special problems video projects\civil rights and kkk\killen.wm...\vagos mc.wmv. \rosa...

Special Problems Video projects\Civil Rights and KKK\ Killen.wm ...\Vagos MC.wmv. \Rosa Parks.wmv ...\Riots\Watts Riots.wmv ...\French riots 1-6.wmv ...\Greek riots.wmv \terrorism\woman suicide bomber.wmv \gangs\Bill Queen Mongols.wmv ...Hessians gunfire.wmv ...\undercover\NYPD watches.wmv \NYPD Provocateur.wmv ...\gang war threatens high school.wmv ...\Katrina MS13.wmv

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Special Problems

Video projects\Civil Rights and KKK\Killen.wm

...\Vagos MC.wmv.\Rosa Parks.wmv...\Riots\Watts Riots.wmv...\French riots 1-6.wmv...\Greek riots.wmv\terrorism\woman suicide bomber.wmv\gangs\Bill Queen Mongols.wmv...Hessians gunfire.wmv...\undercover\NYPD watches.wmv \NYPD Provocateur.wmv...\gang war threatens high school.wmv...\Katrina MS13.wmv

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Attempt to create political or socialchange through violence

Objective to intimidate an enemyand soften its will through fear andpsychological exhaustion

Methods– Individual terror: assassinations and kidnappings– Mass terror: Bombings in public places– Guerrilla warfare

A way for small groups to multiply their force

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Historical examples

Russian Revolutionary terrorism Italian left-wing terrorism

(Red Brigades) German left-wing terrorism

(Baader-Meinhof) Cuban revolution Argentine Montoneros Peruvian Shining Path Northern Ireland (IRA v. the “Loyalists”) Present day Middle East

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Suicide bombersstrike Jordan

On November 10, 2005Amman was rocked by acoordinated series of bombattacks. A suicide bomber set off a car bomb at the Days Inn, another detonated a belt bomb inside the Grand Hyatt, and a husband-and-wife pair wore belt bombs into the Radisson SAS. His went off, hers didn’t. Fifty-seven people were killed, mostly Jordanians, including many attending a wedding party at the Radisson.

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From dissatisfactionto violence

Political elite in tight control Dominant ethnic group Little opportunity for outsiders to exert influence Disparities, inequities and controversies

– Social– Economic– Militarism and military service

Development of a revolutionary vanguard– Dynamic leader– Explanatory ideology, with justifications for violence

Recruitment of the dissatisfied, disenchanted and disenfranchised Government missteps

– Less public support weakened grip on police and military

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Domestic terror and hate movements

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Oklahoma City bombing

On the morning of April 19, 1995,Timothy McVeigh parked a rentedtruck full of explosives in front of theFederal Building, got in a car andescaped. At 9:02am a massive explosionkilled 168 persons.

Two hours later McVeigh was stopped by a Oklahoma Highway Patrol officer because his vehicle lacked a license plate. The officer noticed a bulge in McVeigh’s jacket and arrested him for carrying a loaded .45.

McVeigh, an Army veteran, was a Nazi sympathizer and survivalist who scraped by a living working as an unlicensed gun dealer. Appalled by the incident at Waco and fearful that the government was trying to take away the right to bear arms, he allied himself with Terry Nichols, acquired the explosives and carried out the attack.

The Timothy McVeigh Story

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Civil Disorders

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Roots of dissent

Vietnam war– U.S. presence 1956 – 1973

(heaviest fighting 1964-1971)– More than 50,000

U.S. soldiers killed Economic and social problems

– Recession, inflation and highunemployment in the 1970’s

– Economic inequality– Racial prejudice & police abuses

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The 1960’s – 1970’s:An era of violent protest

Students for aDemocratic Society

Weathermen Symbionese Liberation Army Black Panther Party Black Liberation Army American Indian Movement

Students are responsible for learning basic facts about these groups from the book and links

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Riots of the 60’sand 70’s

1965 Watts riot 1967 Detroit Riot 1967 Newark Riot 1968 & 1969 New

York Riots

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L.A. – 1992 riot(Rodney King)

In April 1992, withinhours of a jury verdictacquitting four LAPDofficers of assaultingRodney King during a1991 traffic stop,violence and looting erupted in South-Central Los Angeles. In the next seven days 55 persons died, 2,000 were injured and 12,000 were arrested. Two of the officers were later convicted of Federal civil rights violations and served prison terms.

