space planning & the re-invention of the library ? university of … · 2019-01-16 · public...

Space planning & the re-invention of the library ? SCONUL June 2015 Oliver Pritchard Assistant Director, Student & Learning Support University of Sunderland Andrew Kane Partner, FaulknerBrowns Architects Steve Dickson Senior Director, FaulknerBrowns Architects

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Space planning & the re-invent ion of the l ibrary ? SCONUL June 2015

Oliver Pritchard Assistant Director, Student & Learning Support

University of Sunderland

Andrew Kane Partner, FaulknerBrowns Architects

Steve Dickson Senior Director, FaulknerBrowns Architects

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Workshop overview

Can l ibraries can support radical new pedagogies?

Re-invent ing the academic l ibrary - a new spat ial model

How new workspace concepts can inform academic l ibraries

Ref lect on the pace of change in other l ibrary sectors

Examine some sectoral drivers






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HE Sectoral Drivers

• Student Experience • Complet ion and Attainment • Graduate Employment • Research and Impact (REF) • Teaching Excel lence • Student Engagement (Learning Gain)

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Chal lenges and Assumpt ions

• Demand on Learning Spaces (number/range) • Diversity of learning needs • Col lect ions and content • Service del ivery models and staf f spaces • The value of the Library as “ place” • Changes in pedagogy and learning del ivery

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Pedagogy - Trends

• Learning, thinking, creat ing new knowledge - individual ly

• Act ive learning – doing, thinking – with others • Problem based learning • Fl ipped learning: the project room • Makerspaces, event based learning, bricolage • Blended models of del ivery – facil itated del ivery and

engagement – the “ act ive” lecture.

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Ref lect on the pace of change in some l ibrary sectors

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Publ ic Libraries

Col lect ions Archive

Cafe PC Lounge

Customer services

Local Authority

History Centre

Academic l ibrary

Business lounge

Maker space

Community network


Audio Visual studios

IT labs

Government network

University partnership

Local Business

University &


Schools &

community Local


Cul tural and social providers

Synergist ic Partnering Co–Locat ion benef its Improved Customer Service

Publ ic/Private Relat ionship Addit ional revenue stream

Creat ive Landscapes Entrepreneurial environment Ownership

Gateway to Social and Cultural Opportunity

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The Hive, Worcester | Publ ic/Academic Library & History Centre

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No.1 Riverside | Publ ic Library, Customer Services & Social Partnerships

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South Shields Hub | A New Era

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South Shields Hub | A New Era

Maker Space Community Exhibit ion

Cultural interface

Creat ive display

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South Shields Hub | A New Era

Community Network

Business Lounge

Cultural interface

Virtual interface

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South Shields Hub | A new Era

AV Studios

IT Studios

Virtual interface

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Can l ibraries support radical new pedagogies?

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A New ‘Value Era’ in Higher Educat ion?

Introduct ion of Social Learning

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Early Pioneers of Social Learning

Glasgow Caledonian University, Salt ire Centre (2006) Warwick University, Learning Grid (2004)

The University of Shef f ield, Informat ion Commons (2007)

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Learning Spaces | Binary opposites?

Formal learning

Informal learning



Passive One-way

One-to-many Individual

Serious Dul l

Act ive Mult i-direct ional Many-to-many Social Playful Fun

<Opposit ional>

Jos Boys (2011) ‘Towards Creative Learning Spaces’ Re-thinking the architecture of post-compulsory educat ion

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Is the Ef f icacy of ‘Social Learning’ Space Understood? | Innovat ion has stal led ….

Do we need to go ‘beyond the beanbag’?

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Innovat ive Pedagogies |‘Fl ipped’ learning

Fl ipped classroom is a type of blended learning that reverses the tradit ional educat ional arrangement by del ivering instruct ional content outside of the classroom. Students watch onl ine lectures, col laborate in discussions, or carry out research at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of the instructor

Eric Mazur (1997) Peer Instruct ion: A User's Manual.

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Innovat ive Pedagogies | Act ive Learning

Bonwell , Charles C.; Eison, James A. (1991) ‘Act ive Learning – Creat ing excitement in the classroom’ ASHE-ERIC Higher Educat ion Reports

To learn, students must do more than just l isten: They must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems. Act ive learning engages students in two aspects – doing things and thinking about the things they are doing (Bonwell and Eison, 1991)

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Innovat ive Pedagogies Creat ive Learning

Aleinikov, A. G. (1989). On Creat ive Pedagogy. Higher Educat ion Bul let in, 12, 29-34

In its essence, creat ive pedagogy teaches learners how to learn creat ively and become creators of themselves and creators of their future.

