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1 Social Media Best Practices by Bridget Gibbons, CEO Gibbons Digital Consultants

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Post on 11-May-2015




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2. 2 Why Use it? Well cover Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Pinterest Google+ Instagram Blogs Social Media 3. 3 Why use it? 4. 4 Its the new SEO Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the new SEO, or rather two halves of a whole. SMO is the distribution of social objects (videos, blog posts, tweets, Facebook updates) so that theyre optimized to rise to the top of any related search query, where and when it is performed. Social media is included in Googles algorithm for search engine results: Facebook and Google+ key SEO + SMO = Amplified findability in the traditional and social web. 5. 5 Its Huge Facebook: 1.15 billion active users Twitter: 500 million active users LinkedIn: 238 million users YouTube: 1 billion users (4 billion views per day!) Pinterest: 70 million users Google+: 300 million monthly users Instagram: 100 million users, 4 billion photos Blogs: 66 million blogs, 346 million people readers each day 6. 6 Its Effective 7. 7 Its Growing U.S. adults who use social media sites has risen from 8% to 72% since 2005. Thats an 800% increase. (Pew Research Center) Roughly 81% of SMBs are using social media, according to a LinkedIn study released Feb 2014, and of those that use social, 94% do so for marketing purposes. 8. 8 Its Real-Time Reveal the human side of a company, give it personality Provide useful information that people wont get elsewhere (or at least not as quickly) Respond to comments, complaints, requests real-time Have a platform for announcing news, promotions, events Generate new business leads 9. 9 Why Use Facebook Increase visibility Connect with customers Increase engagement Promote your brand Create a community Promote and manage events Give back to loyal customers through special offers and discounts 10. 10 Engage and grow your following Write interesting and relevant posts will encourage followers to engage with your posts Liking, commenting and sharing are important Facebook uses the level of engagement to determine how many people see your posts Reveal the human side of your organization, give it personality Provide useful information that people wont get elsewhere (or at least not as quickly) Respond to comments, complaints, requests real-time Have a platform for announcing news, promotions, events 11. 11 12. 12 Engage and grow your following Like complimentary businesses, clients, prospective clients Hold contests/sweepstakes/giveaways/refer-a-friend Upload and invite your email list Invite your friends Run Facebook Ads 13. 13 Engage and grow your following Build community and it will grow organically Join relevant Facebook groups Contact the group owners and ask if theyll cross promote Post on other relevant, related FB pages 14. 14 Facebook - Getting Started 15. 15 Facebook - Getting Started 16. 16 17. 17 18. 18 19. 19 20. 20 21. 21 22. 22 23. 23 Twitter Microblogging site that enables users to send and read other users updates (known as tweets) Text based posts 160 characters total 20 for username, 140 for message text Updates appear on the users profile page and are delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them (followers) 24. 24 Twitter An informational tool provides information to others A conversational tool respond to other peoples tweets and engage in dialogue Great way to network and communicate with new and old contacts You choose the message, not the recipient 25. 25 Twitter - Definitions Tweet - When you hit send on your 140 characters on twitter its called a tweet or tweeting Handle your Twitter name @GibbonsDigital balance short with descriptive. Follow this is simply the act of adding someone to your list of people you are following this makes their tweets show up on your homepage. Replies this is what it is called when someone writes a tweet directly at your handle - @GibbonsDigital cool post today blah blah this is often an invite to engage with a follower. Retweet this is a tactic of republishing someone elses tweet the original tweet along with author stays in tact, but you are basically showing someones tweet to your followers many people find this a great way to add content and acknowledge good stuff from the folks they follow DM this is a message that is sent directly to another user. They must be following you for you to DM them, but this is a very useful tool for private messages and generally a good choice when you start going back and forth with someone on something your entire base of followers might not find interesting. Hashtag this is a way people categorize tweets so that others might use the same tag and effectively create a way for people to view related tweets it will something like #marketing more on this in search. 26. 26 Anatomy of a Tweet 27. 