sncf society - cumulative_index

Cumulative Index to Journal Volumes 5 to 25 (Numbers 20 – 104)

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Cumulative Index to Journal

Volumes 5 to 25 (Numbers 20 – 104)

Page 2: SNCF Society - Cumulative_index

SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Compiled from individual indexes by Peter Clegg - i - Version 0.3 (06/07/2003)

Introduction This is the first attempt at producing a cumulative index for the SNCF Society’s Journal , covering volumes 5 to 25 (numbers 20 to 104); see the table below for the numbers corresponding to each volume. It is not yet complete and it will be updated over the next few months. Meanwhile I invite comments, criticisms and suggestions for future version from members of the Society.

The notation follows that of the printed indexes issued by the Editor of the Journal: references are of the form nn/pp, where nn is the number of the Journal and pp is the page number. For example, 107/03 means issue 107, page 3. [Note the use of a leading zero for the page numbers, to aid electronic sorting.] The colour coding is explained below. As in the individual indexes, magazine summaries, sales and wants and other ephemera are omitted.

Except for the most recent issues of the index, where electronic version are available, all input for this cumulative index has been obtained by scanning the paper copies and using optical character recognition (OCR) software.

The following points should be noted:

1. All page references have been checked against the printed version using the “Speak” function in Microsoft’s Excel. This is, of course, a rather tedious task and I do not guarantee that my attention did not wander occasionally.

2. In the main, references have not been checked against the Journal itself so that errors in the printed indexes will have been perpetuated. In some cases, I have found it necessary to check references for technical reason. This spot checking suggests that there are very few errors in the printed indexes. Where I have found a mistake, the reference is given in blue typeface, if I have been able to correct it, and in red if I have not. Eventually, I hope to check every reference (see below).

3. The categorisation of entries has, not surprisingly, changed over the years as the Journal has progressed from a simple Roneographed news letter to its current professional publication. Trade news and reviews, for example, have appear ed variously under Shop Window, Trade and Product Reviews, Model Product News/Reviews and Kits(reviews/construction notes) . I have not attempted consistently to bring these variations into harmony in this release. On the other hand, I have done this for some categories, bringing all Accidents under one heading for example. In later releases, I hope to rationalise the whole presentation. In doing so, I will keep in mind that this cumulative index can be searched electronically in Adobe’s Acrobat Reader, removing much of the need for referencing items in more than one place.

4. In the case of Book & Magazine Reviews, I have kept the Editor’s current notation that a Le Train Special is indicated by *. This only holds for volumes 21 onwards, however. I intend eventually to make this usage consistent.

5. I have also made a few additions to what was in the printed versions; these additions are in green typeface.

6. There are two major omissions in this issue:

• Locomotives: Locomotives are referred to in several, even many, different ways in the original indexes. Nord Mikados, for example, could appear as 2-141A21, 141 A 21, Nord 4.1121, etc. Rather than have multiple references to the same (class of) locomotive, I have omitted this category from this issue. I intend bringing all such references together in the next issue.

• Railcars & Multiple-units: The same comments apply as to Locomotives.

Peter Clegg 6 July, 2003

Volume Start End 5 - 10 20 1980/12 42 1986/06

11 43 1986/09 46 1987/06 12 47 1987/09 50 1988/06 13 51 1988/09 56 1989/12 14 57 1990/03 60 1990/12 15 61 1991/03 64 1991/12 16 65 1992/03 68 1992/12 17 69 1993/03 72 1993/12 18 73 1994/03 76 1994/12 19 77 1995/03 80 1995/12 20 81 1996/03 84 1996/12 21 85 1997/03 88 1997/12 22 89 1998/03 92 1998/12 23 93 1999/03 96 1999/12 24 97 2000/03 100 2000/12

25 101 2001/03 104 2001/12

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

AABS plastic 29/14ACFI feed water heater 38/12

on LNER Pacifics 34/29Accidents:

Ablaincourt-Pressoir 21/12/1993 73/09Caffiers 26/03/2001 103/06Gare de Lyon 27/06/1988 67/07Lille Métro 67/11Melun 17/10/1991 64/05 66/07Montparnasse 22/10/1895 O2/32 36/14 37/18

diorama 98/40Neuillé-Pont-Pierre 13/03/1999 94/08Phalempin 14(?)/10/1994 76/07Salomé 14(?)/10/1994 76/07St Leu d'Esserent 01/12/1993 73/09St. Marcellin, collision 60/07Villegusien-le-Lac 15(?)/10/1994 76/07

Acronyms (initials)glossary 96/38 97/21competition 30/05 31/04

Adhesives 27/09 30/13 34/10Aérotrain 66/06AFAN 20/05 22/16 29/07AHICF 96/04

web site 104/48Ambulance trains, WW 1 35/04AMFl 36/17AMFVA 34/23Archives du nord-est 94/28Arnoux, système 87/17 88/35Audio sound effects record 76/24Axis tilting prototype 90/07 91/07

Banknote 88/29Barn, scenic feature 57/24Bed and Breakfast, Vienne 63/34

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Bentley and Blue Train 35/07 37/13Billard railcars 40/21Bobigny tram 67/07

BBook & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes)

141 P, de valeureuses Mikado, Les 94/43141 R - ces braves Amécaines, Les 27/22 82/332D2 9100, Les 94/4350 years of Railway Models 82/3260 ans de traction vapour … 50/24A Pleine Vapeur 72/33Air Ferry 83/38Album des Records 59/29Allied Military Locomotives WWII 82/36Alpes (Rail Passion Special) 100/47Alsace-Lorraine loco list 97/41Architecture (various titles) 47/26Archives Ouest-Etat * 96/42Atlas des lignes 1964 57/02Automobile sous l'uniforme 68/32Autorails de France (3) 88/37Autorails de France (I) 70/36Autorails unifiés (2), Les* 81/32Autorails unifiés (3), Les* 85/40Autorails unifiés (5), Les* 98/43Autorails X3800 (manuals) 38/20Autoralls de France (2) 78/37BB Jacquemin (2), Les* 85/40BB Jacquemin, Les* 80/38Belgian Locomotives & coaches 30/13Birmingham RCW Co. 82/36Britain's Railway Steamers 82/35C.F. de France d'Outre Mer 58/28C.F. de l'Ile de Ré 92/41Cahiers Chapelon 43/26Camions de France 73/33 75/35

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Book & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes) cont.Camions de France, 3 78/34Carrozze Pullman 36/04 37/14Causses et Cévennes 101/45CC 6500/21000, Les 100/47Cent ans de trains jouets 56/27CF Alsace-Lorraine (encylcopédie vol.2) 102/40CF de France d'Outre-Mer 70/36CF de l’Hérault 44/27CF de la Corse 4?/30CF de la Mure 81/32CF de Petite Ceinture 35/20CF du Blanc à Argent 50/24CF du Vivarais 46/26CF Touristiques de la France 32/13 38/19CF. Paris-Orléans. Les 86/35CFIL de l’Hérault 41/27Channel Tunnel 75/36Chapelons Adieu 41/28Chemin de Fer du Midi 78/37Chemin de Fer de PLM 73/33Chemin de fer du Nord 22/03Chemins de Traverses 99/44Coloris du Matériel roulant 92/41Compound Locomotives 75/35Consolidation américaines 74/36Convols exceptlonnels 83/38Cote RMF, La 63/31Cross-Channel 82/34Dampflok in Elsass-Loth. 65/32Decapod 69/33Decauville 57/30Découvrez le N 51/31Dépôt Ouest (model), Un * 98/44Dépôt Vapeur, Le 63/30Dépôts vapeur Ouest, Les 98/44Dépôts vapour PLM, Les 90/42

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Book & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes) cont.Des Wagons et des hommes 27/14Diesel de ligne (2) * 88/37Diesel de ligne (3) * 92/39Diesel de ligne (72000), Les* 96/43Diesel de Ligne 65000/65500 102/41Diesel de llgne 1, Les* 84/38Dream Voyages 53/27Du PLM au TGV 49/30 50/23EAD, Les * 95/41Ed. du Cabri, new titles 72/33Edmondson tickets, France 35/22Electricité au service du modélisme 38/20Electronique pour le train miniature 38/20En Belgique sur les Rails d’autrefois 99/44Encyc. des CF de I’Alsace-Lorraine 94/44Encyc. générale des Ch. de fer 86/35Encyclopédie des Transports 57/30Encyclopédie des Voitures 60/36Engins moteurs français 32/12 44/27Etat numérique du parc moteur. 24/13Etoile de Veynes, L' 97/40Europe bevond the Tunnel 76/34European Locomotive Pocket Book volume 1 59/30European Locomotive Pocket Book volume 2 69/34European Railway Atlas 62/35European Railway Atlas 77/35European sleeping cars 25/04Eurotunnel 75/36Ferry Scene (mag) 82/35Fiches documentaires L-R 88/36Finishing Touch, The 95/43Fonts et Viaducs 78/37France à voie étroite, La 54/30French locomotive experiences 50/24French Railways Locomotives (Plat. 5) 96/42French Railways, Locomotives and Railcars (Platfm.5) 64/29

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Book & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes) cont.French Signalling 78/35French Super train Album 60/38 61/33French Tramways in Pictures 43/26Funiculaires et Crémaillères 70/35Gares et bâtiments ferroviaiares en modélisme 25/04 45/29German Railways to 1945 79/36Grande Ceinture, La 70/35Guide de l'Amateur 61/32Guide des gares de France 87/40Gustave Eiffel 39/26Héritage technique et vapeur vive 38/20Histoire de la Signalisation 92/39Histoire du Réseau d’Etat * 100/47History of the Swiss Federal Railways 79/35Hommes de l'Etat, Les 47/25Hommes et choses du PLM 22/03Images de Trains (2) 82/34Images de Trains 1950-1970 78/36Images de Trains tome 5 94/42Indust. Locomotives of Central France 64/30Industrial Locomotives SW France 44/28Inoubliable Vapeur SNCF 63/30International Railway Modelling (magazine) 80/40 81/31King Orry 82/35Laugh at end of the Tunnel 65/31Légende du PLM (Rail Passion Spl.) 104/50Ligne de la Maurienne * 101/47Ligne des Cévennes 49/30Ligne Lison-Lamballe, La 104/50Ligne Paris-Strasbourg-Metz, La * 99/45Locomotive à Vapeur, comment ça marche? II 70/36Locomotive à Vapeur, La (Chapelon) 101/46Locomotive à Vapeur; coment ça marche? I 66/34Locomotive Lists 91/44Locomotives 140C 48/28Locomotives 230G et F 54/30

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Book & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes) cont.Locomotives à vapeur de l'Est 22/03Locomotives à vapeur SNCF – Est 41/27Locomotives de l'Est et de l'AL 31/11Locomotives Diesel 74/36Locomotives Diesel 63000 93/42Locomotives du Nord 37/14 46/26Locomotives électriques 2D2 27/22Locomotives électriques BB Midi 38/20Locomotives électriques PO, Etat 41/27Locomotives monophasées N-E 74/36Locomotives polytension * 87/40Locomotives tender de route 27/22Locomotives tender de route III 44/27Locomotives Tender de Route IV 48/28Locomotives vapeur unifiées 102/40Locomotives... de l'A-L 37/14Loco-Revue, Hors-Séries 103/39Matériel Moteur SNCF 66/34Matériel Voyageurs remorqué SNCF, Le 100/47Mediterranean Island Railways 50/24Mémoires d'un enfant du rail 26/29Metal Model Trains 90/43Metro Handbook 52/25Mikado Etat, Les 45/28Mini Indicateur des Trains 59/29Minor Railways of France 100/47Model Trains International (magazine) 80/40 81/31Modélisme, l'Intègrale du Matériel SNCF 62/36Modelisme: L' Intègrale du Matériel SNCF (voitures) 67/12Monde méconnu des wagons, Le 94/43Monde merveilleux des trains miniatures (A. Cachin) 88/38Monocabines 103/38Mont Cenis Fell Railway 95/42Motive power recognition 42/29"Mountain" Est * 89/41Mountain françaises, Les 69/33

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Book & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes) cont.N.G. Rlys. on Continent 47/26Naissance d'un Géant (Fades) 37/14Narrow Gauge at War 54/30Newhaven-Dieppe 82/35Night Ferry 41/27Nostalgie Istanbul Orient 42/28Nouvelle géog.raphie ferroviaire 73/33Nouvelle géographie ferroviaire (3) 88/37Oeuvre de Chapelon à la SNCF, L' 36/03On H.M. Service 32/12Origines … des Cheminots (AHICF) 103/39Pacific du PLM, Les 56/27Pacific Etat 35/22Pacific PO-Midi 36/03Pacific TP 40/24Paris ferroviaire 95/43Paris Metro Handbook 64/30 71/34 82/35 96/43Paris Transport 45/28Paris-Bastille – Verneull 60/36Paris-Bordeaux-Irún * 104/50Paris-Lyon * 90/42Paris-Lyon-Marseille tome 2 * 94/42Passion Vapeur 99/44Peinture en Modélisme, La 98/44Petite Ceinture (2 titles) 67/12Petite Ceinture de Paris, La 99/44Petits trains ... des Yvelines 91/45Petits Trains de Jadis Est 82/33Petits Trains de Jadis Nord 78/36Petits Trains de Jadis Ouest 59/29Petits Trains de Jadis S-E 40/24Petits Trains de Jadis S-O 44/27Petits Trains des Côtes du Nord 57/30PLM: plans des gares 65/31Ponts et Viaducs au XIXeme 65/31Poste et le Rail, La 97/40

