st valentine’s day Подготовили: Ученицы 7 Б класса Мухина...

ST VALENTINE’S DAY Подготовили: Ученицы 7 Б класса Мухина Анастасия и Семёнова Диана Учитель: Перфильева Мария Константиновна

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Ученицы 7 Б класса

Мухина Анастасия и Семёнова Диана


Перфильева Мария Константиновна

The name of this holiday is dealt with

the name of saint Valentine who was a doctor and a priest in ancient Rome and he

was sentenced to death.

In 3rd century roman imperator Clavdy pointed

that men couldn’t marry as because of it they spent more time at home inspite of the war. But Valentine

made a secret wedding.

In prison Valentine healed the warder’s daughter and they felt in love with each other and they

communicated with the help of notes.

Before the death on 14th of February he sent to her a letter and sighed


Saint Valentine was buried in Saint Pradix Church in Rome. The gates of the church were named the Valentine’s gates.

In 496 the 14th of February was announced the day of Saint Valentine and since

that day sweethearts all over the world think that Saint Valentine is their patron.

When the ROMAN attacked Britain this

holiday took place here. In England the holiday became the day of presents and


That day people usually present to each other

the sweets, toys, of course hearts.

As French the English people present the

flowers on that day since 18 century.

As it is known there is the whole alphabet of

flowers with their help you can say about your love. But the

most important flower is red rose.

Of course, this day can’t be without special

cards – valentine cards with the words of love

and the symbol of heart.

The first printed card was appeared in 1840. nowadays you can buy

different cards in every shop. But only

the words are similar – TO YOU WITH


In Britain the young girls are waiting for their

fellows at the window on 14th February. They

believe that the first man whom they see

will be their love.

Nowadays it is very popular to present not only sweets and cards

but and toys especially teddies.