spring is here!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe...

1 t J M,-.«L**IJISPp ~;':+$a ¥»; -.- •i • ' • SPRING IS HERE! A PROGRESSIVE BEPUBUCA N NEWSPAPER DKVOTED TO THE UPBVlUit'SU <IF AMERICAN [10 Mf-iS AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIE? BURLINGTON, ALAMANCE .COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FkiD^VySf^tCH 26, 1915. HSi DUTCH STEAMER IS TORPEDOED; THE IJ-29 REPORTED TO BE SUNK BIG VICTORIES FOR RUSSIANS NEW WOMAN IN OSBOHNE CASE | KNEW “DEAR OLIVER” i Helen K a »*r Says Sbe Had Letters j From Him, That He Courted .Her | and Gave a Diamond Ring. ‘Oliver Osborne” still out of sight. 1 r The Meda Was Flying.Dutch Flag H ad N am e Printed on Side— The !ng,ram^ WOsborne/or?50’0<K> for — T a * -j i . breach of promise and the former As- U -2 v7 M o s t r am O U S OI A l l t l i e l/ a X *‘ jsistairt District Attorney charging her ing Submarines— Russian Vi-;w ith attempt at bia<*mail>the new ctories Believed to Be Most Im j portant and Austrian Army May Be Cut Off From Rear (By the Associated Press.) figure being Miss Helen Kaiser, a yo- ung woman of New York. | Miss Kaiser comes into the case on ; her own imitative, saying it is her pur- jpose to aid James W. Osborne, that .he is not "Oliver Osborne," that she knows “Oliver/’ that He courted her Dover, March 25, (11:25 p. m.)— The Dutch steamer, Medea, Mas sunk o<T tor some■ weeks and gave her a dia- Beach Head this morning by the German submarine, U-26. She carried a mond ring, that he treated her ail „ , „ . , T right and is a fine and handsome fel- cargo of oranges and was bound from Salomkj for London. j, .. ; lotv, that there is no resemblance be- The Medea was stopped by the submarine and thecrew given fifteen min- twee„ Wm ;im! James w . Osborne. utes to leave the vessel* They did so, and the submarine then fired several Aiid she has letters in which the; h&nd- shots at the steamer, which remained afloat for an hour. The crew rowed writing is the same as that in the let- about in boats until picked up by a destroyer, which brought them to Dover. ter “01i%rer” wrote to James W, Os~ The Trawler, Albrecht, was attacked by a submarine today. A torpedo * 0ine* an<^ handwriting of O. ' - * „ « ■. , , . , , Osborne” on the hotel register at passed within ten feet of the fishing boat while she was crossing the channel. , *T _ , Plainfield, N. J., where “Oliver” reg.s- A British patrol boat chased the submarine. tere(, wii1) s(jrr.e one 3S his wife ------------------- Case Summoned Up. London, midnight, March 2T>.—The admiralty, in reporting the sinking of The New York Sun yesterday sum- the Medea by the U-28, says: . moneti up the latest developments in "The ship Was flying the Dutch flag and had a Dutch crew aboard. Her caic UP ^i0nc‘a^ as foi- lows: name. ‘Media* Amsterdam/ was painted in large letters on her sides. The “Oliver Osborne of a mysterious origin, who says that he is the Os- borne who c*;i me into Miss Tanzer’s life last fail, had not appeared. “ Miss Helen Kaitor of 554 Mott ave-* nue, The LJronx. told the United States Attorney that she knows, an Oliver j March 14, lU15f sifter a lingering ill- Qsijorne. A comparison of letters re-- TRIBUTE PAID TO MRS. JACKSON -WHOLE CITY UNITES IN SERVICES AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ship’s papers were taken by the Germans, who refused to return them U-23 Reported Sank. . Death of John Andrews. London, 10 p. m., Mtrch 25.—“The ! :^-.ira).ty ba.r good reason to believe j Mr> John AndrewSi Mll 0f Mr. and the German submarine U-29 has !*oen!Mrs. Arch;.e Andrews, died Sunday. .sunk with all hands.” • This news, published tonight, iol ‘ ness with that dreadful disease, tu- ceivcn-l by her from him shows that the ver .-Osborn*'** first met her in an ac- cident a .street. When she, was thrown into his arms, walked home vithrkpr, *^vited ah<f cabled agai^, met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said. ‘ Mnxweli SlsJe, attorney for Miss Tanscr*. was brought before -the'Kedr era!. grand jury and- asked io sur- render the-fetter that had been! ^ivon him by -Miss Kaiser,. H<? refused and the $ra ;*d juvy z&txi the court to ad- judge him in contempt. THat-matter went over '.ill Tuesday, Siade saying that as LW coumso! of Miss Tanzer he had the rig-ivt to-hold the letter, that this was a part: of his clier/s testimony^ and to' kep it was- a eon- sfatutionai right. The court took :ic j faatter under ajvvemen. The gov- j ernment while still o:t the lookout for | Oliver Osborne,, bays it can pru^e: While the bell in the city hall tower tolled in expression of a- city’s sonow its case against Rae Tanzer without! .. ;ana the ben of the First Presbyterian ChurchB where the service was held* mm. Mr, Osborne s partner, Mr. 1 Lamb, says “ Oliver'' wlil be on hand added' a '851v*r note to thc threnody, .thfere assembled on North Tryon and for the trial-rsf the suit of Rae Tsin-, Trade streets a lon^ procession that attesed he significance of the "hour, zer. : Many stores were closed. Body Will be Interred in Virginia To- day- -Imposing Procession and Large Crowd at Service Here. Chailotte’s farev/cli tribute to Mrs Stonewall Jackson Was Paid at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon amid Scenes that Will live in Memory a* among the Most Impressive ever Witnessed Here. Attractive ai>d Red Hair. i Varied m personnel was that procession—emblematic of all th*». many phases As tp Mi?s Kaiser the New Yoi'k of life that had been touched by Stonewall. Jackson’s widow. There were tfco Time.s jSays: “ Miss Kaiser was found khaki-ciad troops with shouldered rifles, suggestive of the grimness of the last, nigh^, by a Timet reporter at Suiyjer.j:;c to which .she had griven her husband when the now grey-haired her hoine*‘554 Mott avenue, the Bronx, ' . ^ . . , , veterans of the Confederacy were as young as these buoyant, confident, hope- where $h» Uvea with her mother. She .said ihat,*he had gone into the case fnl stri?'inS= that marched by with Moulders erect nnd heads held high. sjmply to elp haaes W. Osborne be- There were military cadets of Horner School in bright uniforms that baapoke cause, after reading* tlie newspapers, the glamor and jjlory cf a martial career. There were the prcy-cIad Con- she decided that he had been accused ferra te veterans who mourned ih-? loss of another vital link between the vrrozgly. Sfce had no intention, she explained, o f rlnjpnjr any suit against lowing reports that the attacks on the . i,ercujosis> jje Wus 22 years of aj»v handwritinj^ uf the Orfobrne she know nardaneiles had been Resumed and that the Russians had won important victories over the Austrians in Buko- winM und at Uzok Pass In the Car- pathians, £»v<* the. jillied countries cause for cheerfulness. Arfnili. and a young ma^ of noble character. He ivied a clean, moral life. Shortly before his. death; professing faith in was the same as that °f the Oliver Osborne who injectod himself into the case last Friday and has kept under cover ever since. . **»v iiiiiiiii aii.y ft*iVi how-' <>r whore the U-2U was sunk, but thc reporl that she was disposed of was received in shipping: circles with relief. Mcsl Satitt; of AIL It was this vessel which a fortnight ago torpedoed six steamers in Bristol channel and off the Scilly Islands within two days. Her commander told one of the merchant captains who was taken aboard the submarine that he commanded the submarine which torpedoed the British cruisers Abou Ir.ffjn* IWJcc JTijqor u«*wc Eave him last Friday and v/as haled before Judge Cushman in the circuit court in contempt proceeding’s, Af- Christ. He expressed a willinRness “ Ma.W ell Slade of Slade & Slade, Ty-d to ;>r«swcr |;hc cnll nf aUoijir-y.^ Mss. t*)' j the Ueactt Ange*. he was conscious teli-laic Federal ^rmid jury about a untu the very iasi moment. The funeral service was conducted at tho home on Monday at U a. m., by Rev. Goo, L. Curry, assisted by Revs, (cr ;1„ argument the matter was ad- M. W. Buck and W . C. Jones. In- jouraed until todjiy. The letter was termeTit was at PhiUips Chape*. written by Oliver Osborne. The deceased is survived by his “ Mi.ss Kaiser and W. J. ICitchin, parents, three brothers, and three sis- proprietor of the Kensington Hotel in ters. May the Lord bless abundantly Plain ed, N. J., where a man and a the bereaved fam ily and host of woman registered last fall as ‘O. 0 * friends that mourn the loss of this borne' und Mr.s- Osborne, inspected noble young man.— A FRIEND. James W. Osborne and asserted posi- . _________ - ____________ - lively that he is not the man known The Stereopticon Lectures. t° them as Oliver.Osborne, yesterday that shall never be a^ain and the today that js swiftly passing. , _ . There were prominent women, scores and scores, who signalized by their the real Oliver Osbor.je or any one * H J e!?e. -\Rked about the 'two letters presence in the parade the passing of one of who was a worthy exponent vf she • \ Marshal! she- h«d re- the highest ideals of Southern womanhood. And there came trooping, toe, ceived from Oliver Osborne, she ro- the l;ri#?ht-eyed Children of thc Confederacy; and there came inarching1 too, plied that she w^.> not at ]ibe«ty to f^wn-rlod Boy Scouts, children uf the morning. For some the sun wa* tell their contents, except to say that . . . . . . . . * sinking, for some it vas at i.oon-ume ?.cmth, for some it was just rising iuu> view. The sptvtr.ele was a xivid presentaten of the mpotcnce of time t« impose forpretfulnv^s on a people who refuse to forget. ------------- ! .-- - - i - Th« immediate class of Mr?.. Jackson'*! death was pneunionLi which was contracted four days ajjv (they were *fui 1 of endearing lerm-i.’ Both letters, «he said, wen* delvered to her and not nutiled. **Mi,-..s K a iw r is 1*4 years old, five feet and six inches tall, and weighs about 185 pound*. She has red ha$r and is attractive. Mr. James. Ii. Coble Dead. Mr. James It. Coble of roensboro , - Wiv■■•It was the result of a cold contracted ;?;fr after fir. - We tiike special pleasure in_ “James W- Osborne^ motion for u kir, Cressy and Hogue. If this were (nouncinfj that the concluding lecture blli Particulars m the^ civd suit true, he was the man who was looked upon as Germany’s most darinjr sub- marine navigator. This makes the sixth German sub- marine sunk so far as the British ad- miralty has report, five of them at least by British warships since the outbreak of the war, and in only one case has the British report been de- nied by the Germans. Besides these, a French warship recently sank a submarine off the French coast and three British merchant captains have put in claims for rewards offered for merchant men ramming German un- derwater craft. One of these claims, that of the captain of the Steamer Thordis, has been allowed and the re- ward paid. Ssrpriw 1‘arty- H Mr. Henry Jeffries and sister, Miss wiii bi‘ buried al Alamance cnurch 10- Mittie, wore given a surprise party Jay. by their many frien<Js Wednesday evening from eipht till eleven. The party met at the home of Mr. W. H. , __ . this city. Mr. J. R. Mebane left yes- Black, and went to the home of Mr. Mr. Coble u'::s a brother-in-law cf Messrs. J. R. ;md W. N. Mebane of Jeffries ami took them hy complete surprise. - The evening was very pleasantly spent in playing rook and other games. Refreshment* consisinj? of delicious fruit* were served during the evening. terday to attend the funeral. SUNDAY BATS A HOME RUN. Prohibition Amendment eDfeoted St. Paul. Minri., Mar. 25.— The state- wide prohibition amendment was de- feated in tho Minnesota house today fiO to 54. •on uie U f* cf Christ, *»- the. Enisco- broa^ ,t aKakst him ** Miss T * * 3* * pal Church, will also be given on Sun- was « ‘««'^n ed until Wednesday for day night as weli as Monday and will artCjrnent. doubtless prove the most interesting' “James W' Osborne filled an appli- ,f them a!!. There are sc many slides cati(>n to W the ci" ! suit put upon in the last, that Mr. Gibble has con- ihe Purred calendar so that the eluded to njiike two lectures out of can ^ held 500n' them. To Aid James W. Osborne. They show many miracles and par- Miss Kaiser stated thi)t she had seen ables, bringing in the touching one about the case inthe papers and -n j of the Tender Shepherd and the Lost Saturday went to the office of Slade Sheep, the comforting words of ‘Come and Slade, showing to them a letter unto Me, all ye that are weary ant' written to her by “Oliver Osborne.” heavy laden and I will give you rest,” She was shown the picture of James the “Last Supper,” Crucifixion,” “Res- W. Osborne and said he was not “Oli- tirrection,” his last days on earth and ver 03home.” The Slades refused to ending with the “Ascension,” all of give back to her the latter from “Oli- which arc particularly appropriate ver” which she had shown them. On for the Lenten and Easter season. this by advice she got in touch with Many have said, they are the most United States Attorney Marhall, and instructive lecturcs they ever heard met Sir. James \V. Osborne. She de- and makes everything look so real, dared that he was not the “Oliver Os- The Sunday night lecture wil! be horne” who had courted her. She had at 7:1)0 (28th, insl.,) and the closing other letters from “Oliver” and James one or. Monday night (23th, inst.,) W. Obsorne wrote so that the hatid- at 8 p. m. writing might, be compared. They A warm welcome is extended to all. did not tal’-y- Miss Kuise-r says "OU- Kvangelist Bark on Diamond for First Time ia T*eniy-Four Years. Thostj present to enjoy he evening (Philadelphia Special to Washington Star.) Although he had not been in the professional field for twenty-four t»r» «♦. h:\t. wcri-: Misses Fannie and Myra Black. Claytie Petty. Bertha Stinson, Winnie and Maud Frazier, Minnie ■Ivsy. rVari Barham. Amy McBane, Eliie Newlin, Messrs. Lawrence Black, Jennings >*foro Shite, °'V>'er of the Ath- and Will CojjJe, Hgnry and C. R. Ivey, letios. on the diamond on the P'hil- T. T. Stafford, “Hi!!” Isley. <^ ’lyde ]jes grounds yesterday, knocked a Black. . whomerM the llrst crack, and circled ^ l>asos in sixteen seconds. Baseball Saturday. T*unorrow thc Burlington “I've still got some of the old-time j Higrh pep left,” ho paid. “If I’m not n: i** oays asro wiixi** .^jie *e<*t»7u c>rt 1 be front piar.za of her home. Heart iroulde. aggravated l»y age and at- tendarl ;nfij*mitiest were contributing and fun<lamental factors. This trou- ble had been occasioning* her physi- cians uneasiness for several years but it did not assume a serious form until about eight months ago. Last August she had an acute attack at Walter's Park, Pa., near Philadelphia, and was taken to a hospital in the latter city for treat nvr.t. H’hen she recovered sufficiently she was h*-oii£ht home but she never regained her full strength although she undertook t° attend to h^r domestic and other duties until last Fs.fi when her h*.a!.h again faileyi. Mure than once since «i.e incipency of her illness ^.he had suifered att-ick^ which had caused her life to be spaired of, but each time ?he had been jable to r**,Uy her resources. The • ,.ivs of Mrs. Jackson's death school base ball tram will cross bats :;ood as I used to be, I’m sure I could j " :" '0C'K an(^ grieve the entire wiih the Sylvan High school team, train up in a short time and make I ■> whv.'h has cherished with sin- This game .was to have been played my living on the diamond again if .ecu- nnk-r the helpmeet cf him who last Saturday but the threatening con- necessary. j:_ ditio:* of the weath^ caused it to be .\t Shibe's invitation Sunday t^ok cancelled. a whirl out to the field while his as- C-alvin Euliss will be on the mound sistants conducted the routine pray- in is lifo-time was the powerful right arm of thi: embattled Southern nation nnd the idol of its soldiery. Through- for ihe local team and will dish out er meetings in tlie Tabernacle. Kip- ou* ^‘e c^0:>0 °f the great civil cor.- the proper article for the opposing ping off his coat, Sunday grabbed u pjfi^* Mrs. Jackson has held unohal- batmeii. For the Sylvan team a south- a bat in tbe clubhouse &nd dashed j longed the position of primacy in the paw of no mean reputation will occupy for the plate, where he dropped into'affections of this poorde the pit«nd it doth not yet appear what his old-time pose and waited forj kind of .itufT he will hand out to the Shlbe to toss one over. Ben put the; wildcrs o f the willow from the local, first ball 3<juarclv over the plate. branch of the Wo A good game is expected. It is hop- Sunday made a vicious swing, caught man 5 Auxiliary will soon elect offi- ed that a good crowd wil) be out. it squarely cn the nose, and finished ocrs and send a large delegation. Tins Admis^km 2ft and lSceaK »-he bases puffing like a steam engine, organization is of world wide scope." ix-. Ik- %I. i A- . i (I PRINT \i •• *■- W- ' iv* ^ <\ fib.. .

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Page 1: SPRING IS HERE!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said

1 t J M,-.«L**IJISPp ~;':+$a¥»; -..-

• • • i • •• ' • SPRING IS HERE! • • • •

• •

A PR O G R E SS IV E B E P U B U C A N N E W S P A P E R D KVO TED TO T H E U P B V lU i t 'S U <IF A M E R IC A N [10 Mf-iS A N D A M E R IC A N IN D U S T R IE ?

B U R L IN G T O N , A L A M A N C E .CO U NTY, N O R T H C A R O L IN A , F k iD ^ V y S f^ tC H 26, 1915.HSi


| K N E W “ D E A R O L IV E R ”

i Helen K a » * r Says Sbe Had Letters

j From Him , That He Courted . Her

| and Gave a Diamond Ring.

‘O liver Osborne” still out o f sight.■ 1 r

The Meda W as Flying.Dutch FlagHad Name Printed on Side— The !ng,ram W Osborne /or?50’0<K> for— T a * -j i -» . breach o f promise and the form er As-

U - 2 v7 M o s t r a m O U S O I A l l t l i e l / a X * ‘ jsistairt D istrict A ttorney charging her

ing Submarines— Russian V i-;with attempt at bia<*mail>the new ctories Believed to Be Most Im j portant and Austrian Arm y May Be Cut O ff From Rear

(B y the Associated Press.)

figure being Miss Helen Kaiser, a yo­

ung woman o f N ew York.

| Miss Kaiser comes into the case on

; her own imitative, saying it is her pur-

jpose to a id James W . Osborne, that

.he is not "O liver Osborne," th a t she

knows “ O liver/’ that He courted her

Dover, March 25, (11:25 p. m .)— The Dutch steamer, Medea, Mas sunk o<T to r som e■ weeks and gave her a dia-

Beach Head this m orning by the German submarine, U-26. She carried a mond ring , that he treated her ail

„ , „ . , T righ t and is a fine and handsome fe l-cargo o f oranges and was bound from Salom kj fo r London. j, „ . .

; lotv, that there is no resemblance be- The Medea was stopped by the submarine and thecrew given fifteen min- twee„ W m ;im! James w . Osborne.

utes to leave the vessel* They did so, and the submarine then fired several A iid she has letters in which the; h&nd-

shots a t the steamer, which remained afloat fo r an hour. The crew rowed w ritin g is the same as that in the let-

about in boats until picked up by a destroyer, which brought them to Dover. ter “ 01i%re r ” w rote to James W , Os~

The Traw ler, A lbrecht, was attacked by a submarine today. A torpedo * 0ine* an< handwriting o f O.' - * „ « ■. , , . , , Osborne” on the hotel reg ister at

passed w ithin ten fe e t o f the fishing boat while she was crossing the channel. ™ , *T _ ,Plainfield, N . J., where “ O liver” reg.s-

A British patrol boat chased the submarine. tere(, wii1) s(jrr.e one 3S his w ife

------------------- Case Summoned Up.

London, midnight, March 2T>.— The adm iralty, in reporting the sinking o f The N ew York Sun yesterday sum-

the Medea by the U-28, says: . moneti up the la test developments in

"Th e ship Was fly in g the Dutch flag and had a Dutch crew aboard. H er ca ic UP ^i0nc‘ a^ as fo i-lows:

name. ‘ Media* Amsterdam / was painted in la rge letters on her sides. The“ O liver Osborne o f a mysterious

origin, who says that he is the Os­

borne who c*;i me into Miss Tanzer’ s

life last fa il, had not appeared.

