spanish lawn bowls 2013

SPANISH NATIONAL QUESADAVISTABELLAEL RANCHO SAN LUIS•GREENLANDS• LA SIESTA 11th-25th MAY 2013 2013 lawn bowls championships 2012 winners - photo courtesy of Carl Eagle

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Spanish Lawn Bowls 2013


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11th-25th MAY2013

2013lawn bowlschampionships

2012 winners - photo courtesy of Carl Eagle

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I am grateful to each to each andeveryone of you that have con-

tributed to the celebration of thisyear’s SPANISH LAWN

BOWLS CHAMPI-ONSHIPS, organisers, spon-

sors and participating players

I t is an enormous honour, anda pleasure for me to be able towrite to all the bowls fraterni-

ty each year, because with eachday that passes your specialityundoubtedly becomes more root-ed in our wonderful Country.Once again we have the SpanishNationals which are to be held inthe incomparable ValencianCommunity, specifically in theTorrevieja area. The organisers,sponsors, as well as the competitorsin this important National event willnot disappoint anybody, as they allappreciate the seriousness, abilityand good organisation from every-body that takes part in this event.

Everybody knows that we arein a difficult period forSpanish sport, as it also isfor the Country in general,but within the Bowling fra-ternity, with our aspirations,

strength and unity, although finan-cial resourses are less than in previ-ous years, we will still be able to goforward with all our Competitions,because it is precisely when thereare difficulties, that people grow instature. As Marco Tulio Cicerón,the Roman philosopher said � thegreater the difficulty, the greater theglory�As each year, I am grateful to eachand everyone of you that have con-tributed to the celebration of thisyear�s SPANISH LAWN BOWLSCHAMPIONSHIPS, organisers,sponsors, and participating players,for your collaboration with theFEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE

BOLOS.Have a good tournamentand my best wishes forsuccess to all of you.JoséLuis Boto Álvarez

President F.E.B.


South Alicante is, once again, proud to be the host of thisyear�s Championships, which I am sure we will all enjoy, asit is an opportunity to have the best competitive bowling,

and to renew our friendship with other bowlers who we may notsee a lot during the rest of the year.Within our Region our membership has increased yet again, andwe now have 513 Federated members, which is a 10% increase onthe numbers at the start of last year, and, for this, I must thank allthe Fed. Reps. for working so hard to achieve it. This, in part, hasresulted in an increased entry for this year�s Championship, whichhas made it difficult to fit in all the games within the time avail-able, which, in a way, is a good sign, as it endorses the popularityof the event.Later this year, the European Team Championships will be held inour area, and I do hope everybody will do their best to attend it toshow the rest of Europe how enthusiastically we support ourgame.I hope to meet as many of you as i can during this Championship,and wish every one of you the best of luck!

Bob Donnelly.

Message from theFEB President



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It gives me great pleasure to welcome allcompetitors to the Spanish National

Lawn Bowls Championships 2013, in theSouth Alicante region.This is my third full NationalChampionships as National Director andChairman of the ChampionshipCommittee, the role and the responsibili-ties of running the championships, wouldnot be possible without a diligent commit-tee with you, therefore I would like tothank all of the competition committee, forthe way they have carried out their dutiesand this year we went International, withDominic Mills arranging the schedulefrom the U.S.A.Thanks also goes to the owners and com-mittees of the venue clubs this year, ElRancho, Greenlands, La Siesta, Quesada,San Luis and Vistabella.As always I thank in advance the CBUMAfor arranging the umpires, under the super-vision of their Chairman Barry Norris.

I also would like to thank the companiesthat have taken the time, and contributedfunds to sponsor these Championships forus, without them it would be difficult torun, also thanks to Jackie Breslin for thecontact he has made with these companies.My thanks also goes to THE LEADERnewspaper, for their continued support ofour National Championships, and ourdomestic bowling in general.I pay tribute to the FEB in the name ofNational President- Jose Luis BotoAlvarez, for his continued support, tomyself and the game of Lawn Bowls ingeneral.All that is left for me to say, is to all com-petitors, please enjoy the NationalChampionships of 2013, and be happy inthe sport we all love.

John Muldoon National Director Lawn Bowls Spain


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The Spanish National Championship Committee6

I came to live in Spain in 2004, and joinedQuesada Bowls Club, previous to this Ibowled in both Scotland and England formany years and played at County level inboth countries.In 2005 I successfully completed trials andbecame a member of the SpanishInternational squad, where I representedmy adopted country on many occasions.In the early part of 2010 I resigned fromthe International scene, and after 30 yearsof bowling decided to put something backto a sport that has been good to me. Itherefore applied and was successful inbeing appointed the National Director ofBowls in Spain.In this position I now chair the NationalChampionships committee, and may I takethis opportunity to wish all competitors asuccessful and enjoyable tournament.

