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Six Pack Abs Guide


Six Pack Abs Guide –

© Copyright 2008-2009, All rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 How to Get the Most Out Of This Report......................................................... 4

So What’s the Secret?.................................................................................................. 4

The Problem with Indolence and the Sedentary Lifestyle............................................. 5

It Just Got A Lot Worse ................................................................................................ 5

It’s Not Your Fault ........................................................................................................ 6

The Answer You Been Looking For ............................................................................... 6

But Here’s the Good News........................................................................................... 6

Baby Steps for Your Fat-loss and Muscle-building/ Toning Efforts................................ 7

The Six Pack Abs Guide Advantage .............................................................................. 7

This Is Not New............................................................................................................ 8

Chapter 2 Training Strategies for Maximum Fat Loss ....................................................... 8

The Good, the Bad, and the Absolute Truth about Cardio ............................................ 8

Body Part Isolation vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training ............................. 10

Tired of the Same Old 3 Sets of 10? So is Your Body! Discover How to Manipulate

Training Variables ...................................................................................................... 11

Forget About Hard-fast Rules..................................................................................... 12

The Ultimate Hard-Body Exercise .............................................................................. 14

Barbell, Kettlebell, and Dumbbell Complexes - a Different Style of Weight Training for

a Ripped Body ........................................................................................................... 15

The Best Non-Traditional, Muscle-Building, Fat Blasting Workouts ............................ 17

You Already Know What To Do…BUT… ...................................................................... 21

Here’s an Example ..................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 3 Exercising Your Abs ....................................................................................... 22

Abdominal Anatomy .................................................................................................. 22

Benefits of Strong Abs ............................................................................................... 22

Myths about Abs ....................................................................................................... 22

Form and Safety ........................................................................................................ 23

Stretching Your Abs ................................................................................................... 24

Abs Exercises ............................................................................................................. 26

Chapter 4 The Abs Diet .................................................................................................. 29

Why New Fad Diets Almost Always Fail ..................................................................... 29

Setting the Fats Straight: Some Saturated Fats are Actually Good for You ................. 29

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The Healthy Fatty Food Choices ................................................................................. 31

The Deadly Fatty Foods ............................................................................................. 33

The Top Fitness Foods to Stock Your Cabinets With…Making Smart Choices Starts at

the Grocery Store ...................................................................................................... 34

Make Healthier Choices When Forced to Eat Fast-Food ............................................. 37

Chapter 5 The Six Pack Abs Mindset .............................................................................. 38

Write Down Your Goals ............................................................................................. 38

Write Down the Reason For Each Goal ...................................................................... 39

Plan for Mistakes ....................................................................................................... 39

Re-wire Your Brain for Success .................................................................................. 39

Measure Small Gains ................................................................................................. 40

Share Your Goals and Your Reasons ........................................................................... 40

Chapter 6 Take Action Now! .......................................................................................... 40

Best Overall Six Pack Abs Guide - Truth About Six Pack Abs Average User Rating:

................................................................................................................... 41

Best Fat-burning and Stress-busting Program - Fat Burning Furnace Average User Rating:

................................................................................................................... 41

Best Fat-Blasting/ Abs Diet Product - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Average User Rating:

................................................................................................................... 42

Best Six Pack Abs/ Muscle-building System for Athletes - Athlean-X Average User Rating:

........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Best Abs Workout Plans - No Nonsense 6 Pack Average User Rating: ........... 42

Best Exercise Variety - Turbulence Training Average User Rating: .......... Error!

Bookmark not defined.

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© Copyright 2008-2009, All rights Reserved.

Chapter 1 How to Get the Most Out Of This Report

’ll get right to the point.

This isn’t going to be one of those preachy, 100-page manuals.

I know well enough not to waste your time because I, too, don’t have the luxury to go over

ridiculously lengthy reports.

I knew from the beginning that I wanted this to be as concise as possible, relaxed, and easy to


The most important thing is that you retain the key concepts I impart with you here. If you’re

actually hoping for a novel-long ebook, I’ll tell you right now this isn’t going to be one.

However, if you’re looking for something that will positively affect your health, the way you

look, your overall lifestyle, and even interpersonal relationships, then this ebook is just what you


In this ebook, you’re going to discover why…

• Spending countless hours at the gym or on your treadmill are just a waste of time

• There’s absolutely no need to spend your hard earned money on fancy ab equipment

• You won’t have to starve yourself to death nor count calories like a madman

• Getting the body you’ve always dreamed of is far from impossible

The results will speak for themselves. The knowledge I share are just catalysts for success.

The details are just as interesting as the promise.

So What’s the Secret?

The secret isn’t much except that there was no one

absolute secret to begin with. It did have plenty to do

with a combination of things, as I would gladly share with

you in a few.

All I ask is for you to give this a chance; don’t dismiss it

right away without even finding out what it’s really

about. Stick it out and you’ll soon enjoy the benefits of

this one-of-a-kind experience.

Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to shell out ridiculous

amounts of money to score the most advanced and

swankiest exercise gadgets out in the market today. Just

kick back and take it all in.


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Now that we got all that out of the way, it’s time to reveal the fitness strategies that changed

my life for the best. But before we get into that, I feel that we should first determine where it all

went wrong…

The Problem with Indolence and the Sedentary Lifestyle

You won’t see kids running and playing outside of the house

as much. Instead, they busy themselves with the Internet and

highly addictive video games.

Adults aren’t spared from the emergence of convenient

technology either. We tend to be more lazy and dependent


This doesn’t mean we should sit there and take it. We just

have to work even harder; get our blood pumping so we

don’t slip into a deskbound coma. I’m not saying you should

get rid of the car, or any other household conveniences. Just

try to be generally active. Find something to do. Get physical

with weight training. If that isn’t your cup of tea, at least do

sports or other exciting physical activities like rock climbing,

swimming, or mountain biking.

It Just Got A Lot Worse

I’m really not surprised at how the world is quickly becoming unhealthy and fatter each day. The

growing sedentary lifestyle alone is indicative of that.

The truth of the matter is that our health is in deep, deep


I’m typically not this depressing, but the evidence is all

around us. It’s hard to ignore all the diseases, complications,

and disadvantages to unhealthy living.

A huge number of people, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity,

or location, are increasingly becoming obese, and developing

all kinds of harmful health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The poor

health condition of people in developed countries has undeniably been a growing cause of

concern. In the US alone, the percentage of the population who are overweight or obese is at

70% and still rising at an alarming rate. If things don’t change soon, 9 out of 10 people will

become overweight or obese in just another decade or two.

No wonder many have lost hope in finding the best solution.

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Aside from discouraging statistics, another reason why the world is getting fatter is simply

because of poor food choices.

Loading up on processed, refined, and chemically modified food doesn’t help at all. One excuse I

hear people say all the time is simply that they DON’T have the time. I think if you really value

your health, you will MAKE the time.

I think it’s important that you realize this, too…

It’s Not Your Fault

This might not be new to you, but I honestly believe that it’s not your fault.

I do think that you’ve simply been misinformed and misguided.

To tell you frankly, I truly believe that you’ve been lied to incessantly.

You’ve based all your food decisions on the constant bombardment of false advertising and diet

hype. Most, if not all, of these greedy corporations don’t care about your health; they just want

to reel in the dough while they watch you get hooked on their products.

When you take your hard-earned money out of your wallet, you expect to get what you’re

paying for. But I’m sad to say that you’ve been duped. These too-good-to-be-true programs and

diet products are nothing but empty pages, misleading promises, and ambiguous solutions.

What you need is the truth. The kind that really works…

The Answer You Been Looking For

This is the part where I tell you what I believe is the answer

you’ve been looking for. So, please, pay close attention to

what I have to say.

First, you have to realize that there are no quick fixes, no

escape hatches, no easy buttons. These things do not exist.

If you want to be successful at losing weight, gaining

muscle, or any worthwhile objective you think is for the

best, you need to put your back into it.

Besides, everything that’s real requires some kind of effort.

But Here’s the Good News

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It doesn’t take as much effort as you think.

And it’s not as complicated as you think.

• As a matter of fact, you don’t need anything at all to start on this journey…

• As I’ve mentioned earlier, there are no life-altering secrets, only facts…

• Taking money out of your checking account is unnecessary…

• Heck, you don’t even need me.

What’s the deal then, you ask?

You’ll find out soon enough. First…

Baby Steps for Your Fat-loss and Muscle-building/ Toning Efforts

What I’ve experienced over the past few years has been a gradual improvement in my health,

the way I look on the outside, the way I feel on the inside, and

really just my overall outlook in life.

Reaching my fitness goal one step at a time…

Adapting to healthier food choices, developing lean muscle,

but not all in one go.

Everyday was an opportunity for me to refine those steps. I

hoped to look better, feel better, a little at a time.

And the payoff was absolutely worth the wait.

I’ll tell you more about how all this came about in just a bit,

but first I want to get to the real objective of this ebook and

what it can do for you…

The Six Pack Abs Guide Advantage

Understand that nothing of this is “punishment.” If anything, you’re going to do all this to enjoy

what life has to offer. Getting immeasurable surges of energy everyday and a great body out of

the experience are just big bonuses. Soon after, you’ll also notice how efficient you are at doing

even the most mundane tasks – from household work to highly competitive sports to how you

perform in bed! These are only some of the perks to eating right, training hard, and living


On top of all the things I’ve just mentioned above, you’ll live a longer, happier life and reduce

your risk of degenerative diseases.

