ar3thiqbt ,*tat anh lir/talk - dwight illinois...

Ar3thiqbt ,*tat anh lir/talk Many Visitors Will Arrive To-day- - - Quite Number Already Here. THE FEATURES TO-DAY WILL BE BASE GAL WHITNEY SHOW E.: C.. ETC. Quite a number of visitors have al- ready arrived in Dwight and many will be Lere today, Sunday and Mon- day. Progra -n, As near as can be decided the pro- gram is as follows: Saturday — Base ball, West Side grounds, 2:30 p. m.; foot races, 5 p. rn.; water fight, 5:30 p. m ; Whitney Shows. afternoon and evening; Porn rac Military Band Concert, 8:00 p. m ; moving pictures, free open air, 8:30, Wcst street; Dance base ball club at Mazon Sunday—Services at churches; base all at 2:30 p. tn.; Sunday evening the M. E. Church will give a special musical program, beginning at 8:00 p. m All are cordially invited to come to this service and meet their former frier ds. The audic.ce will be requested to join in singing "Illinois," so if you have a copy of this song, please bring it with you. The words are as follov.s: ity thy riN ers :-!ently flowing, 11 lin iis, Illinois, (roc thy nruirics erdant growing, Illinois, Illinois, an echo on the bree• e, la stling tyro' the leafy trees, And its mellow tones are these, Illinois. Illinois, And its mellow tones are these, Illinois. When you heard your country calling, Illinois, Illinois, Where the shot and shell were falling, Illinois, Illinois, When the Southern Host" withdrew, Pitting Gray against the Blue. There were none more brave than you, Illinois. Illinois, There were none more brave than you, Illinois. Not without thy wondrous story, Illinois, Illinois, Can be writ the nation's glory, Illinois, Illinois, on the record of thy years, A bra'm Lincoln's name appears, Grant and Logan, and our tears, Illinois, Illinois, Grant and Lo2an, and our tears, The Day Will Never Come ---In This World hrn we don't have [act to the pro' lem of keep- ing clothes clean We have solved it the in "Guinter Rotary." II IMaraMa.1•1 11INICSI i.S .MS .Ths " :- CIMI IMOIMCSaa aSSa ira ge t Sel.S SS MI S Ma iM a 0 CCCSMi tr a fOWSP IMI Sraa Sl a alliSa aa aCillin agiullibS t e a WI II Call and examine it at !a Eugene Flagler 0 WE NOW HANDLE 4E8 =OW STONE SAND AND CEMENT FENCINGS COAL GRAIN AND SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Give us a trial-ft-Our prices are right Farmers' Elevator Co. DWIGHr ILLINOIS LUMBER POSTS - of Dwight UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE OLDEST INCORPORATED THE GREATEST IN RESOURCES Member of Federal Reserve Association t 1 I 1 AH1111 , 1 4 14 14 14 1 lll ll lll ll ll 1 I I I I I I l llll l l di Now is fly time and its ell a good time to get a Refn eritor. You can get them as good and cheap in Dwight as any place. 4011•0•10a ••■■■CoVaa 0 C11•11111S11‘01S VOL111144 \1,1X UST 15 1914, LIVINGSTON COUNTY. ILLINOIS, AU( NUMBER 33 WELCOME HOME 4 -t••:•+<••:-•:- . ., :••:•<-4)+4 , -:••:•0•••••:•-•:-:-•:-:-•:•-•#-:-.:-:-....-Peed•••••••••••••• 40404•4•00.4-014:••••••• t x ax ) t, 1. Bracelets and Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silver and Clocks Our display of Cut Glass and Silver art exhibition in allINIIIBM•11111 necklaces in late designs and superior quality, as. well as all other articles of fine je ',- dry can be bought here at money-saving prices. Every nrtirlA shown is new and stylish. You cannot appre- ate their splendor without seeing them. May we expect a visit from you? It will he to our mutual benefit. W. D. Roeder for weddings that the bride will appreciate are the exquisite pieces of finely cut glass that is a part of our superb stock of AUTUMN'S GIFTS itself. ( EVERETT B. LEWIS Illinois 11, t:. I) Al( Williams. Ed xard Chat crs. Joe Ai i Her, E. B. Lc e+ is, W. D. .oz der, Ed and McWilliams, John A. ;Malley, G. N. Flagh r, Edward Hahn, X Frank Gibbons, Geo. Flagler, Roscoe