sports feature photo 2 paris

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  • 8/2/2019 Sports Feature Photo 2 Paris


    B8!"!#$%&'!(()!*+(( washtenawvoicWILD CARD


    Managing Editor#,-./0! #12/33! -/45-/6! 5276!

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  • 8/2/2019 Sports Feature Photo 2 Paris


    2012 Michigan Community College Press Association Judging Form

    Place of award: Not the proper categoryFirst Place Second Place Third Place Honorable Mention

    Category: Sports Feature Photo

    Headline/title of entry: Quidditch Sweeps Nation

    Contestants name:Alex Paris

    College name: Washtenaw Community College

    Judges comments:

    I didnt consider this to be a feature photo, since it was taken in a sports competition. Ifeel it would fit better in the sports photo category.

    You captured a good moment, and the face of the shooter is visible just past the ball,nicely framed by the goal. The goal itself seems to be the sharpest, followed by theshooters hand. Id have preferred to see the shooters face sharp. I appreciate thatyou were shooting in what appears to be heavy overcast, and possibly rain.