soil management

Soil Management James Wagner

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  • 1.James Wagner

2. What Will Be Covered? Chapter 3: Soil Science Chapter 4: Water Management Chapter 5: Tree Nutrition and Fertilization 3. Soil Substrate of Rock, Sand, Silt and Clay Organic Matter Water & Air 4. Soil Soil is a balanced ecosystem inhabited by: Insects Earthworms Nematodes Bacteria Fungi Other Microbes 5. SoilSoil provides plants with: Root support Nutrients Water Gas exchange (O2 & CO2) 6. SoilSoil ecology can differ due to: Underlying geology Geographic location Climate What types of plants grow there 7. Physical Properties Soils are the result of the weathering of parentmaterial over a long period of time. Geology influences soil. Weathered rockSedimentfrom waterways. 8. Physical Properties An ideal soil consists of: 50% pore space (water & air) 50% solid (45% mineral and 5% organic matter)Bryan Kotwica, 9. Physical PropertiesSoil ProfileWeathering events over time, such as: Leaching Temperature fluctuations Chemical reactions Biological activity Accumulation of different elements and materialsCause the soil to develop horizontal layers calledhorizons 10. Physical PropertiesSoil ProfileSoil horizons are: O-Decomposing organicmatter (great amount ofbiological activity) A-Rich in organic matterand biological activity.Fine roots of trees B-Accumulates leachednutrients (few to no fineroots) C-Partially weatheredparent material 11. Physical PropertiesSoil Texture is thefineness or coarseness ofa soil determined byrelative amounts ofminerals.Sand>Silt>Clay Coarse FineLoam- Ideal mineral mixof sand silt and clay. 12. Physical PropertiesSoil Structure is thearrangement, shape and sizeof clumps of soil particles,called aggregates. Determined by physical soilproperties, chemical changesand biological activity Modified by root growth,temperature fluctuations,burrowing insects and animalactivity. Organic matter improves soilstructure and increases porespace. 13. Physical Properties Soil structure helps determine the amount of macropores(air movement or gas exchange) and micropores (waterretention) a soil contains because pore space occurs withinand between aggregates. Soil Texture influences pore space due to particle size.Sandy soils tend to have more macropores and lessmicropores than soils with more clay. Bulk Density measures the mass of the soil per unit ofdried soil volume. Bulk density can be used as an indicatorof pore space and soil compaction. Greater bulk density=more micropores than macropores Different soil textures have different ranges of bulk density 14. Physical PropertiesSoil Compaction is thedisruption anddestruction of soilaggregates. It can becaused by foot andvehicle traffic, highlevels of sodium in thesoil and watering. 15. Physical PropertiesSoil compaction Reduces water infiltration and availability Root growth Gas exchange Biological activity 16. Chemical PropertiesSoil pH Measure of soil acidity or alkalinity Many effects on soil ecology and soil chemistry Greatly affects the availability of soil mineral nutrientsto plants Difficult to alter due to soil buffering capacity 17. Chemical Properties Soil particles have varying negative charges which attract soil mineral nutrients that exist as ions in the soil solution. Positively charged ions are called cations. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) measures the soils ability to hold on to cations. Soils high in clay and/or organic matter have higher CECs. Soil texture, soil structure and CEC should be considered when determining fertilizer needs.Bryan Kotwica, 18. Chemical Properties Saline soils occur when a soil have excess levels ofsoluble salts which can be toxic to plants Sodic soils have excess levels of sodium which raisesthe soil pH and destroys the soil structure. 