santa barbara lawn bowls club on the august...

Santa Barbara Lawn Bowls Club ON THE JACK__________ July & August, 2013 Tony Cunningham, our busy, hard- working president, and First Lady Betty, are back with us after taking a little time off to entertain visitors and enjoy a family wedding. And I, (Eileen) have not written my usual newsletter because I took a trip to Seattle and missed the board meeting. My daughter and my granddaughter went along this time and we visited my son and his family who live in Kenmore, just north of Seattle. We had a really fun trip. Next month I will also miss the board meeting because I am going to Europe with our travelling “gang”. Leaving on August 3 rd and returning August 13. So this newsletter will cover two months. Board Meeting Highlights: by Daniel Hedrick The entire Board of Directors turned out July 2nd for the monthly SBLBC executive meeting. News regarding our finance was positive as club expenditures have remained in balance with income. This includes the acquisition of special lawn planing equipment which will markedly improve the condition of the grass green. It was also noted that our investment portfolio has continued to see significant growth despite recent fluctuations in the stock market. We have one more new member since June, and continue to receive remunerations from groups who have used the facility for special events. Old business included recognition of the continuing success of club tournaments and visitations, and the suggestion that SBLBC members book ahead for our September 13 visit to Cambria LBC. The Board also addressed the progress being made on improvements around the grounds and building, and the need for some repair work. A bid for kitchen work was reviewed by the Board and approved, with $2,500 budgeted to have the sink counter replaced, the water heater enclosed, the storage drawers and doors refurbished, and some painting done. Kitchen work will be scheduled to fit around upcoming events. Other old business included finding sources for replacement rakes, which has proven to be a challenge, and arranging a joint SBLBC-Special Olympics painting party to spruce up the bare wood planks of the portable bocce court. The Board is still seeking cooperation to have all the women remove their bowls from the men's locker room so work to consolidate the men's locker use and remove monolithic locker obstacles can proceed. The goal

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Santa Barbara Lawn Bowls Club

ON THE JACK__________ July & August, 2013

Tony Cunningham, our busy, hard-working president, and First Lady Betty, are back with us after taking a little time off to entertain visitors and enjoy a family wedding.

And I, (Eileen) have not written my usual newsletter because I took a trip to Seattle and missed the board meeting. My daughter and my granddaughter went along this time and we visited my son and his family who live in Kenmore, just north of Seattle. We had a really fun trip. Next month I will also miss the board meeting because I am going to Europe with our travelling “gang”. Leaving on August 3rd and returning August 13. So this newsletter will cover two months.

Board Meeting Highlights: by Daniel Hedrick

The entire Board of Directors turned out July 2nd for the monthly SBLBC executive meeting. News regarding our finance was positive as club expenditures have remained in balance with income. This includes the acquisition of special lawn planing

equipment which will markedly improve the condition of the grass green. It was also noted that our investment portfolio has continued to see significant growth despite recent fluctuations in the stock market. We have one more new member since June, and continue to receive remunerations from groups who have used the facility for special events. Old business included recognition of the continuing success of club tournaments and visitations, and the suggestion that SBLBC members book ahead for our September 13 visit to Cambria LBC. The Board also addressed the progress being made on improvements around the grounds and building, and the need for some repair work. A bid for kitchen work was reviewed by the Board and approved, with $2,500 budgeted to have the sink counter replaced, the water heater enclosed, the storage drawers and doors refurbished, and some painting done. Kitchen work will be scheduled to fit around upcoming events. Other old business included finding sources for replacement rakes, which has proven to be a challenge, and arranging a joint SBLBC-Special Olympics painting party to spruce up the bare wood planks of the portable bocce court.

The Board is still seeking cooperation to have all the women remove their bowls from the men's locker room so work to consolidate the men's locker use and remove monolithic locker obstacles can proceed. The goal

is to gain floor space and alleviate crowding in that portion of the clubhouse. The need for repairs to some of the benches was noted and added to the fix-it list.

Volunteer SBLBC docents are also needed to facilitate lawn bowling activities for the outside groups scheduled for private events. This includes a lawn bowling-themed baby shower on the afternoon of July 13th with 45 guests estimated to attend. Members wishing to help out ought to contact Bud Viard as soon as possible. Before adjourning, the Board took note of the victory of Jerry and Susan Wadell at the recent Novice Pairs tournament and that three new members have acquired their own sets of lawn bowls. The latter development lessens the demand on a training bowl sets and reflects commitment by our new members.

Lastly, it was noted that members assigned to kitchen duty need to communicate with their counterparts and keep everyone in the kitchen duty loop duly apprised if assignment swaps or other changes are necessary. The next board meeting will be on August 6, 2013, at 10:00 A.M.

Tournament News:

Winners of the Flag Day Tournament Bruce – Eileen – Jim (with pineapples)

The Flag Day Tournament was played on Saturday, June 15 and it was a really fun time. Everyone came arrayed in their best Hawaiian shirts and leis and we played two 12-end games. After the games finished, Bud got busy on the barbecue and turned out hot dogs for everyone to go along with salad and beans made by Stephanie. One or two members of the Gino Mangini family came to have dinner with us and Bud gave a very touching memorial to re-dedicate the lanai to the Manginis – Gino and Jean, long-time members of our club.