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Book & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes) cont.Pratique réaliste du modélisme ferroviaire 22/03Rail et Industrie (quarterly) 104/51Rail français en 1982, 83 38/19Rail gun 32/12Rail Transpyrénéen, Le 69/33Rails to Europe I 29/08 30/12Rails to Europe II 31/29Rails to Europe III, IV 32/12Railway Holiday in France 42/28Railway Modelling 52/25Railway painting of Cuneo 37/14Railways in the French Alps 38/19Railways of Corsica 92/40Railways of the Somme 98/43Railways to Victory 92/40Railways, Pioneer Years 61/33Renault &. le matériel ferroviaire 94/42RER handbook 102/40Réseau Breton 58/29Réseau Breton 94/40Réseau de l’Etat 1909-1938 * 104/50Réseau modèle: Une Gare Est * 93/41Romance of the Métro 41/28Show me the Way to Go Home 78/39Siècle de Métro en 14 Lignes, Un 97/40Signalisation et installations fixes 23/15 38/19Signalisation Ferroviaire 53/26Signalisation Mécanique 49/30Sleepers, Diners, Pullmans 79/35SNCF (Modern Railways) 65/32SNCF Aujourd'hui, La 62/35SNCF Locomotives & MUs 45/28SNCF Locotracteurs 88/38SNCF Shedbook 88/38SNCF shedbook (LCGB) 31/11Soldering handbook 36/09

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Book & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes) cont.Southern French Narrow Gauge 100/47St. Germain (Train Ferry) 82/35Stations de Métro 50/23Super-Réseaux, Les 90/42Sur les Rails d’Ardèche et du Vivarais 100/47Sur les rails d'autrefois 82/33Sur les Rails d'Auvergne 91/44Sur les rails de France 25/04TGV Handbook 73/33 90/43TGV, Le* 91/45TGV, tome 2 * 100/47The Channel Tunnel 63/30Thos. Cook publications 30/13Today's Railways 74/37 75/36Tourist Railways of France 78/35 82/34Tracé du réseau 1 27/19 38/19Tracé du réseau II 37/14 38/19Train Alsace-Lorraine, Le 74/37Train de Grande.vitesse, Le 44/27Trains de Banlieue 97/40Trains de France 28/11Trains de France aux couleurs d'autrefois 42/29Trains de Montagne 55/28Trains des 141R 98/44Trains des Grandes Lignes 78/37Trains des Pyrénées * 87/40Trains du Jura, Les* 82/33Trains du Massif du Mont Blanc * 98/43Trains oubliés Ouest/Nord 30/12Tramways à Vapeur du Tarn 102/41Tramways de l'Ain 53/20Transcévenole 49/30Transjuralpin 49/30Triangle du Cantal, Le 102/40Vapeur à l'Est 34/24 56/01Vapeur en Belgique 55/32

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Book & Magazine reviews ( * = Le Train Special, for later volumes) cont.Vapeur en Cévennes 64/29Vapeur en Montagne 53/26Vapeur SNCF années 60 49/30Vapeur.pour des trains 28/11Vapeuren Belgique 76/35Vapeurs Allemandes, Les * 93/42Vapeurs Unifies 1, Les* 79/35Véhicules de la Poste 92/40Vivarais Narrow Gauge 94/41Voie de 60 militaire 83/38Voitures restaurant CIWL 35/22Voitures Type F CIWL 39/26Voitures type Y CIWL 37/14Volvic à St. Eloy (Fades) 56/01

Bookbinding 59/23 66/29Braking, rheostatic 74/24Bridges 93/14Briquettes 34/10 51/09British 1/87 Society 77/24 80/31Bucddicom, W.B. 94/22Buffer stops, Gare de Lyon 35/26Buildings, concrete 65/25 66/26

on Nord 64/21

CCambrai, battle of 45/18Camera repairs 70/29Campsites 22/12 23/07 26/22 45/13 93/31Carte couple à famille 32/26Cassan, Urbain (architect) 64/21Catenary:

greasing vehicle 72/12hand made 59/24 60/28Midi 66/10model, Electrotren 58/06

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SNCF Society Journal Cumulative Index Volumes 5 to 25

Century of French railways 100/06CFD 67/07 68/14CFTA 67/13 68/17 70/07 85/06 86/07 87/06 87/07Channel Tunnel: 57/23 64/12 65/09

coach services 79/06Eurostar 74/BC 75/06 76/15 77/14 77/34 78/07 79/06Eurostaron ECML 80/07hand-over 73/07locomotives 65/04 67/06 67/10 71/04 71/09 72/05 73/07 74/06preview train 71/09Shuttle 75/06 76/16 77/08steam locomotive in 75/06terminals 71/09train numbering 78/26wagons 74/10 75/37

Chapelon, Andre O2/22 67/15 68/24 69/16 70/33Chemins sans Fer 60/28Chitern MRA 44/02 67/04CIWL: 49/32 50/19 50/xv 56/04 56/08

2nd. class on 80/33lettering 30/10liveries 36/22 41/14Night Ferrymodel 71/12Night Ferrytrials 73/29operations 65/05TEN service 72/14U.S. Army train 75/37vehicles 31/10 33/20works, Ostend 26/05

Coaches:6-wheel (Electrains) 35/17Allège postals O1/23ANF/USI 71/18 84/05ANF/USIréversible 73/29ANF/USI for SNCB 76/07 80/07ANF/USI on SNCB & NS 95/09

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Coaches cont.:Aqualys 101/07Bruhat

for Albania 49/28for Senegal (metre gauge) 58/19

Cabine-8 46/13CIWL

12-wheel 62/30diner 56/08fourgon, Fléche d'Or 66/37fourgon-truck 61/15new sleepers 78/06preserved, UK 63/33Erasmus sleeping car 75/06Pullman 4155 63/05S-class sleeper 43/16 44/26type F 77/26

Corailexperimental livery 74/06réversible 70/06 73/29Rhône-Alpes 82/06 84/04 102/05

CoraIl-Plus 79/05 82/38 84/05Destination boards offer 50/26DEV 72/12 74/26 75/37 91/07 92/07

dormitory coach 78/27found in Czech Republic 102/06inox 85/06Inspection coach 77/34

Double deckex-Est 66/15future 64/06old Ouest 63/24RER 61/05

Estdouble-deck 66/15modernisées 51/19 52/06

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Coaches cont.:Etat

"Saucisson" O2/44 52/06 54/28 85/39 98/31European Night Services 85/05ex-German 88/36fixed rakes 94/05Forestiers O1/21Grand Confort 80/06 82/08Heating vans 98/40

last use 32/26Inox (for Israel) 77/05Interloire 76/06Italian liveries 47/24Liveries 87/30 88/36MC76 fourgon 53/19 54/28

sold to CFF 84/04Metropolitan Railway

on CFTA Landes 33/28Midi

1867 46/16Mitropa diner 25/19Night Ferry 49/32 50/19 77/26Nord

ferry vans 62/30on Nene Valley Railway 33/07"Tubulaire" 89/17 90/13 90/27

Nouvelle première 38/03 40/18 82/06OCEM 83/07

Jouef 38/18 39/22Ouest

double-deck 63/24Pendulaire 53/09PEz & PAz postal 81/36P-O

4-wheel 78/284-wheel, ancient 39/16 42/09

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Coaches cont.:P-O A7T 56/08R.I.O. Picardie 96/08Rapid Nord 36/21Restaurant for NIOE 78/06Rhône-Alpes region 85/07RMA kits 34/20Royal train 1938 50/xvRRR 47/14Sanitaires 72/10Sleeping cars 65/04 66/07Suburban 51/03 52/26 54/28Swiss on "L'Arbalète" 79/05Talbot, AS 42/26TEE

Inox 79/08 82/08 87/07Inox, for Cuba 102/05

Trains blocs 101/07Trains Rapides Nationaux 94/05 95/06 96/30UIC 29/06 30/18

couchette, Wasteels 67/33V2N 65/04 66/05 67/06 68/08 69/07VB2N 66/18 82/07

new livery 76/06VO 2N 95/05VS 83/05

Collectors' corner 43/24 45/23Colour: 49/04 50/05

blindness 55/25frog green 51/31

Colours 57/29Container, SNCF in London 59/22Containers, baggage 61/16 62/28 65/27 66/26 67/28 71/30Contractors' locos 35/26 40/05Crane, Industrial Works 34/06Cranes 64/06

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Cycle trolley 23/11

DDe Caso, Marc 69/08De Dietrich Company 76/25Deauville Express 43/21Disused lines 103/13 104/32Drawings, Girod-Eymeri collection 64/17

EElectrification (See also locomotives and MUs): 81/15 82/16 83/15 84/12 103/14

3-phase 75/22BüchlI transmission 77/22 78/25Catenary posts, striped 97/20Etat 79/22Nord-Est artery 99/19On Midi 74/15 74/37 75/36P-O 77/16 78/22Parls-Lyon 80/24Principles 74/37Savoie a.c. trials 97/14Tours-Vierzon & Bourges-Saincaize 98/07

EuromedSpain 90/07hybrid 90/07

Euros 103/33 104/06Eurostar 85/05 87/25 88/05 88/08 99/07

poem 100/27

Exhibition reports (see also "Society"):Belper 82/04Boulogne 58/03Bradford 61/03Chàtellerault 32/05CMRA Convention 75/02 75/03CNIT1984 34/04CNIT1985 38/09

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Exhibition reports (see also "Society") cont.:Coming events 1993 68/04Continental Modeller 64/33Crewe 78/02Derby

1991 62/041993 70/021995 78/031990 58/03

Dieppe 91/05EuraIlspeed, Lille 80/07Euro Expo, Manchester 35/02*Euromodels, Châtellerault 80/04Eurotrack 61/03

1989, Caen 56/201989, Southampton 53/301990, Southam[ton 57/351992, Le Havre 66/041995, Rouen 78/02

Eurotunnel 52/34Expométrique 64/03Exporail 1982 26/06Felixstowe 64/02Felixstowe German R.S. 56/02FFMF

1983, Alençon 31/031984, Mont-de-Marsan 36/051986, Châtellerault 43/141988, Paris 52/031990, Orléans 59/02Chalons-sur-Marne 38/04

Gravesend 68/05Nancy 64/03Neuville-de-Poitou 60/02

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Exhibition reports (see also "Society") cont.:Newmarket

1992 67/031994 75/011996 83/03

Orpington 68/35Oxford (German Railway Society)

1990 60/031991 64/021993 72/04

Peterborough 32/01Plymouth 71/03Rodez 63/03Salon de la Maquette

1989 54/051990 58/041991 62/041992 66/041993 68/04 70/021994 74/011995 78/03

Souffelweyersheim1991 62/051993 70/03

St. Valéry 75/021998 90/09

Toy Fair1984 33/031985 37/031987 45/03

Watford 32/01West Drayton 69/02Western Australia 83/03Wincherster Gauge O 52/03Witham 73/04

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FFell system 44/18 45/13Ferries 93/07FFMF

Congress 64/03Contact-Plus 62/05 63/03President's visit 67/04

Fiches documentaires 30/11Films 46/02France Vacances 58/19French (mis)translation on internet 103/48French locos in Germany, WW II 90/26 91/16French-English Glossary 103/42FunicularsLaon 70/13 Funiculars

Montmartre 61/05St. Hilaire-du-Touvet 72/27

GGabin, Jean 72/23Garabit viaduct 72/07Garbe, Robert 70/32Gauge N: 45/11 47/20 48/05 49/24 50/18 51/31 53/19 53/20 54/28 56/13 58/02

58/08 59/32 63/27 64/28 64/33Pascaline Buildings 59/23Z 4100 58/05

Gauge O: 30/04 33/12 55/10 56/30 57/12 64/07 64/10Cercle du Zéro 39/30FROG GOG 38/28 40/08Histoire d'O 40/03loco kits 40/08wine wagon drawing 38/16

German Forces' leave trains 89/12 90/14 91/31 92/36German Railways Society 24/06 30/02 38/30 41/31 46/02 46/22Girod-Eymeri, Henri 64/07 64/17Guimard, Hector 56/04

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HHistory of French railways O2/01History:Gare d'Orsay 60/09History:German Occupation 1940 59/09History:Picture postcards 60/22History:Royal train, 1939 57/27History:Travellers’ Tips, ca. 1900 58/31HOe: see Narrow Gauge.“Hommes 40, chevaux 8” 35/06Honegger, A. 88/29Hornby Acho

catalogue 25/08couplings 34/22 35/18 36/22

Humour (?):231 G 558, crew of 64/32Abandoned women 62/38B.R. fax, 1994 61/37Bookstall, Gare de 65/36Channel Tunnel 65/12Channel tunnel, frog in 62/38Channel tunnel, rescue vehicle 64/32CIWL & convicts 65/36Deer/cow with panto. 85/38 86/30Frog, see ToadIncident at Calais 92/43Late running 61/37Shuttle pilot 68/36Station names, bogus 90/11 90/18 91/32Station signs, reading of 66/37TER coach at Torquay 86/37TGV-A + UIC van 64/32TGV-A spoof road test 62/38Toad 68/36Toilette à grand vitesse 88/27

