snow camp 2010 saturate. evangelization i. why should we witness/evangelize? a. god’s desire 1...


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Page 1: SNOW CAMP 2010 SATURATE. Evangelization I. Why Should We Witness/Evangelize? A. God’s Desire 1 Timothy 2:4 1 Timothy 2:5-6



Page 2: SNOW CAMP 2010 SATURATE. Evangelization I. Why Should We Witness/Evangelize? A. God’s Desire 1 Timothy 2:4 1 Timothy 2:5-6


I. Why Should We Witness/Evangelize?

A. God’s Desire

1 Timothy 2:4

1 Timothy 2:5-6

Page 3: SNOW CAMP 2010 SATURATE. Evangelization I. Why Should We Witness/Evangelize? A. God’s Desire 1 Timothy 2:4 1 Timothy 2:5-6


I. Why Should We Witness/Evangelize?

B. Other’s Needs (now + eternally)

There is a God-shaped void

inside every person

that can only be filled with Christ.

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At least 50% of people will

respond positively

if you attempt to share with them.

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Most people are far more eager

to hear God’s message

than we are to delivery it.

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I. Why Should We Witness/Evangelize?

C. My Responsibility

1. To God

2. To Others

3. To Myself

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II. Do You have a Sense of Urgency?

Satan wants to hurt your walk–

he wants to make you ineffective

by getting hold of your life

through some are of sin.

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II. Do You have a Sense of Urgency?

But if he can’t hurt your walk,

he will aim at your urgency.

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II. Do You have a Sense of Urgency?

If you are not bumping into Satan,

it may be because

you are going the same way.

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II. Do You have a Sense of Urgency?

The greatest threat

may be

loss of vision.

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“The real danger to professing Christians lies not in the more glaring and grosser temptations and sins, but in a slow deterioration of vision…”

J. B. Phillips

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II. Do You have a Sense of Urgency?

Would you say that there is a

real urgency in your life?

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III. Vision for Multiplication

the power of multiplication

If I were to win one person to Jesus

every week for the next 16 years,

832 people would be saved!


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III. Vision for Multiplication

the power of multiplication

If I were to win one person to Jesus

every day for the next 16 years,

5840 people would be saved!

or even

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If I were to win one person and then disciple him for the next six months so that he could win and train another, at the end of six months, there would be only two.

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If the two of us went out and won two more and discipled them during the next six months, there would be four of us (the number doubles).

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At the end of:

1st year = 4 people

1 ½ years = 8 people

2 years = 16 people

2 ½ years = 32 people

3 years = 64 people

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At the end of:

4 years = 256 people

5 years = 1,024 people

6 years = 4,096 people

6 ½ years = 8,192 people

This would be many more than one a day for 16 years!

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At the end of 16 years, 4,294,967,296

(over four billion) would be saved.

This is more than

the entire population of the world!

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And remember that you are

leading only two people to Christ a year with the multiplication principle.

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Jesus commissioned us to make disciples!

That means that we are

to become disciple makers!

A world vision begins with one person.

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“The decision is 5% of the process,

but the follow-up to the decision

is 95%.”

Billy Graham

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There are several things a ne Christian needs:

-Constant Nourishing 1 Pet 2:2

-Protection 1 Pet 5;8

-Training 2 Tim3:14-16

-Constant Care 1 Thess 1:10-12

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IV. Will You Share the Good News?

No amount of “how to” will matter

if you don’t decide “you will.”

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IV. Will You Share the Good News?

Consider the following commitments:

1. Make sure that your own life

is right with God.

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IV. Will You Share the Good News?

Consider the following commitments:

2. Pray consistently and specifically

for at least three non-Christians

for the next six weeks.

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IV. Will You Share the Good News?

Consider the following commitments:

3. Look for specific opportunities

to serve your non-Christian friends.

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IV. Will You Share the Good News?

Consider the following commitments:

4. Commit to take a stand for Jesus

and speak up for Him.

Will you commit to be a verbal witness for Christ?

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IV. Will You Share the Good News?

There are three types of people:

those who make it happen!

those who watch it happen!

those who ask, “What happened?”

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IV. Will You Share the Good News?

It’s your Choice!

The world is changed

by those who show up!

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Throughout this curriculum I have sensed God speak to me about:

-an area I need to change-_____

-a spiritual discipline to work on-_____

-people I need to share Him with-____

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Lord, I commit my life to you and I commit to sharing Your life and what You have done for me with those You lead me to.

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Help me to be a pure and teachable ambassador for You.


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