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Spiritual Fragrance June


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1. Thought Revolution

2. Biomagnetic energy in the Human body – Part 4

3. The Eternal Law of Karma – IV

4. Sleep, Dreams, And Spiritual Reflections – IV

5. The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind – Part 4

6. Yagya-Shala The Laboratory of Rishis

“A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan.”

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Purity in Heart and Clarity of Thought ‐ Ideals are contagious too   - Dr.Marell Sri Rama Krishna

The history of entire humanity is nothing but life stories of a negligible fraction of men and women who rose them selves to great heights and there by lead humanity into new frontiers. Modern science and technology has changed the living of humanity - The way we communicate, commute, work and think. Along with that, it also brought tremendous changes in the "nature" which is very essential for life to exist or continue on our planet. It's time now that science is pushed to the brink of finding solutions for peaceful co-existence with nature. And what if a new scientific discovery reveals that our collective thoughts, intentions play a vital role in new discoveries or inventions or transforming the surroundings and the collective thoughts and intentions of masses will express themselves through an individual or group of individuals?

Intense thoughts have tremendous power in shaping the reality and it's time we start realizing this age old truth, very strongly emphasised by all the spiritual scientists.

A minute sound vibration will resonate with similar frequency particles and will build into a huge sound vibration. It is a well known fact that marching of soldiers caused a bridge to collapse and there after soldiers are not allowed to march on bridges.

Same thing with the thoughts. Thoughts are nothing but sound vibrations of varying frequencies. An INTENSE THOUGHT by an individual is bound to gather momentum and finally will manifest as physical reality. Time has it's own sway over the proceedings. We do not see a blade of green grass in summer but suddenly everything changes to green with the arrival of a different season. NOW is the time for all the thoughts that are directed towards common good of humanity and the life on this planet to gather a ferocious momentum and quicken the pace of proceedings. Those who swim along the flow will merge with the invisible streams of energy. So it not just about what scientists or politicians or any other will do in shaping up the future but what we, each one of us can do in this regard.

Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

Thought Revolution

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(This series is based on the book “Astonishing Power of the Bio-Physical and the subtle energies of the Human body” by Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya)

Scientific analysis of the subtle aspects of Bio‐energy 

One of the much-known para-psychological abilities is the psychic healing. The existence of this power in some people has been proved scientifically by a series of experiments and investigations in the western countries over the past three decades. It is believed that in this process the psychic healer transmits some part of his extraordinary vital energy to the patient by touch.

Oriental philosophy describes that this para-psychological ability is one part of the various powers attainable by spiritual practices that enhances the vital energy. It is said that the person endowed with this ability can also affect the vital energy and subtle conscious levels of others apart from creating visible physical effects on matter.

Due to the limitations of modern equipments scientists have so far been able to investigate only some physical effects of the ability to do psyche healing. Dr. Bernard Grade of the McGill University, Montreal has shown that the growth of barley seeds increases significantly when it is watered by people who possess the above ability. A mere touch of the water container, by such people was found sufficient to make the water powerful enough to treat some patients who drank it later. Similar experiments when performed by dull and sadistic persons had shown the existence of opposite and negative effects. Dr. Grade described it as an X-factor of the vital energy which exists in every human being but whose level varies with the psychosomatic state of a person. In his project report (published in JASP 1965) entitled 'Some biological effects of laying on hands' Dr. Grade stated that light waves existing in the aura around the fingers of the

psychic healers as recorded by Dr. Kirliyan on celluloid plates are nothing but the waves of X-energy.

Biomagnetic energy in the Human body – Part 4

The fundamental role of energy in various functions of a living body is extensively studied by modern scientists. However, the subtle aspects of vital energy in the form of Parapsychological manifestation, supernatural intelligence etc. still remains unknown. Existence and importance of the subtle levels of bio-energy is accepted by the scientists because of the observed effects. What needs to be investigated now are the scientific principles and methods of experimentation on subtle phenomenon. It is significant to note that a large number of scientists are carrying out research in this direction.

Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.

