special f5f0e ! rdwight-historical-society.org/star_and_herald_images/1895_star_and... · frank...

Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Perry, of Braidwood, visited in town Sun- day. Miss Carrie Waters visited with Mrs. Bert Strahl Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Emily Wheeler had nine- teen teeth pulled at one sitting last Thursday. Quite a large number of our young folks went skating Wednes day evening. Miss Zula Smith, of Braceville, visited with Miss Lottie Hamilton Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Small, of Joliet, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Strahl a few days last week. Millie Colestock returned home Tuesday after a months visit wills relatives in Kankakee and Indi- ana. Harry Snyder and family visited with relatives in Wilmington Sun- day. Mr. Snyder's mother, Mrs. Willard, and her husband start for Washington Monday. Geo. Kern, Tony Diefenbach, Herman Bartholic, Will Bartholic, W. T. Prime and Frank Reeb, of Dwight, attended the K. of P. Lodge here Thursday night. About thirty of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Strahl's friends were invited to their home Thursday evening to a card party. All had a good time and enjoyed themselves until about twelve o'clock, when they did goodnight and wended their way homeward. Mrs. Jno. Kimber was brought here from Ladd Monday for buri- al. Mrs. Kimber was one of our Gardner girls and highly respected by all who knew her, and her many friends will be very sorry to hear of her death, and extend their sympathy to the bereaved husband and relatives. She was laid to rest in the Gardner and Braceville cemetery. Thursday afternoon we had quite a little excitement in our burg. Chas. Hansen's brother drove a pair of those nice, quiet animals. what you call mules, up into the driveway of Fuller & Spiller's elevator with a load of grain, but when he wanted them to stop they didn't want to, so they just went right through and down the other side and he tried it again and they did the same same thing again. But he was not to be baffled and he drove them up again and this time got them to stop long enough to get the chains on the wheels and just as Jno. Spiller was going to take the endgate out they started again but the iron rings on the wheels held the wagon. But they pulled the reach out and took the front wheels, spring seat and driver down into the street again, and would have ran away if some men hadn't run out and stopped them. But they got the load of grain just the same. It was three times and out and the mules got out every time. wight tat and /icra14. W. o. DUSTLN, Pubtleh era. W. T. PRIME, otered at the Pottollice In Dwight, 5.s second class mall matter. - _ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. BY At. `L—POSTAGE PAID. 17.1fg,.. d.e, .. . .......... ........... 11 -1 .2T, i b Pay Bills. All bills for advertising and job work contracted with the firm of Dustin & Wassell prior to Jan. 1, 1895, should be settled immediately with W. G. Dustin at the STAR AND HERALD office. W G. Dustin will pay all bills contracted by Dustin & Wassell. All subscrip - tions to the STAR AND HERALD , BRACEVILLE TRIBUNE and GARDNER TRIBUNE are payable to the firm of Dustin & Prime. DUSTIN & WASSELL. Dwight, Ill. Pontiac. The recent snow storm spoiled the skating. S. A. Rathbun went to Chenoa on business Friday. Ferne Bond spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Mrs. Herbert, living on the south side, is very low. Chas. Custer took in the 'cyc le show in Chicago Friday. Mrs. Ed. Sharp is recovering from her recent sickness. Revival meetings were held last week in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. Frank Logier, who was confined to the house for several days with bronchitis, is able to be around again. The funeral of A. S. Tracy took place on Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock, from the residence on the south side. Several men who are working on the ice fell into the river last week. The experience, it is safe to say, is far from agreeable. John G. Wooley spoke in the court house Wednesday evening on temperance. A choir, com- posed of members from the church choirs, furnished the music. The company of militia organ- ized here is said to be still in the ring, with the accent on the "still." They say they intend to drill pri- vately until spring when they will be mustered in. was cut in several places, Dr. Daly was immediately summoned and he set the arm. Albert is do- ing as well as could be expected. Odell. Miss Ula Cole is visiting friends in Denver, Col. Miss Crawford goes to Winter Park, Fla., on Friday of this week. Miss Ella Morse left last week for San Diego, Cal., to spend the winter. T. Carroll, tailor, moved into his new building Wednesday. It is roomy, well lighted and attractive. Revival meetings still continue at the M. E. church. Much interest is manifested and there has been some conversions. The Christian Endeavor society and the Epworth League sent fur- ther contributions of clothing to the Nebraska sufferers this week. Quite a party went from Odell Wednesday to Pontiac to hear the great temperance orator. Although suffering from hoarseness he spoke with power and to the point. His theme was "Witnessing." His dis- course was very gratifying