st joseph’s catholic school, fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · st joseph’s catholic school fairfield...

St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield PO Box 957, Hamilton Phone: (07) 855-5434 Email: [email protected] Website: NEWSLETTER # 14 8 th August 2017 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: YEAR A Matt 13:44-46 It has never been so easy to sell anything (or everything) we own. Websites like Trade Me provide the opportunity 24 hours a day every day. They can also be trawled at any hour of the day or night in search of items of value, which can hopefully be purchased less than their value or cost elsewhere. Like the Trade Me trawlers the people in Jesus’ parable were searchers. The merchant was actively looking for fine pearls and the other person was actively searching for something in the field. Perhaps both had heard rumours or received clues that set them off on their searches. This parable brings to mind Jesus’ words in Matt 7:7: “Seek and you will find”. Seeking, having eyes that see and ears that hear, are all refrains in the Scriptures. Searching for God in our lives and in our world involves being alert and active in our spiritual lives, always awake to the possibility that the voice of God or an element of the kingdom of heaven might be found in the events of our everyday lives. It is easy to lapse into a passive approach to our spiritual lives. If we are waiting for God to break through the thick layer of our routines and priorities it may not happen, or we may simply not notice it when he does. In the parable one person went digging in a field and the other turned over baskets full of pearls in their search. Their response was dramatic when they found items of value. If we are sometimes reluctant to search for God, is it because we suspect we might have to respond in a similar way in terms of change? E ngã mãtua, tena Koutou, Talofa Principals Piece: Dear Parents/Caregivers, The Community survey which was emailed to everyone has now closed and we have had 72 responses. These will now be collated and shared back to the community. Thank you to all those families that completed the survey. This is about St Joseph’s continuing to connect in partnership with our community. We always strive to do the best for each child and we certainly need your support. It is imperative you keep up-to-date by the school website and school app, we regularly post messages and families need to read the newsletter. It comes out in weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 this term. The teachers have been working with CORE Education for a number of years now. One of the things we have developed is a Learner profile for our children. This one page document is shared later on in this newsletter. This Wed 9th Aug at 6.30pm, we will be having a sports strategic planning meeting. James Davidson from Sport Waikato and members of the Project Energize team, will be helping us facilitate this meeting. The purpose of this is to get an idea of what we want to achieve with sport at St Joseph’s in the future and how to align this with our school mission, vision and values. If you are interested in coming, this is an opportunity to be a part of something positive with sport at St Joseph’s. We look forward to seeing you.

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Page 1: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s

St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield

PO Box 957, Hamilton Phone: (07) 855-5434 Email: [email protected] Website:

NEWSLETTER # 14 8th August 2017

17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: YEAR A Matt 13:44-46 It has never been so easy to sell anything (or everything) we own. Websites like Trade Me provide the opportunity 24 hours a day every day. They can also be trawled at any hour of the day or night in search of items of value, which can hopefully be purchased less than their value or cost elsewhere. Like the Trade Me trawlers the people in Jesus’ parable were searchers. The merchant was actively looking for fine pearls and the other person was actively searching for something in the field. Perhaps both had heard rumours or received clues that set them off on their searches. This parable brings to mind Jesus’ words in Matt 7:7: “Seek and you will find”. Seeking, having eyes that see and ears that hear, are all refrains in the Scriptures. Searching for God in our lives and in our world involves being alert and active in our spiritual lives, always awake to the possibility that the voice of God or an element of the kingdom of heaven might be found in the events of our everyday lives. It is easy to lapse into a passive approach to our spiritual lives. If we are waiting for God to break through the thick layer of our routines and priorities it may not happen, or we may simply not notice it when he does. In the parable one person went digging in a field and the other turned over baskets full of pearls in their search. Their response was dramatic when they found items of value. If we are sometimes reluctant to search for God, is it because we suspect we might have to respond in a similar way in terms of change?

E ngã mãtua, tena Koutou, Talofa

Principals Piece:

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

The Community survey which was emailed to everyone has now closed and we have had 72

responses. These will now be collated and shared back to the community.

Thank you to all those families that completed the survey. This is about St Joseph’s continuing to

connect in partnership with our community. We always strive to do the best for each child and we

certainly need your support.

It is imperative you keep up-to-date by the school website and school app, we regularly post

messages and families need to read the newsletter. It comes out in weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 this term.

The teachers have been working with CORE Education for a number of years now. One of the things

we have developed is a Learner profile for our children. This one page document is shared later on in

this newsletter.

This Wed 9th Aug at 6.30pm, we will be having a sports strategic planning meeting. James Davidson

from Sport Waikato and members of the Project Energize team, will be helping us facilitate this

meeting. The purpose of this is to get an idea of what we want to achieve with sport at St Joseph’s in

the future and how to align this with our school mission, vision and values. If you are interested in

coming, this is an opportunity to be a part of something positive with sport at St Joseph’s. We look

forward to seeing you.