Gould, L. J Trunnell.. C. M. Baker, f John Geis, R. D. Gregg, GEO. Kepplin- ger, Dr. C. H. Barr, Dr. Bell, Dr. l e Wean, John Baker, Geo. Baker, Mar- it is an tin Sea'.ert, John Graham, Ame Orr, k .toy Wheatley, Ed Chalmers, Hugh / f bVilliamson, George Hager, Eugene Flagler, Will Scott, S. H. Boyer, Thos. E. Barry, Dr. Tames Oughton, Earl Losee, I. H. Baker, Ivcs Graves, C. V. i. Bower, Joe Tavares, Will Cook. • i f Dwight Halls—A. L. Orr, N. N. Mickelson, f ars Larsen. When You Want An Insurance Policy o Any Kind, See JOSEPH A. DIEFENBACH. We Write, LIFE, FIRE, TORNADO, HEALTH and ACCIDENT, LI% E S POCK, BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS, EMPLOYER'S LIABILI I Y AND STEAM BOILER Musical and Literary—Cora Adams, Mae Fla: es, Mrs. Weart, Mrs. J. C. 'c tson, rs C. D. ;McWilliams, Mrs. .1'. L. Smith, T. J. Hayes, L L Har- i :son, R. W. Boston. Base Ball and Other Sports—C. H. Thompson, J E Seabert, J. E. Garrett. A. Mickelson, A. L. On. Decorations — Harry Adams, Win. .'arey, Max Miller. F. J. O'Connor, Gus Ohlendorf, Lester Reeb. Mayor Kclagber is a member of all committees. The committees desire that the citi- zens gencrally assist in the necessary ork which will make the home corn- ing a success. The folio wing have signified their intention of being present Home Corn- ing week. Many more are no doubt coming but we have not been given their names: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke, Chicago. Miss Lydia Seabert, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Button, Chi- cago. Miss Grace Brown, Chicago. Mrs. W. Amos, Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. Hardgroves, Kankakee. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hood, Streator. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Grubb, Streator. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Calvert, Bloom- ington. Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Jordan, Joliet. Miss Jennie Rattenbury, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collins, Phila- delphia. Mrs. Lena Smith, Evanston. Mrs. Addie V. Schott, Union Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Breen, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alvi Barnum, Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnum, Chi- cago. Dr. and Mrs L D Barnum and fam- ily, Illipolis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knudten, Mil- waukee, Wis. Mrs. Margaret Kern Seigert, Hol- gate, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foersterling, Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mime, Kentland, Ind. Mrs. Peterson, Campus. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis, Minneap- olis, Minn. Mrs. Emma Chamberlain, Chicago. Mrs. Ncttie Hoover. Chicago. Rev. W. J. Drew, Daytona, Florida. Mrs. Theobald Ellsausser, Braymer, Mo. The Finance Committee has solie- ited money and met with generous rc- s)onse from our citizens. All Classes of Insurance Written JOSEPH A. DIEFENBACH Deutsch Bldg. Phone 352 Dwight, Illinois III 1111111111111 1 1 I I SIIIII1•1• 11011:1" llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll a The First National Bank T 11i 11 1111 11 11 0 11 111 1 0111 211 10 11 1114 14 141 11111111141111 10 1 0 1 1 lui ni ntill021 11 01 111111 111111111111 111 1111 Min ii 1 Illinois. Monday—Whitney Shows afternoon z and evening; Dwight Band concert at 8 p. m ; free moving pictures on street at 8:30; automobile ride free for visitors at 3:00 p. m starting E from Opera House; Epworth League picnic at park, evening; Masonic E.. Lodge will be pleased to entertain all visitors who are members. Tuesday—Whitney Shows; Pontiac Military Band concert, 8 p. m.; free moving pictures at 8:30 p. m ; M. W. A. Drill Team dance, Kepplinger build- a ing in evening. Wednesday — Whitneys; picnic at Renfrew Park 12 