I moved to Spain in 2004 and started

bowling late in that year at San Miguel

where I have bowled ever since.

I have been very fortunate to have had the

help of many fine bowlers from the club

and a few titles have come my way includ-

ing the Valencian Triples title, many thanks

to my partners, Alex McNeil and Stuart


I was fortunate enough to join the Spanish

Squad in 2006 and have had many won-

derful experiences including going to Hong

Kong and China last year and playing

against the Welsh National side this year.

I would like to thank Lee Sinclair and Ann

Eagle for the assistance they have given

me in organising this Championship.

Without their help none of this would have

been possible.

I moved to Spain 17 years ago fromScotland where I bowled to a good stan-dard, winning various club championshipsand helping Edinburgh to win the ScottishIndoor Cup.Held most committe positions for club andcounty.Ran Albir Bowls Club for 6 years beforemoving south and joining Quesada, whereI am very happy.In 2008 won 2 national titles and also mysecond Federation Pairs title, have been aSpanish International for about 5 yearsand have been very fortuneate to haverepresented Spain in 2 EuropeanChampionships in Cyprus, Atlantic Rim inSouth Africa and the Tiger Bowls in HongKong and China and this year‘s Cyprus 4Nations.Looking forward to a good Nationals andwish all players the very best of luck.

I have now lived in Spain for 26 years,firstly in Malaga Province, and then for thelast 17 years in the Torrevieja area.I joined Greenlands in 2000, where I was amember for 11 years, during which time Iserved as Captain on 4 occasions.In 2010 I was invited to be the RegionalDelegate for the Federation, a post I amstill occupying today.In 2011 I moved to San Miguel, my pres-ent Club, and, before I knew it, I wastalked into standing for Captain again!Because of the enjoyment I get from bowl-ing I am pleased to be able to give some-thing back to the sport, as people in thepast did for me when I first decided to playthe game.This is my fifth time on the Committee,and I am confident that this year will beone of the best ever Nationals and a tour-nament to remember.

I began my bowling career in 1987 in theU.K., after many years as a Netballer. AsLadies’ Club Captain I was successful inleading our club to two LeagueChampionships and also winning a SinglesChampionship on grass.On retiring to Spain in 2002 with my hus-band Ken, we joined Quesada Bowls Club,where we both served on the Committee.I have served both as Captain andSecretary and I have been the FederationRepresentative, which has led me, tobecome Treasurer of Lawn Bowls Spainand currently Secretary and Treasurer ofthis year’s Spanish Nationals. In 2011 Iqualified as an Instructor under theNational Coaching Scheme.I am privileged to have won the clubLadies Singles title and in 2011 I wasdelighted to win the Spanish Nationals asa skip of the Ladies Rinks.Bowls has brought me many happy hours.It is a great sport to keep fit and enjoy thecompany of many good friends.

My bowling career started in the U.K. in1984.Over the next twenty years I played to ahigh standard winning both indoor andoutdoor club and county titles.In 2002 I represented Bedfordshire in thepairs and rinks at the Mens NationalChampionships at Worthing.We bought a holiday apartment in Spain inOctober 2005 visiting during the wintermonths. On moving to Quesada in 2007 Ijoined the bowls club. In 2011 I was awinner in the National Rinks and finalist inthe National Triples. The following year,2012, I was a winner in the NationalTriples.I enjoy my bowls and try to give newbowlers encouragement to carry on aftercoaching lessons.Wishing all competitors a good tourna-ment.

My father was a good bowler which is

really what got me interested in the sport

and he was delighted when Derek and I

decided to take up the game. We didn’t let

him down! I have held club and county

committee positions, being Indoor County

President for Hertfordshire 1996/97. I fol-

lowed this by being Herts Indoor Ladies

Secretary for six years.

During 1998 – 2004 I played in the Ladies

National Championships at Leamington in

singles, pairs, rinks, Champion of

Champions and club events.

Since playing in Spain I have won several

club competitions and a National title in

the rinks in 2011.

Good luck to everybody at the National

Championships this year.

The National Director wouldlike to thank Anne Eagle andLee Sinclair for all their helpand hard work in arranging theNational Championship Draw.

John Muldoon


Dominic Mills

Competition Secretary

Jackie Breslin

Sponsorship Coordinator

Derek Sale

Committee Member

Bob Donnelly

Committee Member

Deidre Leeming

Committee Member

Veronica Sale

Committee Member

Singles winners 2012, JuneJones and Russell Marks. Photo C.Eagle

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FINALS OF THE SPANISH NATIONAL CHAMPI-ONSHIPSThe dates for these Championship Finals will bebetween Saturday 11th MAY and Saturday 25thMAY 2013.