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This Is Not New

More than anything, the Six Pack Abs Guide is simply that – a guide. No doubt, all these

concepts already exist.

Here’s the thing…are you even aware of these concepts? More importantly, do you know the

best way to carry each one out to maximize and sustain results?

What I do offer are strategies to really make the most out of your fitness routine. That and other

helpful information that you may or may not already know, but NEED to know anyway.

You can expect various powerful strategies to make your nutrition program and training more

fun and result-oriented. You’ll get the lowdown on cardio. You’ll get a lot of new ideas,

strategies, and tips on effective strength training. You will also discover fresh training styles and

ideas that have started to become recently popular.

I also have a lot of valuable nutritional strategies and healthy meal ideas minus the gimmicks.

I’ll give you the straight hard facts and spare you from empty promises so you can start to build

those ripped abs and get in shape right away!

Chapter 2 Training Strategies for Maximum Fat Loss

The Good, the Bad, and the Absolute Truth about Cardio

ow to moderate intensity aerobic

training, also known as cardio, is

something commonly prescribed by

medical and fitness professionals to those

who wish to lose weight or prevent heart

disease. Usually, these recommendations

would involve 30 minutes to a full hour of

steady pace cardio, anywhere between 3

to 5 times a week – just enough to keep

your heart rate at an equally steady level.

But what if I told you that steady pace

endurance cardio workouts are simply not

enough? Allow me to delve deeper into why these boring, unvarying exercises might just be a

waste of your precious time.

You must first realize that, as humans, our bodies are designed to execute motion in periodic

bursts of effort followed by stop-and-go or recovery movements as opposed to steady, single-

tracked movements. This is exactly why physical variability is considered to be indispensable in

all forms of successful training. As you may have observed with animal nature, different species

rely on stop-and-go movements for food and survival. It is most likely that only humans rely on


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“endurance” type of activities. If you think about it, almost all competitive sports, excluding

cycling and endurance running, show properties of bursts of exertion, stop-and-go motion, and

recovery. To give you a better picture, imagine the bodies of typical sprinters vs. marathoners.

The former would appear to have leaner, more muscular physiques. Meanwhile, the latter

would often look bony and frail. Which of the two would you prefer?

Physical variability also has a huge impact on internal body functions and processes. Studies

have shown that prolonged steady state endurance cardio, usually defined as steady pace

exercises that go on longer than an hour 4 to 7 days a week, can lead to many adverse effects

such as pro-inflammatory response that may cause various chronic conditions, an increase in

free radical production, muscle wasting, degenerate joints, and compromising the immune

system. They also limit the heart at one specific heart rate range, therefore making it less

equipped to handle stress. On the other end of the spectrum, we’ve got highly variable cyclic

training which have been associated with an increased metabolic rate response, increased

antioxidant production and anti-inflammatory response, and a more efficient nitric oxide

response, which all ultimately promote a healthier cardiovascular system. These exercises train

the heart to adapt, positively respond, and recover from everyday stressors, eventually making

it more resilient. We are all aware what stress can do to our bodies – it can cause heart rates

and blood pressure to rise drastically. Bottom line is that endurance training does not train your

heart to be at its best condition because it has a very limited heart rate range.

The most crucial part of variable cyclic training that makes it way better than steady state cardio

is that window of recovery in between bursts of exertion. That recovery period causes the body

to respond positively to exercise stimulus. With variable cyclic training, you’ll never get bored,

that’s for sure. No wonder it has a lower drop-out rate compared to steady state cardio


To wrap up the whole cardio issue, here are just some of the countless advantages to

performing variable cyclic training over steady state endurance training:

• increased residual metabolic rate after exercising

• reduced risks for joint injuries

• improved immune system

• reduced muscle wasting

• increased capacity of the heart against stress

• increased antioxidant protection

• and an overall improved cardiovascular health

How exactly can you take advantage of variable intensity or stop-and-go physical training? Hill or

wind sprints have been proven to be one of the best, if not the best, kinds of variable intensity

training because they successfully define your muscles and eliminate excess body fat. A variety

of competitive sports like tennis, basketball, hockey, and football are also very good examples of

stop-and-go exercises. Weight training and interval training, which could either be high or low

intensity, depending on what cardio equipment is used, epitomize short bursts of exertion

followed by recovery as well. Here’s an example of interval training performed on a treadmill:

• Warm-up for 3-4 minutes at a fast walk or light jog

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• Interval 1 - run at 8.0 mi/hr for 1 minute

• Interval 2 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes

• Interval 3 - run at 10.0 mi/hr for 1 minute

• Interval 4 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes

Repeat those 4 intervals 4 times for a very intense 20-minute workout.

Our goal is:

• to get you in better shape

• improve your heart’s health vastly

• get rid of excess fat

• and maintain muscle development

Clearly, you won’t be able to do all that effectively with just boring steady pace cardio. After

going through this short sub-chapter, I hope you have a better understanding of and

appreciation for variable intensity physical training.

Now, I want to tackle another controversial…

Body Part Isolation vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training

“What’s the best exercise I can do to isolate my _______ (fill in the blank with abs, quads,

triceps, biceps, or other muscle group here)?”

In my experience in the field of fitness, I’ve gotten all sorts of questions, but this one has got to

be the most asked. The problem is that people are asking the wrong question; they simply don’t

realize the advantages of strength training.

Why are people so hung up on “isolating” muscles anyway? One of the first things I teach is that

our bodies are just not designed for isolated muscle development. In fact, everything is so

interconnected and interdependent that some areas of the body depend on other parts to

complete complex movements (a.k.a. kinetic chain), rendering muscle isolation done through

single-joint exercises, as opposed to multi-joint complex movements, practically pointless.

Performing single-joint exercises in an attempt to isolate muscles can actually do you more

harm than good. You can incur a number of injuries and other risky side effects like muscle

strains, storing excess body fat, tendonitis, and joint problems. Basically, you’re trying to

improve on your body one part at a time rather than create a single, fully functional and

powerful unit.

If you really want an injury-free, lean, muscular, functional body that’s fully capable of

performing complex movements like it was meant to, then you must put the idea of muscle

isolation to rest. I mean, why even go against nature when you can reap all the aesthetic and

functional benefits of a body trained the right way? Take a look at football players and sprinters

– their training hardly includes muscle isolation and they look, perform, and feel absolutely


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To put it simply, you can lose more body fat effectively

with complex movements over muscle isolation any day.

With multi-joint complex movements, you end up:

• burning a significant amount of calories

• stimulating production of muscle-building

• fat-burning hormones (e.g. testosterone, growth


• and increasing your metabolism

Case in point: the machine leg extension. It’s considered a

single-joint exercise because it mainly works the quads. If

performed frequently, this exercise can potentially cause

knee joint instability. It doesn’t even burn a lot of calories,

so why even bother? Instead, you should go with multi-

joint complex movements that involve more than just one

muscle group (e.g. step-ups, lunges, deadlifts, squats) to

build strong and more stable joints, burn a whole lot more calories, and promote holistic muscle


Tired of the Same Old 3 Sets of 10? So is Your Body! Discover How to

Manipulate Training Variables

If you think you’ve hit a wall during your training and feel you aren’t going anywhere, don’t

worry; it happens to everyone. Most often than not, you will notice a sudden decrease in your

progress and might even feel a little more sluggish than usual. That’s completely normal. These

so-called “plateaus” generally occur when your body gets so used to your current training.

Sometimes, people get so comfortable with doing the same exercises over and over again that

they neglect to modify their training variables like numbers of sets, reps, and rest periods. In this

section, my aim is to help you get more creative with your workouts; get both your mind and

body pumped for some real action!

To boost your muscle building response to exercise and maximize fat loss, you must

continuously and strategically adjust your training variables, and I’m not just talking about

increasing your reps or sets here. Other training variables that are just as crucial include:

• changing the sequence or order of exercises

• number of exercises per workout

• time under tension

• training duration per workout

• exercise grouping (e.g. tri-sets, circuit training, super-setting)

• base of stability (e.g. seated, standing, one-leg, stability ball)

• exercise type (e.g. multi-joint, free-weight, machine-based)

• repetition speed, exercise angle (e.g. flat, inclined, declined, upright, bent over)

• range of motion

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• rest periods between sets

• volume of work (sets x reps x distance)

• repetition speed

• and training frequency in a weekly basis.

It can seem a little overwhelming at first, but it just provides you with plenty of options to

improve on your training program. Check out the workouts below to help you get moving.

“3 sets at 10-12 reps per exercise with 2-3 minutes rest in between sets.” If you’ve memorized

that sentence by now, I say it’s high time you try something more creative and fun. The

following methods can easily turn bland workouts to blazing hot routines.

• Try 10 sets of 3, with only 20 seconds rest between sets.

• Try using a fairly heavy weight and complete 6 sets of 6 reps, doing a 3 minute treadmill

sprint between each weight lifting set.

• Try using a near maximum weight and do 10 sets of 1 rep, with only 30 seconds rest

between sets.

• Try using a lighter than normal weight and do 1 set of 50 reps for each exercise

• Try a workout based on only one full body exercise, such as barbell clean & presses or

dumbbell squat & presses, and do nothing but that exercise for an intense 20 minutes.

• Try a workout based on all bodyweight exercises such as pushups, pull-ups, chin-ups,

dips, bodyweight squats, lunges, up and down stairs, etc.

