine and infi r mar y. The n ine sisters of Notr e Dame of Co ving ton. Kentucky, came to the College in July a nd s ince that time they have been busy getting ever y thing in good o rde r fo r t he opening of school.

Everything in and abou i. t he re­fectory has an ai r of c leanliness and efficiency. The meals h ave a

I good, old -fashio n ed, Kentucky flavor a bout them that is h a rd to beat ,


Insurance of All Kinds


Phone 1933


P e rfect P rese r vation

P rotecti on

E muls if ied As ph a lt

Liq uj d

A perfec t protective coating fo r brus hi ng , sp raying o r t rowell ­ing , being a hig h grad e Mexican asphalt dispe rsed as minu te parti­cles in water for convenien t handling. It is applied cold. As the moisture evapor ates, a black, flex ib le ru bberlike fi lm r emains which is water-proof, acid, alkaline and fire r esistant, and shuts out in­fi lrat ions of air .

Ute s tage. The one added e le-ment in Lh e fi lm is that U1e pres­entation is vivified by actual enact-

and the pancakes are better t han or c ri me in such a fas hion a s to t he ones m ot h er has fo rgot ten h ow s timulate the passions, or teach bow to bake. The sisters, busy and

m ent BJld a presentation \Vhich I S to commit similar crimes. smiling, who see to it tha t eve r y seen by audiences hypotized through Even if in the end the immoral strap speck of di r t t hat gets into the darkness of a theatre and the

Mortex 5 does not cr ack or p eel in coldes t weather, nor blis t er, sag nor run on hottes t days and a lways remains e las tic. It is odor­less tas t eless and noninflammable and can be safely used in con­fined. places. It readily bonds to all clean s urfaces, and also to damp surfaces, but should never be a pplied over rusty, dirty, greasy or oily surfaces or an im perfect bond will result. Use only on clean surfaces to obt ain perfect satisfaction. s li gh tly numbing effect of intense pe rson is punished and the gangster Roy H a ll is promptly ej ect ed, have

lig-hl on the screen. goes to his doom, the pictu re (as added a note of cheerful ness that But fundamentally Ute rules a re well as the novel or play) may sti ll makes the housing building m or e

U1e same: be evi l. Fo r w h en th e v1ce is like a h ome. Bottles of evil-last-

1 . One must not confuse Utrough presented in a stimulating and at- ing medicines, ther mometers, band­a no,·el, a play. or a film, the ques- t ractive fashion, or the gangst er L~ ages a nd adhesive tape have lost tion of what is rig ht and what is shown as a hero (unselfis h, char m - much of their disagr eeableness be - ~ wrong. W"hen immorality is pre- ing, generous), the climax or pun- cause of the gentleness and care sc-nted as 8 justified course of con- is hm ent will not be sufficient to one receives in the infi r mary. duct. when virtue is presented as e radicate the stimulation and the A11 in all. things have improved ridiculous. when crime is approved appeal of the early sections. 100 per cent since the s iste rs have {\-vhethcr that be murder. burglar y, H ence. scenes that stimulate pas- been put in charge; and the stu ­re.ckl!teering, or suicide), or when sion, arouse evil thoughts, or t each dents, through the columns of the u1e just Jaw is attacked and mad~ c rime. \\ill vitiate and make im- school paper, \vish to let the sister'5 absurd. tile presentations are irn- moral an othenvise satisfactory know that they are mighty welcome moral and wrong. pictu re. and that they are for them 100 per-

2. One must not present vice -lThe Southern Messenger ). I cent.

Used fo r D AMPPROOFIN G WALLS and F L OOR S, PAINTING GA LVANI ZED I RON, P ROT ECTING CL EAN I RON AND STEEL , ROOF REP AIRING and as an ADH ESIVE. It can be mixed wilh P ortland Cement and dries ou t a sof t gray color fo r patching de­te r iorating concr ete.

F o r Sale at LocaJ Dealer s

J. W. Mortell Co. Kankakee, Ill.

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-09-29




This summer the Rev. E. M. Ke lly, C. S . V .. was compelled by ill- health


to resign his posi tion as Director of

John Hargrove Appointed Student Manager ; New P oint System Athletics at St. Viator , to the s in- Twelve Lettermen Re turn To Gridiron; Is Adopted ~t St. Viator cer e regre t of all who knew him. ____ ________ R_e_c_r_u_i_ts_ .;romising

With Many New

COLLEGE MEN TO Ray "F'ido" Murphy. a well known year the attention of the student:::5 s t Sh t Ea3t ern football mentor h~ charge

