st joseph’s church, north...

Page | 1 Holidays I would like to wish all families a relaxing and happy holiday. All of our students will have a very busy time in Term 3 and I hope that they are well rested in preparation. Please note that our students resume for Term 3 on Monday 10 July. We wish our QISSN Netball and Confraternity Rugby League teams all the best in the carnivals that they are attending next week in Brisbane. NAIDOC Mass As you may be aware NAIDOC week falls in the last week of the school holidays. Each year on the second Monday of term 3, Catholic Education holds a Regional NAIDOC Mass. The Mass provides Indigenous students, families and community members with the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of NAIDOC week and share in special prayer for the journey of their people. The Mass is growing each year and is attended by Indigenous community members along with Indigenous students from our Catholic schools across the region. We will be taking students to participate in the NAIDOC Mass and parents and friends of the College are also invited to attend. Details of the Mass are as follows: When: Monday 17 July 2017 Where: St Joseph’s Church, North Mackay Time: Mass starts at 9.30 am Catholic Education Week Next term we celebrate Catholic Education Week from Sunday 23 - Saturday 29 July and this year will focus on the theme: Sharing the Journey. Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all Catholic schools to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos. We will have more information next term on the activities the college will undertake during this special time. The National Catholic Education Commission The National Catholic Education Commission has recently released videos to supplement a campaign to explain the dangers of the Turnbull Government's school funding model. The videos explain that Catholic schools and Catholic school families will be disadvantaged under the Minister's changes to school funding. You can view these videos through this link Dates to remember June 2017 21 QCS Practice Day 22 Show Day Holiday 23 Exams Finish End of Term 2 25 Confraternity Shield and QISSN Start 30 Confraternity Shield and QISSN Finishes July 2017 10 Term 3 Commences 12 CQU Visit 14 Athletics Carnival 16 Music Ministry 6:00pm at St Patrick’s Church 17 NAIDOC Mass Reports uploaded to Parent Lounge 18 School Photo Day 20 Subject Selection Night 24 – 28 Catholic Education Week 27 Parent Teacher Interviews 29 Year 12 Senior Formal August 2017 2 6:00pm P & F Meeting 7:30pm Board Meeting 3 Interschool Athletics 7 Colin House Day 9 – 11 ACTS Camp 9 Mackay Careers Expo 10 JCU Visit 11 Duchesne University Accommodation Visit

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I would like to wish all families a relaxing and happy holiday.

All of our students will have a very busy time in Term 3 and I

hope that they are well rested in preparation. Please note that

our students resume for Term 3 on Monday 10 July.

We wish our QISSN Netball and Confraternity Rugby League

teams all the best in the carnivals that they are attending next

week in Brisbane.


As you may be aware NAIDOC week falls in the last week of the school holidays.

Each year on the second Monday of term 3, Catholic Education holds a Regional

NAIDOC Mass. The Mass provides Indigenous students, families and community

members with the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of NAIDOC week and

share in special prayer for the journey of their people. The Mass is growing each

year and is attended by Indigenous community members along with Indigenous

students from our Catholic schools across the region.

We will be taking students to participate in the

NAIDOC Mass and parents and friends of the College

are also invited to attend. Details of the Mass are as


When: Monday 17 July 2017

Where: St Joseph’s Church, North Mackay

Time: Mass starts at 9.30 am

Catholic Education Week

Next term we celebrate Catholic Education Week from Sunday 23 - Saturday 29

July and this year will focus on the theme: Sharing the Journey. Catholic Education

Week is an opportunity for all Catholic schools to celebrate and promote their

distinctive mission and ethos.

We will have more information next term on the activities the college will

undertake during this special time.