27 Twitter - Getting Started Set-up profile Add branding (logo, custom page) Search for relevant people, follow them Start tweeting Retweet, tweet about products, tweet relevant news articles 28. 28 Engage and grow your following Listen! Set up simple searches that allow you to hear mentions of your company Twitter is a real-time opportunity to listen in on the conversations of 200 million users Serve as a resource Provide information that helps your target audience in a quick, easy-to-use format 29. 29 Engage and grow your following Use your own style when engaging with others Provide guidelines for anyone tweeting on behalf of the company but dont underestimate the value of having a real person online. Share the human side of your company and stories about the people doing the tweeting for the business Seek opportunities to provide photos from events in the community where you or your employees are doing charitable work or even creative promotional efforts that are fun or engaging 30. 30 Ask relevant questions on Twitter and consumers are happy to share opinions People like being asked to provide input on topics of interest Thinking of offering a new product or service? Ask for input beforehand Take advantage of the online community to gain feedback and generate new ideas that will result connect with the audience served by your business. Engage and grow your following 31. 31 Engage and grow your following Follow people they might follow you back Add Twitter link to your website homepage Include Twitter icon on ALL materials that reach your target market 32. 32 33. 33 34. 34 35. 35 36. 36 37. 37 LinkedIn The worlds largest professional network with over 175 million registered members and growing rapidly. Connects you to your trusted contacts and helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals. 38. 38 39. 39 40. 40 40 41. 41 42. 42 43. 43 Engaging on LinkedIn Status Updates Share links to interesting articles, websites or video you have found that some individuals in your network might appreciate. Try to use words that grab the readers and encourage them to click the link. Pose a question that could lead to solving a problem you have, like: "Anyone know about?" Conduct an informal poll relating to a topic that is of interest to you, such as: "What interest rates are you seeing for lines of credit in the current environment?" 43 44. 44 Engaging on LinkedIn Status Updates Mention a person or a situation that might be helpful to some of your connections, like: "I just met with John Jones from ABC Company and found out . Talk about an event you are attending or have attended to encourage involvement and/or questions about what you learned there. Use the "Like" feature when you see a helpful update from one of your connections. Doing this shares that update with your entire network. This is a great way to give the writer of the helpful update exposure to your network that he/she wouldn't normally have. 44 45. 45 46. 46 Groups Quickly discover the most popular discussions in your professional groups. Have an active part in determining the top discussions by liking and commenting. Follow the most influential people in your groups by checking the Top Influencers board or clicking their profile image to see all their group activity. See both member-generated discussions and news in one setting. Easily browse previews of the last three comments in a discussion. Find interesting discussions by seeing who liked a discussion and how many people commented. 46 47. 47 Groups Click on Groups Directory, search for your industry or a career keyword, and find a group that fits your interest. Once youve been accepted to the group you can share relevant content by starting a discussion or posting a link in the share box. Sharing consistently is a good way to quickly identify yourself as an expert in your field or industry. Click on your photo to see your updates as well as whats changed in the discussions youve started, joined or followed. Good way to keep track of discussions most important to you and your career. After sharing, check out the newest discussions in the slide show below, and cast your vote by liking or commenting. Under each discussion youll see the last 3 members who have commented, click on the headline to see all comments. 48. 48 Company Pages Central hub where millions of LinkedIn members can go to keep in the loop on company news, products and services, business opportunities, and job openings. Also perfect place to start conversation with your customers, prospective clients, job seekers, post company updates. Post industry articles and fun facts. These updates appear on your company page and also the pages of your followers. Have followers Like your post so it goes viral. Analytics pages to see activity on the page. 48 49. 49 50. 50 51. 51 52. 52 52 53. 53 54. 54 55. 55 56. 56 YouTube YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos 57. 