something special about plato

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Aventures of Dinospikes is a series of dinosaur books


Page 1: Something Special about Plato


All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form. All contents of this book including the concept, elements of design and layout, graphic images and elements, unless otherwise noted, are copy-righted material and protected by trade and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible. No logo, graphic, character or caption from any page may be copied or retransmitted unless expressly permitted in writing by WinZoneTM. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

ISBN 978-0-935938-29-6


DinospikesSomething Special about Plato

By Dave Siemienski Illustrated by Robert Tiritilli

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright © 2012 WinZone



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The Dinospikes lived a long, long, long time ago. They were very big and strange shaped creatures.


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Maybe the strangest of them all was Plato. He had gigantic plates on his back and a tiny head.

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Plato and the other Dinospikes lived in a rocky land called Bone Valley.

At one end of the Valley rested the massive Voo-Doo Volcano. At the other end was Boulder Bridge,

which was the only way in or out of this valley.4

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Bone Valley was way up in the North Country. It was very, very cold, and these magnificent animals

spent most of the year gathering food and shelter for the coming winter.


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Plato wanted to help like everyone else, but his clumsy body made this impossible. His friends just laughed when he tried to help.


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Plato looked so awkward and different, all the others just made fun of how he looked.

He wished he was like everyone else.7

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This day started with Rex, the loud-mouth DinoSpike saying. “What are you going to do for us, Plato?

Be our picnic table for lunch?”

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Plato was very shy, and he just covered his head as they all laughed.

Rapper, the fastest and wise-cracker of the bunch, giggled and said, “Yeah Plato,

if you flop those things, we can all eat on your back.”

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Plato’s huge plates drooped towards the ground in his embarrassment.

Plato wished they would leave him alone, but he also wished they would accept him without making fun.

Plato thought to himself, “I wish I was like Rex.”

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They all chuckled and went back to working. Plato walked sadly into the forest.

He soon came upon Necko, the tallest Dinospike. Necko was picking the very best fruit from the tree tops.

Plato thought how nice it would be to be tall, and to be able to pick the sweetest food for the winter.

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Plato could barely reach the lowest branches of trees,so all he could do was pick up the mushy fruit

that fell on the ground. Many nights Plato would go to sleep and dream that he was tall.

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When Plato walked farther into the forest, he saw Tribone, the strongest Dinospike.

Tribone was moving giant rocks for a winter shelter. He used his huge boned head and

large horns to easily push the boulders into place.

This made Plato feel very weak and worthless. He wished he was strong like Tribone.

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Plato began feeling more and more alone. He felt lost, ugly, unwanted, and helpless

to his Dinospike friends to prepare for the winter. Plato wished he had some special talent like everyone else.

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A short time later, Plato came upon Dina. She was the beautiful Dinospike. She was pretty, and she knew it.

Plato just stared.

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Nosey, the gossip Dinospike that always showed up where he wasn’t needed, landed on a nearby tree.

“What’s the matter, Plato, doesn’t Dina think your platters are cute?”

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Dina looked at both of them, and sort of raised her nose, and walked away.

Plato was embarrassed, and had hoped she would at least talk to him.

Too bad Nosey was always sticking his beak where it didn’t belong.


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Plato walked along Reptile River, where PT, the smart one, was planning how much water the Dinospikes would need for the long winter ahead.

Sara, the sassy Dinospike, was helping PT, and she smiled as Plato approached.


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Sara finally said when Plato left, “He sure is funny looking, but he’s not very funny.”

PT answered,“I can understand why everybody makes fun of him.”

Plato asked, “Can I help?” PT replied, “What can you do?”

Plato had no answer.Sara began to snicker as she waded into deeper water.


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Plato lay down and his head sunk to the grass. Nobody needed him, nobody liked him,

and they all laughed at him. He felt so unimportant and unloved,

he cried himself to sleep that night dreaming there was something special about himself

that the other Dinospikes would like.

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The next morning,Plato walked back to the place everybody was working.

Tribone had all the rocks in place, and the food was piled inside.

When Rex saw Plato, he exclaimed, “Where have you been, Plates?”


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The Dinospikes all laughed. Just then a rumbling noise was heard way

back in the mountains.


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All the Dinospikes looked down the Valleyand saw a flash of light atop Voo Doo Volcano.

Then colorful spurts of red, orange, and yellow liquid was splashing out of the top of the mountain.

It soon came flowing down the sides into the Valley.


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Soon the Dinospikes realized that the Valley was filling up with boiling hot lava,

and it was coming there way. They all began to climb the trail leading to Boulder Bridge

and the only escape from the oncoming destruction.

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They looked back at their beautiful land, and trees were falling and rocks were rolling down each side

of the Valley as the red-orange lava was oozing its way at them. Then the lava rose up and

swept Boulder Bridge away right in front of their eyes.


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As the lava rose up the sides, all of the Dinospikes huddled at the edge of the cliff wondering what they could do.


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Rex had his mouth wide open but he could not speak. Tribone’s strength could not help them now,

and PT had no more good ideas. Necko’s neck could not get his body over the broken bridge.


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Dina was still beautiful, but she could do nothing.Rapper came running, but he was no help.

Nosey could fly away, but he could not help the other Dinospikes.

Sara had nothing funny to say now.

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When all his plates flattened, the Dinospikes gasped in amazement.

Here was their way out!29

All of a sudden, Plato jumped out across the space

where the bridge once was. He grabbed the other side with his front legs,

and wedged his spiked tail in the rocks on this side.

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Plato yelled, “Come on over.” The Dinospikes all rushed across the Plato Bridge, and they cheered as they reached the other side.

They were all saved from the boiling lava that now covered Bone Valley.


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As the Dinospikes carried Plato away, he was forever after a hero.

They all knew that he had done something very special. Most of all, Plato realized

that there was something special about himself.

There is something special about all of us.


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The Dinospike WorldWhat is a Dinospike? A Dinospike is unique depiction of the dinosaurs that roamed the planet 65+ million years ago. They are intended as storybook characters that should fascinate the imagination of young readers and pre-readers 8 years of age and younger. The illustrations exaggerate the most obvious fea-tures of these animals, but never in a grotesque or scary way. These Dinospike drawings differ from traditional “cartoon” dinosaurs by disproportionately enhancing the identifiable anatomic features beyond standard expectations. Thus the personali-ties attached to each character become distinct in the youthful mind, and the accompanying stories form a memorable bond with each reader. The stories, the message, the images and the Dinospikes are then inextricably linked in a series of books that capture young imaginations.

Where do they live? Dinospikes live in the “past,” and are forever roaming the paleontology of the young mind. They lived in the prehistoric Cretaceous Period in a place called Bone Valley. The illustrations of this land will be rocky and baron, with sparse generic vegetation appearing where necessary. The major focus will be on the Dinospikes and their personal stories and conflicts.

What are Dinospikes seeking? These creatures, much like their fossil counterparts, are trying to survive. As with all species, that is the main goal. What distinguishes these fictional beings is the setting of children’s literature as a backdrop. Parents often try to teach their kids lessons of life through the books they read to them at an early age. This series of books will assist that goal by symbolizing “survival skills” of real children through the vicarious experiences of the Dinospikes and their adventures in Bone Valley.

What will be the message? The goal is to feature stories that represent the best of human nature, while mixing in the harsh realities of young life. Each story will feature a different character, and focus on a behavioral aspect that is likely to be a part of growing up in America. The theme and conclusion of each book should help construct the foundation for a good “moral compass” to serve the young reader.