sleep cycle part of the cycle of sleep and waking. circadian rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr...

Sleep Needs/Cycle Landon Howard

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Page 1: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Sleep Needs/CycleLandon Howard

Page 2: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Sleep Cycle

Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.

Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24-hr cycle.

Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours.Stay up longer, sleep in less.

Electrical activity in the brainHigher-frequency when awakeLower-frequency when relaxed

Page 3: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Sleep Stages

Stage 1: Drifting into sleep. “Trying” to sleep.

Stage 2: Light Sleep. Lose awareness.

Stage 3: Starting to fall into Deep Sleep.

Stage 4: Deep Sleep. REM Stage: Rapid Eye

Movement. Dreaming.

Page 4: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

EEG Patterns

Electroencephalograph (Measures electrical impulses produced by the brain’s activity)

Page 5: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Sleep Needs

Varies depending on the age group.

Sleep helps with learning. Sleep Deprivation.

Page 6: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Test Question

T/F: It is healthy for the average adult to only get 5 hours of sleep a night.

Page 7: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Sleeping DisordersBy Aubrey Dedrickson

Page 8: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay


Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

Page 9: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

15% of adults complain of severe insomnia 15% report mild or occasional insomnia Causes for insomnia include: anxiety, stress,

emotional difficulties Some things to help with insomnia are better

sleep habits, using relaxation techniques One solution to help insomnia is give up the

pursuit of sleep and find something to do Sedatives such as sleeping pills can be helpful

but they can be addicting and people become dependent on them

Sleeping pills can also interfere with your normal sleep cycle and have side effects such as grogginess and irritability

Page 10: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Sleep Apnea

Disorder in which the person stops breathing for brief periods while asleep

Page 11: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Person with apnea usually snores, as apnea involves an involuntary obstruction of the breathing passage

When apnea occurs over 10 seconds at a time a person may awaken and have sleep loss or insomnia

Sleep apnea most often occurs in middle-aged men who are overweight

Sleep apnea can go undiagnosed because it is not easy for a sleeper to notice

To detect sleep apnea usually the sleeper’s bed partner will get tired of the snoring and awaken the sleeper

Some cures for sleep apnea are weight loss, drugs, or surgery

Page 12: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay


When a person arises and walks around while sleeping, also known as sleepwalking

Page 13: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Sleepwalking is more common in children around the ages of 11 or 12, with as many as 25% experiencing at least one episode

Sleepwalking tends to happen early in the night, usually in slow-wave sleep. Sleepwalkers may awaken during their walk or return to bed without waking, in which case they won’t remember anything in the morning

Sleepwalkers can hurt themselves by tripping over furniture or falling down the stairs

Contrary to popular belief it is safe to wake sleepwalkers or lead them back to bed

Page 14: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay


Disorder in which sudden sleep attacks occur in the middle of waking activities

Page 15: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Narcolepsy involves the intrusion of a dreaming state of sleep (REM) into waking and it often accompanied by excessive sleepiness and incontrollable sleep attacks lasting from 30 seconds to 30 minutes

Narcolepsy is a less common sleep disorder

The disorder appears to have a genetic basis, as it runs in families

Narcolepsy can be treated with medication

Page 16: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Sleep Paralysis

The experience of waking up unable to move or speak for a few minutes

Page 17: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

This eerie feeling only lasts for a few moments and may occur with an experience of pressure on the chest

Is sometimes associated with narcolepsy

Page 18: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Night Terrors

Abrupt awakenings with panic and intense emotional arousal

Page 19: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Mostly occurs with boys ages 3 to 7 Night terrors usually doesn’t have

dream content the sleeper can report

Night terrors usually occur within the first few hours of sleep, whereas nightmares occur towards the end of the night or early morning hours

Night terrors occur during non-REM sleep and nightmares occur during the REM of sleep

Page 20: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Test Question

What is the sleep disorder in which sudden sleep attacks occur in the middle of wakening activities?

Page 21: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

DreamsBy Celeste Madsen

Page 22: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

The Mind dreams are a result of activities

taking place in the brain. Scientist have found that the brain

gives off electromagnetic waves while you dream.

During the period while the electromagnetic waves are fast your eyes are moving rapidly

Sometimes while dreaming you cannot move your body, this period is called REM

Page 23: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay


Scientist believe that dreaming sleep has a role in restoring the brain's ability to handle such tasks as focused attention, memory, and learning. Also a person's hidden feelings often surface in dreams

Page 24: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Brain Waves:

Page 25: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Tips to avoid nightmares and to get a good nights sleep:

Sleep schedule Avoid caffeine Exercise Don’t lie awake in bed Control temperature

Page 26: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

what you can do? Before you go to bed: write down the

date and what events happened that day (journal)

If you wake up in the middle of the night: try to recall if you had any dreams and write them down

When you wake up in the morning: write down how many hours you slept, and if you are still tired or if you feel well rested, and try and recall any dreams that you had

Page 27: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Dream Questions:

Do your dreams relate to what you did the day before?

As you start writing down your dreams do they become able to recall?

Page 28: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

“dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.” –William C. Dement

Sometimes known as the “father of sleep medicine”

Is a US sleep researcher Founded the worlds first sleep

laboratory which is found at Stanford university

Studies sleep deprivation and treatment of sleep disorders.

Page 29: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

The five characteristics of dream consciousness

1. Feel emotion (fear, happiness, love)

2. be in one place and then in another with out any travel

3. still have sensation (vision) 4. uncritical acceptance

(normal) 5.difficulty remembering

Page 30: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Nightmares An average college student has

about 24 nightmares a year. Some people have nightmares

as often as once a night Children have more nightmares

than adults People who have experienced

traumatic events are more likely to have nightmares than people that don’t

Page 31: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Dreams “Day residue”- where a current

problem pops into the dream Dreams pull images from your

everyday life to make them seem more surreal, and also images from your past.

Page 32: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Dream Theories

In the first psychological theory of dreams Sigmund Freud he proposed that dreams were confusing and obscure because the dynamic unconscious creates them to be.

In his theory's dreams represent wishes and some only express them in disguised form.

Page 33: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

example For Freud's theory in the book

it gives an example on page 250:

A dream about a tree burning down in the park across the street from where a friend once lived might represent a camouflaged wish for the death of the friend. Though wishing for the death of a friend is unacceptable, so it is disguised as a tree on fire.

Page 34: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Not all dreams represent hidden wishes, but some are suppressed thoughts and some are feeling that you may have been hiding or sometimes feelings that you did not necessarily have.

Page 35: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Activations Synthesis ModelThis is the theory that dreams are produced when the mind attempts to make sense of random neural activity that occurs in the brain during sleep.

Page 36: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Different types of dreaming Day dreaming: you are awake, may be

when bored or tired Lucid dreaming: when you realize you

are dreaming and can change the dream to what you like

Recurring dreams: when you get the same dream many different times

Prophetic dreams: dreams that happen in real life, that tell the future

Signal dreams: Epic dreams: when you wake up you feel

like you have realized something, also known as life changing dreams

Progressive dreams: help you face a fear or problem

Mutual dreams: when you and someone else have the same dream

Page 37: Sleep Cycle  Part of the cycle of sleep and waking.  Circadian Rhythm: naturally occurring 24- hr cycle.  Rest-activity of actually 25.1 hours. Stay

Dreams Meaning:

Running away from something or someone: you need to face something.. Try turning around and asking them why they are chasing you.

Falling: you are afraid of something and are afraid of failing, or paranoid.

Teeth falling out: you are self conscious, afraid of what someone might think of you