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51 Chapter 7. Silviculture and Management Strategies Applicable to Southern Hardwoods Ray R. Hicks, Jr., William H. Conner, Robert C. Kellison, and David Van Lear 1 Abstract—Southern hardwood forests stretch from the Virginias to Florida and from the mid- Atlantic to Missouri. They can generally be grouped into upland forests and bottomland forests. The upland hardwood forests of the southern region are usually associated with the mountainous topography of the Appalachians and Ozarks. Bottomland hardwoods are found along the floodplains of larger rivers in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, including the Mississippi River floodplain. Southern hardwood forests are owned by a variety of governmental and private owners, but the vast majority of owners are nonindustrial private individuals. These owners seldom engage in intensive forest management, often exploiting the resource. The silvicultural systems applicable to the management of hardwoods are the same as those recommended for pines, but in hardwood management, reliance on natural regeneration is more common than use of plantation silviculture. Oak species are very important in the southern hardwood forests, and lack of oak regeneration in present-day forests is a major concern. Lack of fire and the resurgence of white-tailed deer throughout the southern region are proposed as reasons for poor oak regeneration. Many stands, either due to their stage of development or neglect, are in need of intermediate management operations such as thinning and improvement cutting. Crop-tree management is a method that is particularly useful in southern hardwoods. It was concluded that although hardwoods make up a significant part of the southern forest resource, they are generally managed with less intensity than pines, and hardwood management is an opportunity area for the South in the future. INTRODUCTION I n this chapter, we discuss the silviculture and management of upland and bottomland hardwoods in the Southeastern United States. We begin by briefly describing the physiographic, edaphic, and climatic conditions for each forest type. Land use history and ownership patterns are then discussed because these factors are important in determining what types of stands occur and the objectives of landowners. Finally we describe the appropriate silvicultural techniques for regenerating and culturing the commercially valuable species in each management type. Upland Hardwoods The southern upland hardwoods occur extensively in the Southern Appalachians, on the Cumberland Plateau, and in the Ozark region. A diverse array of hardwood species is represented by genera such as Acer, Carya, Fraxinus, Liquidambar, Liriodendron, Prunus, and Quercus. The southern upland hardwoods include pine-hardwood mixtures in the Piedmont and southern Coastal Plains, but by far the most commercially significant upland hardwoods in the South occur in the Southern Appalachian region. For purposes of this discussion, the Southern Appalachian region includes the hilly or mountainous area west and north of the Piedmont and south of the glaciated portion of Pennsylvania. Using Fenneman’s (1938) classification, this region is termed the “Appalachian Highlands,” and contains parts of the Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, and Appalachian Plateau physiographic provinces. The Appalachian Highlands are classified as being in the Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province (Bailey 1996). The climate is continental and part of the Humid Temperate Domain (Bailey 1996). Rainfall is favorable for plant growth and is well distributed throughout the year. Highest precipitation rates occur in the southern Blue 1 Professor of Forestry, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506; Professor of Forestry, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Clemson University, Georgetown, SC 29442; Professor Emeritus, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695; and Professor of Forestry, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, respectively.

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Chapter 7.

Silviculture and Management Strategies Applicable to

Southern Hardwoods

Ray R. Hicks, Jr., WilliamH. Conner, Robert C. Kellison,and David Van Lear1

Abstract—Southern hardwood forests stretchfrom the Virginias to Florida and from the mid-Atlantic to Missouri. They can generally begrouped into upland forests and bottomlandforests. The upland hardwood forests of thesouthern region are usually associated with themountainous topography of the Appalachians andOzarks. Bottomland hardwoods are found alongthe floodplains of larger rivers in the Atlantic andGulf Coastal Plains, including the Mississippi Riverfloodplain. Southern hardwood forests are ownedby a variety of governmental and private owners,but the vast majority of owners are nonindustrialprivate individuals. These owners seldom engagein intensive forest management, often exploitingthe resource. The silvicultural systems applicableto the management of hardwoods are the sameas those recommended for pines, but in hardwoodmanagement, reliance on natural regeneration ismore common than use of plantation silviculture.Oak species are very important in the southernhardwood forests, and lack of oak regenerationin present-day forests is a major concern. Lackof fire and the resurgence of white-tailed deerthroughout the southern region are proposed asreasons for poor oak regeneration. Many stands,either due to their stage of development orneglect, are in need of intermediate managementoperations such as thinning and improvementcutting. Crop-tree management is a method thatis particularly useful in southern hardwoods. Itwas concluded that although hardwoods makeup a significant part of the southern forestresource, they are generally managed with lessintensity than pines, and hardwood managementis an opportunity area for the South in the future.


In this chapter, we discuss the silvicultureand management of upland and bottomlandhardwoods in the Southeastern United States.

We begin by briefly describing the physiographic,edaphic, and climatic conditions for each foresttype. Land use history and ownership patternsare then discussed because these factors areimportant in determining what types of standsoccur and the objectives of landowners. Finally wedescribe the appropriate silvicultural techniquesfor regenerating and culturing the commerciallyvaluable species in each management type.

