sílabo 120101 - history of colonial latin america

Sílabo 120101 - History of Colonial Latin America I. Información general Nombre del Curso: History of Colonial Latin America Código del curso: 120101 Departamento Académico: Humanidades Créditos: 4 Horas Teoría: 4 Horas Práctica: 0 Periodo Académico: 2020-01-PRE Sección: A Modalidad: Presencial Idioma: Inglés Docente: CARLOS MARTIN GALVEZ PEÑA Email docente: [email protected] II. Introducción This is an introductory survey of colonial Latin American history, which goes from the encounter between Amerindians and Europeans in 1492 up to the Independence of most of the region in 1824. Lectures offer a broad historical portrait of colonial Spanish and Portuguese Latin America with an emphasis on regional experiences: the Central Andes, Mexico and Colonial Brazil. The course will address issues of colonial administration, economics, social formation, race, gender and religion in order to understand how the colonial historical experience shaped modern Latin American nations. III. Logro de aprendizaje final del curso This survey on the colonial history of Latin America will work on two levels through eleven learning units. Along the term the student will progressively master relevant information on the formation of the historical process of Latin America from the Age of Discovery to the Independence, connecting the colonial period with modern and contemporary Latin America. The second level involves the development of analytical and critical skills that will allow the student to assess a significant amount of general and specific historiography on the colonial period with a major stress in Mesoamerica, the Andes and Brazil, in connection to Europe and North America. As a consequence of both levels of learning, the student will be able to produce by the end of the semester a critical essay combining both primary and secondary sources on colonial Latin America History. IV. Unidades de aprendizaje Learning Unit 1: Pre-Columbian Latin America Logro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad: Contenidos: Theoretical debates on Colonialism Pre-Columbian Civilizations in Mesoamerica and the Andes Learning Unit 10: Re-Directions in Colonial Spanish and Portuguese Latin America 120101 A 2020-01-PRE Pág. 1 de 15

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120101 - History of Colonial Latin America

I. Información general

Nombre del Curso: History of Colonial Latin AmericaCódigo del curso: 120101Departamento Académico: HumanidadesCréditos: 4Horas Teoría: 4Horas Práctica: 0Periodo Académico: 2020-01-PRESección: AModalidad: PresencialIdioma: InglésDocente: CARLOS MARTIN GALVEZ PEÑAEmail docente: [email protected]

II. Introducción

This is an introductory survey of colonial Latin American history, which goes from the encounter betweenAmerindians and Europeans in 1492 up to the Independence of most of the region in 1824. Lecturesoffer a broad historical portrait of colonial Spanish and Portuguese Latin America with an emphasis onregional experiences: the Central Andes, Mexico and Colonial Brazil. The course will address issues ofcolonial administration, economics, social formation, race, gender and religion in order to understandhow the colonial historical experience shaped modern Latin American nations.

III. Logro de aprendizaje final del curso

This survey on the colonial history of Latin America will work on two levels through eleven learning units.Along the term the student will progressively master relevant information on the formation of the historicalprocess of Latin America from the Age of Discovery to the Independence, connecting the colonial periodwith modern and contemporary Latin America. The second level involves the development of analyticaland critical skills that will allow the student to assess a significant amount of general and specifichistoriography on the colonial period with a major stress in Mesoamerica, the Andes and Brazil, inconnection to Europe and North America. As a consequence of both levels of learning, the student will beable to produce by the end of the semester a critical essay combining both primary and secondarysources on colonial Latin America History.

IV. Unidades de aprendizaje

Learning Unit 1: Pre-Columbian Latin AmericaLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• Theoretical debates on Colonialism• Pre-Columbian Civilizations in Mesoamerica and the Andes

Learning Unit 10: Re-Directions in Colonial Spanish and Portuguese Latin America

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Logro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• Social and Cultural Traits in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-Century Iberia

Learning Unit 11: Late Colonial Latin America and the Quest for AutonomyLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• Conquest of the Caribbean and the establishment of the first colonial society in the Americas.