“ Miss Helen K a itor o f 554 M ott ave-*

nue, The LJronx. told the United States

A ttorney that she knows, an O liver j March 14, lU15f sifter a lingering ill- Qsijorne. A comparison o f letters re--


ship’s papers were taken by the Germans, who refused to return them

U-23 Reported Sank. .

Death o f John Andrews.London, 10 p. m., M trch 25.— “ The !

:^ -.ira ).ty ba.r good reason to believe j Mr> John AndrewSi M ll 0f M r. and

the German submarine U-29 has !*oen !M rs. A rch ;.e Andrews, died Sunday.

.sunk w ith all hands.”

• Th is news, published tonight, iol ‘ ness with that dreadful disease, tu- ceivcn-l by her from him shows that the

ver .-Osborn*'** first met her in an ac­

cident a .street. When she, was

thrown into his arms, walked home

v ith rk p r, *^vited ah<f cabled agai^,

met, ih e -family, and made love to

her. -^Ho- -ir^ ted ine.a t all tim es as

a g^ d e in an ,” she said.

‘ Mnxweli SlsJe, attorney fo r Miss

Tanscr*. was brought before - th e 'K ed r

era!. grand ju ry and- asked io sur­

render the-fetter th a t had been! ^ivon

him by -Miss Kaiser,. H<? refused and

the $ra ;*d juvy z& tx i the court to ad­

judge him in contempt. THat-m atter

w ent over '.ill Tuesday, Siade saying

that as LW coumso! o f Miss Tanzer

he had the rig-ivt to-hold the letter,

that this was a part: o f his clier/s

testimony^ and to' kep it was- a eon-

sfatutionai right. The court took :ic j

faa tter under a jvvem en . The gov - j

ernment while still o:t the lookout fo r |

O liver Osborne,, bays it can pru^e: W hile the bell in the city hall tower tolled in expression o f a- c ity ’ s sonow its case against Rae Tanzer w ithout!. . ;ana the ben o f the F irs t Presbyterian ChurchB where the service w as held*mm. Mr, Osborne s partner, M r. 1Lamb, says “ O liver'' w lil be on hand added' a ' 851v* r note to thc threnody, .thfere assembled on North T ryon and

fo r the trial-rsf the suit o f Rae Tsin-, Trade streets a lon^ procession that attesed he significance o f the "hour,

zer. : Many stores were closed.

Body Will be Interred in Virginia T o ­day- -Imposing Procession and Large Crowd at Service Here. Chailotte’s farev/cli tribute to Mrs Stonewall Jackson Was Paid at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon amid Scenes that Will live in Memory a* among the Most Impressive ever Witnessed Here.

Attractive ai>d Red Hair. i Varied m personnel was that procession— emblematic of all th*». many phases

A s tp Mi?s Kaiser the N ew Yoi'k o f life that had been touched by Stonewall. Jackson’s widow. There w ere tfco

Time.s jSays: “ Miss Kaiser was found khaki-ciad troops w ith shouldered rifles, suggestive o f the grimness o f the

last, nigh^, by a Timet reporter a t Suiyjer.j : ;c to which .she had griven her husband when the now grey-hairedher hoine*‘554 M ott avenue, the Bronx,

' . ^ . . , , veterans o f the Confederacy were as young as these buoyant, confident, hope-where $h» Uvea w ith her mother. She.said iha t,*he had gone into the case fn l stri? 'inS= that marched by w ith M oulders erect nnd heads held high.

sjm ply to elp haaes W . Osborne be- There were m ilitary cadets o f Horner School in bright uniforms that baapoke

cause, a fte r reading* tlie newspapers, the glam or and jjlory c f a martial career. There were the prcy-cIad Con-

she decided that he had been accused f e r r a t e veterans who mourned ih-? loss o f another vital link between the vrrozgly. Sfce had no intention, she

explained, o f rlnjpnjr any suit against

lowing reports that the attacks on the . i,ercujosis> j j e Wus 22 years o f aj»v handwritinj^ uf the Orfobrne she know

nardaneiles had been Resumed and

that the Russians had won important

victories over the Austrians in Buko-

winM und a t U zok Pass In the Car­

pathians, £»v<* the. jillied countries

cause fo r cheerfulness.


and a young m a^ o f noble character.

H e ivied a clean, moral life . Shortly

be fore his. death; professing fa ith in

was the same as that ° f the O liver

Osborne who injectod h im self in to the

case last Friday and has kept under

cover ever since.

. **»v iiiiiiiii aii.y ft*iVi how-' <>r whore the U-2U was sunk, but

thc reporl that she was disposed o f

was received in shipping: circles with


M csl S a t i t t ; o f A IL

I t w as this vessel which a fortn igh t

ago torpedoed six steam ers in Bristol

channel and off th e Scilly Islands

w ithin tw o days. H er commander

told one o f the merchant captains who

was taken aboard the submarine that

he commanded the submarine which

torpedoed the British cruisers Abou

Ir.ffjn* IWJcc JTijqor u«*wcEave him last Friday and v/as haled

before Judge Cushman in the circuit

court in contempt proceeding’s, A f-

Christ. H e expressed a willinRness “ Ma.W ell Slade o f Slade & Slade,

Ty-d to ;>r«swcr |;hc cnll n f aUoijir-y.^ Mss. t*)'

j the Ueactt Ange*. h e was conscious teli-la ic Federal ^rmid ju ry abou t a

untu the very iasi moment.

The funeral service w as conducted

at tho home on Monday a t U a. m., by

R ev. Goo, L. Curry, assisted by Revs, ( cr ;1„ argument the m atter w as ad-

M. W . Buck and W . C . Jones. In- jouraed until todjiy. The le tte r was

termeTit w as a t PhiUips Chape*. w ritten by O liver Osborne.

The deceased is survived by his “ Mi.ss Kaiser and W. J. ICitchin,

parents, three brothers, and three sis- proprietor o f the Kensington H otel in

ters. M ay the Lord bless abundantly P la in e d , N. J., where a man and a

the bereaved fa m ily and host o f woman registered last fa ll as ‘O. 0 *

friends that mourn the loss o f th is borne' und Mr.s- Osborne, inspected

noble young man.— A F R IE N D . James W. Osborne and asserted posi-

._________ -____________- liv e ly that he is not the man known

The Stereopticon Lectures. t ° them as Oliver.Osborne,

yesterday that shall never be a^ain and the today that js sw ift ly passing.

, _ . There were prominent women, scores and scores, who signalized by theirthe real O liver Osbor.je or any one * H Je!?e. -\Rked about the 'tw o letters presence in the parade the passing o f one o f who was a worthy exponent v f

she • \ Marshal! she- h «d re- the highest ideals o f Southern womanhood. And there came trooping, toe,

ceived from O liver Osborne, she ro- the l;ri#?ht-eyed Children o f thc Confederacy; and there came inarching1 too,

plied that she w^.> not a t ]ibe «ty to f^ w n -r lo d Boy Scouts, children u f the morning. For some the sun wa*tell their contents, except to say that . . . . . . . .

* sinking, fo r some it v a s at i.oon-ume ?.cmth, for some it was just rising iuu>

view. The sptvtr.ele was a xivid presentaten o f the mpotcnce o f tim e t «

impose forpretfulnv^s on a people who refuse to forget.

------------- ! . -- - - — i - Th « immediate class o f Mr?..

Jackson'*! death was pneunionLi

which was contracted four days a j j v

(they were *fui 1 o f endearing lerm-i.’

Both letters, «he said, wen* delvered

to her and not nutiled.

**Mi,-..s K a iw r is 1*4 years old, five

feet and six inches tall, and weighs

about 185 pound*. She has red ha$r

and is attractive.

Mr. James. Ii. Coble Dead.

Mr. James It. Coble o f roensboro, - Wiv■■•It was the result o f a cold contracted

;?;fr a fte r fir. -

W e tiike special pleasure in_ “ James W- Osborne^ motion fo r u

kir, Cressy and Hogue. I f this w ere ( nouncinfj th a t the concluding lecture blli Particulars m the^ civd suit

true, he was the man who was looked

upon as Germany’s most darinjr sub­

marine navigator.

This makes the sixth German sub­

marine sunk so fa r as the British ad­

m iralty has report, five o f them at

least by British warships since the

outbreak o f the w ar, and in only one

case has the British report been de­

nied by the Germans. Besides these,

a French warship recently sank a

submarine o ff the French coast and

three British merchant captains have

put in claims fo r rewards offered for

merchant men ram m ing German un­

derwater craft. One o f these claims,

that o f the captain o f the Steamer

Thordis, has been allowed and the re­

ward paid.

S s r p r i w 1‘a r ty - HMr. Henry Jeffries and sister, Miss w iii bi‘ buried al Alamance cnurch 10-

Mittie, wore given a surprise party Jay.

by their many frien<Js Wednesday

evening from eipht till eleven. The

party met a t the home o f Mr. W. H., __ . this city. Mr. J. R . Mebane left yes-

Black, and went to the home o f Mr.

Mr. Coble u'::s a brother-in-law cf

Messrs. J. R. ;md W . N . Mebane o f

Jeffries ami took them hy complete

surprise. - The evening was very pleasantly

spent in p laying rook and other

games. Refreshm ent* consisinj? o f

delicious fru it* w ere served during the


terday to attend the funeral.


Prohibition Amendment eD feoted

St. Paul. Minri., Mar. 25.— The state­

w ide prohibition amendment was de­

feated in tho Minnesota house today

fiO to 54.

•on uie U f * c f Christ, *»- the. Enisco- broa^ ,t aK akst him * * M iss T * * 3* * pal Church, w ill also be given on Sun- was « ‘« « '^ n e d until Wednesday fo r

day night as w eli as Monday and w ill artCjrnent.

doubtless prove the m ost in teresting' “ James W ' Osborne filled an appli-

,f them a !!. There are sc many slides cati(>n to W the ci" ! suit put upon

in the last, that Mr. Gibble has con- ihe P u r r e d calendar so that the

eluded to njiike two lectures out o f can ^ held 500n' them. T o A id James W . Osborne.

They show many miracles and par- ■ Miss Kaiser stated th i)t she had seen

ables, bringing in the touching one about the case inthe papers and -n j

o f the Tender Shepherd and the Lost Saturday went to the office o f Slade

Sheep, the com forting words o f ‘ Come and Slade, showing to them a letter

unto Me, a ll ye that a re w eary ant' w ritten to her by “ O liver Osborne.”

heavy laden and I w ill g iv e you rest,” She was shown the picture o f James

the “ Last Supper,” Crucifixion,” “ Res- W . Osborne and said he was not “ O li-

tirrection,” his last days on earth and ve r 03home.” The Slades refused to

ending w ith the “ Ascension,” all o f g ive back to her the la tte r from “ O li-

which arc particu larly appropriate ver” which she had shown them. On

fo r the Lenten and Easter season. this by advice she go t in touch w ith

Many have said, they are the most United States A tto rn ey M arhall, and

instructive lecturcs they ever heard met Sir. James \V. Osborne. She de-

and makes everyth ing look so real, dared that he w as not the “ O liver Os-

The Sunday night lecture w il! be horne” who had courted her. She had

a t 7:1)0 (28th, insl.,) and the closing other letters from “ O liver” and James

one or. Monday night (23th, inst.,) W . Obsorne w rote so that the hatid-

a t 8 p. m. w ritin g might, be compared. They

A warm welcome is extended to all. did not ta l’-y- Miss Kuise-r says "OU-

Kvangelist Bark on Diamond fo r First

Tim e ia T *en iy -F o u r Years.

Thostj present to enjoy he evening (Philadelphia Special to Washington


Although he had not been in the

professional field fo r twenty-four

t»r» «♦. h:\t.

wcri-: M isses Fannie and M yra

Black. C laytie Petty. Bertha Stinson,

Winnie and Maud Frazier, Minnie

■Ivsy. rVari Barham. Am y McBane,

Eliie New lin ,Messrs. Lawrence Black, Jennings > *fo ro Shite, °'V>'er o f the Ath-

and W ill CojjJe, Hgnry and C. R. Ivey , letios. on the diamond on the P'hil-

T . T . Stafford, “ Hi!!” Isley. <’ lyde ]jes grounds yesterday, knocked a

Black. . whomerM the llrst crack, and circled

^ l>asos in sixteen seconds.Baseball Saturday.

T*unorrow thc Burlington

“ I 'v e still got some o f th e old-time j

Higrh pep left,” ho paid. “ I f I ’m not n:

i** oays asro wiixi** . jie *e<*t»7u c>rt

1 be front piar.za o f her home. H eart

iroulde. aggravated l»y age and at-

tendarl ;nfij*mitiest were contributing

and fun<lamental factors. This trou­

ble had been occasioning* her physi­

cians uneasiness fo r several years but

it did not assume a serious form until

about eight months ago. Last August

she had an acute attack a t W alter 's

Park, Pa., near Philadelphia, and was

taken to a hospital in the la tter city

fo r treat nvr.t. H ’ hen she recovered

sufficiently she was h*-oii£ht home but

she never regained her full strength

although she undertook t ° attend to

h^r domestic and other duties until

last Fs.fi when her h*.a!.h aga in faileyi.

Mure than once since «i.e incipency o f

her illness .he had suifered att-ick^

which had caused her l i fe to be

spaired o f, but each tim e ?he had been

jable to r**,Uy her resources.

The • ,.ivs o f Mrs. Jackson's death

school base ball tram will cross bats :;ood as I used to be, I ’m sure I could j " :" '0C'K an( gr ieve the entire

w iih the Sylvan High school team, train up in a short tim e and make I • ■> whv.'h has cherished w ith sin-

This gam e .was to have been played my living on the diamond again i f .ecu- nnk-r the helpmeet c f h im who

last Saturday but the threatening con- necessary. j:_

ditio:* o f the w ea th ^ caused it to be .\t Shibe's invitation Sunday t^ok

cancelled. a whirl out to the field w hile his as-

C-alvin Euliss will be on the mound sistants conducted the routine pray-

in is lifo-tim e w as the powerfu l r ig h t

arm o f thi: embattled Southern nation

nnd the idol o f its soldiery. Through-

for ihe local team and w ill dish out er meetings in t l ie Tabernacle. K ip- ou* ^ ‘e c 0:>0 ° f th e g rea t c iv il cor.-

the proper artic le fo r the opposing ping off his coat, Sunday grabbed u p j f i^ * Mrs. Jackson has held unohal-

batmeii. F o r the Sylvan team a south- a bat in tbe clubhouse &nd dashed j longed the position o f prim acy in the

paw o f no mean reputation w ill occupy fo r the plate, where he dropped in to 'a ffections o f this poordethe p it «n d i t doth not ye t appear w hat his old-time pose and waited fo r j

kind o f .itufT he w ill hand out to the Shlbe to toss one over. Ben put the; “wildcrs o f the w illow from the local, first ball 3<juarclv over the plate. X° branch o f the W o

A good gam e is expected. I t is hop- Sunday made a vicious swing, caught man 5 A u x ilia ry w ill soon elect offi-

ed that a good crowd w il) be out. i t squarely cn the nose, and finished ocrs and send a la rge delegation. T ins

Admis^km 2ft and lS c e a K »-he bases puffing like a steam engine, organ ization is o f w orld w ide scope."

ix - .I k - % I . i A-

. i ■


P R I N T‘ \ i •• *■ - W-


i v*^ <\ fib.. .

Page 2: SPRING IS HERE!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said

P A M TWO T U T W K X -A -W ** M S P O r * ; BOBLINGTWf, » . C FRIDAY, MAJtCB M . WIS.


N i t o r , Tw ice-W eek ly Dispatch,

Burlington, N . C.,

t t y Dear S ir :—

T*.at f u an interesting piece by

H r . Boswell in y «u r recent paper. Jl*

triad t o show Why he is against p r-

' HbitioA.

W hy did those P a «a n s y e ll “ Greu

is Diana, g rea t is D ia n a t” Because

Mtey w ere interested financially i

th * t degraded warship as. the Scrip

t«rc6 state. But sense over-ruled lassand now th it goddess is relegated to

f c r deserved doom.

Mammon beclouds the mind. A ll

that h iv e read Mr. Boswell’ s argu

meXs must be convinced his brain

is either very sorrily developed or

p itifu lly impaired. It was highly

g ra tify iaR to me to see h im stagger

and stumble like a drunken man 1*1 his gram m ar and logic.' Perhaps h;

was possessed w ith a goodly measure

* f his “ delicious strong drink.” , when

•nactin? that ludicious farce o f '.he

philosophic scrilx:

11 y own .fathei- ii'. thi.-\ tt>\vn con-

. iucted a "oar-room in day.-* gone by.'

He could tell in Unmistakable terms

• f his tria ls and miseries in ihat work.

He brought home in tho evenings hun­

dreds o f dollars that had iieen taken

iii over tbo .ljur, but when God rotbtd

him o f strength iYom being in the

4:^mp c r:'n r .. o much, all o f hi. accu-

■l’j ’ s i ' - v e n t l ik e . r-mok* foi- . doc­

tor's bill.-. Uis p fo r fam ily was fmlu-

iy le ft in (hst'ituUon m:i1 swrini", hav­

ing to depend on the scanty wage o f

an elderly- son and ;t 1 so a uit o f chiu-

ity. Mr. father '.vas a kindly sort i t

a man and had many friends “ '.ip-

tovrn1’ iii h ij pa!my days, litit when

he got down w ith rheuniatism at

home and was in need, these friends

(excep* one or tw o ) didn't know mat,

nor even came about him.

1 m ight say that I believe a man

that is oC unprincipled as to procure

a liv in g through the sal- it' whisk 'y

does not deserve any friends; but you

•jf m ere charity I believe ~omo o f ihe

men and women (especially o f the

Christian elem ent) o f this town

should have come to v is it my poor

father, i f fo r nothing more than to

console hin. or help him t<i pa-'s ;ho

h ou rs-o f suffering away in friendly

conversation— foi' he was a diligen i

reader and could talk.

But to return to the whiskey ques-

ciotb f. know liquor in its true ligh t;

stoo mucii ui iu> tuv.-v ..

»>chcrs nnd upon the ivorld in speak a

word in its favor. Even unprejudiced

doctor*-? w ill csay that it U. /:<>t

<ary fo r medicinal us**.

A grid sometime* will m uiry un *>ld

man totterinj? or. thc grave. ungainly

in person and unlovable i.i spirit, be­

cause or his money— she doesn’t love

hixu at- heart but she tries to, more

especially fo r his coin; deep down ir.

their heart they know liquor ir> an

ovil thin# worthy to he called ‘ ‘ liquid

damnation** but because they derive

j*omc protit in its tra ffic they place

it next t.o their hearts. One o f Amer-

tea** famous judges said that ninety

per cent o f the crimes that come to

his notice was caused prim arily from

Siyaor. Just notice the next “w rita-

up" o f a murder case and soe the

truth o f this statement. In the same

issue o f The Dispatch that B ’s artic le

appeared in, was some pithy extracts

from an ex-Gcvei-nor’s speech who

spoke at Burlington. H is thoughts co­

incide with my own, and I believe

w ith every fair-m inded, right-minded,

and clean-minded person. Thank God

liquor is going.


1 Hi Lancaster St- i .A V ID D. RE ID .


Gmua Aerial Bitd Male fr Frcid Capita! Bat Bits Siifkt

Baau e

CITIZENS BtSPUY FOgTITlfflEPeople Remained Calm Ouring

bardment— Trumpet* Warned C ity O f Aerial Fleet** Approach

Paris.— At. an early; morning hoar

Zeppelin airships raided Paris, aiid dropped a doxeii bombs, but the dam* age was unimportant. Seven- or eight persons n ere injured, but: only one

seriously.Fordr of the aircraft, s tirted for the

capital following the va lley o f the Oise, but only tw o reached their goal. Missiles, also were dropped at tom- piegne, ilibecourt and Dresllmourt, but without serious result.

Paris remained calm while Use aerial invasion was in progress, and resi­dents o f 'l ie city exhibited more curi­osity than fear. Trumpets gave th* signal that all lights, must be estiK £ niched as soon" as ■ warning 'rtiis re* ceiz.ed o f the Zeppelins’ approach. Searchlight* were turned on thi clouds, aiHi-airerat'i . suus opened fir;- and aeroplanes rose to attack the German*.- hut their operations were hampered by a hea\y mist.