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Recent investigations of Dr. Thelma Moss of UCLA (USA) and Dr. Tiller of Stanford (USA) are also focused on further analyses of the above X-energy and related para-psychological powers. Dr. Edward Brem of Willington, Delaware (USA) had analyzed the chemistry of water after the immersion of the fingers of a psychic healer in it. His results showed 97.04% hydrogen bonds in it as compared to the 100% binding in ordinary water. This, along with the observations in the changes of surface tension further supported the idea that there is an emission of electrical energy through the healers' fingers. Dr. Miller's experiments (in context of cloud chambers) with Fisher model Transiometer had confirmed the above implications.

A research article published in Science Digest (May, 1982) presents important details in psychic energy. Dr. Elmer Green, a Biopsychologist at the Maninger Foundations, Kansas (USA) and Dr. C. Norman of the Pain and Health Rehabilitation Center, Wisconsin (USA) have studied some parasychological effects of vital energy on the cardiac rhythms, ECG, body-temperature, the resistance power of the skin and the viability of the WBCs in large number of chronic patients. Over 80% of the patients suffering from different kinds of pains were totally cured and encouraging responses were observed in the other patients too. Experiences of those patients indicate that most of them felt an electric current or an energy spark flowing through their body while being touched by the doctors (vital energy healers).

Vital energy also plays a fundamental role in faith-healing and in strengthening of the will-power. Normally, great personalities have an excessive storage of this energy. This energy exists in every human being and can be increased by its controlled use and by dedicated spiritual practices. Indian sages of yore used to transfer parts of their vital energy into deserving devotees by the process of Pran Dan and Saktipat. The ancient scriptures on Yoga Tantra describe these processes in detail.

In the modern age, the importance of vital energy was popularized by the Austrian Dr. Francis Antoniars Mesmer. He worked hard to make use of the bioelectricity in his body for the treatment of some physical and psychological diseases. His experiments laid the foundation of Mesmerism which was further developed into the technique of Hypnotism by Mr. C. Uzigar. Hypnotism was initially used for getting involved in artificial deep sleep. The French doctor, Le Fountain and Braid et al investigated some other uses of biomagnetism (hypnotism) in Medicine. A series of advanced scientific experiments on these applications gave birth to new branch of science called Electrobiology. The investigations of an American, Dr. Darling, and a French, Dr. Durand de Grasse, at New Orleans (USA) are amongst the most significant recent contributors in this area. Several international organization like - The School of Nancy, The School of Charkot and The School of Mesmerism are also engaged in research on therapies based on hypnotism.

Noted scientist, Dr. M. O. Male and Dr. J. M. Wembrel have cited a large number of evidential case-studies in support of the above therapies. In her popular book entitled 'Emotions and Bodily Changes' Mrs. H. F. Dunbar writes that hypnotism could be effectively used in the treatment of Hysteria, Phobia, Stammering and some other Neuronic diseases. Another doctor, Dr. Win also argues in favor of the use of hypnotism in curing of various psychological disorders.

When do you learn most? Have you ever watched yourself learning?

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Dr Arnold Fast of USA had successfully tried hypnotizing his patients instead of giving them anesthesia during a large number of minor surgical operations. Many dental surgeons also followed his technique and found it less risky and convenient. Dr. Bernard Levinson also proved the scientific utilization of hypnotism as a substitute for anesthesia during a large number of surgical operations at Tara hospital in Johannesburg (South Africa). Further, the scientific experiments of Dr. James Bride confirmed that the bioelectricity in the human body is not only sufficient for various physiological functions but it could also be utilized for the development of many supernatural activities.

Dr. Van Otizer, Dr. J. Rafler, Dr. Schultz and Dr. Mar are some of the most famous Gynaecologists who successfully experimented on the use of hypnotism in painless deliveries. Dr. Win argues that effectiveness of hypnotism increases with the faith of the patient in the doctor. Dr. Rachen Bake, a bioelectricity expert from Germany has described the vital energy as a form of fire that is abundant near the face and constitutes the 'healing aura'

. The investigations of the reputed scientists like Dr. Modatriuz and Count Puligav show that the medicinal uses of vital energy are just glimpses of the enormous capabilities of its immense power; this energy could also be utilized for personality development, awakening of latent talents and the upliftment of attitudes of all human beings. Advancement of scientific investigations in this direction would once again serve to prove the authenticity of the spiritual science of vital energy as described in ancient Indian literature.

In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice.

