spos lab manual

Software Laboratory Assignment No. 1 Title of Assignment: Design suitable data structures and implement pass-I of a two- pass assembler for b bit microprocessor/psedo-machine. Implementation should consist of a few instruction from each category and few assembler directives Problem Statement : Implement one pass-I of TWO Pass assembler with hypothetical Instruction set using C language. Instruction set should include all types of assembly language statements such as Imperative, Declarative and Assembler Directive. While designing stress should be given on a) How efficiently Mnemonic opcode table could be implemented so as to enable faster retrieval on op-code. b) Implementation of symbol table for faster retrieval. ( Concepts in DSF should be applied while design) Relevant Theory: 1. Explain what is meant by pass of an assembler. 2. Explain the need for two pass assembler. 3. Explain terms such as Forward Reference and backward reference. 4. Explain various types of errors that are handled in two different passes. 5. Explain the need of Intermediate Code generation and the variants used. 6. State various tables used and their significance in the design of two pass Assembler. Implementation Logic: Tasks performed by the passes of two-pass assembler are as Third Year Computer Engineering G.H.R.C.E.M, Wagholi 1

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SPOS Lab Manual


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Software Laboratory

Assignment No. 1

Title of Assignment: Design suitable data structures and implement pass-I of a two-pass assembler for b bit microprocessor/psedo-machine. Implementation should consist of a few instruction from each category and few assembler directivesProblem Statement :Implement one pass-I of TWO Pass assembler with hypothetical Instruction set using C language. Instruction set should include all types of assembly language statements such as Imperative, Declarative and Assembler Directive. While designing stress should be given on a) How efficiently Mnemonic opcode table could be implemented so as to enable faster retrieval on op-code. b) Implementation of symbol table for faster retrieval. ( Concepts in DSF should be applied while design)

Relevant Theory:

1. Explain what is meant by pass of an assembler.2. Explain the need for two pass assembler.3. Explain terms such as Forward Reference and backward reference.4. Explain various types of errors that are handled in two different

passes.5. Explain the need of Intermediate Code generation and the variants

used.6. State various tables used and their significance in the design of two

pass Assembler.Implementation Logic:

Tasks performed by the passes of two-pass assembler are as follows:

Pass I: -1. Separate the symbol, mnemonic opcode and operand fields.2. Determine the storage-required for every assembly language

statement and update the location counter.3. Build the symbol table and the literal table.4. Construct the intermediate code for every assembly language


List of hypothetical instructions:

Instruction Assembly RemarksOpcode mnemonic

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00 STOP stop execution01 ADD first operand modified condition code set02 SUB first operand modified condition code set03 MULT first operand modified condition code set04 MOVER register memory05 MOVEM memory register06 COMP sets condition code 07 BC branch on condition code 08 DIV analogous to SUB09 READ first operand is not used.10 PRINT first operand is not used.

Algorithm/Pseudo code:

Pass I Algorithm (Assembler First Pass)

a. loc_cntr := 0; (default value) pooltab_ptr :=1; POOLTAB[1]:=1; littab_ptr:=1;

b. While next statement is not an END statement

a) If label is present then { this_label:= symbol in label field; Enter(this_label, loc_cntr) in SYMTAB. }

b) If an LTORG statement then {

i Process literals LITTAB[POOLTAB[pooltab_ptr]…LITTAB[lit_tab_ptr-1] to allocate memory and put the address in the address field. Update location counter accordingly.

ii pooltab_ptr := pooltab_ptr +1; iii POOLTAB[pooltab_ptr]:=littab_ptr; }

c) If START or ORIGIN statement then { loc_cntr := value specified in the operand field; }

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d) If an EQU statement then { i. this_addr := value of <address_spec>; ii. Correct the symbtab entry for this_label to (this_label,this_addr). }

e) If a declaration statement then { i. code:= code of the declaration statement; ii. size := size of memory are required by DC/DS iii. loc_cntr := loc_cntr + size; iv. Generate IC ‘(DL, code)…’ }

f) If an imperative statement then i. code:= machine opcode from OPTAB; ii. loc_cntr := loc_cntr + instruction length from OPTAB; iii. If operand is a literal then { this_literal := literal in operand field; LITTAB[littab_ptr]:= this_literal; littab_ptr= littab_ptr +1; } else (i.e. operand is a symbol) { this_entry := SYMTAB entry number of operand Generate IC ‘(IS,code)(S,this_entry)’; }

3. a) Perform step 2(b). b) Generate IC’(AD, 02)’. c) Go to Pass II.



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MOVER AREG, AADD AREG, BSUB AREG, ='6'MOVEM AREG, CPRINT CLTORGMOVER AREG, ='15'MOVER AREG, AADD AREG, BSUB AREG, ='16'DIV AREG, ='26'MOVEM AREG, CA DS 1B DS 1C DS 1STOPEND Symbol Table------------------------------------------------------------- Symb Addr Decl Used Val Len ------------------------------------------------------------- A 216 1 1 0 1 B 217 1 1 0 1 C 218 1 1 0 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- Total Errors: 0 Total Warnings: 0 Literal Table------------------------------------ Lit# Lit Addr ------------------------------------ 00 ='5' 208 01 ='6' 209 02 ='15' 220 03 ='16' 221 04 ='26' 222 ------------------------------------ Pool Table-------------------- Pool# Pool Base -------------------- 00 0 01 2 ------------------------

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INTERMEDIATE CODEIntermediate Code (AD, 00) (C, 200)(IS, 09) (S, 00)(IS, 09) (S, 01)(IS, 04) (0) (L, 00)(IS, 04) (0) (S, 00)(IS, 01) (0) (S, 01)(IS, 02) (0) (L, 01)(IS, 05) (0) (S, 02)(IS, 10) (S, 02)(AD, 04)(IS, 04) (0) (L, 02)(IS, 04) (0) (S, 00)(IS, 01) (0) (S, 01)(IS, 02) (0) (L, 03)(IS, 08) (0) (L, 04)(IS, 05) (0) (S, 02)(DL, 01) (C, 01)(DL, 01) (C, 01)(DL, 01) (C, 01)(IS, 00)(AD, 01)Conclusion:

Thus we have implemented the one pass-I of II pass Assembler using C language.

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Assignment No. 2

Title of Assignment: Implement pass-II of a two-pass assembler for 8 bit microprocessor/pseudo-machine. The output of assignment-1 (intermediate file and symbol table) should be input for this assignment.Problem Statement(s) : Implement one pass-II of TWO Pass assembler with hypothetical Instruction set using C language. Instruction set should include all types of assembly language statements such as Imperative, Declarative and Assembler Directive. While designing stress should be given on a) How efficiently Mnemonic opcode table could be implemented so as to enable faster retrieval on op-code. b) Implementation of symbol table for faster retrieval. ( Concepts in DSF should be applied while design)

Relevant Theory:

1 .Explain what is meant by pass of an assembler.2. Explain the need for two pass assembler.3. Explain terms such as Forward Reference and backward reference.4. Explain various types of errors that are handled in two different

passes.5. Explain the need of Intermediate Code generation and the variants

used.6. State various tables used and their significance in the design of two pass Assembler

Implementation Logic :

Pass II Algorithm

It has been assumed that the target code is to be assembled in the named code_area.