to the prohibitionists. Miss Dickson has accepted a position in the Chicago public schools. For the short time she has been here, she has made a record as a teacher, and gained many friends. Miss Stanley who has been appointed to the vacancy in our school, arrived in town Wed- nesday. She comes well recom- mended. Another couple was made happy Tuesday, Jan. 15, when Herbert W. Blanchard was united in mar- riage to Mary D. Martin at the home of the bride's parents, three and one half miles southeast of Odell, by Rev. I. J. Swanson. About one hundred guests were present. Many handsome gifts received by the young couple, both of whom are very popular in the community, Our quiet village was excited last Thursday over the burglary of P. B. Collins' meat market on the previous evening. Entrance was effected through a window in the rear of the premises. The cash drawer was rifled of its contents, luckily amounting to only a dollar. The safe was next opened and without resort to force. The bur- glar evidently was familiar with the combination, or else was an ex- pert. The money drawer of the safe was torn out, and was found next day on the railroad track about half a mile from town. It had been burst open, but the thief got no money, as Mr. Collins had only left papers in it of no value to anyone save himself. He had re- ceived $700 the day before, but had deposited it in the bank. No clue has yet been found to the thief. Special Homeseeker's Excur- sion. The C. & A. will sell home- seekers excursion tickets to points in the south and west at very low rates on the following dates, Jan. It, Jan. 15, Feby, 5, March 4, April and April 3o; for further infor- mation call upon or address J. O. Raines, agent. L. Glover is improving from his attack of typhoid fever. J. P. Hance moved into Mr. Doyle's house this week. Lots of corn is being shelled and hauled while the good roads last. John Doore, the Broughton con- stable, was in town Tuesday on business. It is rumored that John Feehery has sold his property where the two saloons are. The Woodman's masquerade ball was a grand succes. All pres- ent enjoyed a good time. Manner Bros. shipped a car load of tile this week to Clark City. They have fine tile. Miss Mary Ann Maguire has been on the sick list for the past two weeks, but is improving. J. Mamer and D. Galven took in the Dwight fair Wednesday night. They report a large crowd. The shooting match last Satur- day was a good one. There was a large crowd and good shoot- ing. Mamer Bros. will attend the Brick and Tile Manufacturers As- sociation at Springfield, Jan. 15 and 16. Wm. Cogley went back to Ne- braska Wednesday night. He has been farming there for the past seven years. Harding and Mamer Bros. are wishing that the cold weather would end so they could finish their buildings. T. Ricketts, from Stewardson, Ill., has been town the past week visiting his brothers, J. F. and E. E. Ricketts. John Moran and Miss Maggie Cox were married Wednesday at 9 o'clock a, m. They are the first couple marl ied in the new Catho- lic church. The Woodman lodge is doing good work. They have five new applications for membership since the camp was organized. They must all be hustler. Reddick. Mrs. Chapple was on the sick list last week. Miss Nellie Reilly went to Chi- cago Wednesday. Thos. Guest visited in the country last week. Chas. Cumming, of Gardner, spent Sunday here, John Ambrose has sold his shop to Emil Gonderman, Wm. Luther, of Dwight, was in town one day last week. Miss Anderson, of Gardner, visited here over Sunday. Five carloads of hogs were shipped from here Monday. Miss Winnie Pritchard visited with Hattie Guest last week. M. F. Rielly received eight car- loads of ice from Custer Park last week. Quite a number have gone from here to Custer Park to work on the ice. Mrs, McNeill went to Wilming- ton Saturday to attend the fun- eral of her nephew. Miss Mary Territer returned from her visit in Indiana and brought her sister home with her. Owing to the bad weather, the masquerade ball was not very well attended. Miss Agnes Kierce, of Clark City won the prize for the finest costume. Round Grove. Our tax collector was in Wilson with his books this week. Little Mamie Chase has been quite sick this last week. Lynn Glover, who has been very sick with lung fever, is better. Z. Butler had a narrow escape from lung fever and is still quite sick. The farmers are waiting anx- iously for the new elevator to make its appearance. E. T. Potter returned from his Florida trip sooner than he ex- pected to as the water there did not agree with him. Several of our townspeople went to Gardner last week to see the travelling dentist, who claimed he extracted teeth without pain or price. The price was one dollar per tooth, and as for pain, some of them "hollered." Nevada. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell is visiting in Chicago this week. Grant Short was in Odell on a collecting tour Wednesday. Tom Burke took Miss Charlie Heater to the fair last week. He is very gallant. The Reardons are entertaining a young lady from Eagle township during the fair. The "sings" which are held weekly at Mr. Fowler's residence are well attended. P, E. Reardon is suffering a good deal with his arms. He is confined to his bed. Tommy Igo is the proud pos- sessor of a brand new watch. Ask him what time it is. Miss O'Malley _is in Dwight this week, consequently there is no school, It will resume next week, very likely. The fair being temporarily closed gives the contestants timeto gather in a few more shekels for the good of the cause. Mrs. Mathias and daughter vis- ited in the country Wednesday afternoon. E. D. Scott is the happy fathe.f of a little girl baby who arrived Monday last. Wm. Hess drove over to Spring Valley on business, returning the first of the week. Thomas Phillips went to Elgin Wednesday evening to visit his mother and sister, The Braceville M. W. A. Camp is in a flourishing condition. Ini- tiating new members each week. Ed. Craig, of Mazon, will give a shooting match of live birds to- day just west of town. Prizes, turkeys and cash. The Coal City Camp of M. W. A. is expected to visit Braceville Camp Jan. 23, to assist in initiate ing new members. A banquet will be given after work. Administrators Notice. Estate of Martin Wks Deceased, The undersigned, having been appointed Ad- ministrator of the Estate of Martin Wilks, late of Dwight in the County of Livingston, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of Living- ston County, at the Court House in Pontiac, at the April Term, on the first Monday in April next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested tct attend for the purpose of having the same ad , lusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are r ue nyested to . make immediate payment to the D:r. :11T17i d s until day of January A. D. loss . M. Wax's., JanlAw4 Administrator. SPECIAL F 5 F 0 E ! R FOR ONF. TEAR, THE ILLUSTRATED - t HOME GUEST FOR ONE TEAR, AND 20 Complete Novelettd By POPULAR AUTHORS. We have MT.,. with rho publisher populair 11:4:1"er14=Y and family this e eali«i% liVt raTtTginI tinjil:t'e'dwXogranrre spun rho specially 2Tr rrt allo ' : 1 t, ':t r il tt' re' d FrSt 4:v' «fi g te entl ' It yl:a n t%1 olir e:v su 'ute sr m lb:rs, " hy Taltr r A advantage atio " v: liberal offer , may secure, In addition to their favorite home nowspnper , bolt and moot Ilshed, and also cui n'I tfttrac 124 t1v 4' ; : i!I tre ia li rta ;4 1F Infl4o li 'n' the most g twenty complete novelettes by twenty of fa oui , authors of Amer' England an{‘ France—In (l i c i t, a large aniount of the most fasciae reading matter at the most trlfllDg cost. THE ILLUSTRATED HOME lea Isr{ R re and handsome 16pag0. tratod ]Iitrary and family paper , GUIESith r .,7;; and d st•',3 61 '. 1: ,: :":7dP s}or ". -r n;‘ t o n:' ,1 77,,g: p . ',1 r 11- rte emSZ and member everything to circle . Among th.;1:411 .g 7 ti !; 1 81:1 11?;: r : : .1 : y rt ir :iif: e ti rrl :7 Y " E 0 ; 7 1: : rita rl itv . Pi n. !7 : : rattlto . ;: it ; ' ;L :1' , : r a7;:ttp, :irT' af t ( Mary lig2t a i r r. lri pt e. tred =iry' cl:cle, handsomely printed, beautifully illustrated, and while it is l moral interest- an oVeZigrif:t7v.rgt!l ri C o) ` I pure In allowed 7.:".= Its columns. You will be delighted with this charming paper, and eagerly welcome Its monthly visit. TWENTY COMPLETE NOVELETTES PoLP :11Virr;AdV:174t1: InIevolagn , Vera 1 rn igtVIT.11 :: 1; bb*ZoreindttorZ",:j 3 e rgo covers. _ 7A contain. as lisltItle Indicates, twenty ennr;tete nor tortes 1 (1 C. vTgAY- 1:1; 1t, 2 1-k nn ;ninl i Volb t' l l t ' IV. ,It e ggp in;i1Se7rftgl: season's delight ful reading, and is by far the: :otir, nod finest collection of complete poppular ever published In a sln,ele volume . The titles of thr tze ria;e omplete novelettes contained in this book are rtoder the Holly Berrie.. By auirlott• IL : Ti e: opha ntom Wedding. By Mn.Emma D. L Thu Gvpay+s Wa rain,. B, Mr*. Henry Wood .11 ,11ounahlize and Marguerite. By orbs De. TI;Se Iliondenann of Antwerp. Pr I... Ann 3 Stephen.. TPA' Ird744107111iti I . Manche of Itentilleu. By Aleinnaer Dom. By H. alder FLggvd. .1 171 .",:if ;7;1: tl:nr IThe Story of Helen. By Arca... DnosisL 'Thu Captain of the Pole-Star. By .S. Gone The Dual In HernA Wood. Hy wlltle ensiles. Moss Farm. Ay Harr iCyln tMltea The ma, kninit h'os Daughter. By ktts The Sculptor or !Modena. By SY1 , sons Cobb, Jr. 11 11` ;cl i. ::44'111T1111. 1" IINtos iVr:17- Z.17tict . . ''PLEASE REMEMBER) All the above and your HOME PAPER For $1.50 in Advance 9 Wage ugentlici. Over irttban o tS fireball, corati- rdett lierovaly-Molten ubtonniier bey. churn [met TirObng og arebag Iirabact. nunieret ubtonniter beer 7iobog Ittorgen meb4 7 , 1vollt Siber, lebfaget of Arnett, ben, tom tibligere, ubtommer web loSiber. 'arebng43tiumeret tommer met) 8 Siber, %It tit hen faun penile *1.25 for tie Vlab Pecoraij-Vojtett inbebolber nett , 910I)eber Ira oa Ilblanbet, beber fro Stougressfeit og Ira be forctielF t!eaielaturer, tirtelige ( 9 ..fterretninger, Spolte for aarincie billet pa .fl ao ftabige Slorrefvonbancer fra foriti , 11 Zele of )/1 oberlonbet, onOat fro 2(bointenter oft). ci'irebagaiiiirii oil itibebolbe gobe 'A:ortretlinger, ben oil give rortcellitigerne i s:23 e b 91 r i nonet churn, 13rooeitumer frit. glecoraii-Vortest an Veb rtrlti oo The Abave Paper and Your Home Paper, $ 2 ,80 per year. Gardner. Mr. .Fuller, of Mazon, was here Braceville. Fr Mr. Mathias was in Gardner Mrs. Mary Jones, of Braidwood, Tuesday. was here Wednesday. Fred Swarringer is back from Geo. Wheeler, of Mazon, was in Bloomington. town Monday. Will Waters, of