Page 2: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s

We are now going to be officially changing the uniform and this will take a few years so please don't

panic. The new uniform will be able to be mostly worn all year round with a few exceptions. It will be

able to be purchased online and through NZ Uniforms. We will take a conservative approach to

implementing as to not put any extra pressure on families so changes can be made slowly.

School and home are a partnership and we want to work together for each child to reach their

potential. If there are any concerns throughout the year with your child, please contact your child's

classroom teacher first. If you are not satisfied, then you should make contact with the Team Leader. If

you are still not satisfied with things, then make a time to come in and see myself or Tracy Svendsen.

God Bless,

James Murray


Week 3 Calendar Week 4 Calendar


7th August

9am: Gospel Reflection Yrs 7&8

7.30pm: PTFA Meeting


14th August

9am: Gospel Reflection

6pm: BOT Meeting


8th August AIMS Games Pizza Lunch


15th August

12pm: Whole School Mass –


AIMS Games Pizza Lunch


9th August

9am: Syndicate Mass - Yrs 0-3

6.30pm: Sports Community



16th August 1.30pm: Yr 0-3 Cross Country


10th August


17th August

9am: Yr 4-8 Cross Country – Porritt


4.30pm: Yr 7&8 Waimaths Quiz


11th August

Yrs 4-6 Project Energize Cross

Country Skills


18th August

2pm: School Assembly: Rm 2 Host,

Rm 6 Sharing


13th August 10am: Sunday Mass


20th August 10am - Sunday Mass

Page 3: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s

St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield

Learner Profile

Developed by teaching staff in 2017

When learners leave St Joseph’s they will be faithful.

Learners will: Have opportunities to build their relationship with God. Live the Gospel Values through their relationships and interactions with others.

When learners leave St Joseph’s they will be effective communicators.

Learners will: Verbalise their thoughts, opinions and feelings in an appropriate manner to the situation. Make meaning and sense of a range of written texts. To be able to read, write and make

connections to share understanding. Be aware of and respond to the varied ways people communicate.

When learners leave St Joseph’s they will be competent thinkers.

Learners will: Independently reflect on learning, problem solve and find solutions using initiative and creative

thinking. Think critically, creatively and reflectively to make sense of information, experiences and ideas. Independently form their own opinions and ideas, based on prior knowledge and new learning. Confidently ask questions to clarify thinking. Work effectively to collaborate with others.

When learners leave St Joseph’s they will show resilience.

Learners will: Have the skills to cope with life’s challenges. Be confident in their abilities. Challenge their limitations. Persevere and learn from their failures.

When learners leave St Joseph’s they will be effective self-managers.

Learners will: Be able to competently take ownership of themselves and their learning. Demonstrate self-management across varied environments. Take pride in their learning and strive to improve. Proactively take steps to further their learning. Take ownership of their belongings. Accept responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions. Understand the consequences of effective self-management and ineffective self-management.

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QUIZ NIGHT - Save the date – Sat 28th Oct

The St Joseph’s Quiz night is one of games, fun, meeting new people and of course a chance to use all

those little gems of knowledge you thought you'd never need! Great prizes too. Get your own team

of eight together or we can help you join a team. More details later this term.


Choose between 38% protein bars in seven delicious flavours, 98% fruit bars in two different flavours

or fruit and nut bars in two flavours (just remember St Joseph’s school has a NO NUTS policy, when

packing the school lunchbox).

Order forms are available on the school website under the NEWS tab, or orders can be emailed to

[email protected].

Money can be paid into the PTFA account or posted in the red PTFA box in the school office ear-

marked Bars fundraiser. PTFA Bank a/c: ASB 12-3171-0260206-00, Ref: Your Name & Bars

The closing date for the next order is Fri 1st Sept. Please return completed order form to the red PTFA

box in the school office by the due date. Orders will be distributed on Fri 8th Sept so stock up for AIMS



This is the last week to be able to order and pick up this year’s Entertainment books from the school.

After this the books or app will still be available but please make your orders on line at

Page 5: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s


Kia ora Koutou,

This term the key focus for Te Reo within the classrooms are focused around Kaitiakitanga. This

means guardianship, protection, preservation or sheltering.

This will be an extension of last terms Te Reo focus which was developing our Matariki gardens. Our

context looks at the care and preservation of our garden and our understanding of Kaitiakitanga.

The gods of the natural world were considered to be the original kaitiaki – for instance, Tāne Mahuta,

god of the forest; Tūmatauenga, god of war and people; Tangaroa, god of the sea; Haumia-tiketike,

god of uncultivated foods; Rūaumoko, god of earthquakes; Rongomātāne, god of cultivated foods;

Tāwhirimātea, god of weather.