1. code_area_address := address of code_area;

Pooltab_ptr :=1;


2. While next statement is not an END statement

(a) Clear machine_code_buffer;

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b) If an LTORG statement

(i) Process literals in LITTAB[POOLTAB[pooltab_ptr]]…

LITTAB[POOLTAB[pooltab_ptr+1]]-1 similar to processing of constants in a

DC statement i.e. assemble the literals in machine_code_buffer.

(ii) size := size of memory area required for literals;

(iii) pooltab_ptr:= pooltab_ptr +1;

(c) If a START or ORIGIN statement then

(i) loc_cntr := value specified in operand field;

(ii) size:=0;

(d) If a declaration statement

(i) If a DC statement then

Assemble the constant in machine_code_buffer.

(ii) size: = size of memory area required by DC/DS;

(e) If an imperative statement

(i) Get operand address from SYMTAB or LITTAB.

(ii) Assemble instruction in machine_code_buffer.

(iii) size: = size of instruction;

(f) if size not equal to 0 then

(i) Move contents of Machine_code_buffer to the address

code_area_address + loc_cntr;

(ii) loc_cntr := loc_cntr + size;

3. (Processing of END statement)

(a) Perform steps 2(b) and 2(f).

(b) Write code_area into output file.

Implementation Logic :

Data structures required for II PASS Assembler

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char OPTAB[][6] = { "STOP","ADD","SUB","MULT","MOVER","MOVEM",


char REGTAB[][5] = { "AREG","BREG","CREG","DREG"};

char CONDTAB[][4] = { "LT","LE","EQ","GT","GE","ANY"};

char ADTAB[][7] = { "START","END","ORIGIN","EQU","LTORG" };

Error Handling to be done:

Forward reference (Symbol used but not defined): -This error occurs when some symbol is used but it is not defined into

the program.Duplication of Symbol (Multiple declaration): -

This error occurs when some symbol is declared more than once in the program.Mnemonic error (Invalid instruction): If there is invalid instruction then this error will occur.Register error (Invalid register): If there is invalid register then this error will occur.Operand error: - This error will occur when there is an error in the operand field.

Pass II: - Synthesize the target code by processing the intermediate code generated during Testing:



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ADD AREG, BSUB AREG, ='16'DIV AREG, ='26'MOVEM AREG, CA DS 1B DS 1C DS 1STOPEND Symbol Table------------------------------------------------------------- Symb Addr Decl Used Val Len ------------------------------------------------------------- A 216 1 1 0 1 B 217 1 1 0 1 C 218 1 1 0 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- Total Errors: 0 Total Warnings: 0 Literal Table------------------------------------ Lit# Lit Addr ------------------------------------ 00 ='5' 208 01 ='6' 209 02 ='15' 220 03 ='16' 221 04 ='26' 222 ------------------------------------ Pool Table-------------------- Pool# Pool Base -------------------- 00 0 01 2 -------------------- INTERMEDIATE CODEIntermediate Code (AD, 00) (C, 200)(IS, 09) (S, 00)(IS, 09) (S, 01)(IS, 04) (0) (L, 00)(IS, 04) (0) (S, 00)(IS, 01) (0) (S, 01)

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(IS, 02) (0) (L, 01)(IS, 05) (0) (S, 02)(IS, 10) (S, 02)(AD, 04)(IS, 04) (0) (L, 02)(IS, 04) (0) (S, 00)(IS, 01) (0) (S, 01)(IS, 02) (0) (L, 03)(IS, 08) (0) (L, 04)(IS, 05) (0) (S, 02)(DL, 01) (C, 01)(DL, 01) (C, 01)(DL, 01) (C, 01)(IS, 00)(AD, 01)

PASS II OUTPUT Target Code 200) + 09 0 216201) + 09 0 217202) + 04 0 208203) + 04 0 216204) + 01 0 217205) + 02 0 209206) + 05 0 218207) + 10 0 218208) + 00 0 005209) + 00 0 006210) + 04 0 220211) + 04 0 216212) + 01 0 217213) + 02 0 221214) + 08 0 222215) + 05 0 218216)217)218)219) + 00 0 000220) + 00 0 015221) + 00 0 016222) + 00 0 026

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Thus we have implemented the one pass-II of II pass Assembler using C language.

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Assignment No. 3

Title of Assignment: Design suitable data structures and implement pass-I of a two-pass macro-processor.Problem Statement(s) :Implement the program for pass-I of a two pass macro-processor using c language.Relevant Theory:

1. Explain what is meant by pass of macro-processor.

2. Explain the need for one-I of two pass macro-processor.

3. Explain macro, macro definition, macro call, macro expansion, conditional macro expansion.

4. Explain various types of errors that are handled in two different passes.

5. Explain positional arguments, keyword arguments.

6. State various tables used and their significance in the design of two pass macro-processor.

7. Define the term macro.

8. Distinguish between macro and a subroutine

9. Define and Distinguish between parameters that can be used in


10. State various tables used in processing the macro.

11. Explain the role of stack in nested macrosMacro facility:

An assembly language macro facility is to extend the set of operations provided in an assembly language.In order that programmers can repeat identical parts of their program

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macro facility can be used. This permits the programmer to define an abbreviation for a part of program & use this abbreviation in the program. This abbreviation is treated as macro definition & saved by the macro processor. For all occurrences the abbreviation i.e. macro call, macro processor substitutes the definition.

Macro definition part:

It consists of 1. Macro Prototype Statement - this declares the name of macro &

types of parameters.2. Model statement - It is statement from which assembly language

statement is generated during macro expansion.3. Preprocessor Statement - It is used to perform auxiliary function

during macro expansion.

Macro Call & Expansion:The operation defined by a macro can be used by writing a macro name in the mnemonic field and its operand in the operand field. Appearance of the macro name in the mnemonic field leads to a macro call. Macro call replaces such statements by sequence of statement comprising the macro. This is known as macro expansion.

Macro Facilities:

1. Use of AIF & AGO allows us alter the flow of control during expan-sion.

2. Loops can be implemented using expansion time variables.

Implementation Logic :

1. Definition processing - Scan all macro definitions and for each macro definition enter the macro name in macro name table (MNT). Store entire macro definition in macro definition table (MDT) and add auxiliary information in MNT such as no of positional parame-ters (#PP) no of key word parameters (#KP), macro definition table position (MDTP) etc.

2. Macro expansion - Examine all statement in assembly source pro-gram to detect the macro calls. For each macro call locate the macro in MNT, retrieve MDTP, establish the correspondence be-tween formal & actual parameters and expand the macro.

Data structures required for macro definition processing –

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1.Macro Name Table [MNT] - Fields- Name of Macro, #PP (no of positional pa-rameters), #KP( no of keyword parameters), MDTP ( Macro Definition Table Pointer), Keyword Parameters Default Table Position (KPDTP), 2.Parameter Name Table [PNTAB] - Fields - Parameter Name 3.Keyword parameter Default Table [KPDTAB] - Fields - Parameter Name, De-fault value4.Macro Definition Table [MDT] -

Model Statement are stored in the intermediate code from as: Opcode, Operands.

Algorithm/Pseudo code:

Before processing any definition initialize KPDTAB_ptr, MDT_ptr to 0 and MNT_ptr to -1. These table pointers are common to all macro definitions. For each macro definition perform the following steps.