Mazon, was in Jid Taxas, of Joliet, was on our town Wednesday. streets Tuesday. A. Young, of Dwight, was seen Chas. Beckwith, of Ottawa, was on our streets Wednesday. in town Tuesday. John Glacken, of Iowa, called R. D. Fuller was in Chicago on on old friends the past week. business Thursday. Geo. Reitzel is filling his ice Jno. Spiller was in Moline on house with ice from the creek, business Thursday. John Cumming is laid up with a Jim Morrisey was in Kankakee sore hand caused by erysipelas. on business Tuesday. Atty. Stough, of Morris, was in Jno. Wheeling, of Essex, was town Tuesday on legal business. on our streets Tuesday. Superintendent Ramsay was in John Hunt, of Bushnell, was in Chicago Wednesday on business. town on business Tuesday. Rev. Peugh, of Chicago, will Mr. Taylor, of Chicago, was in speak in the Welsh church tomor- town on business Thursday. row. B. W. White, of Pontiac, was Mr. and Mrs. S. I - Iarris are vis- doing business in town Thurs- White. Mr. daughter in Joliet, Mrs. day. Mr. Hutching, of Morris, was There is a movement on foot by visiting here Thursday and Fri- the citizens to aid the Kansas day. sufferers. Shorty Allison, Jake Stamm and It is rumored that Rudolph John Allison attended the K. of I' Schultz, of Clark City, is to open lodge at Dwight Wednesday a butcher shop in Braceville in night. the near future, reo montbs. . working in Lacey & Ament's laundry. lie was on a ladder changing some belts on the shaft- ing. The floor being wet and slippery, the ladder slipped, and he fell to the floor, striking his head on a starching machine. His left arm was broken at the wrist and fractured. His head, also, Emington. John Bower has been laid up Mrs. Lavina Streamer, an old for a few da y s. resident of Pontiac, passed away Mr. Holmes' children are quite at her residence on East Madison sick with colds. street. The funeral was held from Will Robinson and family will the Baptist church Wednesday af- move to Missouri soon. ternoon at 3 o'clock. The M. W. A. had a public in- The break in the steam heating stallation last Thursday night. apparatus in the public school Special song service next Sun- building last week, proved to be a day evening with violin accom- serious affair. The children had paniment. a vacation for a week. Some flues A carpet rag sewing bee was in the old boiler blew out and the held at Mrs. Reader's last Thurs- pipe had not arrived to connect day. There were over thirty la- the new boiler with the chimney. dies present. Clyde Husted, a young man eni- The Good Templars lodge is ployed in the shoe factory, fell growing beyond all precedent. and broke his knee while skating The lodge is the largest and pro- Wednesday. The wound inflamed grams the best ever known before. and is now a running sore. He The Young People's Society of will have to undergo a very pain- Christian Endeavor will give a ful operation in order to prevent pancake and managerie sociable the necessity of amputation. in the Chapel Thursday evening, Wednesday of last week Will Jan. 24. It is for the enjoyment Cover, who was engaged in put- of the young people and not to ting up ice for Bell & Smiddy, re- raise money. ceived painful injuries. He was Demand for a new school build- walking up the chute behind some ing is still urgent. both because of cakes of ice which were being the unfitness of the old one, and hauled up when, in some way, the dissatisfaction of our citizens. they became loosened from the Mr. Carothers will give an acre of rope, and, sliding down, struck land--why not sell the two acres him. His left leg was broken by that the district now own and the blow and he was badly cut build a decent school house in the and bruised. After the ice struck village? It the matter be properly him, he slid down the chute into managed the building can be put without taxing the village very the river. much, and there is nothing that Albert Witt, son of S. M. Witt, will help our town so much just n was seriously injured Friday while now as a respectable school house. Campus. The mercury stood eight below zero Friday night. Ed. Waybright went to the city Monday on business. T. H. Speer's brother from In- diana has been here visiting him the past two weeks. Geo: Seibert and John Morris went to Chicago last week. We hope they will return soon. Tom Maloney's little boy, who has been sick for some time, died last Monday and was buried Wed- nesday. T. F. Maloney has returned from Pontiac where he has been doing jury duty. How do you like it Tom? The "Partie" gotten up by the M. E. church was a grand success. Those who were there report a good time. F. P. Manly is in town writing up old line insurance. He is a trustworthy man to do business with, and we hope he will do well. John Brophy has taken a half interest in the grocery and dry goods business of Ed. Waybright. We wish them success as they are both nice men. Five of our Woodmen went to visit the Emington camp and help them install their new officers for the ensuing year and initiate a new member. They all report a good time. Mrs. J. K. Meyer brought suit against Ben West for possession of the house lie lives in. The jury brought a verdict for possession and Bennie will have to get a move on himself for once in his life to get a house to live in. (Too late for lad week.) 11> '‘