Learning Unit 2: The Iberian WorldLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• Native Emperors meet European Conquistadors• Establishment of the Continental Phase of Spanish• Colonization after the demise of sedentary civilizations• The colonial fringes

Learning Unit 3: The Conquest of the New WorldLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• Cabildos, Audiencias, Encomiendas and Sesmarias• The shift from Governorships to Viceroyalties• Development of a Global Capitalism through the integration of a Latin American Market Economy to

metropolitan markets.

Learning Unit 4: The EncounterLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• African Slavery• Plantation Economy• Global Markets

Learning Unit 5: Early Colonial WorldLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• Colonial Church Structure• Difference between Secular and Regular Church• Relationship to the Colonial State

Learning Unit 6: Colonial Slavery

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Logro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• Education and Culture in Colonial Spanish and Portuguese Americas• Colonial Culture: Arts and Letters• Lettered Culture• Schools and Universities• Visual and Performing Art

Learning Unit 7: The Colonial ChurchLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• Colonial Women, Sexual Minorities• The World of the Castas• The importance of the construct of Race and racial discrimination

Learning Unit 8: Art and Letters in the Colonial WorldLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• New Directions within the Spanish Empire• State Reforms and the Enlightened State• The Pombaline and Bourbon Reforms and their effects in Colonial Portuguese and Spanish Americas

Learning Unit 9: Women, Race and Minorities in the Colonial WorldLogro de Aprendizaje / propósito de la unidad:

Contenidos:• The constitutional crisis of early nineteenth century and its effects in the development of Independence

movements throughout Colonial Portuguese and Spanish Americas

V. Estrategias Didácticas

The course follows the survey format (lecture type). The instructor will dedicate the first part of the lecture (roughly one hour and ten minutes) to present the unit topics due each week and promote an active discussion with the students through the use of suitable and motivating examples. During the second and final part of the class, the instructor will introduce the primary or secondary source to be discussed. After abrief presentation of the reading material by a student, the class can participate in the discussion. Students must turn in ten written responses for the reading material of their choice during the term.

The reading material will be available on Blackboard during the first week of class. Eventually, further material may be posted or distributed before class.

Besides bibliography and primary sources, the instructor will make use of videos, images and music to motivate the discussion and make the lecture more interactive. Classes start at 4:35 pm. and end by 6:20 pm. Examinations taken on a different day than that agreed by the class may require authorization from school administration. Students with disabilities who require specific accommodations to take the exams should require suitable arrangements.

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VI. Sistemas de evaluación

Nombre evaluación % Fecha Criterios Comentarios

1. Ongoing oral and written evaluation

30 Active engagement inlecture and criticalassessment ofdocuments andbibliography to bepresented in class. Eachstudent is expecte to participate in thesource/bibliographicaldebates and submit atleast 10 written-responses reading (onepage long) during theterm.

2. Midterm Exam 30 Critical and engagedassessment ofbibliography and lectureinformation Study Guideavailable a week before.

3. Final Exam 40 Critical and engagedassessment ofbibliography and lectureinformation Study Guideavailable a week before

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VII. Cronograma referencial de actividades

Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales EvaluacionesSemana 1: del 16/03/2020 al 21/03/2020

Learning Unit 1: Pre-Columbian LatinAmerica

Readings for discussion: “Aztec Warfare”, “The Hallsof Moctezuma” and “Aztec Industryand Commerce” in Robert Buffingtonand Lila Caimari, eds., Keen’s LatinAmerican Civilization. Boulder:Westview, 2009.Clement, Charles, William M. Denevan,Michael J. Heckenberger, Andre ´BragaJunqueira, Eduardo G. Neves,Wenceslau G. Teixeira and William I.Woods. The domestication ofAmazonia before uropean Conquest.Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20150813. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2015.0813

Suggested Reading

Semana 2: del 23/03/2020 al 28/03/2020

Readings for discussion: “Two views of the Inca Empire” and“War and Cannibalism among theBrazilian Indians” in Buffington andCaimari, Keen’s Latin AmericanCivilization. D’Altroy, Terence. On the Incas (Onlineinterview)http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/inca/em

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Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales Evaluacionespire.html Pagden, Anthony. The Fall of theNatural Man. The American Indian andthe origins of Comparative Ethnology,Cambridge and New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1982. Chapter 2.