m. to 7 p. m.; Dwight ; Band concert at Park in afternoon; sports and athletic contests of all kinds, afternoon at Park; base ball, East Side vs. West Side at 3:00 at ! Renfrew Park; shooting matches, ; Dwight Gun Club grounds all after- ; noon; Dwight Band concert; free e moving pictures 8:30 p. m.; M. W. A. ; Drill Team dance, Kepplinger ing. E Thursday — Whitneys; automobile trip, 3 p. m., starting from Opera House; Pontiac Band concert at 8:00 p. ni.; free picture show at 8:30 p. m.; ; M. W. A. dance. II 1 1 WELCOME During the Home Coming we will be especially pleased to have all visi- tors to Dwight as well as our resident friends of the town and country make this bank their down town headquar- ters. . -- .•I s wimaft' "4444 ' eamiIaftsam meNe•om MMIMMMaM.S.ISIMSMIOWM a mwS416M mwS w ilminwinoMISMEM a = Friday — Whitneys; Dwight Band e concert at 8:00 p. m ; free picture Be sure and visit The First National--a modern bank in a modern town--every department of banking and the greatest capital and surplus of any financial institution in Livingston County. •r•••••o•••• •••■■■••F a a a a a r a a .A 7 7; = ••• ••••••• ■■■■••••• ■■■ Oss11111M11111=116. ti le show at 8:30 p m Z Saturday — Whitneys; M. W. A. dance. The visitors and home people are it invited to make their headquarters in Odd Fellows Hall, over the Opera House every afternoon, so that all may have a comfortable meeting place to become better acquainted. The members of the General Committee and Reception Committee and others E are requested to meet there at 1 p. m. Saturday and every other day except Sunday. The committees are as fol- lows: Finance Committee—Col. Frank L. "MAKE THIS YOUR BANKING HOME " The Dccoration Committee have de 1 , cided that red, white and blue is the best and have adopted it. All busintss houses are requested to decorate the I exterior of their places in above named colors and the residences with "Old Glory" or bunting. There will Le a banner at the Inter- section of Main streets down town with the words "Welcome Home" on it. In front of each banner there will be a string of lights in colors if they can be secured. The case ball and sports will be in- tcresting. The Morris Reds vs. Frank L. Smiths will battle for victory Sat- I urday and Sunday at the ball park They are the best amateur nines In < the state, Saturday there will be races and -, arith. Alderman Peter Kern and A. S. I olbrook. sports of all kinds. There will be a dance at Mazon Hall Reception—Mesdames F. L Smith, Saturday evening under auspices of L Harrison, C. D. McWilliams, L Salzer, S. P. Klitz, J. E Seabert, C. I. Ahern, Anton Diefenbach, E. B. Lewis, P. D. Kern, H. Fox, J. A. Spen- r, G. N. Flfigl-r. F. A. T-Ta's:%; 171 : nn, M. 'Smith, Clara. Faiths, Ellen Sparks, John Graham ; Messrs. W, G. Mustn' t lase Rceder, C. L. Hamilton, I. ,T. Doherty, W. A. Chester. C. .1. Ahern, J. L. VanErnan, A. C. Nelson, R. M. Baker, Earl Drew, Albert Lar- (Continued oil l'age tit CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $85,000.00 3 Per Gent Interest on Savings Deposits SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT - a OTTO STRUFE Frank L. Smith Base Ball Team, Coln and trip the light fantastic, but do't break the Sabbath day. The Pontiac Military Band has been secured and will give co:Men Satyr- day, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The 1.) .vNiight hand will give eonccri Monday, Wednesday and Irriclay evi ings. IiiIIIIIIIIIII PRANK L SMITH, President CURTIS J. JUDD, Vice Presit JOHN J. DOHERTY, Cashier JOHN a OUGHTON, Vice Pres't E. M. HOFFMAN, Assistant Cashier ti ti a Directors CURTIS J. JUDD JOE alII.LE.R. V LL : I WYLY_ T 7 FE ANIC L SMI "II 13. II MILLS C. J. AHERN E. 8. trvris = = so III Li011 L111111:111 ' tinuegningliolgu0141 llllllllllll I llllllllllllllllllllllll 4 4.1.044

