social changes during the meiji restoration

Social Changes during the Meiji Restoration Ye Jin Yeoum, Heidi Yuan, Grace Hoffman, JX Xu Mr. Stelzer 3A

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Social Changes during the Meiji Restoration. Ye Jin Yeoum , Heidi Yuan, Grace Hoffman, JX Xu Mr. Stelzer 3A. Feudal System Changed. Under the Meiji Period: Emperor Daimyo Samurai Commoners. Under the Tokugawa Shogunate : Emperor Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants Artisans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Social Changes during the Meiji Restoration

Social Changes during the Meiji


Ye Jin Yeoum, Heidi Yuan, Grace Hoffman, JX XuMr. Stelzer 3A

Page 2: Social Changes during the Meiji Restoration

Feudal System Changed

Under the Tokugawa Shogunate:


Under the Meiji Period:


Page 3: Social Changes during the Meiji Restoration

Feudal SystemSamurai enjoyed many privileges during

Tokugawa Period. But…

During the Meiji Restoration, samurai, who were considered to be higher in class, began to lose special privileges.

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Samurai Privileges Removed

Samurai’s military roles slowly taken by conscripted men.

Conscripted people= those who had to join the army for 3 years when they turned 21.

Could not wear swords in public anymore (because of the Hatori Edict)

Could only wear swords for ceremonies

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Japan’s Embracing of Westernization

Meiji leaders believed they needed to be more like the West to be accepted as an equal.

Embraced ALL aspects of Western idea from technology, to fashion.

“Civilization and Enlightenment”

Page 6: Social Changes during the Meiji Restoration


Tokugawa Rule:

Only high class: satin&silk

Low Class: only hemp&cotton

Hair: in a topknot

During Meiji Period:

Western clothing

Morning Coats: standard clothing for formal occasions

Western-style hair

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FoodDuring the

Tokugawa Shogunate:


During the Meiji Restoration:

Meat (against Buddhism which thought it immoral)

Bread Beer Dairy products EX: Teriyaki

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Entertainment Ballroom Dancing Board Game—encouraging

the children to the go to the West

European Classical Music—Violins, Cellos, Pianos…

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Education Based on France and Germany’s system

of education All kids had to receive at least 4 years of

primary schooling Before: based on Confucianism. Before: taught reading, writing, and

abacus for math The Rescript on Education: based on

Japan’s philosophy on Education

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People’s Rights People: Given freedom of religion Allowed more rights Women: Often sold & more and more

rights were taken away from them

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Basically… Japan embraced the Western

culture completely. Japan changed RADICALLY. This led to modernization,

development, and strengthening of Japan.