Upland HardwoodsThe southern upland hardwoods occur

extensively in the Southern Appalachians,on the Cumberland Plateau, and in the Ozarkregion. A diverse array of hardwood species isrepresented by genera such as Acer, Carya,Fraxinus, Liquidambar, Liriodendron, Prunus,and Quercus. The southern upland hardwoodsinclude pine-hardwood mixtures in the Piedmontand southern Coastal Plains, but by far the mostcommercially significant upland hardwoods inthe South occur in the Southern Appalachianregion. For purposes of this discussion, theSouthern Appalachian region includes the hilly ormountainous area west and north of the Piedmontand south of the glaciated portion of Pennsylvania.Using Fenneman’s (1938) classification, this regionis termed the “Appalachian Highlands,” andcontains parts of the Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley,and Appalachian Plateau physiographic provinces.The Appalachian Highlands are classified as beingin the Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province (Bailey1996). The climate is continental and part ofthe Humid Temperate Domain (Bailey 1996).Rainfall is favorable for plant growth and iswell distributed throughout the year. Highestprecipitation rates occur in the southern Blue

1 Professor of Forestry, West Virginia University, Morgantown,WV 26506; Professor of Forestry, Baruch Institute of CoastalEcology and Forest Science, Clemson University, Georgetown,SC 29442; Professor Emeritus, North Carolina StateUniversity, Raleigh, NC 27695; and Professor of Forestry,Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, respectively.

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Ridge of the Carolinas and north Georgia, whereannual precipitation averages 60 to 80 inchesper year (Hicks 1998). Across most of the region,annual precipitation averages 40 to 50 inches. Thegeology of the Appalachian Highlands region ispredominantly sedimentary. Sandstones of thePennsylvanian period cap the highest mountainsthroughout the Appalachian Plateau Province,and limestones and shales predominate in thesharply folded Ridge and Valley Province. TheBlue Ridge is composed primarily of metamorphicrock substrates with some igneous intrusionsand small areas with sedimentary rock. Athigher elevations of the southern Blue Ridge,Precambrian rock outcrops can be found. Faulting,folding, and geologic weathering have interactedwith the geologic materials to produce thecomplex, steep, and rocky terrain found inthe Appalachian Highlands.

Deciduous hardwood species predominate inthe Appalachian Highlands. These include severaloaks (Quercus spp.), hickories (Carya spp.),maples (Acer spp.), yellow-poplar (Liriodendrontulipifera L.), black cherry (Prunus serotinaEhrh.), and American beech (Fagus grandifoliaEhrh.). The area was also a prime range forAmerican chestnut [Castanea dentata (Marsh.)Borkh.], a species that was all but eliminated bythe chestnut blight {Cryphonectria parasitica(Murrill) Barr [formerly Endothia parasitica(Murrill) Anderson & Anderson]} during the earlypart of the 20th century. Braun (1950) classified asubstantial portion of the Appalachian Highlandsas being in the oak-chestnut forest region. Mostof the forests of the Appalachian Highlands aresecond growth, resulting from previous loggingand fires or from revegetation of abandoned fields.

Bottomland HardwoodsSouthern bottomland hardwoods occur mainly

in the broad, Lowland Coastal Plain Province ofthe Atlantic Plain physiographic division and thegulf lowlands (Fenneman 1938) extending fromthe eastern tip of Pennsylvania south along theAtlantic coast and west along the gulf coast tothe Rio Grande River. They also occur northalong the Mississippi River floodplain to southernIllinois and to some extent along all the majorand minor rivers east of the Great Plains (Hodges1995). Despite the dense tree cover and thedifficulty of clearing land, this ecosystem wasthe first in the Southern United States to beconverted to agricultural crops. It was taken foragricultural use because it occupied level terrainwith inherently fertile soils. The Coastal Plain isunderlain by alluvial and marine sediments of

mostly Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternaryage. Sediments were laid down in various onshore,nearshore, and offshore environments (Stanturfand Schoenholtz 1998). Annual precipitation inthe major alluvial floodplains ranges from 48 to64 inches and is generally greater during thewarm season (Kellison and others 1998, Mullerand Grymes 1998). The amount of rainfallreceived, however, is not a reliable indicator of themagnitude and duration of the flooding that canoccur. Upstream precipitation in large watersheds(some cover hundreds of thousands of acres) has alarger impact on downstream flooding than localprecipitation does (Kellison and others 1998).

Bottomland forests are extremely diverse,including more than 70 tree species (Putnam andothers 1960) of which 40 are of commercial value(Hosner 1962). Angiosperms predominate, but afew gymnosperms occur. A number of tree speciesare common throughout southern bottomlands;these include red maple (A. rubrum L.),water hickory [C. aquatica (Michx. f.) Nutt.],sugarberry (Celtis laevigata Willd.), persimmon(Diospyros virginiana L.), green ash (Fraxinuspennsylvanica Marsh.), sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciflua L.), swamp chestnut oak (Q. michauxiiNutt.), water oak (Q. nigra L.), Americanelm (Ulmus americana L.), and baldcypress[Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.] (Kellison andothers 1998). Bottomland hardwood forests occurin the portions of the floodplain that are free fromflooding for most of the year. These areas supportthe most diverse forests and sustain excellentgrowth (Smith 1995). Areas that are flooded forextended periods every year have fewer species,which have evolved special adaptations to theseconditions (McKevlin and others 1998). Growthrates in the more flooded areas can be high, butthey are highly variable (Conner 1994, Connerand Buford 1998, Megonigal and others 1997).

The quality and composition of bottomlandforests have been influenced dramatically by pasttimber harvesting, agricultural use, grazing, anduncontrolled fires. The overall result of theseinfluences has been a general degradation ofcomposition and quality, even though volumesare increasing (Hodges 1995).