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IImpressionism: Monet 63/20Industrial railways & locos:

Citröen works 62/33 63/13Fireless loco 96/14Houillères bassin de Lorraine closure 104/07Houillères du Nord 71/06Mâcon (industrial Estate) 102/18Mallet locos 103/28Salins de Giraud train ferry 102/06SMN 62/11 63/33 71/06SMNrelics 96/12Trélazé slate 63/17

Information wanted:Aciéries du Nord AND 102/16Beyer Garratt project 104/32Builders’ lists 102/16Les Laumes 104/32Maps 103/32Orléans-Ville 104/32Petite Ceinture 102/16Pyrenees 104/32TLC tramcar 103/32Trains Autos-Couchettes 104/32

Initials: see AcronymsInternet 89/11 92/36Italian Railways Society 47/04 48/01

JJackshaft drive 45/23 46/23

Journeys & Visits (see also Railway Locations):141 TD, Quillan etc. 60/09141R special 39/19230G Ceinture trip 54/10230G special 32/20Advice on planning 66/08

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Journeys & Visits (see also Railway Locations) cont.:Auvergne 89/16 92/18Best-laid plans … 65/07Brittany Express 99/18Calais/Paris Nord 32/16Calvi-Ajaccio 90/20Cambodian steam trip 102/22Cantal 52/08 53/24Cévennes 90/08Cévennes & Pyrenees 87/14Channel Tunnel 76/15Corsica 58/11Day trip suggestions 39/29Deauville Express 38/10Footplate trip on 230 G 99/15France-vacances 30/21 40/08Languedoc 60/09Lima factory 55/22Lllle - Avignon by TGV 76/12Massif Central weekend bargain 100/19Mega-grice, 1987 48/27Metro tour 58/24Nice-Cuneo 48/20Nice-Cuneo (steam) 91/13Night Ferry 21/03Nîmes-Uzès 90/11Normandy 59/06 65/22Normandy circular 87/10 88/18 88/35Nostalgie Orient Express 40/19Ostend-Basel, 1938 50/xiParis – Limoges 102/09Paris day trip 37/04Paris, Lille suburban 48/09Paris/Clermont Ferrand./Lyon 36/18Paris/Mulhouse 40/05Paris-Dijon, 1954 65/13Paris-Nevers-Autun 88/18

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Journeys & Visits (see also Railway Locations) cont.:Paris-St. Germain steam 49/14Petite Ceinture 58/22Quercyrail 43/21*Reports 67/09Spotters' logs 59/05 60/26Swiss steam tour 25/15TAC Holland-St. Raphaël 55/24V.S.O.E. 43/14Vincent van Gogh 59/12Viour by steam 68/26

KKits: (proposals) 23/21 41/13Kits (reviews/construction notes):

Carmina railcar, N gauge 29/08Chivers “Joffre” HOe 41/18Decent Models P-O coaches 42/09DJH(list) 29/22 30/09 37/07DJH140A 28/13DJH221A Nord 37/05DJH231A Nord 29/14 30/16 31/05DJH231D/F/H Ouest 34/07 36/11DJHRB metre gauge 230T 39/25DJH 38/03 41/09Dundas HOe WD wagons 41/18FFMF 3/141TC 24/05 25/02Gauge 0 locos 40/08Keyser(list) 22/16Keyser 38/03 40/06Keyser 140G 31/16Keyser 141TC 21/02 21/06 24/07Keyser 230G 24/06 27/05 28/10Keyser BB 9004 41/04Keyser FNC railcar 25/09 27/08Keyser Ravachol 220T 27/07Keyser VH railcar 30/07

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Kits (reviews/construction notes) cont.:MKD Signal accesssories 44/06RMA6-wheel tank wagon 37/06RMARapid-Nord coaches 34/20Trains Rousseau OCEM van 41/04Trains Rousseau TP wagons 42/27Trains Rousseau OCEM van 46/06

LLayout register 44/03 46/30Line charts 88/04Lines (re)opened

Le Mont Dore (freight) 85/06Wisembourg-Winden 87/06Amiens-St. QuGntin 92/07

Lines closed 61/16 63/27 90/08St. Valéry-en-Caux 85/06Grands Ceinture (proposed) 90/08 92/06

Liveries: O2/13 57/23 58/20 59/05 60/06 94/05 96/08 101/07 102/05 103/05 103/06103/07 104/05 104/06 104/13

230 K Est 28/09231 E 88/402D2 9101 80/25A1A-A1A 62036 40/18BB 25200 40/18BB 25236 78/05BB 66701 37/31BB 71000 Kronenbourg 40/18BB 9280 37/31BB 9300 40/18CC 6500 78/05CC 7100 21/12CC 72000 78/05 80/06CIWL 36/22 41/14coaches 82/07 83/05 87/30 88/36Est fourgons 32/03

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Liveries cont.:Fret 98/06 99/06 100/08locomotives 81/05 83/04 84/04 84/06 90/07

all-over advertising 91/07Y 8342 écologique 92/06

Multiservices 99/06new 55/30 85/05PLM 80/27P-O 79/27Pre-1938 40/11 41/14 42/32SNCF - new logo on locos 80/06STEF 79/17TER 98/06 98/20 100/29TGV 100/04

last orange 102/05 103/05PBKA/"Thalys" 80/07

Wagons 81/36grands réseaux 77/35

X 2200 40/18

Locomtives, diesel:To follow in next version of index.

Locomtives, electric:To follow in next version of index.

Locomtives, steam:To follow in next version of index.

Loco-école train 35/26Locomotive footplate notes 43/11 44/12Locomotive numbering 93/07 94/07 95/10Locomotive roster notes 45/27Locomotive stock changes 70/06 72/05Locomotive workings, longest 95/12 96/30Locomotive-driving incidents 40/10

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Locomotives, model: conversions030T LGB scale 43/03A1A-A1A 62000 47/18BB 66000 47/15BB 69000 49/05BB 9004 50/15CC 65500 48/27

Locomotives, named O1/11 O1/27 29/24 32/03 34/13 37/12 41/31 45/27 49/27 51/05 53/2555/20 58/21 63/15

Logo, new SNCF 84/04


Continental Modeller 27/10 37/31 41/28 46/30 50/04 52/02 55/32Euromodel Rail Review 32/25 35/25 36/29 38/30 41/28 44/30 46/30 51/06

photocards 40/06European Railways 104/07France 87/04Histoire d'O 56/30Le Train 48/13Locomotives international 57/33Loco-Revue (subscriptions) 62/04MTVS 44/04 46/24 48/05 49/24 51/30 52/33 53/15 56/04 58/30N.G. & Industrial Model 56/27N.G. & Industrial Review 57/35Rail Pictorial 59/30Rail Magazine (French) 51/06Rail Miniature Flash 41/03Rails sans Frontières 62/31 63/31Railway Gazette 63/34Scale Model Trains 52/05Top Rail (SNCF) 60/38Train Passion 48/13Voies Ferrées

posters 53/03 56/20 60/03subscriptions 68/29

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Maps, reviews of:Brussels rail & tramway 34/24France, Chaix 1930 rpt. 27/24IGN 1:800.000 27/24IGN 1:1,000,000 28/09Paris suburban and Métro 26/23 34/24

Maps, sources of 78/27Marchandises-voyageurs, last 31/26

Metre Gauge (See also preservedrailways):Baie de Somme 72/09Billard railcar 40/21

Om model 53/09Blanc-Argent 45/06 53/03 54/19 56/27 62/13 63/33 68/07 72/09 73/28 74/06 75/08

75/09 76/07 76/08 78/06 79/31 80/BC 88/07 92/11 95/14 97/06 100/37103/05

Breton 47/24 49/04Buis–les–Baronnies 61/16Cambrai loco 81/BCCambrésis 62/27CdN 030T 54/29Cerdagne 44/08 66/08 77/08 81/FC 81/06 82/31 87/07 90/08 94/09 95/13CF Provence 53/03 67/11 70/08 71/07 73/09 75/14 77/07 78/10 79/06 80/07CGL railcar 87/32Charente (relics) 78/17Corrèze (Tramway de) 86/16 94/32Corsica 54/19 55/26 58/11 74/FC 74/30 75/16 87/07 90/20 93/FC 93/09 94/29

96/10 97/08 100/10 104/07 104/13Côtes du Nord 47/24 79/07 89/06 92/15 100/28Côtes-du-Nordrelics 86/06Deux-Sèvres 62/17Deux-Sèvres locotracteur 86/06Dunières - St. Agrève 57/27 62/12Ile de Ré 81/26Kaysersberg, Alsace-Lorraine. 95/10La Mure O2/34 50/10 71/06 83/12 83/15 96/15La Rhune 77/08

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Metre Gauge (See also preservedrailways) cont.:La Turbie, rack 101/19Langres rack line 94/14Last freight trains 54/19 55/26Loiret (Tw de Sologne) 104/34Loir-et-Cher 030 T 102/24Loir-et-Cher, Tramways de 95/26 96/19Michellne railcar 81/36 82/09Model locos 67/31 70/32 71/26Morbihan (relics) 79/09Nyon -St. Cergue-Morez 57/26P-O Corrèze Mallet loco. 62/12Pas de Calais 69/15 85/24 86/25 87/32 88/24Provence 59/04 81/25 83/06 84/04 84/09 86/06 88/07 96/10 97/08 102/05Provencestrike on 93/07 94/08Réseau Breton 46/20 55/28 94/32Réseau Breton230 T 39/25Savoie SNCF 44/18Somme 50/xii 90/15 94/29St. Gervais-Châtelard 88/05St. Gervais-Vallorcine 84/05Sud-France 86/25 88/15Tarn, CFD 94/33Tramway de la Vienne 74/27Tramways Electriques de Loir-et-Cher 98/15Vivarais 52/21 56/21 70/25 83/10 84/40

Metre Gauge conversions 27/14Metre gauge layout 28/16 29/17Metre gauge, Mougel 27/13 29/21Military railways 43/11 45/19Minor Railways, standard gaugeC.F. de Grande Banlieue 60/39Minor Railways, standard gaugeCFTA Franche-Comtè 59/04Minor Railways, standard gaugeHérault 51/26Minor Railways, standard gaugeMamers-St. Calais 51/27

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Model Layouts:Achaux 39/12 46/08All'O' All'O' 55/10Audun 47/09Châteaulieu 47/22Chevineaux 83/03 83/41Clocheimerle G scale 27/11 53/13Corsican narrow gauge 42/10Folding "layout" 44/22Freistadt N 56/13GUR-RUG 64/07Jouef display 52/34Jura-Simplon HO 55/08Le Mont-Dore 58/08Liveries (new regional) 46/25Loco depot tableau 47/07Lusigny/Loir 49/20Meslonges-les-Nains 82/29Mixed gauge proposal 28/16 29/17Ouaisné 32/07Ouetel HO 51/12Part-la-Forêt 48/14 57/09Pey-Hellemmes 84/31Project 2020 47/07Quai du Gardon 59/20Register 44/03 46/30Saverne 50/07 55/10 62/28St. Bartholin 42/20Ste, Jeanne Maritime 44/09Vallorbe 40/04Ville Nord 28/04 29/05 83/30Villeneuve 21/07Vivario HOm 45/19 53/30 54/20VSOE 31/20Wessex N gauge project 58/02 59/32

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Model product news/reviews cont.:A.I.M.