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Page 1: SPECIAL F5F0E ! Rdwight-historical-society.org/Star_and_Herald_Images/1895_Star_and... · Frank Logier, who was confined to the house for several days with bronchitis, is able to

Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Perry, of Braidwood, visited in town Sun-day.

Miss Carrie Waters visited with Mrs. Bert Strahl Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. Emily Wheeler had nine-teen teeth pulled at one sitting last Thursday.

Quite a large number of our young folks went skating Wednes day evening.

Miss Zula Smith, of Braceville, visited with Miss Lottie Hamilton Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Small, of Joliet, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Strahl a few days last week.

Millie Colestock returned home Tuesday after a months visit wills relatives in Kankakee and Indi-ana.

Harry Snyder and family visited with relatives in Wilmington Sun-day. Mr. Snyder's mother, Mrs. Willard, and her husband start for Washington Monday.

Geo. Kern, Tony Diefenbach, Herman Bartholic, Will Bartholic, W. T. Prime and Frank Reeb, of Dwight, attended the K. of P. Lodge here Thursday night.

About thirty of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Strahl's friends were invited to their home Thursday evening to a card party. All had a good time and enjoyed themselves until about twelve o'clock, when they did goodnight and wended their way homeward.

Mrs. Jno. Kimber was brought here from Ladd Monday for buri-al. Mrs. Kimber was one of our Gardner girls and highly respected by all who knew her, and her many friends will be very sorry to hear of her death, and extend their sympathy to the bereaved husband and relatives. She was laid to rest in the Gardner and Braceville cemetery.

Thursday afternoon we had quite a little excitement in our burg. Chas. Hansen's brother drove a pair of those nice, quiet animals. what you call mules, up into the driveway of Fuller & Spiller's elevator with a load of grain, but when he wanted them to stop they didn't want to, so they just went right through and down the other side and he tried it again and they did the same same thing again. But he was not to be baffled and he drove them up again and this time got them to stop long enough to get the chains on the wheels and just as Jno. Spiller was going to take the endgate out they started again but the iron rings on the wheels held the wagon. But they pulled the reach out and took the front wheels, spring seat and driver down into the street again, and would have ran away if some men hadn't run out and stopped them. But they got the load of grain just the same. It was three times and out and the mules got out every time.

wight tat and /icra14.