Official Report On RaidAit official .conmiuniratiiiii rej?'urdin».

the raid declares H sttrved'. only to sftotv how well the defensive arrange-, ments would, work -out when put to the test. The statenu-m fo ilow s: . .

'•Between. 1:15 and o ’clock Ihi^ morning four Keppelins started fowar^ Paris, from th<* direction «>f <'oui- peigne. th*' vuil^y o i theOise. Tw o were t ;»-np«*ned to return . before reaching l^tris. *ine at Houen (10 miles north o f ‘Parisj. the other ut Xant*-'< ton the Seine. US miles from Parisi. The oUht two were attacked hy ami-ar/vrai’t nuns and only passed ovt-r 'lutiyjru; <ii?.triets o f the. north* western part o f Paris and neighboring, suburb.-*. Th i‘y withdrew a fter having dn-t)jM*d a b\)ini»>.. >oiue o f whichdid smt t'spln-h*. Tno damage don^ was uniir.i»ort;MK. or ♦-ipht person:Uf*n» injured, but only one .seriously.

•Tite ditter‘*nt .-tiitious for anti- ain rjt'i d^f^ns^* opeued lire upe'e the fci'ppeliiw. \>hieh ‘ ‘onstantty kepttluimined by -»oHr<*hlii5ht5. One ap* peun-d ?o hav-* l«'v>3 hit. The aero­plane squadron took part in the action, hm iuist hiimp«-‘red' pursuit.

•'SuniTuinp «P . tlie Zeppelin raid un l ’uri* v»atj a eouipletc failure. It servr-^l only u dt iuoustrat*3 how ^ e ll the do- f«‘usivt* arraiigemiMtts work. The popu­lar Ion was <-alnj. On thoir way bach. tJ;« Zeppelins •iropped a dozen iuren- • diary or explosive bombs on Coin- p*sirne. doitiK only unimportant dam-

Tiirc i' bombs wore dropped on ilibecourt and Dreslincourt, lo the ; nf.rjli o f ron)p»*i?m\ without resu lt” .


Contractors and Dealers in All Kinds of Building Material:••

CeilingF loo r in g -

SidingBoxingMoltiinu:Shinglesl.aths .DoorsSash

LimeCementCement PlasterPaintsOilsVarnNhi'*Fio'ii' StainsWindowsBiinda

5ee Us Before You Build.

Lumber Co.Mebane, N. €.


W . R. Calawaay, Shulls M ills, N . C.

Hurrah fo r dear old W oodrow,

R u ler o t our m ighy nation.

Soup house and low tariff laws, ,

And fo re ign immigra tion.

The man who love.s its w ith all his


And said he would make tilings better

Tiift it comes to us when w e stop to


That h " hasn’t come up to the iett >.-.

71.C man who tells us to understand,

I 'l l reduce the h igh cost o f liv in g;

But he ->ok our jobs throughout the


Ar.d we eat the soup he is g iv ing

The man who promised all ih e good, -

-And said it wasn 't hot air; ■'

t!ut the working man who supports


Believes now he wasn’t fa ir .

Hurrah fo r dear old W oodrow.

W e respect his high position.

H e fills the hungry, mouths w ith so jp

Ar.d thinks he fills his mission.

T h e T e l e p h o n e O p e r a t o r S a y s :

The New Beil Telephone System is different from the old in many re­spects. In order to get good service on the new telephones it is essential that you use the telephone properly.

♦The ooerators expect to be patient, always, and to help you in every pos­

sible way until you become accustom ed to the new

There was no fu ll moon la s t month,

which was the first. February in sixty-

ninc years w ithout a fu ll moon. But

let’s not gamble -at that, fo r there

Were tw o full moons in January and

there will be tw o in A pril.— Pint'

Bloom correspondence in Camilla

(G a .) Enterprise,.


F R O N T S T S B E T M. E . C H U B C 8 .


Rev. D. H. Tu ttle Paster.

P e w * to tho«e who enter.B lo ea fas* to th o s e w b o to.

P re a c h in g e v e ry S u n d a y , 1 1 :0 0 A.U . and 7 ;M P . M .

Sacrament o f th «.L o rd ’a Supper w itk

o ffering fo r Church eharitie*, F ln t

Sunday in each month.

Sunday School, every Sunday, 9uM

A , I f , ■

r i a y « r Meeting, Wednead*7 , 8:06 f

U .

board Steward* m eet on Monday

8:00 t . a fte r Fourth Sunday im

each moiiih Woman’* ili= ionary Society tneati

4:00 P. M., c Monday, a fte r IM

and 3rd Sundays.

Farsonage; corner W . D a d s and Hoic«


Pastor's Telephone, N o . 168.

K ing— Talk— Hang Upr—“ Buey.”

W E B B A V E N U E M . E. CH U R CH

S O U TH .

Corner Front and Anderson Street#.

Kev, O. C. Cox.

Sunday School every Sabbath at

9:45 A . M.

Preaching every F irs t and Th ird Sab-

l>ath at 11:00 A . M. and 7:30 P . fit.

M id-Week Service every Wedne»day,

7:30 F . U .

Everj'one W eicom*.

Kev. E. C. Durham, Pastor.

Preaching every lirst Suuday a t i l : 0tl

A . M., and 7:30 P . M . Second S ib -

day at 7:30 F. I I .

Sunday School e re ry Sunday a t 16 :w A .M .

A . M , H . F . Moore, Superintendent. Everybody Welcome.

K R E s a r r g R U N c h u r c h ,

Kev. Donald M c lver, Pastor.

Sarvice* every Snnday a t 11:00 A . M and 7:30 P. M .

Sunday School a t 9:45 A . M. B. R.Sellars, Suparistandwtt.

P rayer M eeting, Wednesday at 7 :# » P . M.

The Public is cord ially invited to aii

services. ,

B A P T IS T C H U R C H .

I-am>Tinge t'orner Front and Troi-

linger Streets.


C H U R CH .

Adams Avenue and Hall Street.

W ide Awake.

N orth Carolina is w ider awake this

•oinute than ever before, said Bion H

Butler in iast Sunday’s News and Ob


And there is new l i fe in oid Orange

aaid the State Journal in a recen.


The people o f Orange are g jrd in ;

ap their loins fo r a i M g ’ pul), a steadj

yn ll; and a pull a ll together fo r p rog

ross. Orange is quite capabie o f keep­

ing- steady pace w ith N o rth Carolina

ia rapid development.— N ew s Letter.

•<;ernj;i«y and Anstriuns xvlv> reside in Italy hnv«- btvn udvl&cd bv their n*<po<-tivi- t«>nsuU to h'rtve the

< ju i‘ U iy a s p x is s ib lo

it I- rt‘p.i!t.«| Ut'rt* rhat so many tJormait udhtary spio> have entered itc.iy that the general staff has chang­ed its ..mobilization plans, fccatise t h i s reason to h r liew tbnt sr^*rot< hiiv !n»#-n t'ovea!e«l.

The Gioruale iVHalia pubiish**.^ ai. interview with tier. Frauceseo F’l/tf- ja. deputy from Oretnona. who said:

••.Vow the moment lias come. will require a fortnight to gathor an ariuy cn the frontier in full war efficiency and strategically displayed. Kven ad m ining that concessions may l;e o f­fered. a show o f our force would per m it diplomacy to speak loudly when, the country is in a condition to have its nst raised ready in strike hard,”

A fter examining the situation o f the AUstro-Gftrman forces. General Pistoja said that 'the evntral empires eannot afford to have l.ehimi them a miliior Qrsi-line fresh troops sen days' march front Vienna.’ -

Germans Take Dutch Steamer Amsterdam.- -Another Dutch steam*

er. the Batavier V has boon seized by the (Jermans and fak.-?n into 7.??- bruggo, according to The Telepraaf Tho ship left Rotterdam fo r London, with a meat carpo. Th e Rotterdam Maasborio says it has learned that ?b* crews o f the Hatavier V and the Zaanstroom x'a Dutch steamer seized by the Germans), ,'ogether with the women and children who were on the j two vessels were released on their arrival at Zeebrug^e. hut that the o f - ; ficers and 1G Belgians were arrested.”

Battering The DardanellesParis.—Admirals o f tho allied deet.

who conferred aboard the "Yench flagship SufTem, are believed to have decided unanimously to renew soon the genera! attack on the Dardanelles, says a Havas dispatch from Tenedos. The French battleship Gaulois, the dispatch says, winch was badly dam­aged by the Turkish fort?, is anchored tn deep water off Mavrais island, while her sister ship, the Charlemagne, is standing by. ft has been found diffi­cult to make immediate repair* to the Gaulol# beoetuse o f storray weather.

.Very Attractive Low Kuund jrip Fares- - V ia- - **'

Southern RailwayPremier Carrier of the Scuth



<j'OQ K K —Burlington, N. C. to Memphis, Tenn. Ac- Ofc-v7.OOC0unt American Cotton Manufactureres Asso-„- ciation. Dates of sale April 10-11-12 th, l»i& with final.; limit, mic-T:ight of Aprii 24thll915... k-.-;. >tU.

----------dJO A f\ — Burlirgton, N. C. Washington. D. C.,‘i’’ac-> ♦pC/.,tlV/ccunt Daughters of the American Revolution, Dates, of April 15-16-17 1915, with final limit or May 8-th 1 9 1 5 . ^ ^ ^ - . ii . . . P*,-,

d ji Q O A — Buriirgltr, N. C. to Chattanooga, Tenn, ac- < p iO .O l/ C0lir,r Sfuihtrr CcnfcTtr.ce for Education snd

Industry. Dates <;f s:-t!e April 25-£6-27th 1915, with final limit, mid-night of May 8th 1915.

f l j j l AA~Burlington, N . C. to Mouston, Texas, account 1 .UUSouthern Baptist Convention, Dates of saie

Mi^y 6th to Uch, inclusive with final limit, irid-nigbt of May 31st 1915.

Fares from ?..)! other points on same basis.

For further infoimation, Pullman reservations, etc, apply to any Southern Railway Agent or

O. F. YorkTr&veling Passenger Agent

11:00 A . M and 7:30 r . M.

Sunday School every Sunday at

A. M

Prayer M eeting Wednesday, 7:-iU I*.


Judies' A id Society F irst Sunday A f ­


Re». M. W . Buck, P u to r .

Sunday Worship, 11:0* A . M., and 7:30 P . M.

Sundry School a t 9:30 A . J f J. J.

Scott, Superint«ni|«tt

P M i«« and Prayer Services, W ednri- d * j ac 7:80 P . M.

Christian Culture Class, Saturday at

3:00 P .M .

Charefc JXmffiKpce. WMaesday t«-lotth.

Sunday in eacli month.

W oman's Union, F irs t Monday a t ssefc Month. 3:39 P. « .


Church « f The Holy Caraferler.

The Rev. ,!ohr. Benners Gibble, Rector.

Services every Sunday. ll:0t> A . M.

and 7:30 P. M.

H o ly Communion: F irst Sunday, 11:00

A . M .s Th ird Sunday, 7:30 A . M.

K o ly and Saint’s Days, 10:00 A . Sf.

Sunday School 9:30 A. M.

The public is cordially invited.

A ll Pews Free. Fine Vested Choir.

Raleigh, N. C. ^

---------------------- ~ g »

V IC K ’S g S S & g & Z S A W E


Coiner Church and Davis Streets.

Rev. A. K, Kendall, Pastor,

Preaching -jv »ry Sunday 11:00 A . M.

and 7:30 P M.

Sunday School, 9:4$ A . M. John R.

Foster, Superintendent.

Christian Endeavor services Sunday

Evenings at S:<5.

Mid-W eek P rayer Service, every

Wednesday a t 7:30 P. M .

Ladies’ A id and M iseieaary Society

meets on Monday, a fte r the Second

Sunday in each month.

A cordial invitation extended te all.

A Church H om e t o t V is iter* and fo i

S tm *c «ra .


C H U R CH .

.Kant Davis Street.

Kev. G eorge L . Curry, Paator.

Prayer M eeting. Wednesday 7:80 f

U.Ladies’ A id and M issionary Societies

every Monday afternoon a fte r F ir a

Sunday in each monih.

Christian Endeavor Society meeta at

6:8® E very Sunday Evening.

Sunday School, 9:50 A M. 3. i i . R o r-

ers. Superintendent.

Good Baraca and Phiiathea C l»s «e »

Vou arc Incited to attend all che«e



CH U R C H .

Front Street.

Rev. T . S, Brown, Pastor.

MornitiK Service 11:00 A . M.

Vesper* 7:30 P. M .

Services every Sunday except th*

morning o f Th ird Sunday.

Sunday School, » :4 S % M. P ro f. J. B

Robertson, Supt.

Teachers’ M eeting Wednesday 7:.W

P. M. (P a s to r ’s Study).

Woman’s M isaionary Society, Firxr

Thursday, M onthly, 3:30 P . M.

U C. B. Society, Second ‘A ra n d a y

Monthly, 7:80 P . M.

Y e w * People’s M eeting, Second Su i-•* a p. k

gfe Saa«^>ATW


Page 3: SPRING IS HERE!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said

FO K JA Y , M A K C H 2 t, t » L T I B T W K S - A - wsn P * * # a TC11; b v b u n g t o n , n . c . P A 6B ‘mmmHSE8IU. a) W I IB USE MS H I* '•«“»A m e r ica n s in F o r e ig n L e g io n

W a n I N a t io n a l G a m a .

ti ■

P o p e W ili L a c k G u a rd s i f I ta ly

E n te rs th e W a r .

Tht* Modi' fair Short T o p Coftts add

Volunteer* Fram : i i « L'nitsd states W ith the French Arm y Get tiie

Fever Deceptive Of Spring.

Paris.— The csrraspcnileht o f Kteff York Sua witii tbe Foreign Legion, a t £b<-front w rite s :.■ A (postcard came from Tor.*’ :' say- lftg th&l he is acting as uischanic fo r aa American aviator w ith the fifteen th sauadron o f tho royal fly ing corps at iSurcsbarough, England. l ie adds that ttehas been granted tea days' vacation *nd received $10 advance pay and that iho free!;:;2 is iine, especially tfce ham and eggs. \

Fred Stone.. » New Yorker, lias fceien wounded by shrapnel while on sen- line) duty in tiie trcuciica at the towno f ----- . Tw o bullets entered bis body,but Dr. Van Vorst, who attended lilm, assured us lie was a ll right.

A later letter says:This is my birthday. Heavy snow

has fallen. Straivi?, fo r only yester­day as vie w ere ou our way to the, shooting trenches from tha sugar re­finery on tho canal, where we had all taken hot shower baths, I was think­ing o f writing' to ask you to send us a baseball outfit. Spring was in the air;, and everyth ing was beautiful, so no wonder w e all got baseball fever.

Many pi the Americans Tiere are col­lege men. There are at least three in the rear aud thirteen here.. W e bad 14, but Carstaira is gone. Rockwell is in the hospital at Mont Meriel. O ltager is at the depot at Orleans, and so is Collins, who ts still ill. Narw ich ha* just joined us again with, some others who havu coroe to fill our ranks. Gansoa is also at Orleans. Casey bas gone fo r an eight-day rest.

You may think the idea ot baseball here is crazy, but why not? The E n g­lish p la j football in the rear o f the lines. Vo not forget that this war is the most remarkable war ia many oth­e r ways than its size. I t lias been pointed out often enough that the firing line is 209 railes in length, but not much attention has been paid to its width. Its depth is so comparatively insignificant that we can play ball if wa w ill when out o f the trenches. O f course shells fa ll iu this village where I am writing, wlierc.wo rest, but w e can go another half mile or so to the rear and be entirely out o f '.lie dan­ger zone. People are living there again as before the war. They hear tho distant roar o f cannon, but the noise bccomes a habit. Anyone v.hc wants a One reproduction o f tlw front when firing is going on~-cot a buttle but this ordinary firing— has only to go to some big construction work in New York, where hs> w ill hear exactly what w e hear every day.

*1 im blastin'; im itates the cannon, tho h an im r s-.tfikins tlio stool girder gives tIsi■ rillo shot, a sirdcrwhen dropped reproduces a cannon lira effect, especially through tho v i­brations caused. Hat tho ro- m artaM e im itation is the hydraulic bfttnmflr, that contrivance with which 4 Worltmun bores holes in steel. This instrument exactly im itates a machine gun in action. I f I ev>5r : get back to

f rhnH 1 uVus v*Ii e n c v e? ■l hear a:-1:.

Cittfre Vatican Force Liable to Call to Color*, and Unprecedented Situa­

tion M ay Arise—-L a w o f Guar­antee* Silent.

Rome.— In esisa Ita ly goes to war one o f tbe most serious complications which w ill fo llow £j tiie relations ber tween the Italian government and the H oly v.il* be la connection with the papal araiy.

There is no provision in the ! iw o f guarantees costtrmylating. the eVeutu- a liiy o f war. V i-.ea thfs law was be­fore the Italian parliament In 1S71 a member proposed ah amendment , to the effect that all priv ileges accorded to the pope should be suspended “ in case o f v.ar between Ita ly and other nations, as" also in the base Of war between foreign nations wlien Ita ly had declared herself neutral, and in every circumstance when such.a.meas­ure should be necessary for the inter­nal and external security o f tlie state." T iiis amendment was accepted, but not embodied ui the law, which, it was then explained, was concerned with the rights o f peace and not with those o f war.

Articin " o f the law o f guarantees deals v. i ; !: the pontifical army as fol-

| lows: ■| “T h e sovereign uontiS can retain j tlie usual number o f guards attached j to bis person and employed fo r the J custody o f the palace* without preju*

dice to the obligations and duties in­cumbent on those guards by reason o f the laws In force in the kiiigdom.”

Th e obligations and duties men­tioned In this article are those o f every Italian citizen 's liability to serve in tbe hrmy, and thus the law expliclt-

j ly provides that pontifical guards can­not, claim exemption from military .‘•■?rvice. T;i fact the pontifical gen-1 darniM, who are a ll Italian Citizens, i rra purpimely rce.-nited from men j

i ' riretl o f it; and besides on thc

■ day il feels r-o heavy a.v!

di':;(;s . about the nack, :.-:u w e need

Jiing. lighter to take its piace.

:i <V‘ jceiicral wear w ith the d im s

comes; the « « i t - in various styles. T h e ■

wsSats * i » m xde w ith lon g, close sleeve

and adjustable collars; tbat is, collarsj which a le closed high around the neck

or m ay be le ft open as desired.

Dresses are being finished around Shorter J a c k e t * - ? ) * R t f * fo r S c * bottom o f thc aW cts in ^ va ri.

*°Pt - i OUS ways. A dress o f net has a deep

N ew York, March 25.—T h e proper hem o f white ta ffe ta figured in pink,

•ult Spring are tiie first questions( which was cut in deep asallops a t the

which crop into the woman’s mind w ith j top edge. A close-fitting bodice o f the

the beginning o f the balm y weather. *11 was covered w ith a flow ering bol-

The w inter coat has been w orn until ,er<* which was bound' aroundthe edges with the figured silk cut oh

tlie basis.

0 ther skirts o f net o r cliiffon have

hems eighteen inches deep o f taffetas 1

or satin and many organdy dresses

shdwji: have <lecp hems o f colored silk,

model illustrated shows a new and hew N ets a lto Slavs deep betas o f colors,'1organ dy..'.

The -scalloped low er edges are par­

ticu larly pretty and can be used with

good cfTc-jt .on thc bottom o f sheer

summer drusses, i f yoii are beginning

to think o f making these. Points are

also-.as well as squares.. W hen very

sheer material is used* a narrow ruffle

o f the same m aterial m ay be used to

run around the ed^es. In others, o f

a little heavier fabric a simple binding

may bo used to-finish the edges. . ■ :


^ructica! siyle-*iii coats. In the back

it is very fu ll and fa lls in ripp les while

. ihe fr-or.t it has less fulness,

w ide gauntlet cu ftis used on the sleeve

tncf ih.i hjjrh collar which flares' -up r».s

li.o. i-hin. is unusalJy jiew a n j

s-fiuirt.Thc rhoiiM -is devlo^ed in blue

'•i'S-gv. Ol-hcv fa b r ic . whi<*}> are being

us'iid i ’. r ftuih coat ;ire black and

whire vhecked coaling, covert clolJi.

'eld-crplh, gabardine, and fo r iha fancy

coat fa ile silk is useil

c f -.faiJe silk rejninds- me

o f an ur.^uul model which was . showa

in one o f the shops o f oyster white

fa ille . I t was very fu11, b(ack und

fron t and the entire th ing was edged

w ith a wide bt nd o f .black ve level.