• Try a circuit of 12 different exercises covering the entire body without any rest between


• Try that same 12 exercise circuit on your subsequent workout, but do the entire circuit

in the reverse order.

• Try your usual exercises at a faster repetition speed on one workout and then at a

super-slow speed on your next workout.

• Try completing six 30 minute workouts one week, followed by three 1-hr workouts the

following week. This should keep your body guessing.

• Try doing drop sets of all of your exercises, where you drop the weight between each

set and keep doing repetitions without any rest until you experience complete muscular

fatigue (usually about 5-6 sets in a row).

These are only a few examples; there’s so much more you can do to give your training a lot of

variability. Exercise your creativity and get cracking. The possibilities are endless!

Forget About Hard-fast Rules

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Previously, I shared with you the importance of changing your training variables to maximize

weight loss, intensify muscle building and toning, and continuously get favorable results from

your workouts.

You have to keep in mind, however, that your workouts

shouldn’t be severely diverse from the previous one.

Amidst all the fun and creativity, there still has to be

some sense of progressive order. Keeping your body

continuously challenged is one thing, but utterly

confusing it with baseless routines, erratic set and rep

schemes, and ridiculous rest intervals will only bring

about adverse results. In this case, consistency and

continuous improvement on a specific training method

for specific period of time are vital. It’s the only way you

can successfully structure your workouts for best results.

It would be wise to allow your body to acclimatize to a

specific routine for a period of 4-8 weeks before making

any drastic changes in your workout. It’s usually during

the last couple of weeks when progress tends to slow


Once you’ve noticed a steady decline in your progress,

that would be the best time to create and implement

some changes in your training variables for the next 4-8 weeks. As I’ve discussed in the

preceding sub-chapter, these variables include changing the sequence or order of exercises,

number of exercises per workout, time under tension, training duration per workout, exercise

grouping (e.g. tri-sets, circuit training, super-setting), base of stability (e.g. seated, standing,

one-leg, stability ball), exercise type (e.g. multi-joint, free-weight, machine-based), repetition

speed, exercise angle (e.g. flat, inclined, declined, upright, bent over), range of motion, rest

periods between sets, volume of work (sets x reps x distance), repetition speed, and training

frequency in a weekly basis.

If, for example, you are training with a program where you are performing 10 sets of 3 reps for 6

different exercises that are paired up (a total of 3 supersets) with 30 seconds rest between each

superset and no rest during the superset itself, and start to see that you are no longer improving

with that program, then it’s time to modify your training variables and begin a new program.

Meanwhile, it’s always wise to track your progress by keeping a small logbook to jot down what

weights were used, how many sets and reps were completed, etc. That way you get a better

idea of how you’re progressing over time.

With the new program, you could go with the classic 5 sets of 5 reps, but instead of executing

supersets, you group your exercises into three (also known as tri-sets). You can also opt to carry

out these exercises with no rest during the tri-set itself, and then recover for a couple of

minutes in between each tri-set. That way you still get to regain your strength and energy levels.

The examples I’ve given above clearly show how easy it is to incorporate both variability and

consistency to get the best possible results all throughout your training.

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The Ultimate Hard-Body Exercise

Squats, with deadlifts not that far behind, have got to be the most effective overall exercises

that evoke the most fat loss, muscle gain, and hormonal responses (e.g. testosterone, growth

hormone). The reason for this is that both exercises involve multiple muscle groups compared to

other weight-bearing workouts. Scientific studies show that unlike other exercises, squats

increase both upper and lower body development. If you’re looking into losing excess body fat,

improving athleticism, gaining muscle mass, or simply building and maintaining a strong,

functional body, then squats, deadlifts, and variations of both exercises are exactly what you

need to do. Thanks to these heart-pumping exercises, countless people have successfully built

lean, powerful bodies without having to resort to any boring cardio workouts.

The beauty of squats is that you could do them by completely relying on your bodyweight for

resistance, or you could crank in up a notch by using free weights (e.g. dumbbells, barbells,

sandbags, kettlebells). It’s important to note, however, that squats must not be done with

anything else but free weights. Using a Smith machine or other squat machines hinders your

body from moving naturally and decreases workout intensity because the machine stabilizes the

weight for you. As a result, you don’t get the most out of your workout.

The most common type of squat is the barbell back squat, where the bar rests on the trapezius

muscles of the upper back. However, a lot of seasoned strength coaches feel that overhead

squats (where the bar is locked in a snatch grip over our head) and front squats (where the bar

rests in front and on the shoulders) are the safest, most functional types of squats that improve

athletic performance. I personally think that utilizing all three, either sporadically or in the same

phase of your workouts, can maximize athletic

performance, body fat loss, and overall muscular

development. Front squats prove to be more

challenging than back squats, but I must say that

overhead squats push me harder than the previous

two. If you’ve been performing back squats, switching

to front squats may take a little getting used to. But

ease your way into it by doing light versions and you’ll

get there. Before you know it, you’ll be doing front

squats like a pro.

I’ll go into the details of overhead squats in another

section. For now, let me expound further on the front


Compared to back squats, front squats require you to

start off in a more upright position, making it extra

challenging since you will need your abdominals to

work harder at keeping your body stable. They’re more

known for building strong lower body muscles, but,

when done properly, they also simultaneously develop

stability and core strength. There are two ways to rest the bar in front of your shoulders. The

first will require you to step directly under the bar, cross your arms, keep your elbows high with

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arms parallel to floor, and rest the bar on the dimple created by the shoulder muscle near the

bone. Place the thumb-side of your fists against bar to hold it in place, or you can hold the bar

by placing your palms face up, allowing it to rest on your fingers against your shoulders.

Whichever method you choose, you need to remember to keep those elbows high and your

arms parallel to the ground throughout the duration of the exercise so the weight won’t fall.

Once you’ve picked the method you’re most comfortable with, initiate the squat from your hips

by sitting down until your thighs are just about parallel to the ground, keeping all the weight

back at your heels and not on the balls of your feet so you don’t injure your knees. In fact, when

done correctly, squats can actually strengthen the knees. To be sure, you can go ahead and

practice on a non-weighted bar or stick just to familiarize yourself with proper form and

execution. Once you’ve mastered it, you’ll be surprised how it really works your abs.

Front Squats: Beginning Position

Courtesy of

Front Squats: Middle Position

Barbell, Kettlebell, and Dumbbell Complexes - a Different Style of Weight

Training for a Ripped Body

We’re always looking for something more exciting to kill old, boring habits and routines. The

same goes for stale and unprogressive workouts. Of course you’d want to be continuously

invigorated and motivated by new results, and “complexes” can do just that. With complexes,

you sequence one rep of various exercises one after the other and repeat the same sequence

several times to complete a “set.” Don’t confuse it with circuit training. Basically, you’re

performing an entire routine as opposed to mindlessly repeating a typical “set.” Complexes are

perfect for increasing your workout’s intensity and building huge amounts of musculature in a

short period of time. It really pushes you to your limits, and in this case, that’s a good thing. In

my own personal opinion, this type of training probably draws out a good growth hormone

response due to the large amount of full body work completed in a given time period.

I like to use around 5 exercises in my complexes. Using more than 5 might just make it difficult

to remember, so it’s best to stick to a comfortable yet adequate number. Take a look at this

great example of a barbell complex. It gets me pumped up every time:

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Example Barbell Complex

• High pull from floor (explosive deadlift right into upright row in one motion);

• Barbell back to thighs, then hang clean (explosively pull bar from knees and “catch” the

bar at shoulders);

• Barbell back to floor, then clean & push-press;

• Barbell back to thighs, bend over, then bent over row;

• Barbell back to thighs, then finish with Romanian deadlift.

Make sure you use a weight that you can handle even to the last and weakest lift, but not so

light that you don’t get a good

amount of resistance. 2-3 repeats

of the sequence will consist 1 set.

Increase the number of repeats, the

number of actual sets during

subsequent workouts, and,

eventually, the weight you use as

you progress over time. Let’s say

you completed the above complex

with 155 lbs for 3 sequences per set

for 3 sets on day 1. Next time you

perform the workout, try to do 155

lbs for 3 sequences per set for 4

sets. Once you successfully complete 5 sets with 155, increase the weight by 5 to 10 lbs, and

drop back to 3 sets. This is a great way to make improvements over time, while cycling your

training volume.

Let’s move on to a great kettlebell complex that never fails to challenge me. I’ve used kettlebells

in my own training, and I have to say that they’ve increasingly affected my body composition,

strength, and general physical condition. The kettlebell, if you don’t already know, is an old

eastern European training secret that has just started to become popular in the US in more

recent years. Professional athletes use kettlebells as one of their main training tools because

they produce great results. You can start off with just one bell and familiarize yourself with

various single kettlebell workouts before moving on to double bell drills. You can certainly work

up a sweat with just one kettlebell, especially if you incorporate some bodyweight exercises into

your routine, or you can integrate kettlebell training with your regular training at least once a

week, just to give a little variety and encourage new results. I must say that buying those

kettlebells have surely proven to be one of my best investments yet.

Example Kettlebell Complex

• One arm swing;

• One arm snatch, keep the bell over head;

• One arm overhead squat;

• Bell back down to bottom, then one arm split snatch;

• Bell back down to bottom, then one arm clean & press.