A one-pass macro processor that alternate between macro definition and macro expansion in a recursive way is able to handle recursive macro defini-tion. Because of the one-pass structure, the definition of a macro must appear in the source program before any statements that invoke that macro.

Algorithm:            begin {macro processor}                        EXPANDING : = FALSE                                    while OPCODE ≠ ‘END’ do                                         begin                                                GETLINE                                                PROCESSLINE                                                end  {while}                                    end {macro processor}                        procedure PROCESSLINE                                    begin                                         search NAMTAB for OPCODE                                         if found then                                                EXPAND                                        else if OPCODE = ‘MACRO’ then                                                DEFINE                                        else write source line to expanded file                                        end {PROCESSLINE}


procedure EXPANDThird Year

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            begin                 EXPANDING : = TRUE                 get first line of macro definition {prototype} from DEFTAB                 set up arguments from macro invocation in ARGTAB                 write macro invocation to expanded file as a comment                 while not end of macro definition do                        begin                             GETLINE                             PROCESSLINE                             end {while}                        EXPANDING : = FALSE            end  {EXPAND}

procedure GETLINE            begin                 if EXPANDING then                        begin                              get next line of macro defini-tion from DEFTAB                             substitute arguments from ARGTAB for positional notation                        end {if}            else                 read next line from input file     end {GETLINE}

Algorithm for Macro Definition Processing:

1. Initialize PNTAB – ptr to 0 & fields of MNT, # pp, # kp to 0 and incre-ment MNT_ptr by 1.

2. For macro prototype statement from MNT entry.a. Enter name into name field.b. For each position parameter field

i. Enter name in parameter name table.ii. Increment PNTAB – ptr by 1.iii. Increment # pp by 1.

c. KPDTP KPDTAB - ptr d. For each keyword parameter

i. Enter name & default value (if any) in KPDTAB[KPDTAB – ptr].

ii. Increment KPTAB –ptr by 1.iii. Enter name in PNTAB & increment PNTAB – ptr by 1.iv. Increment # kp by 1.

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e. MDTP MDT – ptr ( current MDT_Ptr) 3. While not a MEND statement Read next statement a. Model statement

i. For parameter generate specification (p, # n).ii. Record intermediate code in MDT.iii. Increment MDT - ptr by 1.

end b. If MEND statement Begin

Enter MEND in MDT, increment MDT_ptr by 1. If #kp == 0 then KPDTP = 0 Return to main logic i.e. step 6 of main logic.

Data structures required for expansion processing :-1. Actual parameter table: APTAB2. Macro expansion counter : MEC.

Algorithm for macro expansion: 1. Initialization

i. MEC MDTP from MNT.ii. Create APTAB with # pp & # kp entries and set APTAB ptr accord-

ingly.iii. Copy keyword parameter defaults from KPDTAB in APTAB[pp] to

APTAB[#pp + #kp -1].iv. Process actual positional parameters in call and copy them in

APTAB from 0 to # pp-1.v. For keyword parameter specification search name in parameter

name field of KPDTAB, get matching entry in q & enter value in APTAB [ #pp + q – KPDTP ].

2. While Statement pointed by MEC in MDT is not MEND.i. If model statement then replace operands of the form (p, #n) by

values in APTAB.ii. Increment MEC by one.iii. Write the model statement on expanded code file.

3. Exit from macro expansion4.

Main Program Logic :

1. Initialize KPDTAB_ptr, MDT_ptr to 0 and MNT_ptr to -1. These ta-ble pointers are common to all macro definitions ( There could be more than one macro definition in program)

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2. Read the statement from source file, one line at time3. Separate the words from that line and count the no of words.

Save the separated words in the array say word which is a array of strings

4. If count for words in a line is one then check if that only word matches with “MACRO” keyword, if MACRO keyword found then performs Macro definition processing routine.

5. If it does not match then check whether first word of the line matches with any of the entries in the macro name table. (Search the complete macro name table for presence of macro call), if so then perform Macro expansion routine.

6. If no Macro call or no definition then enter the line as it is in the expanded code file.

7. If not end of file go to step 3.


The assembly language program with macro definitions & macro calls


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Sample output: - Macro name Table

Name #pp

#kp mdtp


MAC1 0 0 0 0EVAL 3 0 4 0CALC 2 2 9 1


Index Statements of the macros0 MOVER AREG, M1 ADD BREG, M2 MOVEM CREG, M 3 MEND4 MOVER AREG, (P,0)5 SUB AREG, (P,1)6 ADD AREG, (P,2) 7 MOVER AREG, (P,2)8 MEND9 (P,3) MOVER AREG, (P,0) 10 (P,2) AREG, (P,1) 11 MOVEM AREG, (P,0) 12 MEND

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Expanded code with no macro definition & macro calls.


Students are supposed to display PNTAB and APTAB also.

Instructions regarding testing of the program: -1. Students are expected to take minimum two macro definitions2. Positional & keywords parameters are to be handled.3. The code generated from macro expansion should be preceded with +

sign.4. Students should write about error handling. At least following errors

should be handled a. Positional parameters must precede the keyword parametersb. Mismatch in total no of parameters in formal and actual parame-

ters.5. Students should write about error handling.6. Students are supposed to write assumptions, limitations if any

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Thus we have implemented pass-I of two pass Macro processor using C

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Assignment No. 4

Title of Assignment :Design suitable data structures and implement pass-II of a two-pass macro-processor.Problem Statement:Write a program in C for a pass-II of two pass macro processor for implementation of Macro Processor. Following cases to be considered a) Macro without any parameters b) Macro with Positional Parameters c) Macro with Key word parameters d) Macro with positional and keyword parameters. ( Conditional expansion , nested macro implementation not expected)

Relevant Theory / Literature Survey:

1. Define the term macro.

2. Distinguish between macro and a subroutine

3. Define and Distinguish between parameters that can be used in


4. State various tables used in processing the macro.

5. Explain the role of stack in nested macros.

Macro facility:

An assembly language macro facility is to extend the set of operations provided in an assembly language.In order that programmers can repeat identical parts of their program macro facility can be used. This permits the programmer to define an abbreviation for a part of program & use this abbreviation in the program. This abbreviation is treated as macro definition & saved by the macro processor. For all occurrences the abbreviation i.e. macro call, macro processor substitutes the definition.

Macro definition part:

It consists of 1. Macro Prototype Statement - this declares the name of macro &

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types of parameters 2. Model statement - It is statement from which assembly lan-guage statement is generated during macro expansion.3. Preprocessor Statement - It is used to perform auxiliary func-tion during macro expansion.

Macro Call & Expansion:The operation defined by a macro can be used by writing a macro name in the mnemonic field and its operand in the operand field. Appearance of the macro name in the mnemonic field leads to a macro call. Macro call replaces such statements by sequence of statement comprising the macro. This is known as macro expansion.

Macro Facilities:

1. Use of AIF & AGO allows us alter the flow of control during ex-pansion.2. Loops can be implemented using expansion time variables.


The assembly language program with macro definitions & macro calls


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Sample output: - Macro name Table

Name #pp

#kp mdtp


MAC1 0 0 0 0EVAL 3 0 4 0CALC 2 2 9 1


Index Statements of the macros0 MOVER AREG, M1 ADD BREG, M2 MOVEM CREG, M 3 MEND4 MOVER AREG, (P,0)5 SUB AREG, (P,1)6 ADD AREG, (P,2) 7 MOVER AREG, (P,2)8 MEND9 (P,3) MOVER AREG, (P,0) 10 (P,2) AREG, (P,1) 11 MOVEM AREG, (P,0) 12 MEND

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Expanded code with no macro definition & macro calls.


