social media basis

Social Media Basics Brian Cockman, MPA President Rooster Communications [email protected] FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @bcockman @RoosterComms

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Presentation re: social media basics given at the Latin American Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte


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Social Media Basics Brian Cockman, MPA President Rooster Communications [email protected] FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @bcockman @RoosterComms

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Today’s Roadmap

I.  Social media defined

II.  Social media statistics

III.  Social media: good for business

IV.  What platform to use

V.  Social media ROI & measurement

VI.  Case study

VII.  Questions

VIII.  Set up your own LinkedIn profile

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Social Media Defined

1.  Imagine your local newspaper, radio or TV station. This is what we call the media. These type of media are a one-way street

2.  Social media is a two-way street or conversation. There’s a dialogue

3.  Social media is about mutually beneficial relationships

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Social Media Defined

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a video is worth 10,000.

Take look at this video on how social media defines us:


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Social Media Defined

¤  “90% of consumers trust peer recommendations; only 14% trust advertisements” ¤  Where do people go for peer recommendations: Social


¤  Either you’re part of the conversation (good or bad) or you’re not

¤  Social media isn’t a passing fad. It’s here to stay

¤  Don’t be greedy, grandstanding or grabby. Do be genuine, generous and grateful

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Social Media: The New Reality

¤  Univision released a video promo last year regarding “The New American Reality” that went viral in a matter of hours

¤  The release coincided with the U.S. Census Bureau’s report that the U.S. Hispanic population had topped 50 Million

¤  Univision chose YouTube as its main vehicle to disseminate the message

¤  Two-fold message: Latinos are a VERY important piece of the U.S. social and economic landscapes; social media is a powerful communications tool

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General Stats

¤  62% of adults worldwide now use social media

¤  Social networking is the most popular online activity with 22% of the time spent on channels like Facebook and Twitter

Source: May 2012 Social Skinny

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Latino Stats

¤  There are 32 million Hispanics online

¤  Hispanics make up 14.5% of the total U.S. online market

¤  There are 13.5 million U.S. Hispanics on Facebook

¤  There are 8.1 million U.S. Hispanics on Twitter

¤  There are more than 3 million U.S. Hispanics on LinkedIn

Source: TechCrunch

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FB Latino Stats ~ Language

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Twitter Latino Stats ~ Language

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Business Stats

¤  93% of marketers use social media channels for business rating social tools as “important”

¤  43% of marketers have noticed an improvement in sales due to social campaigns

¤  80% of US social network users prefer to connect with brands through Facebook

¤  The most popular social networking tool for marketing is Facebook – being used by 92%, followed by Twitter (84%), LinkedIn (71%) and blogs (68%)

Source: May 2012 Social Skinny

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Small Biz Stats

¤  53% of small businesses are using social media

¤  88% believe exposure is the biggest benefit

¤  19% use Facebook, 15% LinkedIn and 4% Twitter

¤  12% think it’s a must; 24% do it when they have the time; 14% say they don’t know enough about it Source: May 2012 Social Skinny

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Social Media: Good for Business

¤  Social proof

¤  Humanizes your brand

¤  Builds your sphere of influence

¤  Your competition is using it

¤  Your target audiences are using it

¤  Google counts social sharing when ranking

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Social Media: Good for Business

¤  Provides great brand exposure

¤  It’s the next generation of word of mouth marketing

¤  Social networking sites have a high page rank

¤  Provides transparency

¤  Opens up conversation

¤  Aids customer service

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What Platform Should I Use?

¤  In social media, one size does NOT fit all. Before jumping in headfirst, you should research social media sites, audiences, and potential ROI

¤  After research, develop a social media strategy that is part and parcel to your marketing plan

¤  To get your feet wet, try out what you’re comfortable with

¤  I usually start with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Blogs when working with clients

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Facebook Stats

¤  With over 500 million users, Facebook is now used by 1 in every 13 people on earth, with over 250 million of them (over 50%) logging in every day

¤  48% of 18-34 year olds check Facebook when they wake up, with 28% doing so before even getting out of bed

¤  Over 200 million people access Facebook via their mobile phone

Source: Digital Buzz Blog

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Facebook Stats

¤  48% of young people said they now get their news through Facebook

¤  In just 20 minutes on Facebook over 1 million links are shared, 2 million friend requests are accepted and almost 3 million messages are sent

¤  The 35+ demographic now represents more than 30% of Facebook’s entire user base

Source: Digital Buzz Blog

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Why Facebook?

¤  Attract more traffic to your site through business page links   

¤  Potential revenue generator

¤  Easier search engine optimization

¤  Increased customer loyalty

¤  Get to know your customers

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¤  What NOT to do with your Facebook marketing strategy: ¤  A business is NOT a person. Set up a business profile.

¤  A lengthy URL

¤  A horrible photo or image- Entrepreneur Magazine

¤  A fear of comments

¤  Desperate strategies for generating fans

¤  Too much content about YOU

¤  Robotic posts

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¤  What NOT to do with your Facebook marketing strategy: ¤  Too many posts

¤  Content that isn’t valuable

¤  The same type of post over and over

¤  Bad spelling or grammar

¤  Contests that break the rules

¤  Too many admins


¤  A lack of monitoring

¤  Nothing

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If you insist on doing these things, here’s what will happen.

Te borro del Facebook!

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What is Twitter?