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Just like with the barbell complex, repeat the sequence 2-3 times on each arm without resting in

between. Feel it burning already? That’s just 1 set. Try increasing from 3 to 4 to 5 sets on

subsequent workouts with a given weight before increasing your sequence reps. If that doesn’t

make your heart jump out of your chest, I don’t know what will!

Now let’s discuss something more common than kettlebells – dumbbells. Here’s something to

give you an idea how to compile a good dumbbell complex.

Example Dumbbell Complex

• Upright row with each arm separately, then both together;

• Front lunge with one leg, then the other;

• Back lunge with one leg, then the other;

• Curl to overhead press;

• Keep dumbbells at shoulders and squat

Just to reiterate, the same sequencing and progressions scheme work great with dumbbell

complexes. One strategy you can use is to perform barbell complexes on one day then alternate

with kettlebell or dumbbell complexes on other days. For example, you could do barbell

complexes Monday, K-bell or D-bell complexes Wednesday, and back to barbell complexes on

Friday. Maybe hit some sprints and bodyweight drills on Saturday or Sunday; then Monday

would be K-bell or D-bell complexes, Wednesday would be barbells, and so on. Try this program

for a month and be amazed at how fast you’ll beef up in front of your very eyes.

The Best Non-Traditional, Muscle-Building, Fat Blasting Workouts

Before I share my preferred non-traditional training styles, I just want to stress the invaluable

effects of a consistent weight training routine done with free weights. You can easily

incorporate the alternative training techniques listed below into your weight training on the

same day, solely perform alternative workouts on specific days of the week, or try out some of

these styles for a period of time before reverting to a more traditional weight training routine.

Are you bold enough to try something out of the box? Of course you are! Try any of these

training styles and I promise you, you’ll be so busy admiring astounding results that boredom

will be the least of your worries.

Now, on to my favorite non-traditional training techniques:

Staircase Workouts – The best part about these exercises is that stairs can be found virtually

everywhere. You can easily integrate this technique regardless where you live, work, or train.

Here’s a great full body workout suggestion involving stairs: mix stairs sprints with your favorite

upper body exercise (e.g. pull-ups, push-ups). When done correctly and with high intensity,

stairs workouts can greatly promote muscle-building, burning of excess fat, hormonal response,

and an increase in metabolism just by working your body’s main muscle groups simultaneously.

Staircase workouts are not just about going up and down a flight of stairs. Virgil Aponte has

developed a website that focuses on creative stairs workouts using all kinds of exercises you

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never would have thought of before. I’ve learned quite a lot myself, and I encourage you to

check out his site to find more motivation and creative ideas.

Wind and Hill Sprints – I’ve got three words

for you…wide open spaces. Find a park, clear

street, vacant lot, track oval, or any open field

and do 50, 75, or 100-yard high-energy wind

sprints. In between each set, rest for about 1-

2 minutes, and immediately start on the next

one until you complete a total of 6-20 wind

sprints. Performing inclined sprints on a

nearby hill are even better because they

provide a little more oomph. Sprint up the hill

as fast as you can go, walk back down for your

rest interval, then start all over. Like stair

exercises, sprint workouts also work your body’s biggest muscle groups, increase fat-burn and

muscle-building, and stimulate your metabolism. No wonder professional and habitual sprinters

look so ripped and fit. Conventional distance runners and marathoners, on the other hand, don’t

share the same physical attributes of sprinters because, as I’ve mentioned in previous sections,

running at a steady pace just pales in comparison. I mean no disrespect to those of you who

enjoy distance running, but if you really want to step it up a notch and reap all the health

benefits of a superior workout, you need to up your game with more challenging, varied, and

intense exercises. In the earlier part of this chapter, I highlighted the value of highly variable

intensity exercise (e.g. interval training, sprinting) and showed its countless advantages over

steady state endurance exercise (e.g. same-pace cardio, endurance cycling, jogging).

Kettlebell Training – This

probably isn’t the first time

you’re going to hear praises

for kettlebell training from me

since I’ve always felt that this

is one of the most effective

training methods out there. In

fact, I owe a lot to this exercise

for my own personal fitness

achievements. For those of

you who aren’t familiar with

kettlebells, they pretty much

look like cannonballs with

handles on them, and are used for free-weight training. It’s their distinctive weight distribution,

construction, and wide-range function that sets them apart from their free weight counterparts

(e.g. dumbbells, barbells). They’re not as popular as other free weights because they’re mostly

utilized by martial arts competitors, military units, professional athletes, and other hardcore

training individuals. Even if you don’t belong to any of these classifications, it doesn’t mean you

can’t get all the benefits of kettlebell training. Many people have made it a part of their regular

fitness routine and never get tired of it. Kettlebells are a little bit pricey, going for about $100-

150 each, but I consider them as long-term investments so they’re actually worth every penny.

Go to for more information.

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Bodyweight Workouts – Are you up for a little fitness experiment? Do bodyweight based

exercises like alternating bodyweight squats, lunges, floor abs exercises, and pushups variations

at home for 1-2 workouts a week. That’s actually equivalent to a high intensity workout that’s

just 15-30 minutes long per workout without even having to leave your home. Since it’s a short

workout to begin with, perform the exercises continuously for 15-30 minutes and take short rest

periods only if needed. For a more challenging twist, go for even more intense bodyweight

based exercises like one-arm pushups, one-legged squats, and handstand pushups. Pick up a

copy of Pavel Tsatsouline’s The Naked Warrior when you get the chance – it comes in very

handy for those who want to seriously increase body strength through bodyweight exercises.

Ring Training – These exercises will require portable

gymnastic rings with straps that you can throw over any

high beam or bar like the top of a power rack, a pull-up

bar, or a football field goal crossbar. With these

adjustable rings, you can perform anything from ring

pushups, ring dips, and ring pull-ups to L-sits, horizontal

body rows, and hanging leg raises. Dips and pushups are

great on their own, but throw the rings into the mix and

your routine can only get more exciting. Not only do the

rings prevent injuries and promote natural joint

movement, but they also allow you to work various

muscle groups simultaneously, including your stabilizer

muscles. Sometimes it hurts to do dips on a normal dip

stand; I’ve encountered this problem many times before

myself. Dips done on the training rings, on the other

hand, work the muscles without causing any unbearable

pain. There’s no reason why gymnasts are the only ones

who can benefit from this type of training. Invest on

training rings and challenge yourself even further. Just do

a Google search to get more info.

Swimming – Although it is considered as an excellent full body workout, this type of resistance

training is unlike any other in terms of working the joints and the muscles. Swimming 1-2 times a

week can really do wonders for your body. Instead of doing steady strokes, you should try

swimming “sprint” style so you can build more muscle. Simply swim as hard as you physically

can, keeping rests at a bare minimum, and only 20-40 seconds long – just enough to catch your

breath. You have a few types of strokes to choose from (e.g. breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke,

crawl, sidestroke) and you can mix them up as much as you want. 30-40 minutes of sprint

swimming should do the trick. I always look forward to sprint swimming because it really gets

that blood pumping, mainly throughout the upper body, with very little soreness or none at all.

Swimming has no eccentric movement (the negative portion of a lift), and that’s exactly why it

stands out among other typical weight training exercises; you get all the benefits of weight

training without having to feel so sore the next day. The only downside is that it doesn’t do

anything for the bones, so you will still need to resort to regular weight training for that.

Sandbag Training – In combination with your strength training, this workout can really provide a

lot of variation. It works your body with an unstable object, invoking even the least utilized

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muscle groups. It could really spice things up for you. You can use construction type sandbags or

make your own by simply filling different sized cloth bags with sand. Sandbag exercises can be

done as squats, cleans, presses, lunges, shouldering, throws or heaves, or carrying up hills.

Believe me when I say that just by incorporating intense sandbag training into your routine, you

can have a truly ripped body!

Mountain Biking – Training with a mountain bike doesn’t have to be a monotonous, steady pace

endurance exercise. With brisk leg pumps, uphill climbs, and a clear adrenalin rush when you’re

going downhill (recovery intervals), you get a high intensity, extremely stimulating, leg burning

workout that will sculpt your legs to perfection and get rid of fat from all over your body. I have

to warn you, uphill climbs can be very physically and mentally demanding as you move along the

steep hills without getting off your bike. Riding downhill, however, is just utterly rewarding. You

get to catch your breath, rest your legs for a few seconds, until you go up and at it all over again.

You may even find yourself doing them just for the thrill of it. Of course, getting pumped up

muscles is just a big bonus. Try it out, you’ll totally get addicted!

Indoor (or Outdoor) Rock Climbing – I must admit, talking

about these various exciting training styles makes me want

to perform each one right this moment. Rock climbing is

definitely another fun and effective way to workout both

your body and your mind. With indoor rock climbing venues

popping everywhere all of a sudden, this type of training has

been made more and more accessible. Rock climbing really

works your forearms, biceps, shoulders, back, and grip

strength. I don’t do it more than once, maybe twice, a month

because my forearms really take a beating. The experience

will totally knock you off your feet (quite literally, in fact). If you’ve never done it or always

wanted to give it a go, I encourage you to do so. After having done it, your fitness routines will

never be the same, I promise.