With the r enewal of the scholastic

turn.s n a turally to spor ts. Therefore, FORM ORCHESTRA por or s-- of the "F'ighting Irish"" this year. tc provide a m ea.ns for all to parti - D~spite the fac t that Viator lost

cipate, a system of Intra-mural ac- Plans were begun Saturday night The first I-M. undertaking at SL many excellent players such as K en tivities is being inaugurated by the by John Harg rove, Kenne th Wiser. Viator promises to be an ove rwhelm- Westray and Red H arding, the s up-Rev. F. J. Harbauer, C. S. V., Di- Byron Burke and George McWeeney ing s uccess if we can judge from lh e ply of fresh material has led Coach recto r of Athletics. J ohn Har- fo r the for mation of a College Dance heavy vote cast in the election of 1\1urphy to forecas t a brilliant and grove bas been appointed Student Orchestra. These four men, who bowling c~ptai ns. Again ''Flip" successful season. Manager, and will handle as his hope to surround themselves with Fleming's ability as a bowle r has Twelve le tte rmen from las t sea-fi rs t activity a Bowling Tournament approximately eight other players, placed him at the he lm of a t ean1. son are< for action . Emmerson which wi ll be followed in turn by a b · F th K h ld b ' t · Pool Tournament and a Ping-Pong express as t e tr purpose, the d esire a e r elly has e ts pos tn George has been s ingle's champ at D ex t er, who has distinguished him-

to s timulate their interest in popu- the fie ld of sports so long and so the College for the past three years. self and his schoo l hy securing the

Tournament. Jar music and to put to practical effective ly that his leaving must be The men se lected fo r the captai ncies be rth of center on the All-Confer-In years gone by, Fathe r Thomas use their knowledge of instr umental fe lt m ost keenly by the students. are: K en Corcoran, E. D ex t e r . G. ence Team, wi ll lead the ''Green

Hariss, a devoted alumnus of the entertainment. H e is loved and r espec t ed by all Fleming, J. :Marik, J. Quinn, Tom Wave" this year. The oth er ve te r ­College, was a pioneer in the de- The orchestra is to known as who have served under him, and it Kelly, Ken Wiser , Tom Gibbons , Joe ans who have re turned are: Cor­veloping of Intra-mural a ctivities. "The Viatorians", and, after secu r- has become proverbial that when Saia, Ed O'Brien , J . Bimmerle , coran, Roche, Saia, Marik, K e lly. However, with the abandonment of ing the current orchestrations. shall the odds seem against the Green Geo rge Roger s . Ray Roche, Clarenc~ Noonan, Newberg, Krauklis, \oViser , the High School d epartment and the be open for engagements both on Wave, Father K ell y never loses faith Noonan, F. Shea, Jim O'Mera, "Slew'' B e tourne and O'Leary.

consequent drop in boarding students, and off of the campus. All four in h is boys. Stockbar, Francis Krauklis. In case Compe tition for positions has been the Intra -mura l program was allow- of the originators of the o rganiza- While there is no doubt that the additional m en s ign up and teams ar~ very k een. Robe rt Schumacher of ed to laps e, while more emphasis tion have bad previous experience Rev. F. J. H arbauer will f ill the added to the league, the captains Urbana has already won for him­was placed upon varsity competiton. in dance band playing, and a r e, position capably, yet Fathe r Ke lly will be selected f r om these men, J . self a guards position. Roche and Last year saw a r evival, and with therefore, well qualified for the un- will certainly be missed, and it is . Harg rove, R. S chumacher and C.:. :Marik a re now ba ttling fo r the othe r the new r ecor d enrollment of this dertaking. Mr. McWeeney is a to be hoped tha t he will not give Newberg. g uard position. year, Intra-mural activities bid well musica l composer of some note. ur:- his interest in and s upport of At ends this y ear Coach Murphy to encourage even more the high The College will certainly \Vel- Viator athletics. John Hargrove wishes to an nounc:.:: will have a pair of new men whom s pirit that, in previous years, was come the enterprise, as the · Jack of that facilities for handball &re avail-so prevalent on the Viator campu s. a school or chestra has been severely G Fl . T able, and anyone who wishes to play he has converted from tackles. Ray eorge effilllg 0 Tures, captain of the Champion A ca-

