south africa open doors, prayer april 2011 - english

Pray or the Christian children who are taught in school how to adore idols and gods. Pray that God will protect their minds and hearts. Believers rom a Muslim Background struggle to make a living in their communities. They are seldom hired because o their Christian aith. In view thereo , Open Doors implement ed a pro- gram that extends livelihood assistance to enterprising believers. Let us pray or the Lord to prosper our beneciaries this year. Last year Muslim extremists sought to close down Elizabeth School, which is run by the Pres- byterian Church o Bangladesh; they wanted to replace it with a madrassah (Islamic school). Local investigators have ound no ault in the school: not with their accredited curriculum nor their textbooks. Let us pray or the Lord’s intervention and avour on behal o Elizabeth School. Believers have difculty to gather because they can only rent places owned by Hindu or Buddhist land- lords. They are not ree to do what they want during ellowship and worship. Pray or the Lord to grant them avour with their non-Christian landlords and or these churches to eventually have their own place o worship. In remote areas that are predominantly Hindu or Bud- dhist, believers occasionally experience criticism, hu- miliation and alienation rom their neighbours. Please uphold them in prayer, so that they can stand rm in the aith when they go through these difculties. Youth believers among the Sundanese people in West Java are isolated rom each other. They seldom have ways to be mentored in Biblical principles concerning relationships. Pray or the Lord to send His workers to the Sundanese youth ormerly rom a Muslim Background. Open Doors Prayer Calendar April 2011  Colombia 1.  Bangladesh 2. 3.  Bhutan 4. 5. Indonesia 6.

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Page 1: South Africa Open Doors, Prayer April 2011 - English

8/7/2019 South Africa Open Doors, Prayer April 2011 - English 1/4

Pray or the Christian children who are taught in school how to adore idols and gods. Pray that

God will protect their minds and hearts.

Believers rom a Muslim Background struggle to make a living in their communities. They are

seldom hired because o their Christian aith. In view thereo, Open Doors implemented a pro-

gram that extends livelihood assistance to enterprising believers. Let us pray or the Lord to

prosper our beneciaries this year.

Last year Muslim extremists sought to close down Elizabeth School, which is run by the Pres-

byterian Church o Bangladesh; they wanted to replace it with a madrassah (Islamic school).

Local investigators have ound no ault in the school: not with their accredited curriculum northeir textbooks. Let us pray or the Lord’s intervention and avour on behal o Elizabeth School.

Believers have difculty to gather because they can

only rent places owned by Hindu or Buddhist land-

lords. They are not ree to do what they want duringellowship and worship. Pray or the Lord to grant

them avour with their non-Christian landlords and or

these churches to eventually have their own place o worship.

In remote areas that are predominantly Hindu or Bud-

dhist, believers occasionally experience criticism, hu-miliation and alienation rom their neighbours. Please

uphold them in prayer, so that they can stand rm in

the aith when they go through these difculties.

Youth believers among the Sundanese people in West Java are isolated rom each other. They

seldom have ways to be mentored in Biblical principles concerning relationships. Pray or theLord to send His workers to the Sundanese youth ormerly rom a Muslim Background.

Open Doors

Prayer CalendarApril 2011











Page 2: South Africa Open Doors, Prayer April 2011 - English

8/7/2019 South Africa Open Doors, Prayer April 2011 - English 2/4

Believers rom the Tausug tribe are met with hostility in their amilies and communities the

moment their aith in Christ is exposed. Some are prevented rom reading the Bible and con-tacting their Christian riends. Please pray or them to nd other opportunities to grow in their

love or God.

Besides adult believers, Open Doors’ literacy program in Western Mindanao is beneting manyChristian children too. Their hopes are restored when they learn to read and write. Please con-

tinue praying or God’s wisdom and strength to be with the coordinators, teachers and


This year Open Doors will provide monthly support or 15 Christian teachers who will work 

in Sri Lankan schools. With their help, elementary Christian students can ull their academic

requirements to progress to high school. Pray or the Lord to sustain these teachers and or

Christ to be revealed through their lives.

Despite language barriers and travel difculties, Philip (pseudonym) started a small tribal church

in an isolated village in Central Vietnam. Nine new believers were added to his church last year.

We praise God or this testimony! Please continue praying or God’s protection upon Philip and

his growing congregation.

According to a Compass Direct report dated 17th o January, Asha Mberwa (36) was killed orher aith in Christ by extremist rebels on the 7th o January. She leaves behind our children

aged 12, 8, 6 and 4. Please pray or the children as they mourn the loss o their mother. Pray or

God’s comort and consolation and also that the seed o aith, sown by their mother, will grow

in the children’s lives.

Please join us in prayer or the Christians who continue to meet in secret. Pray or their protec-

tion and continued spiritual growth.

In January, angry Muslims attacked and stabbed Yilma (pseudonym) three times or reusing to

accept Islam. Please pray or a speedy recovery rom his injuries. Pray that he will be aware o 

God’s protection and provision in his lie.

Some Christians in certain parts o southern Ethio-

pia eel that they can no longer live in these areas

as a result o continued threats against their lives.Let us pray or God’s comort upon the remaining

believers in this region and that they will put their

trust in God.

  Southern Philippines



  Sri Lanka











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Richie (pseudonym) is an illiterate man who daily listens or our to six hours to the New Testa-

ment on MP3. He has been experiencing severe persecution rom his neighbours or being aChristian and now eels like moving to another city. Please pray that God will grant him wisdom

and give him clear direction.

It is becoming increasingly difcult to import Bibles due to urther legal requirements. Please

pray that the ofcial import o Bibles by the Bible Society will remain possible in Uzbekistan.

A Christian amily living in a village in the Ferghana Valley is being ostracized by the community

and lack any (traditional) support during weddings or unerals. They eel very isolated. Please

pray or the pastors in the Ferghana Valley who are reaching out to Christians in the many

surrounding villages. Pray that they will have wisdom when responding to the needs o their

ellow believers.

Please pray or all Christian organizations in Tajikistan - the Ministry o Culture has issued an

order to check all non-Islamic organizations in the country. May the Lord grant those concerned

wisdom on how to deal with this situation.

Join us in prayer or a secret Qatari believer who dearly loves the Lord and hungers or ellow-

ship with Qatari Believers rom a Muslim Background like himsel. May the Lord protect andstrengthen him and may he be one o many indigenous believers in Qatar.

The economic situation in Iran

has deteriorated quickly

during the last months. The costo bread, milk and petrol has

increased enormously. Pray or

our brothers and sisters that theywill cope with this situation.

Pray or the mental recovery o 

those Iranian Christians whohave been orced to see

executions in jail.

Pray or protection o Christians

who meet each other in house

groups. The Iranian Governmentwants to destroy these house

groups and the undergroundChurch.














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