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Create your own world

What is the science behind creating my own destiny? (Continued from previous edition)

The secret of unexpected good fortune and misfortune

There is a saying in the scriptures that the factors responsible for mental-physical agonies and natural disasters (Daivik-Daihik-Bhautik Dukha) are self-generated. We often come across phenomena, which appear quite contradictory to the known laws of nature, creating doubts about the impartiality of divine justice. For instance, an honest, duty conscious, morally superior person is suddenly struck with a great misfortune in life as though he/she was being punished by God for a great sin. On the other hand, we find

persons engaged in worst type of corrupt practices living in peace and prosperity. An idler wins a jackpot or inherits a fortune from unexpected quarters, whereas a hard working intelligent person is found suffering endlessly for want of basic necessities. One person achieves great success with little effort, whereas another does not succeed in spite of his best efforts. Such phenomena are popularly ascribed to the role of the fate (prarbdh, bhagya, etc). Similarly, unprecedented natural calamities like famine, epidemics, tornadoes, deluge, and damage by lightning and earthquake and ‘untimely death’ are commonly attributed to the ‘Will of God’ and known as predestination (bhagya). Such unexpected happenings as financial loss, accidents, sudden mental/physical disability and physical separation from a dear one are also attributed to fate.

Such unexpected adversities are rare, but they do occur in life. At times, they leave such deep imprints on the psyche, that it is not possible to ignore them. Those who are not familiar with the

In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice.

The Eternal Law of Karma – IV

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mysteries of divine justice become very much perplexed by such phenomena and form opinions, which are extremely dangerous for life. Many become resentful towards God, blame and abuse Divine for an unjust injustice. A few even become atheists, considering the futility of worshiping God who does not respond to prayers in distress, despite their prolonged adherences to religiosity. Then there is a class of devotees who serve the saints and worship deities in expectation of some material gains. However, if they are visited with some unfavorable phenomena coincidentally, their adoration changes to contempt or disbelief.

There are quite a few “Believers” in this world who correlate people, places and things with good and bad luck. Such superstitions have caused extreme miseries to innocent persons. The root cause for such irrational behavior is the belief that whatever come to pass is predestined by God and the beings created by Him have absolutely no role in shaping their own destiny. Quite a few persons in this world forsake their responsibility in the mistaken belief that the gain and loss being predestined, there is no necessity of personal effort. They mistakenly believe that they cannot change the Will of God who is supposed to have programmed their life beforehand. We often hear expression like – “Whatever is destined cannot be changed” or “Who can change the fate predestined by God?” or “It was the Will of God”. As a matter of fact man uses such expressions when he finds himself helpless, disturbed and confused while undergoing adversity.

In the absence of an understandable cause, the agitated mind finds a scapegoat in the name of Divine Will. Nevertheless, such outbursts do have an advantage. They help in releasing the stress of the disturbed mind, which would have otherwise done incalculable harm to the person concerned. There are however many mature persons who shirk their responsibility of self-effort to meet a given challenge under the pretext of inexorability of Divine Will. Because of their influence, the less knowledgeable younger persons around them too begin to feel helpless and despaired because of the so-called “inevitability of fate”. Readers would appreciate how

Just as a stone, a tree, a straw, grain, a mat, a cloth, a pot, and so on, when burned, are reduced to earth (from which they came), so the body and its sense organs, on being burned in the fire of

Knowledge, become Knowledge and are absorbed in Brahman, like darkness in the light of the sun.

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ignorance of the real causes of unexpected calamities creates ridiculous concepts, which distort and vitiate the value-system of life.

Since times immemorial, man has been attempting to correlate human activities with events of life over which he has no control. Research in deeper spirituality has discovered ways and means to find answers to such problems of life. In the following edition, we shall discuss how mental and physical actions of individual and collective activities of the society become responsible for good fortune and misfortune of individuals and the community.

The Three Types of Agonies and their Causes

…………..To be continued in the next edition

(This series is based on the book “The Eternal Law of Karma” by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya)

If you will look into the Science of Spirit you will see that your life is meant to be sustained by the Science of God and not by the science of matter.

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(Continued from previous edition)

Dreams – Linkage between the Visible and the Invisible World

As most of us might have experienced, dreams appear to be arbitrary reflections of memory and abrupt creations of the agility of mind. We can hardly find any truth and logical basis or purpose in the broken sequence of what we usually dream in sleep. Interestingly though, when we are watching a dream, every scene appears real! We experience every bit of it as if we are living in it.