Students are supposed to display PNTAB and APTAB also.

Instructions regarding testing of the program: -1. Students are expected to take minimum two macro definitions2. Positional & keywords parameters are to be handled.3. The code generated from macro expansion should be preceded

with + sign.4. Students should write about error handling. At least following er-

rors should be handled a. Positional parameters must precede the keyword parame-

tersb. Mismatch in total no of parameters in formal and actual pa-

rameters.5. Students should write about error handling.

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6. Students are supposed to write assumptions, limitations if any

Conclusion: Thus we have implemented pass-II of two pass Macro processor using C.

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Assignment No. 5

Title of Assignment :DLL CreationProblem Statement:Write a program to create Dynamic Link Library for any mathematical operation and write an application program to test itRelevant Theory / Literature Survey: 1. Explain the need of dll.2. Explain the console application3.Explain the various library which is need for creating the dll4.Explain the method of declaration and definition of methodDesign Analysis/ Implementation Logic:

Creating a dll

In this assignment we will consider two sections :

1. create a dll containing four basic mathematical functions

2. create a console application in Visual C++ which links with the dll just created and uses the function stored in the dll

Part 1 : create a dll

Follow the steps given below :

1. open visual c++ from the start menu

2. From the file menu choose New option.

3. In the New window that appears choose win-32 Dynamic Link library, give a valid project name for. E.g. say calc_dll and choose a valid project location if required.

4. In the next windows choose dll project type as “ a simple dll ”

5. Then click ok. Visual C++ editor opens up the project related basic files.

6. From the left bottom window choose file view instead of class view .

7. Double click calc_dll.cpp file to open it in the editor from the le7t

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side Window.

8. include header file “stdexcept” as #include <stdexcept>

9. Also mention the standard namespace.Using namespace std;

10. Now declare the function which will be contained in the dll. Here we will just define a divide function which will accept two numbers and return their division.

Syntax :extern “C” __declspec(dllexport)double divide(double,double);This syntax tells the compiler that this function will be exported with its formal parameters and the return type.

11. Let the default DllMain () function remains as it is.

12. Now define the function declared above.

For e.g. double divide(double x, double y){

if (y==0) {

Throw invalid argument (“Divide by zero error !!”);}else{

return x/y;}


13. Now click on the Build icon in standard toolbar or press F7 to build the dll.

14. It should be built without any error or warning

part II : create console application to use a dll

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1. Create one more project from file->new option.

2. Choose project type as a win32-console application

3. Provide a name and location of the project for .e.g. calc

4. Click OK. In the next window when asked to specify the type of console application as a “simple hello world” application.

5. Click OK. The Visual C++ editor opens up basic required files.

6. Choose file view instead of class view.

7. Double click calc.cpp to open it in the editor.

8. Now make changes to the code.

9. now first include iostream

#include<iostream>and the default namespace as :using namespace std;

10. Declare the function which we will be using by linking to the dll we just created.

11. Remember that syntax (formal parameters and return type) of the function declared here and in the dll must be same.

12. type the function declaration :extern “C” __declspec(dllimport)double divide(double, double);

13. now in the main function use this function as following :double x,y,result;//read the two numberscin>>x>>y;result=divide(x,y);

14. Here by making a call to the divide function, the division of the two

numbers is done and the result is stored in the result variable.

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15. Now as we have not defined the divide () function in this program rather we are using by linking to a dll .

16. For linking our “calc” program with the dll “calc_dll” we will make use of the library file created with our “calc_dll”.

17. Go to the project directory of calc_dll. for e.g. it may be :

C:\program files\Microsoft visual studio\my projects\calc_dll

18. in this folder go to the “debug “ folder and copy two files “calc_dll.dll” and “calc_dll.lib” .

19. paste these two files in our current project directory ‘s debug folder which path could be like :

C:\program files\Microsoft visual studio\my projects\calc\debug

20. Note that by now the “debug “ folder in the “calc” project directory should contain our two required files “calc_dll.dll” and “calc_dll.lib”.

21. For linking our program “calc” with the calc_dll we need to include the calc_dll.lib file into our current project.

22. Select from Project ->Add to Project ->Files.

23. Select the file type as all file types from the file type drop down window.

24. Browse to debug folder of our current project and select the “calc_dll.lib”.

25. Now click on Build option button or press F7

26. The project should compile successfully.

27. Now run the application by clicking Run button or press CTRL+F5.Conclusion: Thus we have studied dll creation using console application

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Assignment No. 6

Title of Assignment :Deadlock avoidance using Banker's Algorithm.Problem Statement(s) : Implement Banker Algorithm for Deadlock avoidance.Relevant Theory / Literature Survey:

1. Define Deadlock with an example2. Resource allocation Graph3. Wait-for-Graph4. The Banker's algorithm 5. Safe and Unsafe States6. Deadlock Characterization7. Deadlock Prevention 8. Deadlock Avoidance9. Banker’s Algorithm10. Limitations

Design Analysis/ Implementation Logic:

Data Structures for the Banker’s Algorithm

Let n = number of processes, and m = number of resources


Available: Vector of length m. If available [j] = k, there are k

instances of resource type Rj available.

Max: n x m matrix. If Max [i,j] = k, then process Pi may request at

mostk instances of resource type Rj.

Allocation: n x m matrix. If Allocation[i,j] = k then Pi is currently

allocated k instances of Rj

Need: n x m matrix. If Need[i,j] = k, then Pi may need k more

instances of Rj to complete its task.

Need [i,j]= Max[i,j] – Allocation [i,j].

Safety Algorithm

1. Let Work and Finish be vectors of length m and n, respectively.


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Work = Available

Finish [i] = false for i - 1,3, …, n.

2. Find and i such that both:

(a) Finish [i] = false

(b) Needi<=Work

If no such i exists, go to step 4.

3. Work = Work + Allocationi

Finish[i] = true

go to step 2.

4. If Finish [i] == true for all i, then the system is in a safe state.

Resource-Request Algorithm for Process Pi

Request = request vector for process Pi. If Requesti [j] = k then

process Pi wants k instances of resource type Rj.

1. If Requesti <=Needi go to step 2. Otherwise, raise error condition,

since process has exceeded its maximum claim.

2. If Requesti <=Available, go to step 3. Otherwise Pi must wait, since

resources are not available.

3. Pretend to allocate requested resources to Pi by modifying the state

as follows:

Available= Available - Requesti;

Allocationi = Allocationi + Requesti;

Needi = Needi – Requesti;;

• If safe state the resources are allocated to Pi.

• If unsafe state Pi must wait, and the old resource-allocation state is



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Available system resources are:


3 1 1 2

Processes (currently allocated resources):


P1 1 2 2 1

P2 1 0 3 3

P3 1 1 1 0

Processes (maximum resources):


P1 3 3 2 2

P2 1 2 3 4

P3 1 1 5 0

Can the following request be served by the Resource allocation state?1. P3(0,0,3,0)2. P2(0,1,0,0)

Safe sequence is not unique. A different safe sequence may also be possible.Conclusion:

Hence we have implemented banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance.