9004 body kit 96/36ALEXANDER

030 TU kit 88/34 88/41 90/35BB 71000 102/38

AMHAlocomotive prints 93/45

APOCOPA X 2051 Budd 85/31

ART calendar 87/34

ARTRAINN-gauge 90/36

ATMOFERX2400 railcar 91/42

BACHMANN GE 44-ton BB diesel 100/40


CARAVELLE MODELS 98/36ends for modernised EAD 103/38metre-g. Railcar 102/38

CARPENA decals 87/34 100/42 101/34

CORGI road vehicles 102/38

DISQUE ROUGE signals 100/36

DJH 62000 97/39Class 37 97/36Nord streamline Pacific 100/42

DPMR wagons, decals 98/37

DUPLIFORMBernard truck 78/32

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Model product news/reviews cont.:EKO

road vehicles 103/34FANG

141R builders’ plates 93/38coupler mounts 80/34loco builders' plates 91/39

FIREDRAKEBR/SNCF wagon kit 91/36

GPP gangway connections 101/34 104/46

HAXO141 R detailing kit 98/42141P smoke deflectors 93/38Chausson bus 78/32loco accessories 91/39wagon decals 80/34

HMtrack cleaner 77/33

HUETcoupler mount 96/36fine-scale 89/38finescale items 77/33 79/32

JOUEF36000 97/3967407 97/37141 P 89/38BB 66400 92/37BB66400 85/30 86/34 87/35coaches 88/34Junior series 97/39141 TA 102/38factory closure 103/33 104/48train heating van 98/40

KLEIN USATC tank car 87/35

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Model product news/reviews cont.:L’OBSIDIENNE 93/37 94/36

handrail jig 93/40road vehicles 88/35

LE TRAINAntar road vehicles 103/33exclusive wagons 92/38tank wagon 104/46special edition tank wagon 100/42lgol” tanker 96/36

LIMA BB 67035 85/31

LMJ pick-ups & kits 88/33


LS MODELS USI coaches 104/42

MAKETTcoke wagon 90/36

MECANIC TRAINS detailng parts 104/44

MEHANO Thalys PBKA 88/34

MODEL LOCO 101/34CC 65000 94/40

NOREV road vehicles 102/38 103/33


Baldwin 62000 93/37PRECISION PAINTS 95/39RIVAROSSI

030 Bourbonnais 88/34141 R 97/35Inox coach 79/33 80/33

Road vehicles, HO 85/36

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Model product news/reviews cont.:ROCO

68000 101/34new items 1998 90/36RGP railcar 92/38Unimog 89/29wagon pack 104/42

ROGER MAIN Nm railcar 104/46

SACHSENMODELLEnew items 1998 90/36

SAI road vehicles 100/42

SCALE LINK (Euro Model) 89/38 90/36SESAM

railcar kits 101/34SMART TOYS

1/87 Unimog tractor 93/39TRANSMONDIA

XR trailer (N 88/34VAPEUR 70

X 2400 (N) 88/34

Modelling Tips, conversions etc.:030 TU project 75/31231 C Nord 76/31231 E 62/32 63/27 64/33Baldwin 62000 72/31Bogies for HO wagons 65/27Briquettes 51/09Catenary 61/25Catenaryhand made 59/24 60/28CFD class 20 diesel 75/32Constant lighting 53/18Corpet 030T, HOm 71/26Decals 83/28 84/03 84/37Drawings, scaling 81/30

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Modelling Tips, conversions etc.:Jouef d/deck coaches 72/30Jouef draisine 71/28Jouef Est coaches 62/34Jouef wagon bogies 72/29Kadee Couplers 59/21 60/33Kit reviews - see "Trade"Kitmaster Inox coach 80/32Le Touquet diorama 67/28Lima fourgon Corail 71/30Locos, diesel, HOm 67/31Locos, steam, HO (rebt.) 68/31Marcel Millet van 75/32Markings, photocopy 66/29 67/33Narrow gauge 57/26N-gauge 74/32N-gauge motorlsed chassis 78/31Normandy buildings 71/28O gauge 82/38 83/32 84/32Paints 81/30Peco turnouts 72/30P-O 4-wheel coach 78/28Rail treatments 60/33Remotoring railcors 69/32RIB numbering 54/13Road vehicles (HO) 82/32 83/28 84/35 84/36Roco UIC coaches 71/30Scenic materials 64/31Signal operation 83/32St. Victor-Cours loco 72/31Ste. Emilie layout 80/35Track 64/24Transfers, Carpena 66/33Wheels 53/19

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Models (projects, tips, layouts etc.)230 H conversion 101/36Aix-les-Pains n.g. layout 102/36Aversac-Bivouac 88/32Chapelon Pacifics (O gauge) 100/40 Containers from photocopies 91/39Corpet metre-gauge tank loco O2/51Decals by computer 102/35 103/34 104/46Dossiers Paulet (loco dwgs.) 101/34Expométrique 104/46"Fontaine-Beaucourt" 91/37Four Nations (N-gauge) 87/36Frelais layout (O gauge) 100/39Gauge 1 89/33Gauge 1 live steam (van Riemsdijk) 103/35Granville layout suggestion 100/45Internet, buying on 102/38 103/48Jouef draisine glazing 98/42Jouef Irish production 97/38Jouef Picasso improved 89/35Jouef TAG wagon upgrade 87/35La Serre-sur-Mer 86/31Level crossing with working barriers 90/38Lima X 2100 gear replacement 104/48Locotracteur from scratch 91/40Mélusine” test coach 94/38MKD & Jouef buildings, originals of 104/38Modular demo. Track 101/35Modular layout project 94/34 95/39Montparnasse accident diorama 98/40Motor rewinds 95/40N Gauge 92/37N Gauge 101/43 102/16N gauge survey 100/44Nord Mammouth (O-gauge) 87/37Number plates HO 91/39O Gauge Revolver & Boër 102/32

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Models (projects, tips, layouts etc.)O-gauge van & locotracteur 85/36Paint for coaches 91/39Paper overlays 91/39PLM layout 85/32PLM Pacifics (Gauge 1) 99/40Pont d’lsère” layout 93/35Road vehicles 101/43 102/38 103/33Roco Y 8000, metal fatigue in 102/34Salon de la Maquette report 94/35Salon notes 102/38Saverne” layout O2/47St. Angela” layout 94/38Sybic, O gauge 96/33Transfers, O gauge 97/37Turbotrain chassis 97/39Turbotrain, remotorising 93/40Unimog weed killing vehicle 89/29Vallée de la Rèze layout (HO) 98/37Vans from photocopies 96/34Yves Mercier 72/03 73/34

Models of the year1982 30/031984 38/22

Monet, Claude 63/20Motors, mounting 29/04Multiple units - see Railcars & multiple unitsMurphy's Laws 40/25Museuns - see also Preserved Railways

Museums:Ambérieu 93/07Amberley Chalkpits 50/21Audinghen, Atlantic wall 98/08 100/34Beaujolais 73/09Bressinghan 27/17

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Museums cont.:Château-du-Loir (site) 79/07Clécy, model railway 96/35Gare d'Orsay 50/22Givet (CF3V) 86/08London Toy & Model 27/17Longueville (AJECTA) 86/12 88/12Mulhouse 27/23 28/25 30/21 51/20 54/21 77/08 77/10 77/39 79/07 87/07 90/07

95/16Musée d' Orsay 62/30 63/20Museon di Rodo 64/07 65/27 66/26Museum 1900, Uzès 55/13Oignies 73/09Orsay 51/28Pithiviers 32/18Rambolitrain 47/05St. Etienne 95/09St. Mandé 85/07 89/07 77/34 78/26Train et Jouet 74/24Transports urbains 32/18 65/05 68/10 72/07 98/08

NNamed trains: 82/32 91/31 92/06

Arbalète 79/05Capitole 80/30General article 80/28Mistral 79/08Turenne 80/06Valentré 80/12Ventadour 80/12Watteau 79/06

Narrow gauge - see also Metre gauge)Narrow gauge (500 mm) (see also Tourist Railways): 64/06

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Narrow gauge (600 mm) (see also Tourist Railways): 35/14Billard railcar 40/21Decauville coaches 41/21Decauvllle 0-6-6-0 Mallet 80/22Joffre loco 36/22 41/18North, South, East & West 77/09Paramé - Rothéneuf 76/30Pithiviers 3-23 41/18TPT 0-3-3-6'Mallet 89/14WD wagons 41/19

Narrow gauge (600 mm) (see also Tourist Railways):Weidknecht tram loco 76/20Night Ferry 21/03 40/02NMRA 60/38Nouvion, Femand 94/08


Arzens, Paul 58/19Davys, Ivan 95/04Eaglesham, Bill 98/37Hallam, Mike 91/06Lloyd, David 52/02Lucas, Derek 91/06Mallinson, Roy 93/03 Middleton, Frank 89/04Richards, Tony 59/27Russell, Eric 76/04Smith-Price, David 100/02Spark, Robert 85/01Van Wonterghem, Francis 85/01Vuillet, Baron G. 65/36Weeks, David (1930-2001) 104/02Wennberg, Doug 66/01Wightman, Kenneth 102/03Wilkinson, Arthur (1929-2001) 103/01

Orsay, Gare d' 60/10

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P"Pacific 231", music 88/29Paint: 67/30 68/29

Precision 26/08 28/25 30/21 42/07use on nylon 31/26

Paris Exhibition, 1937 71/12 73/28Paris Metro 97/12 98/08Pendolino 85/06 86/04Petiet, H M 61/13Petiet, Jules 85/17Petite Ceinture 58/22Photographic archive 34/03Photographic locations

Paris 99/10Rhône valley 100/07Sotteville 100/35

Pilgrim trains, Bon-Encontre 99/42 100/34Postcards 60/22 61/13 62/27 62/36 68/24

Eric R Russell 40/06Practical Model Railways 36/24

Preserved & Tourist Railways (see also Metre gauge, Narrow gauge):AGRIVAP 103/10Arles-Fontvieille 102/06Artouste 45/24Aut. Bourgogne/Fche. Cté 76/08 78/36Aut. du Minervois 75/08 76/08Baie de Somme 75/04 75/17 82/09 90/15 92/FC 102/17 104/31Baie du Mt. St. Michel 62/11 63/33 67/35 68/07Brédaclosure 56/23Bréda 33/05Brévenne 56/23Cahors-Cajarc 72/07Cantal 100/08Carentan-Carteret 53/03Centre-Bretagne 92/14 102/06Cévennes 69/16 76/07 79/06 86/06

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Preserved & Tourist Railways (see also Metre gauge, Narrow gauge) cont.:Château-du-Loir project 59/32CFT du Rhin (Volgelsheim) 95/10Chinon-Richelieu (TVT) 20/02 29/12 49/11 49/17 50/19 51/28 59/05 79/08 86/05 88/09 104/16CITEV 101/08Corrèze proposal 86/17Côte des Isles 61/05Cotentin 59/05 68/07 92/14 99/10 104/10Cotentinin Normandy 59/05 59/08Côtes du Nord 58/19 92/15 102/06 104/12Dunières - St. Agrève 62/12Etretat – Pays de Caux 91/09 94/08 96/09 96/12 97/09Froissy-Cappy-Dompierre 65/05 79/08 103/08Guitres – Marcenais 29/11 30/06 31/23 64/06 86/06 102/06 104/10Haute-Auvergne 88/07Haute-Somme (Froissy-Cappy) 89/10Hautes-Rives (Les Ifs) 92/07Haut-Quercy 83/06 85/07 87/07 91/09 96/10 99/12 104/08Jarnac (dump) 76/08La Barque 84/08La Mure 83/12La Rhune 75/22 86/05Les Ifs 96/12 103/10Ligne d'Auteuil proposal 67/07Limousin-Périgord 84/05Meuse 97/09MTVS 82/08 86/06Narbonne-Bize 100/10Pacy-sur-Eure 78/06Paimpol-Pontrieux 99/15 104/08Pithiviers 32/18Pontarlier-Vallorbe 77/08Provence 86/06 88/07Quercyrail 86/13Rabodeau 32/26Réseau Breton steam 91/09Sarthefire 87/07

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Preserved & Tourist Railways (see also Metre gauge, Narrow gauge) cont.:SartheTransvap 101/12 102/05Sarthe 28/04 64/06 100/13Sélune 59/05Somme 29/13 39/18Ste. Eutrope 75/17Suisse Normande 41/31 63/05 68/05 71/06 75/07 76/08Sulzer-Winpro 101/08Tacot des Lacs 75/17Tarn 29/12 64/06Touristique du Rhin 71/06Trois Vallées (B) 86/06Vallée de la Doller 33/05Vallée de l'Aa 70/08 85/07Vallée de l'Eure 70/08 83/41 84/07 86/05 89/15 91/11 92/15Valmondois 75/17Vapeur des Cévennes 68/11Velay (Dunières) 73/09 76/07 79/07 103/12Vélo-Rail Magnières 100/10Vendée 85/09Vermandois 70/08VIADUC 07 64/06 71/06Vivarais 42/13 52/21 56/21 60/07 78/FC 83/10 84/40 86/05 92/13 93/46 103/12

QQueries (some answered):

040 TX 38/23 40/23105 Km. Models 38/23141 R 97/21141 TC Nord 38/23Acho couplers 34/22 35/18 36/22ALGECO 54/31Bastille coaches 36/20Belgian type 1 32/03 34/29 35/26Bell codes 20/01Blois trams 78/26Breakdown cranes 22/11

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Queries (some answered):Brenet (artist) 48/21Builders' plates 69/07C 61000 locos 47/24C.F. de la Somme 57/13Calais/Boulogne Maritime 30/03Capdenac 68/25CF Luxembourg 47/09CFD Lozére 28/09CIWL/USATC coach 71/34Club Trains 97/22Côte d'Azur photos 66/14Côtes du Nord 47/09 47/24Destination boards 38/23Diamond bogies 72/35Economat 20/01Elecric loco models, old 47/09Est Ty as trailer car 43/26France-Trains 23/06 31/20FS coach liveries 47/09 48/25Garretts, Algerian mines 66/14Grille de protection 32/03“Groupe 19” PLM 28/09Headlanps 36/20Inox coaches 26/25 30/03Lanternes, blue glass 97/22 98/31 99/37Lartigue semaphore 32/03Layouts 37/02Lima BB67000 36/20Liveries 22/11 32/03 28/09Livestock wagons 47/09Locotracteur “Millau” 32/03"M.G. Paris" 25/16M.I.N 47/09 49/04Makatea 78/26Météor beer van 49/07Morvillars 54/31

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Queries (some answered):Named trains 52/28Newspaper vans, ex-CIWL 29/25Nord cab-side codes 48/21 49/04OCEM rivet stock 25/16 26/25Old-time wagons 32/03P8, Alsace-Lorraine 32/03Paints 22/11Pershing 2-8-0, A-L 68/25Philippine Railways 48/21“Pin's” 68/25PLM “Small C" 56/18PLM 050B 53/25PO coaches 25/22 26/25Poissons rouges 26/25Pullmans 69/07Réseau breton 47/24 49/04RGP2 railcar 54/21Röwa ET420 50/19RTG, Iran 56/18S&MJR French built locos 40/23Scrapyards 79/31SERNAM 49/04 56/18Short platforms 98/34 100/21St. Ghislain (Belgium) 52/28TEE 30/03Tendersex-German 41/22TendersNord 41/22Towns without trains 47/24TP vans 32/03Train ferry model 43/26Trees 47/09 48/25Troby 32/03Turbotrain bar car 78/26Turgan railcar 38/23VH railcar 30/03W.D. 2-8-0 (brown) 52/28

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Queries (some answered):W.D. Austerity Tanks 60/08Wagons, old 37/02Wine wagon transporter 44/30Works lists 53/25 54/31

RRail Miniature Flash 41/03Rail tours and trips - see JourneysRail/road vehicles 89/28 92/14Railcar trailer trains 104/19Railcar trailers 29/04Railcar trailersex-Micheline 32/18

Railcars & Multiple-units (see also Metre gauge):To follow in next version of index.