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Page 1: Ar3thiqbt ,*tat anh lir/talk - Dwight Illinois · Ar3thiqbt ,*tat anh lir/talk Many Visitors Will Arrive To-day- -

Ar3thiqbt ,*tat anh lir/talk Many Visitors Will Arrive To-day- - - Quite

Number Already Here.


Quite a number of visitors have al- ready arrived in Dwight and many will be Lere today, Sunday and Mon- day.

Progra -n, As near as can be decided the pro-

gram is as follows: Saturday — Base ball, West Side

grounds, 2:30 p. m.; foot races, 5 p. rn.; water fight, 5:30 p. m ; Whitney Shows. afternoon and evening; Porn rac Military Band Concert, 8:00 p. m ; moving pictures, free open air, 8:30, Wcst street; Dance base ball club at Mazon

Sunday—Services at churches; base all at 2:30 p. tn.; Sunday evening

the M. E. Church will give a special musical program, beginning at 8:00 p. m All are cordially invited to come to this service and meet their former frier ds. The audic.ce will be requested to join in singing "Illinois," so if you have a copy of this song, please bring it with you. The words are as follov.s:

ity thy riN ers :-!ently flowing, 11 lin iis, Illinois,

(roc thy nruirics erdant growing, Illinois, Illinois, an echo on the bree• e, la stling tyro' the leafy trees, And its mellow tones are these,

Illinois. Illinois, And its mellow tones are these,


When you heard your country calling, Illinois, Illinois,

Where the shot and shell were falling, Illinois, Illinois,

When the Southern Host" withdrew, Pitting Gray against the Blue. There were none more brave than you,

Illinois. Illinois, There were none more brave than you,


Not without thy wondrous story, Illinois, Illinois,

Can be writ the nation's glory, Illinois, Illinois,

on the record of thy years, A bra'm Lincoln's name appears, Grant and Logan, and our tears,

Illinois, Illinois, Grant and Lo2an, and our tears,

The Day Will Never Come ---In This World

hrn we don't have [act to

the pro' lem of keep-

ing clothes clean

We have solved it the in

"Guinter Rotary."

II IMaraMa.1•1 11INICSIi.S .MS .Ths ":-CIMIIMOIMCSaaaSSairagetSel.SSSMISMaiM a0CCCSMitrafOWSPIMISraaSlaalliSaaaaCillinagiullibS




Call and examine it at !a

Eugene Flagler 0







Give us a trial-ft-Our prices are right

Farmers' Elevator Co. DWIGHr ILLINOIS






Member of Federal Reserve Association

t 1 I 1 AH1111 , 1 4 14 14 14 1 lll ll lll ll ll 1 I I I I I I l llll l l

di Now is fly time and its ell a good time to get a Refn eritor. You can get them as good and cheap in Dwight as any place.

4011•0•10a ••■■■CoVaa0 C11•11111S11‘01S


WELCOME HOME 4-t••:•+<••:-•:- ..,:••:•<-4)+4 ,-:••:•0•••••:•-•:-:-•:-:-•:•-•#-:-.:-:-....-Peed••••••••••••••40404•4•00.4-014:••••••• tx





Bracelets and

Jewelry, Cut Glass,

Silver and Clocks

Our display of

Cut Glass and Silver

art exhibition in allINIIIBM•11111

necklaces in late designs and

superior quality, as. well as

all other articles of fine je ',-

dry can be bought here at

money-saving prices. Every

nrtirlA shown is new and

stylish. You cannot appre-

ate their splendor without

seeing them. May we expect

a visit from you? It will he

to our mutual benefit.