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Assignment No. 7

Title of Assignment : Simulation of following CPU scheduling algorithms Problem Statement(s) :Implement following programs to simulate following CPU scheduling algorithms

a. FCFSb. SJF (preemptive and non-preemptive)c. Priority Scheduling (preemptive and non-preemptive)d. Round Robin Scheduling

Relevant Theory:

Uniprocessor Scheduling

Types of Scheduling

Long term scheduling

Medium Term Scheduling

Short term Scheduling

Non-preemptive Scheduling

Preemptive Scheduling

Explain the following points for each of the Scheduling algorithms:

FCFS, SJF, Priority, Round Robin




Example (Preemptive and Non Preemptive as per relevance)Implementation Logic :

1. Choose how to represent a process and how to keep track of different parameters of all processes.

2. Choose with which rules the scheduler will choose the next process

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3. Design an algorithm that applies the above rules. Take into consideration arrival time, priority, quantum, etc. appropriately.

4. Implement the algorithm.

Suggested fields in the structure to represent a Process:2. Burst_Time3. Arrival_Time4. Priority5. Waiting_Time6. Turn_A_Time7. Remaining_Time

An array/linked list of such a structure will store the set of processes for which CPU scheduling can be applied.A queue or priority queue using array / linked list has to be appropriately maintained to implement the algorithms.


For the given data [Consider relevant of data depending on the scheduling algorithm]

Process Arrival Time Burst Time Priority A 0 3 2

B 2 6 3 C 4 4 4 D 6 5 5 E 8 2 1

Apply the scheduling algorithms like FCFS, (Both Preemptive & Non Preemptive) SJF, Priority, Round Robin (quantum = 2 ms)


Thus we have learnt and implemented following programs to simulate the CPU scheduling algorithms likea. FCFSb. SJF (preemptive and non-preemptive)c. Priority Scheduling (preemptive and non-preemptive)d. Round Robin Scheduling

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Assignment 8

Title of Assignment :Simulation of Page replacement algorithms ( FIFO, LRU, Optimal)Problem Statement:Implement Page replacement algorithms ( FIFO, LRU, Optimal)Relevant Theory / Literature Survey:

1. Concept of Virtual memory2. Paging

1. Need of Paging

2. Page fault

3. Page Replacement Algorithms (FIFO, LRU, Optimal,


◦ Algorithm

◦ Advantages

◦ Disadvantage

of the 3. Quality of Page replacement algorithm

4. Belady's Anomaly

4. Address Translation in Paging System

5. Thrashing

6. Local and Global Page Replacement algorithm

6. Working set Model

Design Analysis/ Implementation Logic:FIFO: Simplest page replacement algorithm

1) Associate a timestamp with each frame

2) Assigned when a page is brought into memory

3) Always throw out the oldest pages

Can also be implemented with a simple FIFO queue to hold all pages in


1) Add new pages by inserting them at the tail

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2) Always replace the page at the head

LRU(Least Recently Used) :

1. LRU policy replaces the page in memory that has not been

referenced for the longest time.

2. The LRU algorithm performs better than FIFO. The LRU algorithm

belongs to a larger class of stack replacement algorithms. When

more real memory is made available to the executing program,

stack algorithm therefore do not suffer from Belady’s anomaly.

Optimal Page Replacement:

1. Belady's optimal algorithm for the minimum number of page faults.

2. Replace the page that will be referenced furthest in the future or not

at all.

Testing:Reference String: 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5No of Frames: 3 or 4Conclusion: Hence we have implemented the page replacement algorithms.

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Assignment 9

Title of Assignment :Multithreading Concept Problem Statement:Implement Producer-Consumer using multi-threading concept.Relevant Theory / Literature Survey:

1. Unix Concurrency Mechanism (Pipes, Messages, Shared memory, Semaphores, Signals)

2. Producer-consumer Problem3. Bounded Buffer and Unbounded buffer Problem4. Unnamed and Named pipes5. Explain the following functions

1. dup(), dup2(), pipe(), 2. popen(), 3. pclose(),

Design Analysis/ Implementation Logic:

Algorithms for Producer-consumer problem (Bounded and Unbounded buffer)

#DEFINE N 50 typedef int semaphore; semaphore mutex=1; semaphore empty=N; semaphore full=0; void producer(void) { int item; while(TRUE) { item=producer_item( ) down(&empty); down(&mutex); insert_item(item); up(&mutex); up(&full); } }

void consumer(void)


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int item; while(TRUE)

{ down(&full); down(&mutex); item=remove_item( ); up(&mutex); up(&empty); consume_item(item);

} }

Conclusion:Inter-process Communication for Producer-Consumer problem in UNIX (Pipes or Shared Memory) has been implemented.

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Assignment No. 10

Title of Assignment :Multithreading Concept. Problem Statement:Implement Reader-Writer problem using multi-threading concept.Relevant Theory / Literature Survey:

1. Concept of Mutual Exclusion2. Semaphores (

3. Monitors4. Reader-Writer problem5. Dining philosophers problem6. POSIX Library

Design Analysis/ Implementation Logic:

Algorithms for reader-Writer problem

typedef int semaphore; semaphore mutex=1 semaphore db=1 int rc=0; void reader(void) { while(TRUE) { down(&mutex) rc=rc+1; if(rc==1) down(&db) up(&mutex); read_data_base( ); down(&mutex); rc=rc-1; if(rc==0) up(&db); up(&mutex); use_data_read( ) }} void writer (void)

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{ while(TRUE) { think_up_data( ); down(&db); write_data_base( ); up(&db); } }

Conclusion: Implement Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization of threads using POSIX Semaphores has been implemented.

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Assignment No. 11

Title of Assignment : Linux Kernel CompilationProblem Statement:Linux Kernel Compilation Download a raw Linux Kernel(www.kernel.org) compile it and boot the machine through newly compiledRelevant Theory / Literature Survey: Steps of Compilation

Step 1: Get Latest Linux kernel code

Visit http://kernel.org/ and download the latest source code. File name

would be linux-x.y.z.tar.bz2, where x.y.z is actual version number. For

example file inux-2.6.25.tar.bz2 represents 2.6.25 kernel version.

Use wget command to download kernel source code:

$ cd /tmp

$ wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-x.y.z.tar.bz2

Note: Replace x.y.z with actual version number.

Step 2: Extract tar (.tar.bz3) file

Type the following command:

# tar -xjvf linux-2.6.25.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src

# cd /usr/src

Step 3: Configure kernel

Before you configure kernel make sure you have development tools

(gcc compilers and related tools) are installed on your system. If gcc

compiler and tools are not installed then use apt-get command under

Debian Linux to install development tools.

# apt-get install gcc

Now you can start kernel configuration by typing any one of the

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$ make menuconfig - Text based color menus, radiolists & di-alogs. This option also useful on remote server if you wanna com-pile kernel remotely.

$ make xconfig - X windows (Qt) based configuration tool, works best under KDE desktop

$ make gconfig - X windows (Gtk) based configuration tool, works best under Gnome Dekstop.

For example make menuconfig command launches following screen:

$ make menuconfig

You have to select different options as per your need. Each

configuration option has HELP button associated with it so select help

button to get help.

Step 4: Compile kernel

Start compiling to create a compressed kernel image, enter:

$ make

Start compiling to kernel modules:

$ make modules

Install kernel modules (become a root user, use su command):

$ su -

# make modules_install

Step 5: Install kernel

So far we have compiled kernel and installed kernel modules. It is time

to install kernel itself.