Semana 3: del 30/03/2020 al 04/04/2020

Learning Unit 2: The Iberian World Readings for discussion:Zavala, Silvio. New Viewpoints onthe Spanish Colonization of America.New York: Russell and Russell, 1968.Chapter 2

Letter from Columbus to the CatholicMonarchs (1493), in Margarita Zamora,ed., Reading Columbus. Berkeley:University of California Press, 1993 Crosby, Alfred. The ColumbianExchange. Biological and CulturalConsequences of 1492. Westport:Greenwood Press, 1973. Chapter 6.

Suggested Reading

Semana 4 con feriados el jueves 9, viernes 10 y sábado 11: del 06/04/2020 al 11/04/2020

Learning Unit 3: The Conquest of theNew World

Readings for discussion: “Francisco de Vitoria on theEvangelization of Unbelievers”, inKenneth Mills and William Taylor, eds.,Colonial Spanish America, ADocumentary History, Lanham,

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Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales EvaluacionesBoulder and New York: SR Books,2006.“A standard conqueror’s report”, inJames Lockhart and Enrique Otte,eds., Letters and People of the SpanishIndies, sixteenth century. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press 2008. Restall, Matthew. Seven Myths of theSpanish Conquest, New York andOxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.Chapter 3.

Semana 5: del 13/04/2020 al 18/04/2020

Learning Unit 4: The Encounter Readings for discussion: “The meeting of Cortes andMoctezuma”, “Twilight overTenochtitlán” and “Rendezvous atCajamarca” in Buffington and Caimari,Keen’s Latin American Civilization. Seed, Patricia- “The Requirement”, inCeremonies of Possession in Europe’sConquest of the New World, 1492-1640. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1995.

Semana 6: del 20/04/2020 al 25/04/2020

Learning Unit 5: Early Colonial World Readings for discussion: “Alarm and drastic remedies: a

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Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales Evaluacionesviceroy’s view of New Spain” in JamesLockhart and Enrique Otte, eds.,Letters and People of the SpanishIndies, sixteenth century and Haring,C.H. “Viceroys and Audiencias” in TheSpanish Empire in America, San Diego,New York and London: HarcourtPublishers, 1975. Chapter VII. Mumford, Jeremy, Vertical Empire. TheGeneral Resettlement of Indians in theColonial Andes, Durham and London:Duke University Press, 2012. Chapter4

Semana 7 con feriado el viernes 1: del 27/04/2020 al 02/05/2020

Learning Unit 5: Early Colonial World Readings for discussion: “An encomendero’s opinion” and “TheMiner” in James Lockhart and EnriqueOtte, eds., Letters and People of theSpanish Indies, sixteenth century. Martínez, María Elena, “IndigenousGenealogies. Lineage, History and theColonial Pact in Central Mexico andPeru” in Ramos, Gabriel and YannaYannakakis, eds. IndigenousIntellectuals. Knowledge, Power andColonial Culture in Mexico and theAndes. Durham and London:Duke University Press, 2014. Ramírez, Susan. The World Upside

Suggested Reading

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Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales EvaluacionesDown. Cross-Cultural Contact andConflict in Sixteenth-Century Peru,Stanford: Stanford University Press,1996. Chapter 6.