Th e UnJversi ty of Illinois has de- fe lt in the past. Many coll eges can secure equipmen t by seeing him. d emy e leven last year, is considered a lready have similar or ganization, Manage Athletics

fi ned the program of Intra-mural News from the swi mming front- the best. Dolph Guy from Calh-athl etics as a modified system of and have found the arrangement very ed r al Hig h Schoo l, Springfie ld, has Phys ical Education, and if p lans convenient and satisfactory. "The George Fleming , one of St. Via- Basil Nicholson, a native of England. secured the othe r end position. K en mate ralize, it will not be long before Viatorians" will deserve a ll of the to r 's outstanding campus lead ers has while attending school at Hopkins Cor coran, chosen by many experts the College authorities shal l inaug - co-operation the c lasses and c lubs b . t d St d t '"' age of A cademy (a :Yale Prep ) in Conn., for All-Confer ence honors as a

of the campus can give them. een appom e u en man r was Intra-mural scholastic 100 yard urate a course in Physical Educa- Athletics by the Rev. Father Har- backstroke champion. It lool<s as quaterback las t y ear, has been con-lion . The Intra -mural activi ties bauer, C. S. V. , Director of Ath- though the aquatic material will be ver ted in to an end by Conch Mur-a re a means towards an end. They GREEN W A\VE phy, and is corn ing along in " leaps tend towards, not only the develop-

1 -- le tics. Fleming, a senlo r, hails sufficiently strong this year to war- E! nd bounds " , according to the new

ment of the mind and body, but al- from Chicago, Ill., and is the las t of rant sending a t eam to the Littl e coach.

so towards fos t e ring a s pirit of fe l- (Continued From Page One) the old St. Viator Acadmey g rad- Nineteen mee t. Tackle positions are ve ry d ubious .

lowship among the s tudent body. uates to be in a ttendance at the 1Yior e swim ming news _ The s tu- Kra uk lis and Kelly, veterans of last Only a few changes wi ll be made gan with such crowning success. and d ts . be 1 d year are possibly the only ones that

in the point sys tem that governs twi ce carried the pigskin over the College. en Wlll g a to know that Coach · Murphy can de pend upon . the awarding of the Intra-mur&.l Viator goal line, most of the play- During his academy days, "Gawg" t he pool wi ll be opened shortly and The center of the line Will be hand­Ch ampionship Trophy. The student ing was. done between the T eacher s' was a member of the football and will remain in use throughout the led by Captain Dexter, who Is hig h-who receives th e highes t number thirty and forty-ya rd lines. Both basketbal l squads. Since attending winter. The heating plant has been of points during the scholastic year, tc u chdowns were made befor e rain the coll ege h e has been a c tive in all repaired, so comfortable s wimming ly rated, not only by Coach M urphy,

campus affairs. H e was President i:J assured but also by all the coaches of the :~~e b:a~::n t~ro~r;~hyhisan~th~:~~ :~!~e fall early in the second of his class las t year and a candi- . Little N ine teen Confe r en ce. Dexte r

prowess the title of "Champion of Joe Saia, who displayed such date for College club President, los- With the enrollment of anothe r C. has that temperment and s pi r it Intra-mural Sports". Don Betourne pro mise last year and who has been ing by a slight margin of three Y. 0. boxmg produc t, inter es t has which all real foot ball men possess.

votes For the past three years, once more been ins ti lled in the pugil- Under his capable leaders h ip the re of Kankakee, Til. , Is las t year' s title in th e college infirmary for the last r."lemt:ng has heen Bowlt"n g S t"ngles is no doubt but that the "Green holde r . week, saw abou t thirty minutes of [' . . istic fans at St. Viator. J oe Sprafka,

Ch ampion, and las t year h e was a welterweigh t who starred at Carl Wave" wi ll enjoy a s uccessful sca-'Following is the point system action. of the winning Bowling T ou r- Schurz H igh in Chicago and who son. nament team. H e bas, likewise, r eached the se mi -fina ls in the C. Y. Under s tudy fo r Captain Dexte r is wh ich has been a rranged by Thomas The s tarting lineup was:

Ke lly, President of the College Club, L . E. J ohn Bl mmcrl e, Pres id ent of the L. T . Senior Class: J ohn Hargrove, S tu­dent Manager of Intra-mural Sports; George Fleming, Student Manager ot' Athle ti cs; and William Schumacher , Spor ts E:dltor of the VIA TORIAN.:

L. G.

c. R. G.

R. T.

1. Winners of the bowling, hand- R. E. ball , pool. ping-pong and tennis Q . B. tournament 10 points. L . H.

2. Runner-up of the afo re-men- R. H . ttoned t.ournaments-5 points. F. B.

3 . Members ot winning lntra-mur­a.l league teams ·10 points.

Guy I had many major parts in the Dra- 0. Tournament, is on e of th e mos t Basil Nicholso n, who hails f rom L ux malic and Glee Club performances. promis ing candidates on the s quad. Merry England- London to be s peci-

Roche H e and Joe Kalkows ki, also of C. fi e. H e is c lose ly follow ed by J ohn Dexter This is the fifty-second anniver- Y. 0 . fame, wi ll form the nuc leous H a rg rove, a na ti ve son from Le-

Schumacher sary of the VIATORIAN. It was of the team. Of th e s tudents whc land, Mississippi. firs t printed in the form of a h ave s ignified thei r intention of in­

Kra uklis manual , and it was not until abo ut dulgi ng in the "sport of the g loves'' Tures fifteen years ago that the present ar John Stevens, 185 pounds, Clar­

Palladino news pape r style was adopted. The ence Noorton , 150, Dolph, 190 ; Joe Gibbons VIATORIAN is the oldest Catholic Stanford, 145; Thomas K erns, 245.