# make install

It will install three files into /boot directory as well as modification to

your kernel grub configuration file:

System.map-2.6.25 config-2.6.25

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Step 6: Create an initrd image

Type the following command at a shell prompt:

# cd /boot

# mkinitrd -o initrd.img-2.6.25 2.6.25

initrd images contains device driver which needed to load rest of the

operating system later on. Not all computer requires initrd, but it is safe

to create one.

Step 7: Modify Grub configuration file - /boot/grub/menu.lst

Open file using vi:

# vi /boot/grub/menu.lst

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.25 Default

root (hd0,0)

kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb1 ro

initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.25



Remember to setup correct root=/dev/hdXX device. Save and close the

file. If you think editing and writing all lines by hand is too much for

you, try out update-grub command to update the lines for each kernel

in /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Just type the command:

# update-grub

Step 8: Reboot computer and boot into your new kernel

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Just issue reboot command:

# reboot

Conclusion: Linux Kernel Compilation has been studied.

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Assignment 12

Title of Assignment :System CallsProblem Statement:Study UNIX system calls like ps, fork, join , exec family ,wait for process management.Relevant Theory / Literature Survey:

ps: Process Status

ps [-eflu]

Will display, on the standard output, information about the processes running on the system at that time. -e

: display every process running, as well as the CPU time used by each one.

-f: display more information about every process running, such as the user running it, when it started, etc.

-l: display the long version, including the sizes of the jobs, in 4k pages.

-u: must be followed by a login/user name. The result will display all processes run by user.

In the following example, the user is logged on to the console, and has

no jobs running, except for his/her shell and of course the command




14304 ttyq2 0:00 ps

13943 ttyq2 0:02 tcsh

The next example shows a user using a windowing interface (in this

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case, SunView):

> ps


1338 co IW 0:00 /bin/sh /home/nrccsb2/cantin/bin/sunview

1339 co IW 0:04 /usr/bin/sunview -background /home/nrccsb2/cantin/img/space

1342 co S 3:59 textedit -Wp 479 98 -Ws 673 764 -WP 840 0 -Wi

1343 co S 0:28 clock -Wp 497 32 -Ws 210 47 -WP 704 0 -Wi -S

1345 co S 1:30 perfmeter -Wp 976 0 -Ws 170 69 -WP 0 0 -v cpu

1340 p0 D 1:34 cmdtool -Wp 0 0 -Ws 673 471 -WP 0 0 -Wl $<<$ CONSOLE $>>$

1341 p0 S 0:12 -bin/csh (csh)

1427 p0 S 0:24 perfmeter nrccsb2

1438 p0 R 0:00 ps

1347 p1 S 1:38 cmdtool -Wp 0 350 -Ws 673 550 -WP 772 0 -Wi

1348 p1 IW 0:06 -bin/csh (csh)

1351 p1 S 0:02 rlogin nrccsb2

1352 p1 S 0:02 rlogin nrccsb2

This user has many processes running, each of them taking some CPU

time. Some of the programs running are the windowing system

(sunview), textedit (a full screen ``point-and-click" editor), a clock, a

performance meter, a C shell, two windows (cmdtool), a remote logon

to node nrccsb2, and the ps program. The first column of the output is

the process id, the second column is the control terminal (co = console,

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p0 = ttyp0, p1 = ttyp1), the third column is the state of the job (I = idle

process, W = swapped out, S = sleeping, D = in disk waits, R =

runnable). The next column displays the CPU time used by the process

so far, in minutes: seconds, and finally, the last column displays the

command used. fork();

fork - create a new process



The fork () function creates a new process. The new process (child process) is an exact copy of the calling process (parent process) except as detailed below.

The child process has a unique process ID. The child process ID also does not match any active process

group ID. The child process has a different parent process ID (that is, the

process ID of the parent process). The child process has its own copy of the parent's file descriptors.

Each of the child's file descriptors refers to the same open file de-scription with the corresponding file descriptor of the parent.

The child process has its own copy of the parent's open directory streams. Each open directory stream in the child process may share directory stream positioning with the corresponding direc-tory stream of the parent.

The child process may have its own copy of the parent's message catalogue descriptors.

The child process' values of tms_utime, tms_stime, tms_cutime and tms_cstime are set to 0.

The time left until an alarm clock signal is reset to 0. All semadj values are cleared. File locks set by the parent process are not inherited by the child

process. The set of signals pending for the child process is initialised to the

empty set. Interval timers are reset in the child process.

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If the Semaphores option is supported, any semaphores that are open in the parent process will also be open in the child process.

If the Process Memory Locking option is supported, the child process does not inherit any address space memory locks estab-lished by the parent process via calls to mlockall() or mlock().

Memory mappings created in the parent are retained in the child process. MAP_PRIVATE mappings inherited from the parent will also be MAP_PRIVATE mappings in the child, and any modifica-tions to the data in these mappings made by the parent prior to calling fork() will be visible to the child. Any modifications to the data in MAP_PRIVATE mappings made by the parent after fork() returns will be visible only to the parent. Modifications to the data in MAP_PRIVATE mappings made by the child will be visible only to the child.

If the Process Scheduling option is supported, for the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR scheduling policies, the child process inherits the policy and priority settings of the parent process during a fork() function. For other scheduling policies, the policy and priority set-tings on fork() are implementation-dependent.

If the Timers option is supported, per-process timers created by the parent are not inherited by the child process.

If the Message Passing option is supported, the child process has its own copy of the message queue descriptors of the parent. Each of the message descriptors of the child refers to the same open message queue description as the corresponding message descriptor of the parent.

If the Asynchronous Input and Output option is supported, no asynchronous input or asynchronous output operations are inher-ited by the child process.

The inheritance of process characteristics not defined by this document

is implementation-dependent. After fork(), both the parent and the child

processes are capable of executing independently before either one


A process is created with a single thread. If a multi-threaded process

calls fork(), the new process contains a replica of the calling thread and

its entire address space, possibly including the states of mutexes and

other resources. Consequently, to avoid errors, the child process may

only execute async-signal safe operations until such time as one of the

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exec functions is called. Fork handlers may be established by means of

the pthread_atfork() function in order to maintain application invariants

across fork() calls.


NAMEjoin - join lines of two files on a common field  



For each pair of input lines with identical join fields, write a line to

standard output. The default join field is the first, delimited by

whitespace. When FILE1 or FILE2 (not both) is -, read standard input.

-a SIDEprint unpairable lines coming from file SIDE

-e EMPTYreplace missing input fields with EMPTY

-i, --ignore-case ignore differences in case when comparing fields -j FIELD

(obsolescent) equivalent to `-1 FIELD -2 FIELD' -j1 FIELD

(obsolescent) equivalent to `-1 FIELD' -j2 FIELD

(obsolescent) equivalent to `-2 FIELD' -o FORMAT

obey FORMAT while constructing output line -t CHAR

use CHAR as input and output field separator -v SIDE

like -a SIDE, but suppress joined output lines -1 FIELD

join on this FIELD of file 1 -2 FIELD

join on this FIELD of file 2

--helpdisplay this help and exit

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--versionoutput version information and exit

Unless -t CHAR is given, leading blanks separate fields and are ignored,

else fields are separated by CHAR. Any FIELD is a field number counted

from 1. FORMAT is one or more comma or blank separated

specifications, each being `SIDE.FIELD' or `0'. Default FORMAT outputs

the join field, the remaining fields from FILE1, the remaining fields from

FILE2, all separated by CHAR.  