Railway Development Society 61/27request for photographs 68/25

Railway locations & routes (see also Journeys, Lines):"Ligne des 100 Jours" 91/34Abbeville, 1938 50/xiiAllagnon valley (floods) 77/07Alsace 95/10Ambérieu 102/07Anduze 68/11Angers 80/12Arçay - Thouars 76/18Ardennes 86/07Argelés-sur-Mer 35/12Auneau (TGV-A) 48/27Auray - Quiberon 39/30 92/07 92/44Autun-Avallon 68/16 98/07Ave. Daumesnil 75/07Avignon 100/11Avranches 59/05

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Railway locations & routes (see also Journeys, Lines) cont.:Bagnères-de-Bigorre 20/04Bagnoles-de-l'Orne 59/03Barcelonnette 101/09Batz 20/04Beaujolais 98/11Bécon-les-Bruyères 95/FC 96/30Belfort-Délémont 67/06Bellegarde - La Cluse 59/03Bény-Bocage 38/16 38/29Bercy wine depots 54/22 55/27Besançon – Le Locle 104/13Bessèges 66/11Béthune ex-roundhouse 74/12Béziers-Neussargues 102/04 103/08 104/04Biarritz 28/14 37/08Blaisy-Bas 63/14Bordeaux 89/15Bordeaux-Lyon 89/05Bort - Neusargues 59/03Boulogne 20/04 21/11 35/06 53/21 99/32Boulogne Aéroglisseurs 61/05Bourg-St, Maurice 101/08Bréauté - Fécamp 37/31Brittany 66/08 84/05Burgundy 103/10Caen ( 1920s) 91/33Caen (MPD) 23/17 41/09Cahors 20/04Calais 52/33 53/06 54/BC 62/28 68/20 69/11 69/17 77/05 77/06 78/05 92/12

95/12colour postcards 82/02 84/19future of 74/05 74/12

Calais-Ville 100/25Cambrai (track in town) 96/32Cantalrailways in 52/08 53/24Cantalrelis 79/09

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Capdenac 87/21 88/35Railway locations & routes (see also Journeys, Lines) cont.:

Carcassonne – Quillan 60/09Carnoules 70/28Causses 90/08 92/06Ceinture 37/29Cerbere – Narbonne 104/13Cerdagne 35/09 36/20 39/13Cévennes line 71/23 77/05CF de Provence O1/08Châtelaillon 67/08Cherbourg 35/06 40/13 41/14 61/19 91/09CIWL works 26/05Commequiers 86/12Corrèze 98/11Corsica 37/27 38/15 58/11Côte d’Azur 97/10Cubzac 89/16Culmont-Chalindrey 102/16 103/48Deauville-Cabourg 81/04Dieppe 43/07 82/FC 82/12 82/38 83/24 84/19Digne (see also CFP) 77/06Dijon (1945) 92/29Dinard 48/24 49/06Divonne-les-Bains branch 100/21 101/29 102/07Dutch motor-way 44/20Elbeuf 95/32Epinal-St. Dié 91/09Etaples – Béthune 103/08Eymoutiers/Meymac 80/12Fécamp 96/12Folkestone 65/25Folligny 95/33Frasne-Vallorbe 79/08 79/BCFrethun, poor connections at 98/09Futuroscope 90/08Gard/Ardèche closed lines 73/16

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Geneva 60/26Railway locations & routes (see also Journeys, Lines) cont.:

Grande Ceinture Ouest 104/15Granville 99/10 100/45 101/29 102/15Grenoble 83/12Hausbergen 67/09Hellemmes works 74/12Hendaye 37/08 77/10Issy Plaine - Puteaux 59/04Issy-Plaine 71/04Jarnac 77/13Jura 98/11La Fèche 71/06La Plains depot 88/18La Redonne 93/14La Rochellesuburban reopening 98/07La Rochelle 69/38 69/BC 70/33 71/04 73/08La Suze 94/FCLa Tour de Carol 66/06La Villette 96/FCLangres 94/14Laon 70/12Laon (funicular) 56/21Laroquebrou 93/BCLauterbourg– Wörth 104/05Le Buisson 66/08Le Croisic 20/04 57/29Le Lioran 52/08Le Mont Dore 46/18 52/27 54/28 60/27 89/16Le Mont St. Michel 46/14 78/06Le Touquet 67/28 70/33Le Tour de Carol 94/09 95/13Les Aubrais 72/07Les Fontinettes 91/09Les Laumes-Blaisy-Bas 68/16Les Sables-d’Ollonne 99/07 100/04LGV Provence 90/11 91/08

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Liège (B) 87/07Railway locations & routes (see also Journeys, Lines) cont.:

Lille 48/09 101/12 104/30Lille-Fives depot 77/09Lisieux 65/22 65/36Lomme 74/07Lumes-Triage 96/17Lyon Part-Dieu 102/07Lyon-Perrache 93/07Mâcon industrial sidings 102/18Maisons-Lafitte 50/02Maisse 60/17Marle-sur-Serre 98/34 99/37Marquise-Rinxent 96/07Marseille St.Charles 61/34 62/41Martigues 93/14Maurienne 84/12Mende 102/31Métro Mirabeau 38/22Meursault 68/16Meuse valley 96/12Meyrargues – Perthuis reopening 104/05Mézidon 60/22 96/30Miramas 55/30 67/11Monaconew station 97/04Monaco 96/09 73/25Montauban – Lexos 60/28Montmorency 66/15Morez 44/24 45/12 56/20 57/26Morlaix 101/BCMouzon O2/FC 94/16 Mulhouse 72/27 93/31 94/30 95/07 95/10Nancy 95/10Nantes 70/07Nantes (trams) 69/23Narbonne 71/06Nene Valley Rly. 44/12

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Nevers 104/16Railway locations & routes (see also Journeys, Lines) cont.:

Nice-Breil 82/06 91/13 91/BCNîmes 100/08Nimes - Le Grau du Roi O1/04Nord region notes 32/16Nord-Est 94/09Normandyobservations 99/13Normandy 62/07 84/05 92/08 92/09 95/12 96/12Nouvion/Meuse 96/17 Noyelles 58/27Oradour 84/18Origny 70/08Ouest (Montparnasse) 32/16Paray-le-Monial-Lozanne 82/06Paris 21/11Paris (photo locations) 99/10Paris Montpornasse 67/10Paris suburban 48/09Paris-Austerlitz 70/17Paris-Cherbourg 81/04 82/06Paris-Crépy & Beauvais 92/07Paris-Granville 97/11Paris-Montparnasse O2/32Paris-Orsay O2/16Pau - Canfranc 71/05Pau – Canfranc 57/22Pau-Canfranc 98/07Penthièvre 81/28Pertuis-Meyrargues (reopened) 98/07Petite Ceinture 35/21 58/22Plouaret-Lannion electrified 100/04Polnte de Grave 77/09PontchAteau 67/08Puteaux - Issy Plaine 37/31 38/24 41/03Pyrénées 63/07 95/13Quimper-Douarnenez (footpath) 86/07

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Reims 52/11Railway locations & routes (see also Journeys, Lines) cont.:

Remiremont 86/07Rennes 95/33Rennes-Châteaubriant 89/15Réseau breton 57/11 58/18 60/07 75/08Rochers Noirs (viaduc) 86/16Rouen 65/22Rouen St. Séver 75/19 87/32Rouen-Dieppe 89/05 91/08Rouen-Préfecture 97/21 98/32Saintes 96/15Saintes-Royan 92/14Salins de Giraud train ferry 99/12 102/06Sarlat 67/09Sarreguemines 97/12Savoie electrification 97/14Sceaux (Ligne de) 87/17 88/35Serre-Ponçon 100/11 100/28Serre-Ponçon area 101/09Sibelin yard 97/10SMN (mineral railway) 25/07Sotteville 100/35Souillac area 67/09Souzin viaduct 79/07Spanish frontier 44/08St. Aignon-Noyers 72/10St. Denis-près-Martel 80/12St. Etienne (trams) 56/21St. Germain 47/10 48/06 49/14St. Hilaire - St. Nazaire 57/05St. Jean-pied-de-Port 104/12St. Marcellin (Collision) 60/07St. Pierre-sur-Dives 24/12St. Quentin/Langres area 86/07St. Raphaël-Valescure 49/08St. Valéry 91/36

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St. Valéry-en-Caux 96/12Railway locations & routes (see also Journeys, Lines) cont.:

Ste. Marie-aux-Mines (tunnel) 95/12Ste. Pazanne 86/10Surdon 59/08Tain l’Hermitage 83/10 84/40Tournon 70/25Tours 28/24Tours-St. Pierre 67/09 70/08Tours-Vlerzon line 78/07 79/31Transcévenol 46/10Trappes 32/13Trouville - Deauville 41/10Tunnel de l'Allouette 77/01 78/27 79/30Verdun 60/26Versailles R.G. 95/32Versailles-Chantiers 89/15Vierzon-Bourges 82/06Villeneuve St. Georges 85/06Volvic 94/08Walibi-Schtroumpf 69/36Wissembourg-Wlnden 82/06

Railway Performance Soc. 87/04 88/04

Railways outside France:Auto-couplers 66/13Baggage boxes 65/27 66/26 67/28Belgium 63/06

ANF coaches 80/07CFL

De Dietrich rallcar 67/07Germany

ex-DB Br. 211 66/07Iran

BB 15000 for 64/06Turbotrains 57/29

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Railways outside France:Israel

Inox coaches 77/05Italy

ETR 460 80/07Makatea (Island) 79/11Morocco

Mallet loco 80/22Netherlands

150 anniversary 55/23Roumania

early railcar 54/28Sardlnia 79/11Senegal 58/19Spain

AVE 64/05 65/05TGV project 53/08

Switzerlandrack locos 61/05

UKClass 20 65/04 67/07 68/14class 73 57/23Class 90 68/14Class 92 64/04 67/06 68/14EM2 loco 55/23Eurostar trials 80/07Exhibits at Hamburg 51/05Ferry wagons 52/20 53/04 53/25 54/11 56/19Irchester n.g. museum 62/27LMS/W.D. diesel 51/27LNWR “Corridor” 56/08LNWR Coaches 57/27Mk.2 coach test 54/19W.D. 2-8-0 (brown) 53/25Wagons 61/16 63/12

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RATP: 65/04 65/05 67/07 68/09Art Nouveau stations 56/14BB diesel locos 94/18 95/BCBOA articulated train 58/19Disused stations 58/24MP 55 withdrawn 94/08Track machine 55/26

RATP & RER: 87/FC 87/07Diesel locos 83/29 84/19EOLE 81/04 93/07 95/09 96/08EOLE & Metéor 90/08 92/07MP89 stock 84/04

RER: 100/07train reporting codes 33/11

Recording 232 S 32/03Renoir, Jean 72/23Road vehicles, model: 23/11 24/09

Budgie toys Renault lorry 33/18Chausson bus details 33/16Citroën (N gauge) 25/02Praliné 30/09 33/17Renault 16 conversion 34/18Roskopf Renault truck 41/09Top Models 28/07 34/07 34/09

Road Vehicles:Hearse 49/23Jouef cars 48/29Roskopf 48/05 49/24 50/18UFR road-railer 49/06Verem 49/24

Royal Train, 1938 96/26Russian, place names transliterated into 76/37

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SScandinavian Railways Soc. 71/31Scenic modelling:

Brick papers 38/20Canson papers 40/23Rocks In Pots 38/20Weathering powders 38/14

Secondary railways, standard gauge:CFD 97/07 98/07 100/07CFTA 97/22 100/07CFTA Bretagne 99/16Luxey – Mont-de-Marsan 97/28St. Victor – Cours 100/55Etival-Senones 104/BCMamers-St. Calais 101/32

Séjoumé, Paul 93/12Ships:

Canterbury 64/BCTrans-Atlantic 61/24The Queen 61/29 62/33Books on 82/35Dieppe service 82/15Train ferry 82/36 84/19Belpamela 85/13 86/30 87/32 91/31

Shop Window (brief product notes):ANTALPLM Pacific 79/34APOCOPACaravelle 74/31APOCOPAelectric loco bodies 77/32APOCOPAgrain wagons 74/34BEROLhard crayons 80/31BUSCH/PRALINERenault bus 76/33CARPENAdecals 80/31DUTONOe 0-4-2T 76/30EURO-SCALE 74/35FLEISCHMANN040 D 76/33FLEISCHMANNProvence Express" van 73/30

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FRADISEst "Bidel" coaches 77/32GECOMODEL 74/31HALFORDSpaints 78/31HAXOlorries 73/31 74/33 76/31HM point operating probe 73/30HUMBROLMetal Cote 80/32JOUEF66000 73/30 76/34JOUEF231 G PLM 74/31 76/33JOUEF232 R 77/32JOUEFEurostar 73/30 74/31 76/34 79/32JOUEFliquidation 79/38JOUEFspares 79/32JV catenary 80/31LIMABB 67315 73/30LIMABR class 92 79/32LIMADEV coaches 73/30L'OBSIDIENNE 74/31 78/32 80/31LS MODELS 74/35 77/32LSL 262 DB I PLM 74/31MKD 76/34MODEL LOCO231 G Ouest 74/32PREISERgendarmes 73/30RIVAROSSIinox 73/30 76/24ROCOBB 9300 Capitole 76/34ROCOCapitole coaches 77/32ROCOspecial items 80/31SUPERSCALE decal set & sol 73/30TINY SIGNS posters 75/31TRANSMONDIAN-gauge 2D2 74/31VAPEUR 70 74/31WYCHBURY MOS0-6-0 ST 80/31

Shops, models & books, in France:Aiguilleur, L 54/08Artisans, France 69/37Art-Métal 84/36Auchan, Dunkerque 80/31

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Shops, models & books, in France: O1/25* 20/05 21/11 31/25 33/07 33/18 35/16 37/04 38/08 58/05 59/2360/33

Aux 3 époques, Reims 44/05Bordeaux 92/38Boulogne 39/11 74/32Clarelclosure 100/42Clarel 84/36 85/30Contact Plus FFMF 62/05Contesso, Nice 95/39Corbière Modélisme 63/26 64/10 70/29 75/31 78/31Côte d'Azur 59/23D.E.F.I. 52/05 53/20Eastern France & Switzerland 100/42Ferrovipathe, Perpignan 56/04Halle du Bouttuen, La 95/39Jacques Laurentclosed 66/29Jacques Laurent 75/31Jouets d'Antan 65/30JRS Supplies 78/31 80/31Jura Modélisme 61/13Lisieux 36/10 40/23Loco-Motiv, Paris 77/32Maison des Trains, Laclosure 65/30Maison des Trains, La 60/33Marno 89/38Maxi-Livres 88/34Modele Réduit, Leclosure 88/34Modele Réduit, Le 54/04New Modélisme 87/34Paris 58/05 59/23 60/33Railway, Lisieux 43/08Rev' Land 64/10RMA 77/32 80/31RMA 51/05 52/05Tour des Jouets, La 64/10Toyland, De Paane (B) 78/31Trois Époques, Au 64/10

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Shops, models & books, in France cont.:Vapeur 70 66/29 67/30Tura-Moddlilsme 60/34

Shops, models & books, in UK:Albion Scott 25/22Camden Miniature Steam Services 50/18D.J. Bookbinders 59/23Eastern Models 56/04Fourtrack Models 69/30Frizinghall 53/20Hadley Hobbies 26/08 35/16 36/09 41/07 44/06HM Baseboards 67/30Hobbyphoto, Dublin 44/04Just Continental 24/02 31/08 36/08 47/20Kent Panel Controls 26/10 48/05 49/24M G Sharp 39/11 98/37Mackay Models 36/08 90/14Mays Models 28/07 30/10Model Exchange 27/25Model Masters 63/26Mumbles Railway Books 28/07 31/29Newcomers Gallery 32/11 33/01 36/08North Devon Models 65/30Orton Models 24/02 28/02 29/21 41/07P&K Models 62/31Pentoy 49/24 50/18Phoenix 24/02 58/09Photomatic 32/11Pop Inn (records) 33/12Railway Sidings 44/06Re-Rail 61/29Robert Spark Books 24/03 26/06 30/09 57/13 68/29 88/35Roger Pound 35/16 37/07 39/10 43/08 44/05 51/06 52/05 53/20 57/12Ron's Model Rail 63/26Sancerre Models 58/06 59/23 61/28 62/39 64/10 64/28Scale Rail 64/04Sunbury Models 69/30

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Shops, models & books, in UK cont.:Susan Webster 50/18Three Millimetre Models 28/09 43/08Train Time 44/05Trevor Ridley books 90/36Turntable, The 74/32 77/02 80/31Twiggers (O.O.P. books) 48/05Victor'sclosure 98/36Victor's 34/08 61/28 77/32W&H Models 51/06 64/04 78/31

Signalling: O1/01 O2/08 20/12A-L 41/24 60/26Block 1903 77/09Corsica 77/34Hendaye 77/10in Morvan 100/18in Normandy 59/06KVB 65/04 66/07 67/06Lartigue block 34/11 58/27LGV 77/09manual level crossing 100/10marker board, b&w 99/37mechanical survivors 99/12 100/10 100/34 104/30mechanical, Massif Central 91/09Mézidon 84/05Midi block PD 80/14mixed gauge 70/25model O1/04 41/24 44/06modern colour light 61/06Nord 63/32 64/17Nord & Est automatic block 81/12Nord palette SEM 87/26PLM 60/17Roanne 84/04Serrure Centrale 57/05signal boxes 64/21

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Signalling cont.:single line 51/22 56/21St Denis-prés-Martel 80/12standardisation 55/05TGV 62/15TVM 430 67/06 68/09

Signs, track side 21/14Silver City Airways 70/33Sleeper nails 77/34SMCF wagons 34/12SNCF Line charts 88/04

SNCF Operations etc. (see also Accidents, Locations):1992 prospects 65/06Advertising 91/07Air France Rail 51/05Aqualys 98/06 101/07"ASTREE" 72/05Autos-Couchettes 48/31 50/06Axle loads 97/08Ballast/stone trains 85/06 86/07 87/06Banlieue branding 94/06 96/08Besanon-Le Locle 99/07 100/07Béziers-Neussargues future 98/07 102/04 103/08 104/04Bicycle transport 50/06Blanc – Argent 62/13Bustitution 93/06 94/06Cabins-8 46/13Caen-Rennes reprieve 87/06"Capitole" 64/05Carte Orange 61/04"Catalan Talgo" cut back 74/06Catenary, Midi 91/08CDG-Express 99/08Chartres – Orléans opening delayed 104/05Chartres-Courtalain 100/06

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SNCF Operations etc. (see also Accidents, Locations) cont.:Closures 59/03 63/05 64/05 64/06 67/06 68/09

lines 77/07 79/05stations 77/05

Commutor freight terminal 65/05Corsica, modernisation plan 104/07Côte Bleue services 97/20Diversion (WW I arms dump) 102/11Draisine 79/06Drivers 77/09 80/19Electrification 61/04 70/06 81/04 82/06 84/05

Nantes – Les Sables 104/05projects 54/20St. Dié – Remiremont 102/04

EOLE 68/09Espace Gare 71/04"Euraffaires" 62/10Euro currency 90/08Euro currency shipment trains 104/06Euro-Domino ticket 70/06Eurostar 68/09 69/06 70/05 70/06 71/05 71/09 72/05Fares promotion 100/08Floods 77/07 102/04 102/11 103/06Foreign locos hired 60/06France-Vacances Pass 46/13 50/06 58/19Freight 101/04 104/07

200 km/h 98/06on LGV 88/05paths 96/15policy 59/04traffic 77/05 78/05unreliability 60/06wagonloads 59/04

Fret-SNCF 47/15 53/08 56/24Gare du Nord development 62/10Gde. Ceinture plans 87/06Hay traffic 62/14

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SNCF Operations etc. (see also Accidents, Locations) cont.:"Haut de Gamme" 60/06Hazebrouck flyover 97/08Headlights 71/04Interconnexion 73/07Interloire 74/05 76/06"Joker" tickets 87/06Jonctlon 81/04 83/04La Cluse avoiding line 84/04Laon-Hirson 99/08Le Bourget yard 93/07Le Puy services 65/04LED tail lights 89/07Lens/Thionville loco roster 81/04Level crossings 90/08 91/11 92/17 94/08 95/09LGV Ouest 100/04LGV renewal 82/07Liberté travel package 54/21 62/10Ligne des Alpes 99/07Ligne des Causses 82/08Lille-Berck pass. trains 83/05Limoges station fire 89/15Lines (re)opened/saved 93/07 94/06 96/09Lines closed 93/07Lines closed 73/09 74/05 74/06Lines closed 81/04 84/04Lines reopened 82/06Loco sectorisation 98/06Logo 69/06 71/05Lyon freight bypass 85/06Lyon freight bypass 92/06Lyon-Strasbourg service 70/06'Métralsace' 64/05Molère express 67/06Molten metal trains 97/08Montpellier-Narbonne 82/08Mulhouse-Kruth 100/07

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SNCF Operations etc. (see also Accidents, Locations) cont.:Named trains 103/11 104/06 104/32Night Ferry 49/32 50/19Night services 99/07Normandy rapid link 85/06Orient Express 103/12Ost-West Express 67/06Paris – La Rochelle 100/06Paris – Le Mans 101/06Paris-Beauvais electrification 93/06 96/08Paris-Granville protest 95/09Paris-Granville upgrade 88/05Paris-Limoges-Toulouse 100/07Paris-Limoges-Toulouse 101/06Pass-Bretagne ticket 84/05Passenger services

new and re-instated 78/05 79/06 80/06simplified 78/05

Passenger survey 82/07 83/04Pau – Canfranc reopening agreement 104/04Pau-Oloron washout 97/08Photo permits 46/13Photographic permits 53/08 54/28Picardie “dromadaire” 98/06Poor passenger services 57/29Postal trains withdrawn 102/04President resigns 83/04Pyrenees tunnel proposal 79/06Radio control (1955) 51/27 52/28Rail Europe 87/06Regional guides 88/18Regional railcar 75/06 76/07Regions 89/05 89/07 91/07Reopening of lines 63/05 64/06 66/07 68/11Rhône-Alpes services 82/06 84/04Royal Train 1938 50/xvScenic routes 66/10

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SNCF Operations etc. (see also Accidents, Locations) cont.:Semi-Rail roadrailer 59/03SERNAM 49/04Sleepers withdrawn 74/05St. Girons track lifting 84/04Stations, new 74/09 75/06 76/06Stations, new & reopened 102/04 104/05Stations, unstaffed 71/04 72/36Stock sold to Cuba 91/08 92/07Storm damage 97/08 97/13Talgo services 81/04TER

Nord-Pas-de-Calais 101/06PACA 104/06Rhône-Alpes 101/07 102/05

TER-GV 97/12 100/06TGV 46/13 46/25

Atlantique 65/05 67/06 71/04 74/06Duplex 77/05 80/08Est 68/36 70/06 101/08expansion 61/04 62/11 63/05FRET 67/07interconnexion 58/21 63/05 64/05logo (Snail) 101/30Lyon by-pass 69/06 70/33Méditerranée 80/06 101/?? 102/06 103/04 104/07namings 78/05Nord 53/08 66/14 68/09 69/06 70/04Nord derailment 73/09nouvelle génération 78/06plans 59/23Postal 73/07 74/06Pyrénées 69/06record, Frethun – Marseille 103/04Réseau 58/20 68/09 70/04 71/04 72/05 73/07 76/06 77/05 77/08 80/07route through Lille 63/06single-car tests 47/15

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SNCF Operations etc. (see also Accidents, Locations) cont.:TGV cont.