The National Catholic Education Commission

The National Catholic Education Commission has recently released videos to

supplement a campaign to explain the dangers of the Turnbull Government's school

funding model. The videos explain that Catholic schools and Catholic school families

will be disadvantaged under the Minister's changes to school funding. You can view

these videos through this link

Dates to remember

June 2017

21 QCS Practice Day

22 Show Day Holiday

23 Exams Finish

End of Term 2

25 Confraternity Shield and


30 Confraternity Shield and

QISSN Finishes

July 2017

10 Term 3 Commences

12 CQU Visit

14 Athletics Carnival

16 Music Ministry 6:00pm at St

Patrick’s Church

17 NAIDOC Mass

Reports uploaded to

Parent Lounge

18 School Photo Day

20 Subject Selection Night

24 – 28

Catholic Education Week

27 Parent Teacher Interviews

29 Year 12 Senior Formal

August 2017

2 6:00pm P & F Meeting

7:30pm Board Meeting

3 Interschool Athletics

7 Colin House Day

9 – 11 ACTS Camp

9 Mackay Careers Expo

10 JCU Visit

11 Duchesne University

Accommodation Visit

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Photo Day

Our College photo day is Tuesday 18 July, which is in the second week back. Students will be issued with a photo envelope

during the first week of term 3 and they will need to return this envelope on the day of the photos.

Reports and Parent Teacher Night

Our staff will be marking over the holiday break and preparing reports to be uploaded to Parent Lounge in the second

week of Term 3. Parent teacher night is Thursday 27 July and bookings for interviews with teachers will also be done via

Parent Lounge.

Enrolment Processes for 2018

The dates are below for your information if you have a student in Year 10 or you know of others who may be interested

in enrolling in the college next year.

20 July Subject Selection Evening from 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm in St Patrick’s Hall. Attend at a time to

suit your family.

24 July Due date for Enrolment and Subject Selection forms to be returned to St Patrick’s College.

7 August Notification of enrolment interview date posted in week beginning 7 August.

14 August Formal enrolment and subject advisory interviews with a member of the college leadership team will

begin during the week of 14 August.

End term 3 Notification of acceptance.

23 November Orientation Day.

Staff Farewell

Congratulations to Ms Nicole Graham on her appointment as the Head of English at Columba Catholic College

in Charters Towers. Nicole leaves the College at the end of this term. I thank her for her dedication to the

College and wish her and her family the best.

St Patrick’s Family

Congratulations to the St Patrick’s College Girls Interschool Football semi final winners. They will now progress

to the grand final which is to be held on the first Thursday back in term 3. Great work girls!

Year 12 student Thomas Ford recently competed in the U19 National Road Championship in Geelong Victoria.

Well done Thomas!

Congratulations to Year 11 student Dylan Mayne who played in the Australian Futsal Cup Competition. Dylan

travelled to Rio De Janeiro, Veranopolis and Port Alegre in South America to play these games. The Australian

team drew two games and lost the other games. Dylan received an All Star 5 award from National School

Champions when he played in Brisbane in September 2016, which gave him automatic selection into the Australian

Team. Great work Dylan!

The St Patrick’s White Netball team are to be congratulated on their grand final victory in the Open Social Division

of the School Netball competition. The St Patrick’s Gold team were runner’s up in the Open A competition losing

by one goal. Both these games were a pleasure to watch. Congratulations to all players.

Mackay and District Secondary Netball 2017 Social winner was Year 12 student Anna Randazzo. Congratulations


The Male Referee of the Year for Mackay Basketball award was given to Year 11 student Jack Kelly. This follows a

successful year of both representative and local refereeing, culminating in his first preseason Queensland Basketball

League game. Well done Jack on this well deserved achievement.

Congratulations to Year 12 student Georgia Harris on her selection into the Capricornia team 16-18 years

Queensland State Secondary School Touch Football Championships. After a very successful tournament, Georgia

was given the Players Player award and has been selected for the Queensland U18 School girls team to play at the

National Youth Championships in September. The St Pats Community wish you well at the National


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Run for Better Days

This week, I have been contacted by Julian Pecora, the coordinator of the Run for Better Days

fundraising organisation, in regards to meeting with students from our College to spread their

message of compassion for others. This group of James Cook University students organise a charity

run each year, to generate action against Global Poverty.