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2002 Control group 2001 TEAL group 2003 TEAL group

Conceptual understanding improvementscore %Course pass rate %

Attendance %

Quant if ied Benef it of Col laborat ive (Act ive) Learning

Analysis of ef fectiveness of TEAL studio teaching for f irst year undergraduate Physics at MIT*

* Dori, Y. J. & Belcher, J. (2005) How Does Technology-Enabled Act ive Learning Af fect Undergraduate Students’ Understanding of Electromagnetism Concepts?

The J ournal of the Learning Sciences, 14(2), 243–279

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New Resources | ‘Project Rooms’

Yale School of Management

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New Resources ‘Project Rooms’

MIT Media Lab

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New Resources | ‘Studio’ model

Studio ‘MakerSpace’

‘Crit ’ and Exhibit ion


Workshop (3D print ing

and prototyping)

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Creat ive Learning | ‘Studio’ model

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Universal Lecture Theatre | ‘Del ivery’ mode

Capacity in ‘del ivery’ mode: 120p @ 1.0m2 (5 per typical module)

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Universal Lecture Theatre | ‘Micro col laborat ion’ mode

Capacity in ‘micro col laborat ion’ mode: 96p @ 1.3m2 (4 per typical module)

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Universal Lecture Theatre | ‘Macro col laborat ion’ mode

Capacity in ‘macro col laborat ion’ mode: 80p @ 1.5m2 (4 per typical module)

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How new workspace concepts can inform academic l ibraries

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Academic Lifecycle Incept ion & Start of Semester 1

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Academic Lifecycle Incept ion & End of Semester 2

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Taylorist Office Henry Ford Centralised measurement Top-down control Uniform grids Accelerated construction Elevators Enclosure to emphasise hieiarchy Standardised, open plan layouts to facilitate supervision

Burolandschaft Office Socialist Values Efficient communication Paper flow Large floor plates System furniture Open Landscape

Workplace| Timeline







1800’S 1900’S 1960’S 1980’S 2000’S +

CURRENT Industrial Revolution Mechanisation of work Synchrony and co-location “same time, same place” Mills and factories Brick sheds to contain and control Structural spans Railway transportation of raw materials

Social Democratic Office Age of the large corporate Rights of the worker Councils and committees Expressions of corporate stature Allocation of individual offices Design by committee Published space standards

Networked Office Mobility on an intercontinental scale Rapid globalisation of certain industries Distributed intelligence continuity of service – 24/7 Office is the City – new types of space emerging PC from out of the PC Room to the desk to your pocket Property rationalisation – justification of costs City is the office

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Workplace| The Act ivity Based Workplace

Exploitat ion of Knowledge Capital Global Polarisat ion of industries Connected intel l igence Age of Entrepreneurial ism

Mobile and connected workforce Culture of Col laborat ion Diverse workplace sett ings Limited owned spaces Branded environments Trust and Output Wellbeing

Team Desks Telephone Booths

Quiet Concentrat ion Rooms Meet ing Rooms

New Model Act ivity Based Working (ABW)

Brainstorm Area

Mult i- media Rooms

ABW space fosters a variety of off ice environments, that are all supporting dif ferent act ivit ies, performed by its residents in their work.

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Workplace| The Act ivity Based Workplace – Hol ist ic approach


Behavioural The way activities are organised Physical The way the physical work environments supports dif ferent activities Virtual The way information is ‘mobilised’ (disclosed, distributed and saved)

Behavioural environment

Virtual environment

Physical environment

Mobil isat ion of information Facil itat ing act ivit ies

Organisat ion of act ivit ies

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Workplace| The Benef its of Act ivity Based Workplace

Act ivity Based


• Improve col laborat ion and team spirit (++)

• Enhance communicat ion • Improve co-ordinat ion and decision


• Improve product ivity (+10-20%) • Increase prof it per employee • Decrease costs (- 30 to 40%) • Sustainable ways of working

• Improve work support • Increase work sat isfact ion (20 -30%) • Increase commitment, company

pride • Decrease turnover and absence

( 10%)