Pre-European ForestsBoth upland and bottomland hardwood

forests of the Southeastern United States weremanipulated by Native Americans for thousandsof years prior to the advent of Europeans (Carrolland others 2002). Native Americans used fire formany purposes. They controlled the composition

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and pattern of vegetation by frequently burningthe southern landscape. They burned to managewildlife habitat, ease travel, expose acorns andchestnuts, improve visibility, encourage fruiting,prepare their fields for planting, and to facilitatehunting and defense (Bonnicksen 2000, Pyneand others 1996, Williams 1989). Frequent low-intensity burning by Native Americans created asouthern landscape of prairies, fields, savannas,woodlands, and dense forests. The southernhardwood forest was hardly a dense, old-growthlandscape at the time of European discovery.The myth of low-impact management by NativeAmericans may have been reinforced by the factthat the major European occupation of interiorAmerica came after native populations had beendevastated by diseases introduced by earlierEuropean immigrants.

Some areas were burned on an annual basisand, if burning continued over long periods,became prairies or balds. Other areas, such asnorth-facing coves in the Southern Appalachiansand frequently flooded bottomland forests, burnedinfrequently. Between these two extremes wereforest communities that burned at varyingintervals, thus creating a mosaic of forestconditions throughout the South. In the hardwoodforests of the South, anthropogenic fires werecomplemented by occasional lightning-ignitedfires (Carroll and others 2002).

Post-European EffectsThe European settlers who displaced the

Native Americans from the upland forestscontinued to burn the forest frequently toencourage forage production for their livestock(Pyne and others 1996). However with the adventof steam power for harvesting and processingof timber, wide-scale logging and the slash itproduced created a different type of fire regime.High-intensity, stand-replacement fires ignitedby sparks from locomotives followed logging andburned vast acreages of upland forests from thelate 1880s though the early 1930s (Brose andothers 2001).

Fire protection efforts begun early in the 20th

century gradually became more effective andallowed the forests to develop—for the first time inmillennia—in the absence of fire. However decadesof fire exclusion had unintended consequences.The development of dense understories andmidstories of shade-tolerant shrubs and trees isnow a major contributor to the oak regenerationproblem. In other areas, rhododendron(Rhododendron maximum L.) and mountain

laurel (Kalmia latifolia L.) thickets have becomeso dense and expansive that the species diversityof cove forests is threatened. Because of theseproblems, there is renewed interest in usingprescribed fire as a management tool in uplandhardwood forests (Yaussy 2000).

Villages of early European colonists werealmost always located along major streams.A rice culture developed, first in the vicinity ofCharleston, SC, and then elsewhere along theSoutheastern U.S. coast. On the fringes of therice paddies and beyond, corn, wheat, and cottonsupplanted hardwood forests.

Following attempts to control water flow inthe major alluvial floodplains, first by privateenterprise and then by public agencies, especiallythe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the forestswere increasingly cleared for agricultural crops.Only about half of the original bottomland forestsremained by the 1930s. From the 1930s to the1980s, the bottomland forest area was furtherreduced from 11.8 to 4.3 million acres as a result ofdrainage and clearing for agriculture.2 Conversionwas especially rapid during the 1960s and 1970swhen the price for farm crops, especially soybeans,reached unprecedented levels.

Land Ownership CharacteristicsThe majority of hardwood forest land (upland

and bottomland) is in the hands of nonindustrialprivate forest (NIPF) ownership (MacCleery1990), although a substantial portion of the BlueRidge and Allegheny Highlands is in nationalforests and parks. The motivation for forestactivity for most nonindustrial forest landownersappears to be income, although most of theseowners do not rank commercial forest productionas the number one reason for holding land (Eganand Jones 1993).

It is possible to combine commercial timberoperations with forest stand improvement throughapplication of appropriate silviculture in southernhardwoods. The development of new markets forsmaller diameter and lower grade materials hasenhanced the opportunity for producing revenuefrom heretofore noncommercial stands.Unfortunately, however, the type of timberharvesting often being practiced on NIPF landsamounts to high-grading of one type or another.






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2 Allen, J.A.; Kennedy, H.E., Jr. 1989. Bottomland hardwoodreforestation in the Lower Mississippi Valley. [Not paged]. Onfile with: Southern Research Station, Southern HardwoodsLaboratory, P.O. Box 227, Stoneville, MS 38776.

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Forest landowners share certain attributesthat help to explain their behavior. Many are olderand have lived during times when much of today’sforest land was in fields, a condition that theyworked hard to preserve. In addition, manypeople, accustomed to the practices of the past,believe that “timbering” is a once-in-a-lifetimeaffair. Thus many owners fail to see the valueof managing their forest land.

It is incumbent on foresters who interactwith landowners to begin their association byexplaining what planned forest managementmeans and what is and is not possible. Ownersneed to understand that even with relativelysmall tracts, it is possible to spread the incomeout over time while enhancing the future health,productivity, and value of the forest. It may bedifficult to convince owners of such facts, sinceforesters are going against beliefs that have beenyears in the making. Owners may find it difficult toaccept the fact that many second-growth forestsare even-aged, and the larger trees are not older,but simply faster growing.


Oaks, as a group, constitute the most significanthardwood forest resource in the southernuplands. Oaks, however, are losing their

position in many upland forests, being replaced byaggressive species such as red maple and yellow-poplar (Abrams 1998, Brose and others 2001).