Stick Wrestling – This is a killer full body workout and can also be a great competition between

you and your friends. This is probably more of a guy thing for most. You could even come up

with your own “fight club” and have stick wrestling competitions with your buddies to see who

is toughest. There are actually sticks designed specifically for stick wresting, but you can even

just use a strong broomstick cut down to about 30-36 inches long and taped up with some

athletic tape to prevent splinters. For your stick wrestling workout, stand on a soft mat or

carpeted area (or grass if outdoors), match up with a friend or foe. You’ll both grab the same

stick toward the ends with your hands on the outsides of your partner’s hands, on the inside, or

staggered. Then you simply push, pull, jerk, and thrash your opponent around trying to knock

them off balance until they either fall or lose their grip of the stick…and you win that round! Be

careful not to get the stick up high and knock each other in the face. Use common sense. You

can do this in 1-2 minute rounds or just keep going until someone gives up. Be creative and keep

going until you’ve gotten a killer workout. Your forearms and legs will be screaming!

Some of these may come off as “out of the box,” but that’s what makes them unique and even

more effective.

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You Already Know What To Do…BUT…

You’ve equipped yourself with the know-how. Now, you just have to start and follow through.

It’s easy to do everything step by step for your body to look spectacularly fit. But you have to

realize that it’s just as easy not to.

My goal is to provide you with useful and interesting methods on how to revamp your training

program so you can steer clear of yoyo dieting and fleeting fitness routines. I could only hope

that you, during and long after you’ve read this, continue to live out a true fitness lifestyle and

achieve the body you deserve. It’s really up to you to make your health and fitness a priority.

Here’s an Example

You work out regularly for a little while then you get bored with doing the same old cardio and

weight training over and over, or you stop working out entirely because you don’t see results


Any of these scenarios sound familiar?

It happens to the best of us, believe me. If you ask me, your workouts should never get boring

nor should they stop reaping health and fitness benefits. Before you even think about quitting,

try opening your mind to other training techniques and don’t be afraid to implement them.

Combining a variety of training styles will not only keep things fresh and fun, but it will also build

stronger joints. In doing so, you actually modify your training stressors and reduce repetitive

movement patterns.

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Chapter 3 Exercising Your Abs

Abdominal Anatomy

Benefits of Strong Abs

Having strong abs will greatly improve your:

• Appearance. Having washboard abs is indicative of an individual’s concern for

the way they look. In this day and age, well-defined abs are considered to be

sexy and attractive.

• Performance. Abdominal muscles play a crucial role in everyday tasks and

motions. Having strong abs is a plus if you want to do well in physical activities,

such as dancing and sports. It also facilitates effortless and non-strenuous


• Health. Feeling good is just as, if not more, important than looking good. Well-

built abdominal muscles provide support for your lower back, promote good

posture, and alleviate back strains. Having really strong obliques (transverses

abdominus) also gives more protection to vital internal organs.

Myths about Abs

Don’t let common abs-building myths get the best of you. Before you start on your abs

workout, here are some of the misconceptions that will help you get the facts straight:

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• “You can only get really great results if you do countless of crunches.” Quantity

doesn’t really matter as much as the quality of exercises you put into your abs

workout. If you aren’t tired by the 30th, 50th, or even 100th crunch, then that only

means that you’re doing something wrong. A hundred crunches done in bad

form will not get you great abs. Instead of working your muscles, you’re using

momentum to replicate each crunch. You need to feel the strain in your muscles

to know that you’re actually building them. Once your abs tightens and feels like

it can’t do any more (also known as muscle fatigue), then you know it’s working.

• “Buying exercise equipment is the best way to workout your abs.” Although

some, like an exercise ball, can really help you get in great shape, you can still

workout your abs just as effectively by doing simple exercises that don’t involve

any gadgets.

• “Abs exercises can get you totally ripped, washboard abs.” Sure, abdominal

exercises can help, but not all by themselves. Doing non-stop crunches won’t get

rid of belly fat. A truly lean, well-defined midsection requires you to reinforce

targeted abdominal exercises with a healthy diet, regular cardio workouts, and

progressive strength training.

Form and Safety

Like with any kind of exercise, you can’t afford to be reckless while doing ab workouts.

When done improperly and hastily, these abs exercises can get you injured, especially

with your back and neck. To avoid any untoward injuries, just follow these simple

precautionary measures:

• Keep your head in line with your spine. Don’t bring your head too far forward.

You can avoid this by simply keeping your eyes off your knees and on the ceiling.

• Don’t pull on your head with your hands. When doing crunches, there’s this

urge to pull on your head to create a bigger gap between your back and the mat.

To avoid using your hands for pulling your upper body, simply touch your ears

lightly with your fingers and allow your abs to do all the work. Another trick is to

keep your chin from touching your chest.

• Keep your back stable. Avoid releasing, overly arching, or hyperextending your

lower back. Once you feel like your back is going over what it’s supposed to do,

exhale and suck your belly in toward your spine. This will help stabilize the lower

part of your back.

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• Don’t hunch at the shoulders. When you hunch your shoulders, you’re taking

away resistance from your abs. Instead, keep your upper body stable and anchor

your weight at the waist, pushing your shoulders down.

• Keep those ab muscles taut. Maintaining tight abs during your workouts will

only get you better and faster results.

• Refrain from lifting your upper body too high. Ab exercises work against gravity,

not with it. Keeping your body’s inclination at 45 degrees will push your abs to

work really hard. Going beyond 45 might only cause back injuries.

Stretching Your Abs

Stretching your muscles before and after every workout helps loosen them up, prevent

injuries, and reduce soreness. Before engaging in your abs workout, here’s what you can


Standing Stretch:

1. Stand with your feet slightly apart.

2. Stand up straight and keep your abs nice and tight.

3. Lift your right arm straight up and stretch reaching out to the left side. Breathe in

then breathe out.

4. Hold that position for a couple of seconds, just long enough for you to feel the

right side of our torso stretch out.

5. Do the same on the other side.

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There are two types of stretches you can do for cooling down after your abs workout.

Side Stretch:

1. Lie on the floor and bend your knees.

2. Put your arms behind your head and rotate your hips and legs to one side, still

with your knees together.

3. Stay in that position for 10 counts. Breathe normally throughout.

4. Return to your starting position and do the same on the other side.


1. Lie face down on the mat, position your palms on each side, and keep your arms


2. Using your arms, push your torso upward.

3. Keep your arms aligned with your shoulders while your legs are stretched out.

Refrain from trying to touch your shoulders to your ears.

4. Stay in that position for 10 counts. Breathe normally throughout.


1. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Touch your fingers to your ears.

2. Crunch upward, moving toward the direction of your knees. Raise your head,

shoulders, and upper body and stop when you’ve reached a 45 degree


3. As you come up for that crunch, keep your upper back as straight as you can,

your eyes on the ceiling, your belly button pulled in toward your spine, and your

shoulders relaxed.

4. Keep your abs muscles nice and tight.

5. Return to your starting position and start all over.

If you want to push yourself harder, you can do a weighted crunch. Simply take a weight

plate, or any weight simulator, hold it behind your head or across your chest.

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Abs Exercises


1. Lie flat on the floor.

2. Touch your fingers to your ears.

3. Bend your right knee while keeping your left leg extended at a 45 degree angle

off the floor.

4. Lift your left shoulder toward your right knee. Remember to keep your abs tight.

5. Do the same on the other side; bend your left knee, extend your right leg, and

lift your right shoulder toward your left knee.

6. Switch it up continuously at a steady rate.

7. Focus on your abs instead of your legs or shoulders.

8. Keep the movement constant, tight, and small. Don’t let momentum dictate your


Low Plank

1. Lie face down on the mat, position your palms on each side, keep your arms

bent, and feet together.

2. Push yourself up onto your elbows while keeping your hands apart and thumbs


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3. Try to form a straight line with your body. Don’t bend at the waist so your butt

won’t stick up in the air. Don’t hunch your shoulders or sag your pelvis on the

mat. Don’t forget to keep your head in line with the rest of your body.

4. Hold that position. Breathe normally throughout.

Ball Crunch

1. Lie on your back on a yoga ball (an oversized, inflatable exercise ball) and plant

both feet on the ground.

2. Touch your fingers to your ears.

3. Crunch upward, raising your shoulders and head off the ball.

4. Keep your muscles tight.

5. Return to your starting position.

6. Start all over.

Ball Pike

1. Rest your stomach on an exercise ball and walk forward until your hands are on

the floor under your shoulders and your shins are resting on the ball.

2. While keeping your ab muscles tight, fold over at the hips. Stop when you are in

a pike position and your ankles are on the ball.

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3. Return to your starting position and start all over.

Side Plank

1. Lie on your side, your bottom hand resting under your shoulder and your front

foot just in front of the other.

2. Push yourself upward, resting all your weight on your hand and foot.

3. Reach upward with your free hand. By this time, your body would be forming a


4. Keep your ab muscles tight and avoid touching your hip to the floor.

5. Stay in that position for as long as you can.

If you want something a little easier, simply rest your free hand on your hip instead of

reaching upward. To make it more challenging, place one foot directly on top of the


Side Crunch

1. Lie on the floor and bend your knees.

2. While keeping your upper body straight and knees together, swing your legs to

the right. Your bottom leg should be resting on the mat.

3. Crunch upward. Lift your head, shoulders, and upper body off the mat. Just like a

basic crunch, you need to move straight up to your hip instead of crunching

toward your legs.

4. Return to your starting position.

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5. Perform a few more reps until you complete your set.

6. Switch sides by swinging your legs to the left and complete another set.

Chapter 4 The Abs Diet

Why New Fad Diets Almost Always Fail

Fad diets are all about the hype. The more buzz it makes, the more money food manufacturers

and self-proclaimed nutrition gurus make.