Many times dreams appear to be quite amusing and entertaining. Quite often they are frightening ‘nightmares’ too. The imaginary world of dreams may sometimes be supernatural and soothing like an absolute “dream land”. Some dreams are scary and they stress our mind with unprecedented fear and worries. Usually, these diversified experiences occur because of the influence of the semi-conscious state of mind. Desires, apprehensions and inquisitions of the conscious (external) mind, and the perceptions and conditioning of the sense organs induce corresponding influences in the subconscious state of sleep. For example, concupiscence at the time of sleep would generally result in vulgar scenes of sexual indulgence in the dreams. Active dreams of this kind might even stimulate the genitals and cause night-discharge. The heaviness of stomach, indigestion, headache, anger, mental stress and tension etc, also bear associated negative effects on dreams. Bites of mosquitoes, bedbugs, lice, etc may be depicted in the dreams as the incidents involving experiences of injuries, pains, irritation, etc. Unfulfilled

Sleep, Dreams, And Spiritual Reflections – IV

The love of one’s country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border?

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desires, suppressed emotions and psychosomatic complexes, are also reflected in the variegated experiences of dreams, which would normally be beyond the imaginations of the conscious mind.

Most of the above kinds of the active (subconscious) dreams are hazy, haphazard, and difficult to be remembered. Often the dreams of this category do not bear any meaning or purpose. Such dreams cannot be analyzed or interpreted scientifically and these hardly have any connection with the hidden messages of the unconscious mind. However, frequent occurrence of the dreams of similar kinds may have roots in some psychosomatic disorder or disease. Analysis of whatever is remembered from repeated experiences of same sort during sleep –– might be useful in diagnosis and cure in such cases.

Correlation of mental tendencies and response of active dreams sometimes becomes apparent from the specific reactions of the semi conscious (subconscious) mind during active sleep. For instance, look at the following experiments conducted in the Dream Research division of the California University. As part of the studies of the effects of surrounding environment on dreams, a candle was lit and kept for some time in front of the closed eyes of a sleeping person, who happened to be a sportsman. The latter felt in his dream at that moment that a white bat and a golden shining ball is kept in front of him which he is about to pick up for a game. When the same experiment was repeated with a coward clerk, he dreamt as if some unknown ‘enemy’ is coming towards him with a thick stick and a lamp to beat him in the darkness of night.

Napoleon Klettman and Eugene Aserensky of the Chicago University had attempted investigating the relationship between sleep and identifying which part or state of the body or brain is responsible for experience of dreams. Despite long term dedicated research they could

Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."

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not find any clue to proceed further. Their unperturbed motivation however brought fruits one day when they saw rapid movement of the eyeballs and variation in the face expressions of a sleeping child. This observation gave rise to rather focused hypothesis that the rapid movement of the eyeballs makes watching a dream possible. This had set the direction of modern research on dreams, which has come a long way since then.

Dreams appear to be the mode of transmitting subtle messages of mind through a rhetorically ‘coded’ language. Whatever one sees in the dreams is a reflection of the subconscious or unconscious mind. The active dreams of the kind illustrated above, are expressions of the thoughts, sentimental currents and bodily functions in general. The implicit nature of these reflections mingled with multiple flashes of memory makes it almost impossible to decode the meanings of dreams in general. Most often there may not be anything substantial in a dream. The extrovert ambitions and agile mind of people frequently presents them with abrupt dreams which are no better than a child’s play or conjugation of delusions and arbitrary imaginations.

……………To be continued in the next edition

(This series is based on the book “Sleep, Dreams And Spiritual Reflections” by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya)

Every primeval withdrawal from the battle of life, merely because it involves stress and strain which we think is too much for us, fails to fulfil the object with which we have entered that battle.

