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Post on 06-Oct-2015




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speech communication


Barrientos, Julia Francesca A. SPCM 1 U2-1RTitle: Dress codes promote rape culture.Specific Speech Purpose: To convince the students to not judge or shame women by the clothes they wear and for women to be free to express their selves through fashionProposition/Claim: The society should stop teaching women not to get raped instead teach men to not only rape but also stop seeing women as sexual objects.

INTRODUCTIONAttention step:I. Girls, have you ever experienced wearing something and eventually changing it to something else because you think other people might say it is too short, too revealing or too provocative? II. Fashion is life and just like life, you must always express your life freely.III. It is not a womans fault that her legs and shoulders arouses you.IV. Today I would like to persuade you that women should have the freedom of wearing what they want and should not be judged by it.

BODYNeed stepI. Dress code promotes rape culture, sexism and shaming among women.A. Women who deviates from being a "dalagang Filipina" are shamed and are called names. B. Having dress codes implies that women should adjust so men will not be distracted or tempted and also gives man the right to blame women in cases of rape and sexual assault. C. Wearing short clothes does not mean a woman is asking to be raped. Satisfaction stepII. Instead of implementing dress codes, teach boys that girls are not sexual objects.A. It is not enough to teach boys not to rape, instead teach them that women are not sexual objects.B. Women should also not shame other women because they give men the right to do the same. C. Here in the university, women can freely wear what they want because of freedom and also because each of us respect each other.

Visualization stepIII. Abolishing dress codes will result to a more harmonious relationship among people. A. There would be less occurrence of rape and sexual assault. B. Women become more free, confident and respected. C. Equality among both gender is maintained.CONCLUSIONAction stepI. So I encourage boys to help girls see the world as a safe and secure place to live in.II. I also encourage women to wear what they want and are comfortable with. III. Clothes are just clothes and whatever clothes you are wearing, it cannot protect a women from being raped. Visual Aids: Photos and slogansReferences: http://thoughtcatalog.com/sarah-small/2014/10/am-i-a-slut/http://vagendamagazine.com/2014/06/to-all-the-young-women-protesting-against-their-school-dress-codes-you-are-awesome/http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/teen-girl-accuses-her-school-of-slut-shaming-her-jorts