For those of us who are desperate to see results with the least possible amount of effort, we

bite the bullet and go along for the ride. We soon discover that they were nothing but empty

promises. Sure, there have been good results, but

are they long-term results? Far from it.

It takes time before you actually start to see real,

sustainable results…results that you really worked

hard for and, therefore, can be proud of.

Setting the Fats Straight: Some

Saturated Fats are Actually Good for


Before I go on, I just want to stress that it’s very

important to open your mind to the facts I’m

about to reveal in this section. I understand that

some of them might sound outlandish at first,

especially when we’ve all gone through our lives

knowing what we already know, been fed the

same information through the years by our most

trusted doctors and mass media personalities, and

been so used to our routines that it’s hard to adapt to a completely new reality.

First off, you must understand that including an ample amount of beneficial fats in your diet is

necessary to promote and maintain a healthy body. Fats are one of the main components of all

the body’s cell membranes. Eating enough healthy natural fats ensures that your body’s cellular

processes run smoothly and normally. On the other hand, not eating enough healthy fats or

loading up on damaged fats (i.e. man-made, highly processed, chemically altered fats) that are

found in most processed foods will impair cellular function. When damaged fats take the place

of healthy fats in the cells, your body is forced to work harder, causing natural processes to

break or slow down, and even degenerative diseases. Moreover, healthy dietary fats play a very

important role in optimal hormone production and balance. They also contribute greatly to the

fat-burning and muscle-building processes of our bodies. Are you even aware that not eating

enough good fats will take a toll on your testosterone levels? That means you are more likely to

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store fat and build less muscle. Eating fat won’t cause women’s testosterone levels to spike, so

all you ladies out there can relax. The bottom line is that both men and women can continue to

keep everything in balance provided that you eat the right kind of fats. Aiding in mineral and

vitamin utilization, providing energy, and regulating enzymes are just a few other important

functions attributed to healthy dietary fats.

Restriction of dietary fat is just ludicrous. Self-proclaimed health experts who firmly believe that

low-fat diets are the key to overall wellness, weight loss, and disease prevention don’t know any

better. Restricting any of the three vital macronutrients (e.g. carbohydrates, proteins, fats) can

certainly do more harm than good. In actuality, all of these macronutrients, when consumed in

the right amounts and frequency, directly contribute to a healthier, leaner, and disease-free

body. According to world-renowned fats and lipids researcher Mary Enig, Ph.D, there is very

little true scientific evidence supporting the assertion that a high fat diet is detrimental to one’s

health. Before the invasion of Western dietary influences, Pacific Islanders, for instance, who

typically obtained 66-75% of their total daily calories from fat (e.g. coconut fat) had very low

cases of heart disease, obesity, and other modern degenerative diseases.

Traditional Eskimo populations, who consume up to 75% of their total caloric intake from fat

(e.g. whale blubber, seal fat, organ meats, cold water fish), display superior health and long life

without heart disease or obesity. The Masai tribe in Africa remains free from degenerative

diseases and maintains low body fat percentages on diets consisting of large quantities of raw

whole milk, blood, and meat. The Samburu tribe of Africa, which eats an average of 5 times the

quantity of dietary fat (e.g. raw whole milk, meat) as overweight, disease-ridden Americans,

maintain lean, healthy, and degenerative disease-free bodies. Traditional Mediterranean diets

are also known to be very high in fat (sometimes up to 70% fat), but are also considered very


These are only a few examples of traditional populations that thrived and survived on high fat

diets across the globe. Many nutritionists and doctors, however, continue to prescribe diets that

restrict fat despite these facts. I’m sure they have their clients and patients’ best interest at

heart, but without any hard evidence against natural unprocessed fats, it really isn’t wise to

restrict even our healthy fat intake.

The reason behind all the misconception and misinformation about good fats – or the natural,

unprocessed, healthy fats – is that they got mixed in with the bad fats. The distinction between

the two kinds of fats simply wasn’t clear cut, so even the beneficial, healthy dietary fats have

been associated with the deadly processed fats that make up the most part of processed foods

sold at restaurants, fast food joints, supermarkets, and delis. Incidentally, you can find these

deadly processed fats virtually everywhere. If you don’t know how to make the best choices as

far as feeding your body goes, it’s quite easy to load up on the bad kind. Keep in mind, that I’m

not saying you should have an insanely high fat diet. Everyone needs fat, just as much as the

next person needs adequate amounts of healthy carbohydrates for energy and muscle glycogen

replenishment, as well as good sources of protein for muscle repair. I shared the above

examples of traditional populations’ high fat diets and their corresponding excellent health

simply to prove the point that you don’t need to be afraid of dietary fats as long as you make

healthy natural choices and stay within your daily caloric range to maintain or lose weight,

depending on what your goals are.

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The Healthy Fatty Food Choices

Below you will find a list of some of the healthiest fatty foods as well as some of the deadliest

fatty foods to try to avoid at all costs.

• Coconut fat (and other tropical oils): This one has been a staple in many tropical diets

for many years. How can something like coconut fat, which is about 92% saturated fat,

be good for the body, you ask? The health benefits of coconut fat lie in its composition

of approximately 65% medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Specifically, about 50% of

coconut fat is a MCT called lauric acid, which has very potent anti-microbial properties

helping to enhance the immune system. Instead of being stored as body fat, MCTs are

readily burned as an immediate source of energy. That’s why coconut oil is one of the

most suitable cooking oils utilized for baking, stir frying, and other cooking preparations.

Compared to polyunsaturated oils exposed to light and heat, saturated fats are simply

more stable and they don’t oxidize so they don’t create any damaging free radicals

during the cooking process. Non-hydrogenated palm oil is yet another kind of healthy

tropical oil that’s considered to be highly saturated. All of this will sound very

unbelievable to you, especially if you’ve been brainwashed by hardcore all-fats-are-bad

fitness and health professionals. Avoiding saturated fats “at all cost” just doesn’t make

any sense since they can be found in a lot of natural foods that have been a part of

man’s diet for centuries. These fats only become harmful when consumed in ridiculously

high amounts or when forced to undergo chemical enhancements (e.g. highly processed


• Extra virgin olive oil: EVOO – you’ve been reading and hearing this for a while now, I’m

sure. Olive oil is comprised of 16% saturated, 13% polyunsaturated, and 71%

monounsaturated fats. When using olive oil, might as well go for the extra virgin variant,

which pertains to the first pressing of the olives, therefore containing higher amounts of

antioxidants. Compared to other common supermarket oil variants, extra virgin olive oil

has not been extracted with harmful industrial solvents, making it one of the healthiest

choices for oils in liquid form. Try mixing olive oil with vinegar and use that base to dress

your salad. This is actually healthier than most mass-produced salad dressings out in the

market because unlike its store-bought alternative, your olive oil and vinegar dressing is

not refined, highly processed, chemically damaged, or extracted with industrial solvents.

• Dark, bittersweet chocolate (with >70% cocoa content): Cocoa beans have a high

concentrated source of antioxidants. Cocoa butter, or the fat portion of cocoa beans, is

basically a healthy natural form of fat. It is composed of around 38% monounsaturated

fat, 3% polyunsaturated fat, and 59% saturated fat (mostly healthy stearic acid). Most

milk chocolates are only about 30% cocoa, and even most dark chocolates are only

about 50% cocoa. Unlike dark bittersweet chocolate with >70% cocoa, lesser variants

use high amounts of sugar, milk fat, and corn sweeteners as fillers and taste enhancers.

Look for a quality dark chocolate that lists its cocoa content between 70%-80%. A dark

chocolate with cocoa content in this range will contain mostly cocoa and very little

sugar, but will still have a mildly sweet taste with a smooth and creamy texture.

Although dark chocolate can be a healthy treat, you have to remember that it is still

calorie dense, so try not to over indulge. A square inch or two would do.

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• Avocado: Avocados have been getting a bad wrap for being “fatty.” Understand that

they are actually very healthy; they provide fiber, plenty of nutrients, healthful fats, and

such rich flavor. Depending on where they’re grown, they are typically comprised of

25% saturated fats, 15% polyunsaturated fats, and 60% monounsaturated fats. Instead

of using artificial sandwich spreads, try using sliced avocados or, better yet, guacamole.

• High fat fish (e.g. wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, trout): Generally, fish and

seafood are good sources of natural omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, but the higher fat

fish listed above are the best sources of omega-3’s. Due to the radical switch to a higher

proportion of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats (e.g. soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil) in

our food supply during the middle of the 20th century, the average western diet is

currently way too high in omega-6’s compared to omega-3’s, which wreaks havoc in

your body. This is where good omega-3 sources like high fat fish, walnuts, and flax seeds

can help balance out the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 polyunsaturated fats in your body.

• Nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamias): Nuts are great sources

of healthy unprocessed fats as well as minerals and other trace nutrients. Walnuts are

very high in unprocessed polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3), while macadamias,

almonds, and cashews have a good amount of monounsaturated fats in them. Always

choose raw or roasted over those prepared in oil.