SEE ALSOThe full documentation for join is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and join programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info join should give you access to the complete manual.

exec family:


environ, execl, execv, execle, execve, execlp, execvp - execute a file


#include <unistd.h>

extern char **environ;

int execl(const char *path, const char *arg0, ... /*, (char *)0 */);

int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[]);

int execle(const char *path,

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const char *arg0, ... /*, (char *)0, char *const envp[]*/);

int execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);

int execlp(const char *file, const char *arg0, ... /*, (char *)0 */);

int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);


The exec functions replace the current process image with a new process image. The new image is constructed from a regular, executable file called the new process image file. There is no return from a successful exec, because the calling process image is overlaid by the new process image.

When a C-language program is executed as a result of this call, it is

entered as a C-language function call as follows:

int main (int argc, char *argv[]);

where argc is the argument count and argv is an array of character pointers to the arguments themselves. In addition, the following variable:

extern char **environ;

is initialised as a pointer to an array of character pointers to the environment strings. The argv and environ arrays are each terminated by a null pointer. The null pointer terminating the argv array is not counted in argc.

Conforming multi-threaded applications will not use the environ

variable to access or modify any environment variable while any other

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thread is concurrently modifying any environment variable. A call to

any function dependent on any environment variable is considered a

use of the environ variable to access that environment variable.

The arguments specified by a program with one of the exec functions

are passed on to the new process image in the corresponding main()


The argument path points to a pathname that identifies the new

process image file.

The argument file is used to construct a pathname that identifies the

new process image file. If the file argument contains a slash character,

the file argument is used as the pathname for this file. Otherwise, the

path prefix for this file is obtained by a search of the directories passed

as the environment variable (see XBD specification, Environment

Variables  ). If this environment variable is not present, the results of

the search are implementation-dependent.

If the process image file is not a valid executable object, execlp() and

execvp() use the contents of that file as standard input to a command

interpreter conforming to system(). In this case, the command

interpreter becomes the new process image.

The arguments represented by arg0, ... are pointers to null-terminated

character strings. These strings constitute the argument list available to

the new process image. The list is terminated by a null pointer. The

argument arg0 should point to a filename that is associated with the

process being started by one of the exec functions.

The argument argv is an array of character pointers to null-terminated

strings. The last member of this array must be a null pointer. These

strings constitute the argument list available to the new process image.

The value in argv[0] should point to a filename that is associated with

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the process being started by one of the exec functions.

The argument envp is an array of character pointers to null-terminated

strings. These strings constitute the environment for the new process

image. The envp array is terminated by a null pointer.

For those forms not containing an envp pointer (.Fn execl , execv(),

execlp() and execvp()), the environment for the new process image is

taken from the external variable environ in the calling process.

The number of bytes available for the new process' combined argument

and environment lists is {ARG_MAX}. It is implementation-dependent

whether null terminators, pointers, and/or any alignment bytes are

included in this total.

File descriptors open in the calling process image remain open in the

new process image, except for those whose close-on-exec flag

FD_CLOEXEC is set. For those file descriptors that remain open, all

attributes of the open file description, including file locks remain


Directory streams open in the calling process image are closed in the

new process image.

The state of conversion descriptors and message catalogue descriptors

in the new process image is undefined. For the new process, the

equivalent of:

setlocale(LC_ALL, "C")

is executed at startup.

Signals set to the default action (SIG_DFL) in the calling process image

are set to the default action in the new process image. Signals set to be Third Year

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ignored (SIG_IGN) by the calling process image are set to be ignored by

the new process image. Signals set to be caught by the calling process

image are set to the default action in the new process image (see

<signal.h>).  After a successful call to any of the exec functions,

alternate signal stacks are not preserved and the SA_ONSTACK flag is

cleared for all signals.

After a successful call to any of the exec functions, any functions

previously registered by atexit() are no longer registered.

If the ST_NOSUID bit is set for the file system containing the new

process image file, then the effective user ID, effective group ID, saved

set-user-ID and saved set-group-ID are unchanged in the new process

image. Otherwise, if the set-user-ID mode bit of the new process image

file is set, the effective user ID of the new process image is set to the

user ID of the new process image file. Similarly, if the set-group-ID

mode bit of the new process image file is set, the effective group ID of

the new process image is set to the group ID of the new process image

file. The real user ID, real group ID, and supplementary group IDs of the

new process image remain the same as those of the calling process

image. The effective user ID and effective group ID of the new process

image are saved (as the saved set-user-ID and the saved set-group-ID

for use by setuid().

Any shared memory segments attached to the calling process image

will not be attached to the new process image.

Any mappings established through mmap() are not preserved across an


If _XOPEN_REALTIME is defined and has a value other than -1, any

named semaphores open in the calling process are closed as if by

appropriate calls to sem_close().

If the Process Memory Locking option is supported, memory locks

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established by the calling process via calls to mlockall() or mlock() are

removed. If locked pages in the address space of the calling process

are also mapped into the address spaces of other processes and are

locked by those processes, the locks established by the other processes

will be unaffected by the call by this process to the exec function. If the

exec function fails, the effect on memory locks is unspecified.

Memory mappings created in the process are unmapped before the

address space is rebuilt for the new process image.

If the Process Scheduling option is supported, for the SCHED_FIFO and

SCHED_RR scheduling policies, the policy and priority settings are not

changed by a call to an exec function. For other scheduling policies, the

policy and priority settings on exec are implementation-dependent.

If the Timers option is supported, per-process timers created by the

calling process are deleted before replacing the current process image

with the new process image.

If the Message Passing option is supported, all open message queue

descriptors in the calling process are closed, as described in


If the Asynchronous Input and Output option is supported, any

outstanding asynchronous I/O operations may be canceled. Those

asynchronous I/O operations that are not canceled will complete as if

the exec function had not yet occurred, but any associated signal

notifications are suppressed. It is unspecified whether the exec function

itself blocks awaiting such I/O completion. In no event, however, will the

new process image created by the exec function be affected by the

presence of outstanding asynchronous I/O operations at the time the

exec function is called. Whether any I/O is cancelled, and which I/O may

be cancelled upon exec, is implementation-dependent.

The new process also inherits at least the following attributes from the

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calling process image:

nice value (see nice())

semadj values (see semop())

process ID

parent process ID

process group ID

session membership

real user ID

real group ID

supplementary group IDs

time left until an alarm clock signal (see alarm())

current working directory

root directory

file mode creation mask (see umask())

file size limit (see ulimit())

process signal mask (see sigprocmask())

pending signal (see sigpending())

tms_utime, tms_stime, tms_cutime, and tms_cstime (see times())

resource limits

controlling terminal

interval timers

All other process attributes defined in this document will be the same in

the new and old process images. The inheritance of process attributes

not defined by this specification is implementation-dependent.

A call to any exec function from a process with more than one thread

results in all threads being terminated and the new executable image

being loaded and executed. No destructor functions will be called.