O f no less importance is the suit.

The materials used are covert, serg?,

gabardine, vo ile giabardine* which is a

ligh t-w e igh t fabric o f th e gabardine

type, khaki o r field cloth, grosgrain

cloth, covert cord, tweed, or home*


The suits this seasou show a return" h o hav? served in the Italian army. the strictly tailored type. O f course The Xobte .guards azsd the Palatine , ...."uards, frho nre nearly all Italian cit< j**ne rnil | ry stylo is h igh ly popular. ' :e r « not bAlng on permanent fluty .Th is is so named more because o f th«

placing o f corded trim m ing and button

than In the general cut, athough there

I **1 the Vatican, but only callcd fo r !service when occasion requires, get £T»tcial leave o f absence when calledfor rerv fee in (he JtaJian army.

In cnr.a general mobilization !s Of* fn tt-’Jy practic^Hy all the 1*00

»'-r>nttf!cal jreiidarrnss would h av« to ,Ain th^ eo!ors and tluis the two per* ’ nanctit corps o f the papal army, the '■'•'Vks guards, rr’ rer.^y reduced from - ‘W to only p.bout e^ h ty rank and file, ° r ( I the Kendatt>-v.J, vrill b® to aW In* lents tisd purposes dlRbr^ded. N or r au (he pope rely 0:1 the Noble t-ut\rds °T'ri the Palatir.9 piarda fo r the pro- ^etlon o f hts person end the custody

*'f the spostolle palaces, as the great ; rnaic-ify o f these grards r.Iso be S •',allcd to rrni^. And the hundreds o f f »n«>n GR^doyed in the Vrtiea*>, the cur-

"<iians o f the irmso'rr.s v.v<\ the gal­leries, the Ip.y r lcr ':s ia the tf^part- ’r;cnt3 and oH»ces, 1h« par:1?nnrs nnd coach and ear^tal'ers, ail tbess v l l ! to join t l ’ e I*alJ.nr\ r.rmy.

S:j?h a eontingen-'-y Is unprecedent­ed. in h i.tery ard wJlhont a parallel Sn international taw ard it w ill serv# 'o prove the anomaly ot a state with-

.c nfA, • Rf«»n«rAlv- «no*1^h -Vtiile

a**e tom e that have a very pivmounc*;;d

f.y • -

. . 2 2

j a fter that o f tlie ro re , existing like-

R IV A L T O “ T W H iG H T S t-E E P ”

In “ Sunrise Slumber" Patient Is Conscious, But F ec it No


Columbus. O. — “ Tw iligh t sloep,” Ttalied as a godsend to women, has a rival. I t ia knows as “ srmrise slum­ber,” the latest in painless childbirth. It was originated bere by Dr. C. T . Turner, obstetrical expert at Mount Carmel hospital, and Dr. W . I. Jones, anesthetist.

Th e new method Is co t in its in­fancy. Th is fact is emphasized by 15 Columbus ntothers. who proclaim Its virtues, these doctors say. T lie new treatment differs from “ tw ilight sleep” in that nitrous oxide, commonly known as “ laughing gas,” la used, and it does not aim to produce complete anesthe-

Th c patient, i t is *-r.id ia ab le to converse aad rece ive Impressions, but feels no pain.


Life Guardsman D iet Curling Hirsute Adornment o f K it Upper


“ One man o f the L ife Guards was very particular about his apearance,” says Trooper W alter Dale, now at Newcastle-on-Tyne. “ and even in war time always carried a little hand m ir­ror w ith him. 1 happened to pass him on the field when he had been badly wounded. Th ere he lay, w ith the gl&3S in his hand, curlii.g his mus­tache.

“ I had to pass on tbat time, but th® next journey we intended to take him to the hospital. It was ioo laic. He was dead and his glass was still clutched in his hand. H is mustache had been curled till it was a beauty.”

•p/r Pound Baby L ives in Oven.Sharon, Pa.— A baby daughter

weighing one and one-half pounds w^s born recently to Mr. and Mrs. W ir iam N'ewell o f Cedar street. The parents are o f norma! build. Newell is a car­penter. *:• lie ’t o f an incubator t'as pa­rents are endeavoring to develop tb<> baby in the ovca o f tbe kitchen ranfis.

V h e n A n y b o d y F in d s a C u re H e Is G e n e r a lly W ill in g T o T e l l H is N e ig h b o r

If T h e w ill in g n e s s o f c-ne n t ig lib - .r tel!- an o th er tscicU- i;o r in a p r iv a te v.r.v < C lh c benefit i-c.” -i\y.! lV<m i'erun ;:. ex p la in s - t lK - 'l i f ip u la n iy i t t ’ erin ia itv. iv ' thun a ll t l ’.c. nd-

• v e r t i i ih } ' th a t has lk-uii done. .

t T h i; te a r ( ! the. in id ;-u '‘ te<!3y j<rev.cn: «.*.«majority of s>uvlt'peoplv fro;-.) \vrititn; u.iVst'inioji'ial ;..••• used in the lie^vfj-per, .'-I:in in s ;,ito ;< f t!i::; :>.r«y .. :- teiviiig- line tcsthnoi’.icls cojithiua:!-4-.' .• .

JWEMU. run-daw


vTrs. F. A. J'.V'Wi:;;I «:rt!r.ix’ m J.-fr ii:<r X-<

run-down v.-iudL-.ioii. ..U.>*

:i I


ihcv liotir- rmiaI'W au sc <--no l ia t ; ! i i » o r js

"iic lit- ha.* fu iind a cu rt, ■atcfvtl ] 'a t ie ;r ,s has t 'o tie

;:d\ e r t l- iii: '. M ttc li m ere.

£is\3A wilh.ij;- tv'u.;! - y i-invcrs;.-

nvr i ’ crutia t ’ -.a:-

Weather Song.

Blow— blow— Oiou \vintry wind—

A s Shakespeare said before me;

B low t i l l your bally breath g ives out

And still you w ill not bore me.

The “ Ills of Life,” sent free.The Peruna Co., Columbus. O h io .

B low rains and storms from hills


Across the plains and medders;

And not a rap I-U care until

You blow in double-headers.


The doctors who w rite syndicate ar­

ticles fo r some o f the ^newspapers

hand out « m e valuable hints> advice

and suggestions. One o f them ge ’JS

th is inquiry: ’ ‘Would smoking one

box o f cigarettes a day have any ill

effect on a woman 40 years o ld ? ” The

doctor comes back w ith this eminently

pertinent inquiry: “ Don’t you think

a woman who would lake up c iga r­

ette smoking a t 40 ought to have her

head examined?*’ H a l Ha!

We d il rer Pianos & Organa right into your borne.“GotH timfs” are coming

Get your Piano or Flayer Piano now and pay us some down and balance on time. Have yoa seen our 317500 & $250 Pianos?

ELLIS M ACK I MUSIC COMPANY,fjtirltagton , M irili Caroiina.


P e p s i ■ C o l a M a k e s R o s y4 H is-q 1 y 1 *1% i l #4

M. J L \ + % A ,a .% '*A j[ v i i u i i i v u

Italian, n 'oliillration. and not a single I t>!t!aen c f the diminttflv^ r'-'Tli'tr. o f I ■’ an Marino wiU be compelled to fl^ht ] in the Italian army, the army o f t ii*7>npe w ill practically cease to f i is t when Ita ly goes to war.

Th e reason fo r this distinction be­tween She tw o armies Is that San Marino Is Ifr.’.y’s a lly while the TToly Sep, although its territory Is only a palace and a Barden, is considered Ita ly ’s enemy. Officially the pope ig­nores the kingdom o f Italy.

^t is a well-known fact that many radical chanc-rs w ill fo llow as a re- _ suit o f th is great war. Old nations i w ill disappear and new ones w ill be form ed: boundaries ahd peonies w ill 1 change their nationality, while En- I rope w ill be remapped. Great as nil i, these changes w ill be their historical ,ker ut!rK>st to be th o ro u gh ly neutral importance will, however, be less than jm her dress, it can be ifcne, however^ihst r/ « » « o t sihanrrA -wrhifb rrt»v i .. . . . . . . . . , ________ ... ,

------- --------- ----- • a uman na:. niuy ue wvru ^flth a dress

; cut on strictly English field uniform

: lines.

LO N G S E A R C H F O R H U S B A N D ! The jackets vary in length, some are

moderately long in the back and cut

short in the fron t from tho underarm

seam ... Others are cut short al the w ay

. . Full Separate Coal with M ew 'S tyle

m ilita ry cut, anti w ith pockets and belt

in thc places iiccoracd them by the ma­

kers o f U ritish ’ and French uniforms.

I t is rea lly strange how thoroughly

it taxes the fa ir -minded woman to

a ffect the Vatican, tbe oldest Inatitu. i tion la the. world.

Woman Walked Almost SG0 M ile* ta Find Spouse W ho Deserted

Her.■ around.. .The bolero w ith or without

sleeves i « worn especially in theL iv e Oafc. ra !.— Mrs. Mf.ry Eilers

walked into town, making nearly the '-Dtiro distich o f alreost eight hundred suits.miles, she said, on foot from southern j 'ih e separate waists which o f course Idaho. In search o f her liusbar.d. who I . . ... ,,she alleges deserted her three months are m preat demand w ith the popular- r,go. , i t y o f the suit, are shown in a la rgo

Wc know o f a large num ber of families who have adopted

Pepsi Cola as thc beverage to use in the home, to drink between

meals, and with the meals, who have the healthiest and most

robust children to be seen today. There is no longer any

doubt as to the

S u p e r i o r M e r i t s o f P e p s i - C o l a

As a beverage unequalled for indigestion, k is the very best

drink available today for relieving that h eaw , uneasy feeling

afrer eating— AND WHEN USED CONTINUOUSLY you will never have


Pepsi-Cola is The King of Drinks.*9, and hr^d earned $40 on the read. The last she heard about her husbmd was in Marysrttle-

“W hen I fird him ha’U never escape r w a s the reassuring remark of the pluchy won.an as she le ft town on mt electric car.

trimmed only w ith buttons and fasten­

in g down lhc fron t are considered the

m ost correct, but they are slow ly be-

coming a little more elaborate w ith

few tucks and a lit tle sh irring. These-

” are made o f voile, chiffon, and cr-^peFata)l> fnjurcd by Toot in Pocket.Atchison, Kan.— 'Railway men report ^ Clune w lm e the ones shown fo r sum­

m er arc developed in handkerchief lin­

en, voile, Swiss ar.d organdy. V ery

plain covered buttons are used on these

h* va is ts and some o f the v * ry la test have

small ivory buttons shaped like quinine

an unusual accident whieh befell 1.•/>m rrell?» who lives near Rur;'rior.Veb. Quarrel?? bearded a train a*Sui’cricr and when it passed his horn ?:oing twenty m iles an ^our

A chisel in h*s pocket penetrated hiJ hec?rt. H e is in a hos- pita! at Concordia, feta liy injarod capsules down the fron t. Most o f the


Page 4: SPRING IS HERE!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said

t i t s

IK Tvts t-Veek Msptttlf n n t i t ^ r f K »«cy T u*ad& ; M d F r id a y

R~P h q rtrt i I h W u w O -

■ ■■ n . a



"a s s a s.11 n r i - - " ^ ta a r t i iX w > i U M

jO ^ ix S 'rH v l eonn*et»4 with tk* f*rA ll w « « « o d e— iw iink ^• f inpartftnC* toiut m

f t i n a *t w y w irfh i* •jh jb*** ' ***• * • « —P*0**01*- ____'M a c r ib a r t wiU t s U Boteto* thrt so

«M i|* t w *abifcriptf«i ^ Th * 8t»t*j*^ * te k wiU b* hoaor*i « t thu otfic*mtnm it Ii miinliered with -*— •tawr**. ' j ,

i M m ^ u McoiMi-etaMimt It, 1M8, « t th* po*t. *S m * '

*arifac«t*«. North Carolina, under tho

T in b u m





4 fab le .

(F rom -the Fountain Inn Tribune.)

(Once upon a time a certain man in

Smith Carolina forg-ot to pay.any P o ­

tion o f his.preacher's salary,

'w, Near the end o f the vear aa ofTu-cr i f . .

/ ''o i th£ <’h«roh called yppn him and

r ■ipsitii rvniarVs to iV.e t-ftw' ih^t t-ie

L K C o n s titu tio n A lone. H e S * /* .— P le a d s T a r S u p p o rt o f D ig n ity a f

. th e N atio n .Chapel I-iill.— The united support mt

the country fo r the policies iaf Pre»l- dent W ilson in "this critical period” o f the Nation’s history »:as urged h e r* by former President W illiam H. Taft, trho deiisered the first o f a series ot

‘ three lectures, to students o f the Uni- j veratty o f North -Carolina on ;!i<¥ nre* i Sdeucr.J .Mr. Taft ' declared that the offlv* of / PreSldrnT is representative o f the

W E A T H E R F O * t£ A 8 T .

Movement* D u* m d HMrtr Loeal Eltoet* f$ r tha QMMPHMatet

March M M A pril 1*15. National W eather Joorbal

S tra ta r ,K a n fc to Wednes­day. Shuck 31.— T h e w »e k w:u open geaeraHr (M r aa4 moder­ately oooi In the So«jth, asd tit' t ie change o f aay UM te ex­pected durin* tft* J s « * Imtf o f tbe week, w h ile « o * t w eather la •row in g tbe eouatiy. U *fct Croat temperature* a re expected fai Norther* A laham * aad Geor- ( ia and ta th * Garollnae W ed­nesday m 4 Thnrsdar, but It w ill be warnwr In M iddle and West­ern Cotton- B e lt • • - : Thursday, A pril ^ 1 * Ehuodav.

April 4. — Unsettled* weather w ill apear in ’ W estS rt ’ Cotton Belt Thursday and l t w iH opn- tlnue more o r less mwettled breaking Into general rains by Saturday: Th e general reins w ill t e spnw diiig « * e r t!«e South as the n e » we$k opens, with no material change of. temperatures.

When we arc old w e perceive it is !too la te to live as we proposed.— Pope.

H e w h o liv e s a f t e r n a tu r e d u l l

P r e v e r * a *d Pfctweet FlUKNOUr NEGOTIATIONS jtwwso Vienna aw l Dome, ba t tfcst

never mooth l « t he CAN' ACCOKPUSS NOTWA'G Austria w<)nkj her IfcJi.apwvseudeth m ea t— Heywood. I

Rome, vU JParis, M arch *S. 9:4S * . f t * * to Ita ly , aiwl Transylvania to ^p -

m.— A stat»sn>«iit in tiyi, im’.r.ia is h^Jd to be inconccivable.

regarded m inspired, that "n eu tra lity .................. .......

or friendly negbtiaU'JKS e u teeom -, . j Dr. Pow er Saittli t « OlSeUW.

never be poor; a fte r opinion, shall * 1,sh no*hJ"Kw m the pre»e«tt Earo-

be rich.—Seneca. p o m situation, taken in rpnjunctioa! Biehmcnd, Va,, Jtarch 25.— T h f

- — — w itht he increased prep*ra- Rev. Dr. James Pow er Smith, sofe

A s we grow old w e become both ;;ong( ;s accepted genera lly pr«v survivor o f Stonewall Jackson’s s t i f fmore foolish and rooro wise.— Kucne- .. . . .. . , . . . . . _ • - . . .

sunrttive evidence that I ta ly k ap- ^ » » h ew fo r Lexington ton ight to faucauld. ■'

^ ___ proaching a moment when she is de- attend M rs Jaofcson's funeral. Dr.

Hot? sacred and beautiful i$ the t t r *n' r!* £i fi* * * f r o m negotiations to ’m itii wag w ith Jaokaon wfceh he feJT

f i l i n g o f a^ection- in- the pure and £u~tiort. . at O u n ffD o n v ille . H f w as U n i,11I , .-:■■■I Germany is using her utm ost en- Jacks -n’s escort, at the genera l’s fa -goiltlcss soul.;— Mordaunt.

Da\id, as shown to us in the Bible story, is an r.rdent to ce lebrate his

God in his c!tarr,cter o f poet as to

Si-i-\-e H im as w arrior; or to obey H im ^

jdeavors to bring about ah accord be- n «r*L

;t ' King.— Guizot. ❖♦

Raleigh A pril 22-25 W ill O o lia r4 -D ay P la n .

Lord loves a cheerful stiver. ‘ Said, sW.Urf. deferred imtll th* , ----- -

The mail flatly refused to be cheer- ’ crisis is • past.>• Miiif *1 Ito declared 1 Kmphasif.iiiij » K a t . he term ed. the ; Baraca-Phiiath^a C onv

tul. 1 t pa> . ,etn . h e . d ^ l a ^ l j ^ - >n- wWch | held here April 22^5. '

■4 tou".l\ . "Xnt u cent. That preacher j rharacterized the framers o f the Con*;

..hasn.'t ' k v : to st-e me this year.'

'When the m atter was repotted, as

such m itters aiv, the preacher, as

preacher.' '.vill, felt that ^e had fallen

j«horl i>f the whole s-hwiulo o f his duty I

it iv e dem ents tn

j Jl-. •>ry DrumnioRd.


j W e are ini-lined to look upon bad . ^

! temper us a very harmless weakness, 1*1*| dignity o l .the American people ju>4 j CONVENTION TO 'PW!T®,'WAY j.i,ut * a i « biu. ^ a -,d '-lBain Con ’ ’ ^{ th a t at such » time is this U must ; __ ____1 , . • h I A

:r I have the h *any apB!‘oval o f the w jjole i _ ■■ . ,^*nm a »t a * one o f the m ost'd estru r-; y

^ | ^ . e I f that'd ignhy is tc h . P ^ i ‘" l i t v e e W » U in human n a tu re .- fed. \Vhatev«t' p:.irfy crkiclsms there i .Ra'^Jn April 222S WU* T*y • ■ • . 4b

present policies. b « { Oo!Ur-a-Oay Plan. jH v- ’ ry nrummoRd. * ■dM^rred until t h t , —— - -------------—— ----- -|

Raleigh.-“A ffeature (k the State j J teotlon to 1 A / W f

_______ _______w ill be the try* |That preacher j ^ r a r t e r t e e i l the trawers o f the Con-' ius oat of the pay-plan.

' stitution. in their work the. former , Raleigrh is be liefed to fra paKictilar- T m ld e n t entered a vigorous protest | ly suited to the trying out o f the plan, against a constitutional convention t * ; Probably ir.ore conventions meet here amend the Nation's fundametal law. | than in any ether city in the state.: “ There are those,” be declared, wfc* ; O f course mar.y o f these are o f a s « - think tliey can-iwprove ihe Constito- j ular nature aod the delegates pay 'ion hv WowlnR it up. Fortunately ■ their way as a matter o f course. Hut

•ind took the. iilanie upon h im feif- But | t.hey are in the minority.”

he determ ireii that should he l»e spar -

ed fo r anolht-r yea r ’* work, he would

call often upon this oifended brother,

who thus yearned fo r his society.

Accordingly he made it convenient

to cal! four tinie.s during the fo llow ­

ing year. Still the man paid nothing,

and a t the cMst- o f thy year the officer

c.f tile church waited upon him again-

“ N o t a te fit," he declared. “ Not a, , , , dent to the av.dii-n

m i l . I 'v e l.-oai-dcii thfit preacher and „ Prs<.11;1,j(5; „ n„ „ ho ,^ uld frui,.

f*is horse eaough to diak*.* up my .share j fully inaii^uriit',’ th*- uf liM-tnres

o f his salary."

‘ with conventions o f a relisiou^ nature Mr. Ta ft reiteral«d his belief io » j the practice has been here as else-

slnjtle term o f front ?ix io s*-v*n ! ivhere to sive free entertainment, years for the president. i And it has happened on many occas

The speech of an hour and hair was j ions that some have had more than a of a series o f three i fa ir share o f the entertaining to do.the openiUK lecti

at tN* University o f North Carolina | The Baraca* and P h lla tb tM are go on Uie sabje rt "Tbe Presidency; Its j ing to chanse all this as tar as they Powers, Duties, ltespotssibiiities and 1 are concerned. “ Many who h.ava been Lim itations." Kvrry sent in Gerrard i unvrilling to take delegate? hereto Hall was ensatted and the aisle was | fore.” said a leading member o f the filled with Chairs to provide extra ac- j Committee ot ArrangfeJuneTs, '-will ne i-onmmdations for visitors. President ! doubt now w illingly do So aa they w ill! Crahatu presumed tlie former pres!-| be amply paid fo r their service* ” |


W e are cutting down the W a r Prices

r.mi the H igh Cost o f L iving.