“Our generation is the first to have the opportunity to banish extreme poverty forever, all that

remains to be seen is whether we will have the courage to seize it. It would be terrific to meet

with your students and invite them to be part of the solution and run with us to better days, for

we believe that this is truly something worth fighting for.” Julian Pecora

This year they will be passing through Mackay on the 14 and 15 July. So that the students of St Patrick’s College have an

opportunity to meet with these passionate young people, they will be joining us for the Sunday Afternoon Mass (15 July,

6:00pm) which coincides with our Music Ministry. They are not looking to raise funds, but would love an opportunity to

share their message during their visit. All are welcome to have a chat before mass and after.

With the disrupted start to the Easter break, it has become a long and very busy semester. The students have worked very

hard and have earned a rest from assignments and exams. For the upcoming winter holidays, I wish everybody a safe and

relaxing break.

Readings at Mass, Sunday 25 June 2017 – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading, Jeremiah 20:10-13 …. He has delivered the soul of the needy from the

hands of those who are evil.

Psalm, 68:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35 …. Lord, in your great love, answer me.

Second Reading, Romans 5:12-15….. God’s gift to us is nothing like our sin against him.

Gospel, Matthew 10:26-33 … Do not fear those who can kill the body.

Readings at Mass, Sunday 2 July 2017 – Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading, 2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16…. That is the holy man of God, let him remain there.

Psalm, 88:2-3, 16-19 …. For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.

Second Reading, Romans 6:3-4, 8-11…. Having been buried with him through baptism,

we shall walk in a new life.

Gospel, Matthew 10:37-42 … Anyone who does not accept his cross is not worthy of me.

Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me.

Each year Mission Australia encourages young people aged 15-19 years to participate in an online

youth survey to determine the issues that really concern them. The results of the survey are

invaluable in providing parents, policy makers, advocates and teachers with a better understanding of

the issues our youth are facing in today’s society. The results from the 2016 survey have recently

been released and whilst the results have once again revealed some consistent themes, new trends

and issues are beginning to emerge. Almost 22,000 young people responded to the 2016 survey which

in fact is the biggest Australian youth survey of its kind.

Southside Cluster

Saturday Vigil Mass

6:00 pm St Francis Xavier

6:00 pm St Mary’s


7:00 am St Patrick’s

7:00 am St Therese’s

6:00 pm St Patrick’s

Northside Cluster

Saturday Vigil Mass

6:00 pm St Joseph’s

6:00 pm St Brigid’s


7:30 am St Brendan’s

9.00 am St Joseph’s

Weekend Masses

Guest Speaker Brisbane Archdiocesan priest, Father John Chalmers, will

speak on Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation, “Evangelii

Gaudium”, the “Joy of the Gospel” at

St Patrick’s College

7:00pm Wednesday 13 July 2017 This is a great opportunity to listen to and engage with one

of Australia’s leading speakers.

All parishioners in the Mackay deanery are invited.

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The survey revealed that young Australians are really concerned about:

1. Coping with stress (44.4% are highly concerned)

2. School or study problems (37.8% are highly concerned)

3. Body Image (30.6% are highly concerned) In fact, 40% of Year 12 girls have said that they would get plastic


Mental health has been identified as a personal concern for young people, with the percentage of young people indicating

mental health as a top national concern. This has doubled in the last six years. Mental Health issues commonly occur during

the ages of 15-19 years, so we must continue to ensure that mental health programs and services are readily accessible

both at school (Pastoral Care Programs, Pastoral Care Coordinators, College Counsellor) and within the community e.g.


Young people consider the following issues as being most important in Australia today:

1. Alcohol and drugs (28.7%)

2. Equity and discrimination (27.0%)

3. Mental health (20.6%).

The survey results also revealed that the top three sources of help for young people were friend/s (82.9%), parent/s and

relatives (76.1%) and the internet (46.4%). Around one third indicated that they would go to their teacher (36.1%) or school

counsellor (31.2%) for help.

Young people are regularly engaging with technology and we also know that 15-17 year olds use the internet the most, 18-

25 year olds check their phones on average 56 times per day, nine out of ten young people use their phones when with

their friends and three out of ten use a phone whilst crossing the road. Whilst these statistics are perhaps a little concerning,

it is very clear that young people can use technology to help them reframe their thinking. There are many Apps and online

resources available to help young people reframe their thoughts such as: Mood Kit, The Brave Program, MoodGYM, The

Toolbox, ReachOut Breathe, Beat Panic etc. Some people don’t want to visit a psychologist, so apps and web based

interventions could be very beneficial both now and into the future.

