speech, istu president (prof. syamsir abduh)

Speech, ISTU President (Prof. Dr. Syamsir Abduh) Yang Terhormat, Ketua dan Anggota Senat Universitas Trisakti, Majelis Guru Besar Universitas Trisakti, Pimpinan Universitas Trisakti, Pimpinan Fakultas, dan Program Studi di Lingkup Universitas Trisakti, His Excellency Ambassador of Switzerland to Indonesia, Dr. Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn. (it is a honor for us to come and join with our panel discussion in our University) Para undangan serta hadirin yang saya muliakan. Assalaamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Good morning everyone May peace and blessing of Allah be upon you all Pertama dan paling utama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala atas limpahan karunia dan rahmatNya, sehingga hari ini kita dapat berkumpul bersama dalam acara Diskusi Panel. Acara ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka memperingati Hari Standar Dunia 2012 dan Dies Natalis Universitas Trisakti ke-47. Topik Diskusi Panel kali ini adalah ”Less Waste, Better Results. Increasing Efficiency: Building Awareness of Standardization”. Dewasa ini Increasing efficiency telah menjadi perhatian utama di berbagai sektor ( industri, bisnis ) baik di level nasional, regional maupun internasional. ISO (2012) telah mendefinisikan efisiensi sebagai kemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan dengan menerapkan proses untuk mengembangkan produk atau jasa

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Page 1: Speech, istu president (prof. syamsir abduh)

Speech, ISTU President (Prof. Dr. Syamsir Abduh)

Yang Terhormat,

Ketua dan Anggota Senat Universitas Trisakti,

Majelis Guru Besar Universitas Trisakti,

Pimpinan Universitas Trisakti, Pimpinan Fakultas, dan Program Studi di Lingkup Universitas Trisakti,

His Excellency Ambassador of Switzerland to Indonesia, Dr. Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn. (it is a honor for us to come and join with our panel discussion in our University)

Para undangan serta hadirin yang saya muliakan.

Assalaamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good morning everyone

May peace and blessing of Allah be upon you all

Pertama dan paling utama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala atas limpahan karunia dan rahmatNya, sehingga hari ini kita dapat berkumpul bersama dalam acara Diskusi Panel. Acara ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka memperingati Hari Standar Dunia 2012 dan Dies Natalis Universitas Trisakti ke-47. Topik Diskusi Panel kali ini adalah ”Less Waste, Better Results. Increasing Efficiency: Building Awareness of Standardization”.

Dewasa ini Increasing efficiency telah menjadi perhatian utama di berbagai sektor ( industri, bisnis ) baik di level nasional, regional maupun internasional. ISO (2012) telah mendefinisikan efisiensi sebagai kemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan dengan menerapkan proses untuk mengembangkan produk atau jasa berkualitas dengan cara menimalkan/menekan limbah, biaya, atau usaha yang tidak perlu. Efisiensi dapat membantu perusahaan/organisasi dalam memaksimalkan keuntungan mereka.

Diskusi panel hari ini bertujuan untuk mencari berbagai alternatif solusi, menemukan berbagai cara terbaik dalam meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya menggunakan dan menerapkan standar melalui pendidikan dan budaya.

Pada kesempatan ini, kami atas nama panitia pengarah menghaturkan terimakasih kepada: (1) Bapak Rektor atas komitmen dan dukungan yang kuat atas terselenggaranya acara ini. (2) Pihak sponsor : PT Semen Gresik, PT Pertamina Pelumas, PT Gapura Angkasa. (3) Dukungan penuh (supported by) MASTAN, ISO,BSN, ISW. (4) Panitia Penyelenggara, adik-adik mahasiswa dari

Page 2: Speech, istu president (prof. syamsir abduh)

berbagai Fakultas di Lingkup Universitas Trisakti, acara ini dipersembahkan dari, oleh dan untuk para mahasiswa.

Kami juga tak lupa menyampaikan permohonan maaf jika sekiranya ada hal-hal yang kurang berkenan baik disengaja maupun tidak disengaja selama acara ini berlangsung. Tapi percayalah inilah kemampuan terbaik kami yang dapat kami berikan kepada hadirin sekalian.

Ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the Steering and Organizing Committee, I welcome you all to this Panel Discussion. The implementation of this panel discussion is indeed the work of our Trisakti University Students involved in the Institute for Standardization Trisakti University (ISTU) in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland in Jakarta. Shall we give them a big applause.

Mr. Rector- Trisakti-University

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen

This panel discussion is attended by 300 participants from industries and government and academia as well. And now Let me read you the curriculum vitas of our today panelists:

Our first panelist is His Excellency Ambassador of Switzerland to Indonesia, Dr. Heinz Walker-

Nederkoorn. Born in 1958 in Schattdorf/Canton of Uri, he holds a PhD in Economic and Social

Sciences of the University of Fribourg. Mr Walker-Nederkoorn presented his credentials as

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to the Republic of Indonesia to

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on 12 January 2010, to Timor-Leste to President Ramos-

Horta on 23 February 2010, and to ASEAN to General-Secretary Surin Pitsuwan on 10 March

2010. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Dr.Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn.

The second panelist is Professor Dr. Bambang Prasetya, Head of the National Standards Agency of Indonesia (BSN). But he deeply apologize to all of us for not being able to attend this panel discussion. Today he was scheduled to meet the President of Indonesia, but then assigned Mr. Tisyo Haryono to substitute his position in our discussion program. Ladies and gentlemen, pelase welcome Mr. Tisyo Haryono

The third panelist is Mr Walda Haritanto. He is one of our ISTU specialists in standardization with a big number of experience in training industries on standards both home and overseas. To our pride, this gentlemen is a graduate from Trisakti University in 2004. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr Walda Haritanto.

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The forth panelists is the chair of Indonesia Standard Watch, Mrs. Filma Festivalia. She is an activist of standardization in gender role, motivating women as professional carrier and house wife in national and international levels. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mrs. Filma Festivalia.

Our fifth panelists is Mr.Subagyo. He is the CEO of PT Gapura Angkasa. By his great work and leadership, his company has achieved a remarkable reputation in standardization. The company is palsed the first winner of SNI Award this year and last year. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Subagyo.

The sixth panelist is from PT Pertamina Lubricants. Today the company presents two distinguished experts in standardization. The are Mr. Agus Santosa and Mr Ronald Siregar who have devoted their energy to placing the oil company Pertamina with the green products. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr Agus Santosa and Ronald Siregar.

Our last panelist is Mr Kharis from PT Semen Gresik Tbk which has a very strong concern in standardization. He has also devoted his energy to applying standardization in Semen Gresik to address issue of globalization. Ladies and gentlemen, Please welcome Mr Kharis.

Mr RectorExcellency Distinguished guest, ladies and gentlemen

A second apology to us all is from Ms. Prita Laura. Due to he unavoidable schedule of her tasks in Metro TV, she cannot join our gathering today. Please accept the apology.

This panel discussion presenting great panelist with remarkable reputation will now be chaired by our student of Trisakti University. She will chair this discussion with the running topic: Less Waste, Better Results. Increasing Efficiency: Building Awareness of Standardization. Please welcome Ms. Kirti Indru Moorjani.

Ladies and gentlemen

Now shall we step to the next agenda are waiting for Professor Dr. Thoby Mutis, the Rector of Trisakti University will provide remarks and officially open this Panel Discussion. Prof. Dr. Thoby Mutis, the floor is yours.