Exclusion of periodic, low-intensity surface firesfrom the hardwood forests of the AppalachianHighlands in the early decades of the 20th centuryhas changed the character of these forests. Oaksthrive under a regime of periodic disturbance bysurface fires (Brose and others 1999, Van Lear andBrose 2001). Because young oaks invest heavily inroot development at the expense of height, theyare at a competitive disadvantage with aggressivespecies like yellow-poplar and red maple,especially on above-average sites. However, whensurface fires kill the aboveground portion of trees,the resulting seedling sprouts of oaks have adistinct advantage over their competitors. In theabsence of periodic surface fires, oaks do notmaintain a position of dominance in the advanceregeneration pool. Thus as wind, ice, or partialharvesting disturbs the upper canopy, otherspecies in the advance regeneration pool arepoised to dominate.

This chapter uses concepts from Hicks’(1998) book “Ecology and Management ofCentral Hardwood Forests” to describe thesilvicultural methods that are appropriate to

most upland hardwood stands. It is our goal todemonstrate that properly designed commercialharvests can utilize silviculturally sound concepts,and to provide descriptions of relevant silviculturalmethods and their application to NIPF stands.We also hope to discourage the use of loose termssuch as “selective cutting,” and to encourageforesters to develop a vocabulary that isappropriate and descriptive of the practices beingrecommended. Finally we want to stress that inhardwood stands, it is often necessary to applyseveral silvicultural methods simultaneously, andthat management of hardwood stands must remainadaptable to changing market conditions, naturaloccurrences such as insect and disease outbreaks,and changing social pressures.

Most silviculture and forest managementtexts emphasize “traditional” approaches basedon German methods that were developed for use inrelatively simple coniferous ecosystems. Althougha great deal of research on hardwood managementhas been conducted in North America, theinformation that has been produced must bepresented in a form that is useful to managers.

Silvicultural methods can generally be groupedinto treatments that are used to tend existingstands (intermediate operations) and those thatare aimed at regenerating new stands. Hardwoodsilviculture differs markedly from pine silviculturein both areas. Topographic considerations,economic factors, and the abundance of naturalregeneration usually prevent the application ofplantation silviculture for upland hardwoodmanagement. Also, hardwoods almost alwaysoccur in mixed species stands in whichcommercially valuable trees are intermingled withtrees of lower value. The objective of managementis to work in concert with the natural ecosystemprocesses to favor the regeneration, growth, andquality of desirable trees. Intermediate cuttingsthat are most appropriate to hardwoods are crownthinning, improvement cutting, and crop-treemanagement. Among regeneration systems, thosethat are most appropriate to hardwoods areclearcutting, the shelterwood method, and relatedtwo-age systems. All of the foregoing create even-aged or two-age stands. The single-tree selectionsystem and variations such as group selection willwork well if the objective is to grow shade-tolerantspecies in multiage stands. However, none of theshade-tolerant commercial species in thesouthern forest region provide viablemanagement opportunities.

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Intermediate OperationsCrown thinning—The crown-thinning method isdefined by Smith (1986) as thinning that involvesthe removal of trees in the upper strata of thecanopy to favor desirable trees in the same canopyrange. In crown thinning, the focus is on the bettertrees (crop trees) that are to be provided withadditional growing space and resources. As withall thinning methods, crown thinning is appliedat the stand level where residual stocking targetsare an important consideration. Crown thinningseems particularly applicable to fully stocked oroverstocked mixed oak or mixed mesophytichardwood stands on above-average sites. Althoughspecies such as northern red oak (Q. rubra L.)are capable of responding to release at age 50and older, appropriate candidate stands of shade-intolerant species such as yellow-poplar andblack cherry should be treated earlier than oaks.Care should be given to residual stand density,understory composition, and stem wounding ofresidual trees. Excessive thinning can induceepicormic branching of residuals or releaseundesirable midstory or understory species, orboth. Sonderman and Rast (1988) recommendthinnings of moderate-to-light intensity in mixedoak stands in order to minimize branch-relateddefects that typically result from heavier thinningsin such stands. Residual stand density should bemaintained at a level above the “B” line and belowthe “A” line defined by Gingrich (1967).

Improvement cutting—Smith (1986) definesimprovement cutting as cuttings done in standspast the sapling stage for the purpose of improvingcomposition and quality by removing trees ofundesirable species, form, or condition from themain canopy. Unlike crown thinning and crop-treemanagement, the focus of improvement cuttingis on the “undesirable trees.” Improvement cuttingis widely applicable to southern upland hardwoodstands. It is appropriate for use in mixed oak, oak-hickory, and mixed mesophytic hardwood stands.The silvical characteristics of the species presentshould be a prime consideration, but improvementcutting can generally be applied to stands wellbeyond age 50. Depending on the owner’sobjectives, species typically targeted for removalcan include red maple, American beech, hickories,blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.), scarlet oak(Q. coccinea Muenchh.), and black locust (Robiniapseudoacacia L.) in addition to poor-qualityindividuals of more favored species. Improvementcutting is widely applicable to current uplandhardwood stands because of the age and currentcomposition of many such stands, although

marketing of trees removed may be difficult. Manyupland hardwood stands have a past history ofhigh-grading (Nyland 1992) which may limit thenumber of desirable trees available to leave in theresidual stand. At some point, it becomes advisableto regenerate severely impoverished stands ratherthan apply intermediate management to them.