Sud-Est 68/16 70/07 71/04Sud-Est refurbished 74/06to Belgium 79/05toilet incident 70/38vs. classic trains 102/17

TGV-A 48/27 50/06 53/08 54/21 55/20 56/24 58/20 58/31 60/06power car 64/32records 57/22 58/31 59/03

Thalys 80/07Thefts on trains 63/34Third-rail electric 59/04

end of 71/04Ticket problems 92/16 93/28Timetables 54/21 56/24 60/08 91/45 92/36 94/06 95/46

changes 87/15 88/05lack of 47/05

Tours shuttle service 58/20 64/06Tours-Chinon 98/06Tracks across platforms 67/08Train speeds, 1938 50/xvTrains Express Rég'x 46/25Transilien 96/08Turntable control 89/05TVM 430 cab signalling 74/06Vandalism 95/09"Ventadour" 74/06Vierzon - Bourges elec. 74/06Weather, effects of 85/08 89/05 91/08 96/08

Society Matters:20th. anniversary 82/02Aims & Objectives 94/02 95/01Archivepurchase 72/01Archive 73/05 75/03 77/01 80/03 94/03 95/04 102/03Atlas project 66/03

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Society Matters cont.:Australian circle 34/25Badge 84/01Books, Ed. du Cabri, ordering 101/02Bristol group meet 102/02CD-ROM project 100/02 102/01Chairman 76/01Chairman, MRC 49/01Chairman, SNCFS 48/01Cheques 78/01Ciné film, plea for 74/02CMRA Award 89/41Code of practice 75/01Crredit cards 65/01Duffield meet 88/02E. Anglian group 81/02 90/06 91/05E-mail 95/04 99/01 100/03Exhibition help needed 102/02Exhibition layouts 94/04Exhibition Officer 57/02 60/04 63/04 68/04 87/01 88/04Exhibition stand 69/02 72/02 73/06Film, appeal for 104/04Foreign payments 84/01Greetings cards 75/03Guidelines for members 26/19History 42/01HMP Postcard collection 92/44Journal

articles on disc 77/01back numbers 40/03 45/29 47/33balance in 60/04costs 63/01 64/01material 61/35 62/03missing copies 60/01photos for 58/03printing 73/01 74/01 75/01

Layout register 47/03 82/05 84/02

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Society Matters cont.:Lectures 64/03Library 26/03 27/03 28/03 28/25 29/02 30/02 30/11 36/02 43/29 44/02 46/02

47/02 48/02 49/01 50/05 52/01 53/02 54/03 55/02 56/01 59/01 64/0465/02 68/02 69/01 69/02 70/01 71/02 72/02 73/02 74/04 75/01 76/0377/02 78/02 79/01 80/40 81/02 82/03 83/01 85/04 86/01 89/03 90/0492/04 94/03 96/04 98/04 104/03

Local groups 32/02 80/01 80/41Meetings 82/04 83/03

response to 65/02Members' addresses 47/03 48/03 49/37 50/06Members' interest survey 25/06Membership 102/02 102/03

survey 70/02 98/05Metre-gauge group 53/05Modular demo. Track 101/35Modular layout project 94/34 95/39Mug 103/01North West Group 35/02Numberplate project 28/02 29/02 38/02 54/04 55/01 84/34 86/34 88/04Officers' duties 68/02Photo archive 83/26Photo competition 80/02 82/03 87/09 88/12 91/05

1998 93/051999 96/06results 84/21 100/25 104/27

Photographic collection 52/02Postcards 82/02Postcards/Xmas cards 87/03Product sales 66/33 68/02Rail Europe donation of goods 104/04Regional groups 97/03 98/04 99/02 100/02Russell memorial 77/02 78/02Sales 81/01 82/04 83/02 84/02Sales & wants “tithe” 66/01Sales list 84/41 88/42 100/24

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Society Matters cont.:Sales Officer 70/03 87/01 88/41 90/04 91/46 92/04 94/03 95/02 96/03 98/04 99/02

100/01Scrapbooks, appeal for listing 101/31Shops guide project 103/03 104/48Subscriptions 54/01 56/01 60/01Sweater 46/03Technical adviser 75/02 78/02Trades Officer 30/01 31/01 33/02 34/03 36/02 37/02 46/03 47/03 48/03 54/04 56/01Trades/Sales Officer 66/32 68/02Transfers project 64/04Translations 47/05 48/02 49/01Videos 40/03 46/02Web site 97/03 99/02 100/03Web site & e-mails 101/01 102/01

Society Meetings & Shows: 96/04Baie de Somme 98/10Belper 99/04Beoley

1981 23/061982 27/04

Bottisham 54/02 59/02City Road

1984 34/021985 38/041986 42/02

1987 46/04Derby 1988 52/01East Harling 63/03Epsom 60/02 61/03

1989 56/02Gillingham 97/03

1997 85/031998 89/03

Glasgow 1987 46/06Huddersfield 1985 39/03

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Society Meetings & Shows cont.:IMREX 1988 50/04London Toy Museum 63/03Manchester

1984 34/02 37/011985 41/02

Newcastle, Staffs. 47/07 92/04Newmarket 99/04

1982 28/221983 31/22 32/041984 36/011988 51/02

Norwood1981 24/011982 29/13

Old Oak Common 99/05Orpington 1987 49/03Oxford

1985 40/011986 44/011987 48/04

Paris Salon 98/40Sanderstead

1983 32/061985 36/03

Seaford 59/02

Solder 37/06South Dublin MRC 36/10 39/22

Special trains: 93/08 94/30 96/231995 77/25 78/251998 88/42141 R 83/10Auvergne Picasso (1995) 76/08Calendar 1994 73/37 74/04Calendar 1996 81/37

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Special trains cont.:Cévennes, X 2400 75/13Eurostar 83/06La Jonction 74/08Larzac branch 83/FCMEDLOC 70/37 71/03MEDLOC1995 76/24Metric Meanderer 75/17Noyelles 75/04 76/18Santa special 69/38Steam at Dieppe 83/08Vapeur Catalon 71/25

Speeds 52/34 53/08Splasher beadings 34/10Stations (see also buildings):

Bagnoles de l'Orne 51/07Canfranc 63/11Cherbourg 61/19Gare de l'Est 59/03Gare d'Orsay 60/10Gare St. Lazare 57/34La Tour de Carol 63/11Le Croisic 56/06Lens 64/20Lison 59/06Lusigny 56/27Marseille 62/41Métro - Art Nouveau 56/14names, longest? 104/07names, unlikely 56/31Paris-Nord 62/10Paris-Orsay (card model) 61/29Paris-St. Lazare 63/20St. Saturnin/St. Bonnet 52/10St. Valéry en Caux 51/07 53/25worst served 56/31 57/29

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Steam Trips (see also Journeys, & Visits, Train Formations:141 TD 740, 1987 46/13231 G 550, 1987 46/13AJECTA 1987 45/10Quercyrail '86 43/21

Stephenson Locomotive Soc. 44/02

T"Tunnel Visions" 65/09TEE "Arbalète" 93/31

TGV: 47/15 48/31086 23/01 24/04 24/20 25/02 26/03 27/03 28/20 29/03 30/03 31/21 33/04

34/22 38/11Atlantique O2/BC 89/FCCherbourg service withdrawn 94/06Diesel-hauled 91/07 92/06Diesel-hauledto Les Sables 100/04Duplex 85/05 86/05 91/07 94/06Duplexnew orders 100/06Est 89/05Lille-Lyon service 35/26Logos and liveries 100/04Network diagram 96/18Nord 53/08Pendolino, FS 99/07 100/10Pendulaire 89/05 90/07 91/07 96/10 99/07plans 59/23PSE sets downgraded 87/07Sud-Est 89/05 96/08Tilting tests 85/06 86/04Toilet adventure 88/24Trials at Frethun 97/21 98/34

TGV-A 48/27 50/06 53/08 54/21 55/20 56/24 58/20 58/31 60/06records 57/22 58/31 59/03

TGV-Réseau 58/20Thalys 85/05 87/07 88/08

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Thames Valley Rail Tours 34/25Third-rail electric 35/20 37/31 41/03Tickets – special offers

Eurostar savings 104/13Rail Europe travel offers 102/06RATP Mobilis 104/12Train Renard (road train) 104/22

Timetables1994 37/19 38/29 39/08purchase of 60/08research from 95/17

Tours Florentines 66/26Track, bullhead 67/09 68/24Tracks across platforms 67/08

Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.):AFOCOPA 62/31 64/10

Corail coaches 84/36Interfrigo vans 58/04logo sheet 82/32 84/37Tiphook wagon 72/30

ART’NSTVA wagon (N gauge) 53/20wagons (N gauge) 58/05

AS 54/08De Dietrich railcar 44/05railcar trailer 34/08railcars 29/19 29/22 30/08 39/11Talbot coaches 42/26tinplate O gauge 42/08 44/05

ASSIEfencing 38/04

ASTER150X (Gauge 1) 41/08gauge 1 231 E 52/07Nord Pacific 60/35

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:B&B

couplers 50/05BACHMANN

GE BB diesel 52/06 53/24BAUD

card buildings 42/08 43/08BEC

tramcar 36/08Bentley & Blue Train print 35/07BRANCH LINES

030 TU 81/31BREKINA

Citroen car 68/29BT Boards 62/31

(car no. plates) 67/30BUSCH

Citroën DS 19 82/32 83/28C&G

Baldwin 62000 54/04CC 80001 58/07diesel loco kits 54/08new models 58/04

CABINET DESIGNshowcases 42/07

CALLIGRAPHEtransfers 46/07

CARMINA141 R kit 41/07141R parts 56/04BB 66000 (HO) 67/30TGV pantographs 33/12

CARPENA 62/31 64/10decals 65/30 66/33folded 70/32transfers 63/26

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:CARR'S

handbook 36/09scenic products 38/14solders 37/06Transfix 34/10

CHIVERS030 TU (N gauge) 40/06Joffre (HOe) 41/18metre gauge van 44/05


CJDroad vehicles 57/12 62/31

CLAIR DE LUNE 45/05 46/22buildings 47/20

CLARELtransfers 34/09

COLWORTHelectronics 26/08

Controllers 26/10 28/08CROWN LINE 30/08DACKER

hopper wagon 33/12 35/16DAVE ANGELL

scenics 44/04DECENT MODELS

PO coaches 28/09 39/16 42/09DJH (see also Kits, Model Loco)

231 C 49/24DUNDAS

wagons (HOe) 41/18DYNAM

N gauge coaches 26/24EKO

road vehicles 32/10

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:ELECTRAINS 30/11

4 wheel coaches 35/17open cattle wagon 35/17

ELECTROTRENcatenary 58/06hopper wagon 47/20` 46/025

EUROMATCHpaints 67/30 68/29 72/29


CIVL emblem 56/04inox TEE coaches 56/04number plates 70/32

FERHOBBYEst 4-wheel coaches 52/06

FIDESbuildings 67/30 68/28

FLEISCHMANN BB7203 26/24Profi track 34/10 35/13DSB van 71/31

FOBBI 27/21 42/26FRADIS

“Bidel" coaches 82/32FRANCE TRAINS ABJ 22/04FWT

Destination Boards 57/12GECOMODEL

Corpet 030T 28/25Corpet loco 70/32

GEMMBillard railcar (Om) 54/09Chausson bus (0) 64/10

GERARDCC 72000 51/06

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:GERMAN RLY. SOC.

wheels 46/022GULLI BLEU

transfers 36/08HAXO

decals 84/37kangourou equipt. 67/30lorry kit 72/29road vehicles 58/04 82/32wagon transfers 70/32


point studs 72/29HOBBY BLACK 30/13HOBBYTRAlN

N-gauge 050B 49/24HUET

coupler mount 84/37ferry van 83/37

IAN JOWETTbookbinding 66/29

IBERTRENN gauge Corail 42/07

IMUroad vehicles 58/04

JCRkits 52/05OCEM tank wagon 70/30

JOHN BOYLEP.O. 2-4-2 (0) 64/10

JOUEF141 TA 38/03141 TA P.O. grey 56/042D2 9135 41/06Ballast Wagon 58/15 59/28BB 16703 48/29

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:JOUEF cont.

BB 27 41/06BB 66400 84/36beer vans 52/06 54/09blue DMU 27/20Bugatti railcar 44/06 46/08cars 48/29 52/28CC 21002 65/30CC 72000 57/13 60/33CIWL coaches 31/08 33/21Est coaches 52/06Evian vans 61/10G.80 Fret van 56/04HOe 41/20import of 32/11 33/19 49/24 50/18Multifret wagon 58/13new products 1986 43/08new products 1989 53/30new products 1990 57/14new products 1991 61/28new products 1992 65/30Picasso 31/03 31/22Prestige coaches 41/09prices 63/04 64/11pricing policy 58/06punning problems 57/26signal box 36/10spares 44/04Spares 51/06take-over 81/31tank wagons 56/04TGV test (L-R) 29/05TGV-A 52/06UIC stock 29/06 30/18Z2N 38/06

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:JPL

O-gauge parts 83/28JV

catenary 22/04KADEE

couplers 61/13KATO

N gauge TGV 32/10KENTROL

controller 71/32KEYSER (see Kits)KIBRI

factory kit 43/06turntable 61/28

KIWAYloco accessories 69/05

KLEINroll-top wagons 59/23tank wagon 64/26


KLEINENS 2400 diesel 68/36

L’AIGUILLEURlorry kits 66/29P.O. 2-4-2 61/28

LARA nuclear flask wagon 41/09


BB67000 (Gauge O) 30/04catalogue 1988 catalogue 50/18CC14100 41/06class 92 81/31Corail coaches 47/20Corail driving trailer 36/09

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:LIMA cont.