The winners (above) were awarded pineapples and beautiful certificates made by Lucy Jackson. In second place was the team of Stan Bloom, Dale Goodmanson and Doris Sneddon and coming in third were Jim Stahl, Chris Kennedy and Hildegard Kennedy. Every winner received a certificate.

What a great tournament and many thanks to Bud and Stef for making it happen. Also in June was the Novice Pairs Tournament, played on June 29. Three pairs’ teams joined in the fun and played

a round robin. It’s always great to see our novice bowlers signing up for tournaments and getting the experience offered by participating in them.

Novice Pairs players with Tournament Directors Lucy and Gloria.

In first place were the dynamic duo of Jerry and Susan Wadell shown below with Director Gloria.

Second and Third places went to the teams of Vincent Walker and Denise Foxwell and Edward and Emily Gularte. Good job everyone and please continue to enter tournaments.

Beautification News: by Jess Jessum

Another addition to our club is the five glazed ceramic flower pots located at the north end of the grass green. The club paid for three of the pots and the other two have been donated anonymously by two members of the club. Thank you Anonymous! An innovation is the planting of a dozen sunflowers. The flowers will attract birds and the roots are known to break up clay in the subsoil. I learned that fact from the curator of the San Francisco City Rose Garden.

July & August Refreshments: July: Tuesday, 9th – Eileen Morton Thursday, 11th – Dorothy Thielges Tuesday, 16th – Streiff Thursday, 18th – Foxwell & Millett Tuesday, 23rd – Steward & Glenn Thursday, 25th – Blessing & Thornton Tuesday, 30th - Kennedys August: Thursday, 1st – Goodmanson & Phillips Tuesday, 6th – Schmedes & Sizer Thursday, 8th – Casey & Walker Tuesday, 13th – Mayer & Woodworth Thursday, 15th – Gould & Green Tuesday, 20th – Gloria Torres Thursday, 22nd – Cofiell & Blau Tuesday, 27th - Chaffee & Greene Thursday, 29th – Cunninghams

Coming Events: On Friday, July 26, we have a visitation to MacKenzie Park. This will be along with the group from Holmby Park. If you haven’t been to our neighboring MacKenzie Park, now is the time to go see it and enjoy their good, fast greens. They can also be counted on to provide us with a wonderful lunch and fun competition on the bowling green. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board and it’s important you get your name up soon if you plan to attend. We need to notify MacKenzie how many of us to expect.

On August 10, we will be visited by the Holmby Park club. They always bring quite a few people and we have a very good day together with them. Sign up to play and also sign up to bring a dish to contribute toward the luncheon. August 17, a Saturday, is our Presidents’ Day this year. On this day we honor all our past club presidents, play a Men vs Women mini-tournament just for fun, have a great catered barbecue and generally whoop it up – so BE THERE! And finally, on August 24 & 25, we will play the Club Triples Championship tournament. As the name indicates, this one is a more “serious” tournament but the details are as yet unknown. Lucy will be posting a sign-up sheet some time in August. In the meantime, be thinking about a team for this one. We need everyone to join in.

Bowling Tips: I have been asked to remind everyone about the best way to signal to the skip where to set the jack. After rolling the jack, hold your hands apart the distance you want the jack moved. Occasionally, a lead will hold hands apart a small distance but when the jack is moved, the same distance is requested again. I have actually needed to move the jack three or four times before finally getting it to the right position. If you want to signal to your partner that their bowl stopped in front of the jack, hold your hands apart from side to side the distance you want to indicate. If the bowl stopped behind the jack, hold your hands apart one above the other. This is only necessary if the distance from

the jack is quite close and hard to discern from the other end of the green.

Bowls USA

This year, for the first time, everyone who joined Bowls USA (formerly USLBA) the national organization, were sent a membership card, a baseball cap or visor, and a beautiful pin. Membership in the national organization is a mere $20.00 per year – less than one meal out these days. The money goes to support the game we love in this country and the two events which are

Novice Pairs – 2nd place Denise Foxwell & Vincent Walker

sponsored by Bowls USA – the National Championships and the U.S. Open Tournament, plus some assistance to the bowlers who represent the U.S. in international events. Those bowlers need to fund most of their own overseas trips and accommodations, which is quite expensive and which limits who is able to apply for the national team. If you would like to support bowling in the U.S.A. by joining the national organization, all you need to do is give Russ your $20. You will then receive one of the very nice caps and a pin, etc. Let’s all get on board and help out with this endeavor. The money also supports a national marketing effort to keep our sport alive in this country.

Novice Pairs - 3rd Place Edward & Emily Gularte

On the Jack

Newsletter of the Santa Barbara Lawn Bowls Club Telephone: 805-965-1773 Website: OFFICERS: President, Tony Cunningham Vice-President, Gloria Torres Secretary, Dan Hedrick Treasurer, Russ Morgan BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jeff Adams, Ken Gould, Janet Napier Joe Streiff, Tim Thornton, Bud Viard SANTA BARBARA LBC 1216 De La Vina Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101