57 Engaging with YouTube Powerful, on-demand communication channel Market your business to millions of people at virtually no cost Build more personal relationships with your current client base Inform, Educate, Entertain Good content, plan ahead, dont blatantly market, keep it short Curate existing videos if you dont have your own 58. 58 Engaging with YouTube Setup a branded channel using your colors and logo Allows users to subscribe to your content and the option to search just your uploaded content Engage With the YouTube Community Check out other videos, favorite appropriate videos and make suitable YouTube friends. Use tags and categories to identify your videos Promote your videos elsewhere (blog, FB, etc.) Run contests, giveaways, have calls to action Keep your channel current 59. 59 YouTube - Getting Started Set-up account, link to Google account Customize your channel (logo, colors, etc.) Post your own videos short, 1-2 minutes only Subscribe to other channels Share videos 60. 60 61. 61 62. 62 63. 63 64. 64 65. 65 66. 66 67. 67 68. 68 What is it? Pinterest is a virtual pinboard that lets people share anything and any topic on the web that they find interesting and beautiful e.g., pictures, quotes, recipes, etc. Centered around the social discovery of objects (as opposed to friends and family) Content is organized in Boards and organized in categories. Each piece of content is called a Pin 69. 6969 Examples of Pins 70. 70 Pinterest is one of the largest social media networks on the web. The network saw +4377% growth between May 2011 and May 2012. 71. 7171 Mashable, 2013 72. 72 Pinners dont just shop, they spend The average social shopper (that is, a shopper who discovers an item on the platform and clicks off site to buy it) spends an average of $60 to $80 when coming from Facebook The average social shopper spends more like $140 to $180 when coming from Pinterest 73. 73 Engaging on Pinterest Build your brand out, share interesting and relevant content, create engagement Add products with prices to drive awareness Service businesses can create postings with infographics that contains useful information or a graphic with a quote Post videos (hosted on YouTube) Add links to your pins descriptions giving your business the benefit of your links carrying over with your pins when users re-pin them 73 74. 74 Engaging with Pinterest Run competitions where the winner is the user who pins the best pictures or has the Pinterest board with the best collection of pins. Run offers - Pin images of offers, giveaways, discounts from your website and detail your offer in the description, or you can create images exclusively for Pinterest where everything about the offer is written on the image. 75. 75 Engaging with Pinterest So make sure you add at least one or more shareable image to every page of your website so your readers get to choose their favorite image to pin. Find the most shared images on Pinterest and get to know whos sharing them. You need to do this regularly to improve your own Pinterest marketing strategy. 76. 7676 Getting Started 76 77. 77 78. 78 79. 79 80. 80 81. 81 81 82. 82 83. 83 84. 84 What is it? Google+ is a social networking that is owned and operated by Google Inc. Like Facebook personal profiles and business pages 85. 85 Why use it? No one loves Google more than Google. And, lets be honest, you want Google to love your business and the content you produce too. If thats not reason enough, I dont know what is. Increase your visibility and reach by offering great content on Google Plus that people will like and want to share This will help with search engine optimization (SEO) 86. 86 Google+ Terms Profile: This is the landing page that shows your profile picture, information youve provided, and the content youve posted to Google Plus Page: Google Plus Page is created by a business or a brand. +1 button Functioning like a Facebook Like button, the +1 button allows users to indicate they appreciated your content Circles:When getting started, you can organize those youre connected to in different circles. This allows you to tailor your companys posts to specific people who are interested in that topic. 87. 87 Engaging with Google+ Share lots of photos Think about your business what images, charts, slides can you share to ignite conversations Share fresh content, interact with fans, etc. Promote your Google+ page on your blog and website When you post a message, photo or link, ask your subscribes to share the content with their Circles 88. 88 Google+ Page Getting started to create your page Customize your Page Promote your page - share some updates Make connections, grow your circles 89. 89 90. 90 91. 91 92. 92 What is Instagram? Instagram is an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take and share pictures and videos. Photos can be manipulated using different filters Photos can be automatically shared to other social networks. People can like your photos and comment on them You can follow people and they can follow you 93. 