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French riots –October/November 2005 (race)

March 2006 (jobs)

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Fires in Paris (New York Times, 8/30/05) A fire killed seven people on Monday night in a five-story apartment building where African immigrants were living in the central Marais neighborhood. It was the second such fire in four days, and the third since April. The death toll in the three fires is 48, including 30 children. Forty West Africans, most of them from the Ivory Coast and many illegal immigrants, had been squatting in the five-story building in the wealthy Marais neighborhood since 1999, waiting for their papers to be processed. There were no fire extinguishers. There was not even running water to wet towels against the smoke.


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-- Oct. 27 -- Two youths electrocuted at power station where they hid from police; another is injured. Hundreds of youths riot, set fire to cars, shops in Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois.-- Oct. 28 -- Riots escalate. Assailants fire on a police vehicle in Clichy-sous-Bois.-- Oct. 30 -- Police tear gas canister explodes at a mosque, angers Muslims.-- Oct. 31 -- Unrest spreads through Paris suburbs. Youths lob gasoline bombs at cars, shops and municipal buildings. Police respond with tear gas and rubber bullets.-- Nov. 2 -- Through a spokesperson President Jacques Chirac appeals for calm and says authorities will use a firm hand to forestall a potentially ''dangerous situation.'' Rioting spreads to at least 20 Paris-region towns. Four shots are fired at police and firefighters – no injuries. An older woman is set on fire; she is hospitalized with severe burns.-- Nov. 3 -- Police report says that police did not appear to be chasing the boys who were electrocuted. Arsonists burn 520 cars in Paris suburbs.-- Nov. 4 -- Youths torch 750 cars, throw stones at paramedics. Violence spreads to other towns. Police make over 200 arrests.-- Nov. 5 -- Violence intensifies, enters central Paris. Police say 1,295 vehicles burned nationwide, including 35 in Paris. Unrest reported in cities and suburbs across France.-- Nov. 6 -- Rioters burn 1,400 cars and injure 36 police officers. Unrest spreads to 274 towns; police make 395 arrests. In his first personal address, Chirac promises to restore public order.-- Nov. 7 -- A 61-year-old man dies after being attacked while trying to put out a trash can fire, the first fatality. Government imposes curfews where needed and calls up 1,500 police reservists. Vandals burn 1,170 cars; police arrest 330 people.-- Nov. 8 -- Chirac declares a state of emergency that paves the way for curfews in riot-hit cities.

New York Times timeline

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Rioting began October 27 in the Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, where two youths of African descent running from police were electrocuted in a power station. Things got worse when a police tear-gas canister was thrown into a Mosque and the Interior Minister disparaged residents.

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Rioting spread through low-income suburbs. Within days 1,000 cars were torched. An elderly man was burned to death. Many police officers and firefighters were injured by rocks and projectiles. A few were struck by birdshot but not seriously injured. Officers were under order not to fire. Handguns are banned in France. Some criminals have high power, semi-auto rifles but rioters have thus far not resorted to deadly weapons.

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The situation in low-income immigrant areas is desperate. Residents live in crowded tenements, unemployment approaches 50 percent and there is little for young people to do.

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Riots in Athens

The shooting death of a teenby Athens police in earlyDecember 2008 propelled a week of rioting, injuring scores, burning stores and laying waste to large areas of the city center. Although confrontations between university students and Greek police are common, the uprising was joined by citizens upset with poor economic conditions and Government corruption. Lacking strong political backing, Greek police, who are trying to overcome a reputation for brutality from the 70’s, responded so cautiously that by week’s end many were calling for a sterner hand to stop the violence and looting. The two officers involved in the shooting, which took place during a “routine” confrontation between police and student anarchists, were arrested: one for the killing, the other as an accomplice. A defense lawyer claims that the fatal bullet was a ricochet from a warning shot.

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How do these riots compare to civil disturbances in the U.S.? Are the causes similar? Different? In what ways?Are the solutions similar? Different? In what ways?