Crop-tree management—Crop-tree managementis a technique that focuses on “individual” treesthat have the potential to develop into high-valuecrop trees. Perkey and others (1993) emphasizethat crop-tree value should be defined bythe landowner’s objectives. The two phasesin crop-tree management are assessment andenhancement. Generally the assessment phaseinvolves the selection of trees that have thepotential for meeting the objectives defined bythe landowner. Enhancement consists of activitiesthat foster the attainment of those objectives. Forexample, if timber management was the objective,trees of desirable species with good stem qualityand capable of responding to release would beselected as crop trees. The enhancement operationwould release crop trees by removing some of thetrees that compete with them for sunlight, water,and nutrients. The recommended method forreleasing crop trees is the “crown-touching”method described by Lamson and others (1988).To apply this method, the crop-tree crown isdivided into four quadrants (sides) and onedetermines whether the tree is free-to-growon each of these sides. A three-sided releasehas been recommended by Lamson and others(1990) for use in younger stands. For olderstands or for species with a tendency towardepicormic branching, a two-sided release ismore appropriate. Cutting, girdling, or the useof herbicides (Miller 1984) can accomplish releaseof the crop tree. The advantages of crop-treemanagement are:

1. It permits crop-tree designation to fitlandowner objectives

2. It is simple to apply and fits well withNIPF needs

3. It provides for an even flow of forest productsover time

4. It allows for continuous forest cover untilcrop trees are harvested

5. Management efforts are concentrated on treeswith the highest potential for future gain

Crop-tree management has disadvantages:

1. It does not provide for regeneration afterremoval of crop trees






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2. Sometimes removal of low-grade interferingtrees may not be a commercial operation andthus may constitute a cost to the landowner

However generally speaking, crop-treemanagement like improvement cutting is a widelyapplicable method that is appropriate to manymixed hardwood stands. The earlier the crop-treeenhancement can be applied to a stand, the longerthe effect can benefit the crop trees. However,there are risks in attempting to assess crop treesand potential competitors at early ages.

Silvicultural Systems andRegeneration Methods

When a harvest is planned, an assessmentshould be made to determine how the standwould be regenerated. The information neededincludes: (1) condition and size-class distributionof overstory trees by species; (2) quantity andcondition of understory trees (desired initial andadvanced reproduction); (3) kind and amountof competing vegetation; and (4) regenerationmethod, e.g., seeds, seedlings, or stump androot sprouts (Nyland 1996).

Clearcutting—In the clearcutting method,the overstory is completely removed in a singleoperation. The method is designed to regenerateeven-aged, single-cohort stands, and generallyfavors relatively shade-intolerant species.Clearcutting mimics large-scale disturbancessuch as the fires and windstorms that have had ahistoric role in the creation of southern hardwoodstands. In order to provide conditions that qualifyas a clearcut, openings must be at least 1 to 2acres in size (Sander 1992). In the southernuplands, clearcutting promotes regeneration offast-growing, exploitive species such as yellow-poplar, sweetgum, and pines. On poorer sites(south- and west-facing slopes and ridges),clearcutting is effective in regenerating oaks.On the best sites in the Southern Appalachians(oak site index greater than 70), clearcuttingfavors yellow-poplar, often resulting in purestands of that species. Successful regenerationcan be delayed after clearcutting by the rapiddevelopment of competing vegetation such asferns, brambles, and herbaceous species, as wellas woody perennials such as sassafras [Sassafrasalbidum (Nutt.) Nees], dogwood (Cornus floridaL.), rhododendron, and grapevine (Vitis spp.). Inmost cases, commercial woody species ultimatelyprevail, but other factors such as heavy browsingby white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)can delay the regeneration process even further.The early successional communities produced byclearcutting provide exceptionally good habitat

for wildlife in the Southern Appalachians wherematuring second-growth forests dominate thelandscape (Harlow and others 1997).

Although clearcutting is a reliable wayto regenerate a variety of hardwoods, manylandowners regard it with disfavor. For a shorttime (1 to 10 years, depending on site quality), itproduces a bare landscape that is not aestheticallyacceptable to most owners. In addition, in thecase of NIPF ownership, the property is oftenrelatively small. A small owner who wants toattract a buyer for his or her timber may find itnecessary to cut most or all of the timber at onetime. This creates an undesirable situation inwhich income is produced only at very longintervals and the aesthetic value of the propertyis compromised for a long period. Conversely forlarger ownership, clearcuts up to 20 to 30 acresmight represent a relatively small percentageof their land base.

Shelterwood method—The shelterwoodmethod is an even-aged management systemthat involves development of a standing crop ofregeneration through a series of partial removalsof the overstory (Smith 1986). In a three-cutshelterwood, the cuts are: (1) a preparatorycutting, designed to improve the quality and vigorof the residuals; (2) a seed cutting, designed toencourage regeneration; and (3) a removal cutting,designed to remove the overstory. The two-cutvariation of the method eliminates the preparatorycutting and is appropriate where most of the treesin the current stand are of the desired species.The shelterwood method is often recommendedfor regenerating species that are intermediate inshade tolerance, such as oaks (Loftis 1990, 1993).

A shelterwood-burn technique developedby Brose and others (1999) takes advantage ofbasic differences between germination and rootdevelopment strategies of oaks and many of theircompetitors to enhance the competitive positionof oak regeneration on good sites. A few yearsafter the initial shelterwood cut, a moderatelyhot growing-season burn is run through thedeveloping advance regeneration to favor theoak reproduction. The reduction in competingvegetation by burning and the vigorousresprouting by oak reproduction shortensthe time the shelterwood method requires.In the absence of fire, it may take 10 to 20years to complete the shelterwood regenerationprocess, and this represents a longer commitmenton the part of landowners and managers thanthey may be willing to make. Deer browsing canbecome a significant problem when applying the

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shelterwood method, since deer often selectivelybrowse species that are desired as regeneration.