¤  Twitter is a micro-blogging service that enables users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters known as Tweets

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Twitter Stats

¤  There are 75 million Twitter users worldwide

¤  Collectively, they produce 140,000,000 Tweets per day

¤  87% of people in the U.S. have heard of Twitter, only 7% use it

¤  The average user has 27 followers

¤  U.S. Twitter users are more educated than the general population

Source: KISSMetrics Blog

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Twitter Stats

¤  U.S. Twitter users have higher incomes than general population

¤  U.S. Twitter users tend to be early adopters or “trend setters”

Source: Edson Research 2010

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Twitter Stats

¤  67% of U.S. Twitter users are more likely to buy brands they follow

¤  Companies that use Twitter average 2X more leads per month than those that do not

Source: Edson Research 2010

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Twitter Stats

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Why Twitter?

¤  Gives you access to people you normally would not have access to

¤  Great way to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry

¤  Allows you to see what people are saying about your brand; customer complaints

¤  Client publicity and support

¤  New clients and client referrals

A Twitter handle uses the “@” symbol followed by your name or business name; it’s like your call

sign and is way for people to contact you or tag you on Twitter.

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What is LinkedIn?

¤  LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 175 million members in over 200 countries

¤  It connects you to business contacts and helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals

LinkedIn Defined

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LinkedIn Stats

¤  50% of Fortune 100 companies hire through LinkedIn

¤  1 professional joins LinkedIn every second

¤  LinkedIn members did nearly 4.2 billion professionally-oriented searches on the platform in 2011 and are on pace to surpass 5.3 billion in 2012

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LinkedIn Stats

¤  LinkedIn counts executives from all 2011 Fortune 500 companies as members

¤  More than 2 million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages

¤  LinkedIn represents a valuable demographic for marketers with an affluent & influential membership

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Why LinkedIn?

¤  Grow your network and do market research

¤  Do market research

¤  Find new hires

¤  Check in on your competitors

¤  Spot industry trends

¤  Build your on online reviews

¤  Control your online image with a 100% complete LinkedIn profile

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LinkedIn (A personal story)

¤  In 2008 when the economy tanked, the agency where I was working was making major layoffs

¤  I wanted to move to Miami and work for a large PR agency so I searched LinkedIn – Burson-Marsteller Miami

¤  None of my LinkedIn connections worked for large agencies in Miami, but I did find a New York City BM employee who had graduated from my alma mater UNC Chapel Hill

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¤  Add personality to your website

¤  Boost industry perception

¤  Educate through your market knowledge

¤  Create an emotional investment in your company

¤  Build brand awareness

¤  Can be integrated with other social media platforms

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Free Blog Platforms

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Blogs Develop a blog editorial calendar and map out entire year; update

blog at least two to three times a week initially

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Use pictures and videos to make your blog more appealing.

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Social Media ROI

¤  Social media isn’t an afterthought. It should be tied back to your business and marketing plans

¤  Social business is a journey and not a project

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Social Media Measurement

¤  QUALITATIVE ¤  Online conversations (are we a part of the foot print)

¤  Comparisons against competition

¤  Moving from a monologue to a dialogue

¤  Relationship building

¤  Quality vs. Quantity

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Social Media Measurement

¤  QUANTITATIVE ¤  Page metrics / Google analytics

¤  Website / blog traffic

¤  Sales activity

¤  SEO ranking

¤  Newsletter subscribers / open rates

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Social Media Measurement

¤  Create a before and after baseline of where you want to be (a roadmap)

¤  Chart growth in sales over six months; over a year

¤  Tie growth to social media posts / online promos

¤  Set achievement milestones (number of LIKES or RTs in a month or each quarter)

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¤  Increase LIKES and people talking about Rooster Communications on Facebook

¤  Drive brand awareness of the company as a North Carolina PR firm with a global focus

¤  Create something fun that people would remember to commemorate my two-year business anniversary

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¤  Create a sweepstakes to reward people for LIKING Rooster Communications

¤  Call the sweepstakes Fly the Coop to tie back to company name and use of rooster in logo

¤  Have people submit a photo holding my logo in front of a landmark where they live

¤  Give a $200 airline gift card to person with most number of photo LIKES, which also ties back to the “Fly the Coop” name

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¤  Increased LIKES from 486 to nearly 600 in one month

¤  At the height of the campaign, nearly 5,000 people were talking about Rooster Communications (this helps with SEO)

¤  One new client brought on board because he said sweepstakes was creative and he wanted to do something similar with his business

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How did I do it?

¤  Solicited the help of friends three months in advance of campaign to have a bank of at least one picture to post for duration of 30 day sweepstakes

¤  Created a Fly the Coop sweepstakes album on Facebook to house the pictures

¤  Created a main image graphic explaining the rules of the sweepstakes and posted as my business page main image

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How did I do it?

¤  Announced sweepstakes on my personal blog to get around Facebook rules so I didn’t have to pay a third party vendor

¤  Posted one image per day to Facebook and Twitter; tagged people accordingly so it showed up on their page and in their news feed

¤  Made weekly announcement of who was in the lead

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How did I do it?

¤  Fly the Coop entries represented more than 9 countries and 30 different cities across the world including Tahiti, England, Croatia, Ecuador, Korea and Colombia

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Budget Your Social Media Time

¤  Anything you do without purpose can be a waste of time. Social media is no different

¤  Social media can be a time suck if you don’t have plan

¤  Commit to “X” amount of time each day to develop and cultivate your social media presence

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Brian Cockman [email protected]


TWITTER: @bcockman
