small business project

ADRIANNA SOLDEVILA NICHOLS COLLEGE MANAGEMENT BUSINESS & SOCIETY #100-01 Barrington Rose Corporation Cleaning INC. Met through a friend.

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M A N A G E M E N T B U S I N E SS & SO C I E T Y # 1 0 0 - 0 1

Barrington Rose Corporation Cleaning INC.

Met through a friend.

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Entrepreneur’s Company

This business is a C- corporation. He chose to have a C-corporation because he had the

choice of either taxation, double taxation, legal agreement, as well as shareholders. Having these options he was able to chose his business.

This corporation is a service. He has been in business since June 15, 2009

meaning for 4 years and 8 months.

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Business Background

Rose was able to start his business by knowing someone in this field.

Rose funded his business from his personal resources which was about around $6,000.

Rose’s reason to start this business was to make money. He wanted to make an income and provide a service that will help others.

Rose’s background and training in this area was that he worked in the field before. In addition he was also the chief engineer of Ramada Plaza Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. He plays the role of maintaining operations of the property of Ramada Plaza Hotel.

The company today is much more successful then when it was first started. With the experience he had made it easier to run such a difficult corporation.

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It was easy for Rose to get his business of the ground due to him knowing people in this area. Rose has two companies that he is in charge of, cleaning every

afternoon and night. The largest client he is in charge of cleaning for right now is

Celebration Cruise Line. The second year, Rose said he broke even.

The most rewarding aspect of running the business is being his own boss and being independent. Also being able to provide adequate services to his customers.

The critical success factors are that the employee must be prompted and ready to work everyday no matter the challenge. The customer must be satisfied with the job each day.

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Rose said the first year was difficult and the business ran at a loss because he bought a lot of materials and equipment that was not needed. He didn’t make back the profit because how slow the business was going.

Rose said his most challenging aspect is “putting his best effort into what he does every day because he said there are days in which he has to push himself”.

The challenge was overcame by finally motivating himself to make a successful business. Also after the first year he was more aware of what was needed for the business and what was not needed.

Fatal Flaws in this type of business are buying more equipment than needed, finding the right individuals that are interested in this field of work.

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Two competitors are Progressive Cleaners and The Cleaning company.

Getting referred by his cliental. He provides cheaper prices to compete with the competitors. He also states that his business “ does an excellent job.” Having a good reputation plays a role in defeating the competitors.

He keeps customers satisfied by providing great service every time his crew is on the job. He is loyal because he keeps the promises that he makes to his customers and that’s why he is called back every time.

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Rose markets his business by word of mouth and by his cliental. He does not use the social network.

The qualities that he looks for in his employees is customer service , people person, person who will represent company well, clean, no high school or college degree needed, common sense, and people who will work hard and are focused on the job.

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The Future

Rose plans on staying in business “as long as he has health and strength to perform his duties”. Barrington Rose’s goals are to branch out his company throughout Florida and hopefully if business is successful even worldwide someday.

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Unique Questions

1. Do you plan on passing down your business to a younger generation? It is a decision that the younger generation would

have to make. It is something that they would like to do not something I will force upon them.

2.Would you be opened to cleaning different venues then the one you work for now? Yes, he is open to different opportunities and

contracts. He is willing to try something different to increase his cliental and experience.

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3. What is your daily routine on the job? Inspect the property and the work progress of my

employees. I have to ensure the customer is getting excellent service and that this would be a client that will be a reference to others and will continue to use our service.

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Advice given by Rose is “You have to love what you do to succeed and pay close attention to detail.” Think like a winner and have confidence in your work. Keep your mind straight and work hard and everything will slowly fall into place

What I learned is that anything is possible as long ad you stay focused. Rose’s business the first year was at it’s worse but he did not give up he continued to try and now he is running two businesses. He is successful in his own way is proud of his success. He is his own motivator and this shows me that I am able to have my own business and become success as long as I never give up on what I really want.

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