The students will gain an understanding of becoming guardians (kaitiaki) of the garden and carers of

the natural environment. It is a way of learning about the environment, based on the traditional Māori

worldview and incorporating the language within it.

Professional development

This year the teachers are doing a paper through the Te Wānanga called He Papa Tikanga. It is a

Certificate in Tikanga Māori. He Papa Tikanga gives an insight into a Māori worldview. It includes units

which include learning about traditions, concepts, values and protocols. It will help the teachers at St

Joseph’s gain a higher understanding of the Māori worldview and integrate this knowledge into their

daily teaching practices.

Nga mihi

Anna Crawford


ICAS Science, Digital Technologies or Spelling

Congratulations to the following students who achieved the grade of Distinction or High Distinction.


Rupert Leary – Distinction

James Bell – Distinction

Jeremy Coombe - High Distinction

Digital Technologies:

Nicholas Perano – Distinction


Abigail Wong – Distinction

Jeremy Coombe - Distinction

Year 6, 7&8 Catholic Interschools Maths Quiz - “CathMath”

On Tues 1st Aug, nine students took part in the Catholic schools maths quiz held at Marian School.

Our Year 7&8 teams represented us well on the day, and our Year 6 team won their section.

Congratulations to Jeremy Coombe, Sergio Alonte and Callum McCabe for their great win!

Page 6: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s

YR 4-8 CROSS COUNTRY – Thurs 17th August 2017

Children need to wear/ bring:

P.E. shirt or T-shirt of house colour with black shorts.

Running shoes are optional.

Warm outer clothing and a jacket.

Their school bags with food to eat and a drink bottle


9am Year 4-8 students leave school by bus

9:20am Students to walk the course

10am Events begin

12:30pm Events end. Students then return to school on the buses or go home with parents

Order of events:

Year Distance

Year 8 Boys 2500m

Year 8 Girls

Year 7 Boys 2500m

Year 7 Girls

Year 6 Boys 2000m

Year 6 Girls

Year 5 Boys 2000m

Year 5 Girls

Year 4 Boys 2000m

Year 4 Girls

LUCKY BOOK CLUB – Closes Fri 11th Aug

Issue 5 is now open for ordering and closes on Friday 11th August.

From now on all parent credit card orders must be placed via the LOOP platform. Parents can

order online at, or on your phone via the

LOOP mobile app.

Check the details at the bottom of the order form for more details or contact Karen Frater (Library

Administrator): [email protected].


Eve Donoghue and MacKenzie Johnston are off to Invercargill to compete in the synchronised

swimming nationals. As part of the team’s fundraising efforts, Domino’s Rototuna are supporting

them by donating $1 from every pizza purchased on Wed 16th Aug between 5pm-8pm.

So why not grab an easy meal for dinner and help the girls achieve their goal – they would really

appreciate your support.

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We would like to advise all families that The Warehouse, Te Rapa are no longer stocking the

St Joseph's Catholic School uniforms; NZ Uniforms at 244 Tristram Street is now our new


The new uniform will be available to purchase within the next few weeks from NZ Uniforms.

The new uniform is to be phased-in over the next couple of years.

The school office will only have stock of sports uniform, hats and beanies (orders for sports

jackets and pants will be available twice a year). At the moment, there are a few summer girls

dresses/skirts available also.

Second-hand old school uniform will still be available via the PTFA.

Leftover stock of the old uniform will be available from NZ Uniforms until stocks run out.

The school office has a display of the new school uniform including pricing should you be

interested in viewing it.

We appreciate your patience and consideration during this changeover period.


Tackling Technology Information Session

Get the confidence and skills parents need to be

proactive when tackling technology. Topics

include text bullying, gadget addiction, online

safety and electronic gaming.

The evening is being run by The Parenting Place

and hosted by Marian Catholic School Hamilton

East, Gerry Sullivan Events Centre: Tues 19th

Sept at 5.45pm.

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Smith & McKenzie Cheesecake Festival

St Joseph's have entered in the annual Smith & McKenzie Cheesecake Festival. Our delicious flavour

for this year is Snickers. Head into Smith & McKenzie and try our cheesecake and vote for St Joseph's.

$1 from every slice goes back to our school. The school with the most votes wins $500 worth of book


Plus, download the blue Kid’s Complimentary Main Meal voucher below and head to Smith &

McKenzie with your family.

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Page 10: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s
Page 11: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s
Page 12: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s
Page 13: St Joseph’s Catholic School, Fairfield · 2017. 8. 8. · St Joseph’s Catholic School Fairfield Learner Profile Developed by teaching staff in 2017 When learners leave St Joseph’s