Lard, per p o u n d ..................... . . 10c.

M in t, heavy thick per pound .. 12Hc.

Irish potatoes, per p e e k ..............24c.

A ll 10c. Canned G ood s .................. tic.

A ll 15c. Canned G o o d s ...............12c.

AH 10c. A r t ic le s ........................... :>c.

Cut Prices on everj-tliing.

— a- -


H A R D W A R E .

New l-’ resh Line

****+4 »***4»


Expert Cooks Everything NewTables for Ladies

Fine Cigars TobaccoSanitary


♦**I*I"t* ■


J*4 * '

i r

K4 -*>


And the murai o f course, a loiijr way to Tipperary,

and the conductor can’ r coiKv-t fare

u.nle»a your, heart's ritrhi.

Clur Alamance Bovs Should Got Busy.

A >rood road> man vva^ talking

about his hoi»i»y **Wd you know." iu*

said, **thia thv i.rjrislaturo passed

bilt pruvidintf that thc itoys shall bo

paid V ’ drajf thc uuUIic nuids?” W^:!,

it did. and while o f course thc .'act

b<*t*n pri-nttul, it is such good ne»vs

that it oujrht to ut- -wi::. '

■’ :>*i *•.•»'<«* smnv until ew ry l»oy j

ia North Carolina bears o f it. j

“ Thc Hcpartmcnt <if A ^ncu ltu rj,"

thfc pentlcman continued, empow­

ered to ortfi»ni/.v a hoys* road patrol

in «ach county. countries which

de fire that,such a natroi shall or-

jjanized Mcfori- the. <l-.^trict school

closes >houid apply through their

Hoard o f County ('onuvassioncv^ to the

Brigade *»f Roa«i • Control for Iinys,

Depart ter.t ot Each county appropriates SlOO to

start ihc work. The boys are paid

for dragon*? the roatls. This U w will

accomplish \vond«'.i*5 in arousinp: thc

interest o f the younger generation iu

^ood VO;uls.'’

on AmericanDtirh.im. — FonurT Prcvsident Wil*

Main ifowani Tafr. uuest o f honor o f fhe Diirbanj bar livro inatU‘ a plea for more frcvclom in jwiicinry. tinkering witli th« laws on the part of tfu« U'cfsia'tuivs, loss co ft o f Iftf- s-.atJon and lvS> d»-]ay It) the admirift- iraiion of .

The ki-en -*-n.~i- of lminor of thr s disrinffUislieii t*f the ew nin iclw.ts nwni/V^f on .v!l or/vi^ion«. h’ ef^r-j rinu to Jusiiee Clark’s refer- inco to the constitutional runvndmpntft i nowlrt!. Mr. T «ft .-aid that while j itatl :ava{ re^nrtl f<»r fhe: ahflity o f Judte Clark, Im* would not Ukc to leave th>* ronstituiion with him over *hl£b:.‘

V - T:- n. :-:==? h* rn s !! recently trlod to extemdnat© the t*m



Come and see us— it w ill pay you.

W e have just opened up in thc W. R,

Hay Building on Front Street.

Phone tis your order and .wo wiU

jrive prompt delivery.

PH O N E 285.

."‘ ivisur*’ in tJt<f» visits to Norm i aru-j •:*‘ m !u*»i f-n.ioyert his to •

Hill. Tin* \. niw*i>U> iiti^ a pasf w hU'h vou?d ullo ir th*> ’

.M’Tiiptfon «»r .irr«‘.!t fnluir. :

D em and Larger B ond I tsu * ,; Asheville.— H old ing a mmts-meetiTis j (lie resMents o f \\>st' Ash^Vtne

cided to ask the county commissioners 4o rejcet the petition asking for a bond issue o f $20,060 for school purposes and to begin the circulation c-f peti tions asking tor fin issuf in thti.sum o!$35,000 for the ram e purpose" It U planned to erect a central schooi building at a cost o f J20.000 aod tc spend the remaindor of the money derived from th** pale, o f thc bond# lu thc construction o f on Ui<jw<*st banKs o t the Frrnrh Hroad ftive i and in the extrem e eastern ^potion ot tho town. j |

j | Com, Cotton Seed, aud A ll Kind'- I

| Family o f Negroes Killed. |o f W ill pay highest cash price. |Henderson. — iraidentitied peraont, W iii take Corn Shelled or Unshelled.


Spoon Store Co.R iir lin ir top . - - • - N*. r

Seek Southern Bspiist Convention.!:al*>ich. K«*\. {{icht. C. Moore-, who

Minior seo/'dary o f the Southern Haptist eonvention. which meets 3n lTo::;-ton. Texas. May 12. .says that t^'^re U ever}* indiratior now ihat a '■'’7 ctjhr'iderabi delegation will j?o from this slate and that they w ill hav® as ;i special slogan “ Asheville for th «

Agriculture, Raleigh, j Convention o f Ifltfi." Dr. C. B. W#!- SUH) t o ! 1*'1* anri ^ le ^ rst ??:vPtist hurch o f

Ashe\jl*e ;jrc leadin? the campaign for the .Southern Uaptists to come to Xorth arolina and Asheville for the next, convention and they have the efw>r>ora4ic»n o f the eoujmereial organ­ization* of Ap-hevi-le and the whol«< .Vorth Carolina Baptist hosts. Th#> eon von tion is due t ocome '^aat o f the M?s^ihs;r>pi T5:cer for the p.ert conven*

; ‘ »o. nand Ashevillft has striven for the ------- j '■“onvenrton the past two years and i#

Vhe Opportunity Is Here, Backed By |-/«-v.-d t « be n-aily in line for it neXt * ^ Af east ♦*>•*» whole- North Cs.ro-

Burlington Testimony. ; -inn ,», u^ation ihe Houston con-Don’i U*:ktr our word fo r it. •‘•t'tion is croinii to null for AsTie*

. i c n ie

... r . ‘LTw t?=2.miles from this place, and succeeded I Jn U’V.l .s: Perry*# «Mfe and chiHd, I wounding Perry and his brother Jobs probably fatally. j

Reports state that tha dwelling oj the negroes was saturated wkh I fe r o ! jv :.e and set on lire, a fusillade oi; bullets being'poured into the lk0us«< when its occupants tri**d to eartape. * The woman and child fell dead, th «j men mortally wounded, jt ik thought!

A S a f e I n v e s t m e n t

In looking around for a suitable investment, safety is a fter ail the most important consideration. A Certificate o f Deposit with

this bank will draw interest at the rate o f 4 per cent per annum and is unquestionably better than a larger rate when combined with risks. We are at ai! times willing1 to assist those needing ad­

vice relating to their financial affairs and invite you to call at our


Alamance Loan and Trust Co.T H E L A R G E S T A N D O L D E S T B A N K IN T H E C O U N T Y

“ The Bank With She Chines.”




Cotton. Cotton Seed and Meal Prices in the Markets o f North Carolina

For the P a it Week.Aa reported to the Division ot Mar

Rets, North Carolina Agricultural Ex­periment Station and Deportment o l Asririittnre. aaleish .

: ■l)K c:iD E YO U R SELF.

Don't depend on :t strargor


Read Bur!in£iou endorsement.

Dead U-e statement.' o f Burlincrtor.


Arid <iccmc fo r yours»*lf.

Hera is cr.e c^ise o f it.

W . A . Loy, prop, o f livery .stable,

Davis Sr.. Burlington, says: *’As soon

as m y kidneys are not a ctin g a* they

should, I take a few doses o f Doan’s iKidney Pills and they always fix me j

up in good shape. Doan's Kidney |

P ills can’t be beat for a lame back.” j

Price ofte, at aii dealers. Don't

sim ply ask fo r a kidney remedy— get

Doan's Kidney Pills— the same that

Mr. Loy had. Foster-Milburn (X ,

Props., Buffalo, N . Y.

Trading in Real Estate.-n. - >< ><>-:)*- indication

r:,.n* ! : :ir>- r>iini; better in WIS-

>n :t f-anv.ips o f the real estate ■lffi^r-j siwirs that, over $200,000 worth - f *c has r'lanaed hands sincer-i '-n ?. t>r« btilk. I'oirever, he in f ■ .v.'-rf<-r;.r.d >« Pebniary r.nd March.

’ .'.-•alers orediet increasingf 5-.lt;. :n -.Ms line. It is pointed out ' trbi?» not so free as It‘ M i~ r.,->vc'.-t'ielf.sB Tiiueb easier

ate ’ I’-ts fer tl>e increasing de- ' r’ t'T .. 1 ;iroiM'rties.

Saw Judge Carter kiss woman to

pay a bet.— Headline.

Before parsing sentence on His

Honor w<& should ■wish to have the

wom an brought before us fo r inspec-


S - O'I Factory is Burned.^ ■r.: T!:<- Hsm o f Ihe Hoke OH

r>_y Was destroyed

r ire was discovered Tn :* nd before any- :>e i: hAd spread all

All ;iie machinery ■ i, Th ‘» seed house, Jmii «rd rr.eal houses


. 1 ? !j 0 5>’ «. tc

( i s^ a 1 03 :1 ;

• © %

« “'UT! i .* —' © 5

C l *

s ie 1^ O 1

a P 1i. 5*C 1North £a*tern North Cn rollna

f-\irr»v:He . ..|K*4"* 4u Hm.OO !Ketfonl .. .. . .7 -S 40--?.“ i’1.00 i ’ .* 11Murfreesboro . 4i*-r. nr.. 00 1\>w B«rn,. VVn>hn;fflon ..T -i-s1 .;n.n.'> : : : ; iWilli;* »r.ston . .'» '.u-i "v 17>.»0Wimerviile . .7 -W 41- .in.,10 isoojWina:rtAr .7 -.m-T']

South Eastern North Carolina !Fr«nfl«*ni • • • '-•I- 5*» St. 00 3fi60 jjr.'K-ksonvind -j-'.ooKin^trm.... .7Vi-7^ :<Min io‘66 !flu x ion . .7*4-H yj. (to

Worth Central ^orth CarolinafjAttirhor© .

: : s . 7 ^M.0Q soo »

t< ir*:«-!;p\.*nro ni f,ft'Kenty ....... ..i-li-SJi OO-CS -*soo») jliOui.st'urK . 4'» . . . .I'jttsJ'oro .. ■:;>o6 SduO

3000 !Raleigh . . . . - .7r*i-> a:» »".00tUcrps^ee .. (O ;Sn>uhfi»-Wt s 4 3«V<N>Spring Hope - .7 8-.*.

. . . . jTarboro .. - ..7?i-s 3fi ::<>.u0 isooWilson ___ s 1. . . .

South Central North Carolina.Candor . . . . 4n :c.oo 2000Charlottft .. *'-S ::y 30.00 2000 iCleveLuxri .. 35-40 2'VOO . . . . jOastonia .. r.i.oo 1S00 IKit^RS Mt’n. 30-3« V . '0 3800 ;Monroo . . . . ..7«4-S«i : r-V*-30 ?.0.ft0Moor^sviVte 36.00 isoo ;Scwtan ----- ..6 a:>-40 32.00 tsooStixtervillc . ."6 31.00KoTfoVk. Va.,,3 1




‘ ’ - s i • v'm.i’ e'l .i' ’ ■ • ’ Is-* insuran.- «

t at once.

so me dis*

rtboM; $20.- Th*» r-lant

Chfirlotit; .95-100 mKlmor^* I.ftulireer.sboro . . . . . 3,0£ MMonroe i.or

.»7»-fJc«rton ........ . 1.00R&leiffh .......Scotland N'eck.. So- fjjfi

-1.00 :vrilaon .......... . .*0-1.49



f m x m . ■ %|* r i N C W t L S O X ' -n |.V; . , « / . .;v.; ••

c l / i c i ' A - o / ;r.<7> i< : -

Programme Week Beginning Monday, March 29th, 1915.M O N D A Y

. 101 Bison. •‘The Curse o f The D esert" w ith Francis Ford and Graco

Curnard in tw o parts.

Nestor Comedy, ' ‘Taking; Her Measure*’ w ith Jack DiUon .and Bille

Rhodes. One part.

TUESDAY(ioM Sea!. “ Th eir Hour,” featuring- C ieo Madison. Tw o parts. Nestor

Coniedy. “ When H e Proposed," fea tu rin g Eddie Lyons, V ictoria Ford and

I.ee Moran. (One part.

WEDNESDAYL -K O Comedy. “ The avenging D entist,” with B illie Ritchie, two parts.

Rex. “ The M ystery o f the Man who s lep t” featuring Ben Wilson. One part.

THURSDAYVictor. “ Thc Smouldering F ires,” featu rin g J. W arren K trigan . Tvso

parts. L -K O Comedy. “ Fatties In iatuation.” One part.

FRIDAYEuclair. "T h e Oath o f Smokey Joe.” Tw o parts. L-KQ«Com edy. “ Bills

New Pa l,” featu ring B illie R iehtie and (iertrude Selvy and Henry Bur*:- .

man. One part.

SATURDAYB ig U. “ The Kecoil,” a viv id drama. W ith Edna Mason. T w o parte.

B ig U- Comedy. “ W heels within W heels,” featuring Murdock McQuirey.

One part.

NOTICE:-Starting Monday. April 5th. the Crystal Theatre will run 4 reels instead ofthree every day at regular prices. 5



_ t h e C R Y S T A L T H E A f R E^ N H S R U B i n M I R I B I B I I I H I t f i a H I I I I I C I I R I U K l


Page 5: SPRING IS HERE!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said

k m u a v , m a b c h % I H l PATCH; M W J M 9 W i, N. C. I*ACE FIVE

I IX X X A JL . A 2 S T I > P E R S O N A L J


H tts O liv ia Smith spent' Sunday in


Hiss M attie Dunlap is confined to

her room w ith la grippe.

U t . Monk Loy spent yesterday in

Ihirhwn on bu&iness.

M iss Daisy W ilson returned last

week from H igh Point.

M r*. Ernest H o lt o t Greensboro is

v ia it iB f her parents th is week.

Miss Pau line Coble ' o f W inston-

Salem College is v is itin g be r parents.

: Miss fiertruite Crutchfield o f Swep-

aonville spent yesterday in the city


M rs. J. T . W atson returned, yester­

day to her home in E lon, a fte r vis iting

fcer parents fo r several days.

Miss M innie Iv e y o f East Burling­

ton is confined to her home on account

o f a slight attack o f la grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. O rle Is ley o f

near Rock Creek are the guests o f

her grandmother, M rs. M artha Fos­

ter, this week.

K r . G. M . Is ley o f Route 1 w as a

caller a t The Dispatch office Wednes­

day and made us g lad by paying a

dollar on his subscription.

Mr. C. F . Jobe o f Mebane "was in

the city Wednesday and gave The Dis­

patch a pleasant call, renewing his

subscription to Th e Dispatch.

Mr. and Mrs. W . N . McPherson o f

Kansas spent a short, while in the city

yesterday cn route fo r Saxapahn-v

nhere they will v is it his mother.

Mr. and Mrs. W . F . Farre ll, W . F „

Jr., e re vis iting relatives and friends

in the c ity today— glad to have you,




! London, Mareh, 25, 9:45 p. m .— A

.Rom e dispatcb dated M arch 24, .re ­

c e ived by the Central N ew s by in­

direct route, says.

j “ E very th ing is in readiness fo r a

1 general mobilization o f th e Ita lian

jarm y. Sev^n complete classes a re a l­

ready under the colors.

: “ T h e departure - o f . Austrian and

j German fam ilies is reported from ail

p e r is o f I ta ly ; i t is estim ated that

about 3,000 personso f these national­

it ies have le f t Rome. T ra ins from M l-

' lan and Ven ice to the fron tie r a re fill­

ed Tvith Germans and A u str ian s . and

la rge num bers o f Hungarians have

.left V en ice by steamer fo r -T r ie s t .”

Q a W f fV tjr .

Mr. and Mrs. T . J. H&rgrovt gave

a qu ilting pr.rty to their friends last

Wednesday evening from eigh t t ill ten

th irty , a t their home on. Means street.

The evening w as spent in a pleasant

and jov ia l manner. Music was fu r ­

nished fo r the occasion w ith a V ictor

phonograph operated by M r. Ernest

W ay.

Am ong those that were present to

en joy th e pleasures whitn the occasion

afforded w ere : Misses Blanche Graves,

M yrtle Moon, Rosa W illiam s, Grace

Curl, Maud and Janie Sharpe, Berta

Thompson,- M innie Andrews, ; M rs.

Susan S ta fford ; Messrs, Joe* Thomas,

Date Jones and Ernest W ay. I


F tds Defeat La faye tte College.

Fayettev ille , March 25. —The Baiti- J

more Federals won from La fayette

co llege today 8 to 'J. Bender and

Quinn pitched fo r Baltimore.

V. C. Aga in Defers Dividend.

N'c-w York, March 25.— Directors o f

the. Virginia-Curolinu Chemical Com­

pany issued a statement today an­

nouncing they had deemed it wise

again to defer action on the dividend

on the preferred stock, because o f

“ delayed cash collections and the late­

ness o f the fe rtilise r season.”

“ Our business is all wc could ex ­

pect,” the statement reads, “ and

profis no"- promise a satisfactory out­

come, conservation o f cush is consid­

ered advisable.”

I t is fa r easier to acquire a repu­

tation fo r (freatnasi than it is to make


Lady i'uget Is Dead.

Berlin, alarch 2f>, £;y W ireless to

Sayvilltf.— Lady Paget, ch ie f o f the

British Bed Cross mission in Serbia,

is reported by a Serbian dni!y news­

paper to have died from, spotted ty­

phus fever, according to thc Overseas

News agency.

I ydia Spru ill Escapes From Greens­

boro Rescue H one.

(Special to The New s and Observer-)

N ew Bern, March 24.— A story fill-

ed w ith human interest came to Now

Bern yesterday from Greensboro in

which a fourteen-year-old g ir l whose

home is in this c ity , plays the central

figure. Several weeks ago L yd ia

Spruill w a s taken from the charge

o f her parents in order that she m ight

be removed from immoral influences.

F or severa l days she w a s in charge

o f Pastor W . B. Everett o f the F ree

W ill Baptist church, a noted social

worker, and was la s t week carried to

Greensboro and placed in the hoiiie

conducted by the Children’ s Hom e So­

ciety. The g ir i seemed fa ir ly con­

test w ith her surroundings but it

proved that she disliked thc restra in t

placed upon her there and on last

Saturday night made her escape.

Where the g ir l went or where she w ill

obtain food or shelter is a m atter o f

speculation. Without friends and

without money she is wandering

around somiewher" in the western

part o f thc S tate, evidently intending,

i f possible, to return to N ew Bern.

E fforts a re beinjr made to locate tho

piri but at last reports th is had not

been accomplished.

We have ju s received th is


“Queen Quality”COLONIAL PUM P from the makers, ■*. Inch they con­sider one oi their ^rf-atest achievement*. We have this style in PA TE N T and D U LL LEATHER at

Comc in ar.il iv.he a look

at it. . Wa .,! .vays gl.-id

io sho-iV ui:; w In,! »•<> have.


Shoe Co.Burlingtoi. - - N. C.

APRIL 4th, EASTER jThe fashion event o f the year, | A re you ready fo r this Event? f

Drop in and look over our big line o f Corliss Coon 4Shirts for $1,00, Manhattan Shirts at $1.50 and up. ^



“WALKOVER and “BION”OXFORDS for Sty ie and Service are readv t'or vou.


HOLT-CATES CO.On the Corner Burlington, N . C.



, Palm Sunday.

N ext Sunday, or Sunday next before

Easter is Palm Sunday. The Church

FOR COLD TROUBLLJs jiit-Ztiy '>f fr»‘Nh air in the lo«i 1

a, j;oou a{tpllc;tt'«»n of

■ ftH tf?^cu iucnia O A J m k &-iver t’.K' tisr *:it :?;:•! ohost. cov<-vod ix \\Hfia ju ji-

v:in<i!,s ;m-" i* l.»y the .warmth aiui to the -ifftvt*U No « < ,•■! of tiiMuvMnn thvMOMueh With •/:'*<!(* *. Tho v.N/fNt i-olda lM to > Tlh.'MI . r: nlj{ ill Hf-

.U .-wi x.trn a- )•<*.■», f»oo- i -- »....... \*i .V

■ o f the ilo iy Com forter w il l be dec-

orated with palms which our form er

parishioner, Hnli . Iseley, so kindly

sent us from Jacksonville, Fla., where

he is now living. H is brother, Don

. Iseley, so kindly remembered us in

this w ay two years ago. The services

w ill be as usual.

rp.u li.C'v : i .. Gifuical

v * .-1:

They D iffer.

