social networking presentation


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2011 Summer In-Service

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What We’ll Talk About . . . What is social media and networking Examples of social media/networking sites Statistics Social networking in schools Test your social media IQ School employees and social networking Students and social networking What do we have to offer at MASD Resources for teaching digital citizenship Conversation

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What is Social Media?What is Social Networking?

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An internet service used to connect people and organizations with common interests and purposes . . .

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these services often incorporate various types of communication including Instant Messaging, video sharing, photo sharing, and more . . .

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In the online sense, this refers to a type of web site model where individual members become part of a broader virtual community . . .

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people you are connected to.

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your friends (facebook)your followers (twitter)your readers (Blog)your subscribers (YouTube)

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An online destination that gives users a chance to connect with one or more groups of friends, facilitating sharing of content, news, and information among them.

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More than 500 million people are Facebook members

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with nearly 250,000 new members signing up each day

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One in five people use Twitter or a similar service

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At least one in every four Americans has a social media profile

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Many PSEA members and Pennsylvania students use social media sites to keep in touch with classmates, family and friends.

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What does this mean for us?

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When you post photographs and personal information on one of these sites, you could be sharing them with millions of people around the world

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For teachers and education professionals, an inappropriate page on one of these sites could lead to disciplinary action or dismissal.

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When used appropriately, social media sites can be a valuable, powerful tool for professional development, sharing of resources, and social interaction.

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It's ok to use Twitter and Facebook to connect with friends, family and colleagues.

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Be careful and thoughtful about the information you share, and with whom you share it.

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Even though the First Amendment protects your speech as a private citizen on matters of public concern, that speech may fall outside of First Amendment protection if it “impedes your employer’s effectiveness or efficiency, or otherwise disrupts the workplace.”

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Avoid posting anything on your profile page about your colleagues, administrators, or students

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Don’t use inappropriate or profane messages or graphics, or anything that would reflect negatively on your workplace.

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Be aware that social media applications, quizzes, games, and other related features also can result in content appearing on your profile page. Make sure that anything posted on your page is appropriate.

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Each time you post a photograph or information on the web, make sure you would gladly show it to the following people:

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• Your mother• Your students• Your superintendent• The editor of The New York Times

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Let’s determine your social media IQ

(Keep track of your correct answers)

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You are writing a twitter message. What’s the maximum number of characters you can include in your message?

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Which of the following is NOT a social media application?


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The space on Facebook where you can leave public messages for your friends is called the:

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Flickr allows users to create a map of exactly where a photo was taken.

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It’s called geotagging.

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At which URL can internet users access videos created by federal agencies?

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You’ve created a PowerPoint presentation that you want to post on the Web and allow people to embed it on their web pages. A site that enables you to do this is:


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You can modify your YouTube account so that comments must be approved before they are visible.

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You want to create your own social network. An application for doing this is:


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Which of these is NOT a twitter application?


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Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Which is the second?


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How did you do?

10-10 spend way too much time online but very savvy

8-9pretty socially smart online


5 or lesstread carefully in online spaces

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School Employee Social MediaDo’s and Don’ts . . .

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Use social networking sites to connect with friends, family and colleagues.

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Use common sense when using this technology - and consider who will see your page before you post any information, photos, or anything else about yourself or others.

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Be aware that users can search for you by anything in your profile (your employer, university, etc.).

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Control who sees your page and who can search for your page. Set your privacy settings so that only “friends” can review your information.

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Monitor comments that are posted to your page. Delete any with inappropriate language or content. Monitor your friends’ photographs. If someone “tags” you in an inappropriate photograph, remove the tag and ask that the photo be taken down.

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On Facebook, disable the Google search function in the Privacy Settings.

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Accept friend requests from students or their parents.

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Accept someone you do not know as your friend.

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Join “groups” that may be considered unprofessional or inappropriate.

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Post inappropriate, vulgar, or obscene language or materials or language or materials that could be considered inappropriate or unprofessional.

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Post photos which could be considered inappropriate or unprofessional.

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Link to materials or groups that may be considered to be inappropriate or unprofessional.

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Have you googled yourself lately?

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How do we integrate social media and social networking in our MASD classrooms?

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Should we?Who should?How?

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Moodle ForumsMASD Blogs

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Teaching Online Safety . . .

"Adding one more thing (to the school day) is always a challenge (so) I think it clearly has to be embedded in the way we do our teaching and learning," says Keith Krueger, head of the Consortium for School Networking. "As a country, in the school and at the classroom level, we need to be much better at really preparing kids to live in an unfiltered world."