W. D. Roeder

for weddings that the bride will appreciate are the exquisite pieces of finely cut glass that is a part of our superb stock of





11, t:. I) Al( Williams. Ed xard Chat crs. Joe Ai i Her, E. B. Lc e+ is, W. D.

.oz der, Ed and McWilliams, John A. ;Malley, G. N. Flagh r, Edward Hahn, X

Frank Gibbons, Geo. Flagler, Roscoe Gould, L. J Trunnell.. C. M. Baker, f John Geis, R. D. Gregg, GEO. Kepplin- ger, Dr. C. H. Barr, Dr. Bell, Dr. le Wean, John Baker, Geo. Baker, Mar- it

is an tin Sea'.ert, John Graham, Ame Orr, k .toy Wheatley, Ed Chalmers, Hugh /f bVilliamson, George Hager, Eugene Flagler, Will Scott, S. H. Boyer, Thos. E. Barry, Dr. Tames Oughton, Earl Losee, I. H. Baker, Ivcs Graves, C. V. i.

Bower, Joe Tavares, Will Cook. • if Dwight Halls—A. L. Orr, N. N. Mickelson, f

ars Larsen.

When You Want An Insurance Policy o Any Kind, See


We Write, LIFE,





Musical and Literary—Cora Adams, Mae Fla: es, Mrs. Weart, Mrs. J. C. 'c tson, rs C. D. ;McWilliams, Mrs.

.1'. L. Smith, T. J. Hayes, L L Har- i :son, R. W. Boston.

Base Ball and Other Sports—C. H. Thompson, J E Seabert, J. E. Garrett. A. Mickelson, A. L. On.

Decorations — Harry Adams, Win. .'arey, Max Miller. F. J. O'Connor, Gus Ohlendorf, Lester Reeb.

Mayor Kclagber is a member of all committees.

The committees desire that the citi- zens gencrally assist in the necessary

ork which will make the home corn- ing a success.

The folio wing have signified their intention of being present Home Corn- ing week. Many more are no doubt coming but we have not been given their names:

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke, Chicago. Miss Lydia Seabert, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Button, Chi-

cago. Miss Grace Brown, Chicago. Mrs. W. Amos, Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. Hardgroves, Kankakee. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hood, Streator. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Grubb, Streator. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Calvert, Bloom-

ington. Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Jordan, Joliet. Miss Jennie Rattenbury, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collins, Phila-

delphia. Mrs. Lena Smith, Evanston. Mrs. Addie V. Schott, Union Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Breen, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alvi Barnum, Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnum, Chi-

cago. Dr. and Mrs L D Barnum and fam-

ily, Illipolis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knudten, Mil-

waukee, Wis. Mrs. Margaret Kern Seigert, Hol-

gate, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foersterling,

Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mime, Kentland,

Ind. Mrs. Peterson, Campus. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis, Minneap-

olis, Minn. Mrs. Emma Chamberlain, Chicago. Mrs. Ncttie Hoover. Chicago. Rev. W. J. Drew, Daytona, Florida. Mrs. Theobald Ellsausser, Braymer,


The Finance Committee has solie- ited money and met with generous rc- s)onse from our citizens.

All Classes of Insurance Written

JOSEPH A. DIEFENBACH Deutsch Bldg. Phone 352 Dwight, Illinois

III 1111111111111 1 1 I I SIIIII1•1• 11011:1" llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

a The First

National Bank

T 1


















1 lu













ii 1


Monday—Whitney Shows afternoon z and evening; Dwight Band concert at

8 p. m ; free moving pictures on street at 8:30; automobile ride free for visitors at 3:00 p. m starting

E from Opera House; Epworth League picnic at park, evening; Masonic

E.. Lodge will be pleased to entertain all

visitors who are members. Tuesday—Whitney Shows; Pontiac

Military Band concert, 8 p. m.; free

moving pictures at 8:30 p. m ; M. W.