• Seeds (e.g. sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds): Seeds are great

sources of natural unprocessed healthy fats. Flax seeds, in particular, have received a lot

of attention lately due to their high omega-3 content. However, keep in mind that

omega-3 polyunsaturated fats are highly reactive to heat and light, and prone to

oxidation and free radical production, so freshly ground flax seed is the best option. Get

whole flax seeds instead of store-bought ground flax seed. You can easily grind them

with coffee grinders to come up with your own flax seed. Add freshly ground flax seed

into your yogurt, cereal, soups, or even salad. If you’re using flax oil, make sure you

consume it within a few weeks so it doesn’t go rancid, and only if it’s cold-pressed oil in

a light-proof refrigerated container. It’s also important to note that flax oil should

NEVER be used for cooking.

• Fat in organically raised, free-range animals: This is where the mass media has misled

and misinformed a lot of people. They claim that animal fat is completely unhealthy to

consume by humans, when in fact, fats from healthy animals are naturally good for us.

Humans have thrived on animal fats for thousands of years. The real problem actually

began when animal products were mass produced. The use of unhealthy animals have

become prevalent because manufacturers fatten them up with hormones and unnatural

animal feed, then bombard them with antibiotics. The best way to reap the benefits of

natural animal fat is to choose organically raised, free-range meats, dairy, and eggs.

They might not come as cheap as their unhealthy mass-produced counterparts, but it’s

always better to spend a little extra on something you know is better.

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The Deadly Fatty Foods

• Hydrogenated oils (source of artificial trans fats): I have to say, these are the worst

kinds of fat you can introduce to your body. They are chemically altered, industrially

produced, infused with industrial solvents (e.g. hexane for purposes of extraction),

subjected to extremely high temperatures and pressure, and possess metal catalysts

responsible for artificial hydrogenation, bleaching, and deodorizing. I’m surprised the

FDA even allows this. Heavy machinery will definitely go cuckoo with these unnatural

oils; imagine the harm it can do to the human body! These oils have been linked to heart

disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. Even in small quantities like 1-2

grams, they can still prove to be very harmful. A regular order of fries from your favorite

fast food probably consists of about 5 grams of trans fat. If 1-2 grams is already

considered harmful, then 5 grams is just plain old crazy. I was just talking about fries

here. Now, factor in your other favorite food staples like fried chicken, cookies, donuts,

and cakes. That’s a total of about 20-30 grams of trans fat! You’re setting yourself up for

a slow and painful death with these, I tell you. If you want to live a long, healthy life, go

for healthier food options; start reading off nutritional labels and watch out for partially

hydrogenated oils, shortening, and margarine. There’s just no room for artificial trans

fat in ANY person’s diet. They’re dangerous. Period. They have to be avoided at all cost.

If you ask me, they’re just as bad as smoking cigarettes. Because of the growing

awareness and concern over the negative health effects of trans fats, the FDA mandated

that all food manufacturers show the quantity of trans fat on all labels since January of

2006. However, they can still claim that their product is “trans fat free” or “no trans fat”

if it has 0.5 grams of trans fat or less per serving according to regulations in the US. So

all they have to do is reduce the serving size portion small enough so that it has 0.5

grams of trans, and they can claim “no trans fat.” Pretty shady, no? So, don’t take their

word for it. Do your research and eliminate trans fat from your diet completely.

• Refined oils: Even if the oils are not hydrogenated, most oils sold at the store are

refined, including most of the so called “healthy” canola oils. Most refined oils still

undergo high temperature, high pressure, solvent extraction, bleaching, and deodorizing

processes. Anything labeled vegetable oil, soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, safflower

oil, and even many canola oils have been damaged by this refining process. This

damages the natural structure of the fats, destroys natural antioxidants, creates free

radicals, and produces a generally unhealthy product. Know that the sudden increase of

heart disease in the mid-20th century coincides with the rapid increase in the use of

hydrogenated and refined oils in the food supply at that time, while the consumption of

saturated fats has actually decreased between the early 1900’s up until the present. I

think you’ll begin to see the real culprit behind heart disease -- hydrogenated and

refined oils, not the natural healthy saturated fats that have received an undeserved

bad wrap.

• Anything deep fried: These include chips, French fries, donuts, fried chicken, chicken

nuggets, and hard taco shells. They’ve all been fried in hydrogenated or refined oil,

mostly cheap oils like cottonseed or soybean oil. All of this crap doesn’t even pass as

real food if you ask me! If you can actually find something that’s deep fried in a non-

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hydrogenated tropical oil like palm or coconut (which are stable oils under heat), then

that could be acceptable. In these days, I highly doubt you can find one though.

• Homogenized milk fat: In its natural, unprocessed state, milk fat is actually very healthy.

In fact, plenty of traditional populations from across the globe thrived on large amounts

of raw, full-fat, non-homogenized, non-pasteurized dairy products. Until manufacturers

started homogenizing and pasteurizing milk fat, that is, rendering it potentially

dangerous to humans when consumed regularly and in large amounts. Unless you have

a farm or live close to one, it won’t be that easy to find raw milk. To find out if they’re

available in your area or if you want to know more about the advantages of drinking raw

milk, you can visit In the meantime, you can include cultured and

substantially healthy dairy products like yogurt into your diet. They contain beneficial

microorganisms so they’re not so bad for you. Stay clear of yogurt that’s packed with

high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar though. You can always opt for plain yogurt

with fresh fruit, or at least those that are lightly sweetened by real maple syrup or

honey. The closest thing to raw milk is skim milk, so that’s another good alternative to

consider. As far as butter is concerned, go for cultured organic butter or none at all.

Hopefully, this section has helped clear any misconception about dietary fats and made you

recognize their importance in a balanced diet. I’m not promoting any high-fat, low-carb diet

here. I just want to stress that including enough healthy fats in your diet (e.g. healthy saturated

fats) is crucial to your training results and physiological health.

The Top Fitness Foods to Stock Your Cabinets With…Making Smart Choices

Starts at the Grocery Store

If you have junk food lying around the house, then

you’re most likely to consume junk. When you stock up

on healthy food, you’re practically forced to stick to

healthier options. One thing I’ve learned when doing

grocery shopping is to eliminate tempting junk right off

the bat. Keep in mind that these are just a few of my

favorite healthier food choices, but hopefully you pick

up some tricks and ideas along the way.

I’ve got two words for you: fresh vegetables. It’s always

wise to buy fresh produce and stock your fridge with

them. In the spring, it’s easy to load up on local

produce, but as soon as the cold months arrive, it’s

produce off the grocery store shelves for me. Some of

my veggie staples include the likes of onions, fresh mushrooms, zucchini, spinach, red peppers,

asparagus, and broccoli. I use one or a mix of these in my morning eggs to add variety and extra

flavor. Sometimes, I chop up some lean turkey meat or chicken, and mix some jack, swiss, or

goat cheese with the eggs. I also always have to have coconut milk. I add them to my oatmeal,

yogurt, and smoothies to make them richer and more flavorful. I got to have my daily fix of

healthy saturated fats…and so should you.

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Here are some other food items you should get when you’re grocery shopping:

• Cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and yogurt – Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks are

always a blast to prepare when you use any of these three flavorful dairy products.

• Chopped walnuts, pecans, almonds, macadamias, etc. – Not only are they good sources of

healthy fats, but they’re really easy to find, store, and incorporate into your meals.

• Whole flax seeds – Grind them yourself to get all the healthful benefits they provide; pre-

ground flax contain highly unstable and easily oxidized omega-3 polyunsaturated fats that may

cause inflammation. Simply add to salads, soups, cereals, oatmeal, or yogurt.

• Whole eggs -- One of nature’s richest sources of high quality protein, GOOD cholesterol, and

other nutrients.

• Nut butters – When you get tired of regular store-bought peanut butter, mix together almond

butter with sesame seed butter, or even cashew butter with macadamia butter.

• Salsa – Use fresh tomatoes as the base and add in a variety of other ingredients to keep things


• Butter – Let’s face it, butter just tastes too darn good. Since it’s calorie-dense, a small dollop

here and there wouldn’t hurt. Never indulge in margarine, though. That will literally kill you.

• Avocados – I absolutely love them. They’re a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and other

nutrients. They always give wraps, salads, and sandwiches a little extra.

• Whole grain wraps and whole grain bread with at least 3-4 grams of fiber per 20 grams of

total carbs

• Rice bran and wheat germ – These may come across as too hardcore and exclusive for health

buffs, but they actually add a refreshingly nutty, crunchy taste to food like yogurt and

smoothies. They can also be added in baked goods to add nutrients and fiber.

• Lettuce and spinach along with shredded carrots – A quick toss and you have a simple yet

nutritious salad for dinner.

• Home-made salad dressing – Using balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and Udo's Choice oil

blend. Sometimes making your own from scratch is much better than store bought salad

dressings that usually contains highly refined soybean oil (source of inflammation-causing free


Check out some of the best freezer staples:

• Frozen fish – It’s good to try different kinds of fish from time to time.

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• Frozen berries – Stock up on fresh berries during growing

season, but in the cooler months of the year, keep a supply

of frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries,

strawberries, and cherries. They add flavor and texture to

other foods like high fiber cereal, oatmeal, cottage cheese,

yogurt, or smoothies.

• Frozen veggies – Sometimes, frozen veggies are packed

with more nutrients than fresh ones because they last

longer, especially when they travel long distances.

• Frozen chicken breasts – Grill them, broil them, or sear

them, then add to salads, sandwiches, or wraps.

• Frozen buffalo, ostrich, venison, and other "exotic" lean

meats – They’re not exactly your typical grocery-bought

meats, but they’re actually quite healthy. I’d take these

healthy meats over mass-produced pork and beef any day.