Eurostar 84/36factory visit 55/20Forestier coaches 38/05 39/30 47/20 48/25fourgon (N) 53/19 54/28new products 1983 29/22new products 1986 42/07 43/08new products 1992 65/30RIB Set 44/05special issues 68/29TGV-A 61/29Tiphook ferry wagon 72/30X 2200 53/18 54/13X2200 railcar 49/24


L'OBSIDIENNE 61/29 62/31 66/29 82/32 84/36detail packs 71/28 71/33Isobloc coach 54/09Panhard truck 49/24road vehicles 54/08 58/04 70/31road-railer 49/16

LOCO DIFFUSIONcoaches 52/06X2400 22/04

LOCO SET LOISIR 51/06 52/05 62/31141C kit 54/09

LSLloco kits 71/33wagon details 70/31 72/29

MABEXtransfers 48/05


decals 38/05

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:MÄRKLIN

BB 20011 49/24couplers 49/04Micheline 58/05 60/33Primex range 61/28Sybic 63/26

MIKE HARVEYN gauge Corail 45/11N-gauge coaches 47/20 48/05 50/18Z2 (N) 71/30

MINIA-KITtransfers 27/20

MINIMAGlorry transfers 33/18

MINITRIXCC72000 26/24Grand Confort coach 29/21

MKD 63/26accessories 38/05 44/06buildings 26/08 28/07 34/09draisine accessories 56/06fences (Wills) 37/07figures 47/20 49/24figures (unpainted) 51/06loco shed 35/08new products 1986 42/07new products 1989 54/08new products 1992 65/30shop interiors 53/20signals 41/07yard crane 69/05

MMM-RGcoaches 23/08

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:MODEL LOCO

150 P 57/14222T Ravachol 55/05231 C 60/35231C 51/08240P kit 67/30future kits 54/08kit prices 51/06new products 1992 65/30PLM 030 TB 62/26PLM Atlantic 60/33Y 9100 57/14 59/22

MODELE DÉCORscenic 69/05


lining pen 51/09MOUGEL

Billard railcar 27/13 29/21paints 24/02Voitures Sud-Ouest 64/26

New products, general1991 61/291993 69/31

OCTAGONwagon loads 42/07


PASCALINEcard buildings 60/33

PB MAQUETTESN-gauge 48/05

PECOFine-scale track 64/25


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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:PIKO 41/07

Saxon XII 4-6-0 50/18PRALINÉ

Citroën van 38/05 40/06road vehicles 62/31 66/31 68/29

PRECISION PAINTSpaints 26/08 30/11 42/07 52/05

PREISERpeople 46/06safety barriers 69/05

PROVANtoastrack coach (G1) 64/10

RAILWAY141 R conversion 41/07



231E 72/36future models 60/33souvenir book 82/32

RMA6-wheel tank wagon 37/06Nord coaches 29/10 34/20

ROCO150Z 69/314-wheel van 58/05Bastille coaches 39/07BB 4100 44/07BB300 31/07Bruhat coaches 22/04catalogue 1988 49/24couplings 41/05Est coaches 29/21 30/09kangourou wagon 31/07Ks flat wagon 39/07

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:ROCO cont.

locotracteur 27/20 28/07RGP/TEE 64/10Rlmmp wagon & tank 32/10RocoLine Track 64/24"Thunderbox" coaches 70/29UIC couchettes coach 39/07Unimog + wagon 84/36Wagon-Lits type U 61/28X2800 railcar 41/05

ROCO/SACHSEN1992 releases 65/30

ROLLANDtransfers 23/05

ROSKOFFRenault truck 41/09trucks 48/05 49/24 50/18

ROUSSEAU 46/22 48/05OCEM van 41/04OCEM van 46/06TP wagons 42/27

SACHSENRussian sleeper 70/29

SAMSONbuilding details 70/29

SANDPIPERtrees 42/08

SCALE LINK 52/05railings 81/31

TAYLORY 25 bogie (N) 64/28

TÉLÉTRAIN 23/03 25/18 27/20 28/08closed 64/10detailing parts 59/23

TINY SIGNS 26/08posters 69/31

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Trade and product reviews (Note: entry may be full review or brief mention of Item's existence.) cont.:TOP MODELS

n.g. loco 32/10Renault lorry (see also road vehicles) 34/07

TRAMcoaches 26/08 28/08 31/08


TRANSMONDIA66000 (N) 69/30EMU (N Guage) 58/04N railcar 26/24Picasso (N) 64/28

VAPEUR 702D2 5500 (N) 67/30transfers 70/32wagons (N) 69/30

VERENroad vehicles 49/24

Vive la Vapeur cassette 36/10WESTDALE

O-gauge kits 33/12WILLS

fencing (MKD) 37/07WRIGHTSCALE

catenary (N) 72/29YOUETT

241 P chassis 70/29ZAP

adhesives 71/32

Train Ferries:Calais service 52/33 53/06Nord - Pas de Calais 51/05World War I 52/33 53/06

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Train formations: 23/08 27/25 29/25 51/05 55/30 91/09Granville 46/19Hendaye 37/08Specials 37/01 39/30

Train numbering 78/26 79/26Trams, Funiculars

Evian 89/07Le Mont-Dore 91/11Puteaux-La Defénse 90/11St. Etienne 92/07

Trams: 69/23 70/13 71/04Strasbourg 95/12Val-de-Seine 87/07

Tramways:Lyon 102/05Monte Carlo 101/22Montpellier 97/08 98/08 99/08Orléans 101/08Strasbourg 77/FC 77/12

Tramways cont.:Val de Seine 78/06

Transfers 34/10 46/07 48/05 50/18home made 35/13

Travel articles 81/06 83/10 84/08Travel hints

booking 82/10 82/38Pass-Bretagne ticket 84/05

Travel notes 51/05 55/30TTGV Interconnexion 58/21Turbotrains:

ETG 40/16RTG 41/15TGS 23/17 40/16

Turntables, wagon 96/30

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VValve gears:

gab (pied de biche) 94/22What valve gear? 1. Introduction 82/23What valve gear? 2. Durant and Lencauchez 82/25 84/19What valve gear? 3. Bonnefond 84/26What valve gear? 4. Meyer 89/24What valve gear? 5. Renaud 92/30What valve gear? 6. Cossart 97/30What valve gear? 7. Caprotti 102/26 104/30

Vélo-Rail 86/12 88/11Viaducts:

Chamborigaud 55/29Châteaulin 55/29Chaumont 56/23Fades 66/10Garabit 52/08

Viaducts cont.:Garabit 66/10 68/10Viaur 66/10 68/26

Video reviews:"Ladies” du TGV Méd. (Class 37s), Les 100/50100 ans de Progrès 101/44141 R 840: Le Feu sacré 99/451-mètre carré de bonheur 94/40A Toute Vapeur (CFT Tarn) 80/37Age du Fer – l’Ouest, L 101/44Année ferroviaire 1999, l' 97/43Autorails 101/44Autorails "Picasso", Les 94/40Autorails RGP 103/40Autorails signés Renault 101/44Aux commandes d'Eurostar 79/36Balade ferroviaire du N au O 102/41Balade pour un Chemin de Fer 78/38Belle Aventure du TGV, La 103/40

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Video reviews cont.:CC 7100, Les 97/42Cévenol Express 77/35Channel Tunnel 80/38Channel Tunnel Trains 86/36Class 92s 80/38Côtes d'Azur - Haute Provence 80/37Creating Classic Layouts 69/34Crocodiles" monophasé es, Les 96/44Crossing the Channel 75/34Dijon-Lyon 101/44Euro Video Express III 52/25European Freight Trains 79/36Eurostar 78/38Fête du Rail à Breil 102/42Fêtes vapeur, Baie de Somme 87/41French Alpins Railways 77/35French Steam 89/40 90/43Golden Arrow 59/01Grande Vitesse 73/34 75/34Great Steam Locos of France 61/35 62/02 68/32 70/37Great Trains of Europe 69/34La Bête Humaine 72/26 73/28Le Blanc-Argent (amateur) 85/40Le Shuttle 85/40Link Span 59/01Locomotives 140 C, Les 100/50Locomotives 141 R 102/42Locomotives diesel BB 63000 93/42Locomotives diesel CC65000/65500, Les 100/50Magic World of Model Railways 86/35Média-Train 85/40 86/35 87/41 88/38Mémoires des roulants 95/41Metros of the World 69/34Miniatures Vol. 3 67/12Monaco, TER 2 N 97/43Monde merveilleux des trains miniatures, le 98/43

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Video reviews cont.:Mont-Blanc Express 97/42Mulhouse Museum 52/34Nantes trams 80/40Narrow gauge – France and Corsica 104/49New Horizons 77/35 91/46Nice-Coni 86/35Noms mythiques pour Trains de Rêve 102/42Paris - Dijon 94/40Paris Métro 68/31Paris Rétro 78/38Petite Ceinture 87/41PO Corrèze 80/37Railway Roundabout Europe 71/35Railway Roundabout Europe II 72/36Railways of France 67/13Railways of the Seine 68/32Railways of the Seine 69/34Salisbury Stean Finale 54/30Salon de la Maquette 54/30 55/03Steam around the World 104/49Steam South 71/35TGV Atlantique 77/35TGV Nord-Europe 73/34The Last Journey 89/40The TGV Experience 75/34Toulouse – La Tour de Carol 104/49Traffic Video 98/43Train jaune de la Cerdagne 89/40Treinen door de Tijd 62/36Vapeur en Vivarais 80/37Vapeur française 76/35Vapour du Grand sud 95/41Viaduc de Viaur, Vapeur 69/34

Video, conversion service 79/36

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Videos: 40/03 48/19 49/01Aubrac 84/38Eurotrack 1 & 2 81/34Média Train mag. 81/34 82/36 84/38Orient Express 82/36Railways in your garden 83/39SECAM viewing 93/42The Train 83/41Tour du Jura en train vapeur 83/39Trains de Corse 81/34Vapeur en Limousin 83/39Vivarais 1962 83/39VSOE 82/36

W,X,Y,ZWagons: 33/05

"Autoroute ferroviaire" 73/09Baggage boxes 71/30Baggage boxes, GB 65/27 66/26Ballast hopper 58/15Barrier, for Eurostar 71/05Beer vans 93/31 96/34Bogie tank 33/10Bogies, for models 65/27BR (SR) Ferry open 54/12 56/19BR 16t. open for SNCF 53/04BR Cattle for ferry 75/29BR Ferry van 52/20Brake huts 79/17BRCW for France, 1918 91/33 92/35Catenary greasing van 49/16 60/38Cattle vans, yellow 95/35 96/32Channel Tunnel 74/10 75/37Débach ‘vit’ 28/21Double-deck car carrier 37/31Dubonnet tank 96/32E 79 102/05

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Wagons cont.:Etat convert 33/08Ferry, Tiphook 70/19Flat for armoured vehicles 32/10Flat, Ks (straw load) 62/14Fret-SNCF 47/15Gas tanks 27/18German 85/34 88/36Germanbogie flat 81/26Germanin France 78/13Goods fourgon in Denmark 99/10Grain 72/10Grands réseaux 75/27 76/22Hopper, CF la Mure 71/06Hopper, Midi, 1905 96/29Hoppers, Corsica & Somme 94/29 95/34Hoppers, FS on hire 67/07Household refuse 73/09Interfrigo, 4-wheel 52/16Kangourou 31/07Kronenbourg van 57/11Liveries, pre 1937 77/35Markings (decals HO) 80/34Météor beer van 92/38Midi parcels van, 1887 46/14Night Ferry shunting, SR 73/29 74/25Nord 60 t. hopper 98/28 99/36Nord, O gauge 82/38Nuclear flask 41/09Nuclear flask carrier 60/26Nuclear flask carrying 63/12OCEM for US military museum 104/07OCEM tank 33/08Open 16t., BR/SNCF 94/36Open BR/SNCF 61/16 63/12Open cattle 35/17PO livery 81/36

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Wagons cont.:Polybulk hopper on BR 33/28Pre-UIC numbering 44/21Private owners, 1930s 95/36Private-owner, pre-WWII 97/21 98/34SNCF Container 59/27STEF bogie vans 79/17 79/20STEMI hoppers 91/24STVA car carrier 70/23 73/09T,13 open with cover 52/16T.11 and T.13 47/15Tank, 4-wheel (Jouef) 38/06Tank, 4-wheel ex-Gernan 52/13Tank, 6-wheel 37/06 52/15Tank, lightweight 64/27Tank, USATC 76/24Tank, USATC, bogie 52/17TP tank for fuel oil 35/06TP van 52/15Transporter loading ramp 75/38UFR road railer 49/06Vans, Evian 61/09Vans, Marcel Millet 61/09WD, 600mm gauge 41/18Weighbridge calibrating 68/17Well (n.g. loco load) 62/23Wine wagon transporter 44/30Wine wagons 38/16 42/22 52/16 54/23Wine, foudres O2/39

Wagons-Lits Society 72/38Wartime railways 36/16 37/19 39/07Weathering powders 38/14Wheels 28/21 29/04 30/08 31/08 104/41Wire, lead 40/23 41/22WW2 Railways Study Group 72/38

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Zola, Emile 72/23

1:50 scale 37/10

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