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The mantras of the “Aitareya Upanishad” encompass deep secrets of the science of the origin and evolution of human life. One who understands this subliminal knowledge can indeed acquire immense power and prosperity hidden in his own self. Human body is endowed with divine potentials. The divine powers – the source of infinite virtues, strength and subliminal and gross creativity, powers, talents and prosperity – immanent in the cosmic expansion are also present in a human being. Therefore, there appears to be no real reason as to why one should be weak, deficient, or deprived of anything in this world. He, despite being a reflection of God’s inspiration, remains ignorant of his original nature and indulges in the misuse and dissipation of the immense power subliminally present in his body. Thus, rather than being blessed by the divine potentials subliminally in his own self, because of his misdeeds and misunderstanding, he generates sorrow, delusion, tension, disgrace, disorder and indigence in his life in multiple ways. The knowledge folded in the scriptures of the Indian Philosophy, might appear imaginary, and baseless to a layman because of the rather rhetoric and abstract style of presentation. Nevertheless, a little deeper study would reveal the contrary. The Vedas, Upanishads and the Shastrik Literature have emerged from and generate absolute knowledge – including that of the genesis, manifestation, expansion and evolution of Nature and Life. Unlike the precision in many areas of modern science, the theories of evolution and the universal laws of Nature deciphered so far in the modern times do not provide comprehensive and consistent answers on many facets of the gross manifestation of life and Nature. The subliminal domains of existence are beyond the reach of these theories and research directions. The modern theory of evolution began with the hypothesis that man is a highly evolved starting from unicellular Amoeba. This unicellular creature survives in water and manifests the basic characteristics of being recognized as a living being. Studies on the slides of this aquatic protozoan were made possible with the development of fine microscopes. Its process of reproduction and growth is quite peculiar. Its body, which is a cell of protoplasm, has multiple outward tentacles spread outwards. When any one of these branches grows longer than the others, it extends protoplasm giving rise to another amoeba.

C Reproduction in Amoeba is by simple cell division shown in stages from steps 2 through 6.

The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind – Part 3

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

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If brought near heat and electrical fields, it shirks away and protects itself. Its branches elongate and fold to catch a pinch of ‘food’ (from the culture medium). This single-cell living body is well equipped to transfer the consumed food into protoplasm and maintain its resources of life-energy. It also excretes the wastes in the surrounding water at regular intervals. Its generations grow in geometric progression – a single cell gives rise to two, the two further multiply in four, then eight and so on. The early theory of evolution attributed the evolution of multi-cellular organisms from this unicellular creature. However, with better experimental facilities on the cells of higher organisms and of the human body in particular, it became clear that these cells had drastically different structure and properties. Despite having protoplasm as their base constituent these cells do not have the capability to survive and expand like a unicellular organism on their own. There is a vast difference in the structural complexity and biochemistry of the mammalian and the non-mammalian cells. The process of reproduction among the mammalians too varies significantly – being most ‘advanced’ on evolutionary scale in the human beings. Extensive research in evolutionary biology carried out in the 19 th and the 20 th century could not lead to a universal theory. Scientists of today have been able to produce test-tube babies; the clones of several organisms – including sheep, have been produced in the laboratories. Research has also begun on the nature of consciousness beyond the clinical consciousness. But, nothing is concluded about the origin and evolution of life in the physical and the subliminal domains of existence. The Darwinian theory proposes that the human species had acquired the present form of being through successive evolutionary progress – from amoebae to aquatic microorganisms, to fish; from fish to, pigs, to monkeys and apes; from apes to gorillas and then to primitive man. Some experimental studies and models in anthropology and zoological and behavioral sciences have supported this theory. However, if we accept this theory, the fundamental question remains unanswered as to – why the evolutionary process did not continue further? Why the human body has not evolved further since hundreds of thousands of years of scientifically confirmed existence? Moreover, in terms of physical strength and vitality, there appears to be a negative evolution in all species, especially in the human body. We are becoming much weaker in successive generations. None of the acclaimed and largely popular modern theories of evolution touch upon the subliminal domains of consciousness and the natural linkage between the individual consciousness with the collective and cosmic consciousness. The early enthusiasm of scientific views that hypothesized consciousness to be a resultant effect of some complex biochemical reactions has waned with the recognition of the ever-new findings on the complexity of brain functions and mental potentials. If consciousness or life could be generated by some biochemical or physical process, the ultra advanced technology of today would have attempted synthesizing living beings instead of computerizes robots in the laboratories. Computer industries would have been prospering by producing intelligent beings rather than the virtual thinking machines. The structure of the human body, its gross functions might be well explained in terms of anatomy and the (bio)physico-chemical, (bio)electrical and physiological processes. And with the advancement of biotechnology, one might some day synthesize a miniature artificial body. But, what about the mental functions, the sentiments, the limitless depth of inner powers? When

Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.

