situational awareness – the atom or the quarks of accident … ·  · 2013-12-24the dirty...

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam Presentation of Thomas Fakoussa, Germany After the presentation I was asked about my background: Born in Egypt, father Egyptian, mother German, British college and Prussian grandmother made me experience 4 completely different educational styles within my first 8 years of life. So I decided to think myself, rather than follow other peoples principles as a non conscious habit. Successful as flight instructor, because I studied psychology for 2 years at university, thereafter decided again to leave academic prescriptions and started to think myself. Developed my own style of instructing. Flying for Lufthansa forced my bosses to change the FO and Captains training, as well as the instructors training to a more effective style and less genetic habits. After 18years in Lufthansa, I decided to quit and started running my own one man company and am now consulting small and big companies. You cannot find any publication or advertising of me and my company in the internet, only my books will be there. This has also a real CONSCIOUS reason . Therefore PLEASE do not publish this in the public accessible internet, only for ESASI website – thank you! The title of my presentation is: situational awareness – the atom or the quarks of accident investigation?

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ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Presentation of Thomas Fakoussa, Germany

After the presentation I was asked about my background: Born in Egypt, father Egyptian, mother German, British college and Prussian grandmother made me experience 4 completely

different educational styles within my first 8 years of life. So I decided to think myself, rather than follow other peoples

principles as a non conscious habit.

Successful as flight instructor, because I studied psychology for 2 years at university, thereafter decided again to leave academic

prescriptions and started to think myself. Developed my own style of instructing. Flying for Lufthansa forced my bosses to

change the FO and Captains training, as well as the instructors training to a more effective style and less genetic habits. After 18years in Lufthansa, I decided to quit and started running my own one man company and am now consulting small and big

companies. You cannot find any publication or advertising of me and my company in the internet, only my books will be there.

This has also a real CONSCIOUS reason . Therefore PLEASE do not publish this in the public accessible internet,

only for ESASI website – thank you!

The title of my presentation is:

situational awareness – the atom or the quarks

of accident investigation?

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

The psychological iceberg model

Situational Awareness


Not conscious

Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness

Partly conscious

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

“A general definition of SA is:

perception of the elementsin the environment within a volumeof time and space, the

comprehension of their meaningsand the

projections of their status in thenear future”

Mica Endsley, 2000

Sure that this is all? ………………

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Easier to understand:

1 - See , hear , sense ….

2 - Decode your sensory data = understand… what ? Perhaps YOURSELF?

3 - Anticipate what that means for your future

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Even easier :

1 - Perceive 2 - Process 3 - Plan ahead

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

irrational - unaware - subconcious

INFORMATION PROCESSING IN THE BRAIN 10 11 bit /s 3 x 10 6 bits / s 16 - 18 bits / s

sensory information

sensory processing

association center

personal experience

childhood programming

rationality awareness


Based on book of Gerd Spohd, Germany


ProcessNON Conscious


Different memories

DifferentActionsAnd reactions

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

irrational - unaware - subconcious EMOTIONAL

INFORMATION PROCESSING IN BRAIN & BODY 10 11 bit /s 3 x 10 6 bits / s 16 - 18 bits / s

sensory information

sensory processing

association center

personal experience

childhood programming

rationality awareness


Based on book of Gerd Spohd, Germany

Either this Perceive

Or that

ProcessNON Conscious

Or what??


Lack of Situational Awareness means

Different memories

DifferentActionsAnd reactions

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

We get descriptions and not solutions

We get mathematical systems that have little to do with human errors, slips …..

We keep analyzing, but what…? – technical data –

The technical side was the main cause of accidents in the past!! And accident investigators made through their findings aviation incredibly safe .. In the past!!!

Today it is the human error and we keep finding and analysing technical data to conclude,

the cause was a human error.

We implement systems and actions, and don’t look at

the factors that make us humans!! FEELINGS!!

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Technical solutions that arenot adapted to the human being!Next will be virtual holyday

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Fatigue Management Seminar !! And thereafter you will not fall asleep because of

to little rest time and to much duty time?? Very naive!!

You cannot streamline human / biological individuals with invented mathematical systems.

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam


Cognitive ability = RATIONAL





How to stay balanced?

Irrational behaviour

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

What do you have to do in case of emergency?

Read and think???

Remember the stress graph!!The result is irrational behaviour!!

Which we call than lack of SA!!In REALITY: data overflow!!

Caused by useless systems!!

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam


Same applies to another x – axis

Cognitive ability = RATIONAL




How to stay balanced?


ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Balance is based on?

Only what we see / hear /touch ….exists! True or not true?

When did we change our point of view and accepted that there are many things which

we cannot see, hear, sense …. yet they exist and are sometimes extremely

effective, e.g radiation…..and inner BALANCE??