The Controlling Body for these Championships willbe the Federation Committee in Alicante Provincewho will work under the Tournament Rules andConditions specified in this proposal.

VENUES FOR FINALS (Directions andAccommodation)Directions to each club can be obtained from theControlling Body if required.

QUALIFICATION & REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRYEntry is open to Spanish Nationals, and non-Nationals who have a current Spanish ResidentsPermit or Certificate, hold a Spanish Social SecurityWork Permit or persons who have been resident inSpain for at least 6 months in total of the 12 monthsprior to the first day of the Championship Finals.

Each Player must be a fully paid-up Member of aClub affiliated to the Federacion Española de Bolos(F.E.B.).

In Team Events, Players in a Team must, at the timeof the entry, be Members of the same Club and havetheir Federation Membership with the same Club.

Any Player failing to turn up for an Event, or notcompleting a round without a reason acceptable tothe Competition Committee, will not be eligible toenter the 2014 Provincial or NationalChampionships.

The Controlling Body retains the right to refuse entryto the Competition, or to disqualify any Player fromthe Competition, for breaches of the Laws of theGame or the Championship Rules and Conditions.

OTHER RULES AND CONDITIONS OF PLAYDRESS CODE :- (to be strictly enforced at all timesby the Controlling Body)

CLUB COLOURS, or WHITE Shirts, may be worn pro-viding ALL Members of a Team wear the same. (N.B.: This does NOT apply to Club Jackets, or FleeceJackets, which may be worn at the discretion ofeach Player)

FINAL: In the final it is required that a whole teamshould wear the same type of Clothing unless amedical condition dictates otherwise e.g. ALL shouldwear Shorts, Trousers or Skirts as appropriate withWhite Tops, or Tops in “official” Club Colours.FOOTWEAR: Must be smooth-soled, without heels,designed for Bowling and be World Bowls Approved.Sandals, and other open Shoes, must have a back-strap.

NOT PERMISSIBLE AT ANY TIME: Footwear otherthan that specified, Jogging Bottoms or Track SuitBottoms, Shorts or cropped Trousers with “drawstrings”, toggles or large outside patch pockets onthe legs except as sold by recognised suppliers ofBowls Clothing.

SUBSTITUTES & REPLACEMENTS: The appropri-ate Laws of Bowls shall apply but NO substitute orreplacement is permissible in the SinglesCompetitions.

For the purposes of this competition the teamentered into the draw will be deemed the “substan-tive team” and any change made to this line up willbe deemed a substitution.

Substitutes will be permitted to play in any position.

The Controlling Body will decide on the suitability ofany substitute,

No Player can be considered as a substitute orreplacement if they have played in previous roundsof the discipline concerned, have been disqualifiedfrom any discipline in the current Championships orhave been refused entry to the Competition.

PRACTICE SESSIONS, PLAYING SCHEDULE &LATENESS: Players will only be able to practice onGreens being used for the Championships at the

stipulated times. No other access will be permitted tocompeting Players during the course of theTournament.

It is the responsibility of Players to appraise them-selves of Start Times, and any changes in the play-ing schedule, which is subject to continuous devel-opment at the sole discretion of the Controlling Body.

ALL Players are asked to arrive 30 minutes beforethe scheduled start time of any Game. Any Playerarriving more than 15 minutes after the scheduled,or re-scheduled start time of a Game, will be disqual-ified.

BOWLS: ALL Bowls must conform with Laws 1.4.3,8.1.9 and 8.2.3

STICKERS FOR BOWLS: Please note that Law8.1.8. (covering the use of "stick-on" markings willbe applied in full) and the Competition Committeemay provide Stickers. This means: - There should beonly one such marking fixed to either side of theBowl. They should not be put over the World BowlsStamp and Bowls Ref No. The Bowls of ALL Playerswithin a Team shall have the same "Stickers".

VISITS TO THE HEAD: There will be no restrictionplaced upon visits to the head However umpiresretain the right to take action in case of what theyconsider to be deliberate time wasting.Except in sin-gles play visiting the head will only be permitted afterthe delivery of the second bowl by both players.

TIME WASTING & CONCESSION OF GAMES: It isessential that ALL Players understand that, with thelarge programme of Games, their co-operation isrequired. Therefore, if the appointed Officials consid-er any Player is wasting time, they may take anyaction they consider to be necessary to remedy thesituation.

ALL games must be played to a conclusion exceptwhen a game cannot be won when it must be con-ceded.