Student Protection Processes

The Student Protection Processes and Student Protection Guidelines for all Catholic Schools (Diocese of Rockhampton)

have been updated and copies are available in the school office and also in the library. The revised Student Protection

Processes and Student Protection Guidelines are now available on the Catholic education website

and our college website

If you have any questions about any matter to do with child protection, please do not hesitate to contact the college office

on 4944 7200.


St Patrick’s

Click here for latest newsletter

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QTAC University Course Guide

The 2018 QTAC University Course Guide for Year 12 students has arrived at school. Copies will be

available for students to collect on Wednesday 21 June after the QCS practice, with copies also available

from the School Counsellor’s office next term. The QTAC Guide provides information about applying

for Queensland university courses, how to complete the online QTAC application form, key dates,

university open days, costs, detailed information about available courses and university biographies.

University information sessions with be conducted at school next term for students and will focus on

applying for university (QTAC applications), scholarships and accommodation options. Parents and guardians are

encouraged to begin discussing university options with their children, as this can be an exciting, but challenging time for

families. Parent information is available on the QTAC website at

2017 St Patrick’s Senior Formal

The time is near! The 2017 Year 12 Formal will be held at the Mackay Entertainment and Convention

Centre (MECC) on Saturday 29 July, with an ‘Under the Stars’ theme. Students and their families (a

maximum of four guests per student) will be invited to arrive at 6:45pm for a 7:00pm start at the

MECC Meeting Rooms at the back of the Plenary Halls. A cash bar will be available.

At 7:45pm a parent-student dance will take place, after which the students will enter

the Hall for the main formal event. At that time, family members bid the seniors

farewell for the evening. Tickets are $135.00 and will be available until the first week in Term 3,

Thursday 13 July from the Finance Office. The Finance Office is not open over the holidays, so there

are only 5 business days left for ticket purchases.

Please be aware that the MECC requires final numbers at least two weeks prior to the event for catering purposes, so

there will be no negotiation on late ticket purchases. We look forward to seeing our seniors glitter on the red carpet!

I would like to wish both the 2017 QISSIN and Confraternity Carnival teams all the best for their

upcoming competitions during the first week of the holidays. Both teams have been preparing hard and

are looking forward to a tough and fun week of competition. The Netball is being played at Boondall

Entertainment Centre, whilst the Rugby League is being played at the Padua College Sports Grounds in

Banyo, Brisbane.

Good luck to both teams and a massive thank you to all the coaching staff, parents and students for all

your support leading up to these wonderful competitions.

If you are interested in following the teams, both competitions have an App that you can download that includes the draw

and live score updates during the competition. The App is available from Apple and Android stores. At the Confraternity

shield, all games on field one will be live streamed and the boys are playing Ignatius Park on Tuesday 27 June at 11:00am on

field one. This game will be available to watch online.

Confraternity Squad 1. Thomas Wilson 8. Hayden Brownsey 15. Hayden Walk

2. Hayden Connor 9. Tyler North 16. Ryan Stuart

3. Ethan Walsh 10. Alec Deguara 17. Logan Stuart

4. Riley Arthur 11. Nicholas Williams 18. Clancy Bowen

5. Blake Paskins 12. Aidan Beard 19. Mason Clifford

6. Caleb Sinn 13. Jack Johnson 20. Jamie Bird

7. Luke Fletcher 14. Jack Mulherin

Touch Judge – Kye Gaviglio Travel – Dean Bradford Travel – Jack Tate

QISSIN Squad 1. Caitlin Yarrow 5. Monique Best 9. Chloe Brant

2. Lauren Bella 6. Kelisha Day 10. Zoe McIntyre

3. Lois Beckingham 7. Lucy Eyles 11. Kylah Bailey

4. Elleni Williams 8. Natasha Curry

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Athletics Carnival

Just a reminder that the Athletics carnival will be held on Friday 14 July (Friday week 1 term 3) at Cathy Freeman Oval.