Upon successful completion, the exec functions mark for update the

st_atime field of the file. If an exec function failed but was able to locate

the process image file, whether the st_atime field is marked for update

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is unspecified. Should the exec function succeed, the process image file

is considered to have been opened with open(). The corresponding

close() is considered to occur at a time after this open, but before

process termination or successful completion of a subsequent call to

one of the exec functions. The argv[] and envp[] arrays of pointers and

the strings to which those arrays point will not be modified by a call to

one of the exec functions, except as a consequence of replacing the

process image.

The saved resource limits in the new process image are set to be a

copy of the process's corresponding hard and soft limits.


If one of the exec functions returns to the calling process image, an error has occurred; the return value is -1, and err no is set to indicate the error.



wait, waitpid - wait for a child process to stop or terminate


#include <sys/wait.h>

pid_t wait(int *stat_loc);

pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *stat_loc, int options);


The wait () and waitpid() functions shall obtain status information

pertaining to one of the caller's child processes. Various options permit

status information to be obtained for child processes that have

terminated or stopped. If status information is available for two or more

child processes, the order in which their status is reported is Third Year

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The wait() function shall suspend execution of the calling thread until

status information for one of the terminated child processes of the

calling process is available, or until delivery of a signal whose action is

either to execute a signal-catching function or to terminate the process.

If more than one thread is suspended in wait () or waitpid() awaiting

termination of the same process, exactly one thread shall return the

process status at the time of the target process termination. If status

information is available prior to the call to wait (), return shall be


The waitpid() function shall be equivalent to wait() if the pid argument

is (pid_t)-1 and the options argument is 0. Otherwise, its behavior shall

be modified by the values of the pid and options arguments.

The pid argument specifies a set of child processes for which status is

requested. The waitpid() function shall only return the status of a child

process from this set:

If pid is equal to (pid_t)-1, status is requested for any child process. In this respect, waitpid() is then equivalent to wait().

If pid is greater than 0, it specifies the process ID of a single child process for which status is requested.

If pid is 0, status is requested for any child process whose process group ID is equal to that of the calling process.

If pid is less than (pid_t)-1, status is requested for any child process whose process group ID is equal to the absolute value of pid.

The options argument is constructed from the bitwise-inclusive OR of

zero or more of the following flags, defined in the <sys/wait.h> header:

WCONTINUEDThe waitpid() function shall report the status of any continued child process specified by pid whose status has not been reported

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since it continued from a job control stop. WNOHANG

The waitpid() function shall not suspend execution of the calling thread if status is not immediately available for one of the child processes specified by pid.

WUNTRACEDThe status of any child processes specified by pid that are stopped, and whose status has not yet been reported since they stopped, shall also be reported to the requesting process.

If the calling process has SA_NOCLDWAIT set or has SIGCHLD set to

SIG_IGN, and the process has no unwaited-for children that were

transformed into zombie processes, the calling thread shall block until

all of the children of the process containing the calling thread

terminate, and wait() and waitpid() shall fail and set errno to [ECHILD].

If wait() or waitpid() return because the status of a child process is

available, these functions shall return a value equal to the process ID of

the child process. In this case, if the value of the argument stat_loc is

not a null pointer, information shall be stored in the location pointed to

by stat_loc. The value stored at the location pointed to by stat_loc shall

be 0 if and only if the status returned is from a terminated child process

that terminated by one of the following means:

1. The process returned 0 from main ().2. The process called _exit() or exit() with a status argument of 0.

3. The process was terminated because the last thread in the process terminated.

Regardless of its value, this information may be interpreted using the

following macros, which are defined in <sys/wait.h> and evaluate to

integral expressions; the stat_val argument is the integer value pointed

to by stat_loc.

WIFEXITED(stat_val)Evaluates to a non-zero value if status was returned for a child process that terminated normally.

WEXITSTATUS(stat_val)Third Year

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If the value of WIFEXITED (stat_val) is non-zero, this macro evaluates to the low-order 8 bits of the status argument that the child process passed to _exit() or exit(), or the value the child process returned from main().

WIFSIGNALED(stat_val)Evaluates to a non-zero value if status was returned for a child process that terminated due to the receipt of a signal that was not caught (see <signal.h>).

WTERMSIG(stat_val)If the value of WIFSIGNALED (stat_val) is non-zero, this macro evaluates to the number of the signal that caused the termination of the child process.

WIFSTOPPED(stat_val)Evaluates to a non-zero value if status was returned for a child process that is currently stopped.

WSTOPSIG(stat_val)If the value of WIFSTOPPED (stat_val) is non-zero, this macro evaluates to the number of the signal that caused the child process to stop.

WIFCONTINUED (stat_val) Evaluates to a non-zero value if status was returned for a child process that has continued from a job control stop. It is unspecified whether the status value returned by calls to wait() or waitpid() for processes created by posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() can indicate a WIFSTOPPED(stat_val) before subsequent calls to wait() or waitpid() indicate WIFEXITED(stat_val) as the result of an error detected before the new process image starts executing.

It is unspecified whether the status value returned by calls to wait() or

waitpid() for processes created by posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() can

indicate a WIFSIGNALED(stat_val) if a signal is sent to the parent's

process group after posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() is called.

If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to waitpid()

that specified the WUNTRACED flag and did not specify the

WCONTINUED flag, exactly one of the macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc),

WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc), and WIFSTOPPED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to a

non-zero value.

If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to waitpid()

that specified the WUNTRACED and WCONTINUED flags, exactly one of

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the macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc), WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc),

WIFSTOPPED(*stat_loc), and WIFCONTINUED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to

a non-zero value.

If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to waitpid()

that did not specify the WUNTRACED or WCONTINUED flags, or by a call

to the wait() function, exactly one of the macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc)

and WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to a non-zero value.

If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to waitpid()

that did not specify the WUNTRACED flag  and specified the

WCONTINUED flag, or by a call to the wait() function, exactly one of the

macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc), WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc), and

WIFCONTINUED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to a non-zero value.

If _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS is defined, and the implementation

queues the SIGCHLD signal, then if wait () or waitpid() returns because

the status of a child process is available, any pending SIGCHLD signal

associated with the process ID of the child process shall be discarded.

Any other pending SIGCHLD signals shall remain pending.

Otherwise, if SIGCHLD is blocked, if wait () or waitpid() return because

the status of a child process is available, any pending SIGCHLD signal

shall be cleared unless the status of another child process is available.

For all other conditions, it is unspecified whether child status will be

available when a SIGCHLD signal is delivered.

There may be additional implementation-defined circumstances under

which wait () or waitpid() report status. This shall not occur unless the

calling process or one of its child processes explicitly makes use of a

non-standard extension. In these cases the interpretation of the

reported status is implementation-defined.

If a parent process terminates without waiting for all of its child

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processes to terminate, the remaining child processes shall be assigned

a new parent process ID corresponding to an implementation-defined

system process.


If wait () or waitpid() returns because the status of a child process is

available, these functions shall return a value equal to the process ID of

the child process for which status is reported. If wait () or waitpid()

returns due to the delivery of a signal to the calling process, -1 shall be

returned and errno set to [EINTR]. If waitpid() was invoked with

WNOHANG set in options, it has at least one child process specified by

pid for which status is not available, and status is not available for any

process specified by pid, 0 is returned. Otherwise, (pid_t)-1 shall be

returned, and errno set to indicate the error

Design Analysis/ Implementation Logic:

1. Steps followed to execute the respective command and function by

considering the example.

Conclusion:Thus system call has been studied.

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