UMPIRES AND MARKERS: Umpires will be pro-vided by the Costa Blanca Umpires and MarkersAssociation.Competent, volunteer Markers will be be appointedby the CBUMA for the first round of each day butthereafter losing singles players must make them-selves available to mark a subsequent game ifrequired.

MOBILE TELEPHONES: All Players and Spectatorsare asked to turn off Mobile telephones during Play.

COACHES: An "Accredited Coach" of a Player/Teammust be registered with the Spanish BowlingCoaching Scheme (S.B.C.S).

If they wish to have any contact with a Player / Teamduring the course of any Game in the NationalFinals, they must advise the Competition Committeeprior to the event who will advise the Umpire(s) ateach relevant location.

A Coach must seek permission from the Umpirebefore approaching any Player(s). They will not bepermitted more than FOUR approaches during thecourse of any Game and the maximum time periodof each approach must not exceed ONE minute. Thiswill ensure there is no time wasting and possibleaggravation to other Bowlers.

If the Umpire and / or Controlling Body believes anyCoach is in breach of the Tournament Rules the priv-ilege to liaise with their Player (s) will be withdrawn.

POINTS NOT PROVIDED FORAny point not provided for in the above Rules andConditions of Play will be decided by the ControllingBody, or the Emergency Committee thereof, whosedecision will be final.Any alterations to the Rules and Conditions may bemade by the Controlling Body, if necessary, in theevent of unforeseen circumstances.

Rules and Conditions of Play8

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Draw Men’sSingles10


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Nationals Order of Play



Please Note: All competitors must keep an eye on the competitor’s day boards for any unscheduled games.

REMEMBER: It is the responsibility of each competitor to turn up for their matches at the time and venue stated. (Preferably at least 1/2 an hour earlier.)If you have any doubt regarding the schedule, only obtain advice from the Competition’s Secretary Derek Sale


Pairs 1-8 12th May 10 am Greenlands9-16 12th May 2 pm Greenlands17-24 12th May 10 am Vistabella25-32 12th May 2 pm Vistabella33-40 12th May 10 am El Rancho41-48 12th May 2 pm El Rancho49-52 12th May 10 am San Luis79-81 12th May 10 am San Luis77+78 12th May 2 pm San Luis82-84 12th May 2 pm San Luis53-60 13th May 10 am Greenlands85-88 13th May 2 pm Greenlands61-68 13th May 10 am Vistabella89-92 13th May 2 pm Vistabella69-76 13th May 10 am El Rancho93-96 13th May 2 pm El Rancho97-100 13th May 10 am San Luis101-104 14th May 10 am Greenlands109+110 14th May 2 pm Greenlands105-108 14th May 10 am El Rancho111+112 14th May 2 pm El Rancho

Rinks 1-6 15th May 10am Quesada21-23 15th May 2 pm Quesada7-12 15th May 10 am El Rancho24-26 15th May 2 pm El Rancho13-20 15th May 10 am Greenlands27-30 15th May 2 pm Greenlands31-36 15th May 10 am La Siesta37-40 16th May 10 am Quesada45+46 16th May 2 pm Quesada41-44 16th May 10 am Greenlands47+48 16th May 2 pm Greenlands

Trips 1-6 17th May 10 am Greenlands7-11 17th May 2 pm Greenlands18-22 17th May 10 am La Siesta23-27 17th May 2 pm La Siesta28-35 17th May 10 am E Rancho

Trips 36-43 17th May 2 pm El Rancho12-17 18th May 10 am Greenlands44-51 18th May 2 pm Greenlands52-59 18th May 10 am El Rancho64-67 18th May 2 pm El Rancho60-63 18th May 10 am Greenlands68+69 18th May 2 pm Greenlands70+71 18th May 10 am El Rancho

Singles 1-8 20th May 10 am Greenlands9-16 20th May 12 pm Greenlands41-44 20th May 2 pm Greenlands45-48 20th May 4 pm Greenlands17-24 20th May 10 am El Rancho 25-32 20th May 12 pm El Rancho49-52 20th May 2 pm El Rancho53-56 20th May 4 pm El Rancho33+34 20th May 10 am San Luis

57 20th May 12 pm San Luis35-40 20th May 10 am La Siesta61-67 20th May 12 pm La Siesta58-60 20th May 2 pm La Siesta68-72 20th May 4 pm La Siesta73-80 20th May 10 am Vistabella81-88 20th May 12 pm Vistabella89-96 20th May 2 pm Vistabella97-104 20th May 4 pm Vistabella105-112 21st May 10 am Greenlands113-120 21st May 12 pm Greenlands137-140 21st May 2 pm Greenlands141-144 21st May 4 pm Greenlands121-128 21st May 10 am Vistabella129-136 21st May 12 pm Vistabella145-148 21st May 2 pm Vistabella149-152 21st May 4 pm Vistabella153-156 22nd May 10 am Greenlands161+162 22nd May 1 pm Greenlands157-160 22nd May 10 am Vistabella163+164 22nd May 1 pm Vistabella