The theme of the day will be decided at the next SRC meeting and it will be great to see everyone getting involved in what

will be a fun day.

The first semester of 2017 is almost over and it’s safe to say that much has been happening in the cultural

department in preparation for an exciting performing season next semester. Our Percussion Ensemble,

led by Mr Tim McClelland and Samantha Galea (Year 12), were outstanding in the first performance of

the year, the ANZAC Day March. Each Monday morning, they rehearse works of different genres, many

of which are composed by Mr McClelland himself! Rehearsals have changed to Friday mornings now and

it is with a heavy heart that the ensemble must say farewell to their supervisor, Ms Nicole Graham. Thank

you Ms Graham for your endless support. We have enjoyed having you watch over the group.

Our Stage Band have been busy rehearsing well-known repertoire, again of different genres. From Latin to Jazz to Pop

ballads, our band is very versatile! Led by Mr McClelland, myself and April Puddicombe (Year 12), the band has started to

find their groove as an ensemble. We have three students who are learning the saxophone for the first time and we now

offer this group tutelage in playing this instrument. Mr Samuel Bauer is a recent graduate from the Central Queensland

Conservatorium of Music (CQCM) who specialises in playing the Tenor Sax. He also happens to be a past student of mine.

Mr Bauer has been such a blessing to our beginners. Even Mr McClelland joins the Tuesday afternoon lessons, as he too is

learning the saxophone. Thank you Mr Bauer for helping and encouraging our sax players! Their confidence grows every

week which is so wonderful to see. The first performance for the Stage Band will be in week 2 next term at the CQCM

Secondary Schools’ Jazz Festival. Whilst the timetable has not been released, the Stage Band students will be required on

Sunday 23 July. Workshops and adjudication are during the day and the Showcase Concert will be held that evening. Be

sure to keep this date free!

Dance Squad have been madly rehearsing their routine for the upcoming Rock Pop Mime. Every Wednesday morning before

school, the students come together in the Hall. Under the guidance of Miss Tahlia Kelly and captains Joshua Collins, Chrysel

Reynolds and Shannan Ashwood (Year 12). The students have created an entertaining routine which promotes the

important message that you don’t need money to have fun. Thank you to both Ms Blakey and Ms Woods who help supervise

the students each week! The Rock Pop Mime will also be held in week two next term (a busy weekend!) at the Botanic

Gardens Amphitheatre on Saturday 22 July, so please book this in your diary! Dance Squad members are reminded that

they will rehearse on the stage the day before (Friday 21 July) at 1pm. More information on this will be given at their next


The Handbell Ensemble are off to a strong start this year, thanks to the unending support from their director Ms Carmel

Daveson with help from past students, Mary Snee and Lucy Hamilton, handbell maintenance extraordinaire Mr Warren

Bolton and assistant Mr Thomas Laflamme. With many first-time ringers, I am pleasantly surprised that the group has also

formed two smaller ensembles, a handbell trio and quartet. In addition to this, we will also have Brianna Martin (Year 12)

performing another stunning handbell solo at the Eisteddfod in October. The dedication of these students is so inspiring to


This weekend, we are fortunate enough to offer a conducting workshop with Dr John Hooper from Canada. Dr Hooper

visited the College in 2014 and I was lucky to complete the course and obtain Level 1 and 2 in Conducting, a new

accreditation program recognised by the Handbell Society of Australasia. I would strongly encourage any student of music

to come along and be involved, as the course is not only informative, but fun. Dr Hooper has a wonderful way of explaining

the art of conducting and I know that I personally will always refer back to what I learnt during the course.

The following workshops will be held, on Saturday 24 June a Level 1 Conducting workshop and Sunday 25 June a Level 2

Conducting workshop. Both workshops will be held in J3 and J4 at St Patrick’s College and will run from 9am – 4pm (the

level 2 will finish earlier). For more information, please see the attached flyer. Good luck to our students who will take part

in the accreditation process!

