sponsored by: key stakeholders workshop 9-10 march 2011 1 matthew woodcock forestry commission...

1 Sponsored by: Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011 Matthew Woodcock Forestry Commission England www.woodheatsolutions.eu Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011 INTRODUCTION

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Page 1: Sponsored by: Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011 1 Matthew Woodcock Forestry Commission England  Key Stakeholders Workshop

1 Sponsored by:Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011

Matthew WoodcockForestry Commission England


Key Stakeholders Workshop9-10 March 2011


Page 2: Sponsored by: Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011 1 Matthew Woodcock Forestry Commission England  Key Stakeholders Workshop

2 Sponsored by:Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011

Agenda – Day 1

10.00 Registration and coffee10.30 Project Background objectives and approach

Matthew – Welcome and project background and UK situation (40 Mins)Nike – Use of wood biomass in Slovenia (20 mins)

11.30 Best Practice and observationsJyrki – Successful small and medium scale wood heatingThomas – Quality management in biomass district heating systemsMatthew – Lessons learnt from technical advisory visits

13.00 Lunch14.00 Standards

Matthew – Introduction to CEN standards (5mins)Eija - Developing CEN Solid fuel standards and implementation in Finland

(30mins)Thomas – European standards for solid biofuels (30mins)Open Forum

15.30 Coffee15.45 Implementation

Matthew – Current situation in South East EnglandNike – the development of wood biomass in Slovenia

17.00 Close

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3 Sponsored by:Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011

Agenda Day 2

9.30 How woodheat can be cost effective

Christian - Woodfuel supply chain – Wood to Warmth

Jyrki – Cost effective woodheat business models

Keith – Woodfuel the community choice

11.00 Coffee

11.15 Grants and wider support

Matthew – Grants available in England

Nike – EU and Government support in Slovenia

12.00 Training Pack

Alison – Woodheat Solutions Training Pack

12.30 Lunch

13.10 What next?

Matthew – What we have planned for south east England (10 Mins)

Peter – Introduction to field trip (5mins)

Questions (5mins)

13.30 Field trip

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4 Sponsored by:Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011

What is Woodheat Solutions?

AIM: Inspire investment in wood-based heat generation from under managed woodlands in England, Croatia and Slovenia drawing on the experience gained in Finland and Austria.

TIMEFRAME: 1 October 2008 to 31st March 2011

Project Partners:

Croation Forest Extension Service

Slovenian Forestry Institute

Technical Research Centre of Finland

Styrian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry

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5 Sponsored by:Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011

Strategic WhS Objectives:

• To significantly increase investment in woodheat systems using biomass from undermanaged woods in less experienced member states:

– 15MW of new woodheat installed within 5 yrs (10MW UK, 2MW Slovenia, 3MW Croatia)

– At least 4,500 ha of woodland in enhanced management in 5 years (4,500 ha UK av 5ha, 1,000 ha Slovenia av 3ha, 500ha Croatia av > 1 ha)

– New policies/funding introduced to promote uptake of woodheat (10 significant new initiatives in 5 years: 5 UK, 3 Sovenia, 2 Croatia)

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Strategic WhS Objectives:

• Best practice from Austria and Finland embedded in MS training on woodheat:– 50% of trainers in woodheat in Slovenia and UK and

75% in Croatia using WhS training materials within 12 months

• Secure pragmatic implementation of CEN standards using best practice from WhS:– 75% of UK and 50% of Slovenian and Croatian

Regions using WhS Roadmap within 12 months

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Strategic WhS Objectives:

• To stimulate new woodheat projects:

– 40 in UK– 20 in Slovenia– 10 in Croatia

All cross linked to funding administrators and referenced to list of participants on project

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Project stages:

1. Project management2. Engagement3. Entrepreneurship – Finnish Study Tour4. Promoting and applying standards –

Austrian study tour and Roadmap5. Technical training6. Communications and Dissemination7. Common Dissemination

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9 Sponsored by:Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011

Trees and the Carbon Cycle

Harvested wood:

• Locks up CO2 in buildings, furniture etc

• Releases CO2 to atmosphere when burnt

• Substitutes for fossil fuel use

• Helps mitigate climate change

Growing trees:

• Absorb CO2 from the atmosphere

• Mitigate climate change

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10 Sponsored by:Key Stakeholders Workshop 9-10 March 2011

Thank youwww.woodheatsolutions.eu