Heion— When 1 grow up and get

married ] am gohifr to have a lo t o t

[ children.

j Mary—I’m not; I’m to marrya bachelor.—Judjfe.

Episcopal Parish Elects Delegates.

The Vestry o f thc Episcopal Parish

elected ihe following- riie-n to repre­

sent the Church o f the HoJy Comfort- :

er at the Episcopal Convention this

year vrhich meets at H oly Trinity,, iii

Greensboro from May 18ih to 20th.

The dele^aT^H an- Messrs. F in loy

Ij. WilJiamson, S. A. John f«.

K in^ anc W. S. Coluter. The alter*

nates, Col. Robert L. H olt, Messrs.

Robert Riddle, W . H. Hall und Eru ii:

A . Holt.

A ll a rc looking forwuixl to this

grea t occasion with urrusual pteasore.

and many other'- w-il fkuMes** so un­



$ •0B.

• 9E A S T E REaster time is the big season tor clothiers. Then if ever a clothing merchant puts his best foot for-T .^ -o r ’ i'T* ' U i. VA •

j h i p ’I ' r i - j i t ' t i f A K " ! 17*3 A r \ r v \ f \ i i » f j Q l » r t * v r » • fi fi.ijt j v ’-’-A ‘ v V' / , ;u ■* V.* -. j.* i j v * k. L» ^ t v 'WW

Fabrics and Style.First we mention Glen UrquharJ over plaids just lately introduced. then we speak of ihe nev, conceptions in the popular Tartan plaids. All new coloiiogs represented. If you like stripes we have them. Also plenty of plain grays and felues-always in good taste.PRICE -You can pay any price you can af­ford. Big Assortment in ail grades-and guaranteed values. From $10, $12, $15, up. In closing, let us mention that we are ex elusive headquarters for

Styleplus Clothes $17.The famous suit of medium price. Ali wool fabrics, splendidly made up, guaran­teed to we^r and styled by one of the big designers. Ail the popular models, every size. Special styles for young menClothes for every shape-for every taste-at every price. Our

big varied assortment is worth seeing first.

B . A , S e l l a r s & S o nW h a t A r e T h e N e w S p r i n g S t y l e s

D r e s s e s a n d C o a t S u i t s ?in

c rv__i__„ 'will T-.fl V—.h, jr >> H i ! t is 5 *J»J,

The lovely new Spring dresses and Coat Suits we are now showing are largely the production of Am* encan designers. Paris has had but little say as to the Spring styles which American women will wear As a result, the styles are now fully determined up­on; there is no uncerta'ntv regarding them.

First o f all, the skiras are widely flaring and are shorter. Some o f the dresses have circular flounces or narrow ruffles on a fair­ly narrow foundation. Hi^h-vvaist and normal waist-line effect are both fashion­able. The niost favored fabrics for dress­es are messa'.ines, taffeta, crepe de chine, convert cloth, serg“ and gabardine. White leads, but black and white manish mixtures and sand, putty Belgian blue, gray, and navy are also good.

For Coat Suits the most favorite fabrics art> poplins, gabardines, serges and con­vert cloth and the colors are Belgian and navv blue, ureen. black and white mixtures sand, putty and trray. Ha_ ' ig received several large shipments this v,\ ok yoa v.iU be able to g>jt a eom ir»hpisive idea of the new styles from our present display. For the excellent quality o f material and high grade workmanship the prices have new r been so reasonable.

Tfee Dresses are from $5.00 to $25.00. The Coat Suits from $10.00 to $30.00.

If it is wearing apparel you want for Easter gtt itfrom us and it will be correct in style and at the lowest price.

B. A. SELLARS & SON, Burlington, N. C.

P R I N T-■-'V, I-'.

Page 6: SPRING IS HERE!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said

r A c t u si.U. J i l l * !

fu d a y . a u a c p m . m s.

l i


G r e a t S t r e a m c f E u s in sss F lo w s

In to U n ited S t a le s r.c R e ­

su lt c f W a r .


of ihe Contracts fc r . Supplies Rim :.fc r Tw o V i- r s er Longer—

Goods So?c! fo r Defivery Here ipmsrit a> Buyer's Risk.

New Tork.~r.A ec-msnoo estimate c f Xlie -war's i.i t^;ree years. Inthe first six o f tli> co !i‘Mc»th e ITuitod SEatts . sou* about Z ir;,i - OOOiOOO in war supplies, not taking iiito consideration foodstuffs designed for civiija.M Ky August .1our traOc w»i! r^r.-h ■*■' >jhKV»'.KU find unless s o n i i - u n r c s ' ; o check this phenomenal busings. 000,0.'O.ttO-l

. will Lave .poured i i i i j ths United SfSiOs before the treaty of jnr^ce is signed.

Even i f th^ war stu;i HsMnow.o.u? trade in ilu- i:\-y.eriaV .of v,ar would-soon r^ae!i a !;]]].'• n, fo rm u st ©r the great contract.* art* written to be fulfilled without ror.-ir-l' in tho coarse o f the war ar.U ruii for two f year*; c r evpp . ' |

Our gain would he even larger j vttuld v*e supply both .‘ iJe.s. As it is. < almost nothin? is 2viiisr to tho Te.u* ■ foc;> allies. /

The United rf-|ficiais arc onahh' 'a ptve :;r>yihiD% j mu? r-crrcc* l-rvros o f the trade in ; war suppIie-5 A iarpe |*ronon?on, i how largo is i* impossible to say. ; poes to Canada first and iss ftrpp^d j from there to Cn^m-d. France, Ru3- ; ria or one ' *?»'»> allies.

Th<are is 1:0 penalty i^r ini-hniin?1 ; Snorts. }.X\!<*h cunpor.d'"? ii* coing ; out in ca:.cs tu^rk'-d S'ii::-r «-,r <=*s- • pecfnlly tIiKi-j»h P.i'uHf* port? to Rus- | rsa hy way <*f V l^ilvnstck. ]

Tn the tnc.-t authorite.Gv'-' oirch's ft i is estimate:! th:t» the* i?nnc:;-rl ii^ms j in tho four Tri!'.:n; r o f dollars' v.orth ; ordered lien* as ;1:-' := .-Lv novMis ; were: M o 'or -'.rr - ♦ ■S{:lT«?ve5 and f !j* ■ ire?:? slv:d. ? >’:'rck-'. j?v •<-heni>rals ; ’v! fir .•Of} >.{>•>': ?o!ii’ «r-- «('iVi-r 1 •*;•.» r 1 :•

{(DO liliOV.l!"rr:;; '

f ; - r ‘ - r.It v. •1 i

: nr:’v-i,!■':(i. ?]•*“ .- ■• •••.''•’•'■• , »••:*,I:::’ 5 ’ .-

hrxr” -'-'.-' ., ■; J. 5! <.(!•! VOO,1;

■ :■■• -....... th.?

I ■■TH)f»ctnriiiB is a t r t e ie a t ire | ftasiatas is beoeflting from war or-| dera, Rit’jougli these orders ih many [ arc* r.ot large enough to oSTsct| the depression in donsestic trade. ,

Many orders are from government* j wbicli never betur? bought Ic the A.mericau market aiid An:e'u ':m basi- Hess aie:i beiipve thev cau hold t&iti trade a fter tlie war is over. Th ey arjrue ffcat rouch o f tbe work now ] be iii” doTiC'- hero 1'or Great 1‘ ritain. to take aa i.-is-tar.cc, has freviously been

• doiifl in <!:>rmany.[acd tlst'-t- the bitter feoIlKH :i;‘;er [be war. w ill /preclude its Jroius none there asai».

.A !->;■;•:=(ieij)»!ia fa ctory . i* insking swords for the Kr'.tUU army. Such a cpeiract Jiad never fcef«rt% been rt'- ceivei-! in this ccu:j;trj-. In the. past Brit!:*!: f. 'o rd s hare Ivon wade in Oe::nany. . '

Iri . r’ ?tisbui*!i <I.'s:r.'ct,. whicji ir.cluii-'s !.'. iV j-he:'!. ivpny GrrmaiU who. T'or/;;orI-/ v:; ! :\:r I he Krapps 'are en)ploy<‘<l. Thv-y. a iv now making war roaterial fo r tao aJHv.*s, a ilhough ;- e f eoi*;<e. th^v «Io JiCsl. Know this 'deSafir^iy. Th e ’ men in the factory a r e '»o i informed fe r whom a particu­lar- tf!::.' i'-'-'i i-'?:ru:•*•.:»)! shell is being:

e:!d fte:r»» are r. rorte i. Tbo i Prwiv.h . :Jovern!»>enr jiaid New*

j:jajii»f:.'r;iurer*' $_•.>>},O^j fc r ?nowa:iees5. Oks conoeril. in PhiU- rielphl.-'.is ti'.rr.Ias: car a folding saw with wcvd-.-r. bundles for cutting w ire er.t2nf;H;neiiL!S. W h en the war started the armies u?ed . steel timers for this work, with the result that many men wore shocked r.o d^r.tii by bfarh volt- a^o ciectriehy.

Factories turnsd to Ksw Uses. •Ail porta o f factories luive. been

•'re??ed into commission to make h in v.ar, A company i.i •^rid^crort, Conn., which usually :nkcs cem etery monumsnts o f >rdnze. i? now* turning out forgings or an litiTo truck concern which has i large crflcr from th? allied coira-

" ie s . l^ridgeport, by the way. is 05- = “'Fins Prosperity because most *f i*.5 industrial concerns are working : a v. ar order.*.AU through IMrssafhvsetts ar.d -

'onnreticut war ortler’? i.re helping to . vrrertre the degression o f ihe f;r?t • w jjjoDths o f the war. The Fere ;■vcr Shlnbniid:n?: coTn?any is very j :ry. l i !■? penrrally rer-orted it is 5

ten Fr.l'inar!!:*’ navy Jo 1.v rp.} at ihrt ;

"rt f * war. In addition, i ‘ isC1 h fr 5K(>;narincs. ton.

I.v.i: rv l far nj*:n;.' particular ar- o’ ".' ;• h 'cn i:'> ’ he al*cd pDV-.-rnrx-'it.' hav.? con*'ac:y at j rirea t vT’.traclive fe r ’io t - In a ;i<»ilion, ft fa

v. lb ’:1 ?t.? '{’ »!?• -:cn. V-r:kers u»id rre ^fi’ hf'r*• ~ ::i in[' which r*n* * ■>:liov!.**;• a::t.It i? :-ssd a ( ’h i ? T « o r r h : in ? s


andReduced In Price, All Twenty* Cent Cakes and Candy now

10c - - - Tea Cents - - - 10cFresh Roasted Peanu;s, fuli )ine o f Fancy Groceries, When you trade at this store you do not have to pay other people's d»*bts . Nofidng de'ivered. Nothing charged.

Y. ur pa'ronwg'e solicited,


Merits of the Dispatch Ads.

t r*

U. S.— T h ere n a y be room encugh fo r both, but it*» you r fsuJt S P E C I A L P R I C E S !


• * J

};^re.r- ixk .

an-1 r 'l'- ’i i ’ 1 : : > i;i:'?’H their frr <’<-il t r:j.«t

.M.'.-.'v <d : ! '-i. s t!.’ i:ol ,kmivv they r-Vf >urni!i;: «*ui r.uut't:- '

tf:r: ji:;: }•...••:•• - [: 'i •it. but they d>» \\r,i v ::i * TIsr-y '«! -air ;

:r. .. — ............... •*’ .? :o,.? i

wiih pr«'a! s-.f.'Try.(lood** nr** «wjJd for ii 'i\ ‘ ry

and shiiimt-v.f i< .a it:«- !>**>-*-r'- T ]k haver o iifrr s‘ *<T*'r;. h- - *.-' th«‘ jiuix’ s <• A,-Mn\. Th»- iv,;<:?«farii*rrrs ^;'rr<••••*: /? th^ir ?.»ant- "•■‘ h hijih fern'< > traor-* et nrnvdJtuards Hf <*r,v-r «?nly ut oo-e^er- ate with the i.uyers in ■ :»«»secrecy, bjt? uh.o to |.<revt-;»f m' M; }.; hy agents o f gorernraeTi’ *r i:- *"!*!«; to fhe buyers.

Th? ?"« a:wl aavii-inifionfactories in fh-* Tnite*} Smte- ordi­narily I'm/DO peev.ov.r Now their foree^ v\:trh-*:- ,M are inercasinp:.

The enornifAis for h!ija ex­plosives has forced price.-: j 0 iiiarii level?. P icric acid, used in making1 expletives, has ris* a from ii.” ceatn io $2.r»rt a pound and the entire suppiy on hand has been bought up. Those who still have giincottr.n o:: «am« which can he delivered w 'iih in"ofl days are asking cents ;» pound. The usual price is 20 to cents in February the French government tried to buy 24,000.000 pounds o f gyn- <otton. offering 6.* rents. It was un­obtainable. si» contracts were placed with a number o f m ills rtsnr.in*; over two years.

More than J0.000 antoiaobiie tru- ks have t/C n shipped to England and France since August !, bat from th** way new orders are comm? in. this branch ot trade is only just begin- r.insr The French war authorities figure the average *tfe o f an auto huck only seven days.

Thousands o f Buyers.There ar-' thousands o f bu jin?

aa:er.ts lo r the foreign governinents a?i o ^ ” the country, but the two larc;< -• blocks c-f contracts are eom- Ini? t! vough Chnrks Schwab t». the Pethh•:. ni Steel company and J. Pier- por.t r rgan. head o f the great bank* \>iZ fir >.

Sch" ib has r.i.'tde two vl?irs f;> K't rcv-o : ” ce the war began and has ob­tained contracts amounting tc m o r

.;:.0.000,0<>n. His netb^chem •re making even 12 -iucli jrun.- allies. in addition to wha;

now the :•••;•/ -a? pn”eUn?ir..'C the B jitish rrrvemi^enr r.n*

a :i o:!'cr-. -n i; : ■ .. . : :*:j.'Every section o f the country where

?r 11 >:i: ther*- is wo;l-nr*c f o?:i'.’r t w ; i h

tv,.» • ;• ;-n -ii . i};-» r ;«' v m

> : : •! t;c and h’ V ir ':. ?? a tollf *'r< • i m !■• r e-’ .i? c:\ ; r,i: : !a l -

i v-vy oi v.:*r ;'**!:*’Shn*. I> r.v-" • /=»• vi \:n-vy.

' ‘ • r:.” ' 'is oT /ji'-h Oi'V-V' *'•» :•? *.:• . rn ;n;it fh'-T nati.'n

m hi!;’ yi;tti • j: a b '*'i»' f n> :.r<v fi'-'i i.' JIcTcvti Il'iF.-ijta crter t f

C h ief o f Police i '^ t i l lo o f Burlington

fie (s Tw o PriM)tters H ere— Sfuch

Wanted Lawbreakers.

Co! stable I I . Garrard and Patro ’-

irian ( ’narlie Markham this afteruoo.?

arrested John (Iriffin, colored, charped r fne n r i t - : ^ . ^ beirjr r.n accomplice o f John

(•'avt-s in rorivirvjr a store a t Burling-

Graves was arrested yesterday

on a local charge and held fo r the

Uurlinjrton authorities. GrifTm was

ir«!piie:iled aud later fe ll into the

hands o f t ’nt* officers.

Chief o f Police Pa tillo o f Burlirp-

t )?’ i-ett«r!iod home w ith bii? tw o pris-

or.ers tVii:s aften:(.-on.

‘ iraves is also charped with the

larceny «?f a shot pun. brother i.>

already ii’. the lock-up u t BurUn^ton

«>a a charpe o f holpinp i'.i the store

r; and a variety, o f other »rrime.'?.

.V-voi-diuf? to ( ’h ie f Patillo . liurlinp-

loa has heeii overrun with pet-.y

erinte> ;-nd esjiecially roh lvries dur-

ie.t; the pa«t fe'.v weeks:. He told o f a

y.»unp lii^y*s pur^* i ’e irp sjiatchcd

In Jersey C ity a policeman has been

suspended fo r demanding a kiss o f a

young: woman he had assisted in find­

ing her w ay across the street. Th is

Is a l-rar.d-new kind o f pra ft-

30 I

I am selling the other young man

his Easter Sait, w hy not sell yon

yours? Farrell, Merchant Ta ilor.

Corn. Cotton Seed, and. A ll Kinds

o f Hay. W ill pay highest cash price.

W iii (alee Cora Shelled c r Unshell«d.

M E R C H A N T S S U P P L Y CO.,

- For Thirty Days -ON

Gents’ Furnishings. Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes. Full line Boys’ Ciothing.

It i.-; fur easier to acquire a repu­

tation for greatness than it is to make


f ff »

t t

t *

ff N e w P a r is K u iid in

V.— ,

See us for your New Spring Suit.Price and Quality G U AR AN TE E D .

J.M. Crawf ord& SonGRAHAM, N. C.

Corner Main ai;d West Elm St.

5 1: ,iy' f ’.;:tt <it 'v r ii'. ! o

A V '^v-’. Vir*; r i;y sa.' :i t:;>* Hastiian. pov- ' f ; om her hamisv hist nipht ai:d o f nu- :T.nirni is >'.irfe.rinfi:.th»* most heavily ' nuinuis other incidents o f a like na-

id-* puhli«;atioii in IvKvsin in whiih

’jo >:i I 's( r.r-Mali ihe e^i-’oitai.on o i .Vmoric"'! r- nuai.-'sionors ai-d hr.-.i-.ers.


;ture. • iiurnajo Sun.

I- ic-ncU lo^kou; in the most ad- | var.ced position alo'it-' the French line of tronehs.v


Vv2 rd s o f W is ;o n s i « Sheriff 510,376.81 fc r T^-oIr

Fam ilies-


.lanesvi:!*' V 'is.--I.etting out hte prisoners to work for wages that ko to thoir fam ilies ir.siead of making them h-amraer stones, C. S. 'Vhipp’ ?. i'cck county sheriff, is denionstraiinj; he pcssibilitics of th*> Wisconsin com*

mitment law.X)urin? th** two veers the statute

has b;-on in force $1C*7:.A*. has bf-en perjsh f or jac.k 0f kr.owled earned by prisoners in this county O f :his amount dependents of paroled per- •ons received $1,V»7?'.S1 and th--' coun*:y $3,210,41.

One man *.^as paroled for a year to tU w ife to conduct a clothes pressing %srab!ishme>t.

■ Y O U N G (fA K T N Q lA M A N


H O N E Y M O O N .

i !hai iottc.>ville, Va., March ‘l:\.— Sea-

1 ivh is heinp conducted fo r Frank Sio-

ektor., a younjr man from Gastonia,

who is alleged iu hare deserted his

bride o f few days w h ile the two w ere

spending1 their honeymoon at a hotel

hen?. I t is also alleped that when he

dopart«»d he took all o f her money with

him. !

The pair were married March 28Ui

at the bride’s home in Oranpe county,

and they came fro m there to Char­

lottesville. Mrs. Stockton, who is se­

ven yearr. older than her husband,

! fo rm erly t-aupht .school at Gastonia,

and she is now w ith ht*r relatives


; Though Stockton is reported to have

jbeon married once before, this has not


The Only Curs*.

Shake? peare said, and Shakespeare is

pood authority, Ignornnco is jho only

corse and knowledpe the wind's

wherew ith we fly to Heaven.

It s' o- tls oNtravapatit-

];ut Isaiah, who is bettc-r authority,

had much the sam e thir.p in mind

when he said, Israel doth p.ol know?

Israel doth not consider. Tho people



'f-turrort lo I .c r i! !- fro ::> ;!;<? Sshtlnsr cm es!iri:a< = ;!:f average life

j f a t\-:*.r lior--.' U . < ' ’ :ys. and that o f a war aatoino&ile oa!y ten.

So they did ir Judea; .so they do in j

Orancre, ar.d everywhere eUe. I

In 1010, there w ere 1,44S illite ra tes !

in Orange, the heme o f the State j

U n iversity : G:-r> o f their, were w h ite !

and 292, or more then a. ninth o f them

Curing the curse o f illiteracy is a

main concern o f the county campaign

that has begun in Oranpte county.

