solar flares and the revelation prophecies

SOLAR FLARES AND THE REVELATION PROPHECIES by Craig Wm. Peters And the fourth poured out his bowl upon the Sun; and it was given unto it to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat: and they blasphemed the Name of Elohim who had the power over these plagues; and they repented not to give Him splendor. Revelation 16:8 In our day and times, scientists refer to the explosive eruptions of the Sun as “solar flares” or “coronal mass ejections.” [“CMEs” would be the abbreviated form for this latter phrase, and this will be the acronym used, henceforth, in the present article.] We believe solar flares are very relevant occurrences since the prophecies of Revelation state the Sun’s power will someday scorch men with heat. While scientists predict that massive solar flares may occur in 2012, 1 there is also another way that very powerful CMEs may someday be directed towards our planet. Repeated evidence shows that extremely powerful CMEs explode from the Sun in response to comets when those smaller, orbiting bodies come close enough to our star! Evidently, a powerful electromagnetic attraction causes the Sun to violently erupt outwards towards the approaching comet as seen repeatedly in the following YouTube videos (readers should quickly view these short, but riveting videos): • Comet in 1996: • 2 Unnamed Comets in 1998: • Comet NEAT in 2003: Given the right conditions, such a massive CME may be propelled in the direction of the Earth. If a huge comet ever comes between the Earth and the Sun at just the right moment, these massive explosions will blast outwards towards the surface of our planet. Readers who do not know of the website should consider subscribing to receive their e-mail updates on Sun spots, CMEs, and various other updates of noteworthy solar activity. Other apocalyptic events are also directly linked to CMEs. Earthquakes often occur when the Earth is being bombarded with electromagnetic radiation from the Sun as this magnetic power galvanizes the magnetized magma in the Earth’s inner core. Just a few years ago, the Earth was scheduled to be hit with electromagnetic radiation from a high-class (powerful) solar flare due to a very massive sun spot. Having learned of this approaching radiation, I warned my wife about the serious likelihood of a large earthquake somewhere in the world. The next day, Japan was struck with something like an 8.2 or 8.3 magnitude earthquake. And this fits with a prophecy given by eSwhy the Messiah when He indicated convulsions/upheavals in the Sun (and in the heavens), would result in earthly cataclysms that would be fearfully apocalyptic in nature: 1 See the links given at the end of this article.

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Prophecy indicates the Sun will someday scorch the unrepentant with fire. We investigate one of the ways in which this heavenly-ordained wrath can occur.


Page 1: Solar Flares and the Revelation Prophecies


by Craig Wm. Peters

And the fourth poured out his bowl upon the Sun; and it was given unto it to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with

great heat: and they blasphemed the Name of Elohim who had the power over these plagues; and they repented not to give Him splendor.

Revelation 16:8

In our day and times, scientists refer to the explosive eruptions of the Sun as “solar flares” or “coronal mass ejections.” [“CMEs” would be the abbreviated form for this latter phrase, and this will be the acronym used, henceforth, in the present article.] We believe solar flares are very relevant occurrences since the prophecies of Revelation state the Sun’s power will someday scorch men with heat. While scientists predict that massive solar flares may occur in 2012,1 there is also another way that very powerful CMEs may someday be directed towards our planet. Repeated evidence shows that extremely powerful CMEs explode from the Sun in response to comets when those smaller, orbiting bodies come close enough to our star! Evidently, a powerful electromagnetic attraction causes the Sun to violently erupt outwards towards the approaching comet as seen repeatedly in the following YouTube videos (readers should quickly view these short, but riveting videos):

• Comet in 1996:

• 2 Unnamed Comets in 1998:

• Comet NEAT in 2003:

Given the right conditions, such a massive CME may be propelled in the direction of the Earth. If a huge comet ever comes between the Earth and the Sun at just the right moment, these massive explosions will blast outwards towards the surface of our planet. Readers who do not know of the website should consider subscribing to receive their e-mail updates on Sun spots, CMEs, and various other updates of noteworthy solar activity.