Rinks 1-4 12th May 10 am Quesada 5-8 12th May 2 pm Quesada9-13 12th May 10 am La Siesta14-17 13th May 10 am Quesada22+23 13th May 2 pm Quesada18-21 13th May 10 am La Siesta24+25 13th May 2 pm La Siesta

Singles 1-8 14th May 10 am Vistabella9-16 14th May 12pm Vistabella17-24 14th May 2 pm Vistabella25-30 14th May 4 pm Vistabella47-50 14th May 10 am San Luis51-54 14th May 12 pm San Luis55-58 14th May 10 am La Siesta59-62 14th May 12 pm La Siesta31-38 15th May 10 am Vistabella39-46 15th May 12 pm Vistabella63-66 15th May 2 pm Vistabella67-70 15th May 4 pm Vistabella71-74 15th May 10 am San Luis75-78 15th May 12 pm San Luis83+84 15th May 2 pm San Luis85+86 15th May 4 pm San Luis79-82 16th May 10 am Vistabella87+88 16th May 1 pm Vistabella89+90 16th May 10 am San Luis

Pairs 1+2 17th May 10 am Quesada4-6 17th May 10 am Quesada7-10 17th May 2 pm Quesada11-14 17th May 10 am San Luis15-18 17th May 2 pm San Luis19-26 17th May 10 am Vistabella27-34 17th May 2 pm Vistabella

3 18th May 10 am Quesada37+38 18th May 10 am Quesada35+36 18th May 2 pm Quesada39-42 18th May 10 am San Luis43-50 18th May 10 am Vistabella55-58 18th May 2 pm Vistabella51-54 19th May 10 am Quesada59+60 19th May 2 pm Quesada61+62 19th May 10 am Vistabella

Trips 1-7 20th May 10 am Quesada8-14 20th May 2 pm Quesada23-26 20th May 10 am San Luis27-30 20th May 2 pm San Luis15-18 21st May 10 am Quesada19-22 21st May 2 pm Quesada35-38 21st May 10 am San Luis31-34 22nd May 10 am Quesada39+40 22nd May 2 pm Quesada41+42 22nd May 10 am San Luis

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Draw Ladies’Singles

Once again I was privileged to managethe Spanish Bowls Team at a majortournament, namely, World Bowls

Championships in Australia, John Muldoon,National Director and Pat Metcalfe, NationalCoach made up the management team.Both our Ladies and Men�s team had qualifiedand the selected teams were, ; Ladies, SheriFletcher, Jan Dando, Debbie Colquhoun,Maggie Lawley and Lynn Greenlands, whilstour men were represented by Nick Cole, PaulBrown, Brian Robertson jnr, Bill Pain andGraham Cathcart.After a journey of 23 hours we arrived inAdelaide and straight to our hotel for a goodnights sleep. The following day we were takento our host club Clarence Gardens, and let mesay right away they treated us perfectly and newfriends were made for life, for some much need-ed practice as the bowling surfaces in Australiawere nothing like most of the squad had everbowled on before. Our host had laid on a fewtrips to local attractions, Fauna Park, the localanimal reserve in the hills with Koalas, Emus,Kangaroos and Dingo�s in their native sur-roundings and one of Adelaide�s premierVineyards, this was well appreciated by one andall.At the Championships the teams equipped

themselves well and had some great individualresults without doing enough as a team to fin-ish in the top 12 to qualify for the next games,just as well as they have now changed the qual-ifying criteria.Our best result was our Ladies pairs who fin-ished 4th in their section and our men�s tripleshad a good result beating Scotland, the onlygame they lost.Overall when you see the standard of the topcountries and the way in which they arefinanced we have a long way to good to reachanything near them. Our players have to

finance their own expenses and we must beproud of the whole squad for keeping theSpanish flag flying at world level, but, to takethe next step as a country we have somehow toobtain funding from Madrid otherwise we shallalways be struggling. Training sessions, testmatches against other countries must befinanced better to take the pressure of players.To close I would like to thank Henselite for theuse of bowls and also for the 2 Bowls PoloShirts and accessories given to everyone in theparty, and also to Dales Sports for the shoes andbowls bags.



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Draw Men’sPairs


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Draw Ladies’Pairs16

The European Team Championships wereawarded to Spain in 2012 and are to be heldin the Costa Blanca area at San Miguel

Bowls Club and The Emerald Isle Bowls Club.Following this, in January 2012 the President ofthe European Bowls Union said it would be niceif Spain could have at least one Umpire who hadpassed the ITO assessment. World Bowls wouldaccredit suitably qualified Umpires asInternational Technical Officials. A Mix of ITOsand Umpires aspiring to be ITOs will be appoint-ed for the European Championships.