V ARE YOU SATISFIEDW ith thc qua lity o f feed you arc buying, and the prices you are having to pav?

W h y N o t C o m e t o H e a d q u a r t e r s ?t v e r y o o u y cise kinds o f teed.

does. w h v n< 'O U ? Wre have fu ll lin e o f ail

A r e Y o u r H e n s L a y i n g ?I f r,ot. try som e o f ou r ch icken chow der, i f it don 't m ake th em lay. th ey must be roosters. A lfa lfa m ea l fed w ith ch icken chow- d cr w ill do the work. W h y not let th em work tor you? W 'e guarantee results. W h a t it has done fo r others, it w ill d o fo r you.

B u t t e r I s M i g h t y S c a r c e .


D airy Feed. W h ea t Bran, C S. Meal and H u lls together w ith beet pu ip w iii produce results, i l ic i airy m en fe ed this, w h y no: yen? T h e y usually know w hat th ey are doing, w h y not p ro fit by th e ir know ledge.

D o n t T a k e C h a n c e s .G ettin g the sam e qua lity som ew here else, com e w here you kn ow

w hat you w ill get. A p p ie r and 90 day cats. G enu ine M aine grow n seed Irish potatoes o f a ll va iieties.

Merchants Supply Co.B u r l i n g t o n a n d G r a h a m , N . C .

Millers Agents, Melrose and Dan Valley Flour and Feed.


Page 7: SPRING IS HERE!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said

K BU tf, tUBCB K i M . I B T w n t - i - w m WSfATC«; bveujngton. h . <xf

PACE B m ns

, ! Y


tEG M ESC A ftS MSB VENGEANCEA atault On 15-Yeau-01d Girl

Cauise» E x c item en t In Utfedrieoburg.

Boydtan, Va-, March 23.—Fear of a ' lynehimr in Mecklenburg county last msktas a result of the attack tqade yesterday afternoon upon Georgia Rojrstor, tlie. 15-yea~-oid daughter of ■rs. L. T. Eoyster, a wldaw, who lives .war Clarksville, caused Sheriff W. R. ^ * 1« and his deputies to take ext?* precautions to prevent mob violence.

T w o negroes, Thomas Coles and

Dichard Carter, who a re a lleged to

have attacked the Royster child while

* e w as returning home from school

a t Buffalo junction, are both iii cus­

tody, Carter having been captured in

Danville la st evening, w hile Coles was

(Aught a fte r being wounded three

ernes. Coles was seriously wounded

amd brought in a dying condition to

ihe ja il here.

Coles w as taker in. an auto mobile

tv the Petersburg- ja il la te la s t n ight

fo r safekeeping. W hile on the w ay

» Petersburg he is reported to have

. made a fu ll confession, completely ex­

onerating Carter, saying hfi comm it­

ted the attack upon the Royster child.

The g ir l says two men attacked her.

Oarter protests his innocence o f be­

ing implicated in the crime.

The crim e has so alarmed she c it i­

zens o f the low er end o f the county

that it is feared vengeance w ill be

wreaked upon Coles i f a mob can lay

hands upon him. Coles is a negro who

is a lleged to have murdered a negro

woman, Annie Chandler, in Boydton,

January 31, and made his escape. H e

had eluded the officers since that

time. B e returned a d ay or so ago

from the State o f Georgia.

G eorgia Royster started home from

;.-chool about 2 o ’clock, but did not go

along the roadway, having decided to

pass along a short rath extending

through w m e woods. When she was

within a h a lf m ile o f her home she

was seized by two negroes and rough-

I f handled. The fiends threatened to

k ill h er i f she made an outcry fo r

help. They overpowered her and sub­

jected her to unhuman treatm ent. !t

is a lleged that Coles was especially

brutal in the manner in which he

powered the girl.

A fte r starting to leave the scene

o f their crim e the negroes again

threatened to kill (he g ir l o f she told

what had happened. I t is believed

the s i r i ‘s prt.-r.jjs" to k*!os> mu*'- ibo iit

the crime-saved h--r f *•»>•> hein? mur­


GOATS AS FIRE FIGHTERS• f 4*000 to Help Unci* Sun

K t t f Firebreak* Open In Na­tional Reacrvc*.

>b FMmctoeo.--Give a *oat * lc * M d be make* » Oist e|«M Ore

'. ]a reeocnitioa ot hi* ettcienc) the tte lta *S ta te* forest service an- aoaaeea tkat the secretary ofagricnl- tmre haa j u t authorized the free (Tax­ing c f 4,00* coats ia tbe national re­

e f California. together with a to thrtr owuers for handling

Spirit W ilting B at Pmrme W m L i

j Debtor—I want to pay that little1bill o f w u m !yours.

Creditor—Tliank you, sir; thankj you.

! Debtor-


-But 1 can’t.— H ie London

C i t t t i t wMe trails knows as lire- breaSat aeroas which brush Area can­not ja a p , ia a standard method o f fire prev ration. T h e troeb le U that each y e a r there recurs* at heavy ooat tha problem o f cleaning ea t the trails. T n m tooae a herd o f hungry ipa ta— sad a . goat is always kaagry—aad they, soon w ill, crop the undergrowth short aad clean.

| The Gallant Volunteers.

I First Territorial—Well, what do

you thiile of our manoeuvers, Bill?Second Territoria l (h itherto unac-

I quaintod w ith field d a y s )— Thank ’ev-

in we’ve go t a nivy.— Loridon Punch.

V E R Y L I K E L Y VKTOSSSlSAHfETon have been p b u i a ; t» f a y a WATCH, let c s

coop erate w i i i you b j ea r EASY PAYMENT plan. Small w eekly payment* tbat you x i l l never m iss.WHY NOT LET US 00 YOUR REPAIRING?

* 0»<- watc maker k u 15 jears experience Exper­ienced w «k M im ip n tu t !«•* traable sad t ip e w toyoa .

HOFFMAN BROS. Jewelersm c E s i i s i o j . u t * * n .


Capt. E. B. Towse, who was award­ed the Victoria Cross Tor his heroic work in the Boer war. where he lost his eyesight, has gone to the front. Unable to take, up arms tor ljis coun­try on account ot his disability, the biiad captain has gone to one o f the bases o f the army in France where he w ill w rite tetters home fo r bis brother soldiers.

P a n a m aSari

P a c i f i c E x p o s i t i o nFrancisco, California

L o w R o u n d T r i p F a r e s- V i a - —

Prem ier Carrier o f the South.

Dates of Sale March 1st. to November 30th. 1915Final return limit w ill be three (3) months from date o f Sale, not to exceed Dec. 31, 15)15

Low round trip fares w ill apply lr(.-irt points as follows:

Raleigh. N. V . _:.*87 93 Chape! Hill, N C . ___________ $86 95Durham, “ “ ______ $86 9?, Oxford, N. C . : ..................... . . $87 25BURLINGTON, N r C\ .$85.25 (ioidsboro, N. ( ’ . . . . ; $90.29

Fares from ail point** o*i the same h.isis.Fares fo r tickets routed one way via Portland, Seattle or Victoria at high rates.Stop over's w ill be permitted on both g-oing and return trip at any point within limit o f

ticket.The Southern Railway can give you choice o f several ‘ conic routes from which to select

coin? one way and returning another aJso fr®--* side s\re include-1, froai several points. Through connections and ’ jrood train service via Memohis, -Si. Lrwis. Cnicasro or Mew Orlean. Through Tourist car from Washircrteo. D. C. to San Francisco daily via N ew Orlean and the Sun Set Koute>

Let us help you plan your trip, rmke your Pullman reservation etc.Fonfurther information call on any Southern Railway Agent, or write.

O. F. York,Traveling Passenger Agent Raleigh, N. C.



Four nc|;ro women and one negi*o

ntan gathered in front o f the court

house early this morning, and a fte r

coins had been pulled from sto ck in g

and pourod out o f dilapidated purses,

they entered the office o f Squire R. A .

Harris. Several countings o f the

money found them with enough to pay

the fine o f Jack Graves, found gu ilty

o f an assault with a deadly weapon

by Judge Graham yesterday morning.

They paid the iine and ’Squire H arris

ordered him released from. ja il.

“ N oth ing doing," said A cting Chief

S’endorgast, “ The th ie f o f police in

Burlington wants a man named Jack

G raves."

The rive negroes did not hear the

words o f the officer and with happy

faces went into the court house to sen

Jack Graves em erge from ja il.

N o Jack Graves camc out, for Iho

officer had telephoned i*-- ch ief o f

Burlington regard ing tl; ~s>. The

vo ice a t the other end oi* the w ire

said, “ Hold Jack Graves until I can

g e t there." The local officer is doing

this.Someone told the party quintet o f

Jack’s new trouble, and they became

indignant; but their look o f indigna­

tion soon changed to one o f dejection

and they walked slowly away from

tho court house. However their

mouth3 worked with hair-trigger rap­

id ity, ar.d they appeared to be swear­

in g o ff ever again paying a fine fo r

a -man still in jail.


Great Britain Order* Supply In This ;Country far Us* In Barrack


Kane, Pa.— Par the firat tim e tn his- i lo ry practically every inflow glass - plant in this section w ill operate through the summer season. Some or the plants may be compelled to cease ; operations for Bis or eight weeks fo r ; repairs, but will "^susze operation as soon as they are completed.

Th e great activity o f the window srlass trade is due to the war, the de- j iiianiS fc r su ss to;' esaei't ;being the greatest in history. Much or | (fcs 3?!.°-*® l* ftCine shipwEt! ty Xondoji. j w here it la being used tor temporal's barracks in training camps. B efore the outbreak o f tho war Orest Britain de; pended almost entirely on Germany and Belgium fo r glass.

J o b W o r kD O N E

BLOODHOUNDS ON THE TRAIL jBut It Turned Out to Sc a Jackrabbit’* ;

and Not the EscapedConvict's.

San Rafael, Cal.-^Possea are comb- j ing the slopes o f Mount Tamalpais for j traces ot two man-trailing blood- j hounds, the property o t Frank H. de | Pue. which were Jast seen w ith their j foaming jaws close to the heels o f a ! jackrabbit. !

De Pue received word a few days j ago that Peter Tosti, who escaped j from San Queotio, was hiding up in liie hiiis o f Oortc Msdersu XT? i iv . a deep ravine he unleashed She bounds. A moment later their forms j were outlined against the s t y as they | raced in the rear o f the rabbit, which j led them into oblivion on the o ther! side o f the slope. 1

CRIME IN SAXONY DECREASES iBurglaries Reduced by 70 Per Csnt i

Since Outbreak o f European !War. j

TVesfien.—Criminality has dimin­ished to a remarkable degree in Sax­ony during the war. according to the police commissioner’s report. In Dres­den the number c f frauds has been re­duced by 40 per cent and burglaries by 70 per cent. Th is occurrence is not attributed to the calling up o t the members o f ths habitual criminal classes among the men drawn to take j their places in the ranks o t the army, but is due to psychological reasons. In | the opinion o f th* noted crim inoltgist. j Dr. Robert Heindl. i

Promptly and at Reasonable

Professional Cards■/. J ' IK Y .s •

Hr; .t. iioriKtiluy, b V. M

Spoon & H ornadayV E TE R IN A R IA N S

O ffitt aad Hospital, Office P k a » 377 415 Man St., R etidatceftoae 282

C. A. Anderson, M. D.O f f i c e H o u r s :

1 t o 2 p.m . 7 t o 8 p.m. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING

■ L b ttV f* h n j 1 ' i l l b .U


John Hv VernonAttorney and Counsellor at Law

BURLINGTON, N. C.Office P.ooms 7 & 8, Second Floor o f First National Bank Building

Office Phone, 337-J.Resident Phone, 337-L.


Foster Building BURLINGTON, - - N .C .


(Up Store)Phones: Hours:

80-J ■''-10 A. m .*S0-G 7-8 p . m .

Dr. G. Eugene HoltO STE O PA TH iC PH YS IC IA N

UT ! ’>' rir*-1 W ttifn i.’.! iimtk litiibihiL

O ffic e Pfcone 30S, Rei. 3S2 J.

Burlington, - - - - N .C .

W illiam I. W ard Ira t\ Moser


A ttorneys-af-Law ,

Pvacticf in State and Federal Courts. Graham, N . C.

Prices at

I t ’s a good policy to trade at home—

Ambulance W as too Small. !New York.— Tha service* o f 22 men,

an ambulance and an ice truck were used to remove Mrs. Annie Frey, thir­ty-three. who weighs Dearly five hun­dred pomds, from tier home to a ward tn Bellevue hospital. She n i cof­fering from cardio nephritia.

The D ispatch Office.«


Twice-A-W eek DispatchOnly One Dollar Per Year!

TiONSan Diegc, C*l.


San Francisco, O l .


— and—


— ? '= —

# U JpC TC iiW S i i lU M l U VI bw * ”

WAlfMarch i lo Vnvombvr 30. 1915.



Th«^ Best Kouti- to tb i

W E S T ------and -------- N O R T H W E S T .

First Class and lilived Car T icket*

Hnnitscekcrs Fares tn Many Point*

I'L IX M A N S L E E P E R S ------------

----------------------D IM N G CA!J,"

A ll Inform ation -jpon Application ‘.i-


General Passenger A gen t.


T-:.\eling Passct.gcr Agent.

W U M t K K . VA


tADISS tAdi T «»r U n u h c for CHI-CHiJs TKR 9B U M O SU UKAxn 1-Ii.LS in Run .-.nd / Gold nxetallie b>'^es. ec-r.lej wiih Elnc* Ribbon. TAES ko (’T3?n. T5«y Of * .Hr > Sraffit*t and a*k t v * lii:s. yF.Tri sJ l.ll!O S !> BBA -VD P I ».(.«». foryears rejjarded f.a Srt't, Safest, Always ttcnabic.


Tw o young men barely escaped ho

ing mobbed when they appeared or.

Park Row in N ew York 22. thi-

first day o f spring. weariaR straw

hats. N ew York has the reputation

o f being a ve ry busy place, y e t there

are th ings i t w ill pausp t..- Ihkt notice of.

When a woman is able to make some

other woman jealous she rea lizes tbat

she has not lived in vain.

m Mi i ' l .i f f

Page 8: SPRING IS HERE!apps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-03-26.pdf · met, ihe -family, and made love to her. -^Ho- -ir^ted ine.at all times as a g^deinan,” she said

r i f f i B G I t W M BPATC* H H 4 f O m i. lt- fc n a u i t , k a m x w . m t .* S H


M03-frtRk Fleet !a fiartawlles Suffer I Serws Iks At Narrows Fra* I

tesleia Forees

THREE BIG VESSaS MINED!British- Battleships'- Irresistibie . And

Ocean And French Battleship -Bouvet Sent To Bottom

iiOiuton. -Tito p.ritisb butt:e:-hips Ir resistible aad Ooeaa tiud Uiy French. battleship K<»uvot -.veiv Liiowu' up by iicatins mines while ‘engaged- with

. tho remainder .o f the allied fleet in attacking Tho Curls in tlie narrows of the Vnrdu'^^e.-i.

The crow s' oT Ih * .tuo. I'riUsh ships were virtual;./ .ail saved, iutvinss. been

• traui-ferred ro other ,-diips under, a . hot. . iire, but an inter:.':*! tool;

place-cm heard the Bouvet, .after she . had fouled the -laine and most o f her crew was lost. The. Houvet sank three ininuces n:u -r she .b it lhe mine .

The water* :ij which In** >’;ips were lost had b»-e?i t-c.c.pt o i mines, bm the British admiralty 'asserts that tho Turk* and che Ovrnjans -vet . floating <-t>ntun'.ers : o f ^rp'i-sivo* adrift, and These w ere ctrriLHJ dov.fi hy t J ir* cur­rent onto the uUied ships .uaihered in- ;.-fde tlie entrance u f flit* straits

AH the ships' suuk were old ones _The. l;v>uvct was built nearly t »venty

years • ago. aud {he Ocean and Irre­sistible in I^ S . They u'eru useful, however,' for ihe work i » which they »vere engaged (a the'Dardanelles.'-The sunken British ships « i v being re­placed .by thc -battleships Queen and unplayable. V'.'Sm'I.s o f a ^in.iilar typo.

The damage do:.e u> tin* Turkish forts by tht' heavy -bombardment has •sot been ascertained. it is stated that operations aKaiu:-i tlieni are continu­ing. Tht* i'nrU attacked were those on either side o f Kephei: hay and on Kephez point outbid* the narrows and those on K.iiiii t.!se narrows

The Kepke* forts stronglywhen the battleships advanced tip the Uardanelles, and all the ships were hit. It is a verted that these fort* finally we tv sitouced and a bombard­ment c f thnse in the narrows wa-; under way v.-h<*n tl.e thre*- battleships hit th** mines The blowinu up uf the <hips did n»»t a (vs^-aUon of thefighting, whieh <un^itied until dark­ness intervened.


• s s ie g e d f o r m o n t h s e a s t -





Colds, la (frippe and the

,MA.V T A K E S JOS O W N J fE M C tN E B d l’* P in ^T w -B oaey i » « *

■uprmffj IS A N O PT IM IST j ready household rtaMy—H g i " f M r

j H e has absolute fa ith in his « • « - » * *I cine— he k .ow s vrt.en h « tak e , it fo r « ^ s « • ,inin^ o t * * * * * : • *

G H A STLY A CTS R6l*ORTED TO feve r.”H AVE BEEN COM M ITTED j r, .. . .. . ' .

BY N A T IV E S ! -K the dfty* contlnue, * * warm . - ........ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j ^ ^ ^ ^-------- the lizards w ill begin to craw l, snakes (certain ailments he g&ts re lie f. P e o -, ’ „

n . v :m . Natur,- to a c t A t jo a r D n » -State Department R «ceives ** »"/ „-i!| arouse from their Blumber, th e 1 Pltt wl!0 Dr- K i ' f t ’s N aw lH acoy-!Appeals From Citizens

In Mexico

Wssbingi/.n. (Mnditioa-iC-i(y». m well as Man/.asiillo, are givhicofficials m.ich concern.

Apparently tiie inoccupation of :h f

jforests w ill resound w ith the so n gs ;ery ^o r an irrita ting Cold are opti

■ the little birds and the frog-ponds mists— ithey know this cougrh remedy i!) w^xi.’ o w ij, re.w.j,(> the “ croak, croak” o f the 'w ill penetrate the linings o f the

gist^ 25c .

b ig bull-frojt. j throat, kill the germ s, and open the

I Much Enthusiasm in PetrcBrail, LOB-

don and Paris .O vei V ictory Re- garded as Most Important. .


London.- The. long ihvestnient of the mi.d-Golician Jortress o f Pn em ysl ha.3 ended.. Depleted by disease, sari-|

Everybody is glad to see fa ir weath- i waT f o r Nature to act. You can’ t de-

capital «> the Zapata , forces a<(> nni cr. and the farm ers o f this-section a r t s‘ roy a Cold l.y superficial treatment brought tl.t* expect'd relief, or i busy preparing their ground fo r .th e :— you - must go to the cause o f Att*en(;r:V hu%«'0 ^ 1 brth e ir isoia;ion s -ng {trouble. He an optim ist.— Oet-afcottlo

h a w e x p rr ie n w d ^ iW The "snOMrfair oh■ Monday was- a j o f Dr. K ing’s N ew D iscovery today, jof them witii other foreigners iiski'd strange sight to behold fo r so much W H IT E M A N W IT H B L A C K L IV E R j 10 ^ electrocuted fo r instiga ting the the Stato department throneh .the lira. 3now ^ tinie o f the y ea r js a | The L ive l. ' i s a bloo<i purifier. i t murder o f Herm an Rosenthal, M * zilian ia m m u t lo obtain tor tneta • , , I . , . .. . aJ(fc *k « Tr^ » - * _

rare thing. was thought at one tim e i t w as the : rests with the Court o f Appeals. A r -

Fate o f Condemned M m N ew W ith

the Court o f Appeals.

