speak innovatively richard seline

Speak Innovatively Connecting People, Talent, Innovation and Results A Civic, Industry and Economic Provocateur: Richard Seline Suggested Presentations and Topic Themes: “Creating A Personal & Professional Innovation Agenda” “ Resiliency in Times of Economic and Societal Turbulence” “ Innovation Inspite Of..Why Some Companies, Individuals, and Regions Create Consistent, Sustainable Innovations” “ Global Hubs and Regional Nodes of Science, Technology, Discovery, and Entrepreneurship” “ Indicators of Innovation, Competitiveness and Prosperity - Measuring Real Performance” “ Youth and Student Innovators: How America Still Competes” “ Communities of Innovation: Networking Networks for Accelerated Results” “ Sparking Civic Leadership Beyond Broken Politics and Confused Governance” “The End of the Big: Lost Faith in Big Government, Big Corporations, Big Philanthropy and Why Entrepreneurs, Innovators & Niche Markets Will Succeed” “Trends, Forecast, and Clues in the Innovation Cycle for New Ideas, Game-Changers, and Outcomes” Richard has grown up in the public light between business, political, community, philanthropic and academic interests. Each step provided the basis for exploring, researching, discussing and debating the unfolding story of enterprise, entrepreneurship, innovation and society in ways that culminate in a rich and robust story that Richard uses to inform, inspire, and frankly provoke audiences to take action, respond, get engaged in their work, their community, their networks of personal and professional links. Through 100+ engagements and assignments in the U.S. and abroad, he has created a vast amount of survey, interview, and data-analysis that serve as the real-world examples tailored for each event and client. Having served as Vice President of his 125 year old family business, Special Assistant to the President of M.D. Andersen Cancer Center, Chief of Staff of a Presidential Commission- the White House, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce - among several other roles -he brings real- world and practical experiences to audiences, boards, retreats, and similar gatherings requiring unique thinking. Contact: (703)608-3000 [email protected] TARGET AUDIENCES KEYNOTE PRESENTATION From breakfast to after-dinner, Richard has made 45+ keynote presentations per year to audiences ranging from 150 to 5,500 MODERATOR While keeping an eye on the clock and ensuring interaction between the speakers and the audience, Richard seeks the one or two key takeaways for participants to work on the next day. HALF-/FULL DAY FORUM This is where the real work and impact of Richard’s expertise and experience delivers for clients: accelerated learning, decision-making, and prioritization of next steps CUSTOMIZED FACILITATION Adapting two decades of knowledge, data, and best practices into a customized solution that engages civic, community, academic, business and entrepreneurial leaders through a highly- regarded process around economic, societal, and organization transformation. A customized facilitation is a longer-term initiative - lasting up to six months plus - and based on Richard’s Going from Analysis to Implementation approach used in diverse communities such as challenging locations in Detroit and Providence, university- towns Austin TX and Gainesville FL, diverse global centers of Manchester England, Monterrey Mexico, Melbourne Australia, and Auckland New Zealand. INNOVATIONALERT ISSUE 1.0 2011-2012

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Page 1: Speak Innovatively   Richard Seline

Speak Innovat ive ly

Connecting People, Talent, Innovation and Results

A Civic, Industry and Economic Provocateur: Richard Seline

Suggested Presentations and Topic Themes: • “Creating A Personal &

Professional Innovation Agenda”

• “ Resiliency in Times of Economic

and Societal Turbulence”

• “ Innovation Inspite Of..Why Some

Companies, Individuals, and

Regions Create Consistent,

Sustainable Innovations”

• “ Global Hubs and Regional Nodes

of Science, Technology, Discovery,

and Entrepreneurship”

• “ Indicators of Innovation,

Competitiveness and Prosperity -

Measuring Real Performance”

• “ Youth and Student Innovators:

How America Still Competes”

• “ Communities of Innovation:

Networking Networks for Accelerated


• “ Sparking Civic Leadership

Beyond Broken Politics and

Confused Governance”

• “The End of the Big: Lost Faith in

Big Government, Big Corporations,

Big Philanthropy and Why

Entrepreneurs, Innovators & Niche

Markets Will Succeed”

• “Trends, Forecast, and Clues in the

Innovation Cycle for New Ideas,

Game-Changers, and Outcomes”

Richard has grown up in the public light between business, political, community, philanthropic and academic interests. Each step provided the basis for exploring, researching, discussing and debating the unfolding story of enterprise, entrepreneurship, innovation and society in ways that culminate in a rich and robust story that Richard uses to inform, inspire, and frankly provoke audiences to take action, respond, get engaged in their work, their community, their networks of personal and professional links.

Through 100+ engagements and assignments in the U.S. and abroad, he has created a vast amount of survey, interview, and data-analysis that serve as the real-world examples tailored for each event and client.

Having served as Vice President of

his 125 year old family business,

Special Assistant to the President of

M.D. Andersen Cancer Center,

Chief of Staff of a Presidential

Commission- the White House,

Assistant Secretary of the U.S.