Two-aged system—Leave-tree (deferment)cutting is receiving increasing attention forregeneration of southern upland and bottomlandhardwoods. Implementation of the practiceincludes leaving 20 to 30 square feet per acre ofbasal area until the end of the following rotationin combination with the regeneration that developsin the openings created by partial harvesting ofthe parent stand. As opposed to the shelterwoodsystem, where the residual overstory trees areremoved to allow the regeneration to develop,leave-tree cutting maintains the overstory treesuntil the end of the rotation. At that time, theresidual trees are removed together with about75 percent of the basal area of the regeneratedstand. The cycle is repeated in the next rotationand, thus, an overstory is present during allstages of stand development.

An additional benefit of this system is thata mixture of crop trees can be retained for thenext rotation. Some of the trees might be selectedfor their timber value, and some for wildlife andother values. This system is equivalent to the“high forests with reserves” of European forestry(Matthews 1989). A major disadvantage of two-age systems is the vulnerability of leave treesto damage by windthrow, lightning strikes, andepicormic shoot development.

Selection system—The single-tree selectionsystem is designed to develop a multicohort(all-age) stand of shade-tolerant species. Inpractice, however, it may be impractical to achievethis goal because it requires frequent stand entryand because the smallest diameter classes maynot develop in the shade of trees of the largerdiameter classes. Proper application of theselection system involves establishing severalcriteria, which include a residual basal area target,largest-tree-to-grow, a “q” factor, and a cuttingcycle length (Smith and Lamson 1982). Single-treeselection is complex to apply, requires long-termcommitment, and requires the presence ofcommercial species that are shade tolerant. Inthe Southern Appalachians, it may be applicableonly in high-elevation stands that contain sugarmaple (A. saccharum Marsh.). Becauseit has these limitations, professional forestersrarely apply the system.

Modifications of this method involve cuttingtrees in small groups or patches. These “groupselection” systems may be more appropriatein the southern upland hardwoods than single-

tree selection, although group selection, likesingle-tree selection, requires repeated entryinto the stand. One of the common mistakesmade by both foresters and landowners is torefer to “selective cutting” (cutting some treesand leaving others) as a legitimate silviculturalactivity. The similarity between the terms“selective cutting” and “selection system”is unfortunate and leads to confusion.


Bottomland hardwood forests are made upof an extremely heterogeneous mixture ofspecies except in permanently flooded swamps

and newly formed lands and old fields. Thirteenbottomland forest types are recognized by theSociety of American Foresters (Eyre 1980). TheU.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Servicerecognizes only two bottomland hardwood typesfor inventory purposes: oak-gum-cypress andelm-ash-cottonwood. The following discussion ofsilvicultural information draws heavily on Hodges(1995) and the chapter by Kellison and others(1998) in the book “Southern Forest Wetlands:Ecology and Management” (Messina and Conner1998). Other primary sources include McKelvin(1992) and Kellison and Young (1997) who havecompiled the findings of scientists regardingregeneration of bottomland hardwood forests.

Mixed hardwoods in the major alluvialfloodplains generally have been logged oneto several times since Dutch settlers (Heavrin1981) built the first sawmill in the United Statesin 1633. Loggers have usually removed only thebest and largest trees while leaving the smallestand least valuable trees to form the new stand.This form of timber harvesting, commonly knownas selective harvesting, is in reality high-grading,a practice that should be condemned by foresters.This degenerative practice is not to be confusedwith the silviculturally sound selection system,in which the desired tree species mix of all sizeclasses is maintained.

Diameter-limit cutting, improperly applied, isanother form of high-grading. The principle is toharvest only those trees above a certain size, suchas those 14 inches in diameter at breast height,and leave the remainder to develop into thesucceeding stand. The assumption is that thesmall trees will grow into large trees of goodquality in perpetuity. The problem is that naturalstands of timber do not perpetuate themselvesby like-producing-like. The openings created byremoval of the larger trees will be occupied by the






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expanding crowns of the edge trees or by shade-tolerant understory trees that are already in place.The succeeding trees decrease the value of thestand for timber production and wildlife habitatwith each partial harvest. In alluvial floodplains,cherrybark oak (Q. falcata var. pagodifoliaEll.) would likely be succeeded by green ash;green ash would be replaced by sugarberry;and boxelder (A. negundo L.) and Americanhornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana Walt.) wouldfinally supplant sugarberry. Generations ofselective, incomplete harvests have reduced manybottomland hardwood stands to a poorly stocked,low-value condition.

The proper management procedure formajor alluvial floodplain forests is to control theundesirable trees at the same time desired onesare harvested, and to maintain natural patternsand cycles of water flow (Kellison and others1988). Fortunately, the practices best suited foraccomplishing these goals are also those bestsuited for timber production, wildlife management,and maintenance of the flora and fauna associatedwith the alluvial forest.

Stands that have been harvested repeatedlyoften contain two, but rarely more than threeage groups, with each age group dating to aprevious harvest. Even though the speciescomposition of the older age classes is usuallydesirable, a high component of the trees isculls with no timber value. Conversely, a highcomponent of the youngest age class of timberis usually of poor species composition, resultingfrom the development of shade-tolerant treesin the understory of the residual crown classes.However, many of these stands, especially thoseoccupying sites of high soil quality, are worthyof timber stand improvement, in which theundesirable trees are controlled to release thedesirable trees in the intermediate crown class.

