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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. 30 Minute Social Media Overview

2. What is Social Media? Forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. 3. 11,784,460 Australian users/accounts Social Media Statistics April 2013 2,200,000 Australian Users (this is an estimate as twitter doesnt release its official figures) 2,400,000 Australian Users Source: 4. Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics and Facebook Penetration in Australia The population of Australia on 30 April 2013 was approximately 23,007,086. Facebook has 11,489,380 users out of a total country population of 23,007,086. This means 49.9% of the total Australian population is signed up to Facebook. An incredible stat considering those under 13 are not allowed to sign up, and many senior Australians dont use technology like younger generations. 5. The 4 Ps of Social Media 6. 1 7. 2 8. 3 9. 4 10. Which Social Media Platform best suits you? 11. Most popular site in Australia Effectively creating another website that you can use to communicate Allows followers to keep you updated with business news Visual Social Media Platform 12. Build business relationships in 140 character's Great for tweeting about new products Turns you into a resource for others Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing 13. Business Networking Site Assists your SEO Great for B2B Marketing Source for job opportunites Great B2B Others have the ability to endorse you for your skills 14. Focus on what works; work out a schedule and some goals and see how they go. If you're hitting those goals and have the resources to spare, then start looking at additional platforms. 15. 1. Avatar and cover image are in accordance with your branding. 2. Follow the rule of cover images - only 20% text 3. Get a Facebook URL 4. Like local businesses so they may like you back 5. ALWAYS respond to a post/comment on your business page even if it is just liking what they said 16. 1. Hash tags are important 2. Ensure your graphics are in accordance with your branding 3. Follow people its about being social! 4. Retweet: If you see something you like retweet it. It shows you dont just go on and tweet but you actually read others tweets. 5. Have your Facebook linked to Twitter (Twitter is much more fast paced so people tweet more then you would post on other SM platforms). 17. 1. Have an up to date photo and professional photo (so many dont!) 2. Ask for recommendations on LinkedIn 3. Join groups that relate to your industry and get involved. 4. Comment in groups it highlights your level of expertise. 5. Make connections. 18. 1. Have a Social Media strategy in place 2. Be quick to acknowledge and respond 3. See it from their point of view 4. See it as an opportunity to understand your consumer 5. Be honest and transparent 19. We love Social Media so if you need help or advice please dont hesitate to contact us!