• Improve customer int imacy • Improve service qual ity (+) • Improve image towards customer


Organisat ion focus

Cl ient focus

Financial focus

Employee focus

= Student

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Workplace| The Benef its of Act ivity Based Workplace

• Time send on Travel-Work: employees save an average of 6 hours per employee per week

• Work Environment Sat isfact ion: Past : 6.4 average, Present: 8.35 average • M2 per employee (gross): Past : 17m2, Present: 10m2

• ABW wil l del iver 14% savings in 10 years t ime over a convent ional set up • As wel l as del ivering improvements in employee engagement, ef f iciency

and cl ient service other companies have experienced with ABW • 31% reduct ion in space

• 45% reduct ion in space • 24% reduct ion in occupancy cost per year • Their ‘Helder Werken’ (ABW brand) has become a way of l ife style and

dif ferent iates them in the marketplace

• 67% or staf f bel ieve they are more ef fect ive in the new environment (no-one feels less ef fect ive)

• 92% of people felt the implementat ion of ABW has posit ively changed their view of working for Commonwealth Bank of Austral ia

• 98% of people would not want to go back to the old way of working

= saving in area, saving in cost, plus signif icant improvement in staf f sat isfact ion and product ivity.

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Workplace| The Benef its of Act ivity Based Workplace

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Workplace| The Benef its of Act ivity Based Workplace

Private Af fair

Group think

Unplanned Meet ing Solo Working

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Macro

Issue/print /control

Col lect ions

Flexible lecture

Project rooms

Maker space

Solo work

PC Solo work

Email /laptop

Planned col laborat ive

Creat ive group

Review Cluster

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning – stat ic and dynamic

Stat ic Dynamic Dynamic

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning – stat ic and dynamic

Typical Academic dedicated arrangement

Act ivity Based arrangement Term 1&2

Act ivity Based arrangement Term 3

Act ivity Based opt ion = 1/3rd f ixed with 2/3rd f lexible environments. Flexibil ity available on the vert ical and horizontal axis

Social Learning Social Learning

Quiet space

Social Learning

Social Learning

Social Learning

Subject Learning

Subject Learning

Act ive Learning

Act ive Learning

Act ive Learning

Act ive Learning

Social Learning

Social Learning

Social Learning

Social Learning

Quiet Study

Quiet Study

Quiet Study

Quiet Study

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Micro

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Micro

How creat ive can a simple port fol io of furniture be?

The Screen provides boundaries provides vert ical surface provides services conduit

The Chair provides support aids wel lbeing

The Table def ines a zone provides horizontal surface provides services conduit

+ +


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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Micro

Individual concentrated Edge condit ion

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Micro

Individual concentrated Open plan condit ion

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Micro

Small group col laborat ive

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Micro

Mid size group Col laborat ive Formal and informal

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Micro

Large format col laborat ive Reviews/exhibit ion/crit space

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning - Micro

Group creat ive space Col laborat ive

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning – Terms 1 & 2

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Academic Library| Thoughts on Act ivity Based Learning – Term 3

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Re-invent ing the academic l ibrary - a new spat ial model

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The Col laborat ive Model of Teaching and Learning | An init ial spat ial model to del iver an enhanced student experience


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The Col laborat ive Model of Teaching and Learning | An init ial spat ial model to del iver an enhanced student experience


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Academic Libraries?

Col lect ions Archive

Cafe Act ivity Based


Student Services

University Community

History Centre

Enabled Learning

Business lounge

Maker space

Project Exchange

Open Access IT


Research Showcase

Government network


Local Business

Innovat ion Centre

Knowledge Capital ists

Further Educat ion

and Community

Cul tural and social providers

Synergist ic Partnering Co–Locat ion benef its Improved Customer Service

Publ ic/Private Relat ionship Addit ional revenue stream

Creat ive Landscapes Entrepreneurial environment Ownership

Gateway to Social and Cultural Opportunity

Hosted opportunity

Library as ‘Place’

Library as ‘Place’

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Thank you Andrew Kane / Steve Dickson FaulknerBrowns Architects

Dobson House Northumbrian Way

Kil l ingworth Newcastle upon Tyne

NE12 6QW

Oliver Pritchard University of Sunderland

The Murray Library Chester Road

Sunderland SR1 3SD