Shea college pape r in the middle west, and and Ted Cush, 195. on e of the oldes t college paper s of

····- ·-···· Masterson Hny Llt:!nomlnation in this vic iniey. Stuart Bake r , former All-Confer-en ce end and star center on baske tball team fo r a number

th• of

With an ou tstand ing, weig hty line in fro nt of them, the "G ree n Wave" backfie ld wi ll have plenty or oppor­tunity to s wamp its oppo nents. This y ea r' s edi tion will contain onJy one ve te ran among the s tarting backs.

4. Members of runne r-up teams­:; poin ts. Irish Schedule-Eight Games

5. H igh po int man in the sw im­ming or tra ck mcets- 10 points. Viator Opp.

6. Runner-up ln the afo re-men- Sept. 28 Southern Illinois State Teachers College,

year s, dropped in for a visit a few days ago K en Wes tray, one of the greatest of all VIator ath letes, has s igned h is 1934 contracl with the Chi cago Bears, champion of t h e National Professional Football cir­cuit Bi ll Gibbons, ev-VIalor grid

J oe Saia. ano th e r M l ~~ i ~~ lppl "·Mud ­cap, who was regular fullback, has been converted Into a halfback by Coach Murphy and wl ll a ttemp t to f ill Ken Westray's c leats . J a m es Masterson, a hard plunger n.nd good blocker, hailing from Champion Aca­dem . will re pl ace Saia at fu llback . Left halfback pos ition wi ll be oc­cupi ed by Ahie Hohins l<y, a fin e broken-field runne r and a ccu rate PM-

tloned m eets 5 polnts. at Car bondale. Ill.

7 . Q, ng to the fast that ""In- Oct. 19 tra-mural means ' "Within the walls" , the committee ha.s decided that m em-

Valparaiso Unlve rsity at Kankak ee. Ill.

(H omecomlng).

bers or varsity teams. since they Oc t. 27 Millikin University, at Decatur . Ill.

engage In Inte r-collegiate competition N ov. 3 Michig an State Normal. at Yps ilanti. Mich. and aJso since they recel ve mono-grtulls, s hall not he awarded points Nov. 10 Western State T ea che rs College. ( Mlc b.) In the lnt.rn-mural contests. It has at Kankakee. Ill.

also heen ded ded that captalns of No v. 17 Intra-mural t ea.m..s s.halt rece ive no

Elmhurst College. at Elmh urst. Ill.

t"xtr points. s ince th e capta1ncy in I L~t., l ! Is hono rary anll Uoes no t n~Ct"s.sarily indic te out.s tandlng a th­lt:> t c bt hly

No v J ohn Carro ll University. at Cle veland, Oh io

Nov 25 S t. Mary's College ~ Wiona, .Minn.) at Chicago. Ill.

s ta r , has sign ed with the Central se r from WeMt. Haven, Con n., AJ Illinois All-Stars It has a lso P a lla dino of New Haven, Conn., will

been reported that the r eason John call the s ignals from quarte rbac k, Chinn. promis ing half-back. fa iled to and Is r a ted (by Murphy) to be At ­return to schoo l was lhat he ha2 ble Boo th 's s uccesso r . And so, to s igned to play pro-football with the comple te this s urvey of the 1934 Central llllnoi.s All- S tars. edition o f the "Green Wave' '. Coach

I Call upon a business man in bus­

iness hours. S tate your bus in ess In business way ; when done with bus ­InC-'S matters , go a bout your bus iness and leave th e busi ness man to a ttend to his business.

Murphy a.'ise rL<J that hi s res erve!-:! a re nearly as equa l In a bility as th~

pro bable vars ity, pa rti c ula rly his back fie ld m a te ri a l. Murphy pro· c laims tha t none or hi s m en are cer ­tain of lhei r posiUons, tor all aro being pushed hard by the r ese rvt:3.

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-09-29

We begin with the right kinds of mild ripe Domestic tobaccos. Then we age and mellow them like rare wines


Next we add just the right kinds and the right amounts of Turkish tobaccos to give Chesterfield the "seasonit1g" that helps to make them taste

1 ; li~il ~~ ~'11111:1 ~i~~ r~, 1: lb~;e:t~t~e~ri ·, •••

Finally we "weld" these tobaccos together the Chest­erfield way- different from any other-to make Chester­field a milder better-tasting