spiritual growth steps

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Horton RoadChurch of Christ

February 14, 2010

Our physical health does not improve without planning and action

Neither does our spiritual health

To grow spiritually,
create a spiritual growth plan

Follow Jesus' advice to love God
and love others

Lawyer: What must I do to inherit eternal life?Jesus: What is written in the Law?Lawyer: Love God and Love my neighbor.Jesus: Do this and you will live.(Luke 10:25-28)

Create a spiritual growth plan

Jesus: Which one was a neighbor to this man?Expert: The one who had mercy on him.Jesus: Go and do likewise.(Luke 10:36-37)

To grow spiritually,
focus on the next steps of your plan

Spiritually lazy people enjoy the word
but do nothing about it

Do not merely listen to the word, and sodeceive yourselves.(James 1:22)

Apply God's word by focusing on
next steps for obedience

Do what [the word] says.(James 1:22)

To grow spiritually,
take action on your plan

Taking action requires training and discipline

Train yourself to be godly. For physical trainingis of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.(1 Timothy 4:7-8)

Take action with these training exercises

Set an example for the believers in speech,in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity....Watch your life and doctrine closely.(1 Timothy 4:12, 16)

What is your next step?

Create a planFocus on next stepsTake action

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