Semana 8 de exámenes parciales: del 04/05/2020 al 09/05/2020

Semana 9: del 11/05/2020 al 16/05/2020

Learning Unit 6: Colonial Slavery Readings for discussion: Mary Karasch, “Zumbi of Palmares” inKenneth J. Andrien, The HumanTradition in Colonial Latin America.Lanham, Boulder and New York: SRBooks, 2004 “Brazilian Slaves Resist” in Buffingtonand Caimari, Keen’s Latin AmericanCivilization. Sandoval, Alonso SJ. Treatise onSlavery. Indianapolis and Cambridge:Hackett Publishing Co., 2008. Book 4. Klein, Herbert, African Slavery inLatin American and the Caribbean,New York and Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 1986. Chapter 1.

Suggested Reading

Semana 10: del 18/05/2020 al 23/05/2020

Learning Unit 7: The Colonial Church Readings for discussion: van Deusen, Nancy. “Ursula de Jesús,A seventeenth-century Afro-Peruvian

Suggested Reading

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Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales Evaluacionesmystic,” in Kenneth J. Andrien, TheHuman Tradition in Colonial LatinAmericaCurzio-Nagy, Linda, The GreatFestivals of Colonial Mexico City,Albuquerque: University of New MexicoPress, 2004. Chapter 2.Kinsbruner, Jay. The Colonial SpanishAmerican City. Austin: University ofTexas Press, 2005. Chapter 10.

Semana 11: del 25/05/2020 al 30/05/2020

Learning Unit 1: Pre-Columbian LatinAmerica

Readings for discussion: “Two views of the Inca Empire” and“War and Cannibalism among theBrazilian Indians” in Buffington andCaimari, Keen’s Latin AmericanCivilization. D’Altroy, Terence. On the Incas (Onlineinterview) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/inca/empire.html Pagden, Anthony. The Fall of theNatural Man. The American Indian andthe origins of Comparative Ethnology,Cambridge and New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1982. Chapter 2.

Suggested Reading

Semana 12: del 01/06/2020 al 06/06/2020

Learning Unit 9: Women, Race and Readings for discussion: Interactive Presentation

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Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales EvaluacionesMinorities in the Colonial World

Alberró, Solange. “Beatriz de Padilla:Mistress and Mother” and Soeiro,Susan. “Catarina de Monte Sinay: Nunand Entrepreneur” in David Sweet andGary B. Nash, eds., Struggle andSurvival in Colonial Latin America.Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, 1981. Kinsbruner, Jay. The Colonial SpanishAmerican City. Chapters 8 and 9

Semana 13: del 08/06/2020 al 13/06/2020

Learning Unit 10: Re-Directions in Colonial Spanish and Portuguese Latin America

Readings for discussion:“The Bourbon Commercial Reforms”,“The Plan of Tupac Amaru”, A Heroineof the Tupac Amaru Revolt” and “ACharter of Liberty,” in Buffington andCaimari, Keen’s Latin AmericanCivilization. Rodríguez, Jaime. The Independenceof Spanish America. Cambridge andNew York: Cambridge University Press,1996. pp. 19-35.

Interactive Presentation

Semana 14: del 15/06/2020 al 20/06/2020

Learning Unit 11: Late Colonial Latin America and the Quest for Autonomy

Readings for discussion: Nazzari, Muriel. “José Antonio da Silva,Marriage and Concubinage in ColonialBrazil”, in Kenneth J. Andrien, The Human Tradition in Colonial Latin

Suggested Reading

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Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales EvaluacionesAmerica and David G. Sweet,“Francisca, Indian Slave”, in DavidSweet and Gary B. Nash, eds.,Struggle and Survival in Colonial LatinAmerica. Seed, Patricia. To Love, Honor andObey in Colonial Mexico. Conflicts overMarriage Choice, 1574-1821. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988. Pp.227-241.