Even-Aged SystemsExperience has shown that stands occupying

major alluvial floodplains will regenerate followingcomplete harvesting of the timber in a single entry(clearcutting) or in two entries (shelterwoodcutting). The regeneration from such harvestedstands of trees less than about 100 years old willbe largely from stump and root sprouts (Mader1990). Stands of an older age class and those withaltered hydrology will largely regenerate fromseed in place at the time of harvest or transportedto the site by wind, water, and fauna. The typesof even-aged regeneration systems havingapplication to major alluvial floodplains are

clearcutting, patch clearcutting, shelterwoodcutting, and seed-tree cutting.

Clearcutting—Clearcutting of hardwood foreststhat have the propensity to regenerate themselvesfrom stump and root sprouts reduces speciessuccession almost to the pioneering sere. It is onlyone stage short of a catastrophic event such as ahurricane in which stump and root sprouting ofmerchantable timber is severely limited becauseof windthrow and perhaps two stages short ofa cleared bottomland field where all initialregeneration must be from seeds or planting.

In spite of its lack of aesthetic appeal,clearcutting is often the best way to regeneratehardwoods, especially degraded or impoverishedstands. The regeneration will largely be fromadvanced reproduction and sprouts, but seedlingreproduction will form a part of the succeedingstand in patches where sprout or advancedreproduction is absent. Seedling reproductionhas little chance of developing into the succeedingstand if it occurs 3 or more years after sproutdevelopment. Species succession of advancedreproduction and sprouts proceeds much as it doeswith seedling reproduction, with shade-intolerantspecies showing fastest initial growth.

Opposition to clearcutting often results fromthe visual impact of the treatment and fromwildlife considerations. We recommend thatthe size of clearcuts not exceed 20 acres. Thismaintains the silvicultural benefits of clearcuttingwhile minimizing the adverse aesthetic effects.Additionally, it is desirable that (1) the harvestedarea should be configured to the landscape withscalloped edges; (2) declining, overmature, orhollow trees should be left standing for wildlifepurposes (approximately 2 per acre); and (3)dead and downed trees should be left on site forassociated flora and fauna.

Patch clearcutting—This system is a variation ofclearcutting, with the size of the treated area beingthe major difference. The configuration implied isnoncontiguous patches or strips. Areas of about 5acres are usually considered optimum. Smallerareas are adversely affected by edge trees,the influence of which extends into the openingabout the distance of the height of the dominanttrees. The edge trees limit the growth of shade-intolerant species at the expense of shade-tolerant ones.

A significant limitation of patch clearcuttingis that it requires frequent stand entry, whicheventually results in many small patches. Thesmall patches create innumerable problems in

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stand management and inventory, and they arepoorly suited for forest interior-dwelling birdsand certain other fauna (Sietz and Segers 1993).

Shelterwood cutting—When the shelterwoodsystem is applied to bottomland hardwoods, bestresults are obtained when the overstory canopyis reduced to about 50 percent of its original cover.This level of reduction allows sufficient sunlightto reach the ground to promote seedling andsprout reproduction.

Experience has shown that clearcutting andshelterwood cutting initially give rise to similartypes of reproduction, but that the intolerantspecies under a shelterwood will start to declineif the overstory trees are not removed within 5 to10 years. Shelterwood cuts can help buffer againstrising water tables in areas where the soil watertable has risen as a result of altered hydrology.In some situations, the shelterwood system isadvocated for the regeneration of oaks, especiallycherrybark oak. Shelterwood cutting is notalways essential for oak regeneration in alluvialfloodplains because species such as water oak andwillow oak (Q. phellos L.) can regenerate equallywell with or without a partial overstory stand(Leach and Ryan 1987). In deeper water systems,such as muck swamps, shelterwood systemsappear to be no more effective in developingthe desired reproduction than clearcut systems(McKevlin and others 1998).

Seed-tree cutting—The prescription for seed-tree cutting is to leave four to eight seed treesper acre while removing all other overstory andunderstory trees. The theory is that seeds fromthe leave trees will be disseminated over thearea, helping to ensure success in regeneration.However seed trees are usually a wasted effort inalluvial floodplains because most heavily harvestedhardwood stands regenerate successfully fromsprouts, from seeds buried in the duff, and fromseeds disseminated by water, wind, and fauna.The primary reason for leaving such trees isfor wildlife, ecological, and aesthetic values.

Uneven-Aged SystemsStands of trees of widely different ages can

be maintained by the selection system in whichharvesting, regeneration, and intermediate standtreatments are applied at the same time. Standsare entered at intervals of from 1 year to perhapsevery 10 years. Each cutting removes financiallymature and high-risk trees, adjusts stand densityto create room for the best trees to grow, andmakes space for new reproduction. A specificstand structure is achieved by leaving the desiredbasal area levels in several diameter classes.

Single-tree selection—This is the system oftenadvocated by the opponents of clearcutting orshelterwood cutting. The ecological basis of thesystem is sound, but the application is so difficultthat, in practice, the exercise often approximatesa selective or diameter-limit cut.

Group selection—This variant of single-treeselection involves removal of groups of trees ofsimilar age, size, or species on an area usuallynot exceeding 0.25 acres. Care must be taken toremove undesirable as well as desirable trees.Group selection differs from patch clearcuttingin that it employs small openings and frequententries to promote a multiaged stand of shade-tolerant species. The necessity to enter the standrepeatedly at short intervals may make itimpractical to implement the practice.

Two-aged system—We have discussed thismethod previously in connection with uplandhardwoods. The method is similarly applicableto bottomland hardwoods and has the advantageon wet sites of requiring relatively few entries.