The St Patrick’s College Choir have had lots of fun already this year. Rehearsing every Thursday morning with Ms Kathleen

Campbell and myself, we have covered most of our repertoire and have even learnt some fantastic choreography from Miss

Tahlia Kelly for our Show Choir number. The students are assisted by Miss Kirsten Larsen and choir captains, Amy Saward

and Emma Carroll (Year 12). The comradery of the group is really special and it is a refreshing way to start the school day.

Kugathira Krishnadeva (Year 12) has been working hard on making props for our novelty piece, whilst Miss Larsen and I

have been busy sourcing costumes. Next term, the Folk Group (consisting of 16 choir students with the best attendance)

will be announced and we will start working on their number every Thursday lunch time. The first performance for the

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Choir will be at the CQCM Secondary Schools’ Jazz Festival in week two next term. The choir will perform “Lullaby of

Birdland” which is a beautiful arrangement of a classic jazz tune. As the festival is on Sunday 23 July, students must source

their choir uniforms as soon as possible. As you can see in the image below, the female choir uniform is a shade of a bright

red poly-shantung buttoned shirt with an ankle length navy skirt. Each chorister must have their uniform by July 20 and

notes for the rental of female uniforms are available outside J4.

Girls will also need:

- black shoes with low heels

- black stockings (essential)

- gold jewellery only

- red hair accessories

Male choristers will need:

- long grey pants (formal school uniform)

- white collared, button-up dress shirt

- school blazer (to be borrowed from the front office)

- school tie and black polished shoes.

Lastly, our school production of “Ruby Moon” will be held on Friday 18 August at

7:00pm and Saturday 19 August at 2:00pm and 7:00pm at the New Life

Church (75 Evans Ave, North Mackay). This term, the committed cast have attended

Sunday rehearsals with both Mr Andric and myself (see photo paper). The play is a dark version of Little Red Riding hood

which deals with the grief of two loving parents over the mysterious disappearance of their daughter, Ruby Moon. It explores

the lives of their eccentric neighbours, all of which are suspects in the disappearance. Tickets will be available at the beginning

of next term, so stay tuned!

With so many performances coming up, it is imperative for all students to rehearse over this holiday break. Whether it is

learning lines, lyrics, practicing an instrument or memorising a dance routine, the pressure is on to perform with finesse as

soon as term three commences! I wish everyone a wonderful break and may you rest well for the final chapters of 2017!

What’s on the Menu?

Most adults invite their friends around to their house for an elegant dinner at some stage in their life.

When planning an event like this, it is important to know how much food costs and how to budget


This term Year 11 Pre-Vocational Mathematics students undertook a project to design an elegant

dinner party. This dinner party was to be sophisticated, fancy and elegant. Simply ordering Red Rooster

catering or doing a Maccas run was not acceptable and not the type of food you would use when trying

to impress guests.

Planning a dinner party is not easy – students had to produce a menu for the evening, research costs to complete a budget,

a shopping list and create a table menu. A huge effort by all.

There were some excellent menus created with delicious meal ideas. An example is below:

Menu example

created by Anzel


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Year 12 Home Economics

This semester, students studied textile sustainability. This involved comparing the environmental impact

of traditional textiles such as wool and cotton, and relatively new alternatives such as bamboo and

hemp. The fabric’s lifecycle was considered, from growth/production of fibre through to consumer use

and end-of-life alternatives.

The assessment task was to recycle an item of clothing and produce a process journal detailing all

decision-making, production process and skills involved, design sketches and investigation of the garment’s “eco-

friendliness”. Students produced some very creative garments and learnt many sewing and design skills, which will hopefully

serve them well into the future. Most importantly, students developed an awareness of how their choices in relation to

textile items (especially clothing) impact our environment.

Any parent who has made a direct deposit into our bank

account from the

Queensland Police Credit Union,

please contact the Finance Office on 4944 7209.

Alice Climpson

produced this

cocktail dress

from a 70’s style

ball gown.

Samantha Galea

revamped an

oversized maxi

dress into an

elegant pantsuit.

Sarah Reeves

altered a long

formal gown

into a cocktail


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Wednesday 9TH AUG 11am – 6pm

Souths Leagues Club

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