Semana 15: del 22/06/2020 al 27/06/2020

Learning Unit 11: Late Colonial Latin America and the Quest for Autonomy

Readings for discussion: Morelos, José María. “Sentiments ofthe Nation” and “The ArgentineDeclaration of Independence” inKenneth Mills and William Taylor, eds.,Colonial Spanish America, ADocumentary History and Pagden, Anthony. “Old Constitutionsand Ancient Indian Empires” in SpanishImperialism and the PoliticalImagination, London and New Haven: YaleUniversity Press, 1990. Rodríguez, Jaime. The Independenceof Spanish America. Pp. 238-246.

Suggested Reading

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Unidades de aprendizaje Contenidos y actividades a realizar Recursos y materiales EvaluacionesBethell, Leslie, ed. The Independenceof Latin America. Cambridge and NewYork: Cambridge University Press,1995. Pp. 227-232.

Semana 16 con feriado el lunes 29 y martes 30 inicio de exámenes finales: del 29/06/2020 al 04/07/2020

Date and time TBA (Class shouldchoose between Monday, July 1st orWednesday, July 3 rd .

Semana 17 de exámenes finales: del 06/07/2020 al 11/07/2020

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VIII. Referencias bibliográficas


Adorno, R. (2004). Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala, Native Writer and Litigant in Early Colonial Peru.. EnAndrien, K. (2004). The Human Tradition in Colonial Latin America. (pp. ). Lanham, Boulder andNew York: SR Books.

Alberró, S. (1981). Beatriz de Padilla: Mistress and Mother. En Sweet, D. y Nash, G. (1981). Struggle andSurvival in Colonial Latin America. (pp. ). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Bethell, L. (1995). The Independence of Latin America. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge UniversityPress.

Buffington, R. & Caimari, L. (2009). Keen's Latin American Civilization. Boulder: Westview.

Crossby, A. (1973). The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1942. Westport:Greenwood Press.

Curzio-Nagy, L. (2004). The Great Festivals of Colonial Mexico City. Albuquerque: University of NewMexico Press.

Haring, C.H. (1975). The Spanish Empire in America. San Diego, New York and London: HarcourtPublishers.

Karasch, M. (2004). Zumbi of Palmares. En Andrien, K. (2004). The Human Tradition in Colonial LatinAmerica. (pp. ). Lanham, Boulder and New York: SR Books.

Kinsbruner, J. (2005). The Colonial Spanish American City. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Klein, H. (1986). African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean. New York and Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.

Lockhart, J. & Otte, E. (2008). Letters and People of the Spanish Indies, sixteenth century. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

Martínez, M. (2014). Indigenous Genealogies. Lineage, History and the Colonial Pact in Central Mexicoand Peru. En Ramos, Gabriel y Yannanakis (2014). Indigenous Intellectuals. Knowledge, Powerand Colonial Culture in Mexico and the Andes. (pp. ). Durham and London: Duke University Press.

Mills, K. & Taylor, W. (2006). Colonial Spanish America. A Documentary History. Lanham, Boulder andNew York: SR Books.

Pagden, A. (1982). The Fall of the Natural Man. The American Indian and the origins of ComparativeEthnology. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

Ramírez, S. (1996). The World Upside Down. Cross-Cultural Contact and Conflict in Sixteenth-CenturyPeru. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Restall, M. (2003). Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Rodríguez, J. (1996). The Independence of Spanish America.. Cambridge and New York: CambridgeUniversity Press,.

Sandoval, A (2008). Treatise on Slavery. Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Co..

Seed, P. (1988). To Love, Honor and Obey in Colonial Mexico. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Soeiro, S. (1981). Catarina de Monte Sinay: Nun and Entrepreneur. Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress.

Sweet, D. (1981). Francisca, Indian Slave. Berkeley: University of California Press.

van Deusen, N. (2004). Ursula de Jesús, A seventeenth-century Afro-Peruvian mystic. Lanham, Boulderand New York: SR Books.

Zamora, M. (1993). Reading Columbus. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Zavala, S. (1968). New Viewpoints on the Spanish Colonization of America. New York: Russell andRussell.

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