Other apocalyptic events are also directly linked to CMEs. Earthquakes often occur when the Earth is being bombarded with electromagnetic radiation from the Sun as this magnetic power galvanizes the magnetized magma in the Earth’s inner core. Just a few years ago, the Earth was scheduled to be hit with electromagnetic radiation from a high-class (powerful) solar flare due to a very massive sun spot. Having learned of this approaching radiation, I warned my wife about the serious likelihood of a large earthquake somewhere in the world. The next day, Japan was struck with something like an 8.2 or 8.3 magnitude earthquake. And this fits with a prophecy given by eSwhy the Messiah when He indicated convulsions/upheavals in the Sun (and in the heavens), would result in earthly cataclysms that would be fearfully apocalyptic in nature:

1 See the links given at the end of this article.

Page 2: Solar Flares and the Revelation Prophecies

And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, in perplexity for the roaring

of the sea and the waves, 26 men fainting from fear, and from expectation of the things which are coming on the world: for the powers

of the heavens will be shaken. Luke 21:25-26

The Sun has been used previously to punish those who have flagrantly turned away from the age-abiding Torah of the Most High. The inspired Scriptures note that the Sun had risen on the land when hwhy rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah from hwhy out of heaven:

23 The sun had risen upon the earth when Lot came to Zoar. 24 Then hwhy rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone

and fire from hwhy out of heaven; 25 and He overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities,

and that which grew upon the ground. Genesis 19:23-25

Because of the Sun being mentioned, this writer believes it was a powerful CME that was used by hwhy to obliterate these towns steeped in gross immorality.2 Further, at least one film documentary has presented evidence that this overthrow was also accompanied by a massive earthquake. However, we will not be dogmatic that a CME from the Sun caused these particular things, although that appears to be a most logical possibility. In any case, it is clear that, at some future point, the Sun will be used as one agent of End Time wrath—a dreadful judgment in which immense death and destruction will be decreed from the Throne of hwhy after the inhabitants of this world have shown they will not repent of violating His immutable Law. The wrath of hwhy seen in the Book of Revelation may be encapsulated in one Scripture from the 119th Psalm:

It is time for hwhy to work, for they have made void Your Torah.

Psalm 119:126

The Good News is: There is still time for each person to draw near to the Throne of the Most High and to seek for His mercy and favor through the shed blood of eSwhy the Messiah.

C.P. Northridge, CA 1/8/2010

PC Personal Copyright 2010, by Craig Wm. Peters

We believe most copyrights have been abused worldwide in religious circles as false shepherds and other merchants feed on the sin of the people. These many abuses have filled the worship house of hwhy with money changers who hinder True Worship by robbing and oppressing the poor. Zechariah 7:10 Many have turned reverence and the worship of hwhy into

2 Job 38:12-13 > Psalm 19:4-6, Psalm 11:6

Page 3: Solar Flares and the Revelation Prophecies

a means of great, personal gain. Micah 3:11, 1Timothy 6:5-10, 1Peter 5:2 We assert such things were never meant to be, Isaiah 55:1,2, Mark 11:15-17. Hence, our copyright is intended to allow for free distribution of the Word of hwhy with the following, minimal limitations:

• This document may be copied and distributed (or freely printed in its pdf format after being downloaded from the Internet):

– If it is left unaltered.

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– And if it is given away at absolutely no cost.

Matthew 11:5, Luke 4:19, Galatians 2:10

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Other significant Links Regarding Solar Storms (CMEs) and Solar Cycle 24

NASA Warns of Super Solar Storm 2012

Solar Storm Warning

Scientists Gaze Inside Sun, Predict Strength of the Next Solar Cycle

NASA-Funded Study Reveals Hazards of Severe Space Weather

Space Storm Alert: 90 Seconds From Catastrophe