Accreditation ProcedureApplications for accreditation as ITOs in anycountry will only be considered when anInternational event is allocated to a NationalAuthority or when World Bowls sets the numberof ITOs that should be registered in a country.Applicants must meet the following qualifyingcriteria:a) Have actively officiated for a minimum periodof 3 years. That is, have officiated annually in at

least 5 events at any level for a combined total ofat least 20 hours.b)Have officiated in at least two International/National/ National Division (State/County/Province/Region) events in the 2years immediately prior to the date of application.Applicants seeking accreditation as ITOs will beinvited to attend a four part assessment which willcomprise:1) Answering 15 written questions on the Laws ofthe Sport2) Candidates give their opinions on the distancesbetween the jack and a bowl in various head settings; give their opinion on whichbowls are shot in various headsettings; and act as marker during a singles game.3) Candidates undertake various measures ontheir own.4) Candidates undertake various measures assist-ed by another Umpire.Roger Black, who administers the ITOAccreditation process for World Bowls, was con-tacted in June 2012 and a suitable date in March

2013 was agreed. The assessment supervisorappointed was Ian Munro from Scotland, who is amember of the World Bowls Laws Committee.Applicants were sought from all the SpanishCostas who participate in bowling and 8 suitablyqualified Umpires applied to undertake the assess-ment - 2 from Costa del Sol area,1 from Almeria and 5 from the Costa Blanca area.The assessment was very intense and lasted a totalof 2 hours 30 minutes. Unfortunately only 2 appli-cants were successful in passing the assessment,Keith Jones from the Costa Blanca and GordonAdams from Costa del SolVistabella Bowls Club are thanked for the use oftheir green and facilities, and thanks to CharlieSpeedie (who plays for Finca Guila and is a qual-ified Umpire and ITO) for assisting Ian Munro.Any Spanish Umpires who become ITOs canapply to officiate at World Bowls events through-out the world. Accommodation is may or may notbe provided and travel costs are usually theresponsibility of the individual.



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Draw Ladies’Triples18

Draw Men’sTriples



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Draw Men’sRinks20

Draw Ladies’RinksSPONSORED BY


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Sponsored by

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SLadies’ Roll of Honour

1994 Almería Joan Simmonds El Cid1995 Málaga Dorrien Ives Los Amigos1996 North Alicante Teresa Stafford El Cid1997 Málaga Crystal Toleman La Siesta1999 South Alicante Sheila Stead La Siesta2000 Málaga Teresa Stafford El Cid2001 North Alicante Dot North Benitachell2002 South Alicante Val Sherry San Luis2003 Málaga Mary Potter Santa Mária2004 North Alicante Sheila Stead Greenlands2005 South Alicante Erica Hooper Santa Maria2006 South Alicante Sheila Stead Greenlands2007 North Alicante Ann Eagle San Miguel2008 South Alicante P Rhodes La Siesta2009 Malaga Doreen Hall Cabrera2010 South Alicante * Val Sherry San Luis2011 South Alicante Val Sherry San Luis2012 South Alicante June Jones Emerald Isle

1994 Almería Joan Simmonds / Teressa Stafford El Cid1995 Málaga Dorothy Nuttall / Christine Sims Miraflores1996 North Alicante Joan Simmonds / Teresa Stafford El Cid1997 Málaga Dorothy Nuttall / Christine Sims Miraflores1999 South Alicante Mavis Dugdale / Teresa Stafford El Cid2000 Málaga Isabel Nielson / Joan Whitton Superbowl2001 Málaga Mavis Dugdale / Judith Pursey El Cid2002 South Alicante Sheila Stead / Margaret Hern Greenlands2003 Málaga Wendy Latham / Mary Shanks La Marina2004 North Alicante Maggie Lawley / Feli Croft Benitachell2005 South Alicante Chris Evans / Sheri Fletcher Javea2006 South Alicante Chris Evans / Sheri Fletcher Javea2007 North Alicante Ann Eagle / Sabrina Marks San Miguel2008 South Alicante Shirley Verity / Sheila Cammack Country Bowls2009 Malaga Judy Abel / Doreen Hall Cabrera2010 South Alicante * Russell Marks / Sabrina Marks San Miguel2011 South Alicante Ann Eagle / Sabrina Marks San Miguel2012 South Alicante Ann Eagle / Sabrina Marks San Miguel