19. Biological Activity Animals, insects, bacteria, fungi and other organisms helpcycle nutrients through the soil and help decomposeorganic matter. The rhizosphere is a microzone of intense biologicalactivity surrounding actively elongating roots. Thisenvironment can be very different from the surroundingsoil. Mycorrhizae-certain fungi can form beneficial symbioticrelationships with tree roots Actinomycetes are soil-dwelling bacteria that play a criticalrole in the decomposition of organic matter Certain atmospheric nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria formbeneficial relationships with certain tree roots 20. Soil Moisture and Plant Growth Soil pore space helps determine the water holding capacity of a soil. A greater amount of micropores means a higher water holding capacity. Well-aggregated soil structure aids aeration and drainage. Tree roots need adequateAndrew Koeser, International Society of Arboriculture, gas exchange as well as adequate water to thrive. 21. Urban Soils Urban soils are often altered in such a way as to inhibit tree growth and development. Highly compacted soils Little to no organic matter Little biological activity Suffer greater temperature fluctuationsCraul, Urban Soils, 1985 can contain pollutants 22. Urban Soil ImprovementBefore planting:Site contains existing trees: Till compacted soils Use air excavation to Remove soil and replace break up compacted soilwith better soilaround root zone (radial Improve drainagetrenching) and(French drains, drain incorporate organictile) matter. Incorporate organicmatter 23. Water and Trees Water is vital to trees. Large trees can absorb hundreds of gallons of water fromsoil in a day. Up to 95% of the water taken up by trees can be lostthrough transpiration. Water use varies due to tree species, size, soil, airtemperature, humidity, light and wind. Inadequate soil moisture can lead to root loss, leafabscission, twig dieback and tree death. Too much water can result in poor nutrient uptake, poorroot development, disease and death. 24. Irrigation Trees generally need less water than turf Proper tree selection and planting may reduceirrigation needs. Irrigation is most important for newly transplantedtrees, which can need frequent irrigation 25. Irrigation If irrigation is needed,water trees infrequentlyand deeply. Promotes well developedroots Promotes better soilstructure Reduces development ofpathogens 26. Irrigation Shallow, frequent watering can lead to poor root development, soil compaction and disease. 27. Irrigation Systems Sprinklers-When properly used they can be veryefficient and economical. Higher potential for waterloss due to evaporation. Drip-Delivers water to plant more precisely thansprinklers with less potential for runoff. Drip systemscan plug so they need to be monitored. Other systems include soil injection, soaker hose,basin irrigation and temporary, portable drip systems. 28. Water Conservation Drought tolerant landscaping (Xeriscaping) Minimum irrigation-provides just enough water tomaintain plant health, growth and appearance. Group plants with the same water requirementstogether on the same irrigation schedule(hydrozones). Requires an understanding of water budgets, soil andplant water loss, water-holding capacity, applicationrates, infiltration rate and irrigation system efficiency. Water needs can also be determined using soil probes,tensiometers and electronic moisture sensors. 29. Water ConservationRecycled water used in irrigation can be effective but salinity, phytotoxicity and increases in soil pH are potential problems. 30. Water ConservationThe use of mulch around the base of trees can reducesoil moisture evaporation, as well as: Improve soil structure Improve water infiltration Moderate soil temperature Reduce weed competition Reduce soil compaction and erosion Organic mulches increase soil organic matter as theydecompose 31. Water Conservation Soil amendments to increase water hold capacity Limit turf plantings Reduce or eliminate fertilizer applications duringdrought conditions Antitranspirants-for temporary use only. Long termuse can be toxic to some plants 32. Flooding and Drainage For some tree species only a short period of flooding can beharmful as photosynthesis shuts down.Drainage Best to establish proper drainage before planting. Improving the soil structure works best French drains, drain pipe/tiles will remove gravitational water,but do not make up for poor soil structure. With after planting drainage improvements care must be takennot to damage the root system. When irrigating, water application rate should not exceed theinfiltration rate of the soil. Soil aeration can relieve some drainage problems caused by soilcompaction. 