Department of Commerce - among

several other roles -he brings real-

world and practical experiences to

audiences, boards, retreats, and

similar gatherings requiring unique

thinking. Contact: (703)608-3000

[email protected]

TARGET AUDIENCES KEYNOTE PRESENTATION From breakfast to after-dinner, Richard has made 45+ keynote presentations per year to audiences ranging from 150 to 5,500

MODERATOR While keeping an eye on the clock and ensuring interaction between the speakers and the audience, Richard seeks the one or two key takeaways for participants to work on the next day.

HALF-/FULL DAY FORUM This is where the real work and impact of Richard’s expertise and experience delivers for clients: accelerated learning, decision-making, and prioritization of next steps

CUSTOMIZED FACILITATION Adapting two decades of knowledge, data, and best practices into a customized solution that engages civic, community, academic, business and entrepreneurial leaders through a highly-regarded process around economic, societal, and organization transformation. A customized facilitation is a longer-term initiative - lasting up to six months plus - and based on Richard’s Going from Analysis to Implementation approach used in diverse communities such as challenging locations in Detroit and Providence, university-towns Austin TX and Gainesville FL, diverse global centers of Manchester England, Monterrey Mexico, Melbourne Australia, and Auckland New Zealand.


Page 2: Speak Innovatively   Richard Seline

First: Enjoy the Story-telling Audiences and participants “listen”

through a variety of story-telling

approaches including the use of

powerpoint slides not as a crutch but a

visual representation of the message.

People visualize in today’s conferences and

forums - but they expect the presenter to

pull together the strands of information

and case-studies. Richard has found that

story-telling captures the attention and

imagination of listeners.

Second: Make it Relevant With so much information, ideas, and

options being thrown at today’s issues and

challenges, audiences are often

overwhelmed as to what is relevant or not

for listening and learning. Relevance starts

with understanding on what an audience

needs to hear, wants to learn, and seeks to

take action. Audiences want relevance to

their challenges, passions, work - and their

professional and personal lives.

Third: Make the Complex

Simple There is low-hanging fruit or easy

pathways or even silver bullets. Those

audiences that expect or demand that from

a speaker or facilitator often come away

deprived of the opportunity to

substantively understand the nature of the

issues or opportunities before them.

Richard strongly believes that making the

complex simple is the pressure on his

preparation and presentation - not the

audiences. In these complex times,

simplicity rules.

Fourth: Connect with the

Audience, Participants

If you can tell a good story, make it relevant, and

simplify the learning for an audience - then its

just as powerful to truly connect with them and

their fellow participants in a meaningful way.

Richard never works behind a podium or table;

walking and engaging among the attendees to

gain their input, thoughts, even their push-back

to what they are hearing is vital. It starts with a

quick round-robin on “Words Matter” and ends

on “Removing Limitations and Barriers to

Success.” Each audience and participant will find

their input is sought, appreciated, and leveraged

with others in the room. No matter the size of the


Fifth: Deliver on the Take-Aways

Every keynote, forum, moderator role and

engagement that Richard has led does deliver on

a promise made at the outset: identify one or two

actions that each participant can work on when

they return to their office or home. Richard is

ranked the highest in speaker evaluations because

he does deliver on the take-aways.

Sixth: Create A Buzz

A great conference, event, forum, or session is

measured not only by those that attended but by

the buzz that follows among individuals unable to

participate. Richard helps create a lasting buzz

for organizations, institutions and teams. While

not seeking media or press coverage for himself,

Richard is often asked to establish the message

that clients want in the next day’s headlines or

online sites. And he advises staff and session

planners on ways to create buzz before the

gathering so that attendance is maximized and

excitement is built. Finally, Richard has gone ‘on

background’ with national and regional editors

and reporters so that the buzz is accurately and

precisely documented through additional insight.

Richard’s perspective: “…there are speakers and facilitators that are “entertainment” - individuals that help the flow of the program or event from one stage to the next. Then there are those individuals that keep the time well-spent ensuring that every audience walks away with a “wow”, an assignment when they get back to the offices, and an initial personal and professional action plan…I want to be that kind of presenter!”

PODIUMS AND PLATFORMS: International Ireland, New Zealand, Mexico, Australia, United Kingdom, Scotland, China

U.S. National forums, conferences and summits e.g. National Innovation Initiative, Forum on Federal-State Biotech-Life Science Clusters, Conference on Seed and Venture Funds, Forum on Naitonal and Economic Security

State & Regional Thirty-five States and 80 communities - California to Florida, Texas to Maine

Corporate Interests Merck, Johnson Controls, PacBell, HP, IBM and 145+ emerging growth firms, new enterprises

Academic/Organization Association of University Technology Managers, Association of University Research Parks, Association of Land-Grant and Public Universities, and over 40 campuses of research institutions and community colleges

Entrepreneurial Endeavors Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs, Young Entrepreneurs Association, CIA’ InQTel Initiative, the National Cancer Institute’s Innovation Initaitive