1994 Almería Tony Pilling / Crystal Toleman / Bill Toleman La Siesta1995 Málaga Maureen Baillie / Kate Morris / Patsy Fisher Superbowl1996 North Alicante Joan Moss / Sheila Heitman / Evelyn Spencer Javea Green1997 Málaga Maureen Keir / Shirley Whitehead / Pat Fung On Cabrera1999 South Alicante Dorothy Nuttal / Daphne Steel / Pamela Murch Santa Mária2000 Málaga Kate Morris / Audrey Curtis / Patsy Fisher Superbowl2001 Málaga Dot North / Wendy Symonds / Maureen How Benitachell2002 South Alicante Dot North / Wendy Symonds / Maureen How Benitachell2003 Málaga Bert Campbell / Daphne Steel / Kevin Bagnall Superbowl2004 North Alicante Nick Cole / Pam Cole / John Sullivan Mijas2005 South Alicante Sally Lewington /Peta Fraser /Crystal Tolman La Siesta2006 South Alicante Lynne Greenland / Margaret Hinchliffe / Angie Goodfellow Greenlands2007 North Alicante Margaret Bunbury / Chris Evans / Sheri Fletcher Javea Green2008 South Alicante Margaret Bunbury / Gail Chick / Sheri Fletcher Javea Green2009 Malaga Mary Detheridge / Angie Knight / Marjorie Johns Superbowl2010 South Alicante * J Colquhoun / J Dando / D Colquhoun Indalo2011 South Alicante A Holland / P Lockett / J Jones Emerald Isle2012 South Alicante Gina Streeter / Sally Cordell / Sandra Burrows Emerald Isle

1994 Almería Audrey Hornby / Marjorie Cox / Sally Jack / Betty Duckett First Lawn1995 Málaga Marie C. Foletti / Marion Wilson / Kate Shields / Jean Taylor Superbowl 1996 North Alicante Penny Pym / Dot North / Sheila Harris / Angela Watson Benitachell1997 Málaga Jim Sweeney / Bill Sheen / Ken Ratcliffe / Bill Young La Marina1999 South Alicante Dorothy Nuttal / Daphne Steel / Pamela Murch / Harriet Foxwell Santa Mária2000 Málaga Dot North / Feli Croft / Maureen How / Angela Watson Benitachell2001 Málaga Dot North / Feli Croft / Laura Shacklady / Maureen How Benitachell2002 South Alicante Enid Chapman / Ann Fowles / Val Wright / Joyce Tovey Quesada 2003 Málaga Jimmy Chalmers / Kate Morris / Richard Jones / Geoff Lewis Superbowl2004 North Alicante Pam Cole / Ron Cole / Nick Cole / John Sullivan Mijas2005 South Alicante Ann Horswell /Maureen Jackson /Carol Rudge / Val Sherry Emerald Isle2006 South Alicante Margaret Bunbury / Joan Moss / Chris Evans / Sheri Fletcher Javea Green2007 North Alicante Margaret Bunbury / Joan Moss / Chris Evans / Sheri Fletcher Javea Green2008 South Alicante C Meare / W Symond / C Evans / M Lawley Benitachell2009 Malaga Maureen Barrett / Carole Cornwell / Pat Fisher / Shirley Owen Superbowl2010 South Alicante * B Duff / S Pearson / R Pollock / R White Emerald Isle2011 South Alicante D Leeming / D Lawton / G Watson / V Sale Quesada2012 South Alicante Jill Parker / Jan Pocock / Eve Blythe / Diane Lawton Greenlands

Please Note: 1998 Championships were not contested.* 2010 Mixed sex competition




(1993, 1994, 2003 & 2004 were Open)

(1993, 1994, 2003 & 2004 were Open)



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Men’s Roll of HonourPA









(1993, 1994, 2003 & 2004 were Open)

(1993, 1994, 2003 & 2004 were Open)




1994 Almería Ron Bisset Superbowl1995 Málaga John Young Santa Mária1996 North Alicante Harry Winfield Benitachell1997 Málaga Derek Shemmings Miraflores1999 South Alicante Alan Blyth La Siesta2000 Málaga Ron Player San Miguel2001 Málaga Nick Cole Mijas2002 South Alicante Tony Pilling La Siesta2003 Málaga John Young Santa Maria2004 North Alicante Nick Cole Mijas 2005 South Alicante Keith Jones San Miguel2006 South Alicante Keith Jones Lemon Tree2007 North Alicante Nick Cole Belamadena2008 South Alicante Tony McKenna Albir2009 Malaga Mark Naylor Indalo2010 South Alicante* Keith Jones Emerald Isle2011 South Alicante Keith Jones Emerald Isle2012 South Alicante Russell Marks San Miguel