W. o. DUSTLN, Pubtleh era. W. T. PRIME,

otered at the Pottollice In Dwight, 5.s second class mall matter. - _



17.1fg,..d.e, .. . .......... ........... 11 -1.2T, ib

Pay Bills.

All bills for advertising and job work contracted with the firm of Dustin & Wassell prior to Jan. 1, 1895, should be settled immediately with W. G. Dustin at the STAR AND HERALD office. W

G. Dustin will pay all bills contracted

by Dustin & Wassell. All subscrip -

tions to the STAR AND HERALD ,

BRACEVILLE TRIBUNE and GARDNER TRIBUNE are payable to the firm of Dustin & Prime.

DUSTIN & WASSELL. Dwight, Ill.


The recent snow storm spoiled the skating.

S. A. Rathbun went to Chenoa on business Friday.

Ferne Bond spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago.

Mrs. Herbert, living on the south side, is very low.

Chas. Custer took in the 'cyc le show in Chicago Friday.

Mrs. Ed. Sharp is recovering from her recent sickness.

Revival meetings were held last week in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches.

Frank Logier, who was confined to the house for several days with bronchitis, is able to be around


The funeral of A. S. Tracy took place on Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock, from the residence on the south side.

Several men who are working on the ice fell into the river last week. The experience, it is safe to say, is far from agreeable.

John G. Wooley spoke in the court house Wednesday evening on temperance. A choir, com-posed of members from the church choirs, furnished the music.

The company of militia organ-ized here is said to be still in the ring, with the accent on the "still." They say they intend to drill pri-vately until spring when they will be mustered in.

was cut in several places, Dr. Daly was immediately summoned and he set the arm. Albert is do-ing as well as could be expected.

Odell. Miss Ula Cole is visiting friends

in Denver, Col. Miss Crawford goes to Winter

Park, Fla., on Friday of this week. Miss Ella Morse left last week

for San Diego, Cal., to spend the winter.

T. Carroll, tailor, moved into his new building Wednesday. It is roomy, well lighted and attractive.

Revival meetings still continue at the M. E. church. Much interest is manifested and there has been some conversions.

The Christian Endeavor society and the Epworth League sent fur-ther contributions of clothing to the Nebraska sufferers this week.

Quite a party went from Odell Wednesday to Pontiac to hear the great temperance orator. Although suffering from hoarseness he spoke with power and to the point. His theme was "Witnessing." His dis-course was very gratifying to the prohibitionists.

Miss Dickson has accepted a position in the Chicago public schools. For the short time she has been here, she has made a record as a teacher, and gained many friends. Miss Stanley who has been appointed to the vacancy in our school, arrived in town Wed-nesday. She comes well recom-mended.

Another couple was made happy Tuesday, Jan. 15, when Herbert W. Blanchard was united in mar-riage to Mary D. Martin at the home of the bride's parents, three and one half miles southeast of Odell, by Rev. I. J. Swanson. About one hundred guests were present. Many handsome gifts received by the young couple, both of whom are very popular in the community,

Our quiet village was excited last Thursday over the burglary of P. B. Collins' meat market on the previous evening. Entrance was effected through a window in the rear of the premises. The cash drawer was rifled of its contents, luckily amounting to only a dollar. The safe was next opened and without resort to force. The bur-glar evidently was familiar with the combination, or else was an ex-pert. The money drawer of the safe was torn out, and was found next day on the railroad track about half a mile from town. It had been burst open, but the thief got no money, as Mr. Collins had only left papers in it of no value to anyone save himself. He had re-ceived $700 the day before, but had deposited it in the bank. No clue has yet been found to the thief.

Special Homeseeker's Excur- sion.

The C. & A. will sell home-seekers excursion tickets to points in the south and west at very low rates on the following dates, Jan. It, Jan. 15, Feby, 5, March 4, April

and April 3o; for further infor-mation call upon or address J. O. Raines, agent.

L. Glover is improving from his attack of typhoid fever.

J. P. Hance moved into Mr. Doyle's house this week.

Lots of corn is being shelled and hauled while the good roads last.

John Doore, the Broughton con-stable, was in town Tuesday on business.

It is rumored that John Feehery has sold his property where the two saloons are.

The Woodman's masquerade ball was a grand succes. All pres-ent enjoyed a good time.

Manner Bros. shipped a car load of tile this week to Clark City. They have fine tile.

Miss Mary Ann Maguire has been on the sick list for the past two weeks, but is improving.

J. Mamer and D. Galven took in the Dwight fair Wednesday night. They report a large crowd.

The shooting match last Satur-day was a good one. There was a large crowd and good shoot-ing.