A lbany, N . Y ., March 25.— T i e fa te

o f fo rm er Police Lieutenant Charles

Becker who tw ice has been sentenced

transportation to Vera Cnu Svc >v ta.'y Urjau ,iniMninced lite r that ttaiua had been requested froin both Villa-Zitpata .government and ihe C ar

- • , .------ -- T i ra.ii7a iinthnritie-: w e are. glad to say that'she is improv-sisimg ou narse flesh and surrs>und«4 * rapUZd aumonues. .i>y :a superior force of. Russians,' the | i repjv.‘'f-i':i;nioB.'< v £,,n_J

has gone to

Mrs. W . L . Hudson has been co n -■ seat o f the passions. The trouble wtih j guments o f appeal from the second

fined to her room fo r a fe w days but j most people is that their L ive r be- j judgment o f conviction w ere com-

ihaiie in g ...eirrison has surrendered to :ho ms- j dnf’HS the da> to General Ciirran7..i Mr.. \V. C. Hudson sieging , army after a defrase la s !* : ; i concerning His troops at Manaitiillo.

| whose a-'tlvities bave caused foreign-'! ers riiuch apprehea*«ion. The Anipri- can constil was instructed to keep in

, dose touch with the commander of the cruiser Cleveland. It is understood

i ’ aris in tbesdpnta ieoos mnimer ch a> ! the-commander has dlscrW onary p«-v. acterisii.- o, ti.ose c it ie s - I.ondon w i!h ; ers- ™ahh>,B him to take «u «.»n rc s :

many months., which up to the present is recorded. as Austria's mos1. noie* .worthy -roiirrihution to tlie- war.

Petrosrad, l^ondon and Paris arift eelebratIns th^ event— Petrograd and:

comes black because o f impurities in

the. blood due -to Hnd physical states,

causing Biliousness, Headache, D izz i-

Greensboro where he w ill engage in ness and Constipationi Dr. K ing'sf *

relie f df foreigners i f nn gent y should develop.the l ’ ri!i?'h way.

The newspaper?- iis>«cn that tbe . fa ll .of the. fort res* marks the most i de.p? rtment;.di!«iu,ettog dl*wtch-

a ipen ter work. j N ew L ife P ills 'w ill clean Up the Liver,

The students .from- Cross Koads j aiid g iv e you new life . 25c. at your

ira 'e their pla>-j entitled, “ The School Druggist.

Mit'ara.” at Sylvan on the night o f th e ; SOM E FORM S O F R H E t ’ MAT1SM

jliHh. The. door-receipts go to eachp '. 'C U R A B L E

j school. • A ll who attended report a.j Rheumatism, is a disease character-Thc-.S'Afdish minister laid bcior,.-. the

important capture ' o f the' war. '. not es fn,!n lh * S '';edlsil •'■Satlon in Mexi- ?-ep tin « Atit-werp. in t !^ t it not. only : « > 0 ty.^-oaditiona there since the rc-


Vfce Presidert Ms-sh.Til Likens Pres ent Crisis W.tH England Tc

Situation Of 1812

Vv-:b. - l . > I ? : . - t<* <->i

!!•* “ ;tr -'f 1M:’. Vi ..I:-::! tii ninth- thN •- * at, r jnhik- on h;> tV:ty to Sill) I'ranr:.-;/-*; | l-,

"!*« v I am a w ry j in I**-:uitjjan.- I *.h»'nk n<»;i is jh " t-lo^cfor the vn l’ ro l'nit<*d Sun* - u> ti*» j up until •peareahle. UV. j.ow it:iv\* a 1- Hiil<*Uiat has prufit(v;Uly the ^iim* prtjiileiu- : inn! son!

ndea^e^ «*fnsiderable Hussian Tones which ran bp thrown into the HiK'tuat- injr• #trus)5ble in the Carpathians, but opens the door to fru row and tho plains o f Hungary.

ir in argued, too,, - tha? th*‘ moral efft'i-t ui ;he. surrender w ill he tre- jttien'dou?', the A llies declaring it will stimulate feeling in their favor both :n Kos;:«:inia and Pul^aria just as the operation* in the Dardanelles are causing an a^iMtion in Greecf' and Italy.

The Italian s:nlatitin is receiving attention, although rumors:, rather than facts, seem to no the basis of

rhanali in I n-o?t o f tho news dispatched. Th»x Italian Kmbnssy a* London had no conlirmut 10a of the report that freight 1 rattle h«'iw*»en Italy and Uermanj* by way o f £w i‘,norland had i;e;vn stopped. nor w ’ -- :?ero >'{intimiation o f the re­ported n:;is.-'in^ («f Vustrian and Her­man iron ic tl>- Austrian litt^raU or ilu- a^finhhni: of a n ill“ ry at Tries!,

I'r/.eniysi f^ll w; h hcinor. th*' Brit­ish pres> cor.(VMit>. for it v;ithstood lhe onsJ.m^ht^ bmjt^r than any pjace during tht* war, tlw- iiivesrm ent. hav* *nu be^nn aho,\n Scnteiunfr K>. some­thing 'han si>: rn<»nt’ ’.s av'O. The durati«in ;>f the sk^re eornpared with :!{** lennih of t in v it took th<» G^r- iTiUu- to '.ipuire snrh strongholds a?

.Ni:j»:i;r ar.d \nt«erp . was due in i v.m --iii . on*- b<'inj» the d-'sin* of !]:•• Un --:;»ut>i t<r los> oflift* s « * thr hr*)..-v\vyL urmy at n '

: ’ i“ <it!){*r to t!h- lack of j . w;;i.h :1

Tho m t was not>. >h«- ^arrh-or. ha\iim h«;d ' ; • nt;y a radius of ah*ni: i

n whU'h t«i inmt' about. 1 UspaK-hi‘ .- tnli! <’f -luiotin^ j

{f f >tP . ofllrors I

pleasant time. jized l»y pains in the jo in ts and in the

Tbe rem ains.of Mrs. Lucinda Clapp ‘.muscles. The most comnton form s are

wore laid to re.st in-the quiet, cem e*' Acutea • and Chronic Rheumatism,

Jtery of Mt..Zion-Church-on last S a t -1Rheumatic Headaches, Sciatic Rheu- doplorable and■■“ glui?:!y." |ur(J..

d:iy. Surely w c can agree w ith the ithatism and Lumbago. A l l o f these

entry o f th*.- Zapata force?' wer seribodTU*f dispaleiic.s ?aid that the hnnie Of | ~7 * . _ r ' v" . |Gustave Lundholm, a Swedish subject. ; jrreut poet, Shakespeare, when he < types can be helped absolutely by ap- had-been de^poHed by Jiapatista* and-!^aid: “ AH that live must die, pass- [p ly ing some good liniment that pene- tbat another Swede bad been robbed • , • , , * r* » r*

ini? through nature to eternity. .. ( trates. A n application o f Sloanrs Lm -

________________•_____irnent tw o o r three times a day to thoin tbe ^froet. The honsM* o f a third Swedish rU: J:-c; -which had boo;:-, loot­ed by ('a^ran^.a forces was entered a^ain a*;<! nuit'.iy and weapons do- mar.deti

1’ :

(iK inaii.' h;ui , Vif‘ \v 1

W I R E F L A S H E S .

President Sel>s His GottenPrvsK}“ 7if ^Vil.uoji >t'ld a bale o f cot­

ton :;nd svm the proceeds to charity -;:i OkIi:':on;a ihiriuij tbe ‘•buy-a-bnlo- o f cotton" niovomnet the president bought bales, and one now isin ‘-torau'*- at Ijoswell. 01:’ a. 11 !!, ror:u.-f»* of IVins, Texas, fr'ered i ‘> buy it at 1*» a pound, and the p:vsi.den* ao<-ep(«>d his off«.*r and directed that. the proceeds be sent to a rhAPty in -1 iMit loti i:i Okla’noDJfi fo be sel»'et- ed by S!*nators (»ote and Owen.

Scuth Carobna's New Jurist \\ a>hiii£ton. --t’ rob lon t WilstUi ,^ave

n r«*c»‘ss appotnttnent to Kepr«*s-«*rMa- tive .If'SMph T. Johnson of Sp^^tanburir. S. C.. a.«* l.'nited State.-, district jif.iffe for ‘Jm* wtHiern districf « f South ''ar- obn:» Tbe di4*.trict wart create-- tiur- ina th** days-- o f ihe eon*gr<:-s‘-

Karr;t Assumes New JobTw<‘ imurs after r*-s;e;ninii as di-

**ert«)r “ f Hi** <-ptisuh. William ,f. Har­ris • is ‘-worn in as a member uf the

trade (-:>nin»i>:-i<»n. The 1 by < hief JiiH*


p!eted l>efore that body today. Mar~

tin T . Manton, Becker's attorney con­

cluded his argument in Becker's be­

h a lf and Robert C. T ay lo r , an assis­

tant district attorney, o f - N ew York ,

argued against a reversa l o f thc

judgm ent and the gran tin g o f a new

tria l. Should the Court o f Appeals

decide adversely to Becker, h is next'

recourse would be a request fo r execu­

t ive clemency to Governor W hitm an,

who as D istrict A tto rn ey o f N aw

York County, prosecuted him, o r an

appeal, to the United States Supreme

Court o:i the ground that his constitu­

tional rights had been violated.

A Caller on T h e Dispatch.

Our clever fr iend and patron, l£r.

J;. E verett Stafford, o f Hartshorn, was

in the c ity on business Thursday, and

gave Th e Dispatch a b r ie f ca ll. W e

are a lw ays glad to have our friends

call in and see us when in our c ity .

Say, Pop, a in 't the best w ay to stop

harm tim es to put money in circu la­


Y es m y boy.

W ell, gim m e a ime fo r candy, des.


{affected part w ill g iv e instant relie f.

' T L a E f J. _ 1 1 __| l i t ' Sloan’s Liniment is good fo r pain, and

| * H C i h . f j y I O i l C i i l l i l ;espw.iaily Rheumatic Pain, because it

:is Pure Blood. Oct the blood pure and [penetrates to the seat o f the trouble,

'a li the ills that fo llow from impov- j soothes the afflicted part and draws

crislied or tcintcd blood, such as in-1 the pain. “ Sloan’ s Linim ent is all

digestion, nervous dyspepsia, gastri- j medicine.” Get a 25c. bottle now.

: i.--, ihctiinaticni, eczema, scro fu la ,; Keep it handy in case o f emergency,

e-.o., w ill disappear, leaving the body j W H O L E F A M IL Y D E P E N D E N T

healthy ar.d the mind clear. j M r. E . w iiiiu m s, Hamilton.O hio.

MRS. JOE PEARSON’S REMEDY; w rites: "‘Our whole fa m ily depend on

)> n real bloud ‘ ‘ p u rifie r,a cco rd in g to j Pm e-Tar-Koney.” M aybe someone in ! --------------------------------

hundreds o f testimonial* from people your fam ily has a severe Cold— per-. A lw ays trade a t home and th erob f

who have used it successfully during jhaps it is the baby. The original Dr. profit yourself,

the last, forty years. Jt puts the blood

right, then bulds the body back into

ho.-.lth aad energy.

“ Tor cifrht' or ten years 1 was sub­

ject to severe attacks o f eczcma. Mrs.

j(H.- r--*-


in.-, Uossemer C ity, K . C.

Your druggist should have it. I f he

ha>r.';. send us his name and one del-

Ijir f^r a inrffc bottle

'orson’s Remedy made a perfect j

nu*.“ W rites Mrs. J. H. W ilk-

i'President Wears Shamrock ‘ sident Wilson a;»pearf»i at tbe


extM-uttve irfiires i t. Patrick's D ay{ wearintr a wprip of .shauir<vd\ and a 1.

a paralhd vv.

ever before. The nuestloti «uy mind \yli«‘-iher we as a v.orhi hare actually progressed in lb*1 last 100 years who*; (Men-- m a* p«*.t»-«- and •liploraaev

"Th rrv v\_.*' a litee ui »:i** w :->t x-tiwhoys tis-ed to come ia and shoot up •\ town. It was noidi safer to stay at homo than m v.ent'ur«; <i:: liu* stre»*ts and iisually t'.it- tna:t tbat. *bd noi uant io get into trouble took th*' safe side and stayed inside o fh i> d-;aieil, until the rheotin^ wsts over, u f course Ins action misKt afTect. the amount < f busitu'S'. iw was doic£. The sitnat.ion as to t!i*» world is just tin* sam*\ ojjiv •>n a iarcier .-ea; '.'"

e\.*-,*j»t.ini; i o f tie* garrison. :nw than ' X rtitin ti o f artst*s in | M-tiiincd

Vre_ J/j/» !l(;hshould be

!m;mr:aa<- ha« »

Believes Karlsruhe Was SunkLoi'ab'i:.- The sec^ tary o i the l*nt-

ish admiralty announces that th«T»> is i every rtrason to believe that the Ger­man cruiser Kurlsruiie was sunk, in th<& neisrhbt^rhooj! o f the West Iridic- .it tbe beginning o f November and that those o f he.r crew who w r e . ; -

r r n r Germany early iu De­cember in the steamer U'io Grande, which had !>e**n actm.sr b) concer! with the Karlsruhe.

j P:«st, asbi<» from tbe fa ll of IT/.rinyc! | the simhtion around the Gern.ati port ; f»i* Yu aif t i* The most int--re:.-.;!nkr.' ?Yom tips Mwii thc G>-rmans nviih- ; faiii r i f v lane dri\«-n the Kussians j whib- a ‘-ontrovi-rsy i^ be in a waged by • tho pr*’ss o f the Iwo countries as to t the merits of the Russian contention ! that t ivilians t-re^ r»n »hem in . this. ; latest incursion in Prussia . n.i n--: whi< h r.**n;.inded reprisals


- Commander Brickcr o f Scorpion and Three Seamen Dead.

; Constantinople, via Perlin aud Lon- •don.— I.ient'-nant Oome.mnder William | P. Bricker. o f the I vnited States con* i verted yat ht’ -Scorpion and three sail­ors, Oharivs Pord. Trven Dow«dl and

! Albert F. !.eveivn<, were-drownrd on ; thc night e f .m.n:•«*’•» while, attempt- ! in-r to reach their \f-rsel with a row- I boat. The S« ornion v.M.e anchored in :- the Bosporus <.ff Constantinople. The : rowboat was swamped in a h?avy sea.! Lieut. Herben S. Babbitt nnd one ■saoisor. also in fhe boat, were >avod.

Building But No ExhibitTh- *•- sunre»nc- court

ha?- knocked out the act o f th* recent leclsUntre appropriating $-10,000 to rosnpbte and maintain ae Arkansas exhibit at the panama cxpo>iJ!on. This nn-.ins that tbe state will have* a fin­ished budding and n<> e\Uihit at the fa:r i ’rivate riUz*'n-i will lose about thirtj thousand doDar- :i*r.a*ly ad- vat'«‘*'d on the projeci.

fo r

iCiitri oi.

connociion with ihe Remedy

the cure oi aoieb iinu liic

inflamed and congested surfaces.

It is especially valuable fo r wom ­

en, ar.d should always be used fo r


| :! ■ I t is ihe time fo r you to do your | spring shopping now—Shop at home. | Don’ t trade away from home. Start } a dollar tfoinjr ii« Burlington.

Our projrressi.ve dealers^ the Coblc-Bradshav* Company, announce thc r%-

5fr. . J . W

: j Thompson, a*i en terprising farm er a t Graham.

I I i nis iii-tic li> ^rjc i i Ihw 'zbi'-.,.- fftr

i j ure on a North Carolina farm . I t is o f the four-wheel, general purpose

j-J type, sturdy in construction, and can be used fu r p ra c t iea llj ' eve iy th isg

j j or, ihe fa rm fo r which power is required. I t w ill do plowing, harrowing,

| j seed ing hai'vesting, hauling, and can be used also as a stationary engine . .. | ^ run any machine which does not requ ire more than 1C-H. P.

j W e understand thstt tb e Coble-Bradshaw Company has a number o f

I am selling the other young m an; other prospects in view fo r sales o f M ogu l 8-16 tractors.

his Kaster Suit, why not sell you j

yours? Farrell, Merchant Tailor.” ^ 1i

Horn, tratts-

?»*rt 'urn inter-

EriJgft Dynamiter Is Heii Ka:-.s:»>r. Maine.—^ ferner

charsrv.rl with illejral interstate prvr*ativ»:; of explosives in com with hi'--. ;-:fletnpt to wreck the national railrond bridge at Vaucehoro. wiii he tnken to Boston for trial as a re>u!t o f tlie finding o f Federal Com- •Liissione'* C’lsaries If. Keid here. The eomp.ii-.'Shmer decided tliat the indict- -‘ men? v.arrant was sufficient basis fo r; holdinr th^ prisoner. T iie defense's i niotv-n for the release o f Horn on the • ground that he was a belligerent en- • £a»ref! ;»» an art of wsir was denied.

He must have a long spoon thatHe pares his apple thru would

cleanly feed.— Herbert*

must eat


with the d ev il.- Shakes- i

STOMACH T Q A i i h i riifUUULtConfers W ith Bryan.

Wa^iMV.-ton.- \'iscot!nt tlie.Vnpin?sc ambassador, called at t::«

; state ilcpartn'.-r.t and coiiferrc;’. v'ith SecnMary ltryav. for uei'.riy an !:onr. Ijtte-r tlio ainhassador was -.-sked i whether '-e hr.tl talVed ahotit the Jap- !

i anese-r’hinc.'e .-■i!i;,'UioE(. “ I absolute-- : ly cannc: di-'Mi; s tho sitt-.atiaTi at all.” | lh e repi:?il. Mr. Bryan was equally a* j , tmcoTiir.-.;;nicaTivo. Bcftirc thc ( Onier-i ‘ ence it was state;! at the Japanese ; embassy 0:fit l:-te advic-s indicated an [ early serlem ent of the negotiations ; bct-.voc-n ;i" d China. J

FOB FIVE YEARSBaforiiy o i Friends Tbougkt Btr.

Hughes Would Die, Bnt Oae Helped Him to


‘ "Z .. .. . . Tw o American Vessels Stopped. .No Egyptian Uprising y ^ j , -]-wo steamers leavlnR ! writes as fo llow s:■>.nes. IO'\a. X o .tprising ],er0 v .(.r. stonpprt bv snots over their !the Dervishes, of: Ksyptian Su -■ r.red b y 'th e dir.Mtei, boat TW1- ■orted in Berlin dispatches had j . ^tatior-M tn f t harbor to,t l ; t n i n!.!■ r ’7 1. -; / . . *

IlC amodan n - orted in tierlin dispatches had t>cr-ur; ■ fl up to Tieeeiubei 27 last, ac­cord:! : to the n«!v..t>. S. Oyier of A t­lantic. ion-2 , a missionary o f the Unit­ed Presbyterian: clijirch, who left hi? rniss:.-'i at lioietb K ili. about miles om Fashoda, on that date. Mr Oyl?-.- -aid here the report that Brit!firnu. :i ii.irt been killed by tier vlshe- near Fashoda on Decomboi 1 '

Pomeroyton, Ky.— !n inieresiicg ad-

rices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes

1 was down with

itotnach trouble for five (5> years, and

harbir to j would have sicle headache so bad, at

i decided to

did nothavs ’

pliin. stntiore-1 incnai-d American r.euuf .i-; Both , {hougM swaly , wooM e io .siiio?. were later allowed to proceed, jThe .American steamer Santa Clara j I tried different treatments, tut they contains no dangerous ingredients, tad

taking olher medicines,

take his advice, although

any confidence in it.

I have now been taking lilack-Draugh!

Ior three months, and it has cures! me—

haven’ t i.3d those awtul sick headaches

since I l'C;;nn usia^ it.

1 3m so IVinkfu; for «!u>t i'.iack- llraa^ht has done ;or v-,;- ”

Thcdfcrd’s r/..-ck-D;.- jght has been j with foal. Also s o m e jfood work muies. found a very valuable tnedicir.e for de­rangement; o f the stomach nnd liver. 11

is conpcsed of pure, vegetable herbs,

Jesse Tickle will arrive on

Monday, March 29th,1 with a car load o f good young farm mates, some o f which are

„rt<!.sn i did not seem to do me any good.was halted by a shot, when she failed

n“ y Jto stop at si.CTiais. The Arne------steamed Kewloti v. a-' stopped because j 1 got SO bad, 1 could not eat or sleep,

general nataed Hawley anil lilt, ^.-n^nffs'by^'Ihe^Dolp'-In^Nei^ | ^ ^ « y *n*nds. except oae, fhcught !

tra lity oilicers ordered Captain Abbott . would die. He advised me to try

tvas* untrue. t0 ..........3 ! Thcdiord’# Black-Uiauight, and quit

acts gently, yet st-ety. It can be free!* used by young and old, aad should 3cept ia every family chest

Get & paclcsge today.Only i quarter

Thr« stock is al! broke and ready fc r farm use.

Quick Saks, at small profits. Will save you money on your stock.

JESSE TICKLEPhone 409 J. - Dr. J. M S hoffner’s Stable.