1994 Almería Harry Kinloch / Norman Robertson Santa Mária1995 Málaga Cliff Whitehead /Clive Brindle Cabrera1996 North Alicante Harry Winfield / Mick Adams Benitachell1997 Málaga Norman Robertson / Terry Fox Santa Mária1999 South Alicante John Dugdale / Terry Walsh El Cid2000 Málaga Hadyn Parker / Norman Robertson Santa Mária2001 Málaga David Poole /Alex Fisher Javea Green2002 South Alicante Malcolm Roberts / John Sullivan Santa Mária2003 Málaga John Withers / Allen Bowen Greenlands2004 North Alicante Nick Cole / John Sullivan Mijas2005 South Alicante Keith Jones / Russell Marks San Miguel2006 Málaga Kevin Bloe / Mike Detheridge Belamadena2007 North Alicante Murray Johns / Tony Frowd Mijas2008 South Alicante Tony McKenna / Jackie Breslin Albir2009 Malaga Andy Salmon / Alan Turner Superbowl2010 South Alicante* Russell Marks / Sabrina Marks San Miguel2011 South Alicante Stuart Hemmings / A McNeil San Miguel2012 South Alicante Ian Brown / Derek Randall El Cid

1994 Almería Tony Pilling / Crystal Toleman / Bill Toleman La Siesta1995 Málaga Martin Shannon / Gordon Shields / Dennis Taylor Superbowl1996 North Alicante Jim Sweeney / Norman Legg / Bill Young La Marina1997 Málaga John Withers / Tony Pilling / Bill Toleman La Siesta1999 South Alicante N. Harvey / Robert Carter / John Horobin Quesada2000 Málaga Alan Smith / Alan Gamble / Terry Walsh Javea Green2001 Málaga Tom Finnigan / Dennis Humpleby / Terry Barrett Mijas2002 South Alicante David Poole / Brian Ainscow / Alex Fisher Javea Green2003 Málaga Bert Campbell / Daphne Steel / Kevin Bagnall Superbowl2004 North Alicante Nick Cole / Pam Cole / John Sullivan Mijas2005 South Alicante Reg Cooper / Keith Jones / Russell Marks San Miguel2006 South Alicante David Dean / Keith Jones / Sam Russell Lemon Tree2007 North Alicante Len Rudge / Stuart Hemmings / Russell Marks San Miguel2008 South Alicante Tony McKenna / A Sharp / Jackie Breslin Albir2009 Malaga Paul Abel / Ian Brewster / Derek Webb Cabrera2010 South Alicante* J Colquhoun / J Dando / D Colquhoun Indalo2011 South Alicante R Rawlings / E Shepherd / K Watson Emerald Isle2012 South Alicante John Haigh / Derek Sale / Fred Roberts Quesada

1994 Almería Ron Bisset / David Thorne / Derek Curtis / Keith St. John Superbowl1995 Málaga Bryan Redington /Cliff Whitehead /Wally Kingaby /Clive Brindle Cabrera1996 North Alicante Mike Parry / Roy Terry / Andy Nelson / Fred Harris Benitachell1997 Málaga Jim Sweeney / Bill Sheen / Ken Ratcliffe / Bill Young La Marina1999 South Alicante John Wright / Geoff Stafford / Terry Walsh / John Dugdale El Cid2000 Málaga Malcolm Roberts / Brian Murch / Chic Young / Bill Nuttall Santa Mária2001 Málaga John Ramage / David Meare / Alec Snedden / Alex Fisher Javea2002 South Alicante John Sullivan / Brian Murch / Allan Carr / Malcolm Roberts Santa Mária2003 Málaga Jimmy Chalmers / Kate Morris / Richard Jones / Geoff Lewis Superbowl2004 North Alicante Pam Cole / Ron Cole / Nick Cole / John Sullivan Mijas2005 South Alicante Jim Sweeney / Ronnie Cairns / Fred Norris / Bill Young La Marina2006 North Alicante Tony Woods / Fred Simpson / Tony Cummings / Mike Rowlands Finca Guila2007 North Alicante Dean Tew / Geoff Weaver / Matt Tew / Mick Johnson Indalo2008 South Alicante D Moon / S Gregory / H Chick / B Manser Javea2009 Malaga Malcolm Greenwood / Sandy Guthrie / Ken McBride / Neil Marshall Benavista2010 South Alicante* B Duff / S Pearson / R Pollock / R White Emerald Isle2011 South Alicante F Wilshire / J Haigh / D Sale / B Pain Quesada2012 South Alicante Keith Jones / Colin Lindgren / Steve Pearson / Brian Duff Emerald Isle

Please Note: 1998 Championships were not contested.* 2010 Mixed sex competition.

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