A. Drill Team dance, Kepplinger build- a ing in evening.

Wednesday — Whitneys; picnic at Renfrew Park 12 m. to 7 p. m.; Dwight

; Band concert at Park in afternoon; sports and athletic contests of all kinds, afternoon at Park; base ball, East Side vs. West Side at 3:00 at

! Renfrew Park; shooting matches, ; Dwight Gun Club grounds all after- ; noon; Dwight Band concert; free e moving pictures 8:30 p. m.; M. W. A. ; Drill Team dance, Kepplinger

ing. E Thursday — Whitneys; automobile

trip, 3 p. m., starting from Opera House; Pontiac Band concert at 8:00

p. ni.; free picture show at 8:30 p. m.; ; M. W. A. dance.

II 1 1


During the Home Coming we will be especially pleased to have all visi- tors to Dwight as well as our resident friends of the town and country make this bank their down town headquar- ters.

. -- .•I■s■wimaft'■ "4444' eami■Ia■ft■sammeNe•om MMIMMMaM.S.ISIMSMIOWMamwS416M mwS w ilminwinoMISMEM



Friday — Whitneys; Dwight Band e concert at 8:00 p. m ; free picture

Be sure and visit The First National--a modern bank in a modern town--every department of banking and the greatest capital and surplus of any financial institution in Livingston County.







a r




• =

•••■•••••••■■■■•■•■•••••■■■•■• Oss11111M11■111=116.


le show at 8:30 p m Z Saturday — Whitneys; M. W. A.

dance. The visitors and home people are

it invited to make their headquarters in

Odd Fellows Hall, over the Opera House every afternoon, so that all may have a comfortable meeting place to become better acquainted. The members of the General Committee

• and Reception Committee and others E are requested to meet there at 1 p. m. • Saturday and every other day except

Sunday. The committees are as fol- lows:

Finance Committee—Col. Frank L.


The Dccoration Committee have de 1, cided that red, white and blue is the best and have adopted it. All busintss houses are requested to decorate the I exterior of their places in above named colors and the residences with "Old Glory" or bunting.

There will Le a banner at the Inter- section of Main streets down town with the words "Welcome Home" on it. In front of each banner there will be a string of lights in colors if they can be secured.

The case ball and sports will be in- tcresting. The Morris Reds vs. Frank L. Smiths will battle for victory Sat- I

urday and Sunday at the ball park

They are the best amateur nines In < the state,

Saturday there will be races and -, arith. Alderman Peter Kern and A. S.

I olbrook. sports of all kinds.

There will be a dance at Mazon Hall Reception—Mesdames F. L Smith, Saturday evening under auspices of L Harrison, C. D. McWilliams, L

Salzer, S. P. Klitz, J. E Seabert, C. I. Ahern, Anton Diefenbach, E. B. Lewis, P. D. Kern, H. Fox, J. A. Spen-

r, G. N. Flfigl-r. F. A. T-Ta's:%; 171 : nn, M. 'Smith, Clara. Faiths, Ellen Sparks, John Graham ; Messrs. W, G. Mustn' t lase Rceder, C. L. Hamilton, I. ,T. Doherty, W. A. Chester. C. .1. Ahern, J. L. VanErnan, A. C. Nelson,

R. M. Baker, Earl Drew, Albert Lar- (Continued oil l'age tit

CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $85,000.00 3 Per Gent Interest on Savings Deposits


a OTTO STRUFE Frank L. Smith Base Ball Team, Colnand trip the light fantastic, but do't break the Sabbath day.

The Pontiac Military Band has been secured and will give co:Men Satyr- day, Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

The 1.) .vNiight hand will give eonccri Monday, Wednesday and Irriclay evi ings.


PRANK L SMITH, President CURTIS J. JUDD, Vice Presit JOHN J. DOHERTY, Cashier JOHN a OUGHTON, Vice Pres't

E. M. HOFFMAN, Assistant Cashier



a Directors CURTIS J. JUDD JOE alII.LE.R. V LL : I WYLY_ T 7

FE ANIC L SMI "II 13. II MILLS C. J. AHERN E. 8. trvris




III Li011 L111111:111 '

tinuegningliolgu0141 llllllllllll I llllllllllllllllllllllll 4 4.1.044