Now let’s move on to pantry or cupboard staples:

• Oat bran and steel cut oats – These contain higher fiber than tiny packs of instant oats.

• Cans of coconut milk – Remember to transfer these into another container and place in the

fridge after opening.

• Various antioxidant rich teas – These include green, oolong, white, and rooibos. Even

chamomile tea provides important trace nutrients and antioxidants.

• Stevia – This natural non-caloric sweetener is a safe alternative to chemically enhanced

artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharine, and sucralose.

• Organic maple syrup – I’m talking about real maple syrup here. Since it’s still a little high in

sugar, the only time I really use this is when I make post-workout smoothies to just to sweeten

things up and get an insulin surge to push nutrients into your muscles.

• Raw honey – These are always better than processed honey because they have higher

quantities of beneficial nutrients and enzymes. Honey has even been scientifically proven to

improve glucose metabolism, or how your body breaks down carbs. A teaspoon a day should be

good for you.

• Whole wheat or whole grain spelt pasta – They have higher fiber content than normal pasta.

• Brown rice and other higher fiber rice – Stay clear of white rice.

• Cans of black or kidney beans – These are surprisingly one of the best sources of youth

promoting antioxidants!

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• Tomato sauces – Deliciously healthy, thanks to lycopene. Just go for brands that are free of

high fructose corn syrup.

• Dark chocolate – The darker, the better. This will satisfy your sweet tooth for sure. Since it is

calorie dense, I still limit myself to about a couple of squares a day. Choose dark chocolate that

lists its cocoa content at 70% or greater. Milk chocolate is usually only about 30% cocoa, and

even most cheap dark chocolates are only around 50% cocoa. Checking for the cocoa content is

very important. Make sure you’re not loading up on sweeteners and fillers.

• Organic unsweetened cocoa powder – Use this in your smoothies to get an extra dose of

antioxidants. Make your own low-sugar hot cocoa just by mixing cocoa powder, hot milk, Stevia,

and a couple of dark chocolate squares.

Make Healthier Choices When Forced to Eat Fast-Food

Fast food joints simply can’t be avoided.

They’re on every street corner, billboard, TV ad, and virtually any surface known to man. Quick

tip when you’re going out for fast food? Stay absolutely clear of soda and everything deep-fried

or breaded (e.g. French fries, chicken nuggets, hash browns, breaded fish, chicken patties). All of

these are trans fats from industrial hydrogenated vegetable oils that just happen to smell, look,

and taste good.

Something with as little as 1-2 grams of trans fat a day can already cause so much harm in your

body like heart disease, hardening and clogging of arteries, inflammation, different kinds of

cancers, and, not to mention, the accumulation of excess belly fat. That’s only a couple of grams

of trans fat. I just couldn’t stress this hard enough. A fast food meal (e.g. breaded chicken

sandwich with fries) can contain as much as 10 grams of trans fat! If you order dessert that’s

packed with shortening or margarine (e.g. piece of pie, a cookie) and you add about 3 more

grams of trans fat. If 1-2 grams a day can kill you, imagine the amount of havoc 13 grams can

make, and that wasn’t even upsized yet. Some people don’t realize it, but they’re actually

consuming anywhere between 20-30 grams of trans fat a day only because they don’t know any


A far as drinks go, avoid ordering soda. Think about it; they’re nothing but heavily processed

high fructose corn syrup mixed with other chemicals that can potentially turn into tummy flab.

You can never go wrong with water, that’s what I always say. If you really want something

flavorfully thirst-quenching, go for the unsweetened or lightly sweetened iced tea. For

breakfast, ignore trans-fat packed croissants and opt for an English muffin with a side of eggs,

ham, and cheese instead. For lunch or dinner, go for grilled poultry. They’re both filling and

tasty. When ordering the salad, take out the croutons. Those are just little cubes of trans.

Bottom line is this: the worst fast food you can order are fries, other deep fried items, and soda.

Stay clear of those nasty trans fat filled foods and you’ll survive another day at the fast food


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If you haven’t seen the documentary on how eating fast food everyday can absolutely destroy

you, I suggest you pick up a copy. “Super-Size Me” featured this one guy that was the king of

eating burger. I forget what kind of burger it was exactly, but this more-or-less 30-year-old

fellow has consumed them almost every single day of his life. He mentioned that he scrapped

out the fries and the soda from the beginning. That probably helped him look pretty decent,

considering he’s been on a fast food high all these years. I’m not saying what he’s doing is good,

but it’s definitely BETTER than consuming fries and soda – those two are the major culprits in

this billion dollar industry.

Some fast food joints have actually started to provide “healthier” food options on their menu.

McD’s, for example, started to add nutritional labels on all their food wrappers so customers will

know what they’re actually putting into their mouth. Bear in mind that 1-2 grams of trans fat is

more than plenty, so be guided when you check those food labels.

Chapter 5 The Six Pack Abs Mindset

You see six pack abs on a model or your favorite Hollywood celebrity and you think to

yourself, “I definitely want that.” What do you do next? You plan your work and work

your plan, but that’s easier said than done.

Write Down Your Goals

The secret is in knowing how to effectively set your

fitness goals. It’s one thing to determine that you

want six pack abs. But if you don’t consider the

details, you basically create a dream bubble that’s

either beyond your reach or short-lived. Remember,

when you have specific, measurable, attainable,

realistic, and timely (S.M.A.R.T.) goals, you have a

clearer vision of what you want, and superior

chances of achieving them.

It helps to write down all of these things to make it

more concrete. It’s like creating a tangible, binding

agreement with yourself. The problem with just

keeping it all in your head is that it might end up

being just that – a fantasy. Be as specific as possible.

The more specific your fitness goals are, the easier it

is to determine what you need to do to realize them. Which goal do you think is easier

to work with and is more practicable: “get six pack abs” or “sign up for a six pack abs

program and workout at least 30 minutes every other day?”

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Having measurable goals is just as important. Follow a concrete set of guidelines and

you can certainly measure your actual progress. Don’t be afraid of numbers. Seeing and

quantifying progress is simply the best motivation there is.

With good planning and specific goal-setting, everything seems that more attainable. As

your fitness goals are slowly being realized, you also develop self-worth, confidence, and

even new skills along the way.

If your goal isn’t sensible to begin with, then all the planning in the world won’t be

enough. It’s one thing to be willing to do whatever it takes to reach your dream; being

physically, financially, and practically unable to do so is another. So, keep that in mind.

Effective goal-setting is punctuated with a reasonable and equally attainable time

frame. Obviously, six pack abs don’t happen overnight. It’s also important to note that

“when” and “when exactly” are two completely different things. You know you want to

get six pack abs “soon,” but it’s just more helpful and encouraging if you set a specific

time frame or date like “in 12 weeks” or “by the end of spring.”

Write Down the Reason For Each Goal

Determine what you want and WHY you want it. Working toward something just for the

heck of it can lead into a fruitless endeavor simply because you have no real purpose or

drive. You probably want six pack abs because you want clothes to fit you perfectly for a

change, or because you want to live a healthier, longer life. These reasons can certainly

help you through the toughest times.

Plan for Mistakes

You may have declared your goals on paper, but that doesn’t make it fail-proof. There

are things that you won’t be able to control. Instead of wallowing over each and little

thing, come up with contingencies. After a good streak of healthy eating and exercise,

your cravings for sugar and junk start to kick in. What do you do? You can ignore it

altogether, but that might just snowball into something uglier. Know where to get

healthy desserts and snacks. That way, you satisfy your sweet tooth without wrecking

your progress.

Re-wire Your Brain for Success

Cover all the bases so you really know you’re doing your best to reach your goals. With

hypnosis, for example, you get to tap your subconscious level of thinking as well.

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Hollywood hotshots and other prominent personalities use hypnosis to triumph over all

kinds of hurdles, like weight issues and stress, and further their careers…all thanks to

the untapped power of the mind.

To get more information on the benefits of hypnosis, you can go to

Measure Small Gains

Proof is a great motivator. Stepping on that scale and finding out you just lost another 4

lbs since you started working out – it’s truly one of the best, most rewarding feelings in

the world. That’s why quantifying your progress can be very helpful. Here’s a good tip:

use the smaller scale of measurement. For weight, use lbs. instead of kilos. For

measuring your waistline or any other bodily circumference, use millimeters instead of

inches. Seeing bigger numbers regardless how small the change can definitely motivate

you more.

Share Your Goals and Your Reasons

Finally, don’t keep any of this to yourself. Sharing your goals, motivations, and even your

struggles with people you trust can only help you reach that finish line faster. Not only

are you helping yourself, but you can easily motivate family and friends to create goals

of their own.

Chapter 6 Take Action Now!

ll the information in the world won’t help you achieve your goals if you don’t

take action. Here’s a summary of the top six pack abs sites. Pick the one that

work best for you and take action now!

The following product has received more great reviews than any other guide from huge

number of subscribers that want to get six pack abs fast, I recommend that you check it



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Best Six Pack Abs Guide

Best Overall Six Pack Abs Guide - Truth About

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f you’ve got extra belly fat you’d like to get rid of, what are you waiting

for? Follow this link for more info about the Truth about Six Pack Abs:

Best Fat-Burning/ Abs Diet


Best Fat-Blasting/ Abs Diet Product - Burn

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Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is a fat-loss program

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Visit Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Guide at

Best Abs Workout Plans

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