Mamer Bros. will attend the Brick and Tile Manufacturers As-sociation at Springfield, Jan. 15 and 16.

Wm. Cogley went back to Ne-braska Wednesday night. He has been farming there for the past seven years.

Harding and Mamer Bros. are wishing that the cold weather would end so they could finish their buildings.

T. Ricketts, from Stewardson, Ill., has been town the past week visiting his brothers, J. F. and E. E. Ricketts.

John Moran and Miss Maggie Cox were married Wednesday at 9 o'clock a, m. They are the first couple marl ied in the new Catho-lic church.

The Woodman lodge is doing good work. They have five new applications for membership since the camp was organized. They must all be hustler.


Mrs. Chapple was on the sick list last week.

Miss Nellie Reilly went to Chi-cago Wednesday.

Thos. Guest visited in the country last week.

Chas. Cumming, of Gardner, spent Sunday here,

John Ambrose has sold his shop to Emil Gonderman,

Wm. Luther, of Dwight, was in town one day last week.

Miss Anderson, of Gardner, visited here over Sunday.

Five carloads of hogs were shipped from here Monday.

Miss Winnie Pritchard visited with Hattie Guest last week.

M. F. Rielly received eight car-loads of ice from Custer Park last week.

Quite a number have gone from here to Custer Park to work on the ice.

Mrs, McNeill went to Wilming-ton Saturday to attend the fun-eral of her nephew.

Miss Mary Territer returned from her visit in Indiana and brought her sister home with her.

Owing to the bad weather, the masquerade ball was not very well attended. Miss Agnes Kierce, of Clark City won the prize for the finest costume.

Round Grove.

Our tax collector was in Wilson with his books this week.

Little Mamie Chase has been quite sick this last week.

Lynn Glover, who has been very sick with lung fever, is better.

Z. Butler had a narrow escape from lung fever and is still quite sick.

The farmers are waiting anx-iously for the new elevator to make its appearance.

E. T. Potter returned from his Florida trip sooner than he ex-pected to as the water there did not agree with him.

Several of our townspeople went to Gardner last week to see the travelling dentist, who claimed he extracted teeth without pain or price. The price was one dollar per tooth, and as for pain, some of them "hollered."


Mrs. Geo. Mitchell is visiting in Chicago this week.

Grant Short was in Odell on a collecting tour Wednesday.

Tom Burke took Miss Charlie Heater to the fair last week. He is very gallant.

The Reardons are entertaining a young lady from Eagle township during the fair.

The "sings" which are held weekly at Mr. Fowler's residence are well attended.

P, E. Reardon is suffering a good deal with his arms. He is confined to his bed.

Tommy Igo is the proud pos-sessor of a brand new watch. Ask him what time it is.

Miss O'Malley _is in Dwight this week, consequently there is no school, It will resume next week, very likely.

The fair being temporarily closed gives the contestants timeto gather in a few more shekels for the good of the cause.

Mrs. Mathias and daughter vis-ited in the country Wednesday afternoon.

E. D. Scott is the happy fathe.f of a little girl baby who arrived Monday last.

Wm. Hess drove over to Spring Valley on business, returning the

first of the week.

Thomas Phillips went to Elgin Wednesday evening to visit his mother and sister,

The Braceville M. W. A. Camp is in a flourishing condition. Ini-tiating new members each week.

Ed. Craig, of Mazon, will give a shooting match of live birds to-day just west of town. Prizes, turkeys and cash.

The Coal City Camp of M. W. A. is expected to visit Braceville Camp Jan. 23, to assist in initiate ing new members. A banquet will be given after work.

Administrators Notice. Estate of Martin Wks Deceased,

The undersigned, having been appointed Ad- ministrator of the Estate of Martin Wilks, late of Dwight in the County of Livingston, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of Living- ston County, at the Court House in Pontiac, at the April Term, on the first Monday in April next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested tct attend for the purpose of having the same ad ,

lusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are ruenyested to . make immediate payment to the

D:r.:11T17ids until day of January A. D. loss . M. Wax's.,

JanlAw4 Administrator.