Plantation Management and RestorationProcedures have been developed for

establishing hardwood plantations on alluvialfloodplains (Malac and Herren 1979). Industrialforesters have focused on developing easterncottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.)and sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.)plantations. Eastern cottonwood has shown morepromise than other species in the MississippiRiver Delta, but sycamore—and to some extentsweetgum, green ash, water oak, and willow oak—have proven more adaptable than cottonwoodto some of the other alluvial floodplains of theSouth. About 125,000 acres of commercialhardwood plantations currently exist in southernbottomlands. Despite successes on the floodplains,with growth rates of 3 to 4 cords per acre per yearat rotations of 15 to 18 years, the trend is toestablish hardwood plantations outside of thealluvial floodplains. The causes for this shiftin site location include environmental concernsand the difficulty of managing and harvestingthe resource in areas with episodic flooding.Few industrial forestry organizations are willingto invest in plantation forestry in alluvialfloodplains when there is significant uncertaintyabout the implications of the Clean Water Actfor such operations.

Floodplain forest restoration efforts have beenlimited, and most have focused on reestablishmentof forest cover for timber, stream protection, or






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wildlife habitat values (King and Keeland 1999,Stanturf and others 1998b). Typically forestmanagers have tended to increase the numbersof certain preferred tree species in the stands(Chambers and others 1987). In the past 10to 15 years there has been a preference forplanting oaks (Haynes and others 1995, Kingand Keeland 1999), and this practice could resultin a greater occurrence of oak regionally thanwas typical of presettlement forests (The NatureConservancy 1992). More recently, greateremphasis has been given to planting a widervariety of bottomland species (Allen and others2001, King and Keeland 1999).

Several of the largest reforestation effortstoday are in areas of the Lower MississippiRiver Valley, including parts of the Yazoo NationalWildlife Refuge, the Tensas National WildlifeRefuge, and the Ouachita Wildlife ManagementArea, and on privately owned land enrolled in theWetland Reserve Program. About 193,000 acreshave been seeded or planted, with the potential of494,000 acres being returned to forest by the year2005 (King and Keeland 1999). Many of the areasbeing reforested are on poorly drained landscleared for agricultural crops in the 1960s and1970s and abandoned later because of substandardcrop yields and limited accessibility. Reforestationand restoration efforts are proving successful inreestablishing bottomland hardwood species thatmay provide commercial timber and wildlifehabitat (Allen and Kennedy 1989, Clewell andLea 1990, Haynes and Moore 1988).

Various forest establishment techniques havebeen used, including direct seeding of oaks andplanting of seedlings or cuttings of severalbottomland species (Stanturf and others 1998a).Although direct seeding is about half the cost ofplanting seedlings (Bullard and others 1992), thetechnique is reliable only for oaks and, to a lesserdegree, other large-seeded species such as pecan[Carya illinoensis (Wangenh,) K. Koch]. Smallerseeds are more susceptible to damage by heatand dry soil. Allen (1990), who compared4- to 8-year-old stands in the Yazoo NationalWildlife Refuge, concluded that planting of treeseedlings was more effective than direct seeding inestablishing wildlife habitat quickly. He reportedextensive drought-caused mortality of newlygerminated seeds, even though there was effectiveinvasion of light-seeded species, especiallysweetgum, green ash, and American elm.


Because of the ownership characteristics, ageand composition of stands, and the silvicalcharacteristics of the species present, many

hardwood stands in the South are appropriatelymanaged by means of intermediate cuttings(notably improvement cutting and crop-treemanagement). The method of harvest regulationthat seems most appropriate to hardwood stands isvolume regulation, since it is more compatible withpartial cutting methods.

Selecting the method of regeneration is moretroublesome. Shelterwood methods, or somemodification of them, are often recommended forregenerating oaks. If prescribed fire is an option,it is possible to favor oak regeneration on betterupland sites by employing a shelterwood-burn method.

Clearcutting is an effective way to regeneratea variety of hardwood species (generally shade-intolerant ones) in both upland and bottomlandforests, while group selection can be used toregenerate and maintain multiaged hardwoodstands. Plantation silviculture of bottomlandspecies like cottonwood, sweetgum, and Americansycamore has been successful, but plantationsof upland hardwoods have had limited success.Maintaining an adaptive strategy to takeadvantage of bumper crops of advanceregeneration and to capture value from marketchanges is important in hardwood management.As long as certain rules are followed, such asmatching harvesting with periodic growth,avoiding high-grading, and providing forregeneration, southern hardwoods can bemanaged sustainably.

The array of premium-grade hardwoods inthe eastern deciduous forest is second to nonein the world (Hicks 1998). The timber from generasuch as Acer, Juglans, Prunus, and Quercus is indemand for furniture in every developed country.Therefore the future will be to manage forpremium-grade timber while using the residualfor fiber products. The challenge will be forprofessional foresters to convince landowners,public officials, and environmental advocates toembrace the practice of proper timber harvestingon a region-wide scale. Failure to implementproper silviculture will result in continuation of thehigh-grading that has been normal practice sincethe inception of timber harvesting in the easterndeciduous forest. High-quality saw logs and veneerlogs are among the most profitable markets forhardwoods, but a limitation to the strategy ofmanaging hardwoods exclusively for premium-

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grade logs is that it could reduce the emphasis onhardwood fiber production. This will force manyNorth American pulp and paper companies torely on offshore suppliers for their wood, andeventually for their pulp. As North American pulpand paper manufacturing plants become obsoletefrom lack of capital investment, they may relocatecloser to the source of the raw material.

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