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Ethnic criminal movements

Bound through ethnicity and values BUTwith highly materialistic goals

Fear of infiltration and ruthless enforcement Traditional profit centers: narcotics, prostitution

and gambling, extortion, racketeering, bribery Emerging profit centers: alien smuggling, computer chip theft,

international car theft, credit card fraud, health care fraud, insurance fraud, identity theft, money laundering

La Cosa Nostra - Italian Mafia Russian Mafia Mexican Mafia (also in prison) Crips and Bloods (also in prison) Motorcycle gangs – Hell’s Angels, Bandidos and Outlaws

Students are responsible for learning basic facts about these groups from the book and links

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M.S. – Mara Salvatrucha

Street gang, origins in El Salvador Estimated 50,000 members in U.S. and

Central America– Began in McArthur Park area of L.A.– Now in 33 States and D.C.– Loosely-structured federation– Concerns about increasing

cohesiveness and developmentof a traditional OC structure

Armed and very violent– Many originally trained as Salvadoran

guerrillas– Extortion of immigrants and small

businesses– Immigrant smuggling– Carjacking, robbery, false documents,

drug trafficking

L.A. Times, 10/30/05, 12/26/05

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Outlaw motorcyclegangs

Traditionally white and ride Harley-Davidsons

Largest gangs in the West Coast include– Hells’ Angels– Bandidos– Hessians– Mongols– Vagos

Heavily involved in drug trafficking, especially the manufacture of methamphetamine

– Many clandestine labs in the Inland Empire region (San Bernardino & Riverside counties)

Try to rehabilitate their image with charity rides and toy drives

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Responding to terror, gang activity and disorder

Abuses and constraints

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Historical examples

Distorting the legal process:countering leftists terror inCzarist Russia

– Stolypin’s “necktie” solution

Circumventing the legal process:wiping out the radicals inArgentina:

– Los “desaparecidos”

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Fighting terrorism – the abuses: COINTELPRO

Secret FBI program (1956-1971) to discreditgroups considered to be anti-Government

– Black Panthers– Students for a Democratic Society– Socialist Workers Party– Native Americans– Anti-war protesters– NAACP and Dr. Martin Luther King

Methods– Infiltration by spies – the agent provocateur– Burglaries and illegal phone taps– Fake letters and phony propaganda to create rifts between

individuals and groups

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Phony letter to discredit Jean Seberg by alleging that she was pregnant by a member of the Black Panther Party

1976 Church Committee report, which condemned COINTELPRO as a serious threat to civil liberties, concluded that it was partly motivated by a “frustration with Supreme Court rulings limiting the Government's power to proceed overtly against dissident groups”

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Fighting terrorism – the abuses:LAPD Public Disorder Intel. Division

Formed during the Red scare following WW-II– Spied on alleged Communists and sympathizers– Expanded to include anti-war protestors and “subversives”

Infiltrated undercover officers Extensive physical and electronic surveillance Created a huge records system Cooperated with COINTELPRO Targets included L.A.’s Mayor, members of the City Council, the

Governor and members of Congress, the National Organization for Women, the Beverly Hills Democratic Club, religious, civil rights and environmental groups

In 1981 a lawsuit forced it to disband and open up its records PDID functions were taken over by the Anti-Terrorist Division, with

much more restrictive guidelines for initiating investigations

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Chilling effect?NYPD infiltrates protests

According to the New York Times UC officersUC officers regularly infiltrate protest marches and bicycle rider events

Police videotapes obtained by the Times show UC officers and informers at seven major events between 8/04 and 12/05

Officers carried protest signs, held flowers, rode bicycles and videotaped participants

Police admit the surveillance. They say its purpose is to “keep order and protect free speech”

Protestors say officers distort their message and purposely provoke trouble

– Bike ride – sham arrest of UC officers led to the arrest of two protesters who came to the UC’s defense.

– Poor People’s March, 8/30/04 – UC officer used to provoke disorder at end of march

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Liberty interests– Narrow definition of criminal conduct– Limits on wiretaps and surveillance– Revulsion against ID cards

Commercial interests– Lax enforcement of environmental, commercial, immigration laws

Practical limits– Time, money and manpower– Police better at reacting than anticipating– Focus on past crimes, not prevention– Too much information – problems in filtering (What to collect? What to

share? When to act?)– Limits of visual and electronic surveillance– Limited ability to investigate, to process and confine defendants

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How are difficultcases solved?

No “silver bullets”– Legwork– Physical evidence– Surveillance and informers

Example - church fires (3/2006)– Agents found tracks from a BF

Goodrich all-terrain tire– Witnesses to several fires

described a Toyota SUV– Agents checked tire dealers for

purchases, came up with suspect’s mother

– Father said son confessed to him