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Mr. .Fuller, of Mazon, was here Braceville. Fr Mr. Mathias was in Gardner

Mrs. Mary Jones, of Braidwood, Tuesday. was here Wednesday. Fred Swarringer is back from

Geo. Wheeler, of Mazon, was in Bloomington. town Monday. Will Waters, of Mazon, was in

Jid Taxas, of Joliet, was on our town Wednesday. streets Tuesday. A. Young, of Dwight, was seen

Chas. Beckwith, of Ottawa, was on our streets Wednesday. in town Tuesday. John Glacken, of Iowa, called

R. D. Fuller was in Chicago on on old friends the past week. business Thursday. Geo. Reitzel is filling his ice

Jno. Spiller was in Moline on house with ice from the creek, business Thursday. John Cumming is laid up with a

Jim Morrisey was in Kankakee sore hand caused by erysipelas. on business Tuesday. Atty. Stough, of Morris, was in

Jno. Wheeling, of Essex, was town Tuesday on legal business. on our streets Tuesday. Superintendent Ramsay was in

John Hunt, of Bushnell, was in Chicago Wednesday on business. town on business Tuesday. Rev. Peugh, of Chicago, will

Mr. Taylor, of Chicago, was in speak in the Welsh church tomor-town on business Thursday. row.

B. W. White, of Pontiac, was Mr. and Mrs. S. I -Iarris are vis- doing business in town Thurs-

White. Mr.

daughter in Joliet, Mrs. day.

Mr. Hutching, of Morris, was There is a movement on foot by visiting here Thursday and Fri- the citizens to aid the Kansas day. sufferers.

Shorty Allison, Jake Stamm and It is rumored that Rudolph John Allison attended the K. of I' Schultz, of Clark City, is to open lodge at Dwight Wednesday a butcher shop in Braceville in night. the near future,

reo montbs. .

working in Lacey & Ament's laundry. lie was on a ladder changing some belts on the shaft-ing. The floor being wet and slippery, the ladder slipped, and he fell to the floor, striking his head on a starching machine. His left arm was broken at the wrist and fractured. His head, also,


John Bower has been laid up

Mrs. Lavina Streamer, an old for a few da ys. resident of Pontiac, passed away Mr. Holmes' children are quite at her residence on East Madison sick with colds. street. The funeral was held from Will Robinson and family will the Baptist church Wednesday af- move to Missouri soon. ternoon at 3 o'clock. The M. W. A. had a public in-

The break in the steam heating stallation last Thursday night. apparatus in the public school Special song service next Sun- building last week, proved to be a day evening with violin accom-serious affair. The children had paniment. a vacation for a week. Some flues A carpet rag sewing bee was in the old boiler blew out and the held at Mrs. Reader's last Thurs-pipe had not arrived to connect day. There were over thirty la-the new boiler with the chimney. dies present.

Clyde Husted, a young man eni- The Good Templars lodge is ployed in the shoe factory, fell growing beyond all precedent. and broke his knee while skating The lodge is the largest and pro-Wednesday. The wound inflamed grams the best ever known before.

and is now a running sore. He The Young People's Society of will have to undergo a very pain- Christian Endeavor will give a ful operation in order to prevent pancake and managerie sociable

the necessity of amputation. in the Chapel Thursday evening, Wednesday of last week Will Jan. 24. It is for the enjoyment

Cover, who was engaged in put- of the young people and not to ting up ice for Bell & Smiddy, re- raise money. ceived painful injuries. He was Demand for a new school build- walking up the chute behind some ing is still urgent. both because of cakes of ice which were being the unfitness of the old one, and hauled up when, in some way, the dissatisfaction of our citizens. they became loosened from the Mr. Carothers will give an acre of rope, and, sliding down, struck land--why not sell the two acres him. His left leg was broken by that the district now own and the blow and he was badly cut build a decent school house in the and bruised. After the ice struck village? It the matter be properly

him, he slid down the chute into managed the building can be putwithout taxing the village very

the river. much, and there is nothing that Albert Witt, son of S. M. Witt, will help our town so much just

n was seriously injured Friday while now as a respectable school house.


The mercury stood eight below zero Friday night.

Ed. Waybright went to the city Monday on business.

T. H. Speer's brother from In-diana has been here visiting him the past two weeks.

Geo: Seibert and John Morris went to Chicago last week. We hope they will return soon.

Tom Maloney's little boy, who has been sick for some time, died last Monday and was buried Wed-nesday.

T. F. Maloney has returned from Pontiac where he has been doing jury duty. How do you like it Tom?

The "Partie" gotten up by the M. E. church was a grand success. Those who were there report a good time.

F. P. Manly is in town writing up old line insurance. He is a trustworthy man to do business with, and we hope he will do well.

John Brophy has taken a half interest in the grocery and dry goods business of Ed. Waybright. We wish them success as they are both nice men.

Five of our Woodmen went to visit the Emington camp and help them install their new officers for the ensuing year and initiate a new member. They all report a good time.

Mrs. J. K. Meyer brought suit against Ben West for possession of the house lie lives in. The jury brought a verdict for possession and Bennie will have to get a move on himself for once in his life to get a house to live in.

(Too late for lad week.)

11> '‘