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an individual being – be that the scientifically advanced man of today, can’t even realize, understand and control this subliminal world in his own self, how could he generate these in a synthesized body? When one does not even know the nature of the science of thoughts, emotions and inner sentiments and the powers of spirituality, how could he ‘advance’ the material based scientific understanding in that direction?

Scientists have created a "neo -bladder" that's engineered in a laboratory.

It is in this context, it would be worth looking into the Indian Philosophy and the ancient science of spirituality. The relevance of these increases further noting the fact the rhetoric descriptions in the vedik scriptures also reflect the structural and functional features of the human body that have been discovered by modern science. The descriptions (of the kinds cited above) in the Upanishads concerning – the manifestation of the eternal will of Paramatma in the creation of the Pinda of the sun, moon, other planets and the entire universe, and the subliminal consecration of the divine powers and the Paramatma in the human self, would become clearer if we note the following. All planets and other components (cosmic centers) of the universal expansion – whatever be their present states, have come into existence all of a sudden. Be that the Big Bang Theory, any other scientific principle, or the vedik assumption of the cosmic spurt of the infinity, all express a sudden manifestation. This is what is referred in the Upanishad as the cosmic expression of thy will in the physical (gross) and subliminal forms of Nature. The presence of divine powers in the human being imply the immense potentials of the latter and the ultimate evolution of his conscious (mental) faculties up to the high realms of divinity. Such descriptions of the Upanishads also reflect the fact that the origin of human self is divine and that the soul, the inner self, is an eternal expression and fraction of the Brahm. Natural creation, evolution or destruction – of every element, every being, and every form of existence, works simultaneously at the gross as well as the subliminal domains of its existence. The paranormal powers of thee enable collective materialization of these in totality at the cosmic level” – such implications of the Indian Philosophy are being interpreted and reaffirmed by the eminent researchers of the modern times too. Dr. Allen Leo of “The Occult Anatomy” fame explains that –– “if we had understood the cosmic system, it would not have been difficult to see the intimate relationship of our body and mind with the sun, moon and other planets.”

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.

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Dr. Corinne Helen discusses the complexity of the process of life in the human body under the topic “The Dual Brain Functions and Relation with Spiritual Development”. She further writes that – “It is amazing to note that all the natural instincts of artistic creativity, intellectual talents and knowledge acquisition are bestowed on the human mind by the planetary system. This way all intellectuals are disciples of the planets and stars (cosmic centers).” The Occult Anatomy regards human beings to be constituted of two bodies. One is gross – made up of the panca tatvas and the other is subtle – which is created by the divine powers emitted from the cosmic centers.

…….To be continued in next edition

(This series is based on the book “The Extrasensory Potential of Mind” by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya)

People keep repeating that the main things are love and compassion. Certainly love and compassion are the main things, but it takes knowledge to make love and compassion fruitful.

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- Dr.Pranav Pandya

Maharshi Yagyavalkya was expounding the hidden secrets and intricacies of the science of yagya to the resident students of his Ashram (hermitage).

Maharshi Yagyavalkya was a great scientific researcher of the science of yagya. He had spent a very long time conducting comprehensive and intensive research in the field of science of yagya. For this purpose he had established his ashram in a perfect natural piece of land in the state ruled by King Janak, who was respected by all kings and rishis alike. His ashram was spread over a large expanse of land. There were several small and large yagyashalas where research activities were carried out regularly.

These yagya-shalas had a large variety of yagya-kunds of different shapes and sizes. There were kunds with several shapes like that of triangle, quadrangle, hexagon, with hundred sides, with a thousand petals, like an earthen pot, circle and so on, and of multiple sizes and dimensions. There were some yagya-shalas that had no kunds, but only different types of instruments for experimentation and testing.07

This ashram of The Maharshi had a large expanse of herbal garden and a dense jungle as well. Almost all varieties of herbs were grown in the garden, which were used during different scientific procedures of yagya. The dense forest had protected trees of several different species, whose wood was used for various scientific experiments of yagya. In its expanse the ashram also included agricultural fields where the effect of yagya on varieties of crops were scientifically experimented and studied. Maharshi used to regard all the animals and birds that lived in the garden and forest as inmates of the ashram. He used to say that yagya is not just for humans, not even for the earth but for the entire creation, so everyone must participate in it and get benefited by it.