What aboutTHICK air

in the cockpit, at home,

in a meeting??No feeling for that?

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

- Are you sure, that you are able to accept new viewpoints?

- Can you perceive the invisible?

- Or the inaudible?

- Or your inner self?

- Your internal stress or fatigue level?

- What you feel versus what you sense?

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Be sure you can, but not consciously (man only)!

Tell me about your feeling ….

Drawn by Uli Stein


ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

I have a feeling its gonna rain today

Drawn by Uli Stein

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

The Dirty Dozen?? And now what??

1. Lack of communication2. Complacency3. Lack of knowledge4. Distraction5. Lack of teamwork6. Fatigue7. Lack of resources8. Pressure9. Lack of assertiveness10.Stress11.Lack of awareness12.Norms

Counteraction ????

• ?• ?• ?• ?• ? • ?• ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ?

We know now what is missing and now what are you recommending??

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

What we actually need is to:

1 - Recognise our own inner feelings 2 - Control our own inner feelings 3 - Feel empathy for the other‘s inner

feelings 4 - Make use of your knowledge

through communication

1 - Recognise your own feelings

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Control your own feelings

Uuups – that went wrong – no control

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam


Education at school

Education at home



What did you store as critical and disturbing? Which previously stored feelings are now part of your data processing and form your decision making? Results are visible in all accidents, but are not investigated deep enough!

Thomas Fakoussa iceberg model

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

From Flight International

Ok, it was an unstabilised approach. And it was the pilots fault!And what made him fly an unstabilised approach and how can you prevent him or me to do the same ?I am fully familiar with the technical data of an unstabilised approach. I need a hint, what makes a pilot do that. Training? What kind of training? What kind of company culture? What needs to be changed in the training process or in the culture…. Which instructor used what techniques etc etc

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Objectives of a Team Building course

1. Forming

2. Storming

3. Norming

4. Performing

? And now?

Even if I understand, does that really change my behavior?

Is it not the use of the knowledge, that makes the change?

Can I learn this in a classroom?

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

It is now the time, especially for men,to start consciously thinking about yourself, your inner self, your inner stress level, your inner fear, your inner risk assessment ! It is a learning process, that can be partof pilots training, but requires also much better training for the instructors…..

And it is high noon to stop accepting fashion dictation of leading countries in aviation – introduction of more and more systems as means of complete helplessness in controlling human behavior.

Behind all these fashion systems lies the conditioned fear of feelings (men) and the basic fear of looking inside yourself (both genders!).

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Human error is the leading cause of most accidents! – that’s nothing new

Learn how to understand and prevent ?? You prevent because you can classify Human error??

human error through the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS). - well great and how??

What will an Analysis and Classification System do with my stress and fear level?

Listen to this

The aviation industry is full with these typical male mathematical approachesto human factors analysis.

It is the proof of incompetence in biology, neurology and psychology as well as the proof of competence in mathematics. q.e.d.

But it is certainly NOT a balanced approach to accidents and incidents.

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam


Situational Awareness


Not conscious

Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness

Partly conscious


Feeling and EmpathyAwareness

Educational and Training Awareness

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

irrational - unaware - subconcious EMOTIONAL

INFORMATION PROCESSING IN BRAIN & BODY 10 11 bit /s 3 x 10 6 bits / s 16 - 18 bits / s

sensory information

sensory processing

association center

personal experience

childhood programming

rationality awareness


Based on book of Gerd Spohd

Learn toPerceive



Lack of Situational Awareness requires


Requires trainingof recognition and control of feelings

Requires lateral Thinking =thoughtsnetworking

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Remember the message:

Situational Awareness


Not consciousSituational Awareness

Situational Awareness

Partly conscious


Feeling and EmpathyAwareness

Educational and Training Awareness

Become aware of your feelings

before they control your actions

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

Synopsys: As long as accident investigators

are investigating accidents only in a technical way and adding some little alibi human factors to it, we are not

producing more safety!

If the accident investigation would point out CLEARLY any deficiencies in pilots training and continue to dig

deeper into the flight instructors and type rating instructors role in this accident / incident, it would possibly

wake the regulators up.

The basic training of pilots is historically grown and has good and bad parts. But that was never checked before EASA just copied FAA ideas, which might be adapted to

the US situation, but not to the European market and pilots. Also I would prefer such organisations to turn to the practical field of biology, neurology and psychology, especially in instructors training. The academical side

should give the foundation for the practical side, but even that did not work with fight duty and rest times.

AF 447 gave many people a shock about pilots training. Foukushima changed German politicians attitude towards

nuclear power. An airplane crash with many politicians would certainly change the decision making in Brussels,

but do we always need a massive pain to learn – how sad!

ATF - Awareness Tracking Fakoussa - ESASI 2012 Amsterdam

I hope that I have transportedA BIG message correctly to you

Thank you