93 Instagram is also one of the fastest growing networks on the web, with a 500% growth in the last year. 94. 94 Instagram Stats 150 million monthly active users 55 million photos posted each day 8,500 likes per second 1,000 comments made per second Over 16 billion photos have been uploaded 95. 95 How to Use Instagram Instagram has millions of users. It has become the perfect opportunity for brands to get quick messages and photos to their target audiences Pictures provide your audience a better vision of your company Really popular platform to use it for photo contests. Reward your followers for looking at your pictures and reading the descriptions Use Instagram to take pictures of your customer/clients and show what the experience with your brand is like 96. 9696 Getting Started 97. 9797 98. 9898 99. 9999 100. 100100 # 101. 101101 102. 102102 103. 103103 104. 104104 # 105. 105105 106. 106 Engaging with Instagram Share interesting, relevant and engaging images Showcase your products Create videos Use Webstagram to find trending/popular hashtags and users Use appropriate hashtags Perform hashtag searches to find new users to follow Comment/like others photos 106 107. 107 108. 108 109. 109 110. 110 111. 111 Blogs Blog = web log An online diary or journal Anybody can be a content generator and an expert in their field Can be setup within minutes online using WordPress 112. 112 Blog Content Answer industry questions Comment on industry news Provide how-to based content Encourage readers to comment Post consistently 3 to 5 times per week 113. 113 Engage and grow with a Blog Pose Engaging Questions - At the end of a post, pose a brain- stimulating question. Get readers to offer tips - It could be a problem that youre facing, or something your customer is facing. Make it a contest; publicly credit the reader with the best tips on your blog so that everyone can see. Start With An Engaging Opener Your opening should engage the reader from the word go, something thatll ignite their curiosity, motivate their thought process and get them engaged. Make your opener funny, insightful, witty and outrageous if need be. 114. 114 Engage and grow with a Blog Make The Content Graphically Vivid - Paint a picture with your words, and draw people into the scene youre painting. Write in your speaking voice, as though youre chatting with friends. Provide A Conclusion sum up the essence of your article in a short conclusion. Your conclusion should ideally tie up your points together and provide a short glimpse of what the article is all about. 115. 115 Blogs Getting Started Install blogging software such as Wordpress Design use Theme or designer for custom look Configure content categories Develop library of content Post on a scheduled basis minimum 1 time per week 116. 116 116 117. 117 118. 118 119. 119 Getting Started Map out your strategy Define your business goals and objectives for social media Increase sales, brand awareness, engagement, drive traffic to your website, create a community on your page Identify your competition and what distinguishes you from your competition Define target audiences and key messages Define categories/topics for social media updates 120. 120 Getting Started Create your plan align with off-line marketing calendar Identify the most important keywords for your business. Use these consistently in all posts, tweets, updates. Set-up your profiles and pages and start posting Ensure you have a consistent design/branding across all platforms Measure and adjust traffic, comments, leads, etc. 121. 121 Social Media Plan Listen to whats already out there: Set-up Google Alerts for all your keywords, your competitors, your own company name, your personal name, etc. Use Social Mention to search social media for mentions of your organization / competition Use Google Search and Google Blog Search to find bloggers and other content creators in your space Use Muck Rack to find journalists 122. 122 Social Media Plan Create your Content Calendar For Posting Define 5-6 content categories Set-up a 3-month calendar Add your key offline events and any milestones, holidays, etc., Align with your marketing calendar Content should be a mix of original content/images, news updates and curated content/images 123. 123 124. 124 Social Media Plan Set-up Google Analytics to monitor web traffic Measure and adjust traffic, comments, leads, etc. Set-up and use a dashboard (Hootsuite, etc.) to manage your social media updates 125. 125125 Hootsuite Dashboard 126. 126 Demographics - Facebook 86% of Facebook users are age 25 and older 81% have some college education or bachelors/graduate degree 58% earn $50,000 or more 127. 127 Demographics - Twitter 81% of people on Twitter are age 25 and older 83% have some college education or bachelors/graduate degree 47% earn $50,000 or more 128. 128 Demographics - LinkedIn 96% of people on LinkedIn are age 25 and older 87% have some college education or bachelors/graduate degree 71% earn $50,000 or more 129. 129 Thank You! Bridget Gibbons [email protected] @gibbonsdigital