There was also a reserved portion of the Ashram where several protective and destructive yagyas used to be conducted to subdue demonic elements that disrupted normal harmony of the world and caused destruction of life and property. This work was managed by Rishi Kathak,

Yagya-Shala The Laboratory of Rishis

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who was a devotee of Rudra and was himself bestowed with the radiance of Rudra. Demonic powers were scared of him as he was a nemesis for all the disruptive powers. Despite his great strength he was gentle at heart and had a noble personality. He had been a close associate of Maharshi Yagyavalkya for a very long time. This time too he was sitting next to Maharshi. Rishis Dirghatama, Kutsa, and Grutsamada were also there, who had come to the ashram bound by Maharshi's love towards them.

All these rishis always used to say that the company and proximity of this great knowledgeable yogi, who was a great scientist of yagya science, was rare and purifying. Maharshi was presently explaining – “Every act of social service is yagya. All acts that have no tinge of selfishness or ego, which are inspired and carried out with this pure feeling that - this is not mine, nor for me, but for the good of all - such acts are all yagya. Supreme God Himself has created this world with the purpose of yagya, and to inspire people to carry out acts like yagya. That is why He is called the greatest among those who perform yagya, and is Yagya-Purusha - personification of yagya Himself. But even then the physical act of yagya (offering oblations to sacred fire) is a great science. Several of its experiments are carried out in the external and the inner worlds through physical rituals and subtle activities.

“There are in all twenty-one different forms of these yagyas as mentioned in Rig-Veda hymn (10:52:4) but infinitely many more sub-forms as well. Saying so, Maharshi paused a bit and thought for a while and said again that in a yagyabased experiment both physical and spiritual powers are utilized in a harmonious, balanced and most optimal manner. For generating different amounts of physical energies (heat) different kinds of wood like that of mango tree, oak tree, wood apple tree, etc are used. Herbs with different qualities are also components of physical energies of yagya. The varieties of shapes and sizes of

yagya-kunds are used to conserve and enhance the power of yagya. These and many more such components are symbols of physical energies of yagya. “For spiritual powers the important elements of yagya experiment are – different types of mantras, various ascending and descending cycles of their recitation, and the subtle energies of the spiritually elevated sadhaks who participate in the experiment. A perfect balance and coordination between the physical and spiritual powers are then created by the special auspicious moments that fall on different days and times, and by utilizing the prevalent energy flows of the universe for making the experiments extremely potent and successful. Herein lies the secret of environment cleansing and formation of rain clouds through yagya.”

The deep and subtle exposition of science of yagya made by Maharshi Yagyavalkya was mesmerizing the audience. Only once in a while, curiosity about inner-yagya would flash in the mind of Rishi Grutsmada.

The great yogi and visionary Yagyavalkya smiled briefly and said, "Just like the external form of yagya, the experiments of internal yagya are special. If these are carried out in a proper manner, they lead to extraordinary increase of spiritual energy." He paused for a while and continued, "Our existence and our personalities are themselves like special yagya-kunds. Just like physical kunds, we have three steps (mekhlas) in the form of mind, life-force (prana) and body. The first step is that of mind which creates, based upon resolves and its main deity is

Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrow - it empties today of strength.

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Brahma (creator). The second step is the life-force that helps in sustaining life and its main deity is Vishnu.

The final step is the physical body that through its good and bad actions, presents the benevolent or the destructive form of Lord Shiva. A verse from scriptures describes the participants of this best form of yagya experiment in the following way - In this spiritual yagya - soul is the main doer of yagya, faith is its wife, heart is the altar, the top knot of hair is the scriptures (Vedas), voice is the hota, life-force is the udagata, eyes are the adhvaryu, mind is the Brahma, ears are agnindhra and mouth is the invoked fire. In this special yagya, the supreme flames of kundalini accept the oblations of sanskars (intrinsic tendencies) and provide the soul the status of Supreme Soul.” This statement of Maharshi gave a sense of deep fulfillment to Rishi Grutsamada, but Maharshi continued further, “In these scientific experiments of yagya, Vedic seer and great rishi of Scientific Spirituality, Vishwamitra is a much greater expert. It would be highly pertinent to understand his conclusions in this regard.”

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has

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