33. Flooding and Drainage Water flow over impervious surfaces (parking lots,roads) can cause flooding and carry pollutants. Rain gardens to catch drainage from impervioussurfaces can reduce storm water runoff. Howeverplantings must be tolerant of flooding, pollutants anddrought conditions. 34. Introduction Trees require certain essential elements to functionand grow. An essential element (or nutrient) is a chemicalconstituent that is involved in the metabolism of thetree or that is necessary for the tree to complete its lifecycle. In nature these elements are present, replenished andrecycled by the decomposition of organic matter. 35. IntroductionIn urban setting, the soil may be different because of: Removal of soil Removal of fallen leaves or other potential organicmatter Lack of beneficial soil-dwelling organisms 36. Tree Requirements Trees take up essential elements dissolved in waterthrough their roots. Each element plays a specific roleand cannot be substituted by another element. Essential elements are divided into: Macroelements-needed in larger amounts Microelements-needed in smaller amounts Trees and other plants can only utilize essentialnutrients in the form of specific ions. 37. Essential ElementsMacronutrients MicronutrientsO-Oxygen B-BoronH-Hydrogen Cl-ChlorineC-Carbon Cu-CopperN-Nitrogen Fe-IronP-Phosphorus Mn-ManganeseK-PotassiumMo-MolybdenumCa-Calcium Ni-NickelMg-Magnesium Zn-ZincS-Sulfur 38. Essential ElementsC Hopkins Caf Managed by My Clever Cousin Mo.C HOPKNS CaFe Mg Ni B Mn Cl Cu Zn Mo 39. Tree Requirements Growth and developmentof trees is dependant onthe most limiting ofnutrients. Nitrogen is often themost limiting of themacronutrients due toleaching, volatilizationand, in urbanenvironments, due tolack of nutrient cycling. P,K and S are mostly inadequate amounts insoil. 40. Tree Requirements Fe, Mn and Zn areusually the most limitingmicronutrients in urbansoils Micronutrients can bephytotoxic at higherlevels 41. Tree RequirementsSoil pH is importantbecause nutrients maybe present in the soil butnot available to the treeor present in toxicamounts. 42. Fertilizer Available in many forms Complete fertilizer contains N, P and K. Fertilizer analysis on the label- composition as a % by weight of total N, available P (P2O5) phosphoric acid and K (K2O) soluble potash Always in the order of N- P-K 43. Fertilizer Because phosphoric acid contains 44% P and solublepotash contains 83% K, the percent P and K on thelabel must be multiplied by .44 and .83, respectively tocalculate the percent amount of P and K. For example:A 50 lbs. bag of 10-6-4 fertilizer contains 5 lbs. N 3 lbs. P 2 lbs K Complete fertilizers are not always needed 44. Fertilizer May be organic or inorganic Inorganic fertilizers release their elements quickly sothey are available to plants quickly They may burn the plants and are susceptible toleaching and volatilization. Organic fertilizers are composed of naturally occurringor synthetic carbon-based molecules that mustdecompose in the soil to release their elements. 45. FertilizerSlow release fertilizers are a preferred choice forfertilizing trees, either with organic fertilizers orcoated inorganic fertilizers. 46. FertilizerApplication ratesDepends on age, health, species, form of fertilizer, application method, site conditions and desired goal. 47. FertilizerPrescription fertilization Based on soil tests and foliar analysis Determines the amount and availability of essentialnutrients in the soil and how deficient the tree is inspecific nutrients. 48. FertilizerTimingTiming of fertilizer applications depend on the tree,fertilizer type, soil conditions and CEC. 49. FertilizerApplication techniquesBeneficial to apply fertilizerbeyond the drip line.Surface application Requires less time Doesnt requiresophisticated equipment Can deliver nutrients toupper soil, closer to feederroots Susceptible tovolatilization and runoff 50. FertilizerSubsurface application Drill hole Soil injectionFoliar, implants and injection can be used to correctminor deficiencies, but do not provide long-termimpact 51. FertilizerOver application of fertilizer can result in Burning-higher solute content in soil than in rootdraws water out of the root Runoff and leaching-nutrients can pollute waterwaysand ground water Fertilizer salts can raise soil pH affecting theavailability of nutrients